m Li-'J KjjoßOF THE ■ ftiir* rMH HflUf ■i 1 V !'i‘U H||)oi‘>-‘ Uusl pg. r; i-o'JTH . “i§- iy Has Kdt3 - " i? TTi ■ peoDle l're:-:nt on feeW,: |r : ir?'..: -Cicd. gg| rT -•-. •’ attend annual its bo , . attracted Hi r - - n \ . rotina. Atlantic r.i --x or. sec this *CK » : “ ■ t" 'I adni’.s- BV ■ ! .t" the en- H*. year. 192 ’ h *’ ■V wed:, an re than the ■/!„ galfich attracted in its R;; * \V:A the -Hb’.e ex Southeast, » a Fair, the ere:A draws larger r in-.il.:r attraction Stan's. Fair associa- H,ur.es of other di-tricts eer fTfs untried by Ca ■UeeThe continued. was naiu to the peo i;ithe O'ther conn i''"''’t for their whole- on and spirit of help- R, v Spencer. He declared had received support at every hand and ■ ctm'tdous stteess of the fair was in no small way jHjtfis unswerving loyalty. '.ae w*>*k exceeded that |Bj,f a; rh.y morf than 85,000 HR Saturday night the pro- t:p «o that people Rr: ntak-- r-•••::» for nthet> H : :-. f - the r.r«t time and > e-- it.ro the tight- RcA until 'hey were de- H Rat 'or the steady rain which kept the crowd IRstimkr day l-«wer than it before, the total fur d pr 'bahly he more im ity other twitnty thou- s.vs Partrday provided with the most thrills of A.! six of the events were frit'tner.r a-d the audi lr«i up to an unusual ■t> small cars literally dew era! quarter mile. The Rt<: and sure, and a new -as created when Ray his Miner special half a seconds. «drg!ng contest Meekler b r ~r, and Un pd off the major hon jß~*f'rr.er taking fleet place and second place IRp.’U'te and the latter x ice COTATY ■siseillfi) BY TRICK |Hi Pearson Soon After sa£E to Hospital—Driver ■ Oct. 16—A Lave been driven at a a maa of the name of ■ ‘hd fatally injured H».*. Wnon ' ftr ‘ :i KerJ resident yesterday morning H r : Trent <( his residence H.' “ i * 3 A1 r. rav ia u Fall s • cues tenth vest of this following the no »;“f n v,.s brought to r. Hr treatment, hut d>d |R 810 eternal injuries, it he lived until ■ rur.ry, would !v:r, T' Seven years parson, who, with rv -“ £! , co,Vr,rated their Fix years R.,j‘ ’Fot;. met death n ‘;f place where H,l v "‘ ai -y '-.rwj, his oar a- : Homing over ‘•erv-oos were : ~' rr ''- *an Falls, H ■ -uertlny by ■j, 't’nler bond. ;,o Fein. R‘a f '■•“•••• Rnlies Tie Hi I Tern lded fm ■ apple pic r'vjuir ■ oven and Rl i baked Hj ’ Fi.g pins Wm ‘A. . i:, r the Mi e. « " 'i he H|| vnrieiy. H -dag over *■ r"eK:n sn mm ■■ Two im u,;. _ c "h of K ... ! = a l ie of H ""C "- -- ..S Z .% .d . xi-v'■‘C •: t VjRK PMMM*MMMMWWmMMMtM«>DfKOOlJiuj!.viiuoocQwxx*K*v«vw?*ei Happiness still evades Ma< Han Bleakley Brown of Kam pas City (top). Since being art incubator baby (lower), sh* has had ill fortune, culminating in her suit for divorce from he| husband. Dewey Brown. „ COTTON CROP IS NOT DOING WELL NOW Crop in Poorer Condition on October Ist Than on September Ist. The Tribune Bureau Sir Walter Hotel Raleigh, Oct. 12. —A much poorer condition was shown by the North Carolina cotton crop on October Ist than on September Ist, according to the government cotton report, the fore cast of production declining from 911,- 000 bales to 845,000 bales within 30 days, a large part of this decline be ing due to boll weevil and weather damage, according to a review of the cotton situation in North Carolina is sued today by the state crop report ing service. Virtually all the bolls which will open were open on October Ist, the report says, and their size is about average. The condition of the crop October Ist averaged 57 per cent, nor mal, as compared with 68 ner cent, normal in October, 1920, and with an average condition of 63 per cent, for the past ten years. The yield indicated on October Ist was only 220 pounds of lint per acre, as com pared with a yield of 292 pounds per acre in 1926. The average yield over the last ten years has been 256 pounds per acre. “The stand is considerably better than usual, but by no means perfect,” the state report continues. “Due to continued rains, the cotton plants de veloped later into the fall season than usual, resulting in a deneo growth which favored the development of rot and the boll weevil. The weather was wet in the eastern counties and dry in the Piedmont section. Red spider, rust and the boll weevil have been partly responsible