I. B. SHERRILL, Editor and Publisher. VOLUME XLVIII. y of “Camarade” Will Not Stop French Again (Jon era 1 I)e Goutte Says if C ermans Harm a Single {•Venc-h Soldier France Will Start War to Finish. n r:MAX BOYCOTT STILL SPREADING In Rhine and Other Ruhr Districts the French Troops Art* Being Very Effectively Boycotted Now. iTilorf. Fob. 12 (By the Asso ■ - Reports-that the Ger iv organizing a genera! strike ;! . inti tar trout Bwhiuu. have !i>■ elispatrh of French tanks to ; ,(iii mans are boycotting the , ,~v . : occupation, throughout the , i. 0c i rii t. • ntui the' French have n ..i.'ligeil to take-over tin* work of , ~rihe r a tight to the finish—a i eom kjmekout.” l ighting is Reported. 1 mi' ii. Fch. 11!, t By the Associated 1* \ Central News dispatch : .on r.erlin today says two French * If i'v ai’nl one Gerinnu were killed i a clash at Gelsenkirchen, in -the kmcf. ihm morning .when German sol ■ i-4 halted a motor ear containing * i> tii'li -tldiers. SniFsj- -Total Eclipse Will Last Two Months. (’hrr-ago, Feb. 12.—A fotal eclipse of • . sun will he visible over part of .- rui ted States September 10 this ;'av. lasting for about two minutes, a Chi.-ago and the middle *west will ..oh a partial eclipse to view, ami a ry small one at fin?!, even less u.an way seen here June S. I*>lß. when it" am total eclipse visited the Foiled chi. ago. though, is Incoming rather i.. being neglected-by such solar !» .to oil na. for the available records si w that the last time the moon in i'-! "tied and totally blotted out the ' h l ays fj’ont falling on the southern urn ..f i.ake Michigan was 1151 years' T: is was the year—-722 A. I>. —that | ' '!:ai .'imagne started his war against !l * Saxonsj The eclipse only took "’i-tple of minutes, hut it took Char ham gne thirty-two years to finish the Th> best spot for observing the 1 ini’ g eclipse next September will be '•ti Catalina..lsland, off the coast of I alifornia. scientists say. Edwin B. ■ Frost. director of Yerkes observatory.; Tiiiianis I>.y. Wisconsin, will take an 1 • N'M-ditioii there. The total eclipse last about .two minutes, starting 1-’:54 ]•. m. September 1. at Catn- j t'\ ■ ' I Negro Schools Being Inspected. Kaleigh. N. (Feb. 12.—11. <>. Sar '“iit. Washington, of the Federal; It<..-ir.-l .if Vocational Education is in | NT >i-i h Carolina Ibis week inspect ing 1 institutions here in which voca ;"- 1 ;: 1 1 agricirlt lire is taught. He is lie- j II a •■> ompanied by J. H. Bullock, nr- i “! the North Farolinu State Col-1 hg.‘ and head of vocational agricul- I work among negroes in the state. ' mg the schotds being inspected] ■ c.e Williston Industrial school, tit n gton: Pender County Training c Kocky Point, and the Harnett 1 Training School, Dunn. result of his investigations to the federal official stated he was 1 ) 1 h ased“ with the showing made ■| si-bools The teaching of voea -1 agriculture is at aiw advanced - among the negroes of this state, ''"led Chemist to Speak at Trinity. ll: i>am. Fel>. 12.—Facts regarding a.| of seientjfic research and its ' - o:i future civilization, especial-! i. cards the fields of industrial ■ i -mee.ring chemistry, will be giv iJi 11 K. Howe, noted chemist. • speaks before the North Car-' 111 1 .-tion of the American Chemical and the Crowell Science Club 1 oil.V College on the .night of “-day. February 14. leading ■s of North Carolina will he J’ ' 1 to hear the address and to at '' ' special session of ttyeir society ''' : 'J in tlie faternoon. I>r. Howe I ‘m g brought to Trinity under the ' : “' s of the Crowell Science Club ' v . ' ' 'allege and of the. organization of ’-iii-mists. He is editor of the : ' "f Industrial and Engineering ; ' - !-y and ati authority on the 'Gaorial to Sir Edgar Buncombe. •>il" X. (’., Feb. 12.—A memo o sir Edgar Buncombe, for 'hi>- county was named, will be ~ ,' ' "!> the court bouse lawn b.v , 'hapter of the Daughters of : " '"'“rican Revolution. The county ; "l commissioners lias voted to '' l; 'te with the organization in the I.It.JC, ). THE CONCORD TIMES, CONTINUE TASK OF REMOVING DEHN Two Living and Seventy Dead Miners Have Been | Removed From Interior of ' Dawson Mine No. L Dawson. X. Mex.. Feb. 12 ißy the Associated Press).