t STTERRILL, Editor and Publisher. HME XLVIII. . lilt COC*' . m FIGURE 1 iflllCS IS DEAD; I i y cntalive Cochran Died Morning* in Washing-; INine, After Illness of. -• t r .11 Fours. „ I. • : SPEECH IN " 40USE LAST NIGHT | I l' V; r v V jrs lie Was Power in; \>w York Politics, and. Was Wheel Horse of Tarn many Flail. V jr!tif< i j i. March I. Represenfn \ fi, mk«* Cochrane. de:no<-rnU of died -ouldenly today, i icliram* celebrated * his ID Mb [ * votr.rday. iitr:imi‘ ill lsist ( ■ • f!11 died early today. Hr was ... ti .r of the House last night ic ;j spirited speech in npposi , 111.- pending farm credits hill. \li r..i-liraiir's death, which occur -7 a. in., came, its the infine , result of a stroke of apoplexy, it ■vsi?id at Li's In>ii,r. A isativo of Irolaml. educated ini ♦ nil ; tile United States, and ; • l i many fiturs in the legal si Mr. Cochrane was a i:of.-e of Timmany Hall, whose In l 'Mglii in New York and . - v. h n in any occasions. AT the A lie....ciatie National (’onventiou Fran iso> lie made the speech i. : a.. :;ag Governor At Smith for the* r . ais an oratorical effort which ia . . tin convention into a prolong i .ii■ i: :lation—>a coring of old time. 4 inei-iijig" i*.lilies. He also ■ a ■- d t!h\ ((invention in favor of . I . enthusing the sale of light . \ ■';•!(*> a nil he■‘•r. • " • 3- ••it i •“ ,lv 7. 4‘Nt G v ■ > t I HKU.fi < )MP,\N f * f!o>r; s ‘ • ( i. r M> t Yesterday Aftemacn : ml (inse President, Vice-President mi h, it, tary-Treasurer. 'I i i -ti rs Os the Concord Realty < m|-ih. which was .recently organ ic:' -i-e for the purpose of taking ov ' ■ m. Cloud Hotel property, met a ; .tie Merchants and Manufacturers c ,ii y, aerd iy afternoon and elected i !i.c dewing officers: J. A. Cannon, president: L. T. Hart > . Vice President: and A. F. Ifart >*■ i >■ irtary ami Treasurer.' : lie i(Hirers were chosen by the fol :g lirertors, who were ejected on . * W. Switik, 1.. AL Richmond, L-. D. C. 11. Wagoner. A. F. Hart •!! ; ad i.. T. Ihirtsetl. 'if r o| (lie company stated this aii, ihai t hey .‘lie in position Mow tti o 'uvrr i lie lioiid property as- soon < ■ •'! 1 s.iine is completed hy the 1 -cat mtaitT. t!ie P. M. Morris! Real ! c Cc.i.pany. The purchase price 7 .ci ;tml of this amount $13.(K)0 laid hy the Concord National Lank lor the < ttice occupied by tlje • a in’i'ii Loan and Trust Company. M e , | ihe additional s.">2 300 has been ■ i ' I. (Hi-cis of*the company state. Sin ■ the first meeting, when subscrip 'iiouiitii+g to !0 were report re than ten additional subscrib -1 L.r.tiO have been secured. lor Johnson Facetious Over Join ing World. Court. . i ' A '■ .iiigten. Feb. 27.—Senator John-1 California, commented iron-j ■day on President Harding’s ? • Sos American pariicipation in I Acrid Court of Justice. IleJ o now do what is asked, the I i - ihis: We are wholly out j League. We are in part of | ue. lly reservations we are j ihe part of the League we are: 1 part of the League we are A iii*iu which, hy reservations.] . functions as a part of lliej .with our assistance. ■ language of a great editor j West. Ail of which is partly j M e ;we not going into the j "f Nations at this session of j I O' :;ij V.. " k* Tar Heels After Stiff" Con test. Ga.. Fell. 2S.—Three more; including the Cniversitv of linn. eliamp4ons, were elim-, tlie soutliern intercollegiate ■il tournament its •'y’s grind here today. To '• will be banished, leaving ' lear for nine teams to en i Lild bracket. Carolina. Furman University 1 I Adversity of North Carolina ■inated during the tirst three l'lay. Tln> Mississippi Ag ersity of Alabama and the of Mississippi were the ’ Lild Hies of Rabies. Feb. 2S\—Walter Akers, 'id >iin of J. I*. Akers, chief ■ niaintenynce and construc 'he Southern railroad lines here tonight of rabies, the 7 being bitten hy a mad bulldog lali amuck on February. 