PAGE TWO Irrtrl PARKS - BELK COMPANY Ip"-*"! Removal and White Goods Sale Continues 10 More Big Days < • * We are continuing the Big Reduction Sale Ten More Days with hundreds of New Specials added to the list. Our new building, which was to be completed by the first o February, has been delayed about ten days on account of a freight shipment and the weather conditions, so we have decided to continue this sale Ten Days More. This Sale is a Great Opportunity to help you save money because .everything is reduced. It is customary with this store at this season to Reduce Prices on all Winter Goods, but we have Reduced Everything,.including Spring Merchandise —which' will cost us a great deal more when we replace the same. (Also Rugs and House Furnishings). If it were not for moving we could not possibly offer you such prices. We have added New Goods and Cut the Prices to make the next Ten Days the biggest days of the sale. OVERALL DENIM 35c value 220 weight Blue Overall Denim 19c short lengths, Remoyal Sale Price FEATHER ANI> STRAW TICKING 19c value Good Quality Ticking, 1 2ic 5 to 1() yard lengths, Sale Price Henry Np. 150 and Cooleemee Brand Straw Tick ; ing. Regular 25c quality, Removal Sale 15c Price AA Brand Feather Ticking. Worth on 25c today s market 3oc yd. Sale Price, yard x AO A Feather Ticking, the Best Quality 29 C regular 39c quality, Sale Price Short Length Feather Ticking in 23c 25C the above, Sale Price, yard , OUTINGS AND CANTON FLANNELS One lot of solid color yard-wide Outings 15c worth 2oc a yard, Sale Prße __— One big table Outing, solid colors and I2ic stripes,, light and dark, worth 2oc today, __ 25c*value Unbleached Canton Flannels,. 15c good Quality, Sale Price, yard .> -EX Brand Bleached Canton Flannel, extra 19c heavy quality, Sale Prrce BIG 10c COUNTER values on this table up to 15c per yard. Yard wide Plaids solid color Chambray and Striped Shirtings and Cheviots, in dark colors. Yard wide curtain Goods, Apron Ginghams, Dress Ging hams, Solid color Quilt Calico, ets, Sale 1 Price per vard V TOILET ARTICLES—SPECIALS All Toilet Articles reduced. We mention only a few items -here: Woodbury's Soap, per cake _ _ 19c Packer's JTar Soap, per cake 19c Cakes for SI.OO Pebecco Tooth Paste 39c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 39c Three Flowers Face Powders J. —-5 9 c Nadine Face Powder _ _ 39c Larkin Army Soap, Seven cakes for L. 5c Melba Face Powder - 39 c, Ponds Cold Cream 29c Colgate’s Large Size Tooth Paste 19c These are just a few of- the Big Specials we offer. LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S UNDERWEAR AT BARGAIN PRICES DURING RE MOVAL SALE—NOTE PRICES One big lot of Infants’ Rueben Style Shirts OO- Sale Price, each 65c Quality Children’s Cotton Ribbed Shirts and Pants, Special During this sale, sizes 2 to 10, Sale Price each One big lot of Boys’ and Girls’ Ribbed Union Suits, All Sizes, Special Removal Price 43 n each Children’s Hanes’ Union Suits, first quality, sizes 2 to 16 years. Removal Sale Price 79 C One big lot $1.50 value Ladies’ Union Q&P Suits going during Sale, each ** One big lot of Children's Ribbed Pants, regular 48c value*, Sale Price, pair • “ 29c value Infante’ Ribbed # Vests, all sizes *1 Cp up to 4 years, Removal Sale Price, each Mayo Brand Children's Union Suits, SI.OO value, Removal Sale price, all sizes, each VELLASTIC-UINDERWEAR FOR LADIES AT A SAVING. 98c value Ladifes’ Vellastic Shirts and Pants, heavy fleeced, Sale Price each 75c and 79c 75c value one hig lot of Ladies’ Ribbed Pants, ankle lenfgth, during Removal-Sale 75c valiic Ladies’ Long Sleeve Corset Cov ers, Salt Price ‘each *xOv» 10 Moi ’e Big Sale Days . I PARKS - BELK COMPANY CONCORD, N. C. < " . ' • . ' Ladies’ Long Length No Sleev.c Union 59C Suits, a wonderful value,at regular price each*** We-only mention a few prices here, but we arc of fering Underwear at Prices Lower than before in years. 