. I 1 ' A '.-' '(( J 1 (( I j. b. SHERRILL, Editor and ' VOLUME XLVIII. v ; c , . Germans iea Api rntertake Thorough. Sur- of Germany's Finances. nMVT HnnvF.p Tn HEAD COMMISSION ; , V; v It k Stated That Great Bri tain Has Agreed to Plani and Approval of French . (iovernment Expected. j.Ml.n. i' -. -1 (By th(i ;-F0(lHtd i - -Tli". i'(iit iuarl hy the lf r i, ;,,! ri;i!- oiiiuiisioii that n-fiiuiinit .,! Aui' iiciiii husineKK inii LeuUttl - h v ll' ii-' H (fMfr, visit (Jermany a ,t:il..: llioiouh survey of i.iiiii- n.ntli?iiiis that would lie u.ed is ,i l-.ii- f a new-reparation treaty v.;iH 'ii , l''i'e tMlay as nerhaj the liiitinp point f the Hx k. of riuiiors jis Aiiifi iiin jiirerention in the rei-ar.-if .nilN-iii. ditiit i'.i iiiJin, it. 'is srai-otficially i'iirn'l. tins irifoitued the Aniericjm Mill- i i;niiii'iir or irs consent fo suh ;( pjj.n. The JJiitish iTTts-;i-, .'nt in resjMmse to an in 5aWHcNr-H-teil to he followed bv the mi K'lvcrnaiont also coniunu-ated the i;Tiaan. suggest ion.- -. .; Tli" proposal was made by a gov cnniH iii cniiiiiiission headed by!Charf- (iinr ' iiiio in get me i nireu Mates ii:i inlf-r of roTimierce which Jn turn i- uri'l' rstood to have asked asked Hec ret.ir.v Hoover 'to present the plan at d ciliinH .iiM-tiiig. This was done and tilt- in.-iiitT passed into the bauds of Sti ret;i iy i Inches. : - - - .-' , Tin- ;! -ma nx-propose that the Aiu- rit iin oininission Ueterinine the .ex- tt-iit oi' (ieiiiiaiiy's ability to fiaV, aud isst-rl Ihey would agre to nu'et this .iiiifiuiil .if France and (fjreat Britain approve of the plan. To this end, Sw- jfi.ny Ifughes- oyiened negmtlatioriirt viih the I,on. ton and Paris govern ments. v ' ; r Frent It Altitude Not Known Yeti Washington, -Ih. 21 ( By the Asso liafed I'less). Jennn u overtures iliriiiiirh infoinuvl channels for "Araerli din intervention to oliraiu il revision f (ieiuian reparations,; scheduled-re-W.ti In T7ori(loTi dMl'rttt-hei ti-"tf ;AS-Mx-iated Press, throws the first tlelihite li-lit on the-metiTod ly which meri (iin influence is being drawn Into a new ntrctiipt'at final adjustment of the vexing reparations problem. . . . . The next step fo lie looked for oli vimisly is ail indication of the French aMihlue on the (ieruian ia-oposal that an American economic comniLssion" re view Cerinany's presetUL BilnaHoa and 'tiin:ite her capacity to' iiay as a has h' for a new reparations trejity. juevioiis g(yernment 5 reports from Ber lin are of a'-character to justify hope. that lPTrance should prove agreeable to the proposed plan for-reparations revision, no insurmountable obstacle would remain in the way of an agree ini'iit as to the specific amount (5er- tiient up to this time, offiicials here ami in Ilerlin are understood to have frit, has been the lack of a. channel for infoinial preliminary Exchange of views between Berlin and Paris.; Brit ish agencies hardly could offer - their services, as Great Britain is too fully -iiuiiMiel on reparations view in op lipsitiou to the French position' to.be effective in negotiations to the Paris .'overiiinent. ' . " : - 'H ' ' . , As tii, proposal approved by the 'H.io-government-is seenthere, it rep resents employment of. American coin ,"ioi ial and governmental agencies . to l'tiii;T Uenuan and French views into h..,.,. . . ' HI GH WILLIS' NAME IS " -. . t MENTIONED AT TRIAL Name of I Member of IlIionis Mine Workers Kxerutive Board Brought 1 . 1 . m f , io iierrin i nai. Mnrion. 111., Dec-. 21 (By tlie Asso itel Press1 . The name, of Hugh Wil lis. uien))5r of the Illinois Mine Work s's' ExiH iirjve Board, was brought into the testimony today at the trial of five men charged with murder in con iiHtih.n with 'the. Herrin riots, by two shite (witne.ses. . Under cross exami nation. however, both witnesses sa id. p'ty would hot be positive in their i,i''tititi.