PAGE EIGHT DIRECTORS CHOSEN EY IOCAL REALITY fOMPANY Directors Will Meet This Afternoon and C’hoo:;e Other .Offkcr v>i' New t omp&ny. The first meeting of the isßx kl.nld crs of the Concord Realty ( 'urnpany, which was organize-.! here la't week, was lieljft at the Merchants and Manu facturers Chib iav afternoon. 'The meeting wns called tor tin.* pnr j-oso of electing otii'-ers of the eom juiuy and transacting knob ether Im.-i --t.ess as might propnly cyme before the meeting. The following dire-lqra were elect ed at the meeting: A Good Thing—l)on’ tMiss It. Send your name and address plainly written together with .1 emits (and this slip) to Chamberlain Medic ine Co.. l>ds Moines. lowa, and reeceive in return a trial package containing Chamberlain's Cougli Remedy for coughs, colds.*croup, bronchial, “tin'' and whooping coughs, and tickling throat: Chamberlain's? Stomach and Liver Tablets for stom ach troubles, indigent ion. gassy pains that, crowd the heart, ’biliousness and constipation: Chamberlain's Salve*, needed in every family for burns, scalds, wounds. piles, arid si:in affee v lions: these valucnl family medicines for only 7 cents. D n’t miss it. —Ad- vertisement. House Furnishings at Parks-Belk Company. If is not. 100 early now to think about Spring cleaning. Spring is al most here, and housewives want to make many changes in tin* ■homes. When you gel ready To make tin* c*!iangc*s go to tin* House Fillliisltjngs and Floor Covering Department of tin* Parks* Hoik Company and school tin* latest goods ill the latest designs and materials. The company has a page ad. today setting forth some* of flic* goods offered •and the unusually fine prices to he found. it will be to your advantage to read the ad. carefully. Chanibetoain’s Tablets for Indigestion and Constipation. . “The nic est and pleasantest medicine I have used for ind'gcstion and consti j atiem is Chguiberlain s Tablets," writes . Melard F. Craig. Middledrove. X. Y. They work like* a charm and do not grippe or leave any unpleasant effect.— Advertisement, I * ~ . , THAT MORNING LAMENESS If you are lame every morning, and suffer urinary ills, there must he a cause. x Often it's weak kidneys. To strengthen the weakened kidneys and avert more serious troubles, list* Doan's Kidney Pills. You can rely on Con ** cord testimony. Mrs. ,T. M. Goodnight. 47 X. Crowell St.. Concord, says: “My kidneys were weak and . I suffered at'night, as I couldn't rest well. Mornings I got up feeling tired and languid. Fre quent headaches annoye<]_ jpo and I had spells yf dizziness and spots c ame* before* my eyes. My feet and ankles became swollen and my kicJjjcws acted irregularly. f used Doan's KicTney Pills, getting them _at Gibson's- Drug Store. They were the* right remedy for me and soon gave me rolic'f from the backaches and other, signs of kid ney trouble." Price (50c. at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pills—the same .that . Mrs. Goodnight had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo.' X. Y. . Free Flower Seeds You will be glad to know that Has tings’, "The South’s Seedsman,” will give away about 2,000,000 packets of seed of the South’s most popular flow ers this spring. There is nothing in the home that cap compare with rich colored flowers. They brighten us all up and make any house attractive. You can’t plant too many flowers and this opportunity to get Shirley Poppies, Everlasting Flow ers, Zinnias, Cosmos and Mexican Burn ing Bush absolutely free, is certainly to be welcomed by all readers of this paper. You r can get them! Just write to Hastings’ for the new 1923 Catalog. It tells you how to get flower seeds free. It has 100 pages of beautiful photo graphic pictures and correct descrip tions of garden flower and field seeds, bulbs and plants, and also is full qf helpful information that is needed almost, daily* in every Southern home. It’s the moot valuable seed book ever published and you will be mighty tflad you've got it. Just write and ask for the new Catalog. H. G. HASTINGS CO., Atlanta, Ga. iiatarrh? —breathe Hyomei It kills catarrh germs. Prevents formation of crusts in nose, phlegm in throat. Soothes in flamed membranes, relieves stuffed up feeling in two minutes. No stomach dosing—just air; HYOMEI out At includes hard rub- AUttchcvoTli berinhaler.liduid. 