6 and , 1 i'crsons. None .of the others v . . ' ! veloped the* disease, it is THE CONCORD TIMES, fflff IGEITS VISIT ! RENO DISGUISE j Divorce Colony I,eft Gasping at Discovery That Recent Additions to Colony A**e Prohibition Men: i EIGHT PLACES CLOSED BY MEN v And Reports Declare Com plaints Have Been Filed Against Thirteen Alleged Rum Handlers ~ • i j lieno. Nevada. March I. Reno's di-; voi( e colony was gasping today at the! disi overy that two of its most reei ni ' Additions who lin'd heenmo unite prom-! incut among tin* gayer set were dry ! enforcement officers whose activities 1 liadOiroughf Jhout Iff arrests and the I closing of a number of jihiees where, it had been these knowing j the right word could obtain liquor. j ■< hie of the agents posed as a film ■ director and the other appeared in I the role <>f “representative of the j steel trust.” They gained admittance* to the select cotrie hy convincing at-1 torneys that they sought divorces from 1 fictitious wives in order to wed equal- ! l.v fictitious women whose purported, photographs and letters they display ed. x Fight places have been raided and complaints are to he tiled Friday against the Iff arrested, according to the United States District Attorney. COUNTRY IS IN PROSPEROUS CONDITION, REPORTS SHOW Labor I>cpa r k»f nt anil Ued<*ral Re serve Rop.rd File Reports.—Rising TiJ? Prosperity. Wash Feb. 2S.—Evidence of a rising tide of prosperity was' poi N tvayed today by two different govern ment branches wboae surveys, though made for different purposes, registtr ed nracfically identica’ conclusions. The Federal reserve board making .-'.itre it.a K vorr. on ini: l nN' -fa s i*-js!rvfi' i ; ng place in the production volume o 1 * commodities gor.craliv expansion of enterprises, ard stiffening prices cf basic products, while the department cf abor. on th“ basis .of responses of its employment agents in 27 stales to official queries, reported decreased unemployment, lieighten’ng dPtn.-md for labor in nearly, all industrial cen ters. and an impending labor shortage in many areas. The reserve board’s account of heavier bank lending, increasing j building operations, maximum rail road Readings of freight, particularly forestry products, and expanding pro duction in 'basic industries like ste°l and cotton weaving, checked complete ly with the labor department’s find ings. Industrial employment, continued t<> increase during February and short ages of both skilled and unskiHed labor w<»re reported by the texti e and steel mills and in the anthracite mines. The beard added, however, tnal there Was still some unemployment west of the Mississ ppi river, but, generally speaking, important wage increases were reported. Office work ers, the board declared, have not been in such great demand, yet in eastern industrial centers tins clns of work-, ers is being absorbed more ramd y titan conditions a few months ago would have indicated. Reports received hy the reserve banks gave strong indication, it- was i saul. of ~an active distribution of goods for this season of the *ear. Sales of department stores in more than 100 cities were 12 pe.r ccht. great er than in February a year ago, while at the same time, inventories fail to show that there has been a piling up of goods on store shelves. The rate of the turnover, therefore, was regarded ias having been rapid in the tetail i trade. In wholesale lines, tlm review i said, there were particularly large sa* es bv recent weeks of dry goods. ! drugs, hardware and farming im -1 plements. ] The larger volume of commercial borrowings at banks which are mem- J bers of the reserve system was said Ibv the board to be contrary to the ! psual trend at this season of the year, j Commercial loans by reporting mem ber banks were three per cent,larger February 14 than they were at -the end of December while the aggregate on February 14 was seven per cent high- j er than the total commercial loans of the same banks in Ju v of last-year when evidence of a renewed demand fur credit first attracted attention. 