kidney trouble. Vbat i the difference between vege table soud and a -'pretty srirf? One is so successful ki- .and the lihUt city in Over-Work Weakens ; Your Kidneys. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. All the blood ta your body passes through your kidneys once every three minutes. j i ce Kianeys are your blood purifiers, they fil ter out the waste or Impurities ir the blood. If they are sick cr out of order, their fail to do their work. Pains, aches and rheu matism come from ex tcsa vi uric cia in ine I - blood, due to neglected J good theatrical attraction? Kldnv trmiKu ..t.u . . i 1 .J . 1 . I ' . -y wuwie vus 4u11.11 or ;una;caciy heart beats, and makes one feel as though they had heart trouble, because the heart is evcr-woriung in pumping thick, kidney poisoned blood through It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly U constitutional diseases have tjieir begin- winK 10 money irouDie. Ifyou are sick you can make no mistake by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy is and neib soup and the other is superb. Why is short negro like white aiau? Beefuse it is not' ft tail black. 'What is the difference between ODBiiccessful suitor -ayd ft on? One mitres his other liases his mi- f Which is the world? Cork. Whv would a portrait painter e the He a could THE SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON VIM, THIRD QUARTER, INTER- NATIONAL SERIES. AUG. 23. What is H he bent way to etioy the happiness 'of .eour ship? tJet a little gal-an-try. " What kfnd of a song d-As' a maion sing? A brick, lay. I v bat uoe a yawning jtoiut-man re semble? An openfaee watch. What is the differences lxtweeu a man in straitened circumstances ana - ' o J - - j 1 j. cuta J ia n ii i . . i . - soon realized. It stands the highest for its . j . . -,A.r4., w.u j;..? 7 ' I pushed the other is wished hard viiwi tuivui ui lilt UloLJ Cill g l,icUC3 I - "jiu is wjiu on us merits by all drureists in fiftv- cent and one-dollar siz es. You may have a sampie oouie ny mail HowrfaRo free, also pamphlet teiling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. 1J .. .( ,Li : . 1 Iv rr:t . iTicuiiuii iia paper wiica wruuig ur. rwunicr tc to., oingnamion, n. i The ::0uijtib 1 Ui M. Virginia's Fast Trunk Line All Points in the West. to Vestibaled, Electric Lifted, Steam Heated Trains with Pullman Sleep-, - ers and Dining Cars. The Southern Railway Nb. 36. leavins Ctiarlotte S.S6 a m daily, leaving Concord JO.(k; m ui. lonviiig urwuwro is. iu inMin, arrives ai F.vnlihn,i 1 . . n .1 ............... ; 1 uuuiui n j its, miu wmiruui niiu bur V. O. James Hlverjlivlslon trin lvlni Lynchburg at 4.10 p m daily (held until p m when Decessary). Carries Parlor Car to Linton rorKe and connects with C. & O. thwinrrh twain 1 tl w mju. i, uolu, aiiiTiiiK Liiiciiinai'i ,:Ka ii : next day, arrive Louisville 10 ISO a m, Cliicairo K oft n m. .1 T : " ' - . , vwy ii uu nil. LAMIIS O p Ul, L U II I R'( 1 1 1 1 f-' with Western lines dlveririiiir. Thn Southern Kailwav Sn :v Ifavlno Charlotte 10.05 a m. leaving Greensboro H 5- v tu, biiio yunnuLiiNvifie o 111 p m anu con nect with C. AO. limited train, leaving Char lottesville at 10.14 p m, arrive Cincinnati 11 45 m Ph1na.A U Hi n n. 1.. 1 1 i - . .u, vi'iasv o.v J, ui, lAiuin t IU ll JLI uay . runman ieepr Charlottesville io Cin- HnnAtt Anil Rfc Tmula HUl-tn, I ' - ln.. : to Chicago; connections at these cities with sk xour station , Agent lor Tickets via. C. & O. Route. Why is a crow like a lawyer? lie likes to have his eawKcHuaOheard. Why do they not charge po!ic men on the street cars? Bi cause it's inijn-s aibie to get a nickel from a copper. Why is a thuoderrtorm like an ouiou It is ptia on peal. How should weeding willows te painted? In tiers. Why are umbrellas like good church men? They keep Lent so well. Why ahold England bp a dry coun tryl There was but one rtign(rain) there in oyer fifty years. Why is a cat going up three pairs of stairs like a high hill? Because ehe'g a-mountain. Teacliera' Interstate Co u roe. Examination H. W. FntLER, G. P. A., Washington. D C. W. or Worthed, D. P.. a.. Richmond, Va. C. E. Dotlk, General Manager. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD OFFERS VERY LOW RATES ON FOLLOWING DATES. Colonists, Tickets to California, Utah. Ne vada, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, Ore gon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming on sa 1a Hallv in-ll Tum 1 I St. Louis and return one fare, plus "25 cen's. On sale june m-h, g-ooa to return until June SotU. San Francisco, Los I Angeles and return. National Encampment G. A. --. , - - , li i j ui wvf 11UI X'J. . UUVU iio reiurn untti uct. 13. i , Denver, Colorado and return. On sale June 30 to July 9. Good to return until Aug. 31. Through Pullman Sleeping Car daily be- nooga. Nashville and St. Louis. Free Recllninsr Chair Car vllle and St. Louis, and through Putiniarr oiropiug ur uaiiT oe i wee ii niastiville and Chicago. This la the oniy Double Track Liue wiwbbii i uwoip anu nue onio Klver. For full particulars, rates, tickets and liampniecs aaaress FRED D. MILLER. Iravellnif Passenger Agent, No. 1 Brown Bld'g. ATLANTA, GA. THE i Concord National Bank With the latest approved form of nooks uuoroi? laviiiifcjr mr iifiuuung ai;count8, Teachers wishing to . prepare for i jxamiDatioiis ehould write, at once, to Prof. J. L. Graham, LIJ. D., 152-154 Randolph Building, Memphis, Tenn., for particulars concerning his special Teachers' Examination Course. This course is taught by mail, and prepares Teachers for examination in every State in the Union. Leading educators pronounce it the best course ever offered to the Teaching profession, and ail Teachers wishing to advance in their profession should immediately avail themselves of it. Enclose stamp for reply. , . Engraved Card, Wedding Invitation, monogram Paper, tie. We have just received samples of the 'atest thingjn engraved visiting cards, wedd ng invitations, monogram paper. etc., at the very lowest prices for which firBt-clasa work can be obtained, We shall be pleased to send samples to any one on s receipt "jof request to do so by telephone or otherwise. All matters of this8ort are strictly confidential. A Ciw Witb flair on Her Er-Ball. Chatham Record. The latest Chatharn curiosity is a cow belonging to Mr. Eli C. Brewer, of Bear Creek township, that has a patch of hair over half an inch in diameter on each eye ball. The hairs are about an inch in length. The cow 'was born with these pitcheo of hair in her eyrs, md yet she can see well enough to e in the range. The course of true love is the shortest way home. I Test ml Lao. 1 faaa. ts, 13-ZX Mrwrnory Vtrm, 14-IT 14ra Trat, pmred hr Ktr, D. M. Slearaa. ICofyritit, by America Trrm AaocUtfc.) 11-li If it plas rny father to do U rrll. then 1 wfU ahw it the an4 a&4 tb away that thou rnirot go la pc and the Lord b wllii tfa. In furiner yamLSSS) and 15sy&we had studies ;n the opening and closing verat cf this chapter. . and now we hare m reutral portion, bat are recom tnendfd to study the whole chapter, w hich is the story of Jonathan's kjv and faithfulness to David and their separation because of Raul's persistent effort to kill David. As Saul's persecu tions of Darld i Increased David one day said to Jonathan. 4 As the Lord 11 v etli and as thy soul livetn there is but a step between me and deatn (verse Z). Jonathan could' not believe that bis futluT rvfillv uifHiit to kill David, and' sa he said he would sound his father and let David know, and tnat Is where our lesson today beeina. Jonathan sot cninlv nlls God to witneaa that wheth er tlie tidings from bis father be good or evil be will surely let David know. 14. la. And thou shalt not only while yet l live snewme me Kinuncsa oi m uora that I die not. but also thou shalt not cut off thy I kindness' from my bouae forever, Then be speaks of a time when the Lord ball bave cut off ail the enemies of Da' id from the face of the earth. At their last meeting Jonathan said, "Thou sbait be king over Israel" (xxiil. 17t. lie evidently believed God and loved and honored him whom the Lord delighted to honor. It was not merely kindness that Jonathan asked of Da vid, bi)t the kindness of the Lord; bo after Jonathan's death we bear David innulrine. "Is there vet anv that is left of the bouse of Saul that I may shew Ului kindness for Jonathan's sake. CaarMW Otmtrrr, ; j , It H matter for regret as ;w it; that the Seaboard 'Air Uo lUilroad baa pMcd into new hands. It would be caase for eocfratalatioa if the Bccir Ialacd had entered this territory M an independent system, but the statement of the dispatches of yesterday that J. P. Morgan & Co. axe the fiscal agents of the BL Louis A San Francisco, which is a part of the Rock Island system, teUsj another story. la the light of fhia statement we expect it to