The Concord Times. Pususms Tuftsin o Fiimti B1 rf9HN S. H ERR ILL, CMTM ANPROMKTOa Chairman Cowherd of the Demo r.rttie ConirretaiODal Committee, ha received a letter from Hon. William J Bryan iiMiringbim that Indiana is now at for Parker and Davia. Mr. Bryan ay there if little or do disaffection imaif the ailver Democrat and that m there ii no reaaon for the gold Demo crat to be dissatisfied. "The eridenoes of unity and . enthuBiae m among the Democrats." savs Mr. Bavan, "are eo plentiful that it seema that the xonly hope of Republican lucces liea in their ability to poll the entire doubtful rote of the 8tate." Mr. Bryan has recently written a magazine article expounding hia fiewt at to why young men ahould Tote for Parker. la the November number of Every body'! Magazine, in bit article on "Frenzied Finance." Thomat W. Laweon tayt: "It it an indignity that any free American should be compelled to vote for a man for the Presidency of the United States who would in any way oonntenanoe so bad a man at Addickt; and I would admit that if thit were an ordiDry national election I mean by ' tf2inary' an election where both the leading parties stood at they usually do, for honest Americanisms but of different, brands Theodore Roosevelt should he defeated for thit one act alone." In hia ipeecb at New York last Fri day night Hon. Grover Cleveland said : "I believe we have fallen upon days when, more than ever, the enforcement jrt JmocraUp doctrine and the accepta tion 01 Democratic conservatism ana steadiness are needed if our national greatness and the well-being of our people are to be put beyond jeopardy, FABAGBArHS. The Episcopal convention in Boston did not teem to be able to untangle the divorce problem any better than the divorce courts do. - An army officer married a "cullud" lady and wat recommended for dismis sal by hit superior officer. President Roosevelt has not acted upon his recom mendation yet, and it is thought he contemplates inviting them to spend at least part of their honeymoon in the White House. During the first few weeks of the campaign, the Republicans charged Bryan with being insincere in hit tup port of Parker, but since he routed the Indiana Republicans, they have changed their minds very materially. ' A Chicago Judge decided that a man who left Dowie 150,000 in hit will, and failed to provide for hia family, was in sane. We agree with the Judge. Port Arthur not only refuses to fall; it declines to stumble even. ' The cost of the Army and Navy hat increased nearly 9600,000,0000 in the last fire year. Thit it due to the im perialistic toy the Republicans have given us in the shape of the Philippine Islands. After the 4th of March next Mr. Roosevelt can go back to writing books. Tw.Hwa)ra4 Flllr-alx Ex pence for Parker. The Brooklyn Eagle publishes the first statement of the convention of the Democratic managers that Parker will receive 250 votes in the electoral col lege. Solid South and New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Delaware, Mary land, West Virginia, Indiana, Mon tana, Colordo, Idaho and Wyoming. The belief comet from a careful can vass of pluralities on New York, 30,- 000. Indiana, 15,000, New York State ticket, 60,000, Wisconsin and Wash ington hopeful, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, .doubtful. The statement is given out because the party hat been depressed by the desperate claims of Republicans. The campaign hat been a atill hunt and only the managers knew the true situation. The Eagle Claims to have knowledge of the inner facts and publishes them without the content of the Democratic managem, Two hundred and thirty-nine elec toral votes are necessary to a choice, tbe total being 476. TBI ! Aaala.te ReMUflrt la Crt ver Clcvelant'a Speech. Here it the sentence in Grover Cleve land's speech in New York Friday night which called forth the most en thusiastic applause: "The know that their country's pros perity, like the rains of heaven which freshen and beautify the ornamental lawn and at the same time -make productive the farm and garden, ahould be distributed among all the people in every station of life; and they will challenge the claim of a party which boasta of a property it has wrought which gives to ita pampered favorites added opportunities to increase their riches, while the poor and those who toil wait like Lazarus to be fed from the crumbs which fall from the rich rittST HB.VlorAV.ATIC STATEMENT