-ation. .:' V -: , . "ttj" Arbuckle, Barred From Screen Since April, Restored. Los Angeles. Dec. 20. Roscoe Ar mitkle. rotund comedian barred trom tlie scrf-in uiniA iici Anta W'luii or 1 1. ii'iuijiter with the law, was to 'ay rest, re,i, to the privilege ot om- back to the p ace he once occupied j" "is. industry, if he -can. Will Ht head of the picture industry. n- r'OlIllCeil that nil roQtrfrtirtr! against , . -- - " . v v. -rz . '" were to end- Jaunary i.. !ie Kamoiis Ilayers-Lasky corpora n, whicivdistrlbnted Arbuckle's p!c yf anucunced that no effort would hiade at-nresent to market'aoma "lnis that were withdrawn, or otuers'it chenek. producer, said he would em- Pioy Arbuckle and ith latter said heJ uiankful for the Chance to worK a I w'CMdd strive to make good. . lyre bird of Australia is a 1 miaic. in the nrn-n- hnnm it .i.ts best, duplicating the whistle! .'; ff locomotive, the barking of a uog, X J ,'U-V ll-lg) 1 ' . e cli iia magpie, and the 'buzz of a, wrc-ur:;W. in varying tones. " - rSANY-AHXIOUS TO JET MiERICA'S HELP Publisher?' SS8 Fa.rt4. of ronnH of ibe SrlV?.?u ,aP- KHJtine Mat ters Acted t pon. Tranactbm of routine, busiue-aTand ah. interest int i-arvr .. . or the dub ww the chief feutu-e csf i tne weekly meeting .f th Tr,.tr ; r. Every ItMbr In ka a!l n CTLSTh'S; J'. lriIwit Itk-hiiJonl'ialMl that thf King .lJattghN-rfl Hnr.t-1 rtre liaa- WO and h v Klvcilr,Iniiu t. j" r&'ev- ,,ve "'"'jrJans tv!u will wn .n thU t-ouinjiuee ar F'.art T'r.,-1. i.v-.,t- MhhKk. fanvfl!n, Luther Hart sell and rhnrlen'Irey. ; . ScTetnry Verbiir rend n letter from the Coneord' Klwau! CTnh rnjrretulst Iiuf the Rotary CTnh for lrinirlnr Ir. Barker ' to C'ti ord. Hie let-turea wire -.of great iwtn and interest, the letter t;ited. The m ret a it alsu stated that the or Ranizatlon had pmhafwi a FS f'Jirist mas Keal l,nd : had jKiid fur Bihles for the JaekwHi, Training Hcho!. and had given Miss May tokton ?3.", for relief work in the i-onnty. The ,ai.r on the peraocnel of the club was prepared hy Ales Howard, an! proved one. of unusual Interest, It gives farts of inleret from the' life of earn niender. and 'tend to bring each member Inbr a closer frleud Uiip. The juiper iHtints out: The .Concord Rotary Club has 4U Kovermnent"HiJnfn,'K'r' whicli 37 'a re regular: two. ijfrunson (itrane and Irvin Wod I house, honorary: find n. Bill Jen- Kir,H Vwx-late. .orm i aroiraa is rue lilrthplac-, of PSl 1141.111I wuru ll ,.t ...V., m nin in, 11 IIWUI Writ! in'Ill fill. dlmrrus county ; two, Cha.. Kite-hie f and C'Jias. Ivey Jn Stanly county : two; Hal Jairett and Joe Davl3 in Yadkin rtumty, andrtne en eh from the follow ing counties : Rowan, Frank Xihlok ; Davie, Jim Dayvault; Alamance, Shlpp Webli : Wake; V'Fab HayvrotMl ; Gran ville. Bifl Jenkins; Anson, Archie Har ris ; Randolph, Urn nsou f'oltrane; Cha tham, Jialley Womble,- ami Orange, Tom Webb. . . - In addition to the aIove we have Lester Coltrane lorn in Missouri. Irvin AVooilhotis in New. Jersey, Tom Lawrence in Virginiiij Ed". Sauvntn in Indiana.' Hill Caswell In Canada. Mar tin Verburg , in Tlie Netherlands aud Alex Howard in Georgia. We have thirty-six inarried men. three bachelors and one widower. Eight of our married men have no children -but - the others have a sufli cient quantity to make up a total of 7S: r Bra nsm folt nine" and Cliarlie Ritchie lead with six children each, Jtm,,IHyTuydt follows with five- and Then "I'rifhk Xlhlcntv Vnb Haywooti, Charlei Ivejr, Arihrey IIoMiver and Tom Welb come next with 4 each. The total nge if nicmliers Is 1,71)2 years, whlcli gives ns an aver age of 44 3-4 year ier incmlK-r. Daoiel Branson Coltrane. at the age of 80, has the honor of being our. (oldest nemler, while M0O pr -ent." Bob Ridenhour at 2 lurs.the honor of Iitdng our youngest member. Bill Gibson. Bill Jenkins, Frank