——The task of re moving tlu' bodies of those who died in the explosion of Dawson Mine No. -1, owned by the Plielps-Dodge Corpor ation. probably will not be completed for a week, according to Manager W. D. Brennan. Fifty remained to be lound, two living ami seventy dead having been taken out thus far. e reasonable! oh this point," he said. 1 i GAMBLING GAME LEADS TO SHOOTING AFFAIR j Jesse Hasty Alleged to Have Been J Shot by Will 1 Bray, Following a ; “Skin” Game Sunday. Jesse Hasty, negro, was accidentally shot yesterday afternoon by Will Bray, i another-.negro, and is seriously il at J the County Home, according to reports j reaching indice officers, who arrested ] Bray and several other negroes who j are alleged to have been enjoying a j game of "skin” when the shooting broke up the contest. The negroes were gambling in a home in one of the negro sections of j the city, the police have been inform-1 ed. During the "skinning” Bray and Charlie Scott, also colored, had some misunderstanding, and a pistol was brought into play. The two men start ed grappling for the weapon, which was accidentally discharged, the bul let striking Hasty in his left side as he lay on a bed. Police were suminoijed, and Bray and all of the* alleged gamblers were arrested, and Hasty was carried to the county home. Where he is receiving treatment. N / NEW HOSPITAL FOR NEGRO WAR VETERANS $2,000,000 Plant Erected by Govern ment is Opened at Tuskagee. Ala. Tuskage.e, Ala., Feb. 12.—0 n a spot made memorable b.v the life and work of Booker T. Washington, the govern ment of the United States today for mally dedicated here to the service, of its heroic sons a rehabilitation hospital costing $2,0000,000, an institution sec ond to none in the country in point of plant and equipment. World War | negro veterans will receive care and treatment for all classes of physical infirmities or injuries incident to their service at home or abroad. Vice President Coolidge., Governor Brandon and a long list of public and ; private citizens attended the opening of the hospital, the vice president be ing the principal speaker of the. occa sion. With Our Advertisers. , The bride can find just the things she wants for her new home at tlie Bell & Harris Furniture Company. Citizens Bhnk and Trust Com pany treats every depositor alike. Make a deposit with the bank, even if it is hut a small amount. Hats and suits in the latest colors and styles at Fisher’s, and the prices j are right. If you want the latest! things in reasonable prices, call at this store now. Ned ad. will interest you. The Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank at Raleigh Ims an interesting ad. in this paper today. The Chapin-Sacks Corporation, of Charlotte, says it pays the highest price for your sour cream. Read. ad. R. V. Caldwell, Route 1. is agent for the Fisc© Fertilizers. If you need something in ■ the fertilizer line, call on him. The new ad. of tlie Concord Furni ture Co. will interest you if you need a cook stove. BANDITS IKE RAID IN PROMINENT CLUB Seven Masked Men Entered Eagles Club at Charlerio, Pa., and Shot to Death One Club Member. OTHER MEN IN CLUB ROBBED Loot Secured by the Robbers Valued at $5,000 —Country- Wide Search for Bandits is Being Conducted. Charleroi, Pa., Feb. 12.—William Hope was shot dead in ;i spectacular raid by seven masked bandits on tlie Eagles Club here early today. The men escaped with money and jewelry estimated to be worth $5,000. Author ities of three counties and the state police are searching the countryside in an effort to locate the gang. Eighteen men were sitting in the club shortly after midnight, about to leave for their homes when the gang, dressed in black robes and black hoods, walked into the room and ordered them to throw up their hands. Hope did not get his hands up as quickly as the others and one of the bandits imme diately opened fire. .He was shot through the head. The Eagles were then ordered to sit down and while two of the bandits covered them with pistols, the others searched them and rifled the cash reg ister. HIGHWAY COMMISSION WILL USE THE RADIO Each District Office to Get Instruc tions by the Radio From Head quarters. Raleigh. X. C., Feb. 12. (By the As sociated Press). —A radio receiving station in each district office to re ceive information and instructions from headquarters in ltfrteigli is being planned by the State Highway