mttrxc?jv.mri:::: THE TIMES-- STEAM BOOK KID JOB OFFICE W fceeo on hand 4 fall i took of LETTER KEADSr NOTE HEADS, STATE- MENT8, BILL HEADS, ENVEL- ' ' OPES, TAGS, Y1SITINS CARD3 WED DING INVITATIONS, ETC, ETC. UI3 A3 tSTJUlSril CXtJUTtl S1X30 a Xai in Ad razee.1 Join B. Sherrill, Editor and Ovrner. CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 1, 1903. Number 26. GOOD PRINTING ALWAYS PAYS Volume XX. : fTHE GOKPQQRD TIJES. Tbe powder ptnf may help to hide the ravages of time but It avails little to bide the ravages of disease.' When the face is dlsflgared by eruptions, the treatment must go below the surface to the blood, which U corrupt and iptpure. Dr. Pieree'a Golden Medical Discovery curat disfiguring eruptions which are ceased by Wpore blood. It cures scro- f nha sores, ervtrioelas. boils, pbnples. eocems. salt-rheum and other eruptive diseases which impure blood breeds and feeds. I wn troubled wtth ecxema from the crown mf m-w htmA ta the soles of snv feet." write Mr. Ella Quick, of Cm City, f uacol Co., Mich. Could not walk at time, nor wtr my ehoea. ' Thought thera wma no help for aw at leaat the Arnr mmlA thrr vu none. 1 went to lee friends at Christmas time and there heard of the good that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical DU mrrrxj had done for them, and was advised to try it at once. For fear that I might neglect it m-r friend sent to the viUare. and got a bottle .ad made me oromise that I would take it. bad been getting worse all the time. I took thirteen battles of the Golden Medical XMacor- ' err ' and ten vials of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Fel icia, and used all-Healing Salve,' which made complete core. It was slow, but turc. . I was asking the medicine about eight months, r at wonld kt to all who read this : trr Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery before wast lnr time and money." The sole motive for substitution is to sennit the dealer to make the little more profit paid by the sale of less meritorious medicines. He trains : you lose. There fore accept nd substitute for " Golden Medical Discovery." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cleanse the clogged system from accumulated impurities. AM JO-IBS LBTTKE. to tble PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. H. C. HERRING. Dentist, Is now on the ground floor of the Lltaker Building. & CQ-EVCORD. wr. o. pR. W. OHOUSTON Surgeon IffiLX Dentist, CONCORD, H. 0. Is prepared to do all kinds ot dental work In me most approved manner. I Office over Johnson's Drug Store.' Residence 'Phone 11. Office 'Phone 43. L. T. HARTSELL, 'wis . Aiioraey-ai-Lai, CONCOR, NORTEC- Prompt attention - given to all business. Office In Morris building, opposite the court bouse. , - - Drs. Lilly A. Walker, offer their professional services to the! clti sens of Concord and surrounding country. ' Calls promptly attended day or night. W. J. KOKTOOhTEBy. J. LKKCBOWEIX ' MOHTGOSERY 4 JCRO WELL, Attorneys and Connselors-at-Lai, OONOORD, N. O. Aa nartnnrn. will Practice law In Cabarrus, Btanlv and adjoining counties, in the Supe rior ana Supreme uourta oitne state anu in h Fftrtpinl Courts. - Office in court house. Parties desiring to lend money can leave It with na or nlAf n It In Concord National Bank for na. and wn will lend it on srood real es tate security free of charge to the depositor. We make thorough examination of title to lands offered as security for loans. Mortgages foreclosed without expense to ownert 01 same. witboot bringing re tarn either state or the lessee. . I know Mater Atlanta Journal. . f I Thomas to be a man of sense: a taip I have been noting with Interest the I of judgement, nd, above mS, a man of acts and doings of the Georgia Legiala- fair dealing. He is not man that you tare as the days of the session are I have to send the sheriff after or pat drawing to a close. j the governor on to, bat he is a man They have really had ap bat two bills I who will do right I everywhere and in which there is a commod interest to j every when. Perchance, it the chair the people of Georgia: One is the ap-1 man of the committee on investigation propriation bill, the other the tax bilL 0f the "cow shed" had not blocked the The tax bill seems to cover everything I wheels two rears ago there might have on top of the earth and under the earth. I been a magnificent anion station now Their franchise clause in the tax bill is J