1 In the labor department’s summary, 1 the farmer labor section of the e;n --1 ployment service, while noting that , the present seas; n i*s ordinarily the dullest of the year on the farms, re ported that it was finding more de mand for workers of this type it - handles than is normal, and predict ed a shortage of faym hands as soon las regular farm operations get into full swing. Increase in bonding operations, projected or actual, was said to be taking up the labor supply nearly everywh in order to be in lln - j leigh for a wrestling, meet with Slate i College tonight. He is captain of the i Carolina wrestling team and has not | been thrown this year in the unlimited j class, though ho did lose one time to | I indamood. of Davidson, early in the ,season. v j Air., James Morton, of Atlanta. Hal. | will he the speaker in the schools to j morrow, speaking on Winning Chums ■ for Christ. Air. Morton is Executive ’ Secretary of the committee on Church Co-operation which is the executive j committee of The Christian Council. , Air. Morton was formerly sereetary of j the Atlanta Billy Sunday Club, and , is a very forceful spoenker. CHAPLIN SAYS HE IS TOO POOR TO MARRY NOW Comedian Thinks It Will Re Slimmer Before He Can “Afford”/to Marry Again. * | Los 'Angeles. March I.—Charles Chaplin, film comedian, is "too poor" to marry I'ola Negri, film star "just now" the Los Angeles Examiner quot ed him today. The Examiner predict ed it jvould be midsummer before they are married. “I am too poor to ge.t married just now." said Afr. Chaplin. "This is a working world and we all have to stay busy and -co-operate and keep away from- climaxes of sentiment." ken. iiiNEs Anxious TO MAKE ROOD ON JOB ■ .-r .\■ cv- -su-g- 1 *|f’> j»s Director cf Veterens’ Bureau. Washington. Alareh 1. -Brigadier Cencral Frank T. Hines, the new di rector of the Veterans Bureau, con ferred with President Harding for a few moments-Jodny before hing/sworn in. J "I realize," ln k said later I have a full sized job before me. I shall do my 1 best to administer the Veterans Bureau for the. best inter ests of the veterans and tj>e country.*.’ JOHN W. HEFNER IS DEAD AT MAIDEN HOME Fact; Lead Memliers of Family to Ac cept Theory of Suicide. Hickory. March* L—John \V. Hef ner. aged 4.*i years, a merchant of Alai den. N. was found dead in his home today apparently having shot and j killed himself, according to infornia- i lion obtained at the home. He took a I binding part in church and civic j work. • ) / Air. Ilefner leaves a widow and j three children, including a son at the j University of North Carolina. A coroner’s jury this afternoon ren dered a verdict that Mr. Hefner came to his death as a result of the acciden tal discharge, of a pistol. FRENCH MAY SEIZE ALL COAL AT MINES Question cf Collecting Per Cent. Tax €ii Ruhr Conies to ForF. Duesseldorf. March 1 (By the Asso ciated Press). —The question of col lecting the 40 per cent, tax on the. Ruhr came to tin* fore today in view of (Ten oral de Goutte’s announcement that refusal to meet this obligation would make, the offenders liable to trial hy court martial, and would result in the seizure of coal at the mines. Negro School Oiiene*! Wilii *Formal Program. Dunn, Feb. 28.—'die Harnett coun ty training school bu.lding for ne groes recently completed in Dunn at a cost of $47,500 was formerly open ed with an address by Prof. JN. O. Newbold, head of tlie negro and In dian education in the state, and sev eral other addresses by local wmte j aiid negro citizens. The program was supplemented with a number of musical selections. The new building is a modern brick j structure, containing 14 c.aijs iveins, a home economics room and an autli [torittm that will seat 500 people. The ! auditor imp is fitted with opera chairs, j The building itc steam-lieated through lout, has running water with drinKing i fountains and is equipped with elec trie lights. ! Vocational agriculture and manual j 'raining is also taught in connection ] with the school. The school site cor.-' j tains lo acres of.l and and a total ot 1 1,350 bushels of sweet poatoes were ’ grown on live acres of the land la>t year. The potatoes were cured in a, ! potato house built by members of the j manual training class and will be sold in car-load lots. The books of the Romans were orig inally in the form of rolls, wound around small wooden rollers. These “roll books” were called “volumina,” and from this has grown the English word volume. CONCORD, W, C„ THORS DAY, MARCH 1, 1923.. Bowie’s Rail Measure Passes Senate By Vote 27-20; Ready For Ratification Raleigh. Feb 27'4-—The Bowie ntil ' road bill to construct a main line and 1 several branch lines in