Comes TwicoEvery Week and the Price ia Only One Dollar a Year. ' V i CONCORD TIM ES. John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. Volume XXI I. published twici: a wet:k. Concord, N. c, October 28. 1904. $1 ''ear, in Advance. Number 35. Has Twice the Circulation of any Paper Ever Published in the County. Closing Out Cash Sale In order to convert our entirestock of joods into the cash we will sell -AT COST - from now until our stock ot goods, is entirely dis posed of. We have aood line of .. SHOES also a general line of Heavj and Fancy Groceries. Store fixtures included in this sale. Now is your chance to get some rare bargains. K very thing ...Strictly Cash on Delivery... If you you owe us anything please let as have it at once. Respectfully, Diggers Brothers. T ii i: ika;i IIV IN SKA. Till-: NOKTH Oct. 7-lm. io) BUSHKLS RY E $1.00 Per BUSHEL... 20 Bushels Seed GrajVifginia flats 65 Cents per Bushel F. B. McKINNE Dr. Davis7 Chill Killer The .original Chill Killer of Dr. Davis is guaran teed to kill chills or mon ey refunded. This is not an experiment, hut certainty. At least a hundred chill victims in and around Con cord (people you know) have been cured As a tonic nothing in the market is superior. Try it. Gibson Drug Store (liaiit.tte ( i;mt er. The tiring of the Russian Baltic fleet upon a lieet of Knglish fishing smacks in the North Sea was a horrihle thing, and the tierce indignation of the Eng lish pecj.le on account of it is under standable in a sense. In another view Of the case it is not, for the English are a composed, self contained people, and that their anger should burn against the whole empire of Russia, and the government at St. Petersburg, is not quite like them. It is utterly incon ceivable thai the Russian government was behind this attack, and if it was not, Hrhish wrath should not be visited up mi the whole Russian people. The most the Russian government was guilty c f, reasoning by all the rules of common sense, was putting a hair brained commander iu charge of the Bilti- ileet, or if he was not the guilty man, ptitiing in charge of a warship a captain who had no more seqse than to give the command to fire under these circumstances. The best theory thaf. ran be advanced, in advance of the of ficial r 'port of the Russian Commander, is that somebody got rallied, mistook the poor fishermen for Japaueee, and urea upon them in that belief. The story is that ever since leaving Libarj, which they did ou the Iti h inst., on their voyage of 1.3,000 miles to Vladi vostok, every br-dy on the Baltic tleet has been scared to death, expecting to be blown up at any minute by Japanese torp' do boats. Who knows this we are unprepared to say, but that is the story, and if it is true, it would well account for a degree ( f nervousness which might explain anything. Of course the officer who gave the command to tire, whether 1 the Conim-iader of the ll :et or the rr- Uin of the ves-el from which the shots were delivered, should be hanged from th" yar 1 ar.n of his own vessel if there are yard anus mi battleship but no li, idy of ordinary rea-oni- g power can bIi(.ve that the Russian government per is responsible for the outrage. It is safe to ssv that it will make article HpolVgy an.l all the repiration possible. The world is down on Russia anyhow. and jl is j'irrca ifi than it did St. James. SA.TIK OLD RADICAL CROW D. -t-ly Lhl Ui u ace ai i. i eXerst, urg worse II 1 1 1 Overtoil tide nee. Trie two strangers who were standing at a downtown corner crossed the street ami accosted a young man on the op posite corner. "Will you please tell me," said one of them, "which is the best way to go from here to Seventy second-st. '.'" "Well," replied the young man, "the best way, of course, is to take an automobile. If you can't do that, I suggest a street car as the next best." "Thank you," said the stranger. "I was so certain, fr mi your appearance, j that you would give a civil answer to a j civil question that I bet a f 2 biil on that proposition with my friend here. I see I have lost. One can't always judge from apjaranceg. Oood morn ing, nir." We want to buy your produce and will ive you 20c per dozen for eys. 10c to 'J"c for chickens. G5 to SO cents for Irish Pota toes. 50 to () cents for sweet pota toes. 1 to l!vc per pound for cab bage. 10 to lfc per pound tor butter. 