standing in place of the old one, and one of the most important with which J the state's property protected. But they have had to doJ If, they ill only will nay, without sheriff or governor be wise in their discriminations be- J to enforce the stipulations of the .con tween occupation tsi and franchise tax. I tract, that so toon as that new depot There is a difference that makes the I matter is settled, forthwith will Mr, odds, and there are the odds that I Thomas proceed to meet the; state's makes the difference. , If Georgia is authorities on a proposition to either taxing values, then it is only just that vacate the old depot, or if he is to use all values should be taxed. It requires it, will put it in first-class repair.4 wisdom, justice and patience to reach We all know that patience has been right conclusions and do the right exhaused long ago in reference to the thing towards everybody and every- Btate of things involved in the problem thing. The can tax some things out of of a new depot for Atlanta. It is One the Bute. They ban run the business thing for railroads to improve their own interests out of the Btate by unjust property; it is another thing for tenants taxation. But whatever is just, let it to improve the property of a landlord. be done though the heavens fall and I But with patience stretched out a little every tWing leaves the Btate except the longer Atlanta will have a magnificent poor farmer, who cannot leave because j depot in which all the trains will run, he is too poor to go. J or she will have two depots; one a mag- There is much being said about lob-1 nifieent,and the other repaired so it bying. Everybody thinks lobbying is will be habitable and comfortable." I going on with the legislature. Of am -one citizen who wants to see the course, what everybody thinks is not depot problem settled and there are a altogether a lie. Corporations can em- million others in George like me, per- ploy counsel. Monied interests can af- haps. ford to employ lobbyists. But f the Let the Georgia legislature cut down average poor devil in this country is not ita appropriations about 1250,000, stand able on the one hand to employ counsel by its present ' tax bill, adjourn and go or lobbyists, nor iB he wise enough on home sober, and I will be satisfied. the other hand to form a combination ' j Yours truly, with his class to employ lobbyists and Sam P. Jokes. counsel in his behalf. The only way p. S. Has any of thd official family that anything can be well taken care of J of The Journal resigned ? You throw is by employing first-class brains to I a TOCfc a crowd of dogs and hit look after it whether it 19 in business j one, he don't turn to another dog and or legislative matters. tell him that he will give him a dollar There are some things which ought to run and holler for him, but every to be taxed to the limit, because they I d0g does his own - running and holler tax the patience and the pocket books of the masses. Whiskey ought to be loaded down to the guards, and a legis lator who would be lobbied with in the interest of liquor is not fit to hang on the back door of perdition. He would not ornament the devil's back yard. I suppose; coca-cola had counsel lob bying in itsEehaliy for what is a thous and dollars on the manufacture of coca cola? That may not be the profits of a 8ingle,day made by its promoters. What is 12.50 per annum tax on a r "TUB lDLat Biril. TBI BKBriCKT Kit ITS mrtoTEO mcnwsi. 1 . I Tooth's COCBMUO. "What would yoa do if you had a million dollars?" U a common ques tion. Many fieople like to amuse thetn- foUowing extract from it could bf read werin th ""T" ... , ct. v i.iK 1 are Its varied as human nature. The W tn. Imnmvement ci bur I erfJ by a newspaper for the t . 1 urel njny was awaruvu vj lur tamjt uv At a recent Fanners' Conventiac, the Bute Engineer of w . York deUvtred sensible and timelr address, s The ., 1 1 1 ,t ...i.- ItUa query If the use Of the elettric "f "' - tmlW and a perfected svstem of Jia-1 tTcTj pair ci irouser. ne owDTO. cadam roads throughout our i'aUtfj wtuch will permit of hauling the latest . T , t. of loads from the farm to the m kct " drao't Dppermost in the on any day of the year, whether mind, of those who thus spend thctr . . . 