I.OCAZ, Mias Emms Bteele has re turned to Lincolnton after a visit of some weeks in Besse mer City. Miss Daisy Chandler has gone on an extended visit to • relatives in Durham and Cas well counties. She will b« much missed while away. Rev. J. W. Rol>erts and wife sue on a visit to Mrs. Roberts' parents in Lincolnton. The concert given by the young people last Saturday night at the Methodist Church was a highly creditable, enter tailing and successful affair. They talk of repeatiug the per formance at Kings Mountain. Miss Katie Garret and Miss Pearl Dixon, of KingB Moun tain spent two days in Besse mer last week, the guests of Miss Daisy Chandler and Mrs. J. A. Smith. The gold bugs are eating up the cucumber vines about here and Cleveland gold-bugs are eating up the people aU over the country. Col. J. 8. Carr went to Ashe ville Friday morning to deliver an address before tho Bingham cadets on “Opportunity mak*3 the Man.” We suggested to him that he tell them some thing about 'opportunity makes the thief, too Go to J. A. Pinchback’s stole if you want clothing, dry goods, boots, shoes and hats, at and below cost. Hard times make low prices. Come and see. All kinds of country produce taken. ■ ■ ^ t The Entertainment. The entertainment given by the young folks of the town for the benefit of the Methodist church came off on Saturday night, and was a success in ev ery way. The programme con sisted of music, both instru mental and vocal; dialogues and recitations, all of which were of an interesting and high toned order and showed that a , careful and intelligent judg ment had been exercised both in tl^e selection of the piecee and their preparation. The at tendance was large and the close attention and applause showed that the effort of our young people was appreciated and enjoyed The singing of “I'm Mamma's little Girl," by our little friend. Miss Ethel McKirby, was very prettily done and much enioy - . ed. TTie dialogue entitled ‘The Boarding School Accomplish ment’ was very entertaining aud funny and created much amusement, the characters be ing well filled by Mr. and Mrs. Roberts, Miss Mamie Roberts and Mr. J. A. Pinch back. “The Season" was well rendered by the young folks, each taking their respective parte very nicely and the march at the ending was very prettily exe cuted. me instrumental music, piano solo by Mrs. U. E. Whit ney and duets by Miss Katie Garret and Pearl Dixon and by Miss Addie Whitney aud the Missee Nellie and Jeesie Rob bins, were all classical and showed both musical talent and careful study. It is not often that we are able to enjoy such a musical feast. Hie dialogue entitled "The gentle maniac" was well ren dered and the audience were much amused by Mt. Pinch back in the character of Rich ard, the servant. We are sure that in Mr. Pinchback theooun try has lost a good oommedian by his having chosen a differ ent walk of Hfe fr6m that of the stage. The rendering of the beauti fnll chorus, "Greetings of Spring," was excellent, al though the setting of the pieoe is very difficult, the parts were all rendered excellently. The recitation by Rev. J. W. Roberts was a finely selected •abject and declaimed in such manner as to show that Mr. Roberts is well posted on elo cution. The tableau, “Rock of Agee," by Miss Daisy Chan dler, wasTbeautifu! and impres sive and should have been seen to be fully appreciated. The program