40 to C0c per bushel torapples. 75 to 90c for Onions. We have recently added a line of Dry Goods and Notions and can give you most anything you want in exchange for your pro duce. D. J. BOST & CO. Q.U. Richmond. Trios. W. Smith. G. G. RICHMOND J882 1904. CO, GEMEM IHHUKE OFFICE Carrvinc all lines of business Companies all sound after Hal timofe tire. We thank you for past lavors, and ask a continuance of your business. Rear room City Hall. ROYAL Poultry Mixture The Best in the World It keens poultry healthy If Knew It All. Hwre is the exact answer of a New York i-choolboy to the questions, "What is the meaning to the word 'all.' liow many words are there that S"iind like 'hall,' and what are their meanings?'' ''Hall, were you orien the dore and go in; bawl, hawhng alODg a boy that won t go to skool; aul, what the snomakker chrg:s you 2 sents for to aul your shoe; all, all every Iiody iD the Wlir'd. ' ' A Thoughtful Tlaii. M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind., knew what to do in the hour of need. His wife hurl such an unusual of stomach mid liver trouble, physicians eould not help tier. He thought of and tried Dr. King s New Lift- 1'ill.s and she got relief at onee and was finally cured. Only ','"h', at all druggist. A woman can get to love mr st any man if he will only be careful to keep telling her he hopes some day to be worthy t) ly down his life for her. News and Observer. Republican orators object seriously when Democrats confront them with their record. They become particularly incensed when they are reminded that they put one thousand negroes in office in North Carolina when they were in power. They now claim to be the "lily white" party, and declare they are as much in favor of white suprem acy as the Democrats. What are the facts ? This paper could print forty columns about the Republican candidates in the several counties showing that from John R. Smith down to or up to ex Rev. Babb the Republican candidates in nearly every county are the same sort of cattle that were elected to office in 8'.4 and 18, and in not a few in stances they are the very same men. As an illustration of the difference in treatment white Republicans and negro politicians receive at the hands of Republicans leaders, Mr. J. W. San ders, in the Morehead Coaster, cites the following : they can't do a thing they would do if they could? Is a man any lees thief because he is in jail and can't steal? book at Carl Duncan as a sample of what they have done and would do if they were in power. To poor David Sharp, of Carteret, a white man, he gives a place out of doors in the cold, heat and rain to guard convicts at 83 cents per day, and Jim Young, a negro, a clerkship under him in a comfortable office at $;i a day. Is Duncan any bet ter now that the negro is out of politics than he was before? If so let's see the change : Jim Young given 83 cents and poor David Sharp $3 per diem. That would be demonstrated proof and no other will be convincing. It wou't be done, and when you vote the Re publican ticket you vote for a party that would if they could dominate the State with negroism. Tney are shorn of power, but the principle remains the same." Literary Ik 111. Smait Set The Ladies' Literary Club met yester-, son s. Miss O'adys Pepperton told all she knew ahout the doings of the woman who has moved in next door to her and whose husband was away on business. Mrs. Sanderson Somerset gave the inside history of the feud between the contralto and the parson. Mrs. Sibyll Backus ripped up the back an old friend who hadn't treated her well. Aliis Flora Faberton announced three engagements and begged everyone not to mention it. Mrs. Upperton Singster told of the last tight she had with her cook. Mrs. Appleton Appleby brought a new baby gown which she is doing her self, and which is admired. Miss