1. , imiaeihary wealth. Seldom or never season oe wet ur ury, KSStSt KIAS a ritiurew Marr ( aM Tai - ft Tb Eorofrto f ytvre in VwoU nave eaUrmi upoa a Hejf thaxi the subjugstioQ of the H ares, nf I bv ltHVKnai(,V t. onsumptiOQ; SaU fork it .1 firrumi oS Herald rrportr. "1 this i. L ,umpl a.. . Mt $MT of It w Wwtg tw r4 tt-a ii,4,.yv, rott U iw la l&t ti,tatnrist 4 surirty u4 fcutufciii'-y at iJtr ttr,l ft ft ft E ' " ft . . . . . 5 . I tutwwm. t , r' anv nititarr t l.lmnt uil ItHun) ! . . . . -i thoae roads far- imaginary nishing the opportunity for rural free mail delivery, will almost, if not iCte, revolu ionize th' agricultural pbruon of our state. With these conditions brought about the mechanic can five is one beard to express the wish to em ploy himself at anything of the nature of a regular business or occupation. In reality, no man knows what he would do if he were poaeeased of riches, . 1 mn frm th m.nnfactarv d fac ou8ht 40 mate one T !.. ,. I . 1 A ' 'J .1 liauie si an events just towaru uiue who are indeed millionaires. and have a farm consisting of 5, 10 or j more acres upon which his family will ; be raised, they having the benefits of the mail twice a day, the daily news paper, and the advantages of quick and cheap transportation to the village or city, either by electric car, bicycle or automobile, as the case may be;; thus relieving the congested districts; that are now occupied by tenement houses in the larger cities, bringing our farms mg. 8. P. J. I The follies of young men of wealth eet all the publicity they deserve. It is often another matter with the industry, the energy, the faithful performance of duty by those who are matching excep tional opportunities with exceptional efforts. : ! , The Russian prince who lately visited this country expressed, on his return to Europe, his surprise at the large tsi htrlftft mt a ta fit cultivation ana , ,? -. , v.:u ! vtu I number of richyoune men here who schooling the farmers' children, j both - , 1 ; J . fc . , v I .yxmalr : as St ft 11 a 1 1 SWVi-kSU tin' ililV In af Tff the-bovs and the eirls, for a higher M""-- j , sphere in life than they have been able banksjor factory. And yet no one to attain heretofore with the farins iso- wed him the improvements which aan n KaA rnda do not Mr. Cornelius Vanderbilt has made in asW KJ awva.s. - '-'- I , j . ' , , . . . ot T -m utafino- it too stmnriv """T"' " luc .u.i.-. O a 1 Tf, T . ft i : . i jir. j una jbixvu aduji uu iuicuwu, ti He had not even a glimpse of the amount rrrautar thon inn that hla hWn hmilO'nt 1 n f . . ' .. , , . -.i .. day, or the multitudinous details of the to bear from the nation's birth to the ' ; ... - i . charities to which Miss Helen Gould present time. . i . , , . , . , . 4, ,. , gives her time and her personal service. r . A. t . j aa well as her money UU1 WUUU J MJ9 UV B&a.-wK wawaw- - ! . V 1 J . . . - . , . ... What would ytou do if you had people nave to soive in connection wuu . j - - f. . , , , i -w ftlft: million dollars? The man who me wnoie Bysiem 01 usuBpiiauuu iv lion T' sTtiMM thn hfilief that the in- fluences exerted by these means'for the Mr: f Per..llewi" 8 future development of our state are cizes cnti the idle rich" should first be sure XXTa aMft annmninatinff TYlillirkn. fit mnnPV The Tourist Season Opens -with the Month of June, AND THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY announces the sale of j .Low Bate 1 Snmmer Eicnrsion Tidets Circumstantial Evidence. It is a rule to which good lawyers usually adhere, never to tell more than one knows. A newspaper tells a funny story of a lawyer who carried the rule to the extreme. One of the agents in a midland Re vision Court in England objected to a person whose name waon the register, on the ground that he was dead. The revising barrister declined to accept the 95 per cent, of passes over our assurance, however, and demanded slot machine? They ought to be taxed nde testimony on the point. The agent of the other side rose and out of existence, and if they cannot be taxed out they ought to be kicked out. And a tax of $10.00 a week on these dirty, driveling, indecent street fair shows 1 That ought to have been put at a thousand dollars for each painted, half-nude woman, and more or . less all the material that canals and railroads must in the first instance pass over primary roadSj namely, the highways. In connections with our canals wars re doing an immense work; we are still appropriating money and making them efficient; our. railroad corporations are expending hugh fortunes in reducing grades and making-their roads straight and smooth; steamboat companies are which keeps himself out of the category Trousers stud Pants. Ex-President Gates, of Amherst Col lege, is said to have a fondness for bar gain hunting that is almost feminine. As illustrative of this the New York Times prints the. following incident: 1 . . -r . .ft . 