closed with a piece entitled "The Three Mis sions,” by Mrs. Roberts, Mias Josie Ormond and Mjm Rteele in the characters of different stars, followed by a chorus, ‘^hine on.” The evening pass ed off very pleasantly tin all. and the young people desire to thank their many friends for their kind support in their ef forts foT the good oause- We understand they have been re quested to redroduoe the enter tainment at Kings Mountain. i k-u J a. MILLS IN1 SOUTH ABOUT THE DEVBLOPXEKT OT TUB WOU8TBIBS. **P*A Uroiath of Cotta* Manafcctur. «n* la GaargU, Alabaaa aad tbo OaroUaai. by*u« Maeb Um. Wboa | wot la Atlanta a mouth 140 St. Inman, Um loadlaf more hast at tbo pia^ toMmothoro were a or* rpjndlm a1 flm, YttK ■* O., Mid tte eflUgut t/oQad It, Oma te ttM mAaafMUril* dttorfc* ot Pntt ttlver, which icofude* mi «t<u Urgmr onm* W o4 euburb*. I And that to be ten*, *cd th* ttuwl trteghi i|«ot of ttM Comber* iaIIwV »• that Um am *emnt7-nin* ootton toatortet on the lino of hi* reed to ••*** OarolliM. The devoioj*i>ant bee been ms creator to Worth Carolina, * hloh now todittotoilhlft the member of mill*, the ^ Mphdia end the utoial of enpt 1 l -^,7ar, •& rtnhe!!!:. tJfr #*2f“ 04 ino toa toimo-oao. ■Jtoaotorf ad lb* antadla la tba Cnltad -■^jrjK.^SiSb true* tb£iT °* «adf 4a 1880. u Qaorata tba ladoatry VM yf**>n7.tonTt°dr»»d dtniaa Sapinad “UtPHaaa waru mail, saw? Eaflaad enor Boualr nroOtabb, alpad out of azIManca tba oojton mdaaUjr U Um South. . to tw, bowuvar, maanfaatuxlaf vua oalr i^ftoa aomputud inth wbat H A to-daV, ***• were only UTJftl eptodlre a ami aiIi ^ tocloul, IQ.lgbagrgf^S slii ^ /tor, which wm one ot the - ^ory *7 to* eeaau. JJ*5 T*Jtodtha* tba maabar of taflbta to* •““to bad taeraoaad to 1M, tba nun bar to *»Btoa ana bar of lootua to 14.8*8. Tba capital laraMad la tba •***“• tort amt; aamb of tba Poiaatao aad JtotojJ**™ *>7 Uia eaaaoa of that rear waa Sto'na'™ *"* **• **l"“ °* to* product dll,. W“ aa anonaou* Iran In th* unit d*a*da. TL. natlrtty tu mill raattnuiloa •? -»«»« pbeooo>anal **mP*r*» ww J th* alow dnealopotnat ol oth •rmanoteartaa entarprtae*. »0 tut U,i eaeaoa ol ltto na able to shew IU ration ml|W In th* SaatlL l,?LJ,wo apladka, MW jooma, B*l,ii4.(M capital laWjcl JO.JJJ a* tba vmlaa ol tho product. In IMS w*~ *“• Than cam* aaotbarjnmp raualW era* I In **!»*“«*«» wkh tba mllfc worttae •Ifbl “d day. ii m ih« almoat nnlTornal P™f,w.t<> !“’•‘wo tbllU ol oparuUer* la bonss twelve boon each, ana during tba ?*£“■! d**®« Uo <^r!»d In If**'.1** ** t**»» ot ooMoa were couMmad. Tba lull return* an not araUabla for 10*4 ?S*!2 "T*7*1 **“* •how « “*•• of bUiS ““ Wlu probity "aacfc doe,ooo Oa Daoambar M, UN, tbart won «u col ^.“tUau thnBooth, witb IWtWopted;« K;: gd^ ga.'sa.'SKt t aatlmatad that 40,*00,000 nplodlat woold be roam red to ooaatuna Uit enure cot toa crop ol tba South, whlah would mean an heaatsMat ol oeer *1,000.000,000. A eery Intaraatlng mbU baa barn mad* be tUMeauteaturen- haoord of Baltimore to id looms and Forth Carolina 40 &sft«o..»* a Alabama 10 Tmnaaaea U Maryland || Texas ] ▼train la « lissagr i LouWaaa 1 Arkauaaa * Florida 1 _ AW Qff./N OS MDJM 1 taT**- ottoXr of {**■51 **|2i *» •» iperwa* trod l,cw (a UM. North Carolina haa H.*T* loon " dcrwoahow *,T*p Id UM, wbU* DmM UM. Tha ottat date* ara *y»*o non lo iklulultu to wwrtn* * pofat worth lottolnp to this cooaacttoa la that Marly an tha naw Bills to tha tooth am bate. aqaippad with .dad** planu daay afthM mspUad by waUr power. 