PAGE TWO ' o™tKiLsnmili. ' Club and Society Items Are Solicited. * < Telephone 78, Tribune Oflßce. Lapra Harris Circle. The Laura Harris Circle of Central Me.thodlst Church will meet this even ' i»g at 7 :30 with Mrs. W. F. Goodman at her home on North Spring Street. j • • • War Mothers. The War Mothers will meet 1 Tues day afternoon at 8:80 o'clock with Mrs. J. C. Fink at her home on North Union Street. f •% 6 Prof. Beach’s Address. The Woman's Club of Concord, ex tends to the rural teachers an invita tion to hear Prof. Beach on "Public School Music"'*Friday at K o’clock p. m. at Concord Central Graded Schftol building. There are no charges for admission. The women are hoping to I? stimulate an Interest in the study of music in all of the schools of Cabar rus. „ / Sit . r King’s Daughters. The Get Together meeting of the King's Daughters Thursday evening at 7 :30 o’clock jit the home of Mrs. G. L. Patterson, South Union street, proin *. ises to be a very enjoyable affair. The ||: local circle is expecting about twenty live members of the Kannapolis orgau -1 ization to be present. The committee in charge is claiming to entertain ev ery King's Daughter and Son in Ca * barrus. ... m m m Sniooi Society To Meet. The Smoit Missionary Society of ; • Central Methodist Church will meet . Tuesday evening at 7 with Misss Elizabeth Dayvault at her home on South Union Street. • • » *' i Mrs. Lewis Entertains Christian Reid Book Club. Mrs. G. B. Lewis delightfully,, en- HATS - . SUITS Feature Bow Trims Reveal Soft Lines * * Spring - ' introduction First Spring Modes \ t THE. SUIT MODEi—AUTHENTIC ARRIVALS ARE SUPREMELY ATTRACTIVE! \ v From Paris come intriguing scraps of information re- garding the Suit Mode—rumors that Jehny favors three- . piece modes—Lavin the two-piece one. Whatever your preference it will be represented in new Suits here, that are authentic, supremely attractive versions of what is best in-Suit modes for the Spring. We cordially invite you to sec' the new styles. $24.95 UPWARD NOW ARRIVING IN MOST DE- F'xX' LECTABLE SPRING CHAPEAUX // fj 'N\ 1,1 at Modes! They are scintillant, di (' ' \\ versified, and dumber among them I - \\ quaintly cap-like, close fitting modes / . regally embroidered apd jeweled, in- I ' LeS? s _ triguing as a Juliet’s crown, Change- v i\ - © ,S 'l} ant taffeta —timbo straw- —hairbraid — \\ J U these are little fabric clues to Spring \V j // Hat roles. X.;V4'\ / $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 ' $9.95 up L * • / - WRAP MODES WITH NO CLAIM TO SIMPLICITY 1 here is a tendency to add embellishment to the Wrap » of 1923. Even topcoats, share this quality—for natural colored polo cloth ones have ovgrplaids of color, and cuffs, collar and strap trimmings stitched with Persian Floss. Many effective Wraps have low-bloused effects. $8.95 UPWARD OUR CORSET SECTION PAYS PARTICULAR AT TBNTION TO THE NEDS OF THE STOUT ' WOMAN ' ' Recognizing the importance of careful corseting to the woman who is no longer slander—woghave a "special Ser vice for her alone. The corset to be wjorn with her new spring Frock is here in broche or coutil, and now is a good §S ' " • * time to be fitted. - $1.95 upward >/ f f; . • ' ' , It Pays to Trade at l ISHER’S Concord s Foremost Specialists FROCKS COATS Make Hemlines Important Stress Circular Sides I * 1 tertained the Christian Reid Book j Club Saturday afternoon at her home on South Union Street. Leonardo de Vinci was the Subject ! j for the afterndon and papers were ; j read by Mrs. E v H. Brown, Mrs. jonn 1 Allison and (Mrs.. Victor (Means, j At the conclusion of the programme the members W-ere invited into the dining room which was beautifully i decorated with jonquils, and here an | elaborate luncheon was served.