be de- velotied in a short time that the Sea board haa passed under the control of the Southera. That is bad for the ter ritory which both touch. There has been no difference in freight rates at such points but the seaboard has been a constant check upon the Southern. nd there is more accommodation f o a commani'y where two railroads are competing for business. We are sorry, therefore, for the aboard to qtfit AUaat OKtStiaav ' 31r. Bryan has appeared ooce more, ttM timM in fthiA. as a deader ia dem- , i star Jianoo uau waa in iacuBfuB ocratic doctriaes as be sets them aodljX that be Is or4 iU Tfc aa lary aasu Cbartat tSjwrm. ' - -1 The WashiDctoo eorTrspooJect f The Ashcvi k Gaartte tells UUt eaSca- atar llarioo EaUe was ia Weatuef too ia denaociatioQ as he beieirt they should be directed. The reports of his performance on this latest occaaioo is not jleaaat readies; for those dem rraU who are hofaog for the peace and prosperity of, the party. The, Ccmstitouoa has alwsys, atnee Mr. Bryan became the leader of the party to 1S9, held him in esteem fv his sincerity of ownions. directness of fech and drotion to popular princi ples of gorernaient. While differing from him as to some of his eccentrici ties and method, we have not at any time derided him or treated him with difrespect. But we are prepared now to sar that Mr. Brvan is coioc some what too far in his attitude of violence to those with whom he does not agree. The democratic camp has had enough , . - i -. l ine aemocrauc camp naa naa enou business as an independent system. I .. ... -.. , . ., , . .... . T trouble without betug afflicted with It has its faults, but it haa served the generation well, and we opine that hereafter Charlotte, we will sar to localize the proposition, will bare two railroads oierated under different names but really as one. raging Thersi tea who cannot distinguish between tbe advantage of securing party harmony and the self satisfaction of aggravating old wounds and enmities. rne constitution does not regard Mr. Cleveland as a partje exemplar any more highly than Mr. Bryan. But what is the use of bellowing at IB. Iaig financial interests, is tttailag twenty of ' money, and has eschewvd tnlitira for the time." but that "be is m " now a briierrr ia the righteousness) of Republican princires and, in bis npea ed experience sad intellectually, i3 t a tower of rtrtnith to the forces that arUoed td otrerthrosr the sway of iVoKurary in the Old North State." Tim don't say so! And this is the same Mr. Butler wbo nsrU to de nounce "the two ojd parties" imjsr tially, tcUiog the petple whom be lured so Itnucb that both were totally wrong about everything and tSat be would -hjo down fighting for government own ershin. for the immortal rasbio. and for fifty dollars per capita, issued direct to jibe peop:e. And now, though he declared that hajiiuee and prosperity would be strangers to the bind until all the existing taws were tied and set op again, be baaj become a 4utercrat and a Rebltcao. There's nothing true but heaven. Some Kais for IU Farmers to Crark. HUSj UiUtH UUJUU BUfAWC Ih IICIS I - T--r q beratinc Mr. devefandf lie harness on account of bad roads? How I . far as candidacy and party policy are much does it cost you a year for shoes concerned, a&aead as any oacs: neover , . . . ... i . ... I . i. : m t ana ciotnmg mat are ruined by your children wading through the mud to school? How much does is cost you a year for medicine to cure your chil dren a colds con tripled in wading through the mud to tchooi and church? shot io the Carolina marshes. Theonlv satisfaction, we can imagine coming to Mr. Bryan in these anti-Cleveland blasts is that the Dutchman desired when he jumped up and down on his already dead dog "just to teach him there How much of adanJer a vear to vou I is punishment after death!" is the mud that prevents your children There is one supreme debt that Mr. rim I trior, anon rna r luinas, r iimY I u.u umv wavvculs , wu i (.iiiiiii.'ii v .a unto himj" (II Sam. txl. 3.) When I from attending school, or damage to! Bryan owts to the democratic party We have learned tO knOW and enlov Ithcmt Uav kihiI A - ... i. I anil wliih ViAaVinnlit Ko mnomni "the kindness and love of God our Sa- i, j s ; L i . 