Ihursday, May 3, 1923. *** * * uivPEMVGS IN OUR * .Nt"'IIBOKING VILLAGES * f ************* ion st. . Mr and Mrs. M F Hone - v ’ 1! " i! >'. il :i daughter. ■ :n ‘ | sin*t his right s .iek from '! '"r \i«*r IhV-ar has' moved his ' Il- '."7A)bGuarh'. wlww lie holds a 7' : " ,I ] l v\ Turner spent 1.-sst week njtli her rhihlren. '' '/.*'iH)i week. F- MlDlWlb ... j. f Ha rtsell. of Charlotte. . , i: ‘ : ueek end here, Veda and Annie Vow spent Aalhemarle and Ply ' I j, ilaTiaoii. of Chitrlotfe. visited es Messrs. R. < >. Garmon j; pun - Sat unlay and Sunday. ,;. ; .-|iiuu and ehildren returned 1 i iu Monday morning, after V „ uie time here With rela -7' liti..a of Uev. .1. T. Alexan .77 vci'v Sfrioiis at this time. i( :‘ \j, - . .lutiiis Vow and daugh |Uj Mis. .1. A'. Teeter and :.rt n spent Monday in Con yi i' 1» 11. Kashley left last r , «.reeiishoro. wlictfc* they 0 j summer. Ml I.ash ley ,(i-nperation of the other in ’ , r s (aumleted seven months of school work as has ever been j,.- |j 1( .Midland ol. We hop** .7Mr. and Mrs. l.ashley with us Amu" \'ini‘ ilartsell is very siek " , ; in (dings at the First !,!],;'Nm lu.nli here, rondueied hr the li, G. G. Grubb. closed last ni.'lit. Excellent sermons led oil I lie life Os Ah ;i|iai„ Mi. (,!uhh kill eolttinue to iiiii.i from that subject through the n May at the regular ser . iiu mwt Sunday night a union meet .iuidmled* hy Rev. Mr. Hunt will •■g-n at the Presbyterian church here. Mrvbuty is, urged to attend when Messrs. .!. Vow. \V. T Teeter. E. AV. [ritli:, ami Miss Annie L. Vow spent fa>div in olive Branch with Rev. A. . lije.’is. MESSENGER. (IHN \ GKO\ L ROUTE ONE. T!u'JaAu‘.-r-pf fhi- community have »cii vrr; I'iisy planting their crops. \V were .lad to see flic rain Satur in;. ::Hti Sunday. All. .1. K. Carter spent the week-end Alls- h-ejie KliUiz. wiio has heen in . »el ;it Rocky River, is spending her 'uuiio-r vacation with her parents. Mr. is*l Mrs.- W. K. Kluttz. ;* Mr Aliiert ( alter, of llowan. spent •luarday night at the home of his n Mrs. 11. Troutman, of Ca- Miss Viola Troutman and brothers. File'- - and Ray. spent Saturday night r th»* of their ■ unele, Mr. L. A. M'Ssfs. \v. ,\. Curl. Albert'and John :. I.ouis and Marvin Kluttz. at -1 hi* c.oiimieiKemeut at Rocky 111} 1 ' school Friday night, which was Mdoyed hy all present. •i: deorge Rimer returned home ■ ; . 1 uii the Concord Hospital, in - underwent an operation for M l ' H«|JCil is. ■Mr.. Albert Carter and his mother ■' ' ' nip to Charlotte -Sat tuh.y . veiling. ' -Mi . M. A. ’frontman and !• and Aland, spent Tues "hi- wiili .Mi - . Troutman's sis '; ; -I. K, Carter •mi' l'roiilman is expecting to operation * ( have her *on -1 Ifh noiiF remnv, Ti R\ ao. ELEVEN. ,y : 11 ' "I - 11'i ! M(if;- was Well ri pfe.seli!- ■ •nuty < A nnnem-ement and " enjoyafile 'time. The an - getting to he more " S' in liter * ap ,7 , l inisiake in most of tin* v. !r !!! " i' di'liers s:!i,uld emle.i --!ll"lv hit crest in the eom •i(,. v t -' i ’. ,s nd.vantages from - "“■'dnniug of the term. Fas with several th,- :l Firger nuinhcr attended 1,11 who did n otknow e\„ n 'V' lv and had not fcirh 7 >l- holarship being of , '• *• 7 . ! - and M. A. S. .uni several of' his ■ j,. 011 a fishing •Fl ■ i w , - N*:. in )( , ~7 ; ehildreu, of r ■; t.,, i * 1 * i"''ek-eud at the home Air. C r ' r 1) - (; . Rost. , Mr/'],,. o '" lt 1 1, ‘ v is 'Siting his , l l 7 -V - o1 Georgeville. " f !| is lip]-,. .1. / '‘•‘■re hy the illness .M. I : / 7 l ' h "' r ' Roselyn. ' A "ii:>il and 1,7, *' F.pst and C. £). mid .| ll;nut ' l V ,s, ‘ l - v “. 