75c value Ladies’ Under Shirts, all sizes, 43 C Sale Price, each REMOVAL SALE ON TOWELS. One special lot, 15c value, sale 10c One special lot 25c value 19c s One special lot 35c value —23 c One special lot 45c "value «—3s c One special lot 59c value 48c Big Lot Huck Towels, 25c to 35c value . 1 Sale Price Big lot Y. M. C. A. Towels, 75c value /t.Qg* Price - aOC cioths7spVekr;;;;;;.;5 c> g c> 12c I ALL BLANKETS MUST GO—NOTE PRICES Big Lot of Blankets, sale Price _ 98c Big Lot of Blankets, Slae Price $1.29 Big lot of Blankets, Sale Price $1.48 Big lot of Blankets, Sale Price $1.79 OIL CLOTH. 25c value Oil Cloth, special in house 1 C furnishing department, yard —.• 30c value White Oil Cloth, special sale 'lQ price, per yard *■' Best Grade White Oil (jloth, 40c value, Sale OO price per yard Best Quality Colored Oil Cloth, Special 29C HOSIERY DEPARTMENT SPECIALS. We Do Not Mention But a Few Specials Here but • We Are Offering the Greatest Values in History During the Sale. Note Prices 10c value Ladies’ and Black C ~ Hose, per pair, * 15c value Ladies’ Hose in all colors, full length, Special 8 pair for 15c 39c value Ladies’ Silk Hose, first hundred women. These are black and brown, opening morn- 1 A ing 1 pair to a customer, pair 50c value Ladies’ All Silk Hose, two pair to 25c a customer, special per pair SI.OO value 10-strang Pure Thread Silk 43 C Hose, slight seconds, sale price $1.25 Value Extra Heavy Pure Thread Fiber Silk Hose, black apd brown, Sale Price per paid $1.50 value Lajdies’ Silk and Wool Mixed 59‘C Hose, in all colors, Removal Sale Price The Greatest Reduction on Ladies’ Better Silk and Wool Hose we have made in years. Every pair of Hose in stock at Great Reduction ’i - SPECIAL! 65c value Children’s Fay Stockings in 43/* white, black and brown, sale price, pair ( BIG 82X COUNTE^ Piled high with Quilt Calico, Dress Percales, Dress Ginghams, Values up to 12 l-2c a yard, Sale Price Dress Gingham, Apron Ginghams and all kinds of Remnants, per vard J v* > .BIG 12 1-2 CENT COUNTER On this counter we hive 32-inch Dress Ginghams, Percales, Flannelet Dress Goods, values *1 Oip up to 20c yard, Sale Price per yard 2 . BIG 15 CENT COUNTER On this Counter we have piled out Good values up to 25c per yard, such as Gibson Dress Ginghams, Dress Percales, values up to 25c per yard, 1C _ yard, Sale Price per yard 40c Value Renfrew Devonshire Cloth, fast * color guaranteed, sale price 30c value Knicker Cloth, fast colors, Sale ' price per yard, Big lot Os Children’s Outing 48r RQ n Gowns, sizes up to 14 years, price Big Lot Children’s Knit Princess Slips, Reduced for sale, price - t- 39 C , 48c 'the concord times Ladies’ Knit Slips and Skirt, 45r» value up to $1.25, Sale Price * Ladies'’ Better Princess* Slips 79C 9Rc. reduced to , BIG BARGAINS IN DIMITY QUILTS AND COUNTERPANES sa’&iKrr * l - 39 > $2.50 value 81 x 90 Coun- <£ | QO and <j*9 1 Q terpanes, sale price __ $1.25 valVe 81x90 Dimity Quilts, sale <jj J 59 DIAPERS AND BIRDEYE CLOTH AT SALE PRICES 24x21 Practical “First” Ready hemmed 1 35 Diapers, per dozen : * 27x27 Practical Ready Made biapers <2*l First Quality, Sale Price 1 1 30 x3O Practical Ready Made Diapers 1 QC Quality, Sale Price per dozen * 24-mch Birdeye Cloth, 10 35 sft 1 45 yard bolts, sale price per bolt*** * 1 • 27-inch Birdeye Cloth, 10 yards to bolt 1 *"7Q sale price, per bolt - V * GREAT SILK SPECIALS We Only Mention a Few Prices Here, But All, Silks Are Greatly Reduced For This Sale. $1.50 value Black Taffeta, Removal Q&f* Sale Price per yard One big lot of Crepe de Chine ,in colors OQ sale price, per yard .