1 i.i u . ,..n i uiii a l in irfiun iintr i iiuiiiiiir: riiuiii' it us in v in . v vukaus J yUJJ WV8J- I I " ing market with your produce? You I ehould either talk sense whe - i ... are perfectly willing to spend plenty of I pouUes or quiet down and go home! money in the buying of reapers and "e 18 nt Qow helping the party to get mowers and other farm machinery. viour (Tit . hi. 4). it should be our greatest desire to show or make knowu that loving kindness to others, even to our enemies if we have any. 1 fi 17 Anil .Tnnn t'ri n n ra 11 ual Tkavr(iY n swear again by his love toward him, for ne tovea mm as ne lovea nia own souL I have quoted partly from the mar and full. He n he talks together, to throw overboard any Jo nahs, to establish a new alignment of the forces of DODular riehterand to win gin. That Jonathan loved him as his today, one load would be the 'average pampaign against tBe party of un own soul is written a train in rviii. 1. 3. . f i. .-IL ...m: ' j . wise, uuiair anu unconstitutional gov push, You are willing to purchase ! carriages and harness. At the price potatoes are i j 7 where it is also said that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David. In'hls lamentation crver him he iaid, "Thy 'love to me was! wonderful. passing the love of women (II Sam. i, 2G). The conduct and words of Jon athan are all so sueeestive of the greater! love of a greater King's Son, wno nas knit His soul to ours and stripped Himself of all His glory that tie-migut save us from wrath and ex- ait us to His throne, and who also says to us,' "Whatsoever thy soul deslreth I will even do it for thee" VxvUL 4: n. 4; II Cor. viii, 9; Mark x, 51; John xiv, 13, 14; xv, 7). i When these two men parted. : they kissed and wept until David exceeded '(xx, 41). There was farmer's tax for ten years for eood road. - W 111 At the end of that time the roads would -element. If he will not be good, and you could vote to rescind j should not pull backward. he the laws if you wanted to and you would have your good roads and no tax for thirty or forty years, the balance f jour me. "Work And Play' The bigirest summer resort within easv reach of civilization, . ia what Is commonly termed Muskoka. a district In the "High lands of Ontario" about 100 miles north of Moron to, Including an Immense tract of couniry bordering on the Georgian Bay. This district is composed of lakes and rivers innumerable and Is situate 1.000 feet above sea level. Good fishing and hunting are u. The democrats in 1904 will not have Cleveland for candidate or Warwick. Neiiher will it' have Bryan for candi date or cameriengo. . It will be pleased I tr VlOtrA tWkfK nr Afb i n in (ha n nKa exhibiting a lusty rivalry as to which ! "w T, 01 bU81DeM i . - i . .. 1 If a bov U late in enterintr thi A . t can ao most tor a democratic victorv. . Otherwise the name of the one will be Flotsam and of the other Jetsam. i KalrlS VreeMtea. The atartlinir aDuonuoement thai preventive .of suicide had bwsu dweover ed will interest roan v. A run down svs- "tem, or despondency invariably precUle suicide and something has been foaud that will prevent that condition which makes suicide likely.. At the first thought of self destruction take Electric Bitters. It being a great tonic and nervine will strengthen th nerves and build np the system, jit s ft"i great Stomach, Liver and Kidney regulator. Only 50c. Satis faction guaranteed by P. B. Fetzer, druggist. -: j ... Opening or lh A. it 91. Collrge. Tlie State Agricultural and Mechani cal Ct.ll'ge will oten Thursday, Sei- tember 3rd. Entrance examinations will le held at the College the day be- f6re. The capacity of the College has been recently increased; but the de mand for admission is still very large Students desiring' rooms will halve tb be present promptly the first day; and I dollar extra is charged all who are late i The college is usually full by night of j the first jday, a,nd the program of work ta latrneu un wuu me precaution j and punctuality of clock-work. Young men who are training for industrial careers are thus taught that system and nromnt . r 1 - i - ovrsas A Lost Hair ( Mv hair ramp nut Kv tha tiA4 y ii iuw IldllU" ful, and the gray hairs began to creep in. I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor, and it stormed th hair ing out and restored the color." ivirs. m. D. Ofay, No. Salem, Mass. There's a nleasnre in offering such, a prepara tion as Ayer's Hair Vigor: It gives to all Who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, so rter, and more glossy. A nd ybu feel so usinz such an liable prepara- a bottle