Com mission. it pas been announced. Arrangements have been made with the North Carolina State College to use its broadcasting station at II o’clock each morning and at 7 :30 each evening to handle the highway de partment’s matter to engineers. After making a study.of the possi bV 'Usn *4t riulm-ui and other material information to the hundreds of workers throughout, the state, the department decided to have the receiving stations in each district and to urge resident eugineers every where to install sets so that they may he in daily touch with the main office. Important information relating to the condition of various highways al so will lie broadcast for the benefit of tourists and other travelers, it was stated. These bulletins, it was indi cated. kill be published in the daily newspapers. Officials pointed out that North Car olina would be one of the first states in the Union to adopt this method of communicating with its highway de partment employees. __ Closer co-operation and better and more rapid transmission of messages are expected t 6 result from the pro gram. it was stated, while it was add ed that later it might be possible to establish broadcasting stations in most of the districts. Government aid, it was understood, will be asked to car ry out tin* plans. The receiving stations are expected to la* installed ill each of the districts by March 1. SWEEPING INJUNCTION IS GRANTED AGAINST MINERS Arc Prevented From Making Any At tempt to Unionize Workers. Logan, \V. Vn„ Feb. 10—The United Mine. Workers of America cannot do anything, either by violence or per suasion, to unionize or cause to be unionized, the non-union miners in Logan county, West Virginia, under two injunctions issued today by Judge Robert Bland in the Logan Circuit Court. The Logan action was taken after hearing arguments for the plain tigs in two equity cases, one brought by SO non-union coal companies. The injunctions forbid the union of ficers named as defendants, and their agents, employees or representatives from doing anything that will suppress or unduly restrain the rights of the miners to work as non-union miners or interfers with their right to contract with their employers. They are. also forbidden to do anything in Logan county ‘‘that will create or tend to create and establish a monopoly ot mine labor,” or from interfering with or restricting free competition. Union mass meetings at any place in the county where coal miners are situated or the massing of union mem bers and marching them in Logan county are also put under the ban along with “anything that will tend to intimidate said miners while exercis ing their lawful rights while working as non-union miners.” Gov. McLeod Not to Address Commer cial Secretaries. Charlotte. N. C., Feb. 12.—Governor McLeod, of South Carolina, has de clined an invitation to address North and South Carolina Commercial Sec retaries. meeting here February 16-17. Pressure of state business and the meeting of the legislature were given as his reasons for riot attending. Os the 2133 children in New Bed ford. Mass., from 10 to 15 years of age inclusive, 1296 were employed in the cotton mills, according to the last census. NEW PASTOR OF ST. JAMES IS INSTALLED Installation Service Conduced \ - J. L. Morgan, I). I)., of Sa. President of Synod. At an impressive, service at St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church yesterday morning at 11 o’clock, Rev. Jj. A. Thomas was officially installed as pastor, the instnllatiton services being conducted by Rev. J. L. Morgan, I). D., of Salisbury, president of the. North Carolina Lutheran Synod. As the of his sermon. Dr. Morgan chose I Timothy 4 :12 "Let no man despise thy youth: he thou an example of a believer, in word, in conversation, in love, in faith, in pur ity." out tinging the. example a pastor should set for his congregation, and the obligation that the members are under to follow the example. The sermon was to both the pastor and the congregation. By being an example in the word, the speaker explained, is meant not only hi the use by the pastor of choice language and clean speech, but also that he should he careful in the word he preaches, that he_preach the saving truth. The members should follow the example in the use o’s their words, making use of no words