1 . 1 . ' "it is toa mai on a certain occasion Mr. Oau.- bought for $3 a pair of i trousers that had been marked at (6 UokUo is settled before the wax sjirtl of the rural popuUUotn of VrneiurU is aroused. American as well as Kumpe an property Interests will suffer severely and many live be sacrificed too. j 'President fViro has- practkallyi healed all iol-;' 1 dinkns by his1 punky attitutl oward thsj European owcrs, , w tu.e man bate rarely pene trated info the interior of Venezuela.' Unless the custom houses and aeabtiard towns are quickly abandoned word of the situation will reach the half savsge natives of the interior and a harassing guerrilla war will result. j "European officers, especially Her mans, have drilled the native uniformed troops. The revolutionists have gradu ally acquired a consideraNe stock of modern arms and ammunition. From personal' acquaintance I can state that the ellanos, or plainsmen, of the in terior are the best fighters south of the United States. From now ou any man or woman not of dark complexion will be a victim of their enmity "If the European light draft cruisers or gunboats have withdrawn from La Guayro and Puerto Cabello and intend to go around to Maracaitto. the ini mense coffee, cocoa and other interests of Europeans, and Americans, too, will suffer disastrously. "Yellow jack, night and day, in sea son and out, will be President Casings best ally. Venezuela has all the essen tials for a prolonged fight within her borders coffee, cattle and cocoa for food, hides and flax for apparel and an indomitable fighting spirit when once aroused. Taking a few small vessels and seizing a custom house or two is like Crunching a paper shell almond but a harder nut, a regular Brazil nut will have to be cracked to hold them. "Fort Ban Carlo, which commands the upper approaches to the town of Marscaibo and Lake Maracaibo, is not a 4ipUa miy bf. .to W?p COrtMimptivc an4 tOQ unfortutiaie. , ; ycitt ago, Tt recftt lffrd r .td : lt i ' k 1 Adoif Wuna, at Mltk lf UatHuta insian He h4 l-kn I Cn rtomach It, The l4ci csklled tlri m oferat ita a riuU ols behind it I that 11 It thO Mr. Aroint f tup uW.1. .TUA.l f(T.l , L- rrfii.mnti 1 . -, i i. ft ft v loving day l vut4 ti ClUjr 4 Ihytiabs atd rrSTxHi. att4 in l! tvocnew of 4o0 dxrUtni aud pvrKtrmed the tasik eratka fe d tortd bijis on nine chiidrfe laryittf ia frxMU to 10, tre of cost. TWy had already two treatml' ubut suc cess by other pltysicians, Tbe hip joint of the Mrrt su! t m m a large projrcuoo caud by the lfd of the diU-aUl fomur jiresiwx sgainst the f.esh. Thre was a rxrrr.i'tJn f depriionin the gruia, dwp and dl colored, wiih the surrvjun.tuis flrh shrunken snd unnatural in s--ar ance, indicating the Jxctit whrrv the head of the dialomtod Une brloo!. Hie surgeon txk the )f in his hands. drew it up at right angh-s ux the UJ j, and theu gave a sriw of raid taUts and ulbi. He then jufnUI Ij Die sjiot where the dislocation had ln si spivareou 1 tie ugly (irotuston was gone; the depn'ssaion lv4J it was gone, too, anu me enure nip apjami like the other. No knife was ustvl and nothing had been done, was former lyi Ijelieved indijenhle, to prejare the socket for the presence of the dis located femur. Bkitl and precision of movement, which showed a knowing, to a hair's breadth of how far to move and twist bad wrought what will be a cure. v tUIni (hrlalMM frn-att. News and Otnmrwmr. It may well be questioned if the! beautiful custom of giving Christ mas1 presents has not, in the case t-f most. j , . 5:ottEmuUtoniithcmoi cm ntcthwl of feuding faMo thi cpnumptte. of k it t6o rough for Kmiiivc (tomachi. Seoti'a Ivmulstort is the moX refined of UU, rpccully' prepared lor tuy digestion. him fat in ihil way, which U tftcn the only W4V..U lulf the hattle, but Scott' KnuiUion doe more than that. Tliec U Mime thing ahiuit the comliinattort of cod li vr o ahd hyjKipho- phttc in Scott Hmuhtort tli-at 'puts, new life into the pans and tut. a special action on the ducacii I unit. A Mrnp.'o i'l taS fctr.t fire ujxai rtqurst. 7. Jrh i With An tm v it it fim tts tmm i a kft'.