All amzifts. secure in a oia and r 11U11. i If TOnr dmcrtrUt n not .nnnlw send us one doilkr and we will express you a bottle. Bd sure and give the name of your nearest express office. Address. CO.. Lowell. Hu On the first and third Tuesdays of Julv. Aufftlfit and Sfntpmhpr t.ho Pnom 1 I . . . . I i.uiuu.uon Hi an Svstem fSa nt I.niiia Jk Ran Fn,l,n , .... ... " i tfuiuiu-on me iukcb is proviaea to suit the 1 eucu oiuer ir u iay in tne power or either to do It. j Yet all was but the faintest shadow of the love of Christ to us. s 1 ' 18-22. If I exnresslv tinv lintn fhm 1x1 Behold, the arrows are on this aide f thee, take them; then come thou, for there Is peace to thee and no hurt aa the Lord liveth. But if I say thua unto tha VOUn&T man.' Rphnlri th u rrnnro a m Ka yond thee; go thy way; for the Lord hath sent tnee away. . a uese verses ten now jonatnan ar-I . & uipriauue imcts iuiuriioia is uocuaj ranged to give David the information at the derxit in Newbern and a aalnnn 1 Tte T,tHva R I 1 I v a w&u v UUMUV nOlC Ifm as to whether he was- to- return or flee man walked ud to him and pav him . All drneirists refund th nnnm if it fila ! uege, ;you may anow be is a new student. j Many of the old students re turn even a week in advance to review their studies and get a good 6tart. n.flll .... . . . surea. y Ample notei accommodation at all fJl I 5 f f t DOtJd0 fl Poon the lakea is provided to suit the each other if it nr in fho rA-nm r I . pureea or everyone, excellent transporta tlon service. Copies of handsome, descrlntlva If tarn turn relating to 'this country can be had free bv applying io k. McU, Smith, . PJ Grand Trunk Railway System: Detroit: Mich. ! Evangelist morse Curaed on tbe Street Atlantic Messenger. ; Temperance-Evangelist K. H. Morse was handirg out some temperance tracts Cotton Worms in A la ba nia. MONTOOMERV. Ala" Anr Id YV,rt b i , , A wvbtvru Railroad) will have on Bale reduced one ( worms have appeared in Montgomery way and round trip tickets from Bir- countv and ar aerinnoW kMo; . mmgnam, Memphis and bamt Louis ; the crops. In some sections they have lu xuiuui m raansaa, Jiissounr uaia- appeared in , large quantities and the I. T. J! . - nn a. i mr I uuma, muiau ierntory, ana xexas. entire ctod is ihreatenwl with rWtr,, l7- tit m i . 1 . . -"-v, t me vv. x. oaunaers, u. A.l . D. Frisco System Atlanta, Oa.f for infor mation. -, - To Cure a Cold In One Day . FIRST CLASS SERVICE TO TEE FTJBLIC. Capital, . . . - 50,(XK Profit, - - - - 22,000 individual responsibility of Shareholdeis. - - 50,00? Keep Your Account with Us Interest paid aa agreed. Llbei ai accommo- uaiiiua vo ui our customers. , J M. OTp:T,r.LpTj(in - D. B. COLTKANE. Cashier. C. B. BLAIR & SON City Painters. EQUALLED Br FEW A!N EX CKILLD BIT NON E. Do you want your house painted in the latest style ? If so you will save'monev bv em ploying'us; iWe also do Hard on like manner. We have a thnu When a lady wants a watch. and different selections of the she wants one that will keen latest up-io-uate aesigns Qi time as well as look pretty. W-aiil-. aP-aFER. Our Ladies' AVatohpfs nrp fitforl . . I . , w u uvu aJ We use the very best of material (T. and C" I . , t-i . " ae1aiaSrtarriTOn'8No-lTlllwLea,J;) Elgin or iWalthara move- Leading Carriage Painters . ments jthat are guaranteed accu- we C:B. Blair & Son. Care ' Krmy boUmt en btwe, fre, nr sow m im aisorari ox eoifarcn Maoah traoMo, wormi, 'c. U will mr auaf a metlicml bill. It teaches tkiiNr , FREVS VERMIFUGE A ttmriy peiall 1sptd io th dcUcata Momsek of childhood. It hu emti ohtldre. for SO run.- Bottle hr C. A t. FIET, lAlTlMORE, MD. rate When a- man wants "a watch he wants one of ouri modern thin models that do not bulge the pocket, yet sacrificing none of the strength and time-keeping qualities of their' clumsy prede cessors. W. , C. CORRELL, Leading Jeweler. for his life. iThe rest of the chanter tells of Jonathan's interview with his father and the discouraging tidings he was compelled to convey to David. Saul's words to his own son and his at tempt to kill even him (verses 30-33) told too plainly what David's lot would ie if haul eot him in his Dower. Jmm thnn's leaving his father's table and hia subsequent fasting showed how deeply he felt the wrong done to Da vid. If we were as sensitive concern ing wrong said A or done to our Lord Jesus Christ and would refuse to stay tion. Paris ereen is heinir hnnorht !n a - large