322®fcc\\ gauze, etc . with tlMiliM: . full directions. / * Gibson Drug: Store x 1.0( A! and OTHERWISE. Cotton cm tHe lorn! market today 1b cuo, *1 at no per pound; eoltnn *}"<*< *c | :t! 72. c cut a per bushel. Cation on ike local market today is quoted ct fit) rent.-: per pound: cotton oo I at 72 rents per bu shel. J.'a' E. C. vs able to be |ym again, afivr rein * wntined to his | home f r days or* account of ; i!!nc ;..s. 1 , i F. J. R ,f.**ni:m, Depuly Commission | oy of Revenue lor ihe slate*, will he i*i I Earnmoolis on March and in ('un load on Marc h 7 and (51 li. The only new ease* of illness report ed in the c-ounty health department 'fnesday was a case* of whooping cough,' according -In the* last report from the department. A charter has been received by #ho Concord Realty Company and the first stockholders* meeting was held’ in the Merchants and Manufacturers club Tut at a oY ock. .Yccordiiig to a report-made bv the* eoitnty health department eight new • cases of measles and twelve new cases of whooping cough reported to the* department Monday. Mr. G. M. Lore has been confined to his home on Depot Street for several days on account of illness. Several cases w hic h were* scheduled to Im* tried before him Tuesday had to be eon ! tinned. * ~ Women who want to get the* right thing in a Spring hat should visit Fisher's store Friday and see the 12 leading hats of tin* season, selected by 12 great Laris designers. Xew ad. today gives full particulars. 'fhc* condition of Mrs. John M. "Young, who lias been confined to her home on West Depot Street following a slight stroke of paralysis, is very much improved. Mrs. Young was able to lie on her front porch Tuesday for a short time. A meeting of the County Christian Endeavor Fuion will he held at the Methodist Lrotesfant Church Satur day night at 7 :3(> o'clock. A pro gram is being arranged, and it is hoped to have a full representation from all the unions of the county. Mr. Clifford Hahn, manager of the local branch of the Metropolitan Life* Insurance. Co.. returned Tuesday from Spartanburg.' where lie* attended a convention of representatives of the company. The. meeting was a most successful one in every way. Mr, Hahn declared. The March meeting of tlie City Ai de mien will be he!* 1 at the city hall on Thursday night of this yeek. So far a is kliown now. there will he no unnsuil business to be presented to tin* board, thougn several matters of general interest are expeotd to be presented. Much of the material to be used in the construction of the new high, school building lias been placed cm the site* of the* structure, and preliminary work is being carried forward with good results. The foundation for the building has been difinitely decided upon and most'of tin* excavation work completed. , * Mr. R. 11. Wallace, federal income tax deputy, will be* back in Concord again on March sth and (sth, at the court house, for the purpose of giving information relative to the prepara tion of income tax returns, This will In* his final visit to Concorcf before the. returns have to he mailed in on March loth. * Farmers who wish to purchase cot ton seel for planting are advise# to confer w ith the county agent, who is in position now to furnish some fine seed. Mr. Goodman dec-lares in an ad. which appeared in this paper that the seed he is offering are sold at un usually low prices for rhe* quality of the goods offered. Unless there is too tntidh rain this week, the golf course at tin* Cabifrrus County Country Club probably will be in shape by Saturday. The fairway .for four holes has -been com pleted. and the work of laying off and shaping up four greens has been under way this week. The work will be com pleted by Saturday, it is believed, un less the weather makes the work im possible. ' Mrso Vera Lindsay, young States ville woman who received injuries when she jumped from'a car here Sun day night while being .taken to police headquarters. died in the Concord Hospital Tuesday afternoon-, about .‘1 o’clock. The body was sent to States ville 'yesterday for lmrial. Mrs. Lindsay suffered a fracturecL skull when she leaped from the c*r and her death had been expected hourly. - The City of Concord has purchased an Austin street sweeper. The order for the* sweeper was signed Monday by a committee representing the city, and, the* mac hine was ordered immediately, ancl has been shipped. The machine was purchased from the*' Austin-West ern Road Machinery Co., of Chicago, and the sale.,was made by D. 15. Long. The* maerliine cost .