TIMES Comas TwioeSvery Week and tbaPrioa Eu Twice the Circulation of any Paper "o Pdilished In the County. H to Only One Dollar Tolun B. SherriU, Editor and Owner. PUBLISHED TWICE A. WEEK. $1.00 a Tear, in Advance. a, soar. i Volume XXII. Concord, N. C, October 25. 1904. Number 34. v rm Closing Out Cash Sale In order to convert our entirestock of goods into the cash we win sen i COST .A.0? from now until our stock of good 9 is entirely dis- posed of. We have a good line of .. SSODSS also a general line of Hjarj and Fancy Groceries Store fixtures included in this sale. Now is your, chance to get some rare bargains. Everything .i Strictly Cash cn Delivery.. If you you owe us anything please let as hye it at once. Respectfully, Biggers Brothers Oct. T-lm. " ioo PUSHELS SEED RY ; 01.00 Per BUSHEL... 20 Bushels Seed Gray Virginia Oats 65 Cents per Bushel F. B. McKINNE Dr. Davis' Chill Killer The original Chill Killer of Dr. Davis is guaran teed to kill chills or mon ey refunded. This is not an experiment, but a certainty. At least a hundred chill victims in and around Con cord (people; you . know) have been cured As a tonic nothing in tne market is superior". 1 ry it Gibson Drug Store II 1 HHEIS We want to buy your produce and will give you 20c per dozen for eggs. . ' , 10c to 25c for chickens. 65 to 80 cents for Irish Pota toes. 50 to 60 cents for sweet pota toes. , 1 to lV6c per pound for cab bage. 10 to 15c per pound for butter. 40 to 60c per bushel for apples. 75 to 90c for Onions. We have recently added a line of Dry Goods and Notions and can give you most anything you want in exchange for your pro duce." D. J. BOSTCc CO. O. O. Btobmond. Tbo. W. 8mlth. G. G. RICHMOND & CO. 1882 1904. GtliEl lffi OFFICE. Carrying all lines of business. Companies all sound alter Bal timore fire We thank you for past favors, and ask a continuance of your business. Rear room City Hall. ROYAL. Poultry Mixture rheOestintheWorld It keeps poultry healthy apd makes them lay. FOR BA LB BF PA. Honeycutt & Company, GIBSON MILL. 1 ZZZiiiijii T i cunts WNtHt All IlA fails. I I Beat i'uueh Brrup. Tasu-s Guud. Vm I I I In time. Sold by driiirir:ti. $s 1 1 MS. PARKER'S C0MMl5T "The governmental expenditure-last year mounted up to five hundred and eighty-two millions, which is not equal- lea by any year since the civil war, with the exception of the year of the Spanish war. Instead of a surplus in the annual receipts of about eight millions, which the present executive found on assuming control, there is now a deficit to be found of forty-two millions. There is an in evitable result to such extravagance." Judge Parker's sgeech to the democratic editors. HI. ROOSEVEIXS OUBEH "By direction otht President, okial$ will neither discuss nor rivt out tnr in formation rerardinrthe annual estimates until further orders." Order issued yesterday by President Roosevelt to heads of departments at Washington. , from tha , New York Herald. THE REAL ROOSEVELT. During these times of high prices on feed stuffs is easily the best and cheapest. Analvsis of the State Chemist, of Pro tein 12.37 per cent, and Fat 13.44 per cent , stamps it the best meat-building and fat-producing article on the market to-day. . When buying Hire Meal Insist upon being fur Dished wltb foods bearing the tax tag of the Ht-tte of North Carolina with tilce Meal ana manufacturers' name on the back, refusing Inferior substitutes without tans. Our good -are always packed In uniform weight 1(10-pound bates, and If your dealer cannot supply what vouneed, send ma name and write for quotations to tbe manufacturers, - . , : CAROLINA RICE. MILLS, G0LDSB0R0, N. C, I OR CONCORD WHOLESALE GROCERY CO., " t - WOn CNDECIBBD KTWEE1V TWO HUSBANDS. Oct 21-3 mos. DO YOU WAIT THE WORTH OF-YOUR :CALL AT THE BELL & HARRIS Furniture Store... We have the completest line of Heaters and Cook Stoves ever shown in Concord. Heaters $1.50 to $20.00. Ranges and CookStoves $7.50 to $60.00. Take n look and be convinced. Yours to please, Bell & harris Furniture Co.' Store 'Phone 12. Residence 'Phone 90. Chesapeake Sf (Ohio (Railway, WORLD'S FAIR 8CENIC ROUTE SAINT LOU 18, fO. Shortest. Ouirkest nnrl Best Route. Qstihnled. Electric-Lighted Trains with Pullman Sleepers and Dining Cars. i nrougn ticketajrom North Carolina with direct connections. Special rate, for Season, Sixty cQ-ifteen Day Tickets. rgjeen aay tickets lrom Uoncord, N. C, J24.45. Sleeping car accommodation, engaged upon application. SPECIAL COACH EXCURSIONS on authorized dates, tickets (rood for ten diys at rate of $18.15. Special accommodation, arraneerl for nartiea. Cmreanondinplv low rate, from other stations. Stop-overs permitted within