- i M m .Ami scorr & uownu; ciu-Airs, 4O0 Pearl St., N. Y. Experience OF manv. lost its beautv and sisniflrantw. .:(. .. ,i.i .!. 1 ' " iuk.Kft uu.,r, The remembrance of friend on the against the heaviest guns the European Theinhab- gave corroborative evidence as - to the decease of the gentleman in question. "But sir, how do you know the man's dead ?" demanded the barrister. "Well," was the reply, "I don't know. It's very difficult to prove." , "As I suspected," returned the bar- and had them chareed. The first of expending great sums in enlarging the tfae mon & bm came . . capacity of their ships and increasing ; ,jQ one pr pante $3 , their sneed. What does all of this avail if we, who are to be the most ben- &nd 8ubstituted trousers, then remail- ehtted, do not undertake some sensiDie ' Kn, TVlA fift of thft npit moutu irysteni on a business basis for building ftnolner biU in. ' and maintaining, in a wise manner, uknnpnr nnt a ' the common roads of the country? ..xhig time the biU was returned, as When this has been done, and when . . i . lt -.h tVl fniin:n- wnd: vearlv festival is one of the lxt evi- ui .. , ri.mSt.-i. I uu, v-u ui i-tu.. "'-ldencet of the true ChriMmas spirit, but itanwoi Apure, vne province oeiween .f mmora AcKetuaxUl0 iDto a tui ft -ft ft..l 1?.-... A 1 jai uu) nuva itaat tsuuuu, iuvj auuw u i - 0jm , . , , VJl slWmjUUa (tW IU jifl ,ta ri.l,m iti.. rfanaiion ut fighters. To them was due the winning - . Ch .UnAA . 1814-20. It will be a tedious, barrow- aLuiv in . ito u-,ciu. .on : i .-Li:.!. - I . lug uianer iot any power 10 esiauusn the oth, after several purchases. "I have bought a present for everylotJr YEARS ff YEARS ta i toita Foi&ts - - To the dellghtftil Resorts located on and reached via its lines. These tickets bear final limit" October 31, 1902, t v -Tf a .1 ? i.1 a I 1- I on every oiner uirty tning ma suowu , You . Qw whether hef8 up in these street fairs. J 1 dead or not" ' " And 80 it goes. J The harriRter trlaheed trinmnhantlv But when legislation is, proposed hat Ma countenance . , m mm . 1 . 1 I along certain unes ina. wucn ;ern gy underwent a change as the corporate interests in Georgia, it is said witne88 continued: . t . 1 J I 1 1 :a a. I " mat paiu couneei ana loooyisui .urn up T w&8 myi fa, that I don't on the scene. I am utterly opposed to know whethe. he dead Qr fc w j s i l - . a. al I ' lODDying unless au inieresa go inw sue do know thia . They buried him about business, it is umair anu unjust ior a month .gQ Qn 'BU8picion one interest to nave its ioddyisis, ana another interest unprotected and un- Latest championed by either counsel or lob byist. The farmer and he is the man who gives us the staff of life whether crops are short or long, whether he that good time comes (and it is as sure to come as tomorrow's sun is to; rise), then will our boys be willing to stay on the farm and our daughters be willing of the tbjrd month Mr GatC8 Government Idaps Carolina. of North Two excellent maps of portions of North Carolina; have recently come from, the press of the United States r That section of North Carolina. known as the , " THE LAND OF THE SKY," AND THE - - c SAPPHIRE- COUNTRY," T nartteularlv attractive to those in search of mountain resorts, where the air is ever cool and invigorating, and where accommo dations can tte Had eitner at me comionaoie and well-kept boarding- houses or the more expensive and up-to-date hotels. 1 " AD nmONAL SLEEPING CARS. Placed In Service from Var'oil Points " to PrlnuipaMieaorts, tbu3 atrordlas OBEATLY IMPROVED TACIXJTIES : For reaching those Point. , rt - . . . i must morttraire his land or deliver his eoiogicai -survey, une oi mem, mat last bale of cotton, and sometimes his f tbe Williamstbn quadrangle Bhows bushel of corn in order to pay his I section of Bertie, Martin, and tttt taxts, he must pay them all the .same, j counties and that portion of Roanoke .n- nintha Thiatiw of thia RtAiA I Valley between Hamilton ana vvu- were taxes so hard to pay as they are hamston. The other, that of the Cran in this December-month, 1902. Hard j berry quadrangle, showB the extreme fcrat TrvAnBa thv am an hitrh' hard I northwestern portion of the State, in secondly, because the farmer . has so the heart of the Blue- Bidge, anHh little with which to pay. That is whatJcludeB portions of Mitchell, Caldwell, makes me Bay, a just estimate upon all I Watauga, Ashe and Wilkes counties. vjiIiiab i th nnlv iunt wv tn aetUe thia I N. C, and of Carter and Johnson whole