$(1,700. and will sweep 2.7 miles of street during one night. It is hoped to have the sweep er here within ten days. The town clock here has pulled some particular stuff during its long service to the public, but at present it is offering something entirely hew-. There are four .faces to the clock, and at present two of them are offering correct time while the others are i three hours ahead. Persons looking at Ihe clock on the south face and 'then walking a few feet and seeing three* hours difference on the west face, may wonder if Volsteadism is so prevalent here after all. Dr. Spruill, who conducted two tu berculosis clinics in this county, and who will come*back in May for anoth er one*, spent Monclay afternoon here. Dr. Spruill is iundueting a clink* at Davidson College now. In speaking of | the health work in this county Dr. i Spruill declared that Dr. Buchanan | has cm* of the* best county health de partments in North Carolina, and he added that ho always looked forward j with pleasure to a clinic here, where everyone is exceedingly kind to him. 1 A large number of defendants faced Judge Furr in recorder's court Mon day. Niue negroes were fined $lO each for gambling; two others were fined $12.70 each for being intoxicated; two Others were lined $-20 each far an af' fray w ith a deadly weapon: one win fiiiivl $7 far 'violating an ordinance.;- another was fined AJO for Intoxication and disorderly conduct; and the case against. two others charged with for nication and adultery was continued. Court was in session fur several hours. O. A". Woosley in X. C. Christian Ydvocafe: At the, request of Rev. WY A. Jenkins, pastor, Mr. M. W. Brab ham and 1 ran over to Concord from Charlotte and met with the building committee of .Central Methodist Church to discuss plans for the nov. Sunday school, building that is going to Im* erected there at once. We found Jenkins surrounded with good. ojk;ii minded men. Tin* Sunday school plant at Central is going to he* well adapt ed to the religions educational needs of a whole generation. Miss Cnthlcen Wilson county home demonstration agent, states tint slu has everything in reaiLiuss for tin "Better Kitchen” campaign which wil start throughout the eourrty on Thurs day, March first. Though the earn pnign will la* the first of its kind over held in this county Miss Wilson he lievcs it Will be. very successful, ing by the interest already manifest ed by housewives all over tin* county. Miss Wilson will conduct the cam p.-rgn among school children in cer tain puts of the. county, also. I>i\ Buchanan, county health officer, and Dr. Foster, who is conducting the dental school clinic in the county, are delighted with tin* Jimumer in which Dr. Foster lias been received in the '•minty schools, where he is now mak ing an examination of the children, It is reported that parents of the chil dren who need dental t real men!on a larger scale than Dr. Foster can give at tip* clinic, are showing a line spirit of co-operation and many of the children are being examined by den fists here at the of Dr. Foster. LOCAL BOY MAKES SPLENDID ADDRESS IN 111 Y CAMPAIGN I Bill Earnhardt Makes an Appeal For I Glean Scholarship in Win My Chum Week. * William liarnlmrdt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A. Rnriihardt on West Cor bin street, ye-terday delivered the fourth talk to the schools in the Win My Chum Campaign, being conducted by the Boys' Division of the Y. M. C. A. Bill spoke on Clean Scholarship and mimed no words in denonne'ng the* fellow, who stooped so low as to cheat in his classroom work and ex aminations. The speaker is a Senior at State College and spoke out of his own ex periences as a student,' giving exam ples and inedonts out of college lift*. The ft*How who cheats, -according to him, is a thrief. a liar, a robber, and ibout the laziest person in existence. He who cheats steals not only some thing that does not belong to him. hut his honor aldo. lit* oonu*s to 1 the place that he lias no respect for lrmsejf. Tin* campaign is jjaiug 'alone, very smoothly aim I is having marked (HTecfs upon the spirit and conditions if the School. MINING VILLAGE IS , DAMAGED BY EXPLOSION Powder Magazine in Pennsylvania Mine Explodes, Causing Much Dam age. Pittsburgh, Pa., Feb. 27.