Sadie Saltpetre gave the inside history of how Mrs. Dumbleton's hus band had lost all his money in Wall Street. Mrs. Stringer Stringer's paper on the relation of Greek Art to the Italian Ren aissance was listened to with breathless interest. There was time to read only half of it, but the other half will un doubtedly be read next week. Sl IIMU THE CO.nPAY. Fairbrother's Everything. Last summer a couple of soldiers who were returning from a state encamp' ment were killed on the A. it N. C. railroad. They were riding on top of a passenger coach without lauthority and against all rules and customs, and it nappened that their necks were broken or their heads crushed, or some thing happened that caused "death be cause of a covered bridge. And straightway a suit is brcijht at Durham, where the unfortunate vic tims lived, to recover something like 13,000. And under the law the railroad must answer. The men had paid their fare and they knew as all the world knows that they had no business on top of the passenger coach. They took their lives in their own hands when they violated the printed and well-known rules of the railroad company, and the heirs should not recover a single cent. It iB alleged that the railroad com pany knew they were riding on top of j the coach and that it was its duty to have informed them of danger. And such Qiap trap will go before a jury in this country. The facts are the men knew they had no business there. They knew, as every other man, woman and child knows, that the top of a passen ger coach is not the place to ride, a ad if they rode there and were killed and messed up the property of the company with their blood and hair and bones, their estate, if they had any, should be taxed to pay the damage sustained by the company. That would le simple justice but the chances are that a jury will be found to return a verdict for the amount asked net because it is justice, at all, but because there is a chance to "sock It to" a railroad cDmpany. 1 lieat In the Nouiti .Southern Farm Marazlrie The high prices for wheat this f-1! will probably tempt the wheat-growers otf the .South to increase largely tin aereag- cf this important cereal. I will be far wiser to bend every effort t. the increase tf the yield rather than -. ttie j nerpjiAf of aiirwutj I - ...ill not pay the wheat-growers to put soils in wtieat that will not produce at least 12 biashels to the acre when wheat is worth per bushel. Tuis will allow $2 per acre for fertilizers. The cost of rais'mg wheat is difficult to determine with anything like accuracy. The price of labor, the rental value of the land, the facilities for reaching mark ets, the risks from diseases or in jurious insects are all important factors in the determination if this problem. But it is believed that by the use of improved implements far sowing, harvesting and thresh ing the average crop may be re duced to $10 per acre. If the yield, therefore, can be increased to '20 bushels per acre, the profits will be twice as much if only 1" bushels rer acre are raised. Prosperity increases in a geometrical ratio, other things ARE 'REPCBLItlK POLICIES" NEEDED. News and Observer. Candidate Harris says he "knows no State that needs Republican policies more than does North Carolina." What are "Repubhcin policies" in North Carolina? So far as the platform and the speeches are concerned and the record of 1815-1901, the Republican policies are: 1. Negro rule, with 1,000 negroes in office. -. Scandals in every department of government. 3. Graft and stealing everywhere in and out of the penitentiary. 4. Prostitution ot education to poli tics that knew no racial difference in management. 5. Hostility to temperance and sub serviency to illegal whiskey stills and corrupt revenue doodles. G. Contempt for Confederate soldiers and refusal to care for their aged and infirm. 7. Opposition to appropriations for education, the insane, the helpless, and other worthy causes. 