for the fail ure of cotton to put into bolls. Wet weather conditions prevented proper cultivation so as to keep down grass in some sections, with the result that conditions were favorable to weevil development. “The weevil infestation this season ie undoubtedly the worst on record for, this state,” the report continues. “This pest is responsible for the lack of a top crop and for the shortage of the middle crop and for a damage considerably exceeding earlier expec tations. By actual investigation, the lock damage was shown to be slightly n excess of 24 per cent. Farmers re port that about 50 per cent, of the mils show weevil damage in one or more locks. Due to the lateneps of ho season now, few immature bolls should be counted on to produce cot ton after October Ist. About 50 per cent, of the crop bad been picked by October Ist.” JORDAN’S ATTORNEYS NOT GOING TO RALEIGH Instead. Will See Commissioner Bridges About Pardon While He Is In Charlotte. Charlotte, Oct. 15. —Attorneys for Rev. WTllis T. Jordan, convicted of bigamy and sentenced to serve 18 months in the state penitentiary, will not go to Raleigh to make an appeal for a pardon before Governor McLean and Pardon Commissioner Edwin B. Bridges. v When It was learned today that Commissioner Bridges was coming to Charlotte and would be here for several weeks Tom P. Jimison, of minister’s counsel, declared that the Raleigh trip would be unnecessary. Commissioner Bridges will enter a hospital here for treatment for his throat. He declared tonight that he could take the Jordan case under consideration while in the city. With Our Advertisers. You are assured of courteous service when you trade at the J. C. Penney Company. Tne Bell & Harris Furniture Co. buv:, its furniture in .car lots and sells it cheaper. Just the. goods you nave been looking for. Belk’s is ready to serve you with style and value in new fall dresses. Special lot at the low price of $16.50. Style, quality and reasonable prices at the Gray Shop in the finest coats and at the unusually low prices o? $12.95 upward. Just the thing •for every occasion nt this exclusive shop. Service in fact is offered by the Wilkinson Funeral Home. LEWIE BACK WITH PLANS FOR SERVICE ACROSS THE OCEAN Says ISext Summer He Will Try Flight From Europe to America.— Halted by Bad Weather. MAIL SERVICE TO START SOON Levine Says Within Two Years He Will Have Ser vice Carrying Letters Across For 50 Cents. New York, Oct. 17. — UP) —Chares A. Levine, the only trans-Atlantic air. passenger, came home today. He announced on his arrival that he would fly the reverse journey from Europe to America next summer, and that within two years he would have in operation an ocean air r|ail service carrying letters to Europe for 50 cents apiece. Levine was taken from the Levia than at Quarantine on the city tug Macon which carried the mayor’s re | . option committee headed by Grover : Whalen and relatives and friends of j the flyer. Clarence Chamberlain, Levine’s pilot |on his ocean hop, was not on the Macom, and no reason for his absence was given. In his interview, Levine would bare ly sketch his plans -for future air en terprises. r “I’ve got all kinds of plans,” he said, “but let other people do the • talking. I’ll do the flying.” Among the crowd at the battery was a process-server, waiting to give Le vine papers In a suit brought against . him as president of the Columbia Air , craft Corporation by the Aeronautical : Digest Publishing Corporation. , The process-server announced for all to hear that he was going to be “first to greet Levine,” but ns he ) tried to push his way up the plank, he was brushed aside by police . and became lost in the crowd. , As Levine climbed into an automo bile the process-server caught up and tapped him on the shoulder. Levine’s attorney accepted the summons in his [ behalf. , Before he left the Macom, Levine 1 was asked by a reporter for a Jewish ” paper if it was true that he had denied being a Jew in Warsaw. “Why should I do that?” Levine ’ countered. “I was asked if I was a Jew, and my reply naturally was | that lam an American.. I was born 37 years ago in North Adams, Mass., on St. Patrick’si Day.” GIRL SAYS LONG SWIM WAS A HOAX r j ' London Doctor Confesses She Did Not