—The min ing village of Ituselton. about 27 miles from Pittsburgh, was rocked by a ter rific explosion early today when a powder .magazine at Superior Mine No. 1 of the Superior Fuel Co. blow' up. The magazine was destroyed and more tlujjj one hundred houses d imag ed. Two men were injured. First re ports were, that the explosion occurred in the mine. “I laist My Best Customers Thru Hats,*’ Writes J. Adams. "Used to have the busiest -Restau rant in town until news spread that the kitchen was infested .with rats: lost a lot of my best customers until I fried RAT-SNAP. Haven’t a post in (he place now. Restaurants should use RAT-SNAP.’’ Three sizes, 35e. (»7c. $1.27. Sold and guaranteed by Ritchie Hardware Co., Cline's Phar macy. Visitors Make Fine Impression. Echoes from all parts of the Coun ty into which we sent men to repre sent the Near East Relief Sunday indicate, clearly that the visitors made a profound impressing. The reports are coming in slowly hut we believe that some lifft* responses were made to this call. Iloweyer, it would not be safe to say that we have reached our goal. In order to lalse our full quota it may be accessary for all the Sunday schools and public schools of the. coun ty to make some pledge. A large nqmher of Sunday schools agreed to take up the matter next Sunday. Mr. Superintendent, please do not fail us. May 1 urge, too, that every class in the city schools and every public school in the county make a. pledge to run until the close of the. school term or take a cash ‘offering, designating one day til's week for this object. We hope to carry a complete, report for the county earlv next week. Will your school appear in the list? If not can yofu tell us why? J. FRANK ARMSTRONG. Cliai man. (liantberlain’s Gough Remedy Aids Nature. Medieqjcs that aid nature are al ways most effectual. Chamberlain’s , Cougli Remedy acts on this plan. It allays the cough,. relieves the lungs, aids expectoration, opens the §ecre titons and aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy condition. Thou sands have testified to its good quali ties.’ Try it when you have a cough or cold. Advertisement. Admiral Sims liaps Ku Klux Klan. ! St. Louis. Mo., Feb. 2(5. —Rear Ad miral AY ill in ui *S. Sims, retired, in an address here\ this afternoon attacked the Ku Klux Klan. anil said that if legislation would not prove effective against the wearing of masks, an open season might he declared for the klan, and a bounty offered for their cars, lie spoke before the ..local chamber of commerce. THE CONCORD TIME-6 ROT* Rl ' AIE'ETTNG Routine Busineii;, Solos by Miss Mac liiugjiiin and SUmi Led by Ton Lawrence Features. Several solos by ,M!ss Mary Mai Laughlin, attention to rotuiite. in .iften and life building of a modern viUag<. by'club member®, under the supervis; ion of Tom Lawrence featured the weekly meeting of rk# Rotary Club at th Y 'iSiesday night. Every member of Hie club with the except ion of Hai Jarrqlf and MarUruCannon was pres ent. and these were expected to at lent meeting* in the cities where Hue are spending the weo-k. thus giviin the "club a i(K) per. coni, meeting. The meeting brought to v a elos;* yie ehntesl with the Salisbury Club for •jtte.mlanee during January and f*’* b ruary. Daring January (lie Concord Club, had a sight margin, hut |no fig ares are available now on the stand ing of the clubs for the last month ol the contest. , » The meeting also brought lo a close the, automobile contest conducted with in the dub. ~At the first meeting in January flic club members were as signed to various cars, which were :o make a trip to Rale.igh and hack before the contest dosed, each meet- 1 ng to advance the cars a certain dis lance. The.