the ijiountain j counties of the western section ‘of Hie ! state went through tilt* Senate tongiht by a vote of 27 l’or. to 2t) votes against, after an amendment offered by Hos tel Joe. of Bertie, to submit the ques tion to referendum of the people at ! the next general election. The action j of the Senate was a surprise to some |of the folks who thought that, this | hotly would make shun order of the i house bill, hut the merits of ihe prop osition, appealed to the senators and [ the bill went through without an ! amendment. The bill] limits the I amount t'ho state can invest in tin* [main line of the road across the Blue [Ridge mountains into Tennessee or i Virginia to form ft part of a great I carrying road, to $10,000,000. The IRS. MELLON WILL TAKE HUSBAND AGAIN Divorced Wife of Secretary of Treasury Will Be Mar ried to Harvey Arthur Lee, of New Y ork City. Ne\y York, March I.—Airs. Nora Alary J Alc.Mullen Mellon, 44. divorced wife of Andrew W. Alellon, of Pitts burgh, secretary of the treasury, is to -he married to Harvey Arthur Lee. 14 years her junior, and reputed of little means. Their marriage license was obtained yesterday. AL-s. Mellon has not been before the public' much since 1012 when a di vorce was granted! to Mi*. Alellon on grounds of desertion after he with- j drew allegations of misconduct with j Alfred Qeorge Curt key. an English- j man. Air. Alellon was awarded eus- j tody of their two children. Both Airs. Alelloff and her intended | were reticent today concerning their j plans. Air. Leo said they met eigh- j teen months ago in this city. lie described it ns love at first sight, and said their friends have/ known for some time their marriage was immi nent. __ . • w—U REVENUE ACT PASSES SENATE BY BIG YQJE Parker, cf Wayne. Casts the Only Vote Against the Measure—Protest Vote. Raleigh. Feb. 28.—The senate at 9:15 passed the revenue act un amended ns it came from the house, by «a avote of 47 to one against fbc negative vote was cast by Senator Parker, of Wayne, as a protest, he said, against the voting down ut me Vars'er amendment this afternoon Efforts of Brown, of Columbus, to in crease the rate of taxes levied on in comes over $10,009. and providing that the maximum six per cent be applied to those over $25,000 was defeated b> a vote of 27 against, to 21, for. Ac effort of Senator Varser to prov'de that holders of foreign securities list them with the commissioner or re venue and certify that the tax on them had been paid in the state where the corporation’s property exists, was killed by a vote of 19 for and £9 against. HOUSE PASSES BILL CREATING FARVI CREDITS Bill Passed With Big Majority Over Opposition From Eastern Represen tatives. AVasliington, Alareh I.—Tlie farm drePits bill proposing to establish two new hanking systems, one govern ment and the other private, to meet the. financial needs of the agricultural hidustry, was passed today hy the House. It now goes to conference. The vote was 305 to ff 6, chief oppo sition being registered hy members from New York and the. New England states. PROMOTIONS MADE BY THE SOUTHERN! J. Haines Resigns and E. M. Sweetman is Made Superintendent of Motive lower. * Atlanta, March 1. —H. W. Miller, vice president in charge of operations of the Southern Railway today an nounced the resignation of J. Hainen, assistant to vice-president in the me chanical department, and the promo tion of tile following effective today. |E. LM. Sweetman to be superinten dent of motive power, lines east, Char lotte, N. C., vice AV. F. KadeUy, re signed. GREENSBORO MAN IS KILLED IN ACCIDENT ! Auto of J. M. Davidson Struck by a Norfolk & Western Train in Vir ginia. Winchester, Va., Alareh I.