Swim English Channel. London, Oct. 15. —The News of the 1 World will say tomorrow that Dorothy Cochran Logan, London physician, in a confession to the paper declared that she did not swim the English Channel. ; The woman physician whose record ' breaking performance was announced last Tuesday in the “confession” to the paper declared that she had per ' petrated the hoax to show it was easy to deceive the public and in order to show the desirability of establish ‘ ing an international commission to i supervise and certify all channel swim.?. To End Fakes. “It was a fake to end fakes,” the physician whose whose swim under the name *of Miss Mona MpClellan 1 and was widely hailed as the woman whose time of 13 hours and 10 Iminutes > bettered the record of 14 hours and 31 , minutes held by Gertrude Ederle of New York, is quoted as saying. Her revelation is supported by her trniner, Horace H. Corey, and her ’ good faith protected by a letter she wrote explaining her purpose before leaving Ilythe, England, for Cape Griz • Nez, France, from which point she ! was said to have started her swim. Dr. Logan in making the disclosure returned to the World a check for 1,000 pounds, which the paper had offered to the English woman who i should improve upon Miss Ederle’s time. After entering the sea at Cape Griz Nez Monday afternoon Miss Logan relates, she swam until she was beyond the sight of land or of any possible observation. Then she was taken into the boat which was convoying her. This was manned by her trainer and two other men acquainted with the whole plan. She says she remained on the boat for several hours during which she was seasick. She slipped into the water again after daylight Tuesday when three miles from Folkestone, England. She swam ashore and re ceived the greetings of the crowd. When Miss Logan returned to London she was nearly mobbed by admiring throngs. She was congratu lated by friends and the newspapers and officials paid tribute to her. No book has ever equalled the Bible in sa'e records. Street salesmen of an older day greeted passersby with the ques tion: “What do you lack?” The classified advertising page of to iay simplifies buying and selling because it offers a convenient way for buyers and sellers to meet. If you lack anything, want anything or have merchandise or service to 3ell, use the classified advertising page for prompt results. PHONE 78 CONCORD, N. C., MONDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1927 PAROLE FOR GASTON B. MEANS GIVEN BOARD’S APPROVAL Washington, Oct. 17. — UP) —Gas- ton B. Means, who Is serving a sentence in the Atlanta penitenti ary on charges of bribery, has been recommended for parole by the pa role board. 400 GREAT MEN DID BEST WORK AT AGE OF 50 Leaders Os Modern World Reach Height Os Ability Between 60 and 70. By International News Service. Chicago, Oct. 17. —Four hundred of the greatest men in history performed their best work at the average age of fifty. Modern world leaders reach the height of their ability between the ages of sixty and seventy. This was the analysis made here by Dr. W. A. Newman Dorland, Chicago surgeoq,'who has summarized the lives of 400 historical men. Included in the number are such men as Lincoln, Washington, Darwin, Huxley, Shake speare, Newton, Booth, Michael An gelo, Morse, Balzac, Emerson v and Mil ton. The height in the careers of the 400 as found by Dr. Dorland, accord ing to occupation was; physicists and chemists, age 41; poets, inventors and dramatists, age 44; novelists, age 46; explorers and soldiers, age 47; musical composers and actors, age 48; min isters and artists, age 50; essayists and reformers, age 51; physicians, surgeons and statesmen, age 52; phil osophers, age 54; astronomers, humorists and mathematicians, age 56, historians, age 57; naturalists and judges, age 58. Average Span. “All of the 400 are dead,” Dr. Dor land stated. “Many of them, Poe, Keats and Byron, for example, died in their youth. The average span of life has been lengthened from 35 £o 56 years in the last 30 years. I cannot strike an exact average for the best work of the world leaders now living because the world does not yet feel able to judge what is the best work of each. “But we do know, however, that