KT-tTtt ultra. Natloaal Comaalttea Keparta Aaaur aaea ar dmS aaajarlttaa la New Vara. New Jeraer, Caaaeelicat, rflajut, BMlawar. Wee Vll-1 la ake) laalaaa a a laa majar II, It Nat All, af Ike Hack Xi- lala Electoral Tola. New Yoke. Oct. 23. A statement was given out to-day by the Democratic national committee after a consulta tion between Thomas Taggart, chair man; William F. Sheehan, chairman of the executive committee, and De lancy Nicoll, chairman for the East It says: "We have made' no formal etategynt concerning the political situ ationliefore this time, because the material upon which alone the correct judgment could be formed was not at hand. "Our effort during the past three month hav been devoted to the task of organizing and harmonizing the party in the States hitherto considered doubtful by reason of former dissen sions. That work is now finished, and it is impossible for the first time to reach a conclusion based upon a sys tematic canvass, which can never be satisfactorily made until after organize' tion is completed and the organization has well progressed. In every State and in all sections, Democrats have buried their differences and are working harmoniously and enthusiastically for the ticket. Our canvass shows that scarcely anywhere it there a trace of the dissensions which for the past eight years haa unhappily divided the party. In the States of New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Indiana, Maryland, Dela ware, West Virginia and in many of the Western States our organization is more complete and effective than ever before in the history of the party. Candidates for Governor who stand for the very highest type of citizenship and represent popular local Democratic issues in all these doubtful States are greatly aiding the national ticket by their energetic campaign. 'Our canvass shows that we shall certainly carry by good majorities the States of New York, New Jersey, Con necticut, Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia and Indiana, and that in ad dition those electoral votes we shall have the majority, if .not all, of the electoral votes of the Rocky Mountain States. It is impossible at this juncture to predict the outcome in Wisconsin. 'Illinois must also be classed in the doubtful column, for although at this moment our canvass there is imperfect, it is sufficiently advanced to indicate an unmistakable Republican defection." Wilmington is on the point of follow ing New Orleans in substituting white labor O negro labor at the wbarve. The first installment nf 150 Italiana to do work at longshoremen hat arrived O and it is thought that the problem will be solved. There it no abatement of the fever situation at the Thomasville orphanage. There have been 65 case; 88 have been discharged and 25 are in the infirmary, New cases are constantly occuring but ud to this time there have been but two deaths. 160 Heaa norlar. Charlotte Observer. 'Squire D. G. Maxwell has recently presided over an interesting legal transaction. Mr. J. A. Hartis, a well known blind man of this city, recently gave a note to Mr. Andrew Martin for $40, payable in six months after date. A chattel mortgage was then made out, in which. 160 hens were specified tt se curity for payment. This is an aver age of 25 cent per hen. None of your big-jointed, splay-footed, cragg!e-tailed old roosters in the bunch, but 160 hens, strictly. This is as good security at one would want at thit season of the year, for about this time, a strict investigation would show that what the bill of fare calls spring chicken is really some old Friesland rooster who hat earned a precarious livelihood and who, judging by bit well developed muscle, mutt have lived an athletic ex A fireat Seaaatlaa. There was a biff sensation in Leesville, Ind., when W. H. Brown of that place who was expected to die, bad his life aved by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. He writes : "I endured insufferable agonies from Asthma but your New Discovery gave me immediate relief and soon thereafter effected a com pletecnre. Similar cures of Consump tion, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and Grip are numerous. It's the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Price 60c, and $1,000. Guaranteed by all druggists. Trial bottles free. The Raleigh dispensary baa broken all records for sales last week. During two days it talet amounted to f 2 60 a minute. So much North Carolina