PAGE TWO SOCIAL & PERSONAL By MISS COTT RKLL SHERRILL ' Telephone 78, Tribune Office. / * i King’s Daughters. The King's Daughters will meet to-! nigh at 7:30 o'clock 'with Mrs. Ada R. Gorman, on Franklin avenue. This is- the regular monthly meeting, and a full attendance of members re quested. Prof. Beach Will Speak Here. i Prof. 1 William .Reach, director of j music in the Winston-Salem public schools, will come to Concord on the 5 evening of February Kith, and give a lecture on “Public School Music." j Prof.'Beach comes by invitation of the k AVoman’s club,- under whose auspices j the lecture is to he given. • • * Smoot Society to Meet. The.Smoot .Missionary Society wffl meet Tuesday evening at seven-thirty ; With Miss Mary Donnell Smoot at her - home on Grove Street. • * • Book Club Meeting. The Friday Afternoon Book Club j . met with Mrs. 11. S. Williams' Friday at her home on West Corbin street, v After the routine business. Mrs. .7. F. BaAnult read a splendid paper on “Our Southern Presidents." Fol lowing the program Mrs. Williams served a delicious salad course and coffee. «. f-. Visitors of the club-gor-the after noon were Mewl nines T.*711. Webb. A. B. Pounds. A. R. Ha vis. j.lno. Reid, T. C. Newman. James Springs, of (’har-i lotte, aiul Misses Addie Goodman, Con stance Cline and Belle Webb. * * • With Our Sick. Mr. T. C. Myers, who.lias been quite, sick at bis home on East Depot street ' is reported as somewhat-better today., Mrs. W. A. Brown -is agaui able to j he out after being confined to her homy, for Several days with the flu. The condition of Miss Danse who has been iil for several days, is very much improved today. Mr. David Crowell is confined to bis home on Franklin Avenue with an at-1 tick 7>f the flu. The condition (if Mrs. .L 11. Long. • who lias been ill for the week, is . reported as-improved. • • * King’s Daughters. The King's Daughters will meet on Monday night at 7 :.'»0 o'clock at rlie 1 Inane of Mrs. Ada R. Gorman. . Mrs. j G/>rman. after a visit, to Washington! and Baltimore, returned' To Concord, this morning. • • • With Our Sick> Mrs. J. F. Haywood and son, are confined u> their home on North Union street by an attack of la grippe and Nancy and Fahious Haywood have the-whooping cough. Miss Myrtie Petrea is again able to be out after being ill for several; H ft Big n •£• . ri i bacmice Sale ‘ The Reliable Shoe Hospital' has purchased the stock** . of Sol's Style Shop and will move into their new quarters £ on or about March Ist. The Entire Stock of Sol’s Style Shop Including, Dresses, Coats, Suits, Furs, etc. will be placed on Sale SATURDAY MORNING AT NINE O’CLOCK s' I i ■with one object in view, and that is to sell out and make room for the Shoe Hospital. ' . j Reliable Shoe Hospital 1 K', . J - ii I IVJARDI GRAS CARNIVAL New Orleans Mobile - Pensacola I Feb. 8-13, 1923 Feb. 11-13, 1923 Feb. 10-13, 1923 Southern Railway System . Announces * P i§r ' s Very Low Round Trip Fares fig ; "New Orleans —Tickets on Sale Feb. 6-13' inclusive ; . Mobile—Tickets *on sale Feb. 9-13, inclusive. Pensacola—'Tickets on sale Feb. 8-13, inclusive Final limit of all lickets, Feb. 20th, 1923. If presented prior to Feb. 20th, tickets may be extend- ft I “ ed until Nlarch 7, by paying fee of SI.OO. i! j Five past Through Trains Daily i Pullman sleeping cars, observation cars, club cars, din- | I jng cars and coaches. For further information and details call /bn nearest 1 j agerrt. - R. H. GRAHAM, Division Passenger Agent, ’ Charlotte, N. C. 4 • i i days. -.. / .Miss May Stockton, who has had the flu for the past few days is again able to he out. Mrs. M. L. More is quite sick at her home on North Church street with the flu. * tt * i Thursday Afternoon Bridge Club. The Thursday afternoon Bridge Club held a delightful meeting with