1 aw Uformad that oaa of Uma mill. U Ool thotarML °** °! 'k* •ta*,r,<' Ptaad to Aoofhor Ularaottn* dot la tha tapdanar of frada ofthatr prodaol la Imprortnt nm yaar. Tha yean in thay did aot daawteo (ora aaythtao hatTU ooarwwt fabrtS, hot bow, a* th* Nhor la baoouln* aanartanowt and i®ora UOlldl tha nlll-owaari >ra IMro dnrtatt tha saMbctni* of klrh-cjw* dbrid, to oornpatmoa wttk Um Naw KaffUad aalusT Tb*?J5?b** ajraa* daai la th* aawipa E--k ofM* *oaoanA»thar*donal «l td aland mill* to tha Booth - * — udSiohSi*; roMKpaaaadaftha aaaodoot of naaodT Inram aoathward. . Thao^aot of boom of thaa* rUftaflaaa waa to aaaartad by pwaooal abaarratloa lad d. dairy th* rkaaoak why th* doutW* a ltd amjmytaadndrdHUanda thaa Ihooabtha North. Tha atmfchoMam of dan M*w Noyiaod dJUt baa* raaaS-md no rataia* trad a^rsarayiata-awg ssRSxarssris&rt JJ* UL«»4 m «ii It Ifciw « VOItlM Ihotl fcS* XSZ*. * ggraShfgjyaaig SpSESsjast^ESs , qy?*T<>t J***' ^ »”*. ^i« r» **5. Matr_ I aa* mat. TV* aaaaa paper I offifclitf tanknothaaatafia -- tan«a d«a « lo ■> pat flat, alrma at kham paytnf aaaaalfy dtrMaad* at mm Dun M U waa aaaartalaad by thaa* *fctoi* that tha differm«* in dteldaad# waa oaaaad by a 41k. diruawta (ha ooak of daoadrdar* M ap pjarad d aaarlvaaary hraanh ofaapaaditaii. Th* ***£«• rai* of w*fc*a paid d&lopam. ^waT^dTaaJlm Mg d ?.*“* ■lUtaHaapaaawaadaifcldr wild Oaai, whtoh fc da patpatpal had, aa ha sarstnaa«:ir*su5 • *. * * a. —■ ■ r, H ■,i . sfaeSSSSiaS-SS "“aackaartm, whar* tha dWtakita la I ha Kat Uta yanc waaalxty Utamal dot Igapfe-sa afi|was*boot Mata** i^ussssussekzss:. SSSaifeaa ajAttaaarLrgTg r®1**-? "• 0«*<h4rt moral JW»£3t as only a trlfta—**,o«o or Bitot The 4i£r. tona voald aomr *U laaoruoa, dark bin, and otbar aapoaam of adoimiatratloH. ^ &<ua**ntoSmo)DaioaffIothMtlia ob. •no* of laMoinakaUau ta tka Booth tod rmtrltairo lottaiaBoa la Us Bloat Important •£*“‘■■•£5 ■« »mtathal oteUoataJoy. ?uT7 »P«taad manutataarara oaopUL Sasartfn&jrj^c Ms^jssLsSaSrwi as; •total, la tho Bontbarn ttataa than ate tew labor oniooa, and lhara la aa UoMaUoo at aay aarlooa Inportaaoa, Booth Carolina Lot a taw ratariotlaa tha Itat of labor la oouoa mllla to Ittrata hoon a wash. whU* Ik* maximum to Kama rkBatata la tAy-eUfct kaam, bat ao attampt baa avar fcaaa mad* to anfore* Ik* Booth Carolina taw. Bad tk* opar •«**• *OT* . .■* loa* aa I hay pUaaa • ■Tb*~ (bond that tka tabor forntabad. by Ik* poor vkttaa ta thi tonth na aot ao skUlful or lataUtaoal a* that to whlak tbay bar* kaaa aao Jtomad. ytaI axpanaaea dwtalopa tkaa mot* rapidly aad tbay am mask mom amanahla la dhrf. ptop ttaf «to toitatkara who loim tha aut fcrllj of opotoMma ta tha Kortw. -in* Tn*BottwTn giri !■ ntM]| none mI than thr —■ ■ “ erai s ral capacity ai .4 oljrrat ahUl, sttsol adChertott*. f. ft, whiah would to of Ki,s»2?