it now prohibition territory that persons who drink look with delight upon the dispensary. One morning before it opened, the opening time being tun- rise, over 600 people were in line in order to be in time for their booze. The Southern Railway, it it reported, it preparing to lengthen the three safety switches on the heavy grade on Saluda Mountain. It will be remem bered that a few weeks ago passenger train No. 14 from Asheville to Spartan burg ran away on the grade, the train being from under the control of the brakes for the entire length of the frade. The engine over-ran the length of tne awitcn ana rouea over at ine terminus, hence the decision of the Southern to build the three safety switches to a greater length. While making some repairs to a barn near Wilmington on the old Register place at Wbiteville several dayt ago, Mr. J. L. Britton, recent purchaser of the property, found a gold watch, the property of Jesse Sole, who was robbed, murdered and burned in Columbus county more than a year ago. Jim Stanley, colored, who was in the house with Soles, met a similar fate. Jabel Register was hung last February for the double murder and hit father it now serving a life sentence in the pen itentiary at an accomplice to the crime. Jabel went to the gallows protesting his innocence. The discovery of the watch, which wat well concealed in the barn, removes all doubt of the right man having been made to suffer for the blackest crime ever committed in Co lumbus county. a l,eaaea Have Amfm." I Bebux, Oct, 23. CoL Gaedke, war correspondent of the Tageblatt, tele- glwph to-day from Mukden While atumping out in Indiana Mr. Bryan likened himself to the Aaron Th. Ruariao. loaatthtv. been frighJ "d ,ad P"k" ,0 h ful. Single regiment bare at few at eight hundred Jnen left? The Yiborg Regiment, of which Emrjeror Wiliam i honorary colonel, lost twenty officer and three hundred men killed. The feeling it accordingly grave, "No ecd it viaibl of the ghattlv laughter. ' "Both armiea are much fatigued. They occupy positions in dote contact. Only an occasional shot breaks the stillness. "A general Russian attack appeared to have been planned for Thursday night, but a freahet in the Shakhe River prevented it." The correspondent then proceeds to comment on the situation thus: "o skill in leadership can bring victory in the present struggle, but only the firmer will of the commander and hit troop. The wound- are much' more dangerous now than formerly. Thit it partly due to the use of the old style Japanese rifles, with their flat tened, copper covered bullet and partly, to the thicker clothing of the soldieree" A despatch to the Lokal-Anaeiger from Mukden to-day sayt the Eighth Russian Army Corp bat arrived there,. and that Gen. Kuropaikin will make new plana immediately. CENKMAL NEWS. Democracy. , . In a fight Th the barber a hop of a well-known hotel Jo Atlanta batarday eight W. R. HoDen wat killed bv Sam F. Ring, byoeing stabbed through the beart with a pair of scissors. Both men were barbers. The special board appointed to ap praise the damages suffered by farmera near Manassas at a result of the ma noeuver ha completed it work, placing the total at 113,700 which it much lets than was expected. A train of lis cart on the New York Central Railroad made the run from Albany to New York, 143 mile in 142 minutes, an average of 60.42 miles an hour. The engineer was trying to make up an hour and ten minute, and lacked only seven minute of doing it, inre muet oi tne run were made a the rate of 105 mile an hour. Saiardaj'e Bveale la Ik Far Baal. Another day ha passed without development of importance in the Man- churian war zone, except an official Russian report that the Japanese on October 20, evacuated the village of Shakhe. A dispatch from Mukden, however, tayt that there it every indi cation that the battle will be resumed soon. Beyond the .general statement that Kuropitkin's front entendl over a line twelve and one half mile in length south of Mukden, supported by strong fortifications on the Hub river, little or no light is thrown by to-day's advices in the general position of opposing armies. Official figure on the casual ties of the ten day' battle of Shakhe river are still lacking, but a Mukden correspondent estimated the total loss on both sides at eighty thousand. The Russian advices say that the impending battle will be decisive. Letter la C. O. tilllva, Cearor, H. C Dear Sir: Two year