Niblock, Charles I yey, Earl Brown and Arthur Iunds' are. the same age, 43 years while Aubrey ' Hoover, Archie Cannon, Ed, Sauvain, Toiii. Lawrence and Bailey Womble a re: the same age, 40 years. . .." , College was attended, by -t of onr mcjnler3 while 15 members have made a .success without a college education, some of whom are Branson Coltrane, Irvin" "Woodhouse, Charles Ritchie. Gus Hartsell, Maury Richmond, Ed Sauvain, Tom" Webb; Archie Harris, Arthur Pounds. Jim Dayvault Charlie Ivey Joe Goodman and others. Judg ing from this list of membexs one couut easily' form the opinion that there is more in the man than in the college, and while perhaps a college education helps, it does not make the man. We tare 20 Presbyterians. 11 Meth odists, Episcopalians, 3 Lutherans and oneT.aptlst. '. , The first vocation of some of our members is very Interesting as there. is! quite a contrast to their present vocation.- .- .. Branson Coltrane -started' his' busi ness career as a photographer; Irwin WoodhOuse as a clerk In a dry goKls store.' then a printer and then hack into the dry goods business, and find ing that 'he conld not conscientiously mark up his goods 100 per cent, quit and went into the hanking nusiness. Martin Cannon started his business life as4 a d'offer boy in a spinning room : I Tom Webb ami Arthur Odell ns sweep ers in a cotton mill. Gus Hartsell s first work was in a tan yard and Phii rile Ivev's In a brick yard. Fan.! Haywood, Bill Caswell and HalJar rett were teachersand Aubrey Hoover and Bill Sherriir first were printers. Maury Richmond started as a, delivery boy ami Joe Davis.. Sam Rankin. Bill Jenkins, Frank Niblock, Bill Flowe, John Allison and Archie. Harris were farmers," and John still is. You will note that Bill Flowe claims to have been a farmer but I a ni informed from a reliable source that he was one 'of the most successful Five-Up players in No. , 10 township, ranking next lest to Mose Furr. ... v - Ed Sauvain admits of having been a stenographer, bookkeeper, jockey, de tective for the Pullman company, hard, wanv merchant and cotton manufac turer. V . Bilt Gibson stated at the. University of North 1 Carolina a number of years and.there got the first spirit of Kqtary isv not recorded that he broke any records as a studentrbuJUt is recorded that he made more friends there than any other student. After leaving the University Bill became a DanK.cierK, ( assistant cashier, lumber mamifactu- rer, gun maker and brick nianufao turer. rtoni of Bni's life is his military career of which w ' " w " e are familiar. The first, milifary band was heard in England In 17S5.. - ... PUBLISHED CONCORD, K BASIL II. ECOCK IS GU!LTY.T V erdict Keturned ii? Coqrl En reensnoro Against ueien- dant Charged "With Mak- ing I alse hntry. SENTENCE HAS NO" BE15N ANNOUNCED Jury Received the Case Ye terday at 5 p. in. Charges Acrninct TTiwInab I7:!l .Several Months Ago. " - - C recti dro. Ir. Thr I . - " - . - - . - - .... ... the state i prison nan tli -nlwe ,iii w4 nd tl I.tViMiiBi fund fr!' aoill t tk injpr.1 by 'Judge U. P. Harding uiM'tiitbe naal trt-n- oniii o l i VflM ! itb-ii of lr. ta. V, J. it-i..:i li;id II. Iledtrex k. of High Point. uvicuhi in i.uiuorii (Viituijr Mii - tior - Court this mortiii.e of uiakinz a fal' entry in the. account of M. J, Wrenn. a depositor of the Home Banking Co.. of High Point, when lied ?eHMk wit chier of that lntifutli.ii 11 Notice of apM-al to Supreme Court wa.s given, no additional Ik-imI ImvIh reipilroil win-e"the jirlsouer iH wIretoly under l FJXAKm ImiiiiI whllli'wa eiven at tlie time he wnsi iirst f-bnrircil with bavins made the falsi' entrr inut Ai.ril 'Iiiere are Severn! count charging false cji tries, but it was htatwl in tiurt liHlay these would not le pressel. IHie charging Hcdgccock and Will! Switw-r ..11 , . m 1 ."l?!"