£•***/ $1.50 value Shirt Silk, Removal Sale Price Q per yard : $3.00 value Black and navy Canton CQ Crepe Price, per yard Black and Navy Messalinc, special for <}Jl OQ Removal sale, per yard *•*■•"* W l‘3c Pajama Checks, Removal Sale-Price __ 1C- J ? um-: - AOC 9b-inch Cabarrus Bleacher Sheeting( made CQ r here in Cabarrus county) Removal sale Price sl-inch Cabarrus Bleached Sheeting, Sale Price /_ 63-inch Cabarrus Bleached Sheeting, spe- 43,* • cial Sale Price No. 100 Soft Finisheed Longcloth, Special 1 for Removal Sale, Price Sheets. 81 x 90 Cabarrus Sheets, Remoyal Sale $1.39 63 x 90 Sheets 98c 81 x 90 Wear Well Sheets 39 81 x 90 Cabarrus Sheets $1.19, 42x36 Cabarrus Pillow Cases 29c 45 x 36 Cabarrus Pillow Cases 39C One bog lot Pillow Cases _ 25c One big lot of 81 x 90 Sheets 98C ALL MUSLIN AND SILK UNDERWEAR AT BIG REDUCTION FOR WHITE SALE One big table of slightly shopworn Underwear, of Teddies, Gowns, Underskirts and Prinvess Slips a about Half Price and Less. Children's White Muslin Bodies, 15c SI.OO and $1.50 Pink Crepe de Chine Camo- 45/* soles, Sale-Price : i_ Ladies’ Silk Crepe de Chine Camisoles, worth up 4 to-$2.00. Sale Price 69 C) gg c and 98 c § 9Sc 42-inch Batiste, Special for Removal 30^1 $1.25 value Fine Mercerized Batiste, Sale Q Price VP C 8 33-Inch Cannon Cloth, 299 c value, Removal 1 Sale Price r. 36-inch Cannon Cloth, Removal Sale 00^|f$8 Price t ; ' 44-inch Cahnon Cloth, Removal Sale OCI —SsfU Price -r. 33-inch Indian Head, Removal Sale Price 19c 44-Inch Indian Head, Special Removal Sale OO - Price 33-Inch Indian Head Remnants, special 19c Sale Price - 36-inch Indian Head Remnants, Special 'JQ/* Sale Price 44-inch White Indian Head Remnants, 29 C worth 39c, Special Sale Price 54-inch Indian Head Remnants, 50c Special Sale Price 65c Linen Huck Toweling, 18 inches wide 48c Special Sale Price 20-inch Linen Huck Toweling, special 59c " Sale Price One big lot of Table Napkins, good size, *7 ~ Each or per dozen - 79 c ft 19c Linen Huck Toweling, Removar Sale 69c 58-inch Fine Mercerized Table Damask 49 C Sale Price 15c 12-inch Table Damask, Removal Sale Price __ _ Hemmed Mercerized Cotton’Napkins, $1.50 value. Removal Sale Price Large Size Mercerized Hemmed Nap- “8 & yQ kins, $2.00 value, Special t '*** Scalloped Napkins, Special for 89c, $1.39 tills Sale — r .———— * All Curtain Net reduced fior our 1 to QO f Removal Sale priced front No. 10 Bleaching in good 20c grade, special 1 C. for Removal Sale , No. 64 18c grade Bleaching, limit 10 12'^^* ’ \;4rds to a customer. Removal Sale READ A FEW OF THE BIG SPECIALS WE ARE OFFERING DURING WHITE GOODS SALE t i Remember 12 Big Days to Do Your Spring White Goods Shopping—Prices Slashed. $5.00 value Cinderella Nainsook] 10 yard <2*o A Q bolts, Sale Price SI.OO value Fine Chomosa, 42-inch * QQ Nainsook, Sale Price . , Chimosa Check Nainsook, a very pop- A ular Cloth for Dresses and Underwear, 10-yard bolts, Special -r No. 400 44-inch Nainsook, one of our big sellers for Underwear, 12-yard bolts, $6.00 AQ value, Special %P t *. fc tO King Phillip Mills Comfort Cloth Nainsook, 12- yarcj bqlt, Removal Sale Price 0g King Phillip Mills “Special” Nainsook,, 12-yard bolts, 36-inches wide, very special for QQ * Removal Sale Best Maid in America Nainsook, King O' i Phillip Mills, 45c value product, Sale Price Every Day Nainsook, 35c value, Removal 07/* Sale Price ' C One counter Remnants Madras, Longcloth, 1 C« Organdy, Pajama Checks, all one price No. 200 Longcloth, 10 yards J No. 100 Longcloth, special ; $1.39 25c Fine Checked Dimity, Special —22 c 35c Dimity, Special 29c 45c Very Fine Dimity 39c 48c Fine Dimity 43c 1 . /. - i 35c value 36-inch Fine Nainsook, Removal 29c value 36-inch Nainsook, Special Sale 22 T 39c value 40-inch Bati«te, Sale Price QC« Special 48c 40-inch Batiste, Special for Removal t Sale 65c Value Batiste, Special for Removal 4-PtC. ; Sale ;TKursday, February 1, 1923. The Sale That Saves You y Money

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