>ffs5sai!iir ■aararsasgsgvuraa toraMhaa aa latarattlag atody, lor tta rtatla Jg" foanrtra toh*. .how. ItoVaratoToI Bortharuaod to«nts^5i5rt»T^r2T^ | ffi Xlw nuna if __ _ __ _ Soothe™ a>lUa lea* year an aol eoaaelato "Mo of *»ereaae Mowabylhoaa aillU that hara bara board from, therawbora Jf" r"^ V**? Atolag womMnUaa tta total toyoad eight hruidna thoaaaad balra The mum for INI ara lack lag ratlraty. Thera It an Important moracaant soar roJa* oo to Oaorgla tor the aoralaraioo of aU too man alarm rat. to tta Staia l*h> ra aa aoolattoa lor aalf-proteetioa aad aaaoataga maoL tt to tolmraUad tba Oaorgla Araooil Uoti of Xaaaiaotaxara, and tta oUaoto aa at lorth to th* praapratua ajafl), aeafaeal tooafll to raault from aabtankwattfUraratto' ecmtratfaa of attoete uaa aorarara Mtotratoi ^tbedtowantfNrSraSa^tito WIN flIQtDOal Of pnnottlC lAdootlTl flH In afrencthn the tmpertanra ol aatatuittad -i*- tailna laAaalllai to tta Mate, and to ewnmaad the attention ot and (•) to i “ ‘ elation of Mi_ at Otactokaa—«• Ohltigo Baaord. fllEK COINAGE DECLARATION. The Deraoorattc Stata Biecutir. Coio mltua CaUa ra tta Party to (eat Together tor Era* Goto ago. At a ooalaranoe olthaaaaoattTa eomplttn of tba Dotnocrailo patty at North Oarottoa, h«M In nataigb. May »th, IMS, th* follow fng raaolatioa* were adopted aad ardacad to to pubUebadi lit. That tba ezeowtlra ooiatnittee of tba Deo> ooralhi party ot tba State of North Oaro liaa eating aad •peaking tor aad to tohali 0 lb* party ra-putxtoh, rattarata aad am nUidila* th* deelaratlao ot Um party made to Ibo Hint* ooneratloo, Auger*. t, IMt.la laror 01 the fraa and unlimited rotaaga at alien at tee ratio of 1C to L id. That ttna rad rraadag errata bara prnvra the wtodom of thto letatt daMaittion of On party oa tkla afl-adeortlag waratloa aad wa appeal to tba Parannadta pran anil paopla Of Ito Stata to giro It tbair loyaL epra aad aggraattra aupport jrj. That la adronaUag tba traa aad un H ml tad oolnage of allrer by tta goraramaot of Ike U aired Stataa, wa ara act aakiag aay torora arronoaaaioaa from any one, bat an ra ha ad aaptrd from tba foundation oToor icnn meat ap to tba perpetration of thtt great B'publican crime "«• unairar munainta raaampUoo ol Um troo aad eahmftod ooiaage af ollvar by tba govern meat of to* Ualtod •talva, ta fa tlMed prior ta 117*, wllhcul wattle* aaa aoaal tor toa co-operation, aad without ralaraaea to toe aoadart or poller of •oj nailoo oa earth, la toa great daty (hat aow oca front* tha tarriou paopla, aad wa appeal ta all taaa of ovary ohada of poUttael opiuloa la North OaroMaa who ballon utra do that too raalotatloa ad too bee tad uo Utoltod oats ago o( aUrar tuui too nator*. floa of ptoapartty to ear fcoaen. to Mb with m la too gnat battle of IMA which wa ta land to wage to wipe oat too BepuMteaa rrlata of lift aad to aaonnr for our balovad old atatogaod lawa dad fOveiawouL MIL That wa aoad gniBaga to our Dtwto nwtle toathraa af m&ota, tSaaklag thorn lor too bald, apaa aad aggro nl re at*ad they bare taken U toaor af ltoa Maud to* ra. aanpUoa af Iba nntnagt af dlvw, aad wa •and than our aaaanaOM of oar hearty tyrv patbyaad nn apaaaHta to IMA •to. That tagardlag toa gwadioa of (ha naoarptlaa of too baa aad aahuftod Co long* Of allrar aa lha Ovanhadowtng oaa la Amer ican poMttea, wa area that aaeh notice ha takaa by tha varteda Mdaatallla laaguea as win apaa tha way ta a aeloa of too Irian ft* Af ellvar aotnngo to toatr rapport of a 'en-U deutertoa pratlfiaij aad caadldatu rot Ooogren who oaa be railed upon to (bind by tba paapto la ttafr groat atraggta tor Onso. del anaaelpaMoa from tha artla at toa ala. gto retd aundard. Tib. That whit* wa ocBands tha rigid of every nttlcan of toa Mata to go aa a delegate to lha eo-callad Half atomy eeueeaUoo, to bo haM to IfomUatola tm*. orta ba rap reaaofad by daiagatoa tharato, wa at tba tame time protaaTtoat lo ao dotog they do