?. f!! df.ran'1 thr ,ank; will be heard at the January term f .Snrerlor Court. It is said. In returning its verdict this inorm ng thejnry riH-omincndl inercy of the court. . - - Greensln.ro, N. C 2f. RitMil II. Hedgecoek. former t-n shier of the Home Bankings Co., of High Point, was found guilty this morning of wak ing's false' entry on the uccount -of, M. .1. Wrenn. one of the dejiosifors of the lmnk, the jury leturniug its .verdict shortly lef ore noon after being out on the case since late yesterday after noon ' ' Sentence will I prononneeA this af ternoon, it is expected. ; The case "against the-banker grew out of an alleged shortage of funds dls coveml'Ju thHigh Point institution when the bank act-ounts were, audited last April by examiners' nnder direc tion of the State hanking deiKirtraent. Charges were, filed against Hedge cock, howa releasel wnd:r liortd. -'Ar Hllegetl c rtrortwgt,'Jrif -"-npprw niately 123.0(K) is shown the audit, but Jhe specllic -ount on which the for mer cashier ;was triel Involved the false entry In the W'renii n-connt of $10,000 which relncel the snvlngs ac-count-fthe. deiKsitor from $24JMlr0 to $1442.01 . r . The'c-ase IteganMopday at 11 o'cloi k, the taking of testimony liiig com pleted at 4 p. m. Tuesday, and argu ment of attorneys and 'the judge's charge ' followed, the jury receiving the case yesterday afternoon at " o'clock. - ... ' : EFFORTS I XSrCCESSFrL Lake Drucpcd but Bodies of Men Re ported to Ilavei Been 31 ordered, Xot Found.- - Mer Rauge, La., Dec. 21. The de tachment of the Lousiana National Guard Jthat late yesterday draggeu a part . of Lake Lafourche about otght miles from here in an effort to locate the bodies of two mCn reported ' to have "been, murdered by a band of white robed men last August at the kidnapp.ng , cf five prominent iMer Rouge citizens, were unsuccessful in their efforts, - it was learned here to day when a second I detachment was dispatched to the lake. Capt. , W. W. Cooper, commanding officer, interrogated before his depar ture.. was reticent regarding the movement-of the troops, but said: - "I am honor .bound aot to jeveal our destination. . You know, of course, that the work 5T dragging the lake is going-forward. Other than that I have nothing to say. One of the guardsmen deflored the lake was dragged yesterday afternoon but without success. Capt. Coper has given orders to his mon fj ha nn that alArt tn nrevpnt at. tmi3 0- outsiders to interfere with diing operations. Reports were in circulation that enemies of the move- ment would interfere. It is believed orders to the guardsmen are to; shoot to kill. . TWO WOMEN SEEK THE , INSLTUNCE OF S. L TRANK Both Women Claim They Were Ills Wife, and Wan the $2,000 Insur ance He Left. .- Montgomery. - Ala., Dec. 21. Judge Leon McCord in the circuit court here today had under. ad visenient the claims of two women, each alleging to le the lawful Wife of Samuel M. Frank, de ceased. The case was heanl yester day in which Levada Frank, mother of four children, claimed she married Frank in the "IX s while Nevada Frank claimed she 'was married to him ev eral years ago. , Both. are seeking to collect $2.ouo pedicy left by Frank. The case arose when the Modern Woodmen of the World, unable to de cide which one of the women was the legal teneficiary, turned the matter ov er io the court " The first State monument erectedto American war dead in France that 0f the State of Missouri was deslgn- ed by a woman sculptor, Miss Nancy Louis.