—J. AL Davidson, of Greensboro, N .C., travel ing representative of a Baltimore I wholesale drug concern, was almost \n ‘ stantly killed today when his automo bile was struck by a Norfolk & Wes tern railway freight train at a grade ! crossing near Boyce. Davidsons J body was badly mangled and his ear j was demolished. Extradition Papers For »I. E. Lamb. Tallahassee, Fla., March 1. —Extra- ' (lition. papers calling for the return to North Carolina of J. E. Lamb, charg ed with abandoning his wife in that state, were issued by the Governor to day. Lamb is understood to be under state can own and control the main line fully, but the five branch lines, such as the connecting of Lenoir with the main line, Taylorsville with Wil kesboro. completing ■ the Statesville Air Lino and the Elkin and Alleghany, must lufvo private capital subscribe 1 and put in f»l per cent, before the state can put in its 40 per cent. The passing of the hill opens again the hopes of the people of Ashe, Alle ghany and Watauga counties that they can soon he connected with the state hy direct rail routes. . Tin l mountain poop:,- nave for years asked the stale for help, but this is by faix the largest single effort that tlie state has made toward getting a railroad line to them. And if a first class, low grade line can lie built, it wfill server a very useful purpose in tlu* state's transportation structure. 808 WILLIS PftlS WITH LIFE TOR DEEB Negro Put Death in State Prison.—Wants His Fate to Be a Lesson to His Friends “Back Home.” • Raleigh. Alareh 1. —Robert Williams, negro, who shot and killed special po liceman Bradley (Tibb at Fair Bluff January 2.7. was electrocuted here this morning at the-state prison. One male witness fainted during tin* elecirndu-1 tfon. A woman was among the wit nesses. “Good-bye Air. Sam,” "Williams as he passed Warden Busbee while be ing led into the death room. “I am ready to go and. there is no hard feel ing toward anyone.” . • As Williams was being strapped- into • the chair, he saw Sheriff Jackson, of j New Hanover county, who.was stand ing in the front row of spectators. —Sheriff,” lie said, “give all the boys my regards and telY them to let my death be a warning fb them.” Only two shocks of brief duration were required to produce Williams’ death. Between the first and second shocks a young man from Wilmington fainted and was t removed from the chamber. Two or three legislators witnessed the execution. START WORK AT ONCE ON WATTS BUILDING Davidson Tilnstees Plan For Rebuild- J ing the Burned Stricture This year. IDavidson, Feb. 28. —With 18 mem bers present the Davidson colle&G ooard of trustees convened here to iay in an all day session. Dr. Waiter L. Lingle, of Richmond, Va., presid ng. Following the recommendation of President AV'. J. Martin, the boant de cided to start immediate work oti re building Watts dormitory which was destroyed by fire last Sunday and to commence construction on the south wing of the New Chambers admin s- Lration building. This will mean that these two mod ern fireproof buildings wi! 1 be ready for occupancy with the fall session according to the deeisiofi of the board. Hi's new dormitory will accommodate twice* the number of students housed in the. ruined Structure and will be up-to-date *in every particular. Trustees also authorized reappoint ment of seven professors among oth er matters. Next meeting of trustees will be held during the commence ment evercises in June. WILMINGTON DISPATCH TO BE PUBLISHED SOON Paper Which Suspended Operation is in Hands of New Owners Now. Rocky Mount, N. C., March 1. —The Wilmington Daily Dispatch, which sus pended publication several weeks ago, has been purchased by J. L. Home, Jr., of Rocky Mount, and Jos. W. Lit tle, of Wilmington, it was announced today. . . x iMr. Horne stated today that the paper would resume publication early next week. lie will remain in Rocky 'Mount where he is publisher of the Rocky (Mount Evening Telegram. Merchant Prince Seeks a Divorce, Chicago, Feb. 28.—Stanly Field, millionaire capitalist, of Chicago, and nephew of the late Marshall Field, merchant prince, filed suit for divorce in the circuit court today, charging his wife, Sarah Carroll Fief d with de ; sertion. I In the bill for divorce filed by At torney Colin C. Fyffe Field said they : were married April 17, 1900, and charges his wife deserted him Jan uary 3, 1921. May OutJftw Pool P’aying in South . Carolina. Columbia.- S. C., /March I.