Mrs. B. W. Means yesterday afternoon at her home,on Grove street. At the conclusion of the games a delicious salad course was served by the liostess. I Besides the regular members!, Airs. Means lmd as her guests Mrs. E .A. I Moss, Airs. Charles Porter, Alta. A. B. Davis, Airs. R. E. Ridenhour, Jr., Airs. AI. R. Pounds, Airs. P. R. AfcFayden, Mrs. A. C. AA’olfo, of Charlotte, and i Aliss Kate Aleans. « * • Mr, and Mrs. Fuller Entertain. Air. and Airs. AI. B. Fuller entertained rtke employees of the Motor and Tire | Service Company at a live course chicken dinner Thursday evening at their home on East T>ei>ot street. The table decorations were white carnations and maiden hair fern and the color scheme was pink and white. Those present were: Alessrs. A. 11. Jarrntt, C. P. Heilig, Sam Fetzer. Charlie. Alehin. James Dorton. J. A. Peek, Ernest AlcConnell, Zel> AViiite, j Allman, Yandlt and Johnson. i Public Welfare Department of Woman’s | Club Gives Subscription Card Party i One of the most enjoyable, aii well as one of the most successful sub scription' parties ever given here was , the one given Thursday afternoon and j evening by the. Public Welfare De partment of the AVoman's Club at the Merchants and Ala nu fact liters Club. The large bill room of the club was practically tilled with bridge tables and the Valentine decorations added much to its appearance, i More than fifty people were present pin the afternoon and about sixty-five in the evening and more than fifty ! dollars was cleared ;by the department ; for its work. Following the Raines chicken salad and coffee were served by Alisses Jen nie Brown. Alary DaYvaulr. A’ivginia 1 and Laura Yorke. in the after noon and by Alisses Mary and Adele Pemberton and Cottrell Sherrill in the , evening. • * * K. K. Bridge Club With Airs. Ken neth Caldwell. Airs. Kenneth* Caldwell was the ! charming hostess to the K. K. Bridge (Tub Thursday evening at the home of her mother. Airs. J. F. Goodson, .on West Depot street. Following the games frozen fruit jsaiafl, sandwiches and coffee wore • * served, Airs. Caldwell being assisted .in serving by her mother. * The prize for hifch score, a dainty hand-made handkerchief, was won by:. Aliss Lucy Richmond Lentz. 1 Those playing were: Alisses Margar et Virginia Ervin, Lucy Richmond Lenta, Miriam AI orris, Rosa Caldwell, Elizabeth Harris, Margaret Bell and Mesdames I. I. Davis, Jr?, Neil Good : son, of Greensboro, M. L. Alarsh, Les-j 1 lie Bell, Harry Hopkins and Kenneth Caldwell. PERSONALS ! Mr. and Airs. 11. 1. Lewis and Aliss Jessie Lewis, of Westpoint, /Va., are; visiting Air. and Airs. G. B. Lewis at 1 I their home on South Union street. ! Aliss Elizabeth Coltrane and/ Mrs. A'ictor Aleans spent Friday afternoon in Charlotte. > Air. R. L.' Alorrison. of Bristol, .Va.- Tonn., is visiting his parents, iffr. and ! Airs. I). B. Alorrison. Airs. Alorrison arrived Saturday from Albemarle, j Air. Peter Boger Bost, of AI. P. C. 1., |is spending the week-end here with liis mother, Airs. P. B. Bost. j Air. and Airs. Ross Cannon and 1 children, of York, S. C., are spending i several days here with ,J. W. Can ! non. j Salisbury Post: Airs. T. Walter Grimes,. Jr., who has been spending some time in Concord, where she was delightfully entertained as the guest of her sisster, Airs. Alex Howard, has j returned home. Air. George Ritchie is visiting his parents, Air. and Airs. Jno. Ritchie, on South Spring street, after spending several months in Cuba and Florida on a pleasure trip. Air. C. A. Alois has returned from a week's stay in Now York, j Aliss Mary Burton, of Raleigh, ar j rived Friday to visit her sister, Airs. J. F, Haywood. Miss Pat Adams returned Friday evoking from Alornoe. whore she has been visiting relatives for the past week. Aliss Sarah Louise Cline, of Queens College. Charlotte, is spending the week-end here with home folks. Miss Margaret Ritchie, and her room mate. Aliss Sara Thomas, of j Queens College, Charlotte, are spend i ing the week-end with Air. and i Airs. C. F. Ritchie at their Lome on i South Union street. ) Miss Essie Tow, of High Point, is •the guest here of her sister. Airs. L. L. • Duergins. Shi* will be hero about a j week. j Air. and Airs. J. A. Cannon, who ! have been visiting Airs. AA\ W. String | fellow, in Anniston, Alabama, return ed Friday night. Airs. Fkilayson. of Richmond, Vir ginia.