no* rvpraoent toa Danaoiatla aaetlwaat af Nat that a Narva art Oaaatag gaeith. Tha tart tort tha Northern pagan era a*. Uolag toa wrvanag* af Northern town ta the Berth thorn tha* toa nnvanndhnrt ready altatond large proportion.. na raoat they eay ahoot ■ tha gnadar tha woven will baa tat*. Aad wtto lha inntaraato w5 aoaa ladaetrtea af aaa ktad aad ttrthta Ton lieu haaea toa agpaaaaaaa af lha ton will aa yen dttoaogi from wha* II la aewL— Alhaa (* A) Btttrdoa. Nora Beware Treat to lha West. Baparu bon Ctovataad, O. I ad team that IK# from OA To today an retag woe lb* neort ••vara ol toa aartaa at tha part toa 4*ye. tl Millito* Man Tba tamper*. 2TtoS —■ HT1 abaara1 ngdahUa af^wahAnt A income tai killed MCfcAMO WCOWmWTOIAJ. •rtk*u.s.taprMMOM^ n*TM Waa ronVwtkt U* ami ■,T» *«■!—» It. I rai rick cBor. liuupt iBttlal Ra^Qft Wbt MM Sob* •OB of ISM. Ths (oOoobic vaa Iwad tat wk by Talaaf*** goaa > It nay b* remarked ta a—»r») that (taat •are baa beta aaarciaad fa, aatalKa <X land* and aaad, «ad a high •*•*••• qaalty may b* MyitatL Ibaanpa Ub« taply ata •a plaataa, owa raaouraaa ad nor* tfeaa forma* ladapeadaM* la likaly ta faa abeoa i n|a”M*a<^*****t^r**^>* 1111 *P •* tba rbSSM^r^a/**" " .aanducuiL. raaadatd ladfcwu a_ saaatal low plaatfaa. Boon CaaoLua.—Tka- ooatta bom to aad below nvJZ ^ ^ aad Um major ptaai and oonaaqueatlr l«e. Oaoaata.—FaUy aarao^labta at tba trap *• “» If aad piaatan araaadladad wtlb tba "ataad." U bo dlaMtar mart*—t It tba atop vfil ba raady far kar*MUa< «vtr LoCXMAHA.—Tmhhoii k.ahtal IftTOtltk dowoJ of (too rtoo nhntini m Ao olAor par aavabeeo opened, ttuMadait aalBiu. fljy aad tbaraby raduati^tba taka to a mla Oma him—Sola tttMtltu la batat Bssssnaesss?' sms aatSgagswsagag Carloof Weddings la Xiehlgna. Many ouriona custom* are ia vogue among tha foreign population of Northern Michigan, sepnoially U so cial mettare, any* tha Detroit Free Preae. When a French oouple get married a carriage or a sleigh ride fa inevitable, according id tha season of the year. The oouple* are not packed together in oae wagon or sleigh, but each fellow and hi* girl have aa indi vidual rig, the bride and groom tak ing tba lead end the others following like a fancral proseeaion; but there fa nothing funeral ebcnt it, especially the nut act. • After tha prop teal no ha* been riding for hour*, a danoe root the festivities. Tha Polandert have a ouriona wad ding oustora that 1* vary ingenious aa a money-getter, and tahee the plaoe of wedding presents. After tha wed ling fee*', follows a dense that totne tim«* lasts twelve to fourteen hours, *ud even- longer. The oni*f honor fa la danoe with the bride, sod this fa Jeeided In a serious manner. The aotber of the bride tahee her plaoe la me corner of the room with a plate in Ijer lap, which aha takes very good sere shall be belli after the jlm of m sating boose eotbe onp. The gal leot who wants to danoe with the bride, sad ell are In honor bound to to so at least ones, must pull out a plaoe of silver sad endeavor to chip or brack the plate by throwing them money upon ft, end only those who suoeeed in chipping or breaking the plate ere allowed the coveted honor. Let thoae who thick it easy to break »J Iron-stone plate try Ji. Few sne ered tg doing It foe Urn then fifty sente, end it la not an unueonl thing for the bride's money to aatount n to $76 or 1100, even where tha crowd b apparently a* poor aa a ohnrah booh, sad it may go even higher wheo the bride fa prettv and popular. AU dU money gone to (te bride, and in a backwoods country fifio to |7I will start a happy couple nioaiy In housekeeping. 