8. Advocacy of or acquiescence iD the plan to rob North Carolina of one third of its representation in Congress and the electorial college. '.. Approval of or acquiescence in social equality. These are the only "Republican poli cies known in North Carolina. Does this State need them ? The voters will answer on the eighth day of November. When a 7In I I'oor. Orison Sweet Marclru In Success. A man is poor when he has lost the confidence of his friends, when people nearest to him do not believe in him; his character is honeycombed by deceit, punctured by dishonesty. He is poor when he makes money at the expense of his character, when principle dofs not stand clear cut, supremein ins idea. When this is el uded. he i in larger of the worst kind of poverty To be in the poor house is not neces sarily to be poor If you have main tained you integrity, if yt nr chararU r stands four -rquare to the world, if you may be compelled to txg bread The Coodi Delivered- ' Mary Ann I thought ye wor j wurkin' fur Mrs. McBluff at foive dol ! lars the week. i Bridgot No. Shure, I hov a nice i job now wid Mrs. Jenkins at four dol larB the week. j Mary Ann But a four dollar job ain't as good as a five-dollar wan. Bridget Faith, 'tis better if ye get ! the four dollars. ; An Aiken S. C, alderman has been j indicted for accepting bribes from j municipal officials in consideration of: his influence in setting their salaries raised. Two white men in the same States have been convicted of man slaughter for killing a negro, and six whites have been arrested on account of the recent brutal lynching of an inof fensive old negro near Kutawviile, and are confined in the penitentiary at Co- lumhia awaiting trial. It is a race problem all right when the ! way a man's family grows beats the way his income ought to grow to keep up with it. It is not the man who tell good jokes' but the one who laugh's at poorones that i we think makes the best company. j iCrlo (TINE PERUVIAN (HI is highly recommended hv the North Carolina I'cpaitment of Agriculture Ryerv ton of PKRl'YIAX contains more than SIX iH'NDKi:i) POIWDS F PLANT FOOD If you use PHRrYIAN once, you will want no more manufactured iiiemical fertilizers, which do your land no PERMANENT GOOD For additional information, write to SMITHDAVIS CO., IMPORTEBS WILMINGTON, N. C. FOR SAl.Ii IIY CANNON & FETZEH CO., Concord, N. C. f u I h -' 1 Helping Her AI0112 Saddler Sime was a droll character, t f a type by no means scarce in the rural towns of Scotland. One morning wh n a neighbor entered his shop he was greeted aa follows: "Man Jamie, I had an awfu' dream last nicht. I thocht I saw my wife d ein' awa' up to heaven wi' a great big pair o' wings " "Aye, man, an' did ye no' try topu' her back?" Na, na," said the saddler, "I just clappit ma hands an cried, 'Mi 00'. Shoo!' I was feared she wid never hae anither chance o' gettin' sae near in." Only a Mailer ul Time High Point Enterprise A cigarette smoker used a telephone being equal, with the enrichment of in an office recently and the odor left the soil, and this fact should never be in the transmitter waa si offensive to lost sight of. It is not the quantity of the owner that he will have to have a land cultivated that makes the thrift of new 'phone. A man who is a Blave to the farmer, but the amount remaining cigarettes deservei the sympathy of the after pavine the cost of growing the charitable. It is only a matter of time crop. Better Than Pllla. The question has been asked in what way are Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Liver Tablets superior to the ordi nary cathartic and liver pills? Oar an swer is they are easier and more pleas ant to take and their effect is so gentle and so agreeable that one hardly realize that it is produced by a medicine. Then they not only move the bowels but im prove the appetite and aid the digestion. For sale at 25 cents per bottle at M. L. Marsh. Ci iris know a heap more before they are married than they are willing to let on they know after. Those who take the most pride in doing a thing by sheer instinct pay tne penalty for it in cold judgment. 