01- 7 ,! Jen-ill,. | l,l ’ s F Miss. - i.’dlth ‘ 1 :l >iil Mi - v' ( i,'" 111 v, sterday with e ilrs- I.vini p'i ' S " !b( ‘ r - of NO. 10. '"’{•''mi. ‘ ul ' s l>eiit Monday in /1 U ‘';'l‘F year : h «? Plop ;;j Airgim a Cline, Ir. J. 11. Peeler, of Salisbury, and located in the heart of our little town, has been purchased hy our local physician. l>r. C. E. Brown, whore,lie now resides. Sidney Fink moved into the home va cated by his lirother. Harvey Fink, on April 24th. having bought the residence when his brother bought Charley Rain ey's residence. Aliss Aland Balconi'spent tin* week cud with her friend, Aliss Pearle Fish er. William Barger has just had his res idence repainted. Born to Air. and Airs. Pleas Hol sliouser. a son. April 7tli. Ely Goodman has moved hack to Faith into Jim Barger's residence. Roy Fcsperinan. who recently mar ried a pretty girl school teacher, will locate in Faith. He has bought a lot from Bill Barger and is having lum ber placed on the ground for a hand some residence in the center of Faith. Ho is a traveling salesman for a wholesale house in Salisbury. < >nc of the correspondents says Lew is Bauble has a turnip 24 inches around. 12 1-2 inches long and weighs 7 3-4 pounds and calls on A'cnus to beat it. AAe give it up until we ctm hear from some of our readers. At Robert Williams' Sunday wo en joyed some good music <>u the piano by tin* young ladies. Harvey V. Fink moved in’ the hand some residence April 21. 15)23. which lie bought from Charley Rainey. Clifton Gardner has moved Into his new residence. He had been living in Charley Rainey's residence. John A. I.yerly lias worked up to be section boss on the railroad. He is a tine young fellow. The Concord Times has a big cir culation. People write us and say tlicx read our items in The Concord Times. One family saw about our home-made ei zruni cure and sent for some sot tin ir two children. Mr. and Airs. Robert Weddingtoh. of Alooresvillo. spent Saturday night with Mr. and Airs. Tom Hess here ill Faith. Brick masons have built the foun dation for Roy Fesperman's residence, which K to he built on the foundation of brick two or three feet high. Airs. Bessie Alisenlieiiuer and four children, of Jacksonville. Fla.. are visiting her parents here. Air. and Mrs. L. Al. Peeler. VENUS. M T. PLEASANT. The school children of the graded school guve a play Saturday night. It was ienjoved hy all present. The people of Alt. Pleasant are look ing forward to tin* annual coumience- Kient. They have the largest class at M. P. C. I. they have ever had. Air. K. F. Kindly is building more to his bath house. He will soon have electric lights installed. He has an nounced that he will have an opening as soon as he gets everything complet ed. He expects to have some special music for the opening. There are some cases of measles m Alt. Pleasant. ' FlUfi School Closing. The school sit Fink will close Fri day, May -4th. Beginning ne Won?” a comedy in three acts will he given. Following is the cjist of elmrutiters: Alehitable Sawyer, excessively neat —Florence Bnrnhardt. Jonathan Sawyer, her husband — Phillip Barringer. Lissie Perkins, a neighbor—Julia Smith. Adolphus Perkins, her husband — Ben Bushin. Alartlia Curtis, a widow —Alae Bar ringer. Dick Curtis, her son—Paul Barn ha rdt. Rodney Stone, ehorelic and unscru pulous—Clay liinehardt. Alargery Stone, his daughter—Verhi Fowler. Susan Taylor—Margery’s cousin— Josephine Bnrnhardt. William Greene —Susan's admirer-- Clay Riuehardt. Eli Grant, sheriff—Phillip Barring er. Toddy Jackson, colored boy—Archie Barringer. - BROWN EYES. ADDRESS OF WELCOME BY MRS. ROBERT R. COTTON (Continued from Page One) en, hut mental activity was stimulat ed and later the Coble medal was giv en for tin* best paper submitted. They jire now called literary contests, instead of paper contests, and three beautiful silver cups are ours to he awarded —tin* Spark cup for the best poem, the Joseph Caldwell cup for the best short story and the O'Henry cup for tlu* best humorous story. Added to these, a silver clip lias been given by the chairman of districts to.stimu late attendance at district meetings. "Dividing our