quantities to exterminate tbe in eects. Up to this week the outlook was exceptionally bright in this county, but the appearance of the worm is causing serious apprehension. cursing and ordered him to leave t wb, saying if he came down their row they would kill him. A policeman was standing by and did not so much as open his mouth, A few days later, on Sunday morning, August 2, Mr. Morse to cure. E. W. Groves' signature is on each box. 25o. . j lvev. ui, uoodman I'm so eorry j your husband isn't here, Mrs. Smith. I'm afraid you forgot to tell him I k ; tended to preach to-day on municipal problems. CASTOR I A Jf or lniants and CMldren. uU, " -u-g, ugU8, mr. Morso 4 , Mrg SmithIndeed T T was neanhe depot preaching io a crowd T08 Kind TOO HaVB AlWajS BODgbt told him that the last thing, but be m the street and a policman ordered .. i i' t . ; ". in the street and a policman ordered him to ceaee or he would yui him in the "lock-up." Has the time come when the police of Newbef n will protect Bears the Signature of .ama' would stay at home and read his Bible. Continues to m&Ke Miraculous Cur READ THIS LETTERi , AlHOlT A MtRACttU ; 4 '' 1 ' . rixo. a, c. Cf !. , la wh' .im (bt .wm :ri4 t to - atv v. to. It rIHiJ ! U wa aii W t rtM to) a atwt-a a ta4 I mu m Uf a . - ue4 mw as. I a a)MM a a W-t ft-, mnust Ta memm r aajr mtm a4 ! w h.M a4 ar1to4 . t v . aaa uat tmr. M trt4 i fwi 3iS p4i ? ta w M-.ataa.r Unt.Uo r-. a(t Ur. J f. S.". '. . tt t44ia.iryli-iia" ll.ri! ft tar4tcnaaat 1 tltu ll.lM tmtatm ia e hHU ' T" 1 Sr iM a:r tttlaaM . nMtlrlaw4arlMlUkMl-MMMl ..V j-"r- w rwaiTHu. I rvan -M.iratrtDI a. (. -"- nmiaiiim va i. awin, I cutnaut at o mwtus f- tMMaaM-44 tt Urat-a at4 tt kaa nrr tat at. . Wilt Mf fartfcf. it(tw.. t t ! atl ttM I r. . L,l."?t'f.fft,,tM.l,- wt m .k. .rr tra.f. Jut, AH Drigtr. ratot etpfvM rvj.Hl wn mt j 4 f, BobMtt Chemical C., - a tuuimof, KT Summer " Hot Springs, aaeaa ARKANSAS. ' "i m nut pnns ir llic u-mt, mt nuiiiiuci itain tuc lime, iter high up in t:e foot luUs bf the t2nrkn, intuits a , hghtful climate and every cotulituin which .!.t mo?t popuUir summer reiorts of the North is ii li.i , "Ytkllcy f Vajwrs." PJivsiciatis nre tinitnl in t i , that the vatcrs tire more Uneticial during the mi- . snn. '- Ono JPixjtg Jlx& $2.oo For the nuhl nip throughout the Write for booklets unit! OFi. II LKK. tS. tit.. D. U a. kii:atin, T. I'. A , 'l,.tr, ...... , D The KlndXou Have Always Dougkit, and which Im ., in ttlataat Aa Aataat aX - a m .. 1V ' years, nas borne the m ( f nd Las; Wen njiade utnler hu jwr- jyj&t' nal "UpcKlsion since 1U Inlan. y. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and 4 Just-an-pood " nr.- bm Szperiments that trifle with anil endanger the health ..r toanU and Cliildrcn-Exnericncjo afaUist KxiHrlni. m. What is CASTOR I A .am Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pan gorl Drops and Soot hlnff 8 jrupa. It Is Pioaannt. it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Niircoti, substance. Its agro is its guarantee. It destroys WorL and allays Feverishix. It eures Diarrluca and Wliul VolC'lt "lleves Teething Troubles, cures CoiiatliMitlou and 'Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the. rri?mrMnd.Bowels' BMn caMij and natural sleep. The Children's Panaeca-Tho Slothcr's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of a m w i - x - - in the company of those who ill treat j a 8aJoon man in cursing a preacher and aim, ii wouia ne only aoing rlglit In inreatemng to kill him, bnt will not ills Rlrnr In ttaaa ilnoi nlim av I . . . , ; J" " t permu a preacner to preach the jnuch shame and contempt are being Lf nn tha or.9 i Drtrnlrrjr Cared Wiiltonl ike Ald'of " a Oorlor, "I am just up from a hard spell of the nux" (flysentery) says Mr. T. A. Pinner, heaped upon our Lord 1 bv nreachera ana professors who pose as His friends it is well to act as Jonathan did to his own father and refuse to keen comna- ny with such despisers of God and His word. 23. And aa touching the matter which thou ana I have spoken of. behold, the LMra De Deiween uiee and me forever. Tbe Week End R.i. Remember the low round trio 5lr At a tsv at nn l, A..a"' i S081 sale on all trains Saturday and forenoon weU kuown merchant, of Drnmmoud, ' Sunday; ood to return Mondav rn. ! ?enn- "l nsed oue 6mall bottle of Are You rung Aiien Ft.Ease ig- Bates less than half. These rates ' u 8 . ' UboIera Shake into your shoes