corporations and universities who re tire their men at the age of 60 are wasting their best brains. “The man of 60 can succeed as well as the man of 30 if he keeps his health, his optimism and his interest. “Roughly I would say that 85 per cent of the great things accomplished today have been the work of men past the age of 50. J. Pierpont Mor gan in 1907 at the age of 70 raised $40,000,000 and averted a panic. The four greatest Japanese generals in the Russo-Japanese war, Kuroki, Oodyu, Oku, and Oyama were all past 60. Hindenburg, Von Bulow, Foch, Haig and Pershing were near 60 during the world war. Best Work at 60. “In letters and science men. of the hge of 60 today do their best work. John Bigelow at 94 was writing his “retrospects, three volumes of which appeared after he was 98. Chervreul, eminent French scientist, was in his laboratory busy and active until his death at the age of 103. “Retiremen of machine workers at a too early age is another waste. Certainly it is far beyond the tradi tional age of 40, after which they say a man has difficulty in finding in dustrial work. “Introduction of machinery into industry lengthens the working life of man. The pick and shovel man secs his strength declining after forty years but the engineer of the trench digger and the big crane may be and probably is better fitted for his job at the age of 60 than 30.” Three Auto Accidents Send Four \o Hospital. Salisbury, Oct. 16.—Three automo bile accidents in this vicinity this afternoon, put four people in tne Salisbury hospital. Mrs. Nora Edison and Mrs- J. E. Lowder, of Kannapo lis, wero bruised and shocked in a crossroad collision with another car on the Lexington road. Mrs. L. R. Wi’es, of Albemarle, suffered a se vere cut across the face in a collision at Spencer. Will Land, of Kannapo lis, had a shoulder dislocated when a radius rod broke. THE STOCK MARKET Reported by Fenner & Beane (Quotations at 1:30 P. M.) A tehison 188% American Can 65% Allied Chemical 154% American Smelting 166^ American Tel. & Tel. 181 Allis Chalmers 116% Balwin Locomotive 250 Baltimore & Ohio HO% Beth. Steel 55% Ches. & Ohio 211 Chrysler 55% New York Central 164% Dupont 336% Erie 69% Fleishman 63 St. Loui|i-Francis, R.R 110% General Electric 132% Gold Dust 66 General Motors 130% Gen. Ry. Signal 137% Houston Oil Hudson Motors *°% Mo. Kans. & Tex. 45 j Kennecott Copper 74% Liggett & Myers 122 Lorillard 4 Mack Truck Mo.-Pacific Pfd. 56% Montgomery-Wad 81% Nash Motors 87% Packard Motors 48 Penn. R. R. 66% Phillips Pete. 38% “B” Rev. Tob. Com 148% Sears Roebuck 74% Southern Ry. 134% Std. Oil of N. J 39% Sou. Pac. R. R. 122% Sou. Dairies Pfd. 53% Studebaker Corp. 55% Tobacco Prodc. 95 Union Carbine 131% Wabash R. R. 71% Westinghouse Elec. Co. 84 West. Mryd R. R. : 61% Yellow Cab and Truck 82% xv-~o] worth 183% v. S. Steel 145% TWO GIRLS KILLED AND THEIR BODIES THROWN FROM AUTO Auto Sped on For Block and Then Came to Halt With Dead Man at the Wheel.—Police Busy. JEALOUSY GIVEN AS THE CAUSE < _______ Believed Young Man Killed One of Women and Pal Because She Would Not Answer His Affections. Chicago, Oct. 17.— UP) —Two 19- year-old girls were shot to death early today and then thrown from an automobile which sped on for a block before skidding to a stop against the curb, with a dead man at the wheel. The driver, a bullet through his right temple, was Wilfred Winters, 22, one time taxicab driver, but re cently unemployed. The girls wuo were killed were Catherine Stradler and her cuhm Margaret Martin, both high school graduates of last year. The triple shooting took place on Rhodes Avenue on the South Side. The neighborhood was aroused by the roar of revolvers about 1 a. iu. At least two householders busy on the street went to their windows and looked out to see the bodies of the two girls pushed from the automobile. Mrs. William J. Martin offered the only suggestion as to a possible motive for the shooting of her daugh ter. She said she believed Winters had killed Margaret because she would not marry him, and that in a moment of anger or unbalanced mind, also had shot the Stradler girl and then him self. Police piecing together the history of Winters, learned that his father had disappeared when the boy was only two years old, and that his moth er had re-married and moved to Brooks. Ind. Winters, his friends told officers, was industrious and quiet, though he was said to have been morose of late because of his health. THE COTTON MARKET. Opened Easy Today at Decline of 11 To 31 Points Under Liquidation Or Reselling. New York, Oct. 17.