federation into dis tricts marked a great change in tin* organization, but has proved vastly popular and beneficial. District meet ings are well attended and are Invent ing the ‘tie that binds’ the women of many communities into one body of workers. The federation gladly co operated with tlu*; King’s Daughters to complete ji cottage at the Stonewall Jackson Training School, and contrib uted SI.OOP to the work. “lu co-operation with the Teachers’ Assembly the Hub women were in strumental in securing the law mak ing women eligible to school 1 wards in this state. It seems suoli a small achievement mn\\ but it was hard to accomplish then. Since that time a legislative council of women has been formed, which has succeeded in get ting many more good laws for women passed. "In addition to the endowment and the loan fund, the federation main tains a free lied at Sanatorium, two social service scholarships at the Uni versity of North Carolina, looks after the comfort of the ex-serviCe men, tries to improve the welfare of tile Indian, and is furnishing a living room at Samareand Manor, and lending a hand wherever need is found. "I have had only memory to guide me, hut so far ais memory holds true, l have shown to you that the past years' of our federation were not bar ren. Tonight we stand on the thres hold of another decade of service and achievement. 1 believe this will he a phenominal meeting, and all our ac tivities will receive a new impetus, and our women will receive such in spiration to renewed efforts as will produce a genuine contribution to world betterment. "Let us go forward, hand in hand, and make the future of our federation worthy of its mast, worthy of its founders, worthy of its home town and worthy of the cordial welcome ex tended to us tonight, for which, in the name of the North Carolina Federa tion, 1 thank you.” BOARD OF C HARITIES IS HOLDING MEETING Meeting Is Being Held Behind Closed Doors, But Members Will Make a Statement Later. Greensboro, May I.—The quarterly meeting of tlu* State Board of Chari ties and Public* Welfare here this af ternoon at .‘1 o’clock will be behind closed doors, according to A. W. Mc- Allister, of Greensboro, a member of the board. At the close of the meet ing, however, a statement, will he is sued to the newspapers, lie said. The Board is expected to make plans for the prison investigation which will Ih* undertaken in accord ance with plans made following the meeting last week with Governor Cam eron Morrison in Raleigh. Only Two Cases in Cabarrus Court. Only two east's were taken up in Cabarrus Superior Court yesterday. One of tlu* cases, W. S. Slaten & Co., against Board of Commissioners of Cabarrus County, was completed. Judge Webb directing the jury to re turn a verdict in favor of the plaintiff. The other case is Mrs. Ada Sigmon vs. Southern Railway Company and Yadkin Railway Company. This case was taken up after the noon recess and consumed the entire afternoon and was still in progress today. In the Slaten case the plaintiff was asking the comity to return a SSOO check which the company gave to the county hi 1017 in a bond transaction. Attorneys for the county announced after the conclusion of the trial here that they would appeal to the Supreme Court. WEATHER FORECAST. Cloudy tonight and Friday ; showers Friday and in west tonight; little change in temperature. aJHE CONCORD [TIMES " LOCAL MENTION We have heen requested to announce preaching services at Center Method}- ist Church, in No. 11 township, next Sunday afternoon at three o’clock. G. I. Ray Lentz is-toda.v moving his family to Albemarle, where lie has been appointed agent of The Texas Company. Air. Lentz lias been there for several weeks. Thirteen new eases of measles were the only new cases of diseases report ed to the county health department yesterday, according to today’s report from the