—(By the [ Associated Press) —The South Ca* o j ]in3 House of Representatives by a i viva voce voted today passed a bill i prohibiting the p aying pf pool or biU ards at any filace or any time w.tbin the state. The bill now goes to the state Semite. • With Our Advertisers. The Citizens Bank and Trust Com pany is anxious for the opportunity of j serving you. It lias pleased hundreds in the past. i Don't forget about the hat demon ! stration 'at FisherV The latest styles will be offered during the demonstra t:on. See ad. The lowest castes among the Efiddus are known as the “Untouchables, be j cause merely to touch them pollutes 1 a Hindu of a higher class. TTt rr Ts -f; rr" tt; ! SIX ENLISTED MEN * * DIE IN EXCLUSION * ;i£ ' .V. Manila, March 1 (By the Asso- Tinted Press), —Six enlisted mwi ~r on tin* U. S. destroyer Hu 1 hew, d: of the Asiatic fleet, were burned '!* d* to death in an ex pi os i n in the v •f boiler room caused by a tlareback d d- (;f oil. No others were hurt. dr!* * # tH jF d : d- '•¥ *F d* fr d? AMERICA TO RE PAID FOR RHINE SERVICES Exaet Cost, Which Will Run Into Millions, Not Yet Known. Washington, Alareh \. —Tin* United States is to he represented by Eliot Wadsworth, assistant secretary of£ic treasury, in the conference beginning today to discuss the payment by Ger many of tin*cost of the allied army of occupation. This conference is ex pected to determine an equal distri bution among the Allies of tin* money made available hy Germany for appli cation on tin* hill for maintaining the United States and Allied form's on the Rhine. Tli<* Berlin government owes the I’-nited Stales approximately S2(io,(M).- 000, according to the War Depart ment's latest records. The iAllied governments some time ago admitted the contention of Sertetar.v of State Hugos that cognizance he taken of the American claim as constituting a prior lien on German 'assets.*. Under the Treaty of Versailles Germany was obligated to pay I 'the cost of the ar mies of occupation and it was under stood that such payments would pre cede payments on reparations.— * France. Great Britain and Belgium, however, have been fully compensated for the cost of nmintning their armies on the Rhine, wjiile the United States has received nothing excel it insignifi cant credits for payment in kind. When the German government began making payments in gold tlumFreach government assumed that these pay ments were to he appropriated by France to apply on the German in demnity as fixed hy the reparations commission. Through Mr. Boyden. Secretary Hughes made a protest against the ac tion of the Allied goverments in disre garding the American claims. The reparations commission informed- the United States that the Allied govern ments had been informed of the ntti -1 tide taken h.v the United States. Lat er* the Allied governments and the reparations commission agreed to as sign to the United States a certain portion of German dyes, the cost of which was to apply ou the cost, of maintniyiug the American army o£ pe cupafiofi. Germany, under the terms of the agreement reached at the Spa confer ence, was to turn over to the allied and. associated powers 23 per cent, of her total output of dyes. Os this amount the United States was to re ceive one-fifth. The Allied govern ments agreed to this arrangement, hut it soon became evident that the total cost’ of the aYmy of occupation could never he nipt hy dye payments. •Figures as to the amount due to the American government for the army of occupation are available only until April 30, 1022. At that time the nol glance due to the United States, af ter making allowance for certain cred its to Germany, was {<234,007.207. Since April 0f’1022 army officials es timate the cost of maintaining the army of occupation has been approxi mately $173,000 a month up to the time of withdrawal. While it is true that thp cost per capita for the maintenance of the American army of occupation was greater than that of either-the Frerteli or the British, the American govern-, ment lias stood firmly on the point that the American army was main tained in the Rhineland at the express ftivitation of the French, British and German governments. Mr. Wadsworth will he assisted at the Pa As conference hy an officer rep resenting the finance department of the American army which recently withdrew from the Rhine, who will tell of the ctedits Germany has been given since the last report received in AVasliington, CERTAIN LICENSES ON SHIPPED COTTON TO GO Cotton and Cotton Wrappings in Fu ture Will Be Disinfected Only. Washington. Feb. 27.