-. -" . - ' ,:- . ;4 -- It. is estimated' that mankind at larga consumes the nejshborhood of larga consumes the nejshborhood o twenty million tons of 'meat a year. HOHDA .'S AHD N.C. THURSi 'AY.. DECEMBER 21, 10 iKHNttni: con' , IN SHNITE f tla. Wrl 1 PW I' to rmUlr Oosb! ijo-tb-T I ta rsU by. frrJ- 'nil JUrliBT f-af .".arT.a)Att 4 iml- j; BrcrZTT; T Puitti ut b- iT.i,3 j iu n. iu b . f Ioa, rQ -iit .CrVi t i U. f . bill ) TT laval UU I rt mri un . ni ...n J Mti"nJl iTTtZ itUfmzr the trn' f Klnnt a4 rUl rrnj uw Jn lb tn bu-h ii t ilvm i.y Henaf apprVf .'if Ion mn lit - - i a at th.rlrjitlotu TI!:tl m ri-nM t ? - . . ft at ... ireiiu'K i'iit-f by felvat L"M. I nr ..,...n.. j.. - . w . , . ... , w . iiiu m - i , f ' a- jotMilioii:,! pril.b i j ft-r to;;--ju rut Mimtion. VF.XI7.EUlS IS WUKDY WAR V WITH :!:!. M l! i?KV On Arroturt of If tl Prrvltlmi f the Near l-jisl C'wifrmwt If d tm AU jouni SrssltHi. . Ijiiioimo, Jkw, Br the Aw-l-nteI Preset. -A olrercntbyi U- jtwen Kx-Jrendcr VcnlxHo, up and" Riwt "nr iwr. TnrkJah Greece, natiunallst dHegMte;, raitwHl .the presi dent of the Near EiiKt i-onfrM,e.,om- iniKsloii on inlnorltJ-i to abruptly this morning's im-wAoo of thv - oinmU - sion. . Tlie depute was ofer tbe question of immigration. -Vetdii-bw bitterly - at-tfl-kel the Angora goremtnetit, and prijfestel against tle- alleged deporta tion of fJreeks by tb thousand from Auatolhi. -. , f ill-Mi Nur By r?-lieir In the mod vein, charging Veulzelos with l-Iiig reHI'NinsIble for th- Turco.Jreek war and its consequences-!' The voices of the lv delegates ros to high fiitch. Nh fieaklHg at the sjune time, ami rfufdng to het tb pleadings of -the president that ' Ihey calm down. - (1 0 VEHNM ENT OWKS TIIKEK .MILLION HOOKS " . i ' -Congressional Library lleport.i Show f . Kapid firowth. . Washington, Iec, 1 t Capital New Service); IIotL-el lrt the most lieantl ful. 'complete, and i modern Library Bui Wing in. tlie -ttt,Hd, the tTulfeil StHjN'H io;,'4a'J7TtaJ.'i'.,'ing-rr-a!iinAl , pute was ofer . -Vedii-b fJbrary the, greatewt rngle islucatiunal unit extant - ' Over 3.000.fM btjoks are now in the collection. To them are to U added maniiHi-riiiK, maps, and pieces of mu sic to tne nnmner 01 many mtiaoiw more, with a resultant total implying the existence nnder a single roof and administration of a mass of collection, literary and artistic, any of which might jatly lo the entire concern of an indeendent ' Institution, a-cprding to the unuual report of the Librarian of Congress, just submitted to Con gress. . v Since the Ubnary was removed from the Capitor to the new liulhling. it lias grown at the rate of l.OO.OfW a decad. On July 1 last, the liooks numbered 3.'lMK),40.S; the maps and charts, 174. 003; pieces of music, 054,304. and prints, 428,745. The number of pieces in the map division, with the ordnanee and insurance maps itemlzeL, reacheil 500,000. Aa Itemized count of the manuscripts.. Is Impracticable, but-if made would show many million fo lios. - Christmas Cheer for Inmates of Coun ty and State Institutions. Raleigh, Dec. 21. Christmas cheer will le carried to each of the city, county and state institutions located in and near Raleigh by the social jrvb department of tlie Wewnan'a Club apd several church scieties. plans having been completed for appropriate exer-1 ercises and gifts, according to an,an - nouueement today by Miss Mary G a. -a. I - n ' Shotwell. chairman. In order to avoid d n pi icatTon.cn air men have feen assigned, to each place to le visited. - At the state farm, a large Christmas tree is lacing decoratetl. Special gifts are planned for the wom en presiner. Mrs. T. P. Harrison, i chairman for. this Institution. The other 'places to le vslted and the respective ctialrmen are county borne, Mrs. George Marsh; county and city Jails, MrJ. J. IWnartl; hospital. Mrs. L. A. Mahler; Samarcand. Mrs. J. McAuley Costner; Shut-ins. Mrs. J. F. Mltchiner; Detention' hcme, Mrs. L. L.' Hudson-; Associated Charities, Mrs. Harry T. Adams. County road camps near Raleigh also will be Tisiteil.1 Aran?ementa for entertainment and gifts for in mates of the. Old Soldiers home also arejbeing planned, it was statcl.' THlFcOTTON MARKET There Was a Renewal of Ire-IIoUoy Realizing or liquidation in Market Today. - New York. Dec. 21 There was a re newal of pre-boliday realizing - or lhiuidation in the cofton market and the ojiening was 5 to 13 points lower. The tone was steady, however, owing to a better view of the Tnrkish nitua tion and the relatively steady ruling of Liverpool and prices steadied up ser eral points after the calL January sold up from 25. OS to 25.72, or within 5 .points of yesterday's close, while March advanced to 2C0I or 6 points net higher. Cotton futures opend steady. Dee. 25 :70 ; NJam 25 .