question; and while corporate in- counties, Tenn. Grandfather Moun terests may suffer, they only get in the with an elevation of 5,964 feet, bed and lie down with the masses in " the highest represented on the Bheet, la . -. ! t Georgia as they suffer. Dal many oiners are seen to reacu me The sturdv old Georeia farmer, who 5,000-foot elevation. Both these maps made his ten bales of cotton this year I unusually accurate in detail show with three mules, payB two of them foring H roads and trails and even indicat euano, two for taxes, and then tries to ing the locations, of dwellings in the settle with the merchants, doctors and country districts. :- They employ , con preachers with the balance of his cot- tours, or lines of equal elevation, to in- ton, has to sit down to work out thejoicate the topography, whicn give I vivid imDreBaions of the shapes and UlUUiCUi -a.- vr aaacfcsj j mimvo mvxaj . s 47 I ;! eo into four? He winds up by saying: slopes oi nms ana mountains, espeaau -4 "By Granny, it won't go at all." There I n the Cranberry quadrangle. Particular attention is directed Bo. the ele gant UlnU-K i ar service on principal j W-fuugu uraiua Southern Railway has just Issued its band ! 18 one each for four of the CTOWd, but some Kesort foiaer, aeecnpwve oi xoemany , .n ..t delighiful resorts along the line ot its road. . the Other two must go Without. This lower aiso gives, tue uainw ut vnii ic- i i. . 1 ..nyft hnaMlln urtrl T1 1 1 111. I BUI B l"l UUTOIB auu uiun wuov- ui.'" . . be' of gnestsfthey can accommodate, copy has reported. If am not one of the Mn hA huff nrw.n tnnlirat,lnntoanv Sauthera . ' foothold or any permanent occupancy against the consent of the natives. 'Dear Mr. Thompson, I am always careful about the language I use, and like Other people to be the same.' The futtlug Cp a Boy's Lnorh. Burdette, A recent writer and she writes as one whom any boy would love tells ing of Christmas presents ? to whom Ijtm indeMed, and tomorrow I will be able to strike a balance that makes me even with the world." Is there not too much of that sort of giv- Have we re ceived a bill : " fTo one pr. pants, $3. "This time he went in person to visit Mr. Thompson. He explained his position to him. Thompson looked at how she saw a mother put up a lunch not come into a sort of kee4ng a cred for her boy to talte to school, and then it and debit account with our friends, she tells very prettily how she would have taking care to measure as to cost and put up that lunch, and I know she beauty by the standard of the articles would do -iust aashe said. But she we have received ? When it enU is in didn t eo far enouiiu. .Sow, if 1 were going to put up a lunch for a boy thir teen years old, I wouldn't take' a little tin pail, nor yet a neat little covered to become farmer's wives: the isolation of farm life will then have passed away, and instead of our ooys and girls i leav ing the farm to go into the crowded cities more will be willing to go from cities to the farms; then we will have him a moment, and then replied free mail delivery and the telephone, President Gates, I've been in the and we will be the happy and contented clotning business for 25 years, in' people that the Almighty lintended we during them 25 years everything in my Bhould be when he gave us this rich -hnrt ahove JI5 haa been trousers and and beautiful heritage. ; j LVervthiue below to has been cants. M - Wft L- a - l 1 . ia a I it s panis you got. egao, ir, u s panu, didQt fie u over tfae feQCe whcQ 11 P SI l you upayior. he came home. I would cut that loaf into slices and spread on the butter un til it began to fall off, then I would i . t :., 1 stack on the sugar as long as it would ine stereoiypea Bugareu, reporw ui - - . . ,i l.:,. hold. Then I would load in a to the mind to put gift against gift, dollar against dollar, to make mental calculations to be sure to give about as much to this friend as he has given to All They Could Afford. As an illustration of the nature of Southern negroes, the Bev. D. J. Sanders, the negro president of Biddle I ew University of Charlotte, North Carolina, Fact ng tbe Blaale. Torker. s related the following incident to some f.ahinnahl,, mrriarP nail. One hails nold- Anen 1 woma loaa m uP,e members of the Presbyterian- General Ught the Missouri up-toiate of 01 !WMg? nd "me 'UbS.f !.,.. at a nmnt rnaatirtr The iiL . j.: 1 om . USHJ, B uaiuvj viubict Ml un-wuo basket ; I would jtwt