lIE L| I I Projected Flights L Atlantic Given Up B Plans For 3 Go On Hr ■sire Among Trio ■,'„, Determined ■ Give i'P V, lanS ■, n ..Atlantic Hops ■ u \S N EW ■ ans sight I to Establish En ■ Record in Flight ■-Search For Old Bjs Continued. ■ . • ■■ -la s)—N'"t --■ V Il.c search ■ e irbilrnrval of ■ 1.,,. .Uht», throe ■ Vi.u.ici ■ " the trans ißatdventu^- m ray;son. Long Hr; aviator. i( } she ,j n ' ■„, Kin- with a pilot ■■ S k orsky amphib- Kj> K ith Elder, of ■ Captain Robert Mc J n ' M- Ireland. reiterated [Bnanp'i !, '>t t 0 be tilS;iUati ' ■optic* overseas hops, ■nthetiv W reford with ■milnt for M-Intosh and ■ ame word of the eun ■ raul raras ■„ t„ riy to America. To ■adtleil the definite with ■ Vharif' A. Levine and T. Courtney from the ■aJ’ter Cazettc. backer of aimo'inoed abandon ■'projept until next year, r he airman at Corun ■'. [,p was released from K and made plans for ■ 'world flight in 1928. ■nchriiffr. Levine’s pilot, ■divided to start eastward ■aare High: Wednesday or ■th Karachi. India, as his ■plane. Royal Windsor, in jßfVood anti A. 0. Duke ■ planned a trans-Atlantic (irace, N. F., wait ■r weather for a return ■ Orchard. Me. They ■ not m fly the Atlantic, ■trie Fonck. French ace, ■Atlantic plans received a ■>k when the navy dopart ■d the leave of absence ■is crew. Lieutenant Law ■ and Ensign Stephen Ed ■ New York, cabled the ■rnraent in order to learn ■on his flight before an ■finiP abandonment of his ■ projected flights were be- Hf>i the search for the Old Harried on in the North At ■ ctoamer Kyle, chartered Hr York Mirror, of which ■ passenger on the plane, Hug editor. Hileh running seas the Kyle Hard the point 500 miles Houndland, where the Old to have gone down ■g SOS calls early last H morning. No trace of found. ■iNG PARLEY ■ ■STIRS republicans Hrs I p in Air Oyer Task ■ing National Committee- H Names Mentioned. Sopr. 10.—North Caro- Hrans are stirred up over ■ meeting in Greensboro. H> reports from hoadquar ■ speculation in this sec- Ht'bo will he selected for ■ national committeeman is ■^ a t deal of comment. sp who are most fre- Hhoned here for the place ■orehcad. of Charlotte; W ■ of Durham; J. F. feea- High: Irwin B. Tucker, of ■*Y A. Whitener, of Hick ■"• Millikan, of Greeps ■ membprs and associate W Pl Peetcd to be present ■feting is railed to oraer H In * °f September 22 by Jackson, of Hen ■" will journey from this ■but , meetin * C. J. ■Hillsboro; Fred Hamrick, ■ ‘ : M alter Chambers. ■ anrt Louis Hamlin, of ■* p U)Slo\s I ,N milk village ■ r^' n " 1,1 Latest Violence ■™ n Factory Settlement. d f—'T'h ree explos- K ! S J ru sld in the Harriet g0 ‘ but no damage ■° i s officers reported to ■nn^c StS - Sai 1:0 have ■ t j 8 " in the eve ■j.L ° r hcrs were heard ■ • and these were said ■ th?i- ViAlPnr - The laDer ■ _ Ilmo grove beyond the ■os „ n Proximity to ■L'it was reported. ■ tfcp o',"* officers was ■ null during the night, ■n<* Was tbe rause or ■ tn be seen hauling hales of cotiou to mar ket, it was said that moat of this is last year’s cotton and that the farmers are using their hu&ds in sell ing their last year’s which they have carried over, now, and use the money they receive for this to » nable them to carry their new crop, and finance themselves in the meantime. That present prices will have little effect on the co-operative associa tions, other than mean more profit