PAGE SIX 1923 = FALL OPENING SALE = 1923 1 • . ' - - • Ready -to - Wear, Silk and Millinery Beginning Thursday Morning September 20th Our Fall Opening Sale will Surpass all Previous Events of this kind Our buyers have secured in the last few weeks the Most Wonderful Line of Merchandise that has been shown in Concord before. Thousands of dollars worth of the Newest Silks in Piece Goods and Ready Made Bought before the drastic rise in price of all silk materials. These Silks we are offering 25 to 50 per cent, below today’s market. Cotton Goods have advanced since we made our great purchase and with the Belk Stores’ Low System of Pricing goods we can save you money on your Fall and Winter Needs. “Our Policy” during. Fall Sale is precisely carried out to the fullest extent. “We Sell For Less.” Elevator Service to Second and Third Floors. * COATS “For Sport or Dress Wear” The selection of coats now on sale is marvelous. Stvles that will become any person and our prices are Exceptionally Low. A few of the prices : A special line of New Coats for Ladies in several shades, all wool, plain cloth and plaids. These are values to SIS.OO. Bought for this QEJ sale and selling . *** • * Coats of Bolivia, Kit, Fox, Velour, etc. Pretty brown, tan. grey, coffee, etc., colors in the newest New York styles, and at such low prices that it will astound you $12.50 $18.50 $27.50 Prices _ Our Better Styles in Coats are unsurpassable in Oualitv and S_tvle. and materials. You must see these to appreciate $32.50, $52.50 them. Priced “We Specialize” on Stouts in all styles Readv-to- Wear. Coats. Coat Suit's, Dresses, etc. One special Beautiful Lot of Serge and Gaberdine Coat Suits in navy and black. All wool and styles to suit onlv the stout ladies Prices $14.95, $19.95, $27.50 Beautiful Selection of Dresses in Stouts, all mater ials including Velour Brocade. Cantons. Crepe Back Satins. Poiret Twill and Serges, Suede ImcY _™ ccd for $27.50 t 0 $52.50 SPECIAL! One Lot of Silk Poplin Dresses in navy, black and brown. Sizes 42 1-2 to 52 1-2. Values. 1 A QC 520.00. On sale ; “MILLINERY STYLE OPENING. Now ready—the largest an 1 • _ tines, in sizes to fit $25.00 t 0 ss^.^ Prices V North Carolina Thursday, September 2Q, ito