-final report showed that che’ Studtbaker of Charley Ivey, the Essex of Arthur Odell and-Packard of Lester Coltrane were the three ti have KM) per cent, records for tin two jjaonths and were the ears to •omp’.ete the round trip. r l'li<* club decided to send the next President, to In* elected next month; to the International Convention in St. Loijis. (.in motion of Bill She.rrill, Pom Webb and Gus- IJartsell were 111 I sen dohg.i.les to the district con vent ion in Charleston next month. Hie alternates are Tom La whence and Charley Ivey. I‘rfsnlent Richmond, at tin* request >f members of the Woman’s (Tub, read a letter asking the club’s sup port of a proposition to get a trained welfare worker for the county. The dub-took no action, as.its policy does not allow it to take action on subjects affecting politics or. polirieal offices, and the office of welfare officer is con sidered as such. At tin* conclusion of the lnm-li Miss MacLaughlin beautifully rendered three solos with piano accompaniment by Miss Margaret Hartsell, the club pianist. • . i Tow Lawrence introduced some thing new with the building of the vjllage. He started with the barren laud and asked the different club members to contribute something to ward the erection of a village, each member giving to the village com modity or service, included in liis’clas sification. Before all members had been etiled .niton Tom had completed a village that would be a credit to any builder. Mr. -L A. White Rays “If You Have An Automobile Keep Rat-Snap." •If 1 knew, about RAT-SNAP last winteil, would have saved $l2O. My car was in'the garage-tor a few weeks during bad weather: when 1 went to take it out. found that rats had eaten great holes in two ,new tires. Got them later with ‘HAT-SNAP.” Three sizes. 27v ?ji -<>7e, $1.27. Snip and guar anteed by Ritchie Hardware Company, Cline's Pharmacj*. Ilethpage j'nninMinity Club. The junior program of Bethpage Community Club for meeting f>f March 2 is as follows: Song: America. Prayer—ltev. Mr. Pullen. Recitation —Carl 'Overcash anil Es telle srms. 1 Solo—Lorene. Wineeoff. . Recitation —Afrlene Sims* Jokes —Mable Sims. Duet—Johnsiv) McKinley and Eve lyn Rumple. -a Recitation —MLry Ellen Petrea. .Recitation—Raymond Winpcoff. Song. Recitation—Liwreneo Hardwick. Song—School 4 % Following is ieiiior program : Talk —Prosiili^it. Talk —Mrs. Fisher. Talk—M. X. i’etrea on "Sub-Oppor tunity." f Talk—W. C. McKinley. Address —R. |). Goodman. " Address and* plans of the “Better Kitchen Campaign" —Miss Wilson. Business? . They Appeaf to Oiir Sympathies. The bilious |nd dyspeptic are con stant sufferers and appeal to our sym pathies. Many such, however, have been completely restored to health by the use. of Ohamberlain's Tablets. These tablets .<•s rongfhen the stomach, iuivgorate the liver and improve the digestion. Tlify also cause a gimtle movement of the bowels. When you have any trouble with your stomach, give them a trial. —Advertisement. “Old Folks” Day at Lutheran Ghapel. - "Old Folks Day" was observed at Lutheran Chapeil. China Grove, on Sunday. February 27. 1023. The ser vice was (the conclusion of the “Week of Prayer Servin'" and was splendid ly nndered, consisting -of music that was sung in the days when they were young people. There were also some splendid reading. The service did credit to’all who participated and was enjoyed by a large aiklience. The thank offering .’amounted to about $27. What Mrs. Brenninger, of New York, Says About Rat Poison. “Tried preparations that kill rats, but RAT-SNAP is the only one that prevents disagreeable odors after kill ing. Also like RAT-SNAP because it comes in handy cakes, no mixing with other food. You don’t have to dirty your hands, it’s the la*st for household use.” Try RAT-SNAP. Three sizes. 35c. (57c, $1.27. Sold and guaran teed by Ritchie Karilyvare Co., Cline’s Pharnfaey. Reformed Synod in Hickory. Hickory, Feb. 2(5. —The consistory of (lie Reformed ‘Church is making prepa rations for the general synod which convenes here May 23 with approxi mately 30P’ delegates in attendance. Representatives from many states will be present. Locks as if, Charley White mane a record forfeit payment when he was s-t back,J&2sQo. fay being 12 ounces ovevweigfft in, his,.recent bout with Rocky Kansas. f ’ '■ , ’ • t. s-t ba PRAISES NORTH CAROLINA Father of Mr. G. B. Lewis Wants Virginians to “Become North Caro linians In Spirit.” Mr. 1L I. Lewis, father fcf Mr? G. B. Lewis, of this city, recently spent -oihe time here with his son.' Upon his return to his home in West .Point, Va., lie spoke at the meeting there on his experiences in this State and Mississippi. The West point News lias the following to say about Mr. Lewis’speech : \\ *H. I. Lewis, one of West Point’s enthusiastic Kiwanians, has lately re turned from Mississippi and .spent come time looking oven* North Caro lina as In* came through the state*. r ‘•At Tuesday night’s supper he told of the marvelous advances made throughout the state and epseinlly in the towns which 'live or six years ago were ns small as West Point, hut by the push and energy of the citizens had fn those few years become hust ling, thriving eities with paved streets md good hotels. * I “He said that some people stay at home and remain in ignorance of what i other people are doing and that we Virginians have dope this so long that; we actually believe we are sitting on the fop of the world. . - \ “In closing his talk he exclaimed : ‘Let ns become North Carolinians in spirit!’ ” > i When our Farm Stock is Side, Look . For Rats. % _ Disease among farm animals don't just happen. Rats are carriers of dan gerous mouth disease and that terrible j of all scourges—Bubonic plunge. Far-[ mens should throw around premises i RAT-SNAP. Its sure and safe. Three j sizes, ‘trie, ddo, $1.20. Sold and gnarj- j an teed, b.v Ritchie Hardware Company), | Cline's Pharmacy. * 1 j Waul Constitutional Amendment. : , Washington, .Fob.’ 20.—A resolution j providing for submission of another i constitutional amendment to provide for a popular referendum on future constitutional changes was reported out today by the Senate Judiciary Committee. / SOUR STOMACH “ | . j thedford’s B!aclt4)rauglit Highlj! Recommended by a Tennessee i Grocer for Troubles Re* suiting from Torpid m Liver.^ ■ - ’ _ i East Nashville, Tenn.— The efflo lency of Thedford’s Black-Draught, the genuine, herb, liver medicine, la Touched for by Mr. W. N. Parsons, a grocer of this city. rt lt Is without doubt the'best liver medicine, and I don’t belifeve I could get along without It. I take it for sour stomach, head ache, bad liver, Indigestion, and all other troubles that are the result ot tt torpid liver. “I have known and used it for years, and can and do highly recommend it to every one. I won’t go to bed with- j out it in the house. It will do all it; I claims to do. I can’t say enough foe ) Many%ther men and women through' i out the country have found Black- Draught just as Mr Parsons describes •--valuable in regulating the liver to Its normal functions, and in cleansing the bowels of impurities. Thedford’s Black-Draught liver cine is the original and only genuine. Accept no imitations or substitutes. ; Always Tbedford’s. g-Si • ~ f Cabarrus Savings BANK i Plants and ' ~. * 1 ' i "Trees We, have a Tull ami complete stock of bruit Trees, Vjnes, .Plants, etc., to offer the planters of Concord and Cabarrus county. Year old peach trees $12.50 hun j dred. •We have apple, pear, plum, damson and other kinds of trees and plants at minimum pric es. Norway maples, Texas Um brellas, rose bushes, budded pe cans, evergreens, etc. Plant now. The best season of the entire year. CROWELL’S PLANT FARM t 159 E. Corbin St. | • Seed for Spring SrwiJ Big shipment of the following Standard /i ; fl ? Red Clover. Sapling Clover, . Alsyke Chv. Mi g Clover, Japan" Clover. ** ? j> Orchard Grass. Tall Meadow Oat Ora- .( ri « Red Top Grass, Timothy. Fulgum Oats, Red Oats, Appier Oafs, Reed fC , i !► Seed onions, D. M, Ferry & Co.,irnd Lake • . jfl den Seeds. i[ We have the best line, and prices lower ih , 1 1 order. x || CLINE & MOOSEI !j P. S. —We want to buy all your country cured imv.y I MORE I fi Farmer I ig Slogan— fl os Weekly •fl Offer |l m to have xflj skly 1 on to make fifl Weekly jl MFS ' I RMER I ly $2.50 t C or money order i fl x full year I I each of The Concord Times and The Progressive It Farmer. ~ _ \ I Name 1 2 ' fl j Route Dox State I SOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOGOGOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCGOOOOOOOOOCOC f X oc ? I ~ * I Perfectly Good Cook Stovp! I Slightly 'used, hut in rt*ffeet condition, .Some \im« I when We put on ohr big range sale, we traded in s ]“ NdHolk-Richmord-Atlantu 1 ii-v Vr i Washington-Charlotte fl sdqp Charlotte-Pan vtlle B ir New Yorlf- Augusta ... fl >w-T5 i do Birmingham-New Orleans-New York , fl u itp hi New York-Atlanta I ii , . Washingtou-Atlaoca fl P j ll P? an , car service to »», *’ I ° Norfolk, Atlanta, Birmingham, Mobile, New 1 ■ ■ f ■ .. seyvicc. convenient schedules anu direct conncu ti e ■ b henules published a» informition and are not guanantc * e fl R B GRAHAM, p. P. A., % M. E. WOODY. Ticket A C- ■ Charlotte, N. C. > Con <' * fl * • N —*• ■ Thursdav, • . • ' :’i 'A 1