9ater Mart H ■tDatorm. There wee a queer sort of hailstorm in an fast Indian village not long ego. There was e fall of tain, preceded by a wind storm, sad with the rain earn* • shower of heiletoaao, wkioh contin ued for over aa hour. The moat oerl one pert of this ooeurreaoe fa that the hetlrtoeee, when touched, ware not el all sold, end when pat la the moeth tasted Hie sugar. —Boston Oulti valor. ThsTceaeen TfaJhiT Iks total vMM* anMfit *f oustea tor m* ntfi^eighmyw ifelmwll, fray's «<l—. tea-.-btwfki n> port ef 1989, to white b» tea work la ns" Mm The___ silk U Forth Carotins, I8.88T spindka. Ia MM r 4t reported, cm The report of ths Sanaa of Mat operation ia Forte Caroline 81 here reported to that that it there ere ia o] epiadUa aad 1,«M loan rate ia reward to the years_ taaa, bwt lioo we tad 44 replying to the inquiries ef the banao. aad ef thet number there kin operation 148, 888 eplafflm and 8j984Vwms. ^ ^ report of the work of the batera for the year 1991 s»v»: "Fkoy atilk made ae rrporte aad pare the tmreea ao Bess of their employee." Aeoordiag to this wo dad e tolling off of the bib* her previously reported, and foe that pser we only dad 84 silk answering, ten working 80,194 spindles aai 1.887 loose; a falling-off of 10 per rant in tho aasber of silk sad sore thaa 50 par seat ta tbs aasbor of spladka aad looeu. The first report of ths preasntCom skaioaor wee mads in I9M. For that year be taps: •'While frees other sources we Wavs been is formed thet there ere 160 oottoa sad 18 woolen milk ta Forth Carolina, we were only winn serin! ia reraivmg replies from 88f ps oeai. of the eoteon sad 10 per sol of the wedr-te, and ef thorn ttare ere la «mmAiM,4II rjrfe dleeaad t.ldflenss This work ta done entirely through the ankle, ths appropriation beta# toe ansU to per to tee silk. ****** The report for the year 1884 teewa raBsideraUy bettor. Instead of aelag the mails to sate aa extent, the Cos* siastoaar, ee un experiment for s short time only, employed two aerate visit tee soe* prominent silk ia tea State. The ooaaequeaoo was that ws raasfvsd replies from 108 oottoa milk aad eb teiaod date to the offset thet there was now 10T oottoa and woolen —<n- fa operation in the State. Of the 106 Ba re ering they show test they operate .477,604 spindles and 10,80eiootiuLTbs CommintesMr says in hk eiteth sa aael report of the above number (ITT): “Oae hundred aad six ohaerfolly re •ponded to oar inquiries, leaving T1 test did not rafaao to easwer, bet simply ignored the bleaks seat teem." From the praatnt outlook tho Com missioner says teal tea report tot tea year 1885 will show a greet iacraaae ia the oottoa miOladastov of tee State, end that tee report will be tee most vnloabk doaameai yet keuad by the bar sen. oun gold mu Activity tn Xsrtk Carolina o«td Prs» arttaa. It li reported that aomathlag ap proaching a gold boom has takaa place la the FI ad moot asetkm of Hoath Car olina. That# baa, tor tha past yaw o» bna ba«* an laaraasad activity amoag tba cnina# opsratad aad aba in a Dam bar of saw proapaeta, aad now aaratal oobmoIm irt in a nrooM *1 it■■■ Uatioo, whdls etharaalraady orgaaSad will Hkaly aad savor to float thamaalvaa an tha markaA