* is visiting her daughter, Airs. E. T. Cannon. Alessrs. Frank Troutman and James Wilkinson spent several hours in Char lotte Thursday. Aliss Alary Peek left Friday after noon to spend the week-end in Char lotte with her brother. Air. J. C. Peek. Airs. Neil Goodson. of Greensboro, arrived Thursday afternoon to visit j Aire. J. F. Goodson at her home on j West Depot street. Airs. Sallic Price fun < ral here of Air. G. W. Brown Sun day and is now spending some time with Airs. Brown at the home of her daughter, Airs. AI. M„Linke.r. Air. L. A. Brown and sons. Lr A. Jr., and Clarkson, of Gastonia, were guests of relatives here Sunday. Air. 'and Airs. Tom Johnston, Airs. Alaline Nicholas and Air. John Shaver, of Salisbury, and Air. and Mrs. Will i Wjseman, and Air. and Airs. Addie Wiseman, of Spencer, attended the. funeral of Air. G. AV. Brown Sunday Mrs. David Lippard and little son,, of Alillingport. spent the week-end here with Air. and Airs. It, T. Lippard. Air. and Airs. O. L. Sappenfield and children, of Gastonia, spent the week end here with Air. and Airs. A. L. Sap penfield. Air. Nevin . Sappenfield returned to day to Davidson College after spend ing several days here with home folks, j Aliss Cora Penninger spent the week-end with home folks. Aliss Margaret Hopkins has returned ; from a week's visit to-friends in Bur ; lington. Aliss Alary Spurgeon spent the week ! end Jn Charlotte. Air. George Ridenhour. of Roanoke | Virginia, is' visiting his parents, Alij. I and Airs. (i. C. Ridenhour. ' Air. and. Airs. L. T. Hartsell are | spending some time in Raleigh. Air. C A Isenhour is spending sev | oral days in Marion, Viriginia, with i his daughter, Miss Ivaty Isenhour, who ! is in school there Aliss Margaret spent the i week-end with home folks at Granite ! Quarry. | Air. Robert Linker, of Newport News, I A’a.. is spending some time here with | 1 home folks. Alisses Maude and Kate Fisher, 'of j , Charlotte,*spent the week-end in Rock well. ! Misses Billie Alisenlie.imer and Alary j reek have* returned from Charlotte, where they spent the week-end. s Aliss Anna Stridor spent the. week end in Uniqnville with home folks. Air. and Airs. J. A. Cannon returned Saturday from Birmingham, where they were the guests of Air. and Airs, iW. AV. Stringfellow. AVhilcV there Air. jand Airs. Cannon, accompanied by Air. iand Airs. Stringfellow and Aliss Alice jEiater Cannon, composed a week-end party to New Orleans, j Air. R. T. Lippard is confined to his | home with an attack of la grippe. I I Airs. Paul Johnspn. of Charlotte. I was the week-end guest of Aliss An- j , nil# Snyder. | Aliss Rose AA’iley. of Granite Quar-j j r.v, spent the week-end here the guest |of Aliss Lillie AA'iley. Air. C, (\ Lentz returned to Hender sonville. aftei- spending several days i here vyitli his family. ! Mrs. K. V. Peacock and children I AA’ilson A'irgiuia and Jack, have re , tumid to their home in Thomasville. ! after spending several weeks here with (Airs. Peacock's parents, Air. and Airs. C. C. Lentz. Mils. H. D. Huffstiekler spent the; week-end in Harrisburg with her' aunt. Airs. Alary Barbee, j Air. Ed. Alorrison and children i spent yesterday at Southern Pines! i with Airs. Alorrison. _j ! Messrs. Edward Morrison and Press * Faggart. of