department. An important meeting of the Con cord Alerchants’ Association will be held tonight at 7:30 at the Y. Al. C. A. Officers of the association declare several matters of unusual importance will come before the meeting, and all members arc urged to attend. New chairs have heen purchased for the city lmll. sand have been distribut ed among the various city offices. Some of the old chairs have heen plac et! in the court room, where there lias been a scarcity el chairsrrfor some time. Don't forget the supper to he given jit the Y Tuesday, Alay Bth, for the benefit of tlu* Cabarrus Black Boys Chapter of tlu* I). A. R. The doors will he opened at four-thirty, and can dy, fancy work and flowers will also be sold. The condition of Mr. George Good man. who lias been undergoing treat ment in the Concord Hospital, is re ported as improved. Air. Goodman is able to lie out again, and has shown steady improvement since entering the hospital. Only two cases were tried in record er's court yesterday, the others hav ing been continued when several at torneys who were to appear in them had to attend Superior Court. One person was fined 810 nnd the other and court was in session hut a few minutes. The aldermen will meet at the city hall tonight tit 8 o'clock in their last meeting. Tuesday a new hoard will he elected and the members of the new hoard will hold their first meeting on Thursday night. Several matters of importance are expected to he present ed to the hoard tonight. The campaign against typhoid fever will he opened tonight in Kannapolis hy the county lusilth department. The campaign in otlitjr parts of the coun ty will he opened later, after a definite schedule has heen adopted. The cam paign against diphtheria is being con ducted jointly with the typhoid cam paign. Carpenters have about completed their work on the home of Mr. and Frank Mills on North Spring Street. All of the work on tlu* exterior of the house, which was recently damaged hy fire, has been completed, and with in the next several days the carpen- SOLVING YOUR Rent Problem A CURRENT discussion treats the “high rent problem” from both viewpoints—and seem ingly both landlord and tenant have justice on their sides. The fact remains, however, that when you pay rent, high or low, you deprive yourself of things your rental money might buy. And the solution— - build a home! If you save regularly, you can very soon make the initial payment. DANK <2/2rf TRUST Company * CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA ■ Living Room Should Have Attract ive Furniture of This Sort v"‘> ' ' ' Does your Living Room' possess individualityV Or is it "just a room”? It's all in selecting the furnishings. The proper selection means taste, refinement and that inde scribable something we call “atmosphere.” Furniture that is grace ful and “restful” and pleasant to- look upon is the kind featured at-.our store. P. s. —We have just received,a car load of Living Room Suites in all colors and shades of upholstering. rsu , assasas ", ... BELL-HARRIS FURNITURE CO. “TOE STORE THAT SATISFIES” ters expect to complete the work on tile interior. The many friends here of Miss Ruth Crowell will he interested to know that she was chosen as Queen of the May Festival held at Salem College Tuesday, May Ist. Miss Crowell is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ,T. Lee Crow ell, and 4s one of the most attractive , >‘ind popular members of the younger set. The Charlotte team is now leading in the race in the South Atlantic League, By taking two games from Charleston yesterday while Spartan j burg was losing, the Hornets secured ; possession of the first rung in the lad ! dor, and tire leading now l»y half a I game over the Augusta team. Char ! lotte opens with Columbia in Char- I lotte today for three games. j The general public is invited to at tend tlie class