-CU : March 25 ;&3 ; May 2C :00; July 25:75. Messrs. Bill Morris and Jones Yorke are in from State College for the hol idays. . THURSDAYS SPECL1L "COf .I LIHTEE " "IS Hi SESSION TODAY Appointed to Invcstirzte rro poai ci I Ir, rew for Joint conetie ana univcnuv. DB. FEW AGAIN OUTLINES PROPOSAL No Details of the 3Iecting Were Given Out at Noon rtu r. t i a wwicr .ujuiis lictann Subject I)iscu?rd I - . " juf Ttifcify C-ibf. ibal tW fufe Ijfitttfiott id tfc- Nrfb ttUuM r : r-f.ty tutfr i;t. ia a tiaar fir th iHorinra. and to tit ta itumtt in sswn urif foiisjv fr. IV mr,a:tt Mitiiart hi ir taJ mutter ri-Utiu t flw ttii!.)4 rf ere ritiut al tKm rts. A ftrtn3i Urts w&a acsoio'l by f!if bnard of trustc- of t b ltttMtr nl montht ttX't to rvvr o tt aJvi-obillty &fctatliiihln2 ft. mi.vai . j' r,!: t At a roeetins held yrterir. w olT-rd a fund of fit.i-o fiven by the 1uXi lntrt-st. at4 Ji D. Rw-kefcller, for th esMSBttir,t of a metlJcai fhool at Durham, lib addlt'.or.a! fstate upbrf , t No agreMetii wa n-aflHI. mint 10 CMittntiona that Trinity mi a iiwn national iiiftittuhn. and the pln t oiratlon with lite atnt atid'Us tint- vilty at not nrnct.'fahle. eftd a ioui tnitlee mi apioiniei i tnriitf t t.i!r fhe prq"dtlon. r PROPOSED LrX;iSL.TION Some of the Mcanurrn la ( wiw Before the Nevl luetKlalurr. Raleigh. 21 flly iW Alatl lres". With the opening t.f the an nual session of the North CardlnJi fieneral 'Awjnbly only few weeki a iray, revision of th utate'i tax lams. Senator 'John R. BjsjtHt antl Kit Klux Klan bill and Governor Cameron JKirrNia'j ptopf"! iftate-rrnel bi-phigjH'apiH-ar to le the iot im- trodu- tL Hie larre deerennc In taluathnu ifm- the ioral !f gwCHinietiC plan of alhmiag cnuntlea to fix their own tax rate nud ratuci and th tni of more money by the hooli an vald by political oberver to b the chief rcaaoin udvancexl In favor of leg islation which would-riMftahlih In full effect the reviluat Ion law of 1!2.i. with addnl eiuallzatlon featurf. r ... . . . . . , . - . . , t fM'nator naggen nni i-rvu iiu ivwn bill Is designed to make It a fdony for any person to appear oft hi mo premises dlguled a as to dtnty blent Ity He ha announced he will Introduce the imiiure early in the eion, and n bitter fight over its pan sage l llng prelictet. A de.tailel outline of the governor proposal state-owneil shipping line fca not leen given fr publication, tlw ex executive asserting he will not nyike it public until the bill In !foe the general assembly. The sbitn. bow ever, would be operated tindT the di rection of a shipping line corporation commission, which would have' inch authority a designated by the legl !ature, he said. I--giifltion p1nnel to Improve t!e state's fish and oyster indutrl- lo Is leing advanced by the governor, who would establish hatcherh . ; pr vide inpeetion and alotance. In mar keting. It Is plated. The forecast fight between tlweo- onerative ami tobnco marketlnz. tr julzntioD aD(tb auction warchoa Dt(ir(,st, Js iing disisw,I t lnrth 1 . . . in political circles. - While no official announcement ha ben made. It ba lc-en- reported the ro-opc-ratlvefi will force the fighting by attemptiox legis lation to fix warehouse charges at a rate calculated f make auction mIc unprofitable. IiC-gibitlve. action to amend the