Allen's Fnnr- must be appreciated br i mav not ht ff Remedy ani WM cured without Ease,apowder. It cures Corns. Ban- offered next season. Tate a W dav ' if Ji , ; . c?n the . best . k ' . . .. . ' j-.cnuiKrameQicinein me world." Th ions, Painful. Smarting, Hot, Swollen rest and recreation in the mountains .oor. .u cm. uggisis a Liu snoe stores.aoc. Again as they parted after their much weeping jooauiaii used the same words, adding. "And between' my seed Name of the Cleveland Ribi. engineer and Fireman Killed. Th rmQ U f k n . T. 1,,.. a. . . ... """ U,u,a -cucroun 1Bwa jo. a mougn freight r.iean .v .,. train, the third stinn of V aa . ; .. - "iai gracious communion on many fishing and thy seed." So he relied on Da- Asheville to SDartanbnrir. ft' n ran - - 8 Lvid's faithfulness. And h m; tr.p ueeen me ei-neadent of the more may we rely nton the faithful- L , A'iuuuwa P- United and the venerable: actor ness of our Lord Jesus Christ and eod ' ; y' A,fngme &ua 1 coal who is beloved of all. Sued is the the Father! Do we fear the trials by wcre wrecs:ea near Melrose, the uewspaper report the way? God is faithfni." -whn win 1 exact place where Engineer Tnnaialia not suffer us to be tempted above that train was wreck several years ago' The tu ... - : we are able. Do we fear that sin shall engine and 11 cars a "a tnf.l t r:..The excUnS nemocraUc primary in qri .CDt.n3 5f.rom .H.Im? Piled ud and demolished in Uh ' Tap nominate a successor to .. .v DIU3t uc is laiuiiui . i - I out. a. n. ljoneino was not decisive and just to forgive us ouV sins and to Engineer J. H. Avenll.Jr., of Aseville, and the two iA- "J;. aecmve' cleanse us from all nnrht, and Fireman Hair f a.i.J.iii. . aDd lhe. tw leadlS candidates must risitttematterofblamelessnessiuthe killed and are under the wreckage and r o h " l day of our, Lord Jesus-Christ? God is rhot he fnnnd nntirTI , pme. In that State the Demo I faithful, by whom ye are called unto . w 1 U.DU lQe I wreclc 18 craUc nominaUon is. Of r.n lira A unnisa. th r n:. d t i . . i cieareu awav. Jiratpmnn vv ! k ska.i. ... ' , - V " j esu s wnnsi i f ' " T I lent to election. u. 1 1 u 1 1 1 ... rot. ii'ii n i inr ..... v . nuuauua . iiiu i.ilii ihitu iiit -r r . .mb.ui i W W J A ..n. n. 1 ... . . . 1. I juu. wuu aiso win ao ii cor. x. 13: i, y; i John 1, 9; t Thess. v. .23. 24). vnen uavia came to bis last hours. nis comfort was the faithfulness of God. ".Although my bouse be not so with God. yet He hath made with me an everlasting covenant, erdered In ail imngs ana sure" (II Sam. xxUi. 5) A large metfnr fell in t: A word in the hand is worth two in tory last week, which illumim.t . the ear, wide sectionof country. on Cnrea Eczema, IteblnsAliiniora, pnn piee and Carbo nelea. Coata ; Nothing to Try. .B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) ia a certain and, sure cure for eczema. ith ing skin, hnmors, scabs, scales, watery blisters, pimples, aching bones or joints, boils, carbuncles, prickling pain in the IrVI a m kr v. l Do not always receive the svmnflthTr otf.t;' vi-t-i they deserve. Their ailment, . ""1 . i"w vaaiuvu 4X3 ULLi til V iifvT tv ' r a? a?di avoidablel at their time of life. Disease and infirmity Li . . . , ... , . j i .wumiioi hi ways oe associ- ated with old age. The eye! of the graylhaired grasireP may be as bright and the compl&ni fair & his younger and more vigorous comoaniona 7 1 skin, old, eating sores,' ulcersetc. Bo- muscles .KteSS 11. ! 3t .!lthen?. 5 Df makes tie tame Blood Balm cures the worst and this life fluid ia polluted o? tnr f ?TO: bnt whea most deep-seated cases bynriching. elemente. thS tteS fa in premature old aw nt, ;Z a j T7 . T","i' 'ihih? shows itself in atTcot' pt upoa the body; and eWac aTd neulg conitent. accompanied with poor digestion and cold exSSes? ' w MT S pay vegetable, is the safest and ofif PUri,fier ,f; P16- " does not shock or W tie system like khe strong mineral remed ea SL!.!Ld,!d.tte blood and anments disappekr. improve a weak digestion and tone up the Stomach. If thei?te w-: SS? Et 7 remains of some disease cohtSedix Sfv will search it Out and remove vf j, r J 1, cany 1Ue . &. S. ; pnnrying v and vitalizing the Mnnrt thereby giving a healthy blood to the skin. Heals every sore and gives tne ncn glow or health to the skin Builds up the broken down hnAv make9 the blood .red add nourishing. Especially advised for chtjonic, old cases that doctors, patent medicines and W springs rau to cure. Drndgists, f 1, with complete curections for htime cure. To prove 15? B. B. cures, .sample sent free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co Atlanta; Ga, Describe trouble, and free mwuca advice sent in sealed letter. 