3 and makes them Koi: S.A lk 11 v lay J. A. Honeycutt & Company, (IIHSON MUX. 4 -W. OUitta Whfiit fc' L tot run 3. i Bt Couuli irup. Tories l.""d. I w H WHEN YOU HAVE LOST CJ , YUUK UKir with him. The Mul CiingrfM. Ilrr Intlrm llont 10 Ihr Dentlal Next to the Presidency, the control A Kansas woman wanted a set of of the House of Representatives in the false teeth, and wrote to a Toteka niext Conzrt ss is the most important dentist thus: "My mouth is three " ... result at issue iu the approaching inches acrost, five-eights thru the jow national election. The Republican ma- Some hummocky on the aige, shaped 1 ... . . - jority in the Senate is too large to be somethin like a hoss shoe, toe forara imperiled by the election. But in the If you want me to be more particular, present House the Republicans have I'll have to come up thar a majority 01 oniy -. ine memuer- y ship, exclusive of 4 vacancies, is: Re- ,"" Llwle Joke publicans 20S, Democrats 172, Union "I don't see why you keep praising Labor Democrats ' Th-re are 30 Dem- that general, protested the minister ot I ... ... 1 ocrats and 'V Republicans who hold war. He's never won a name tiheir seats hv nluralities of less than "True," replied the Czar, gently, 2, 000 votes. These districts are gen- "but if he don't win while I am prais eraliy regarded as debatable. It is the ing him what would he do should I be expectation that whichever party elects gin to abuse him?' its mndidiUe for I're-ident will elect . oinritv of the H.,iiaP. Thi V.M Seed of discontent will take root in been true in every presidential election ny aince 17-, with the exception cf 1 r1 - on the. affair of life nnrl vnur huxiness seems dull nnd vour WITS are tnll-take from 8 to 5 Ky- l iln'u I.ivcr Tablets. on- nt a time, an nonr apart. and yen will nurjin--il the next morning to see liow bright el-ar eierytliuiK ill be. You will hepin ynurdav'i work Willi sii imih Ii aided vim and vieor that yoii w ill naturally your business RticeexM hv the weight of iit-i-soiiality you w ill he atln to infu-te into every detail. The formula of Rvilale's Liver Tablets is one of Hi.- most eff t-ctive coiubiuatiuns Limnn tj tiirtlTIl medit-Jll ftt-ient. t Put your live r in xl working onVr, and nine-tenths of your other - ailments wiil disappear. Often hut you think to be dyspepsia. heart trouble, er chronic constipation is merely one of the idiosyn crasies of a dopey liver. henyour liver t'ets dopey, ' all over, and it is liableto manifest Itself In a multitiid ipey, you ieei aopey line or ways, tin you imagine, you have a little of every disease froinfc. Don t wait till you pet in this condition, but take Rvdale's I.iver Tablets the first time you feel dull ami disinclined to frrapple with the routine duties of life. Hv taking a stitch (tahlenin time you'll save both worry and tabletsanil avoid ill health. Rvdale's I.iver Tablets are easy to take. r.ltnsajit in effect, always satisfactory iu results. 50 chocolate-coated Tablets in a convenient box, ' cents. M'f d by the RADICAL REMEDY CO., Hickory, N. C. ID. I. JOHNSON. Si .TIakes C lean Sweep. There's nothing like doing a thing thoroughly. Of all the salv you ever heard of . Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best. It sweeps away an.l cures linrns. Sores, Bruises, Cuts, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Piles. It 's only 2-rc, and euarantevd to give ratisfaetiou by all druggist. The bettirg on October '21, 1892, was 5 to 4 on the election of Harrison Fifteen days later Cleveland was elected wft President, receiving '277 electoral votes to Harrison's 145. First-Class Accommodations to- Fastidious People i i t i i i i i - NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE The Original Remedy that "kills the Datninitl O ; 7,wvii tin I IS, s j. (H" THE HUNTERS CAWIE TOO LATE Their Faithful Dog has pointed out the True Remedy to Prevent Baldness. VJuroniC Diuiius is nituiuuiu but the Hunters came too late HERPICIDE A "HAIR-SAVER." Nevvbro's Herricide sjves the Imir by destruying the trcrm or microbe that is now known to be the cause of diuidmtf . falling hair and baldness. In chronic bald ness the lmir follicles are completely atrophied, causing the scalp to