— UP) —The cot ton market opened easy today at a decline of 11 to 31 points under liquidation or re-selling by buyers of Saturday who appeared to be influenc ed by relatively easy Liverpool cables, | and a favorable view of over Sunday weather conditions in the South. Decembers contracts sold off to 20.62 and March to 20.87, or about 29 to 31 points below Saturday’s closing quotations, but the selling tapered off nt these figures, while trade buying and covering caused rallies of 8 to 10 points from the lowest by the end of the first hour. The market latter became steadier on covering and buying which ap peared pramoted by uncertainty re garding the tropical storm in the vi cinity of Swan Island, moving north east, and reports of a generally steady or firm spot basis in the South. De cember sold up to 20.84 and March to 21.04 late in the forenoon, or within 7 to 14 points of Saturday’s close. Cotton futures opened easy: Dec. 20.75; Jan. 21.68; March 20 95; May 21.14; Oct. 20.59. REV. McKENDREE R. LONG Opens Revival Service Here Sunday Morning. Kannapolis, Oct. 15.—A capacity crowd is expected to tax the First Presbyterian Church here Sunday morning at 11 o'clock to greet the Rev. McKendree R. Long, evangelist of Statesville, when he opens a three weeks’ revival campaign, the second to be held in this city in as many years. Everything has been placed in read iness and a great awakening is antici pated as a result of tha.meeting. Ser vices are to be held each day at 3 and 7 :80 o’clock and on Sunday at 11 and 7 o’clock. Rev. W. W. Rowland, an efficient singer, of Memphis, Tenn., and a grad uate of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, will direct the song services, and conduct children and young peo ple’s meetings. Lassater Purchases Airport at Win ston. Winston-Salem, Oct. 15. —At a dinner given here Friday night for Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, it was announced that R. E. Lassater, of Winston-Salem, had purchased the new Miller municipal airport and wril donate it to the Winston-Salem Foun dation. Income derived from operation of the field will distributed among funds, one-half to the Leo Caldwell fund for the education of worthy boys and girls, and the other half to a fund for the promotion of aeronautics in this city. The airport, established on land leased by the county, was recently equipped by A. Clint Miller, who do nated the funds for the purpose. Mr. Lassater purchased the field from the county, the purchase price, it ia said, being SIOO,OOO, Child Smothers to Death tnaw Pile of Cotton. Anderson, S. C., Oct. 12. —John Thomas Burgess, 2-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J- A. Burgess, residing near here, was smothered to death to day while playing in cotton with a group of children. The youngsters were finding sport in covering themselves with tne eo:- ton. Several combined ife covering the. Burgess child and before he could be s extricated, suffocation had killed him. FALLANDICLI GO ON TRIAL TODAY BECAUSE OF LEASES With Decision of Supreme Court Against Them, Oil Magnate and the Former Cabinet Member on Trial CONSPIRACY IS THE CHARGE l The Decision of Supreme Court Was in Civil Suit Growing Out of Teapot Dome Oil Lease Case. Washington, Oct. 17.— UP) —With i the weight of a Supreme Court de cision standing against them, Albert B. Fall and Harry F. Sinclair went > on trial today on charges of criminal conspiracy growing out of the famous i Teapot Dome naval oil leape. , Although today’s proceedings in a • District of Columbia court constituted ► only the criminal phase of the long ■ drawn out fight of the government to i , cancel the oil leases, negotiated by Fall as Secretary of the Interior, the j Supreme Court a week ago in cancel ling the Teapot Dome transaction e:c . pressed the opinion that the two de • fendants had conspired together. That . opinion, however, was rendered in the | civil suit and did not