e-f tract of growers with the c -operative nssociation als may Ie IntroiliK-e'l. bnt oliwrvera are pointing fo the fact that lKth factions appear to ! lMcrnln-l to continue their fight in the courts to decide the contitatknaltty of the con tractual prcwl4ona. The workmen's compensation act. the creation ofva board of mcllatb-n to nettle dispute lietwem capital and labor, change In the laws frTeruIng the insurance department, a laore. rild child labor law and an eight bour day measnre are among some of the other jiroi "! legislation liiely to r eeire the attention of the. aietnbly. ? Vadkin County Fanuf r MmI fcy NegrW AVinf on Salem. Ivy. 2I r-IIefy F. Shore, aced Ji, a prop-rctw Yadkin fMtinty fanner, and fa t br tf. Ernie Shore, at one time on f lhe bud in pltcliers of tbe Aroericnn Igur, may recover frm a pistol iit wottn! ln filcted lat niidit by "Roofs". Sborr. a negTo. who ha J len la the- employ cf Mr. Shore for seven years. A re port rweive! this morning frota a hospital to which the wtmnded man wa broufhf. tays Mr. Shore is rf,ticjf easily.- ; The Scandlnaviani have a le tend that Balder, the favorite of the r'. wan killed by an arrow made of mis tletoe, and beine through the lore of the gods, restored to1 life, the ixuUe te became the emblem of ;ove. and eyeryone pailns. coder it was to re ce.ve a kUs. tiMrM t rai- i - ll: irfr-r ,f !K a. w 1 Ci. JS(U-r4i 4f ;"LITT Aj4i" , i l.t .11 Ut4 W liaP 4 ltesi t . Srt: lhl tlr ii,? i -"""I'm ""i ?f AMji ; lafjkti At? f a t.iV -a tuna J . . ... . far Ii. a44t nrj a-Hf -w V 1tr1 fef if MT. S-t It t- U(fc v f - ..AilW-tti - aVkMO 4,'(a, jM - w - - tfit4t. lb- S 'Va4 t4.t II -i . . n,.,.. . ..... fvt MI'S', U ?-t t-Ut-. i f .mi nwi mvv i f tit lb irfon t. s,a Bii'i fcs! tw Ai.i 11 r1, t U-t liii mM it! -.f ? 4,' frt ntt m m1 t ! - Ul ITa4tt Vtlm4 tlm rtt jclii, tf fwarr. t $ a Iltftlt iiirr tutUMl P4itSal tTft,itt m fit :nf.jt that t liu tanr 1 1,- rMf rariyifcf. rl ;fl ,su !- I IIN IIM" til !'! I MI.il,)! rM fri M omimm.!, f. ! isi li 'lU- ?i?prca Wr ChhH f-mf- wri. aire.!, t trte a al rri- fr U- r,iM frf. f t - .tlr.-, t J.v tuililrt M t-r.l.ti, .-f i icw ref r-tiilMt ;nij-ti?j , it Kujimir War Pwdi.' fo-t mad It jt-itjb-tt. j . a. - at i Jiaiff aie ier. Rnt,ben b Jit-rbr War iWid MTit Icffem f' fb rtitoiei5ib-n of Om varlou srrfsfe. !iiris for ib "ftlhtf ble f trit- for tb r-irrl r'n , Marlal nlg retb-'i that .t:?inii fia hli front hH ft Ittti(il4 ft iLlMJt.-t J-eiiiir .f n -iJ h. Ha 4 MTti. and Bddl ttflt b atwl t ;" ,tt ' als f lefaln. of fh lrt.Hj artur, Iffdrj tliljh. In 71 - !fw; tt had wrkil out a joint acrr itt tri ud rf draws, t', a nppJring t-arb ttb-r lth iwtip 1 jt,.(l Nil M -..rJ I cnn .f tiiT'r-y. f!.r ci'f'1 14 it'n "Brief cnw.ciit tti!y. ttwMf f Um ym t 'f k ftH u Getwral fUiM fntln-, - tt t-titt-t f h'n'f atl t-fi-?v f m;ttl by Ilalgt that lt f 'a ' Uir, in-t itit t f t 4 iiHtaiiwl attack In gleet fn aitf : fkhitA, ti5ii? f i ' J'-f t of the " AIUI orml hi tb ' mW!tm f I w( Itat front it tulsbt f to--ary to i n taf rmiit.'Uli. i it.- f- pat'h a cotositcrall fon f fbatf rtT M $cfefl a.Mjr."" Mf, awe of tb army attacttil. Iit that hUitBan, "l mn.fihl wm aduitttl and uttl,' f tw b a Ntf; t Ji and orr again ly rwijnts' iJt-rt fri(Mipft rf a -fj.Va st- at th Huprcme War Vin11, January act, bit I t. t 1 i p a f 3)-F4ruary 2. It mi admit tl fbt end b tetd I d to roet th dansrr an aort u-at 'It-la r i;ipn t i ii$vni of Interallied aJtatc in tut l jtt nt Birfi i if iMt't- rft t ided. For that jmI rrai rtr tb- rreg- fbHr tfrrtifr r itt; .w i tlon cf an Interalllwt GtHra! U-t 4. was dtir""d. He d"4TUi the a6ritet.t U-t rnt Halg and Petalw for mutual auppfjing ftbrfi t 1 by th nUUth.m wf i of reserves, aa futile attetspi to a'-rttat c-tjttuactf Witf tT provide, ns laween hetuclte, an' t f'' N rtb Vmn'? imi m Allied rMTte. t.f l-o"f la vbvti it-Ma frr-th Attack Came aw i:tpeeteiL jrts'tUstt ni o Sulut etent.. RUa a- 14:1 th r.r,lk-wT 11 fteir- rt. ptoi -.! -e f.itntlty cf fhe r.' , r," '"7TTT .. . ransmem. Tlie attack cate at Tl Ixt Mafrh Ie. 1 ht Ut4 4 Juncinre of the French a fed F.ritib! ItkUfN forceeprefl-efy. be iIhIhw, abn-i Ab!