limit at C. & O. celebrated mountain resorts. Use the C. & O. Route and purchase your tickets accordingly. For coach excursion dates, reservations and other information, address j W. O. WjVKTH BN, D. P. A., C. O. E'y, I . Rkbaoad, Va. 1 One She Tnoncht BfNl Cone. Back an He ana I.ail.baaa Ooxo '' Carl. " Union, B. C , Dispatch. "What shall I dor Both these men are my husbands! Not that I lore Jim the lest, but that I love Lump more," said Mrs. Turner Lowe, as in the pres enoe of Magistrate J. W. Bates, of Jonesville, few .days ago, she brokenly asktd tbe question and then burst into tears, the two men standing on either side also weeping silently. - It was a startling and unusual titua tion for any woman and magistrate too, for that matter to be in, and while he deliberated the woman told her story about as follows: She was a Miss Evins from near Rich Hill, and married Jim Turner several years (go. He left ber. She heard he bad been killed by a soda fountain ex ploding. She mourned bis demise for a year, then came Lamp Lowe tod happiness into her life again. Lowe it 22 years old, Turner about 35, and her age, which having been married twice she does not attempt to conceal, is 26. She bad been married to Lowe for one year and both of them bad worked in the spinning room of the Jonesville Manufacturing Company for some time, but little seems to be known of them. Then came Turner, who il seems baa no occupation, as it wen from the dead. Consternation prevail ed, and three hearts that had beat at one ached in a manner not to be de scribed. "What shall I do," she tearfully re peated. And Magistrate Bates, knowing thai only iu far Thibet was one woman per mitted to have as many husbands tr she liked, and that that couutry had never been penetrated by three living persons and they were men, delivered himself thus: ' "Go to North Carolina. Get a divorr from Turn r, and live thereafter with Lowe, for when" marrying, bim you thought he was your only living hus band." When he bad spoken Turner weni out on tbe street. There be was seen crying. Presently be called to the. former Mrs. Turner. She went to him Together they wept. Then the return ed and informed ber spouse No. 2 that bis presence was desired. When the two men met, it was, not with angry words and blows. Their tears mingled freely, one weeping for what he had lost, the other evidences fail to reveal the fact that it was for what he had gained it wat out of sympathy for bis pre- deceeaDr in matters matrimonial. Here the story ends, so far as tbe Jonesville folks know, except that nexl morning Mr. Co we boarded tbe train with the supposed intention of going to see her brother, reported to live neai Rich Hill, but an inquiry about ber of well known person there, failed to produce any information. Turner's whereabouts are not known. Lowe, the next day, it it said, left on a train bound in the same direction,' and it ATB UNTIL, HI DIED. a.ia to h Pannd. or BecVln HO Hour. The New York Worl publishes a dispatch from Dubuque, Iowa, which says : 0 "Determined to sustain his reputa tion as the ohampion eater of the world Philip Melloy, a local character, is dead at the result of devouring 85 pounds c f raw beef in 20 hours. When physi cians examined bit stomach they pro nounced it three times its normal size and so much inflamed that it resembled raw beef. "Melloy died in terrible agony. Tbe doctors stated that death was due to a rupture of one of the large blood vessels leading into the lungs. Melloy made a wager that be could eat 85 pounds of raw b.'ef in 20 hours According 'to the terms of the wager, Melloy was to bfi locked in a room and remain there until he accomplished the feat. A guard was stationed outside the door. Melloy emerged from the room at the expiration of 19 hours, snd the man who stood watch was dura- founded to Sod only the banes of tbe beef left. "Melloy felt elated over his success and took tbe party to a nearby restau rant, where be ate three cns Of salmon and two large apple pies. "Melloy had been an extraordinary eater for years. Two weeks ago he sucked 13 dozen eggs in SO minutet and then ate 15 cans of salmon in two hours. Recently several of the young iports of the town took Melloy to a restaura-it couduuUd by a German, ho offered to give 'Melloy all the food be cmld eat for 1. Melloy ordered rive porterhouse steaks aiad six mine- pies aud devoured them all to Im ban one hour. He whs formirly s prosperous merchant and was married Sve times." The Surgeon General of the army has concurred in the recommendation of General Grant that John J. Smith, a member of tbe United States army Upepital corps, stationed at Fort Mott, a. J., who