relate airecay , to the indictment under which Fall and Sinclair are being tried. , A jury of 12 men, selection of , which waa begun Immediately, wil ’ decide as to whether the two men i shall go free or be imprisoned up to I two years- Both the former secretary and the [ multimillionaire oil operator and sportsman were in the little court room early. They presented a sharp contract. Fall, a tall southwest vet . eran of the stirring pioneer days of i the southwest frontier, bore the stamp . of experience ae a prospector and law i officer before he attained to national i reputation as senator and cabinet of- I fleer. i Sinclair, short, stocky and dapper, i was once small town store clerk, who found his start in the virgin oil fields of Oklahoma, and quicly rose to place and prominence as one of the leading oil operators of the country, and later as owner of famous race horsee. Will Net Build Lock in Currituck Sound. The Tribune Bureau Sir Walter Hotel Raleigh, Oct. 17. —Requests of Gov. A. W\ McLean and the department of conservation and development for the construction of a lock in the inland waterway near the head of Currituck Sound for the protection of waterfowl and fish have received an unfavorable report from Lt. Col. Henry C. Jewett, district engineer at Norfolk, accord ing to word received by the depart ment. “The principal grounds upon which my conclusions are based,” says Lt. Colonel Jewett, “are that the lock is not necessary for the benefit of navi gation, or demanded by navigation interest for the improvement of navi gation, or to decrease its hazards; and that the construction of a lock is not a guarantee that it will correct the conditions complained of.” Notice of the report points out that the interested parties have a right of appeal to the board of engineers for rivers and harbors at Washington to which the report is referred. According to the belief of the state officials and conservationists, a lock in the waterway would protect Curri tuck Sound fresh water from salt water descending from the north, there by protecting the vegetation which supplies food for the wildfowl and the fresh water fishing of the sound. INDICTED OFFICIALS ARE ASKED TO RESIGN Wilkes School Board Chairman, Road Superintendent and Two Commis sioners Face Charges. North Wilkesboro, Oct. 14.—1 t is learned officially that all indicted coun ty officials have been aequested by Solicitor John R. Jones to resign. This request was made known to various attorneys representing the county of ficers who have been indicted by the grand jury for alleged irregularities in carrying on their duties, and then transmitted to the officers themselves. Solicitor Jones, seemingly, is back ed by a great number of people in his request that the indicted officials get out, and it is stated that he points out that such action would probably save the county from having to pay the money derived from the six alleged forged notes, which, in some instances, it is said, were signed by some of the county officers. The indicted officials are C. C. Faw, chairman of the boaj*d of education; W. H. Foster, superintendent of roads; C. M. Wellborn and A. Brewer, commissioners. SHEPHERD SHOE CONCERN Vacates Old Quarters For More Cen tral Location. Kannapolis, Oct. 15. —Main street added one more establishment to its colony of business houses with the re moval of the Shepherd Shoe Hospital from its old location near the Southern depot yesterday. “The Hospital” now ie occupying its new quarters in the new building adjoining the City Bar ber Shop, which are larger and better equipped than the quarters vacated, and according to H. M. Shepherd, the proprietor, the new place is more cen trally located for its business. Mr. Shepherd has been engaged in the shoe repairing business for sev eral years, always producing first c’ass work. He now has a larger staff of workmen and promises better service. $2.00 a Year, Strictly in Advance Accuser of Pastor 9 W: . JjH jfri JC I V^}\ Wf JL I ‘ i Mrs. Darby Day, Jr., will b« reconciled with her millionaire husband, now that she’s been released from San Quentii prison after being convicted ol i throwing acicjjn his face. *. r 1 -METHODIST PASTORATE > BRINGS ON SPECULATION ' Who Will Be Named to