- ,• * • • Daughters Bora. Borfr to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cook, ‘February lltli, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Morrison an nounce the birth of a daughter at the j Concord Hospital February lltli. Mr. and Mrs. McKinley MeLellan are receiving , congvatulatiins on the ■ birth of a daughter, February 10th. w w With Our Sick. , i The friends of Mrs. Voidt M. Barn-, liardt will regret ta learn that she is j confined to her home on East Depot i street by illness. I Music Lovers Club. i The Music Lovers Club met d ues- j day evening, the oth. with Mrs. W. M. | -LinrKbr and Mrs. Gales Pickard at the \ home. i;f the former on White street, i ( Seventeen members answered the roll | call, giving a current event of interest . ltd music lovers. After the business ( 'an interesting program waS carried j out, after which the hostesses served a i salad course. Visitors to the club , were Misses Lottie and Elina Boyd. ' Mrs. R. L. Morrison, of Bristol!. ! s Tennessee, and Mrs. R. E. RidenlioUr, j Jr.- | j Professor Breach, of Winston-Salem. ] will l»e the guest of the Music Lover's j Club Friday afternoon, February 1(5, at 4 o’clock and will speak on the sub ject, '‘Appreciation of Music/’ at the home of Mrs; W. M. Linker on White Street. mm* Letter From Lady Dickens. English customs and the Anglo-Sax on traditional interest in holiday gaie ties were-not dulled by the world war, according to a letter reflecting the spir it and cheer prevailing during the holiday social season in London, from Lady Dickens,-wife of Sir Henry Dick ens, son of the novelist, to Mrs. Wil liam H. Gorman, of this city. The letter follows a delightful asso ciation between Lady Dickens and Mrs. Gorman, when the latter was in Europe last summer. Lady Dickens and Sir Henry Dickens were touring Switzerland, where Mrs. Gorman spent some time before going to Oberammer gau to Witness The Passion Pla. Mrs. Dickens says: "Dear Mrs. Gorman: I was so pleased to hear from you. though I had hoped to see you again before you left for America. I was away from home 'till the middle of October and enjoyed my holiday very much. "We are stilFin the midst of Christ mas and New Year's festivities and this evening are going to a black and white fancy dress ball at one of our married daughter's. We are really to old a couple to ‘dress up’ and I didn’t want to disappoint the daughter and happily have a brain wave. We shall go, Sir Henry aifd I. in ordinary eve ning dress, and over it wear a, white cloak, i as ‘granny’ with names of mv fifteen grand-children embroidered on the buck and all their photos tied on with' tiny white and black ribbons on wide sleeves amKon each front. My husband goes as the ‘family tree," painted in ink all over the back of the cloak. He begins with father, liis children, his father and his ten children, my husband and his seven, and then our tifteen grand children. Ijte makes quote a good show. 1 “My husband and i wish you and your friends a very happy 1023/’ » * * Duplicate Bridge. Club (Rein. Mrs. R" S. Young entertained the THE CONCORD TIMES ( t Duplicate Bridge Club Thursday af i ternoon at her home on. North Union -Street.. At the conclusion o.f the games, a delicious salad course was served by the hostess. - Besides the regular' members Mrs. Young had as her guests Mrs. E. C. Barnliardt, Jr., and Mrs. E. A. Moos. m m f 'x / Prayer Service. Friday, February l(»th, is the annual day of prayer for missions, and all the women of ail the churches in Concord are invited to attend the services at St. Jamas Lutheran Church at 3:30 o’clock’on that afternoon. Churches all over the country are asked to ob serve this day and it is hoped that ns many women as possible will at tend the service at St. James. \ • * m George Washington Party. The teachers of the primary school and tiie Parent-Teachers’ association are going to give a George Washington partv February 22nd at the primary building 3 to- n o’clock, and all the children in Concord are invited. There will be a small admission charge as the party is to he given to raise money for the milk fund. Full de tails will be given later. • • m Sou Born. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Archie Gib son, February Bth, a son. m » •* Child 111. Charles, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Meis is confined to his home on Marsh street with the flu. • c. • Home From Hospital. The many friends of Mrs. W. M. Morrison will bo glad to know that she lias returned from the Presbyteri an Hospital, where she. underwent an operation for appendicitis two weeks ago. • * Will Move to Memphis. Mrs. J. N. Barringer and daughter. • Mrs. R. W. Teauge. who have made their home here for se.veFa 1 years, will leave the first of March for Memphis. Tenn., where they will make their home in the future with Mr. Lewis Barringer, son of Mrs. Barringer. m m m \ Study Club. Mrs. (’. A. Cannon was hostess Thursday afternoon to the Study Club at her home on Spring street. Mrs. (V. if. Sherrill read a paper on Henry Tim rod and James Ryder Randall, and Mrs. C. T*. Wagoner read one on Novelists of the South. At the. conclusion of tlie program a salad course was served by Mrs. Cannon. • mm Legion Auxiliary Meeting. Tlie regular meeting of the Ameri ca n Legion Auxiliary was held Thurs day evening at (he Legion club rooms and was characterized by a splendid attendance, more, than twenty-live members being present. After i>mtine business was dispens ed with Messrs. Joe Bost and J. A. Goodman, representing the American Legion, asked tlie help of tlie Auxil iary in putting on the Minstrel to be given by the Legion the latter part of the month and livacfiv support and co operation was promised by each mem ber. Z ./ . t Mrs. W. M. Sherrill, who bus charge of putting on the picture of the Aux iliary Convention in New Orleans was unable to give a full report because the proceeds from the picture have not been finally determined but she did report that everyone lias been most generous and helpful. The members then adjourned to meet again the sec ond Thursday in February. • • • Party Friday. Mrs. J. F. Goottson entertained quffv informally Friday afternoon, having as her guest Mrs. S. E. Hutchinson, of Baltimore. , The home had been beautifully dec orated with cut flowers and was in deed a scene of beauty. Receiving with Mrs. Goodson and Mrs. Hitchin son were Mrs. T. E. Smith, of Char lotte. Mrs. D. B. Morrison. Mrs. I*. B. Fetzer, Mrs. 11. I. Woodhouse, Mrs. H. Herring. Delicious refreshments were served by Mrs. Kenneth Caldwell, Misses Mary and Adeline Morrison and little Miss Elizabeth Hopkins. m With Our Sick. The condition of 'Miss Velma Good man who returned Friday from the Sanatorium is reported today as somewhat improved. (Mrs. W. H. Gibson %vvho has been confined to her home with the flu for several days is now able to be up but. is still unable to be out. The condition of Mrs. R. C. Boger who has been confined to her home near St. -John's with the flu for ten days D reported today as much im proved. The many friends of Mrs. J. C. Gib soil will regret to learn that she has been ill-for severar days and her con dition today is reported as unchang ed. Mrs. C. W. Brown and her daughter. Miss Helen Brown, are confined tq, their home on North Church street by an attack of flu. Mrs. Henderson to Undergo Second Operation. ( haliote Observer: The Confeder ate Veterans and scores of friends beside, will regret to know that Mrs. Ellis Heudersin will have to return to the. Charlotte Sanatorium for another operation, and rather serious one. She recently underwent an operation at the Sanatorium, and returned to her home, on Velvedero avenue two weeks ago. Mrs. Henderson is leader of Julia Jackson chapter. Children of tlie Con federacy, and ns such has made fame for herself and tlu >f chapter through out the south. She has done a won derful work with, and for the children. With her as the dynamic force the chapter has won the highest prizes— and many of them —offered to the Children's chapter. She is beloved by the personnel of Mecklenburg camp.} Confederate- Veterans, and each old I Vet. will regre.t to hear-'of her con tinued illness. ; (Mrs. Henderson organized the local chapter of the Children of the Con federacy here last fall and made a number of friends who will regret to learn of her illness. Ed.) • mm Flora McDonald Branch Alumni Asso ciation Formed. Thursday evening at the home of Miss> Jt-au Maxwell on Grove street 1 the Flora McDonald Branch Alumni Association was formed and the fol ! lowing officers were elected: President ' Sarah Barnhardt, Secretary Mrs. R. |V. Caldwell, Jr., Treasurer Mrs. M. 1 K. Pounds. I It was decided that the Association | meet three times a year—namely, the iirst Tuesdays in February, May and October and that the. dues will be on dollar per year. The purpose of the organization of a branch association is to give pub licity to the college and to foster col lege spirit. War Mothers. ' The War Mothers will meet Tihvs