is eajv to have mamed a negreC, be discharged from tbe army "for the good of the service." quoted as remarking: "She is my wife and Turner shan't have her." Am Inaporjca enter ot Police Under the above heading, Tbe Wil mington Star has the following edi torial: "Two chiefs of police having been killed by desperate criminals at Shelby, that office apparently went beg ging so far as home material wat con cerned. The consequence wat that the Shelby authorities looked elsewhere for chief, and picked up one in Har vey Jetton, who has been on the Charlotte police force for more than twenty yes, it seems to us. He has gone to bit new post of duty, and danger, perhaps; but knowing Har vey, we are rather inclined to believe that if there it another funeral at Shelby on account of pistol shot, it won't be Harvey's funeral at all. He goes quietly about bit butineea and has a good eye for 'monkey' tricks. Shelby hat imported tbe right article, and be't worthy all the tariff charges tbe will bave to pay on bim." A Tnaaahtrnl Ulan. M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind., knew what to do in the hour of neet). His wife had snch an unusual cane of stomach and liver trouble, physicians could not help her. Ha thought of and tried Dr. King's New Life Pills and she got relief at occe and waa finally cored. Only 25c, at all druggist. 1 Fonll.li ralrlc to Vanity In thr Case of c lillrirrn. Kaleiifh Times. One of the many unfortunate results f this straining for wealth and the appearance of it is to make extremely selfish the young women for whom such superhuman efforts are msde. When girl knows that all in her family make sacrifijes to give her that which they cannot afford, and when she knows that others so without neces sities in order that she may have lux uries, she begins to think, sfier awhile, that she must be somebody tf greal importance, and that everything must point toward her and all the family arrangements be made with reference to her comfort and convenience Too often she becomes dissatisfied with he humble surroundings, and thinks ber home a bore, a place to bo avoided as much as possible. Not loDg ago we heard a young woman of this kind actually say that she wasa8hamed of her home, although her mother had made untold sacrifices for her, and bad robbed herself and her home of many things they should have bad, in-order to aoaMe ber daughter to make a tiae appearance, this catering to vanity is what ruins many wrmen and makes selfish wives. Wasted opportunities are usualljaj those that go to the wrong people. - First-Class Accommodations to Fastidious People. Tb. In.ld. Inn Cater, to Swelldom a . Well a. tbo Great Deanjpcracv- -The favored few lb whonf monev is no nhir. but wliu want Die best of evervtlitnir and wish to enjoy the World's Fair under the most advant- uceou comtitionN, and their wants luiiniratily -aterod lo bv tt.e iiianairenient of this ruinous hostelry. Kuutous rooms with bath, well fur nihf U. an excellent eiiisiue, nroinnt service iid every possible attention can be enovei, while the convenience of neliis; riejit ut hoiiie after a tiring afternoon iu the grounds, dressing for din uer and then retiirtiiiur to liis festivities of the eveninc without any tiresome Joui nev, has been jreciated by every guest. ii spite of the enormous number of vUilora who have avAiled themselves of the comfort h and convenience of the Inside Inn, the big hotel has successfully entertained all who have applied for its hospitality, without overcrowding or dis comfort. Tlie rates varv from tl.50 to SS..W per day on the Huropean plan, and from S3 00 to 7.cJ on the American plan. Keservatlons can be made up to lleeeinlier 1st, and a postal card addressed lo the Inside Inn, World's Kair Orounds, St. uitiis, will bring Interesting details. i GENUINE is highly recommended bthe North Carolina Department of Agriculture Every ton of PERUVIAN contains more than SIX HUNDRED POUNDS OF PLANT, F90D If you use PERUVIAN once, you will want no more manufactured chemical fertilizers, which do your land no PERMANENT GOOD . For additional information, write to SMITH-DAVIS CO., WILMINGTON, N. C. i FOR SALE BY CANNON & FETZEH CO., Concord, IT. C. NEWBRO'S HERPICID& The Oriffiual Remedy that "kills the Dandruff Germ." Vf vnT3?t '"'.ismyjA, , , s&MLrnlCW"?'