PAGE TWO COUNTY AGENT GIVES BOLL WEEVIL FACTS Advises AII Farmers to Give Attention j to Diversification. Tarboro, X. F., March I.—Zeno. Moore, county a sent for Edgecombe county, thinks that some additional ‘'bare-bone facts” should be given the. state. His facts do not have to do witlf* State finances directly, but in directly they do, for be is looking at the financial condition of that farmer • who plants all available land to cotton this year. In a recent letter to offi cials of the Agricultural Extension Service, he points out that some vital facts are neither being given attention nor prominent parts in the drama now being enacted called "Fighting the Cot ton Boil Weevil.” He says further that some of his facts will perhaps run counter so public tast£ and others of them are r.ot in accord with what some people think are best for the personal interest of tlie_ North Caro lina farmer. The extension service Is striving for a reduction in cotton acreage per farm this year and for a ”liye-at-home” - .program of farming that will make the 'North Carolina farmers less dependent in case, the weevil does destroy bis cotton crop.. * lmt some others, finds Mr. Moore, are preaching that cotton growing should be continued as formely and so lie points out the following addressed par ticularly to Edgecombe comity farm ers. "Fact No. 1 is that of all the people in the world, all who are not making cotton want you to keep on making cotton. They all argue, in substance, that since ‘we' need the cotton, you should continue to make codon/ Not many of them are interested in vouf crop making a profit. Or, if so. rather advisedly. That is. interested to get it as cheaply us they can. This might account fdr. some solicitude from outside sources. “Home of • the things recommended might help you to make a little more cotton. It is for you to decide svef her or not they will enable you to make any more profit. "Fact No. 2 is that of those valiant fellows who are just itching for a light with the pest, so. anxious that they are pawing up. dirt and burying their horns in the ditch bank,-will not hear of a red deed cotton acreage, or substitute crops or of other lines of farming. Such a course, if carried tp its logical conclusion, would mean plant more than the scoundrel can eat. Feed him to death. “Fa/ct No. T* is. The IMI weevil makes only one demand. Given that condition, he will let you name every other condition and will light you and win. That is. the battle must be staged in a cotton field. That is all he has ever demanded. And on that lone condition he ffiis always won. sometimes gaining only a small space of territory and inflicting only a light Fresh from the faucet! —the filtered styles in Men’s Spring Flats! N , Every season there are 2 kinds of Spring Hats offered—one the sort , made in a hurry—to buy in a hurry and wear with regret in-leisure. ' j Ours—well here’s how we feel T about it: § Instead of figuring “A Flat’s a Hat” we look ahead, —at where it is going -*-on your head—we side-step what I is left and buy what is right—we never let the dust of a last season’s product at a low price get into our # I , buying eyes. ' jl You'ean see the difference here today— • ' p Knox Hats S7.CO t Caps for the Country—and\ Caps for the Qtf SI.OO to $3.00 I nip • u 1 Browns - Cannon Co. * | H S?»l , / Ins Where You Get Your Money’s Worth § S" ' H j I Quality anp Prices That Win Your | jjj Approval' , - jj 9 v Pho type of Furniture we. know that appeals to ypu is that kind 8 which combines "Quality" with dignified appearance. Os course, i] in addition to right prices. Wbai the Right Prices may be ciiu be I! easily gained from looking at our display. Jl' $ A most interesting fining Room value is this one. which offers K a suite iu period design so popuii/r with discriminating furnishers K of today. Het is finished iu dull mahogany and walnut. I BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. jj j' ✓ “THE STOkE THAT SATISFIES” ' j ; crop damage. But at other times he has dealt a crushing blow amounting: ;to a complete rout or jinconditionai j surrender. But always some gain ; for him. some loss for the farmer that accepted his olie condition of a cotton field for a battle ground. “This is borne out. in the history of * both weevil and man since 1892. Af ter one complete disaster which fol lows his progress, men begin to con sider other crops and other lines of j farming. It is then rather late, af ter you have dost all but your honor/ This is a good year to .start to. see what you will turn to.’* 15-Year-Old Son of Dr. and Mrs. Dry 2 Is Missing. j Salismiry, Feb. 2G.