take the market us does not thte beauty of Christmas haa-ft if th. familv wasn't eoinir to eiving all .turn into sordidness? Are use it that day, and I would cut up a we not in danger of letting the preva- loaf of bread, and trim off every bit pent spirit of coinmcrcialisra steal away of the crust to keep the boy from lying the strongest citadel of the spirit of love about it, and telling me that he ate it snd generosity ? Tandarbllta Dlairlbata t-lfta. AsheviU-E. Dec. 25. At Biltmore bouse this afternoon tbv hundred em ployes of Vanderbilt's esUte were given a most elaborate Christmas entertain ment. Exercises were held in the banquet hall of j the, Biltmore House. hall was the larg- i.s wkitinj; Irirc Insurance, sctuinf' losses .inJ representing lirst Glass Companies, Southern, Northern and I'or eirn, we ask your tronagc. Our f.icilitu for r-mploycr Liability, Accitlent and Health Insurance are excellent- G. C. RICHMOND S Cd j 'Phone 184. TUB - 1 Concord National Bank.1 - WHh ttta latMT BPtrov4 tnrm at and sysry factutjf tr tta4-ln OlTKEI A . FIRST t CLASS t SERVICE 1 " . to tub rvmuo. 1 M,000 stvle of doing such notices. They run """"' uaiu 17 w la tbe center of the story is reported by the New York thi way. eggs say nail a aoien au me cage it hoUy lU fouDd on the Van- Times. "Married-Miss SvlvU Rhodes to there WM in the house' nd fiU P tbe derhUt esUte, a mammoth tree that Negroes are great lovers of pomp and jame8 Caruahan, last Saturday after-re8tof the 'P06 'lth Pie nd then towereS to the ceiliiig of the ira mense .... . . .- I fthinf-rnnl liift TWrlrftfa fl.11 nt anrMi I . . - ceremony, 01 tiues ana cecoraaons, aoon. The bride is an ordinary town """""""f"" " f r room. At one enaioi uje nan was a and the members of a large but ienor- . n'i tnow nv more than to aunng scnooi nours, ana 1111 uie , . i.undred4 of iucao- ant negro congregation in North Caro-a bbit about cooking and never help- rf 1 ' his pockets with nuts, and give deaocnt ughu. BcDi.lh Ue Christmas Una conceived the notion that it would her poor mother three days in her mm nTe CCDM w , tree were stacked i-eseuU of evry add very much to their influence as a ue: : ghe i8 not a beauty, by anj tbat boy came home at four o clock Ujue n&ture. I There was a gift church if theirfpastor could append the meana, and has a gait like a fat duck. Rnd eald he dldn 1 have enough Iun- fof evcry TaOQ wbo m(1fkt or myj m h rror,m ia wll Vnown hP a- an caeun "u uiuu liv on the vUte. Mr. and 31rs. anUT- .,.L,ic..1 ha hn livn,, off would give him the key s to the cellar, m, .a hands. distribuUJ r v ' o ..... A . -1 v. T .. . . .. . theold folks aU his life, and don't "I". . gifu to the assetti bled and wutu eacn .ni tn .nvthin nohow. , cl06et' ana 7g w uespair, go - Chrii-tmas and a happy New -""-" o lft.ftt.-. J 1 1 .! ' " Thev wiU have a hard life while Pu w lue " uau "c Year. Music was furnUhed through out the afternoon lr :lne. rirst .onn CapiUl, Profit. Individual njnibUiiy of Shareholders, Keep Yqur Accou?(t IntorMrt t-aS4 aa ufil U '' dalKO U a.l our rvftin. 1 , OMM-. rT11l. u. a twiraasa. ia! to his name. initials D. D, One of the brethren learned that a certain institution n the North would confer such a degree for a price, j He wrote, and got a letter from this insti tution, stating that fifty dollars would secure the desired honor. A Meantime tte members of the con gregation went to work to raise; this j fifty dollars, but their utinost efforts I failed to secure more than; twenty-five dollars. they live together, and the News hast ens to extend absolutely no congratu lations for we don't belive any good canl come from such a union." . I see the committee on the cow shed smmittee who made the investigation; Wsnndcrfsl Mme. Ia displayed by 'many a man enduring pains of accidental cuts, wounds, bruises, burns, scalds, sore feet or stiff joints. But there's no need tor it. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It's the best salve on earth HaUway Agent. . ,- --Co: Truffle Mgr. a Pass. Ant. ' nor am I the lessee of the W. and A. Washington D.c. - railroad, but there is more than one ! motion involved in the remodeline of for the Piles, too. 25c, at Fetzer's drug AftCNTQ WANTFn a Tr;i. t. tT. . ,. I store. 'union station to be built in Atlanta? tttm. rT? T TlBWiTT TAT.MAflR. bv his son, Ber- FrakJ" T5lae f,?.! ' If so, when will it be built, and will it elate editors ot Christian Herald, oniyooc j ' endorsed by Talmage family. Enormous he occupied by all the railroads running -p.."""