shriuk and shine : little can be done in such c;.sos except to save the remaining "fringe," and this is well worth saving, for it offers some protection against the coltl. The ' Hair Orower" is a fallacy. It requires hut a slight knowledge of Anatomy to know that the hair ets its life and strength from the huir-tapilla at the bottom of the hair follicle, and the papilla in turn gets its nour ishment direct from the blood ; therefore, nature is the ouly true hair grower. There are enemies of hair growth that cause hair loss and baldness. Invisible microbic growths enter the sebaceous glands, situated at the top of the hair follicles (Dr. Sabonraud, of Paris, savs the micro!- usually enters the sculp m youth i where one colony after another is established, until finallv, after mouths and sometimes years, there is data dnifl itching scalp and falling hair. The Sebum also solidifies, causing dry, lustreless and brittle hair. De stroy this microbe growth with Newbro's Herpicnle and profoet the hair against re-iufection, and it will grow us nature intended. Newbro's Ilerpicide is a Twentieth Century Remedy. Its mission l- to tench new rules for seal leanliiievs. new rules for hair pres. X at ton and to supply a germ-destrovin- solution that will enable careful imtsoiis to have beautiful and luxuriant lioir. Almost marvelous results follow the use of 1 1 erpicide. and if it does not do moi; " than we claim lor it. your dealer will refund your purchase price. V- a hair dressing it is truly exquisite, on account of its dainty and refreshing odor, which is characteristic. U e ntains no oil. grease or sedemen tary substance, neither does it stain nor dye the hair. Stops itching of t he scalp almost instantly. Rocomrucnds It to Friends. I wir-h to say that I have used Ilerpicide and think it is very good. Have recommended it to tpiite a nuin bt r of in v ladv and gentlemen friends." Signed) II. .1. F iRDSICK. Memphis. 'I'ctin Physician Cures Bad Caso with Herpicide. I have used Ilerpicide with excellent results in a case of dandrull . 1 have employed the remedy in some verv bad cases, with uniformly grxd results." (Signed) DO IO LASS CALKINS, M. D. Kuoxville, Tenu. Special Agont. TVT. L. MARSH, At Drug Stores, fiX.OO. cnd 10 cents in sumps for sample to THE HER1MCI 1F. C , lx-pt. I... I'etrelt, M,. h "DESTROY THE CAUSE-YOU REMOVE THE EFFECT." vL ifn "..1 Tlie lDlde 1 n n ter toJSw el llom an Well mm Ihe lireat Dfmocrift II,.. f..i,.r,,l t, l.l Wlltilll lllnlK-V is ll' ill 'e t hut lui want tilt' !cst "f etTyt!iiM anil wiMi ti .'iijoy the Drill's Fair uinler tin- must athaiU u:eiiis iiiniiititiiis. nun oi--n .mi " ;iteretl to l' tl.e nolioiilt mi-lit el till- .llil'.us hustelry Si;u-itns i-mhiis uuii iwiii. "'i. en lUHlietl. an excellent i iusine. rtnii st-i mc- .in" ,-verv pi.ssitile iittt'iitiiin can I"' eninyi .1. u let- the t'-oiiM'iiifii'f ..f I.eiiiL' ri).'lit ;it h aftei a tiruiK aftrrn i in Uf urtmi .1-. .in-ssnii; t.n tlin tier ainl tlii'ii retnniun; tn Hie testivii i. - nl tl.. evening without anv tiresome journey, hxs Uc. n itetl tiv every i:ut-si . nite of the enormous nuint'er ot visuot-s who have availed tlit-inst-lves of Iht-t ..inter's an.l cotiv 'iiifiici- of the Insole Inn. the Inn hotel lias successfn'iv i-ntt r!aint il all ho have applied tor its hospitality, withoit oven-rowtlinn or dis-t-iitniort The rates van from ?1 to si. " per clay on il, i.-nr, lilall. anil from Si OU to f? l I'll ttie American plan Reservations can be mat! I iiiis. ill lii in; iiiterst'uif tletalls. Be sure to see our FALL LINE OF... FURNITURE Buck's Stoves will last a life time. They are popu ular because of the satisfactory re sults given. Inspect our line before buying. Prices low. White enamel lining to oven doorsandoven racks. If troubled with a weak digestion try romVtorlnin's Stomach and Liver Tablets. They will do yon good. For TrXt gale by M. L. Marsh. X-X-X- X- X- X- X- X- X- X- X- X- X- X- X- X- X- X- X- X- x- X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X- x- X-X-X-X-X- i I i T i t t t T T t i I t t i i r - r i,- J r 1 I, 4 i.- 2E&