—Mr. and Mrs. C. A. DryNliving on route six, this city, in re greatly distressed over the disap pearance of their son, Robert Dry, who was last seeri|in Salisbury -last Wednesday night. He did not get home that night and they have asked local officers as well as officers away j from here to look for hum, The. boy is j 15 but tall for liis age and the fore j finger on his-left hand is off at the ; second joint. When last seen he wore j a blue cap, blue, serge suit and blue overalls. Mr. Dry has offered a re ward in the hope of getting some ifl j about the missing boy. Special Term of Forsyth Court. Winston-Salem. Feb. 27. —Governor Cameron Morrison libs notified O. B Eaton, chairing of rhe county com missioners. that lie has authorized a < special term of Superior Court, for 1 tiie trial of criminal cases, to convene 1 in Forsyth April 2. one week after the regular term. , Judge C. C. Lyon, on • the retired list, will preside over the special session and Judge T. J. Shaw over the regular term. 50 POOD CIGARETTES to* GENUINE 23® “BULL" iPfOf ‘ DURHAM . TOBACCO . - 0 ® » KANNAPOLIS ® & DEPARTMENT © © - © Kannapolis, Feb. 28. —Mrs. John Young land daughter, • Mrs. Marjon Talbirt, of Concord, spent Thursday with Mrs. John Boger. Mrs. Talbirt made her home in Kannapolis for a number of years, and has many friends in the city. , . , x Mr. A. S. Brown, of Greensboro, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Allen. Mrs. li. T. Frye and ( Miss McQueen are ill at the Cline house. The. con dition of Mrs. Frye is improved today. Airs. Guy Beaver, of Concord, will be hostess to the Social Hour Club on Thursday,' March Btli. Mr.'S. C. Simmons is confined to his home on Alain street on account of illness, having contracted a ease of flu. Mr. W. 11. Walter is remodeling 'liis house. The “Y” membership campaign closed Monday night, the Blues win ning. Both sides were enthusiastic in their work, and a large number of members were added. Mips McQueen and Mrs. It. T. Frye attended the Presbyterian meeting in Charlotte Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith and son. Wrisfon. spent Sunday at Stanly Creek with Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Rutledge. Mr Si John Long returned home yes terday after about four weeks in China Grove at'the bedside of her mother, Mrs. Bostiau, who died Sunday Afternoon, having been ill about six weeks. ’ Mr. Zeb Bradford is again with the Cannon Manufacturing Company in Kannapolik, having been transferred from Kannapolis to .Concord, and again to Kannapolis. The friends of Mr. Boyd Iloffman will lie glad to know that the is iynv ablo to resume his work at the store after a severe illness of pneumonia. Dr. Ranthaler. pastor of the Moravian Church at Winston-Salem, was scheduled to speak on the Near East Relief work at the Y. M. I’. A. Sunday afternoon, but, owing to the movies which so profusely illustrated the situation Armenia. Mr. Ran thaler. decided to reserve hisi. discourse for some future date. The Turks massacreed thousands of men and women of the Christian religion and burned their homes because they re fused to yield to the demand of the Turks „to adopt the Mohammedan re ligion. Tens of nds of children were left homeless and destitute, and many are dying of starvation. Mr. F. T. Willmott, who lias been ill for some time, is reported-as worse today, pleurisy having developed. A sacred concert will be given Sun day night at the First Methodist Church under the auspices of the Wo man's Missionay Society. An offering will be taken to be fised for local work. It. is hoped that friends of the cause will lie generous, as needs are great. Everybody cordially Jiivitod to attend; - Mrs. W. C. Graham, Mrs. A. C. Dayvault and Mrs. Litton went to Charlotte' today to visit Mr.‘Litton, who is in a hospital in that city. Kannapolis people wove shocked Thursday on learning of the death of Mr. John Willett, who had been an in e a lied a number of years, but was not considered as critically ill. Death was due directly to u hemmorlmge of the lungs. He was thirty years of age. Funeral was conducted Friday «t the Methodist Church by Rev. R. A. Swaringen, pastor of the deceased, af ter which interment took' place in Greenlawn- cemetery near China %‘ove. Many beautiful floral offer ings bore silent witness of the people's higlv regard for Mr. Willett. The band boys acted as pall bearers, Mr. Willett having become a member of the band more than eleven years ago when nis parents moved from Coolee mee to this city to make their home. He connected with the church fourteen years iigy in Cooleemee, and ,moved his membership to the First Metho dist Church of Kannapolis after com ing here to live. lie has been in Asheville much of liis time in recent years on account of the beneficial re sults of the climate, and was in the Spate hospital one year. lie bore bis affliction with patience and resigna tion, and expressed himself as ready if the end should come. ME 'Willett ami Ids' family are well and favorably known here and elsewhere, ranking among the