Davidson, spent the week- j end here with their parents, i Air. Jos. F. Goodman has gone to Florida, wlisrei he expects to spend '• about six weka. * b- • —H# THE CONCORD TIMES r r—y J" T 9 * “BLOW TOWNS OFU M A P.” Letter Signed “I. W. W.” Threatens -Reprisals Along 31. & N. -i. I Every town along the ATissoun & North Arkansas railroad is in danger of being "blown off the map" by tne use of airjihmes',' according to a let ter received by Governor Mcßae, of Arkansas. “If you don’t want every town on ' the Missouri & North Arkansas wiped off the map, you had better get busy and release all persons sent +o the pen and have every member of that mob at Harrison sent up,” says the iletter. ' s i “If you don’t act, we will give them j a terrible dose of their own medicine. The whole proceeding are a violation of all law and 'order. “If this is not done, we will send an airolane over those towns and burn and blow them up. "We will see who laughs last. Get busy and right this wrong. “P. S.—Every striker that was forced to Dave must be paid double value for his property or hell will De paid. Do you hear?" The letter was signed “I. W. W." The envelope was postmorked at Springfield; Mo. No antt-aircraft but terits will be established to repel the “invasion,” the governor sam. SAWYER WILL SERVE HJS TERM IN PENITENTIARY Withdraws Appeal and Surrenders and Starts at Once For State Prison at Ralr iuh; Winston-Salem, Fob. .4. —C. M.lSaw yer, well known business man of Wins ton-Sal m,-who was recently con victed of "the charge of conspiracy to burn his harness store on Main street, and gave notice of appeal, served ivettee on tbe clerk of superior court that he had abandoned h.s appeal. Ho immediately surrendered to the sheriff of Forsyth county and started to Raleigh to begin service • of his eight-vears sentence ,'n state prison. Th's notice was witnessed by the six men who had signed Sawyer’s bond. Sawyer , then went with his at torney. Raymond Parker, to the riff's office and advisd Sheriff Mc- Creary that he was ready to start to the penitentiary. He was accom oained to Ra.eigh by Deputy Sheriff Holder. W ANT FORD AS INDEPENDENT. American •Economic League W ould Nominate 31 (dor ( ar Mam A new political organization with the object of nominating Henry Ford for the nresidency on an independ ent ticket was announced in Umatia, Neb., by the American Economic League. The league is a national or ganization with* headquarters in Omaha and is an outgrowth of the Progressive party in Nebraska ana of third party movements in other states. Roy Harrbp' of Omaha is president and E. E. Wickhanf of Ogden, Utah, is secretary. Ford petitions are being circulated in four states, according to Harrop, and sixteen additional states will b<‘ invaded scon 1 by the organiza tion, hei said. “So your Juhhny Thomp son.” tiie teacher'said, to make sure of (he facts, “but your mother’s nairfL is Jones.” “Yes ma’am,” Johnny replied, -“you see she married again am* I didn't. / The Sale .( Sales SUITS. AND OVERCOATS mm , i-4 off Here s a Sale that will rank as the most imMgri A//vn m ‘ unex P ectecl event years. Its not because i' * Pi! / or the number of Suits and Overcoats we offer obut because of tlie High Quality involved, 1 together with radically Reduced Prices. /1\ This announcement should carry much WSFT yAN _ J '-W weight in view of the rising woolen market 1 J 1/ ij . and resultant increase of all clothing for , iHj ; J j j - ' - SUITS AND OVERCOATS ll S2O Cut to $15.00 , I! $25 Cut to $18.75 W\\ I s3o'Cut to ________L__„ $22.50 - ! * s3sCutto ...