-HJS, g tm. If A, eiery i.tnr bad profb1el It woiM FfcrR. of ln tr iit ffttw. and where n mmUl bare rrlre, rfefcirg Ufa AVisS"-e ! ti.-4-l him rfrrmti Ibe lirlti.h Alia 6ta. Ul& to l f a f a and French nunuauir f his i tbeiadve In mm h lad (il;bt tbit neltber was willing to er reTt to aid the other. "Had there lFn an AlUM ffonar-l-er-In-eblef, be rodd bate bad a r--rte.- General Blb writei. "and that l where be woo Id hate tf, March 21 and side4iieit daja w,il4 have lieeti 'another aiory. Ilnally. on March 2J. be fr6tli?t, the Brilih ami Frctwb rlvll atl Mil itary authorfC., JfceetJoc at Daiefj. irrtfl to c ha rc General f'ocb "wMh xnllitf nr tle, mrtUtn t.f the A!lil It wss n.4 null Isfer, b.l'f fW Hr fcstr) ni .! ever, a I IleanraW. lrre fierrai- Per-hlng atI LHe ale ere pte.M ' . r . " that F-i mi given -all the i.-er-'Titt.- fct.1 tl Jifrt neeeiearr f-r efTertlce arJ-l).bi-.t Mr . i U14 H Jf Of bU task of n-r4to- Even then. General uu Weticcf -the rrotU!m In the rnt IW-atirafi. ja-rmlttinar an&y retiaabd- era to affil f 1 Uir icito-i taewi. 4bl tb-ir tbitik th&t an fi.-f frota Oneral Fi imriif L afHy f ibHr wt arb ! -f that tli2i t ale4le .Mf f eocsntant waa tf iug hmfl" Italy, be aabl. tetrt cars' tally ltet'M fel t.f M tfe the tranj--tfit. agteeiitt 4mlf f c - ceif tro ft 1W 4 trt netil f &n tbe.ivetefi frr, let tu i4tvt , .: "-j : tm Jtaly'a iti. te attiii4tt .larjtfi to tie ear1i-r Brill refisU f e trate la tie frIas it a re-rte. Fitnnral A IL M. Oate. HdCTwnrt!J. I)e- ?Jr-nrtrnilHja tf Jr, ft it 'ffm. erTices of ut KetarT IL U. ca??. of the prnh Jte&atcrial I4trrf. boj . fj te.VM:i&jf -4im Vl died here f 12t;txt Iat tvlitf. Jf&rtf f if I 21 'M be b!d bere this a flerst43a. lp f f&d a tJ af 72 , . . , , - jie . , . The Frrorlj peasantry alaayi ' ' aerre amse f the abej cf tb Tt jiay TW ffi t- t- Io-. la the belief that Ibe aJje w!S aet-fed tU Kit-'! , tVt i4 afford a pr"t;bi aratat I'jUt-'ws at i arfcfewes M.i,it. Tt J aad sulsfurtc&c ' Ik is la 1 1ft , 4 i-ui lU tU'.L WH1IL lztr HriJ cf tlan Pkts:rrKaM Hr IHJT the wins IZN ? , aaaaaa-a-aaas-a. Ijo Anjtlrt Tnlrrithn cf WcH5rn (lata hay I?;ty Will Nat riJrtt!e Ifv::, Ttitlf llpcrutiatl to tlfci. i i i4i t-t, fwit a-ata, ,4 'aaj Ai 1&,rt,4 . . ... na,atuiw f t Vt,mm-- Afi W a if iUj.. ii, mus9 i-,. teak t JNP ttt .. k, i tvW q -' jM.iia, fMl J ! f ' Kit t, l uitt. '' iifii. t':lm-.-m .a - ai I rrf f fi fclail ti--t f t ; jl " ralrt- ll I aft) a W .dHf ta fei a.tfi : n. 1 i.,f. , ...i!,.. f ,WHr.tti. M t Utl l-f ir tm tv-t JUd , ! a"t.'t1.r ' ett -f ihf sti Afl rim i att a4 ltif !. f' t?- t . l. lul-vti, mr faff f MiiMtW fvii. T Uudfr, it ! lnr"J Kt tti ! tiu i ii4 4finr I . . . n i.a N4 l.h-an m ' lsir4 a." Sir, fitmrid t I 1 tn- abl, to 'erdrr if Vrrt f fc' rsiotsth af wifi f4s-t 1 la fr?a f IX Hr Hvtb tt . 'r Mr t Itjtbe a pr-f -iirif t' t.itar4.y a ni -fr. i'l lis" m fi&e braj t,t rtj:r V f c ,-? luf the ttgtH frt c-tjfc. . vtA t th et4t4. m ii. be bad, ? w-frc' '-1 ta to4 t4liltw Death ef Mr. Wltey .1, Twitii Mr. W-r A- Tresis at t.ef b?e fat I Tfe.it y f.e tit ,"".f f'--Tl aftrf an tn f etr?il ?! f" IliStMTua. f'he til ?f f .jf e-- a W. Finte, 1 -' -, r. -' . i-.-" uU ,s Natl Ap-?trtaJi tS3 ftie. ; Mact .-t rt-I?-" r! $1'e Mil l?b tbe I - - .is.a ijor?rt,x e !? -. i ri-. a e4l-er fcf to fiaif 1a e? -ir J - fa!e J ' , " ..." . , . , I f f7 . a.rf r- " lJift?ef felt Jfctf,'! f.? t I eay. lefU IXff?- wsf f- f- I. i. is ;fTUti - Sir i ... , . ma U.Ua v -

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