for the members, is the opinion of F. B. Webster, assistant general manager of the Cotton Growers’ Co-operative Association here. The rise in prices following the United States crop re port was not unexpected, since private HUGE STILLS SEIZED WHERE PATRIOTS DU Dry Raiders Strike Blows at Bm Trade on Kings Mountain Battle field Baffled'For Clues of Owners. Gastonia, Sept. 10. —Prohibition Agent Evon L. Houser, assisted by Policeman Adam Hord, of Gastonia, and Chief of Police Erwin Allen, of Kings Mountain, made a raid in th-* wilds of the Kings Mountain battle field, Cleveland county, which netted two of the largest stills ever captur ed in. this section of the state. The stills were within a quarter of a mile of each other and there was n path leading from one to the other, this fact leading the raiders tffice. In it he found the fob, and a ote which read:. “Found by a ’riend. Some day I will tell you my ii. me.” The~ fob had evidently not boon wawL I>e. Bennrfft said. The note was written on news copypaper b.v type writer. The letter was mailed in Ashe dlUj. The mystery of the disappear ince of the fob still troubles Dr. Ben 'lett, but after 13 years, he was glad "o begin wearing his medal again. irandma Flies At 101; Plans Career In Air. Portland. Me., Sept. 10.—Booked or 1 a flight to California On her 95th birthday, four years hence, and vith visions of a trans-Atlantic trip >y airplane when she is 110, Mrs. Vmntia Bennett left here today for i 300 mile automobile ride to her ! iome in Chicopee Falls, Mass. “Grandma” was accompanied by Zharles W. Bradley, 99, on a 100 nile flight from Boston yesterday as m incident of her 101st birthday cele bration. Italian Consul In Faris Killed. Paris, Sept. 12.— UP) —Count Carlo Nardini, Italian vice consul here, was -hot and killed today by an unidenti ied assailant. Assailant, believed to >e an Italian, sought the Count at his •oom at the consulate, and fired three time without warning. A man whs ar rested but refused to give his name or tiotive for the crime. I A general wish to be successiul ia io better than no wish at all. THE STOCK MARKET Reported by Fenner & Beane. (Quotations at 1:30 P. M.) Atchison 193 American Can 62% Allied' Chemical 160% American Smelting * 177 American Tel. & Tel. 171% Atlantic Coast Line 195 Allis Chalmers ' 112 Baldwin Locomotive 261 Baltimore & Ohio 120% Bethlehem Steel 63% Chesapeake & Ohio 196 t Chrysler * . 59% New York Central 160% DuPont 316% Erie 62 Fleishman 62% Bt.„Louis-Francis. RR. 112 General Electric 140 General Motors 250 Gen. Ry. Signal 149% Houston Oil __ 152 Hudson Motors 82% Kennecott Copper Kans. City. Sou. Ry. 65% Liggett & Myers 122% Lorillard 39% Mack Truck 103 Mo.-Pacific Pfd._„ , 104 Mo.-Paeifis Com. 54% Montgomery-Ward 76 Nash Motors __ 91% Packard Motors 41% Penn. RR. 66% Producers and Refiners 25 Reading RR. 115% “B” Rev. Tob. Com. 147 Rock Isiand RR. 108% Sears Roebuck 74 Southern Ry. 134 Std. Oil of N. J. 40% Sou. Pac. RR. 120 Studebaker Corp. 61% Tobacco Prod. 99% T : mken Roller Brg. 125% Union Carbine Wabash RR. 70 Weotinghouse Elec. Co. 85% West. Mryd. RR. 63 Yellow Cab and Truck 34 Woolworth __ 186% U. S. Steel 153% Coca-Cola 122 $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance ALL DRESSED UP Mr ■■ s |Pl wB Mpti ► j ■ I ■hH :?: Mm, s&mK :•:& : *F>n : ss|l ; ' ; : j - ': K ; IB •••••• ■Bfe « iHi