best citizens of the town. His sister. Mary, of Kjog’s Business College, Charlotte, bad been for about five weeks by his bedside ministering to liis wants. Everything that could add to comfort Hack make the hdurs pass pleasantly w<m carefully looked after. A radio was installed in Ids room, a telescope made it possible for him to get a view of objects at some distance, and a, wheel chair was re cently purchased, hist Saturday lxfing the date set for him to begin using it if lie improved sflicieutly. Surviving are the parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Willett; four sisters, and one brother: two brothers and one sister being dead. Miss Lois Howie has returned from Waynesville where she spent several days with her parents. Mr. E. J. Sharp, who lias been ill for several days, is not yet able to be out. k Master Coleman Simmons has been ill of measles the past week. Dr. George Kruger, of Charlotte, was Kannapolis ■visitor Sunday. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. J. Wampler is ill of measles. -Mrs. H. L. Lipe, who became sud denly ill Thursday night, was convey ed Friday to the Chariotje Sanatori um, undergoing an operation Saturday morning .for Mrs. Lipe is. reported as gettiug along nicely. Her sister, Mrs. Mason, of Kings Mountain, arrived Friday night, tak ing Mrs. Lipe’s baby with her Sunday on her . return home. Mrs. Lipe's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Witherspoon, returned to tlieir home in Salisbury Sunday. The _ friends! of Mrs. George Bryant will learn wjtli regret of l**r illness. Miss Mary Willett exfiects to return to King's Business College Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wampler visited Mrs. Wampler’s parents iu Salisbury Sunday. Miss Nfctl Poole au<i Mr. _ James THE CONCORD TIMES Thompson were niarHed thfsfmorning/ at the First Methodist Church. Rev. L. A. Peeler officiated, assisted by Rev. H A. Swaringen, a few fwends wit nessing the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson will make their home in Danville. The W. M. S. of St. John’s Church will hold its annual meeting March Ist at the home of Rev.\and Mrs. L. xV. Peeler. This will inarlc the third anniversary of the W. M. S. of the church, and there will be served a cake with three candles. The tenth and elevntli grades_ enter tained the basketball boys recently. Refreshments consisted of chicken sal ad, sandwiches, and cold drinks. Mr. Harry Mowerer is critically ill at his home at Gilwood. Mr. Mow eier\formerly made his home in this city. Mrs. Frye, on Poplar street, who has been ill of flu and pleurisy, is improv ing. Mr. Satterfield and family, of Oak boro, were visitors at the home of Mr. and -Mrs. B. W. Durham the past weeks. Mrs. A. 0. Antley and children, who have been spending some time with Mrs. Antle.v's parents/chief and Mrs. J. L. Roger, left today for their home in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ruth, of Snl is bury, spent ttundav with Mr. and Mrs: B. W. Durham. ‘ Mrs. Kuthen, mother of Mr. Fred Kuthen, left the past week for Chi cago. Mr. Will Durham has been ill the past few days. Miss Sadie Ritchie, who has been at tiie home of her parents at Granite Quarry, is expected this afternoon to visit Mrs. Irvin Graham. Mrs. Wilkins and lirtle daughter, of High Point, are guests at the Inane of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rodgers. Airs. Wilkins expects to leave Sunday for St. Petersburg, Fla., where they will make their home. Mrs. Eel. Reel is ill at her home on Oak street. Mr. Earnest Bowless died Monday fit the home of his pa rente on Walnut street following jui illness of some du ration. Mr. Bowles first contracted fiu. and later, developed pleurisy. In terment took place Tuesday, eight mile's from Mocksville. He was 18 years old. Mr. James Bowles, who laid measles and later pneumonia, is improving. Mr. W. 11. Fowler is preparing to farm again. lie sustained a heavy loss last year on account of the bail, having in a four-horse farm, and ev erything being totally destroyed. The Mt. Olivet W. M. S. meets Fri day with Mrs. Joe ‘Litaker, of the Winecuff community. , * . Mr. .J. W. Bounds and family spent the week-end in Charlotte. Master Lyddell Ketchie is visiting relatives in Mooresville. Rev. MV C. Jamison and children spent’ two days of the past week at tending the Laymen's Missionary con vention of the Southern Presbyterian. ( hnreh. Miss Brown spent the week-end in Mt. Pleasant with Miss Heilig. The Baptist congregation had the pleasure Spnduy and Monday night of hearing Rev. C. K. Turner, of States ville. Mr. Turner mastered his sub-, i'jUct in a very able manner. Espe cially interesting was subject “The Judgment” Sunday night. The land sale at Cook’s Crossing Saturday was a big success. The lots were bid off as a whole by Shake speare Harris, of