which offend, and having regard for the feelings of others. In Ins conversation or manner of living, said Dr. Morgan, the preacher or pastor should set a Godly example. This is the easier to do before a people who do tin* same way. The actions of a congregation will reflect on what the pastor is, and it is important that the manner of living of each member should he a good example to others. But the example in word and in manner of living, if they do not come froifi the heart are only false and will" have no effect unless there, be love at tlie bottom of it all. ’ Love or charity is at the of all right living, without charity these things are but “as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal.” Where true love abounds, then there will l>e. evidences' of that love, which is faith. Faith in the word is the for<*e which will make the message of a preacher satisfy both the mind and soul of his hearers. The pastor should have the faith that saves, and tin* faith that serves. A faith that does not manifest itself in its work is a dead faith. If the congregation lias tin* true faith, it will not lie satis fied to sit idly by and keep this faith to itself, but will he. a working and active congregation. The objective that the church needs to set for itself today is the saving of souls —a real, active work, which will he an evidence of our faith. The. pastor and the Christian should ho an example in purity, continued Dr. Morgan, who called attention to the a minister is made a castaway, or when a member of a congregation be comes an object of reproach. The lives of the pastors and the people should be of purity, and should to sonic measure reflect tin* image of their Greater, who is all-pure. . Dr. Morgan then officially installed the. Rev. Mr. Tlmmas as pastor of the St James congregation, placing the Synod's stamp of approval upon tin* pastor's acceptance of the call extended to him last summer by the local con gregation. The service was attended by a large congregation, and special music Juul been arranged by the choir for the oc casion. FIVE PERSONSLOSE LIVES IN FIRE Father and Four Children Burned. —Mother Escapes and Gives Birth to Child. Indiana, Pa.. Fqb. 12—Andrew IVdaceka and four of li.is children were burned to death in a fire which de stroyed their home in a remote part of Indiana county yesterday. His wife, who was badly burned, was brought to a hospital here, where a few hours later she became the mother of a lit tle daughter. , Physicians said both would live. Will Remain Six-Club. Charleston, S. F., Feb. 11. —W. H. Walsh, president of the South Atlantic League, said tonight that inability of Savannah, Ga„ fans to secure a play ing field would probably prevent the expansion of the league to eight clubs tliis season. He lias been in confer ence with fans of that city and it had been proposed to enlarge the-Jeague by taking in Savannah and either Macon,/Ga., Asheville, X. F., or Jack sonville, Fla. President Walsh stated today, how ever that the. plans would not be car ried out this year and the league will open w ; th the same six clubs. Duke Buys Majestic Hotel In Nov York. Washington, Feb. 11.—Benjamin N. Duke, of Durham, has pruehased the Majestic gHofel, New York, between Seventy-FirA and Se.venty-Second streets. T* deal involved about $4,000,000. Mr. Duke is a brother of J. B. Duke, of Charlotte. Mr. Duke recently pur chased the Hotel Lorraine, Fifth Avejnue and Forty-Fifth street. Thomas Murder Case to Be Tried This Week. Salisbury, Feb. 11. —Both sides are apparently ready for the second trial of O. G. (Red) Thomas, which is set for this week in Rowan Superior Court, having bee.n removed to this county from Cabarrus. Witnesses have all been summoned and attorneys seem ready, though it is possible that a fight may be made for continuance. Dr. Thomas O’Higgins Assassinated. Dublin. Feb. 12 (By the Associated Press). —Dr. Thomas O’Higgins, of Maryborough, father of Kevin O’Hig gins, Free Strate Minister of Home Affairs, was assassinated last evening. $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. r " 1 GERMANY \\X*~ ry fHINKINGOF FUTURE v Some of Them, Especially the Married Ones, Will Be Dis charged Soon, and Must Find Work. gi:ad to get BACK IN STATES _ But They Will Miss Cheap Beer, Clothes and Food That Could Be Purchased on the Rhine. i_ • ‘ New York. Fob. 12.