—R<‘Stbri()tions on the entry of foreign cotton and cot-j j ton wrappings hereafter will he limit-1 ed substantially to disinfection re j quire incuts, the. Department of Agri culture announced today. After disin | feet ion. cotton and cotton wrappings I will he unrestricted as to movement and utilization and all existing mill *and other licenses will he. cancelled. ( Gets Picture of Woodrow Wilson, j i Fayetteville. N. C„ Feb. 28.—Miss j Margaret Atlialia Hobbs, thirteen year old daughter of Mr. and Airs. F. H. - I Hobbs, of this efty, lias received an ] autographed photograph and letter : from Woodrow Wilson, following tin* [former president’s receipt from her of !* theme, with Mr. Wilson as the suh ! jec-t. .‘‘My de.or Little Friend.” reads the ! letter. “Yes, it does niftfin a great deal to me that you should he my friend and have such generous senti ments about me. and I thfliik you most warmly. , "I hois* that you will meet with great good fortune as you grow older, and that the years will prove very happy for you. "I am sending you a photograph to remind you of this correspondence, and of my appreciation. “With best wishes, “Sincerely yours, " ( Signed ) Woodrow Wilson.” Bridge building is the specialty of Airs. Lou Alta Melton-Alerrill. a gradu ate engineer, in the employ of the United States Bureau of Public Roads. $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance. huuijl FAVORS 'IE OF COISEH" BILL 10 IT IS PASSED Bill is Considered One of the , Most Important Presented ! f at the Present Term of ! l the Legislature. JUDICIAL DISTDICT BILL IS TABLED Measure Would Have Creat ed Four Additional Dis tricts in State.—Other Bills Get Action. Raleigh, March 1 (By the Associate!*! Press). —By sweeping majorities today the house passed the "ago of consent » hill” with several amendments and tabled the hill which would increase v the number of judicial distriots in the state. The former measure came up as a special order and evoked a shower of discussion which brought forth sever al changes from the lull's original form as passed in the Senate. Orig inally the hill provided that where a man enters into immoral relation with a girl under sixteen yeans of age With her consent, he should be guilty of _ felony, and a woman who should se duce a hoy under the age of sixteen* should he guilty of a misdemeanor. The hill passed, with an amendment which provided that where the man guilty was under 18 it should be a misdemeanor and not a felony. An other amendment adopted clarified the marriage phase, another provided consent of parents where tw New Charters Granted. Raleigh, X. C.. Fell. 2K. —The secre tary of state has granted the follow ing charters: Union Imfe;?tment Company, A zin - \bn : ny-i _ estate business; caiftal stock. s2s,r. 11. D. Walker, all of Elizabeth City, principal incorporat ors. New Store to Open Saturday. The new men s clothing store of Mr. W. A. Overcasli will open on Saturday, March 3rd. Most of the goods for the store have arrived, Mr. Overcash states and everything will be ready for the. opening Saturday. * Mr. Overcash has rented the build ing formerly occupied by the Citizens Lank and Trust. Company, and the room has bej>n especially fitted for a men's clothing business. The entire build ng presents a most attractive ap pearance. and (he fixtures are among tile, latest to l>e found. Mr. Overcasli will sell Kippeuheim er and other good brands of clothipg, " The president of Havard University, A. Lawrence Lowed, said in his an nual report: ‘The aim of the Ameri can college should be, not to give its students the technical training and tools of the!r future occujwition, DUt rather to fit thepi to be citizens to de velop those qualities that lead to the better , Ife, both for themselves and for the community.” The report made no reference to requirements for ad mission 1 to Harvard. He urged stu dents to eirt c *r colleges at an earlier, age. The fact that you have a good opin ion of yourself is no reason why you should have a poor opinion of others. NO. 68.