the Pofflar Tent section. Thiv condition of Miss Norma Mont gomery. who has be#u ill of flu for soigie time, is improving daily. Rev. .T. IT. Broom in spending a few days with kis Mr. Broughton Broom. . Mrs. J. tY. Cauthen is spending some time in Concord with her sis ter, Mrs. Z. B. Thorimurg. Mr. T. D. Ingram/has purchased a new Ford sedan. Miss Ruby Nance has accepted a position jis stenographer with the Can non Manufacturing Company. Miss Julia Willett spent the week end in Belmont. vMr Mack Teauge, who has been ill for several weeks, is able to be out again.' Mr. and Mrs. A/C. Loekman went to Charlotte yesterday to consult a surgeon relative to the conditions of Mr. Loekman. who is not progressing satisfactorily since returning from the hospital. An interesting wedding took place on the night of Saturday. February 17, when Miss Libbcy Fortner became the bride of Mr. Joe Benson. The cere mony was performed at. the Lutheran parsonage by Rev. M. L. Ridenhour. Mi'*- Benson is the beautiful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fortner, of East avenue. Both these young people are very popular, and have many friends who wish them much happiness. / Mrs. l. E. Heglar, Misses May, Nell and Ruth Sherrill attended the funeral Sunday, the 18th, of their aunt, Mrs. London. The funeral was preached at Prospect Presbyterian Church in- Rowan county. Mr. and Sirs. J. O. Kcever, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sherrill, and Mr. llols liouser-"spent Sunday in Mooresviile with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mayhew. Miss Nellie Jenkins and Mr. Rich ard Cook were married Saturday night at York. S. C. Louis, Jr., little son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Cole, is-very sick, being threat ened with pneumonia. He has been . ill of measles for some time. Mr. F. A. Rogers has been ill the past few (lavs> JASON HOLT IS DEAD FROM IIIS INJURIES Baden Man Was Injured While Work ing on Dana. Bad in. Feb. 28.—Jason Holt, aged :>>s years, died Monday night at the Baden Hospital at 0:15 o’clock as the result of an accident which occurred yesterday morning while he was work ing at the dam. Mr. Holt is survived by hh? wife and eight children, two of Thom are married. Interment took Place yesterday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at Prospect Church, near Al l>ouiarle. • - - A new members of the British par liament recently invited his .‘10,00(8 c-onstituent-s to tea with him in the ' House of Commons. As the consti tuency is 400 miles from Loudon the oer was not largely accepted. I Good luck will man over the ditch if he juin^hard. 1 ■ i # ' I l V - ' | ] Concord’s ,i • > _ , \j | New Clothing Store Iflf % I 1 WILL OPEN UP 1 I*ll / 1 n j I Saturday March, 3rd ♦•Vt) / : 3 You Are Cordially Invited to Come and See Our < *xS> < " ft Display of •« §~~ ■i * > ' , i ' • < V; ' < I New Spring Wearing Apparel ti -, ■j- \ < It For Men, and Inspect Our New Store 1 \ 1 WATCH OUR AD. I W. A. OVERCASH * f t ' . , | p Former Citizens Bank Building Don’t Fail to See The 12 Leading Hats of the Season as Featured in the March Ladies' Home Journal out today / POSED BY IRENE CASTLE THE BEST DRESSED WOMAN IN AMERICA I Caroline Reboux, Evelyn Matron, Maison Lewis, Suzanne Talbot, Rose Descat, Marie Loui&e, Su zy, Georgette, Jeanne Lanvin, Elaine, Lucie Ha mar, Maria Quy—each of these 12 has picked hisl or her leading model. By special arrangement with the Vogue Hat Co. Fifth Avenue, New York, we have been able to secure these actual 12 models. Come in Friday and study in them the real style tendencies of tne season, what the well dressed French woman I is wearing this Spring, in color, material and de sign. Know what is right before selecting your Spring hat. v On Display Exclusively in this Store FRIDAY, MARCH 2nd _ • l ISHER’S Concord’s Specialists v Rifle Range for Hickory. Hickory, Feb. 27.—Plans for a 500- yartl rifle rungs of the North Caro lina National Guard cavalry troops here are being ‘ developed by Major Wade V. Bowman, who has just ob tained a lease on land near Brookford and forwarded the papers to Adjoint Central J. Van B. Metis, in JjUtleigh. The government is expected to. spend approximately SI,(KK) in constructing concrete butts and a range house on the 'pile, if it is approved by a federal inspector. ■ i.. ji j. Although there are a number of na tive actresses in Japan, some of them of great abilty, the tradition that men shall play feminine roles still persists. Thursday, March l, 1923 i, Tile man who is really ' is not the one wlm is inflated w.- own importance, but the one who < to get his task rightly done so there can be waither fan t nor < ; for fault. • 1 moat that has the most to say. Business is like a wbeel but It staaads «tlll unless U is • _ ' *

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