1 Zr? an? "P10 evy vestige of it from the vW ' l nic ns iuiiy aoout your case and W e r,l,.:-:- '77- you. This will cost von Wt,,- -i " mJ .7"" aavise and help is no need of employing a doctor when tms remedy is used, for no doctor can prescribe a better medicine fipr bowel comDlaint in anv farm I " mvu AJl tllAA- a ouuud. is never rails and is pleasant to take. For sale by It. Marsh. . Deellne In Tobacco Prteea. The reports from all the tobacco markets in the state show that the de cline in prices, as compared with last season, is at least 5f per cent, thia lw. ing due to the trusU It was' exactly what the growers felt sure would hap pen when the British and i Americau truBta pooled last year. It remains to by seen whether the present 1 prices are remunerative or not. If they are not lhe farmers will do as .they did a few years ago that is, reduce the acreage so as io make it very small, and make tobneco what may be termed an inci dental crop. Ibeir hatred of the 4rust is very bitter. ' , A a " Ta J! oiftrra tn This Town. Children who are delicate, ferial, and cross wfll get immediate relief from Mother Gray Sweet Powders for Child ren. : Thev i. . " W DUJUJdL'll. HPT fWI the liver, making a sick child healthy. A certain cara fnr - I Sol4 by all druggists, 25c. Sample free. ! Address. Allen S mmif. " reu, A-AVHJ, a, X . I "UTLfrKI l Disihler! WlSSTOS-SaLEU, N. C. Ano- U! Sol B-nje and his wife and Katberine'1 BaushuM, -f Wilkes wnurty, have b.-en ' wuiujiiua io jail ou the charge of murdering BeojVg daughter Sarab, about February 28, 190f. 1 On March 21, 19&. the bod v of tK dead girl was found in a min nrnA i 1 the coroner's inquest it developed that there were many bruises on the girl showing- that she had been killed before being thrown into the pond. " Recently evidence has been discov ered implicating Ben je,; his wife and Katherine Baughuw in lhe crime '. . . - S7 aW aW The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. ' """ eraa. r awaaa itmit, mcw e4M arrv. NiMV oifolkgsWasiem 8chednle In efTnt J Throngli Train MI j, Chariotte ind T a "mm . .. , JKiuam jt Charlotte. Ho K-r xr .i 7.40 pmAr Koanoke Lv s-lsam and Philadelphia - eeper. Uoauke fUVp&y w. a. BEvrr.r. f. F. BUAOO, Trav. Paaa. awnt. Cer.l'aaa. Aa't, -usanoke, Va. Virginia College, For Young Lodles. Rojhh v,. oimi rp, si. iaa One r 1 1 N-honhi for V.rtjna lAdlf n Id- huiidina-a. piano ami e4ulii-,t trn aortal. Grand noantaln m--i-i--u7 of Iriflnia. famed for tiMitii ' ' tory advautairM In Art, Muir hu '. i rttnoatMi Weiieaiey. wucl.ui htatea. For atakirua ald r.. j MATTI BP. MAKKH. IT. l:..i: tousc. Dizzy? Headache? Pa? ack of your eyes? It's uJf liver! Use Ayer's Pi IK rflNYROYAL PILLS Want your moustache cr t-jarj bcantlfnl tnrra cr rich tiac ? i Buckingham's Dye M) draff.) ' ,- wcM Ma lali a4 R.xr r c' ,7 . ' -""c.ii ..... . . TTT FOR FALL SOWING. E!n.'lDd Gari whode re the latest and fullest Isforma uon about " Vegetable end Farm Seeds SdTSrtlS16 fM,T Wood's New thefall planting of Lettuce, Cab. bt? cd olh r Vegetal crops which are proving ao prolitable to southern growers. Also about - Crimson Clover, VetcEes, Grasses and Clovers, Sad Oats, Wlieat, Kft, uarley, etc Wood'. New Fall Catalogue mailed free on request Write for it T T.W.W00D&S0HS, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Women .A. Comerva tory of Music HW Best Place1 Tor Your Daughter u of k. r. m;;s:i.i . - m nii a arm w m 1 'Birnr.u I V W. C. College Courses Add"-.i. Jas.Dtnidai llAi; HALS;' CWr.l aJi U-: GLbirrns Connty, Enper) i. 1 tall. Ivfniljiil The defendant ahov narocd i;e tUat ha plaintiff aiK- i. brought a rti-U action aaliit fun; ' irom tbe bond of aatri(uiiv. i . nuimona returnable to tb. n-!' ' . the .superior curt to be lu-ld fir ' ) of Canarrue at the coart houw in' the laat Monday In Auku. V- fendaiit ia farther nottflcwl that if ' appear and armwer r dmur c. i plal3twhfrli,wlll be Bind before U tlon f tnls notlcre. u-i,f rnenr. , deredfortlie relief detuaMlwi m i plaint. J.NO.-.M ' - , '- Clerk Suiri. r JnlT 23-4w. . To prevent La Grippe take a d. n Ir. Mdea' Rcstoraiivi Nervioe d.l

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