dajPkfternoon at 3:30 o’clock with Mrs. "j. C. Fink at her home on North Union street. * r Will ’Give Play. “The Minister’s Bride,” a humorous play, will be given by the young peo ' pie of St. Johns Reformed Church, I Kannapolis, in the Central Graded j School auditorium Tuesday night, Feb ruary 13, at 7:45 ’oclck. The Young Woman’s Missionary Auxiliary of Trinity Reformed Church has cljjtrge of the ticketcs and will share in the. receipts, placing them in the church building fund. The play was written by a minis ter’s wife for church performance. It is clean in all its. suggestions, no unbecoming remarks, no filthy slang. It written to represent the ex periences of a village church twenty live years ago, a church that had the misfortune to loose three pastors by death, and also to have called a young unmarried man. The pastor hag gone, away to get married. There is such speculation as to the minister's bride, by the unmarriad group in the church who have seen more. There are 18 characters in the piay. • * * PERSONALS. Charlotte News: Mrs. Frank B. Smith is spending Friday in Concord with friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lentz, left Fri day yiorning for New Orleans to visit Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lockwood, the lat ter their daughter. (Mr. and Mrs. C. L. White and Mr. Maury Richmond attended the funer al of Dr. Ephraim Harding in David son Saturday afternoon. Mrs. W. D. Pemberton, Miss *Mary Pemberton and Miss Adele Pember ton spent Saturday in Charlotte. Mr. W. T. Miller, of Columbia, S. «C., spent several hours in llie city Fri day. I Misses Jean Maxwell and Mary Spurgeon-attended the basketball game in Davidson Friday evening. Mr. George Praether, of M. P. (’. 1., is spending, the week-end here with home folks. Mr. C. M. Sappenfield. Jr., of Shelby, is spending the week-end here with Ins parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sap penfield. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Eudv, Miss Addie Goodman and Mr. C. IV. Swirrk attend ed the Automobile Show in Charlotte f Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hicks spent .Friday in Charlotte. • Miss Brut ha Brown has returned from Charlotte, where she had been spending some time with her uncle, Mr. J. E. McGraw. Miss Lena Hillard, of Cleveland, N. is spending the week-end here with her mint, Mrs. Curry on North Church street. Miss May Stockton, Miss Cauiieeu Wilson, Miss Mary Spurgeon, Mr. Buford Black welder and Mr. Tom Warren attended the Automobile Show in Charlotte Thursday evening. Mr. Ernest Robinson is- vjsiting nis sister Mrs. Julius Fisher. •Mr. and Mrs. Will Sher wooer and Mr, and Mrs. Tom Simpson, of Salis bury and Mr. John Simpson, of Dur ham were called here Thursday to the bedside of their father, Rev.~ Jacob Simpson who suffered a stroke of paralysis Thursday. Dr. J. E. Smoot returned Thursday from Fayetteville where lie was eali ed by the illness and death o* his brother. Dr. Marvin Smoot. He spent last Friday in Charlotte with his sister, Miss Cora Smoot. Mrs. Parks King, of Charlotte, ar rived Friday to spend the week-end with (Miss 'Mary King. Mrs. Bilodeau, of New York, former ly Miss May Burt of this city, is visiting friends here. Miss Sarah LOius Cline . returned Thursday to Queens CcVlege, Char lotte, after spending several days here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. E. Cline. Mrs. T. P. Smith, Mrs. S. S. Me-- lyinch and Mrs. Frank Buchanan, of t hnrlotfe, attended the tea given Friday afternoon by Mrs. J. F. Good son. Mrs. L. B. Cress spent Thursday in Charlotte attending the automobile show, and also visiting relatives. Mr. Joe Sills. Jr., of Albemarle, spent Friday in the city. Mr. It. W. Salrit, of Mt. Gilead, was a business visitor in the citv Fri day. Mrs. J. E. Love and children >left Friday for Greensboro, wife re they will spend the week-end with Mrs. Love’s parents, Nix*, and Mrs. ,J. Suss mau. * Mr. and Mrs. George’Goodman, Miss Ruth Goodman and Mr. Ralph Sides have be.en railed to the bedside of Miss Velma Goodman, who is seriously ill at the State Sanatorium. Air. Thomas Webb.. Jr., arrived Fri day from Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mel)ov\*ell, of Morgan ton. spent Thursday here with > M**. C. L. Smith and left Friday jamm ing; for Charlotte. Messers Eugene Lattimore and Yates McSwain, of Shelby, speht Sun day here with friends. •Mr. Arthur Corl spent Sunday in Charlotte. Messers Charles -and Robert Linker of Charlotte, spent Sunday- here with friends. Mr. George Praether has returned j to M. P. C. 1.. afteFspenrling the wesk j end here with home folks. Mr. Ellrert Ritchie of Charlotte, silent the week-end here with nis 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ritchie. | Mr. J. B. -Sherrill returned this 1 morning to Raleigh after spending the ! week-end 'here with his family. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Deal, of Char- ! lotte, spent Sunday here with Mrs. { Joe Fisher. Miss Apnis Smoot, Missy Lucy Hart- ? sel, Messers A. F. Hartsell, J. E. Davis, A. F. Gp&man and Dr. W. c\ i Houston spent Sunday in Gastonia. i iMr. and Mrs. A. S. Thompson and M .ss Alice Hollin, of Cliailotte, spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Lou White. ; Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Jarrett and son, John Bruce, left today for Homestead, Fla., where -thew will visit Mrs. Jar fett’s sister, Mrs, H. L % Cook, for sev eral weeks. Charlotte Observer: Miss Jenn Col trarie, of Concord, in whom Charlotte I). A. R_ are always interested as she so splendidly represents the state in the D. A. R. cabinet, is now in New York. She was called there, by the illness of hep friend, Mrs. Meckdrs, whom she so frequently visits. Miss Coltrffhe had expected to be. in Char lotte on February 22, as guest of Mrs. jt l>. Caldwell, for Washington Day celebration of Mecklenburg chapter D. A. It., Mrs. Caldwell, a member of the chapter to be. hostess on that day. Mr. H. S. Williams is attending the Salisbury term of court. Mrs. Howard Caldwell left today for_ Laurinburg, where, she will visit her sister, Mrs. Mae Camerson. IMiss Lena Keller, of iMont Amoena Seminary, spent the week end Here with Mrs. A. J. Lippard. Mr. C. M. Sappenfield, J . returned to Shelbv this morning after spending the week-end here with his parents, Mr. sind Mrs. C. M. Sappenfield. IMiss Sarah Parnell returned to Charlotte Sunday night after spending the week-end with home folks. Mrs. F C. Cohell, of Greensboro, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. White. She ’was accompanied home by Miss Nancy Lentz who will her home with Mrs. Correll in the future. Mr. and iMvs. J. L. Hartsell left Saturday night for Philadelphia, where Mrs. HartseJ,l will consult a specialist about her eyes. USE THE PENNY COLUMN—IT PAY'S m PTTiraiga VIRGINIA i HyHSg BURLEY I lAMERiCAI TOBACCO Big Sacrifice Sale ✓ \ The Reliable Shoe Hospital has purchased the stock of Sol s Style Shop and will move into their new quarters on or about March Ist. The Entire Stock of Sol’s Style Shop Including, Dresses, Coats, Suits, -Furs, etc. will be placed on Sale . SATURDAY MORNING AT NINE O’CLOCK with one object in view, and that is to sell out and make room for the Shoe Hospital. Reliable Shoe Hospital f MARDI GRAS CARNIVAL ■ l?i W o 0 , r o Mobile Pensacola Feb. 8-13, 1923 „ Feb. 11-13, 1923 Feb.lo-13, 1923 Southern Railway System Announces Very Low Round Trip Fares N ew Orleans—Tickets on Sale Feb. 6-13 inclusive Mobile—Tickets on sale Fieb. 9-13, inclusive Pensacola Tickets on §ale Feb. 8-13, inclusive Final Jinnt of all tickets, Feb. 20th, 1923. a 3 T $* n '** P nor to Teb. 20th, tickets inay be extend ed until March ?, 1923, by paying fee of SI.OO. j Fast Through Trains Daily Pullman sleeping cars, observation cars, club cars, r Internal Revenue indicate a mistaiV-i impression In the minds of many payers concerning deductions gross income for personal expen-f the soft-wood lumber and 55 per cent the entire lumber output of the. coun try is produced there; that tlie coal area of the South is twice as great as that of all Europe, including Russia, and that the South has developed 2.300.0(H) horsepower from its streams and rivers out'of an estimated nmi mum water poyver of h. 000.000 horse power which she can harness in the future for the use of her rapidly ex panding industries. Southern mileage has quadrupled in thirty years, and the South will spend this year S4o<).- 000.000 in highway improvement.