- ' "s Halalnf a Corruption rand. Salisbury, N, C, Oot. 20. The Salisbury Sun yesterday afternoon ex posed scheme which is alleged to have been planned by the Republican leaders of this congressional district to raise a big turn of money to be used in the campaign with the hope of electing Blackburn over Newland, tbe Demo cratic nominee. The plan is to exact large contributions from tbe distillers and wholesale and retail whieky dealers in Salisbury, who in turn are yomised favors on the part of Blackburn in the event of his election. While it is known that a large amount of money bat been raised the total is not known, but it is said that it will reach several thousand dollars. Family connections are the ones we wish we didn't have; relatives are those we are proud of. Mateo a riean Im,. There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the salves yon em heard of, Bocklen's Arnica Salve ia tbe best. ' It sweeps away and caret Barns, Sores, Braises, Cats, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruption, and Piles. It's only Z5C, and gvaraateed to girs t.tisf action by all Better Than Pill.. The question hat been asked in what way are Chamberlain . Stomach and Liver Liver Tablets superior to the ordi nary cathartic and liver pills? Onr an swer is they are easier and more pleas ant to take and their effect is so gentle and so agreeable that one hardly realizes that it is produced wr a medicine. Then they not only more the bowels bnt im prove the appetite and aid the digestion. For aale at iMeuts per bottle at M. L. Marsh. The Southern railway is now operat ing regular trains on eighty 6ve milts of its new double track, between Wash ington and Orange, Va. If troubled with a weak digestion try Chamberlain'a Stomach aud Liver Tablets. They will do yon good. For sale by M. L. Marsh. I THE HUNTERS CAME TOO LATE Their Faithful Dog has pointed out the True Bemedy to Prevent Baldness, but the Hunters came too late-Chronio Baldness is incurable. HERPICIDE A "HAIR-SAVER." Newbro's Herpicide saves the hair by destroying the Rerm or microbe that is now known to be the cause of dandruff, falling hair and baldness. In chronio bald ness the hair follicles are completely atrophied, causing the scalp to shriuk aud shine ; little can be done in snch canes except to save the remaining "fringe," aud this is well worth saving, for it offers some protection against the cold. The "Hair Grower" is a fallacy. It requires but a slight knowledge of Anatomy to know that tbe hair gets its life and strength from the hair-papilla at the bottom of the bair follicle,- and the papilla in turn gets its nour ishment direct from the blood ; therefore, nature is the only true hair grower. There are enemies of hair growth that cause hair loss and baldniss. Invisible microbic growths enter the sbaceons glands, situated at the top of the hair follicles (Dr. Sabourand, of Paris, says the microbe usually enters the scalp in yonth) where one colony after another is established, until finally, after months and sometimes years, there is dan draff, itching scalp and falling hair. The Sebnm also solidifies, causing dry, lustreless and brittle hair. De stroy this microbe growth with Newbro's Herpicide aud protect the bair against re-infection, aud it will grow as nature intended. Newbro's Herpicide is a Twentieth Century Remedy. JUL. Its mission is to teach new rules 'for scalp cleanliness, new rales for hair preservation aud to supply a germ-. destroying solution that will enable careful persons to have beautiful and luxuriant hair. Almost marvelous results follow the use of Herpicide, and if it does not do more than we claim for it, your dealer will refund your purchase price. As a hair dressing it is truly exqnisite, on account of its dainty and refreshing odor, which is characteristic. It c ufiims no oil, grease or sedementary substauce, neither does it stain nor dye the hair. Stops itching of the scalp almost instantly. Recommends It to Friends. "I wish to say that I have nsed Herpicide and think it is very good. - Have recommended it to quite a num ber of my lady and gentlemen friends." (Signed) H. J. FORDSICK. Memphis,, Ten n. Physician Cures Bad Case with Herpicide. "I have nsed Herpicide with excellent results in a case of dandruff. I have employed the remedy in some very bad cases, with uniformly good results." (Signed) DOUGLASS CALKINS, M. D. Knoxville, Tenn. .. 3 AlFUSXX, Special J.&GYlt. At Srus; Btorea, ftX.OO. fend 10 cent, in atamps tor sample to THE HBKPICIDB CO., Dept. L., Detroit, Midi. flTMDfT1T3-htr PT1TTT1 riATTCTI VrtTT n-WTUmtTl? WTTTP WWrHT - -- - - - - '.'' .'.-.'....'.'.''.' '...'.-..rTv''rvV7v Be sure to see our FALL LINE OF... FURNITURE Buck's Stoves will last a life time. They are popu ular because of the satisfactory re sults given. Inspect our line before buying. Prices low. White enamel lining to on doors and oven racks. The pessimist never expects ai yt ling to turn out right, for fear be will b? : i lit I i r t drafftat. . jfoslitl. 9f9- w;f)