$25.25 ’ U y f S4O Cut t 0..; $30.00 M JjV I $45 Cut to $33.75 .gU U _ SSO Cut to ..,537.50 % Browns - Cannon Co. PRGRAM ANNOUNCED FOR. S. S. INSTITLTE- First Session Will Be Held Wednes day Afternoon. —Will Continiys- For Three Days. The full program for the Sunday School Institute, to Ik? held here Feb- 1 ruary 7, S and 9th in St, James Luth eran Church, has been made public. It follows: First Session, Wednesday Afternoon, February 7. Air. F. C. Niblock presiding. ■ 3 :00 Devotional —Rev.' AI. L. Hes ter. 3:10 The Alost Important Period for Christian Training—Aliss Daisy A la gee. 3:40 Bait That Catcher and Holds Alen and AVomen in the Sunday School —Air. I). W. Sims. 1 -.10 Get Acquainted and Record of Attendance. 4:20 Our Problem —Mr. E. T. Al bertson. 4:55 Announcements. 5:00 Adjourn. Second Session, Wednesday Night. Air. J. J. Barnhardt presiding. 7:80 Devotional—Rev. ,J. % F. Arm strong. 7:40 The Price of Leadership—Air. E. T. Albertson. 8:20 Record of Attendance. * 8:30 Holding Present Pupils—Mr. D. AAV Sims., 9:10 Announcements. 9:ls —Adjourn. Third Session, Thursday, Afternoon, •February 8. Air. C. F. Ritchie presiding. 3.00 Devotional —Rev. AV. C. Ly erlv. 3:10 The Challenge (o Religious Education —Aliss Daisy Magee. 3:40 The AA'orkers’ Council —Air. E. T. Albertson. 4:20 Problem Solving Period. Con ducted by Air. I). A\ T . Sims. 4: r,r, Announcements. 5:00 Adjourn. Fourth Session, Thursday Night. Air. J. J. Barnhardt presiding. 7:30 Devotional—Rev. G. AA\ Rol lins. . * / 7:40 The Superintendent tq Be. Air. E. T. Albertson. . 8:1.1 Record of Attendance. 8:2.1 Better Results by Better Co operation—Air. D. AY. Sims. 9:00 OfferinfCfor Support of North Carolina Sunday School Association. 9:1l Announcements. 9:20 Adjdurn. Fifth Session, Friday Afternco, Feb ruary 9. Air. S. Kay Patterson, presiding. 3:00 Devotional—Rev, A. L>. Shel ton. 3:10 AA'hy Boys Leave the Sunday School. —Air. E. T. Albertson. 3 :40 AA'orship .in the Church School —Aliss Daisy Alagee. 4:10 Record of Attendance. 4:2o —Problem Solving Period, con ducted by Air. D. AAi Sims. 4 -.55 Announcements. .1 :(K) Adjourn. Sixth Session, Friday Night. Air. F. C. Niblock j>re,siding. 7:30 Det’ostional—Rq/y. Jesse C. Rowan. 7:40 Teaching Through the Eye Gate —Air. I). AV. Sims. 8:10 The Call lor Trained Leader ship—Aliss Daisy Alagee. 8:40 Record qf Attendance—Mr. E. T. Albertson. 8:.a0 The Efficient Teacher—Air. E. r l\ Albertson. 9:30. Adjourn. The following are the officers for the County Sunday -School Associa tion : <• J. J. Barnhardt, Township Presi dent. J. B. Robertson, County President. C. J' Goodman, A T iee-President. Aliss Rosa Mund, County Secretary. Forest Hill Goes Forward. \ AA’ork, suspended some time ago on the big annex of the Forest Hill Aleth odist Church, will be resumed at once and -tUo enterprise rushed to comple tion. This was the enthusiastic de cision of the church at the regular preaching service yesterday morning. The pastor spoke very briefly and turned the meeting over to the con gregation. There were not set speech es, but a large number spoke with* un usual feeling and pledged themselves to pay the outstanding subscriptions on the building fund and continue the work till it is (lone. When the last touch has been put upon this building it will be one of the largest and best arranged church es in • this section of the state. Not only the membership of this historic church, but its'friends everywhere, are responding in a magnificent manner to the call of oi>portunity to have a part in the building. * A very surprising and most inter esting feature v of the day was the dis play of potted' plants and cut flowers Horn the florist. AA'lien the congre gation assembled for service they were greeted by a scene that sent „a tliiill of pleasure to evbry heart. The chancel, pulpit and piano, in fact the entire front of the old auditorium, had adorned as a bride for her husband. Ferns, other evergreens and lliree large vases of carnations, the latter the gift of Air. AA T . li. Odell, chairman