Serve Church 1 1 At Charlotte With Million Dollar t Home? ) Charlotte, Oct. 17. —Speculation as - to the probable pastor of the First f Methodist church for the next year > is the principla topic of interest to } Charlotte Methodism as the time for 1 the western North Carolina confer . enee at Asheville nears. The church building is nearing com pletion and just before conference meets Bishop Mouzon is expected to formally ] complete the official union of Tryon , Street and Trinity Methodist churches , into the First Methodist church. The church building of the First church is j located on North Tryon street and will cost, including equipment, ap proximately $1,000,000. It will be by far the largest and finest qjiurch * structure un Nqsth Carolina apd many believe tnax itmll not be rivalled in the entire south. This pastorate, of course, will be the choice assignment for Methodist l ministers in North Carolina and , naturally there has been considerable I speculation as to whom Bishop Mou . zon will "send here as first pastor. | Two names stand out in the list , of those mentioned, both not now in either the Western North Carolina or ’ the North Carolina conference. They are Dr. P. R. Knickerbocker, pastor of the leading Methodist church in Knoxville, Tenn., and liev. John Wil -1 liam Smith, pastor of Green Memorial ’ church at Roanoke, Va. Mr. Smith was transferred to the western North Carolina conference at the recent 1 Baltimore conference and some profess ' to see in this an indication that he has been chosen for the Charlotte charge. However, others believe that he will ' be transferred again to the Holstein conference to take Dr. Knickerbocker’s church in Knoxville and that the pres ■ ent Knoxville minister will come here. In the meantime Bishop Mouzon, > the final authority on these questions, remains silent. s Rev. A. L. Stamford is pastor of : Tryon Street church and Dr. A. D. • Wilcox is pastor of Trinity church, : the two churces involved in the ■ merger. i There is talk here that Mr. Stanford I will go to Broad Street Methodist . church at Statesville and that Dr. E. K. McLarty, now pastor there, will be sent to Chapel Hill in the North Carolina conference. The name of Mr. Stanford also is connected directly with the Chapel Hill appointment. Mr. Wilcox, according to the talk here, will go to Gastonia, to take the pas torate left by Dr. Prettyman, wiio recently- was transferred back to* the Baltimore conference. It is recalled here that Dr. Ashley C. Chappell is completing his fifth year at Central church, Asheville, and there is some discussion as to whether he will be returned. Next to the First church here this is said to be the best appointment in the western conference. Half of Spencer Shopmen Laid Off. Spencer, Oct. 15- —In keeping with what seems to be an established policy of the Southern railway for economy and retrenchment, some thing like half of the employes of the Spencer shops have laid off for two weeks. The order, according to a bulletin posted in the shops, becomes effective Monday at 7 a. m. An emergency force of several hundred men is, of course, kept in the service and the lay-off does not apply to men in the transportation department. The payroll handed out to the em ployes today i« said to have been a large one, running to something like a quarter of a million dollars for the two weeks past. Diphtheria Shows Drop hi New Cases I Raleigh, Oct. 15.—Contagious dis eases this week were quite dormant, the state board of health reported to doy in announcing the total of new rf.ses developing in tbs state through Friday. Diphteria, a disease that has been cutting a wide rwath through the state during the past eix weeks, showed a decided let down, only 149 cases developing this week as com pared with 184 last week. Total for other diseases this week follow: Whooping cough, 135; measles, >■ 113; scar’et fever, 116; smallpox, 14; ' J typhoid fever, 22. j NO. 30 FRENCH HEN ARE J IN BRAZIL ON LONG FLIGHT FROM PARIS Reach Rio Janeiro and France Rejoices at Their Victory—Junkers Plane Getting Ready to Go. CAPT. GILESIs IN ACCIDENT I Plane Crashed in Nevada But He Was Not Seri ously Injured.