play, “A Bunch of Fun,” which the high school students will j present tomorrow night at the high 1 school auditorium. Tickets for the play are on sale now at Cline's Phar macy. The'money taken in will be ' used in a fund being raised to pur chase u cftiss gift. The play will be gin at 8 o’clock. Trinity continued her march yes terday to collegiate baseball honors of the State by defeating Davidson in Durham 1 to.O. The game was one of tife snappiest played in Durham in years and was featured by the work of the two pitchers. Sanderson for tlie winners twirled a no-liit game and I’ouches of the losers allowed bu six hits. Trinity has won 12 games from college teams in the State and lias not been defeated by another college team in the State. Closing Exercises China Grove School. China Grove. May 1. —The closing exercises of the China Grove graded school will he held in the school audi torium on Thursday night and Friday afternoon of this week. J. L. Parker, of Charlotte, will deliver the commencement address Thursday night, and A. M. Hanna will present certificates of promotion to the pupils who have completed the gram mar course and the prizes to those who have won distinction in various fields of school work. Rev. C. I». Fisher, pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran Church, mill pro nounce tlie invocation and benedic tiou. Friday afternoon the primary grades will render an attractive Mother Goose operetta and members of the fourth and fifth, grades will present an amusing one-act playlet. Several musical numbers, vocal and instrumental, will he given. Masons to Hold Special Meeting. Members of Stokes Lodge No. 32 A. F. & A. M. will hold a special meet ing in the lodge rooms tonight at 8 o'clock. Officers of the organization declare the meeting will he an import ant and interesting one. Prof. Hilbert Fisher, Mrs. Fisher and Miss Smith, of the faculty of Mont Amoena Seminary, are spending the day in the city. • > - Don’t stub your toe on the stub of your Check book! Don’t pay more than our % price for a Spring Suit— and don’t veer off the road W of Quality by paying less. There is a standard set price for the finest Ready-to-Wear clothes just the > same as there is a standard set of prices for Talcum Powder, Tooth Powder and Gun Powder. No Sring Suites can be better than these—few stores’ value are as solid! Try them out. Throw your chest out to the breeze these fine days—but don’t throw your money to the birds! Brown’s Clothes Famous for Fine Tailoring $30.00 to $50.00 Browns - Cannon Co. Where You Get Your Money’s Worth New Caps New Shirts New Neckwear I ■ > \ Sports Hats of all kinds of mater ials, and Leghorns in newest shapes. SPECIALTY HAT SHOP AUTO TIRES AND TUBES Hood, Kelly and Goodrich —We Have Not Changed Our Price Yet The time is here to put new tires on your ear. \V e carry a complete line of Hood Kelly and Goodrich. They have advanced in price about twenty per cent., but we have not. You can save money by getting yours now. Phone or write for prices. Remember, we stand back of all our tires in Price and Quality. \\ e sell nothing but quality goods. Ritchie Hardware C’ PHONE 117 SWEATERS SMART SUMMER STYLES Sweaters That are useful on so many occasions, one cannot do well without one or two. New arrivals here make it possible. A present day of fering in many colors from $2.50 to ?9.95 And Then If You Need aj|. Sport Skirt They are Very Attractive Models— $3.95 up It Pays to Trade at l ISHER’S Concord’s Foremost Specialists ■ i :-v ' . ,' ” ; SPORT SKIRTS Tribune Member of Associated Pr;*ss The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for rei üblicatioi of ail news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in t ois papetl All rights of republication of speda? dispatches herein are also > eeerved. and also the local news published hereip. 4 - PAGE FIVE They