ago, Mr. Grant Smith, Erie, Pa., painted three frame bouses, and the woodwork of a brick house. The painter estimated 1116 50 for the paint, lead-and-oiL - He bought Devoe $97.40 and return ed $11 60. Saved $31.10 on the paint Don't know the cost of the work. By the rule, the saving of labor would be from $60 to $90. On all, from $90 to $120. This is the tale, a it come from Messrs N. F. Nick & Son, our agent there for 40 years! Your truly, F. W. Devoe Co. P. 8. Yorke & Wadworth Co., sell our paint Coitoa Halee far els Ceaie. Official report made by several thou sand North Carolina farmers to the State Labor Commissioow show that this season the cost of producing cotton has been a trifle over 6 oentqQa pound on an average in Aorth Carolina, in which cotton is grown in seventy out of the ninety-seven counties. In some cases the cost is a much as 7 cent to produce it TVtn't ttrtrat t V, a t tka MffialMtiAn f Bzaaelaa Caeaalilee o,eoo. Tokio, Oct 23 Manchurian head quarters, reporting by telegraph yester day, tayt the number of Russian dead found on the battlefield and interred up to October 22, makes a total of 105, 650. Upon thit total, Russian casual ties are estimated to exceed 60,000, The Japanese captured a total of 45 guns during the Shakhe operation. The report of the Manchurian head quarter follows: "Prisoners, about 60; enemy's dead left on the field, 10,500; guns, 85; 27 smmunition wagons; 6,547 rifles; 78, 000 small arms ammunition; number swords, shovels, axes and tent. Be sides the enumerated property, the uncounted property, extending over a territory of 25 miles, will reach an enormous quantity. "The enemy' dead it being interred with military honor. "According to the pumber of dead, the Russian casualties are estimated at over 60,000." Hvale'a aioaaach Tablet. Rydales Stomach Tablet are made for the Stomach and organt of assimila tion and are not intended for a "cure all." They contain concentrated aseplic, Pepsin, Pure Pancreatin and other di gestive agents. They contain powerful tonic and mild stimulants that have a specific effect on the Stomach and organt of assimulation and which aid nature in reconstructing the broken down cells and strengthening the flacid muscle of the wall of the stomach and other digestive organs. Rydales Stomach Tablets, are a perfect stomach medicine; they relieve at once and soon cure the worst forms of stomach trouble. Price 25 and 50cta. a box. D. D. JoHnson. Some women who claim to be under 30 talk like 60. DR. J. A. WHITE, DEHTIST. once over Correll'i Jewelry Store COKCOKD, H. C. Harrta a Secaa Tlaaa. Ly.nchbi'ro, Va Oct 22. William J. Doyle, a New York actor, who last June married Mis Hettie Lee Andrews, of Greensboro, N. C, at Tonawanda, N. Y.t was remarried to her thit after noon by Dr. W. L. Pickard, of the Baptist Church. Mr. Doyle and hit wife were on their way to her home in Greensboro and the wife lost her mar riage certificate. She announced that she would not go home without a cer tificate, and in order to satisfy her, Mr. Doyle left the train here, procured a license, and they were married again in time to catch the next train for Greensboro, where they will visit tome time. Tk HeraJd'a Freellellea. The New York Herald tayt that Mr. Roosevelt's election appear to be prob able. But then, The Herald haa failed at a prognotticator more often than it hat been correct. It is remembered, for instance, that only a few dayt before the last muni cipal election in New York, the Herald predicted that McClellan would be utterly overwhelmed in the mayoralty contest Rut be was elected by a ma jority of more than 65,000. vatlaa la Ike Create el afLlTlas If. erala. New York, Oct. 22. Ex President Cleveland made hi appearance in the campaign in the Carnegie Hall last night and got a reception which c only be described a semi-delirious in its enthusiasm. A Mr. Cleveland moved down toward the stage terrific roar broke from the men and the women in the audience seemed to grow hysterical. Mr. Cleveland, who wat seated in a center box facing the stage, looked down on the wild scene and teemed to be bewildered by it, and in deed Mr. Cleveland himself wat to a certain extent All through the former President' speech the ovation contin ued. When former Secretary Carlisle, in hi address, in referring to ailver, aid: "There sit the man," the au dience took up the old uproar, again and showed sign of keeping it up for another quarter of an