—Miss El der’s Daring Noted. (By the Associated Press) Ruth Eelder and George Hnldeman* co-pilots of the lost “American Girl,** were lauded at Horta iu the Azores when it became known that Miss Elder and he took turns crawling along the * j slect-covercd fuselage of their plane to jettison gasoline store in the tail, in order to keep the plane balanced. The Junkers hydro airplane D-1230 in which the Viennese aertess, Lijli Dillenz and three German birdmen are J , attempting a flight westward over the Atlantic to America was being groom ed for a continuation of the project ed flight while Mile. Dina"* was feted with Miss Elder at Horta. The avia tors in charge said the D-1230 would hop off when ready. Diudonne Coetes in his plane, the “Nungesser-Coli,” arrived at Rio Jan eiro, Brazil, shortly before noon today from Caravellas, where he stopped last night while en route from Port Natal on a Paris-Rio Janeiro flight. ,! The biplane Wanda, piloted by Cap tain Frederick A. Giles, British air man, crashed at Elko, Nevada, today shortly after resuming its flight from Detroit to New Zealand, Giles was only slightly injured. Four British air force flying boats which started from Plymouth, Eng land, today on a 25,000 miles empire cruise, landed at the marine aviation base at Hourtin, near Bordeaux, France, at 2 p. m., today. The planes which accomplished a flight of about 425 miles, expect to leave Hourtin tomorrow. Mrs. Grayson Forced Down. Old Orchard, Me., Oct. 17.— UP)— Lees than a quarter hour after the Dawn took off hopefully for Europe today it was back on the stand as the result of improper balance when sbrf was in the air. Wilmer Stultz said that it was im possible to keep her up. His navi gator, Bryce Goldsborough, pulled the wire which dumped 260 gallons of gasoline, almost a third of the load, into the air where it sprayed back in a great white cloud. The first words of Mrs. Frances W. Grayson as she stepped from the plane were to Captain Harry M. Jones. “We must have 260 gallons of gaso line at once. We will shift fifty gal lons aft to give her a better balance, and try it again." They still had almost two hours be- j fore the tide would block the at tempt. Faced by the fact that all the need ed gasoline was not available and that much time was needed to load it, it was decided after a conference that the flight must be postponed from this . tide. Since the next low tide tonight will be after dark, tomorrow morning will be the first opportunity for another attempt. The plane was returned to its position high on the beach. The Sikorsky amphibian had risen easily from the beach after a run of less than a mile. Scarcely had the nose been pointed toward its Euro pean goal, however, when it was seen that she was rapidly losing the alti tude gained. The plane was barely twenty feet above the water when the gaso ine was dumped. It took less than a minute to ease the plane of the con tents of the two tanks which stream line the motors just below the upper wing. TnE STOCK MARKET. Prices Opened Irregularity Higher, Some Stock Going to New High. New York, Oct. 17. —Prices opened irregularly , higher in today’s stock market. Cushman’s Sons and Beech nut Packing began the day at new highs, and initial gains of a point or more were registered by Atlantic Coast Line, Chicago Great Western prefer red, and Nash Motors. DuPont open ed off nearly three points, and Norfolk and Western and Phillips Petroleum were lower at the outset. Ban Johnson Out. Chicago, Oct. 17.— UP) —The resig nation of Bryon Bancroft Johnson, founder and President of the Ameri can League for 27 years, was accept ed today by the League’s board of di rectors. Frank Navin, vice president of the League, and head of the Detroit club, said he would take charge of the lea gue’s affairs until a meeting could be called and Johnson’s guesessor elected. Falling Barometer at Miami Miami, Fla., Oct. 17. — UP) —After rising slowly in the early morning, the barometer here in the hour after 10:30 a. m. lost all of its early gains, and three points more. The reading at 11.30 a. m. was 29.69. At 10:30 it was 29.77. At 8 o’clock it stood at 29.72, seven points under last night’s reading. lEATO Cloudy, preceded by rain this af ternoon and tonight in east portion; . Tuesday partly cloudy. Not much 1 chsn—> ia tamjarahira.