of the board of stewards, had been tastefully arranged to pre sent a most pleasing effect. All in all it \"is one of those days that will Stand out in the memory otf everyone present. ’ 3 Air. Armstrong Accepts the Chairman ship. Upon the insistent invitation of Cjpl. Geo. H. Bellamy and Air. J. L. Beal, of Raleigh, Rev. J. Frank Armstrong, of this city, has accepted the chair manship of Cabarrus County in the Near East Campaign. Air. Armstrong was chairman of Ca barrus last year and was able to roll up a surplus above our quota of near ly r>o. per cent. AA’ord comes from Raleigh that the people in every part of the State are responding with a liberality never before known. Tried to Rob Grave of James Jones. New York, Feb. 3. —AATn. H. AA'il liams, special agent of the "Treasury Department, admitted today that an attempt had l>een made to r.ob the BjiLklyn grave of James Jones, Amer ican seaman, in whose coffin the er<*vn jewels of Russia \yere reported to have been smuggled into this country. Explained,, Mrs. Newbride—Our cook says those eggs you sent yesterdav were quite old. Grocer —Very sorry, ma’am. They were the best we could get. You see, all the young chickeps were killed off for the holiday trade, so lhe old m-ns are the only ones left to do the layin’. Mrs. Newbride—Oh, to be sure? I hadn’t thought of that.”, t Monday, February 5, 1923, AX IXCREASE IX LIVESTOCK. Small Increase in Cattle' and Sliccp sad a Slight Decrease in Horses The annual report of the depart ment of agriculture: on tKe supply 0 f livestock in the country, just issued', shows 5,595,000 more hogs, 720,' im more cattle and 882,000 more sheep <>n farms and ranches than a year a:.* with a small decrease in horses aVi a small increase in mules. Total farm vplue of livestock is . 11l m.'Uion dollars, 312 million more than a year ago, but 940 million !*•>. than a~ year ago, amL 3.054 million dollars less than in January', 1929. of values of different classes of avestock, and comparisons with the figures announced a y ar ago are here shown: Horses numbered 18,853,000. a ite. crease of 203,000 from last > oaf Value was $1,314,956,000, a deerea of $29,180,000. numbered 5,506.000. an m, crease of 39,000, and were valued at $472,735,000. a decrease : f 58.843.iMm Milk cows numbered 24.429,000. an increase of 3474)00 and were valind at $1.241,673,'000 an increase of sl3- 970,000. / Other cattle numbered 41.923 jute an increase of 373,000, and were valued at $1,076,254,000, an increase cr587,494,000. Sheep numbered 37,209,000, an n crease «; Horses. 1.705.611; nudes. 378.250; cat tle, 2.111,527; sheep, 5540,042: swine, 2,638,389. The value per head on January 1 this year and, on that date in was: Horses, $69.75 and $70.54: mules, $85.86 and *88.09; milk cow.-. $50.83 and $50.98; other cattle,s2s 67 and, $23.80: sheep, $7.50 and $4.S r ': swine, and $10.07. THUMBS IN SOUP NOT SCALDED, Sc* SL Louis Hotel Resists Claim or Patron to Damoges fer Spilfina. '*On a waiter’s thumb” hangs $5" 1 for Ralph D. Coleman. Coleman, an official of the’rytt« \. Belt ra’lroad, sued the Hotel in St. Louis, becaus? a waiter spillr<’ a bowj of hot soup on him “sen dine: him severely and causing him gre.r humiliation.” * - Tlie hotel will base its defense on an attempt to show tlie waiter ha 4 lTs thumb in the soup and that i* could not have b?en "scalding." Coleman maintains a “waiter's thumb” is oblivious to hot soup. AVhich Front I Weary Waggles—‘‘Lady, I'm an ex soldier. Will you gimme a sandwicnV" Mrs. Blooey—“AVere you at tin front?” Weary Waggles—“ Yes, ’ma’am, but nobody answered the bell, so 1 v.e:») around? to the back door.” , , -■■■ *< Tim: “How are you getting along at home while your wife’s away?” Jim : “Fine. I've reached the height of efficiency. I can put on my sock - now from either end.”