—Forty-five of tlio 1.72 doughboys who returned from Coblenz on the transport St. Mihiel yesterday, turned their attention to day to the future. For these 45 are married, most of them to German brides, and are soon to be discharged from the service* of Unde Sam. And their big problem is to return to normalcy, sudden descent to the American dollar standard after their months on the Rhine as “mark millionaires.” Awaiting their discharge •at Fort Hamilton, the husbands— 1.1 Jof them fathers as well—are iking plans for a radical change in their spending habits. “Sure,” said one of them, and he ex pressed the sentiments of his benedict buddies, “I’m glad to get-back, me be ing a good American and all that. But we sure were siftin’ pretty there on the Rhine. Nobody can say we weren’t sittin' pretty, no sir. We were getting paid in American dollars, but we got it in marks—s.ooo for a dollar. Sittin’ on top of the world I’ll say. But sure, I'm glad to get back. It s good to see the States again. But, of course there will be times when I’ll think of that lieer at half a cent, a seidel, and a full meal for ten cents.” lie pointed to his wife, a robust fraulein flaxen-haired and smiling. “See that nifty dress?” he asked. “Cost six bucks. The hat? One buck. Fur coat, forty, dollars. Yep. it’s like that in Coblenz. And rent's the same, and grub.” DRY SHIPS FAVORED FOR BAPTIST TRIP Representatives to World Alliance at Will ftoyraSF rhpnir Car rying Vessels. Southern Baptists attending the Baptist World Alliance at Stockholm, Sweden, the last week in duly (and the indications are the number will he exceptionally large) will make, the trip on dry ships if they adopt 'the suggestion of Dr. A. J. Barton of Alex andria, La., chairman of the South ern Baptist Convention’s Commission on Social Service, member of the nat ional executive and legislative com mittees of the Anti-Saloon league, chairman of tin/ National Prohibition Amendment committee that drafted the Eighteenth Amendment, and who has represented the American governs ment on two occasions at the Inter national Conference Against Alcohol ism. Dr. Barton makes the point that Southern Baptists should answer the argument of certain interests that American people will not patronize dry ships, should seek to uphold the hands of the federal government in declaring all ves sels dry, and that when they reach Europe they should’ demonstrate they are loyal, consistent and law-abiding American citizens by refraining from liquor both at home, and abroad. It is understood that the Northern Baptists have chartered ves sel of the F. S. Shipping hoard, all of whose boats are dry. on which to made the trip in a hotly.' , Pol. Parker to Instruct Troops. Raleigh. N. C., Fid). 12. —Lieutenant Colonel A. A. Parker, infantry, United States army, has been detailed to the North Carolina National Guard/as an instructor in infantry tactics, Adju tant General J. Van B. Metts an nounced today. Thd instructor has arrived in the city, where he will he stationed. The adjutant general also stated Captain W. A. Copeland, Company A., 120 Infantry, of the state National Guard, Burlington, has returned from Fort Benning, Ga., where he graduat ed from the infantry school. Lieuten ant F. J. Timberlake, 117th Field Ar tillery. Youngsville, has returned from Fort Sill, Oklahoma, where he grad uated from the artillery school, while Lieutenant G. W. Iline, Troop E., 100 cavalry, Lincolnton, has returned from Rort Riley, Kansas, where he grad uated from the cavalry school, he said. Millions Donated for Benevolent W’ork. St. Louis. Mo., Feb. 12.—A total of $25,089.410.08 has l>een donated in the last ten years for missionary and ben evolent work by tlie Disciples of Christ (Christian Church) it was announced at headquarters of the United Chris tian Missionary Society here.. This represents a gain of 101 per cent for the ten year Reriod, it was said. Seventy-four, new foreign missionaries were sent out in 1921 and 1922, the announcement added. Women’s Club Oppose Reducing Edu cational Funds. Winston-Salem, N. C., Feb. 12.—The Woman’s Club, of this city, has for warded a set of resolutions opposing a redaction in the state educational funds to the general assembly In Raleigh. NO. 53.