."vrr:- . 1 .1 t i :-. .w. 1 ..... . . , . . iuvu -iuui xx ucsuuuo mo i gpiencua torm was wnat appeal eu to answered in the aihrmative, and satis- Ontat ten cents. Write immediately Clark & Co., est 8. 4th St., Philadelphia, Pa. Mention this paper. They say she fell. in love with him because of his beautiful hair." "And it was understood that her uurits wntut au tut tsaa. Beat Conh Syrup. Tastes Good. in time. Bold By arnemna. 1 V S U J FT 'ImIi-t I i him." factonly answered, then it would be the I , Ah. too bad! He's bald and she's heighth of foolishness to make the J getting gtout." ' lessees of the Western and Atlantic! r- railroad put that old depot in first-class I It isn't advisable to pick a quarrel 1 repair. " It would be a waste of money I before it is ripe. The - Ml Liberal Offer. undersigned will give A mrrelss isTtsUss. icarouna liegiment luna.r Wonders never cease. A machine has I , ; wtiirk mr been invented that will cut paste and I Journal and Mrerncer. hang wall paper. The field of inventions I ; ; An AraUan apothegm divides tr.ta and discoveries seems to be unlimited. Jinio four classes, as follows: a tree I Notable among great discoveries is He who knows not, and knows not The committeemen put their heads "Ple of Chamberlain's Stomach and Dr. King's New Discovery for Consomp- he knowi oot; be a f4, than him. W ! TftVU4. I. aw mm r -n in w a Wa 1 a.2 Ta. U . m-.JlA r Uav1 - 1 together, and it was finaUy dedded to remedy for di8ordcrs of the Leak lungs and saved many a life. sena me money, wim tms message, to biiiousnets or constipation. Thousands hare used it and conquered the Northern institution "Please Bend our pastor one D. ,' as we are not able to pay for the' other at this time." Domestic Troablrs. He who knows not. and knows be knows not; he is simple, teach him. He who knows, and knows not be knows; he is asleep, waken him. He wbo knows and know be knows; he is wise, follow him. But there is a fifth class, and it u there are no domestic ruptures occasion ally, but these can be lessened by hav ing Dr. King's New Life Pills aroend. Much trouble they save by their great work in the stomach and liver troubles. They not only relieve you, but cure. 25c, at Fetzer's drng store. This is a new remedy and a coo-Pone. I Grip, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Coo- Mi L. Marsh. ' I sumption. Their general verdict is "It's the best' and most reliable medi- Anew railway project lor Ashevuie cine for throat and lnntrooblM. Every is On foot. The matter has already as-1 50c and tl.00 bottle is guaranteed by; sumed definite proportions and is being I p. B. Fetzer druggist. Trail bottles free. I perhaps the largest of all. It is com posed of those who know not, and yet think they know. They are not merely ia(A ignorant of their ignorance, but so conceitea .mat tney regaru u as tne prr fection of wisdom. . " It is exceptional to find a family where actively taken in hand. The proposed new road is from Asheville to Burhs ville to tap the South and Southwestern at a point for that place. Permission to acquire land has been granted to the Jews in Bussia. . Capt. George F Bason, assistant di vision counsel of the Soathern Railway, wiD move from Charlotte to Gastonia. He will be aue to devote a portion of his time to private practice. A D4aclUa. "Your Wife," said the embryo 8er- Iock Holmes as the stranger entered his presence, "is an ' intellectual wo man," ; "Eight vou are," replied the stanger. "But how did you know that?" "By the buttons missing from your coat," answered the great detective. 60,OOf WITH US. Healthy Children i -. A m Jm-JH ar k-ii .tfnn ms4 ! ; fH aS Hiny liut mfm tt.tir Itf U mmm td t'ftftftt to:ftfttta f ft.rf r r: FREY'S VERmiFUCE OurttarU all dixnW ot U u;?ifi.' etprm mjTrt, U- t" rA t-rtt.tT la mrimn. Ktt- r K. a a. KMi:i. UmtVmmr; M. V A St T K 1 - A -u.-'-tT tJIv tn A-ftft-li .ftO3t V' .al!nr .tralyni, u-.oa " f - aUn- t"i VL:'Jr.ZT. day wli'i aii ri?w ht - u term, Mmrrf tdMfi - 7 - Mrf,jliiUii"li"i.lB,c Merchant Tailor. Clothes Made t6 Order. , Cleaning and Repairing done on short notke. I. WISSBIRC, Ovar Patt-eraoatrV-W. An order from South Africa for 18,000 horse plows have been received by a plow manufacturer in the L'pitcd j States. I Dr. Wealiffs a err nuts a! mil mt Ma, mssm mM9 a 7UdtijCsii: m mn 1 11 txi a4M.fryr(iM(. Mala, fw 1