hour. Chairman Price is highly please! at the reports brought in by the several men placed in various part of the ciunty the past few dayt. The cam paign it well in hand and indication point to safe Democrat majorities, witivj possible increase over two year ago. This county expect to give Newland a round 600 majority over .Blackburn. Albemarle Enterprise. The kind of garment women speak of in the plural, are mostly the kind they don't speak of. The man who tak shop dislike to have bit wife talk abopping. D, P, DIMLT & BRO'S You will find some special , good values in Dress Goods and Trimmings Our Shower Proof Goods in blue and black and browns 50c to 75c per yard. In Black Dress Goods we claim that our line cannot be surpassed. We have a full line of other fashionable Dress Goods at the popular prce, 50c. In Table Linen it is given up by the good women of Concord that our line and prices surpass anything in town. . . , Lace Collars. We have just received a big line of Lace Collars, up to the minute styles. When you want a real good pair of Ladies' Kid Gloves let us show you our line. Black Petticoats. When you want a nice up-to-date Black Petti coat we can suit you af from $1 to $3.75 each. When you need a good ' Corset that wears well, fits well, and is dust proof, be sure to see us. When on your rounds looking for Millinery you can t afford to miss seeing our line. Don't . fail to see our Ladies' Patent Colt Fine Shoes. Clothing. If you need a Suit or Pants you will find one of the strongest lines and most up-tv-date styles here, and we know that the prices will suit you. Can save you some cash on the goods. In Hen's Fine Vice end Pet. Vici we claim to have the correct styles and prices. Wanted I Wanted! Butter, E3gs, Chickens, , all kinds of Country Pro duce. ' . xm m m for same. You will f0i a full line of Groceries at jr:o.'0 'Phone 87. CALL AND 8CB ME. FORJHE BENEFIT feu of aged people and those who are too busy to take alongdrive to Concord, I will be at a Lead's Hotel, Lf, Ftot, N.C. Friday, October 28, for the pur- pose of examining Byes and tak ing orders for Spectacles and Eye Glasses. My prices will be the same there as at my store. Perfect ht guaranteed. Remember the date and be there. ff. C. CCRRELL, Jneler, Concord, I.e. ConcordMCtarkets. OOTTON ttABKIT. Cotton Seed 22 Stained 9 Good Middling 9 PMOOUCB StAMKIT. Oonaata b Jan. O. Smith. Pork 8 Balk Meat, Bidet . . . 10 to 12 Beeswax ...... 20 D.... . ie ... on VUt-iVr . a Ill tU U Chicken . 20 to 86 Corn .......... 90 Egg 20 Lard. . Floor, North Carolina Meal, new Lady Peat Cow Peat ...... Corn Peat ..... Oatt Tallow Salt. ... . Iriih Potatoes, New . Ham 11 to 12 8.00 to 8.60 . 1.00 1.00 75 80 60 to 66 4to6 - 66 75 to 1.00 16 to 17 i0tr ?s Czzlo Gc:l Vd u:3 in 211:3', droa'ocndZ.icn'o TTndorTTcr. It Py better to buy Good Vnder wetat tke beginning of tk season an.d keep wy-m. Tkls stock Is most complete Inv tke different sixes and qualities. Woman's fleece-ribbed Jersey fitting Vest and Pants to match, good val ue for 25c Woman's all Suits, all sizes wool Union I.OO Woman's very fine non shrinkable all wool Vests and Pants to match, price per suit .$3.00 Women's Union-Suits, good quality, ribbed and fleeced, for , 50c Misses and Children's Union 'Suits complete, range of sizes at 25 cents ' and .50c Men's Heavy . Cotton TTndervcar. Men's heavy ribbed Cotton Fleeced Underwear, a very fine garment.. . , m . . 1.00 Men's Cotton Fleeced Shirts and Drawers, all sizes, ex tra value ; , 50c Men's Light Weight Pure Merina Wool Shirts and Drawers for . . ..$1.00 Boy's Heavy Cotton Shirts and Drawers, extia value, worth 40c, priced ll .25c 111. L. PARKS & CO. VV Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar Ar ty Aflr fr y flr flr tV Ar ,"f o THE o Ghh 1 1 1 Thank every man, woman and child who helped to make last week the Biggest Week in the History of Their Mercantile Life . . . . We told you the truth about our goods and you believed us, and we appreciate, it. We will en deavor at all times to give you the very best values that money can buy. We have at all times a good line of . Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes and Groceries. We also have all the School Books for the public schools. When you come to town we invite you to make our place your headquarters. A warm welcome awaits you. 1 WB1TE-M0RRIS0N-FL0WE COMPANY 1 tiHrUrfrHrHMH&ZrH tts A A man's table." ' book close next Saturday. stay ta s V -V