WfaUaitU not proto abla that tha gold (arm la thia saaMaa will naanma rary larga propratfaaa, tMll tha aorsmaat b worthy of attaa lloa. aad ia aaoaaatioa with it. ia rlaw af tha fraqnaat tailors* o( North Oaro Haa gold raining oonpaaUai* tbs past, It 1» wall W ipaak a word of matio*, do* aometah against tha poaaibUitlaa of tha flald. tat against wild-sat asm jiajii*^ which will andoabtadly spring la tha oorly days of paid mlaiag la Barth aad Booth Carolina, Gaorglaaad ilihsmi, tha only ora minad was tha daaempoaad "got, ma” sapping tha nartfmona rdw This was traatad ia ald-faahtsnad stamp-mills, aadjwdgisg from tha taOlan set mora than M pm aaa*. of tha walaa was rscornsd. He soon as tha workings taoak solid rwak contaladag pyrlta thay wars abandon ad and otfim piaom opaoad, or if thay aztatdad for any dbtanm thay wara folio wad aa ana might dig a brash. Tha raaaalaa of saah workings aaa bn fotmd throaghoet tha gold halt ia aU tha atataa named. Tha faat Oat thaaa wara abandon ad, howrvrr,- dam not main that thay aa loagm hnra aay ▼alas. ■aaaa mm oma jprommm unMn pnM* on*, and at Iwl cm, tha ablorlnnticm plant at tha Hoi la mioo, it operating with prod! Another pn> MM ia in am at Blidiiirg, B. 0., bat with what raoalti ia not known, m tho ownorn oboarro omL rotloonoo In nuMi| of H. Bmldot tho gold Trios whioh won opt nod U tho port ood which ottn prompt good opportaaitim for mitring, thmo tN no; othm rtf** throwghewt tho mining dtotriot Toning in nhM from (flow high m NS nod and BM par ha, ood, la com sxosp tfanal moan, sUH hfghw. Oaa ora whfoh ia dsBrmd it a South OaraHaa adit snatsiaid la apart of tha nm a aonfdnnbtt aunt of Mght 7allow, ■lifniwi laoMag powdw. which oa bang aamgod Awtif SI,SOS par too. Thlo daaa oat by any maaaa roprmrat tha nfcu of tha rat, whfoh will act tTonga probably erar NT or SIS pm •TU ototod ti tha Kollo oIm that to man am folly op matt a chlorination plant ragnlrm in tha Oral plana a large body of ora. Km thay ata operating aa on of low grade at a low etc*. Orm of thta aharaotar ara foand ta ooadd arahla abaadoaM, aad aa ha aa tboy bora ban ox am load art fairly ragalaa, ■o that whatnot program ia bum la Sontham gold darslnpmsat mart be a* tha barto of low-grade ora la gnsMty aad wMh dhsng ptinmm for tha traoi aaoah Froa mtillog arm an aosron, anaoptfog fa tho Pahlaaaga dla .rtot, rod planar workings kirn on for tinea fowni ta ba nry amoll aad nnaartsfa. —Tha lyiaaalng aad Madag door Aoaordioa-plaitad (ilka, with tha plaiia ranfag oaroaa tha gvo4a it* *>»■ by tha yard, aadaaha rory pratty wairto. Brary aaaaam it ia Ihoxrigaoflhorilk aad ovary aaaaoo it baaatifal thaa orar. Xaeadar to atari tha of fha foliar riirta of_ coast ara aaii wtdar by tha of vary deop, bB raflaa. Tha saw ibaar Pbaaah aad ▼< goodaaralllca too taaat A ia ta lar*, aad m«y vail ba alaaaad aan tha iazorioaa faaaiaa of tha All-wool ahalllaa ia bloak aad nay Uaa gfoaoda whlab aaa aow bo par* abaoad at haU thair lama* pafaa, took* MadahUa oad dabtbiakn Mba Marioa TVWw«a bra banaa. potato* Daaa of tha Woaua'a fnllfai ia tha UatraroUr of OUan taktag tba plaoa at Xk AUm JTraaaux Tha Dowagor Ooaataaa of Oingaw diad raaaatly at tha ago of alnatj ala* Bha had baaa ogrowa woauo ra*ra whaa tha hottU of Watarloo waa faoght. or J rial «*groaa'ilaM ara ottll papa* frath it tbaa brad, raodar a ■ay that tba Baropa ara tha UWB II It BOC Ktfki.**"' - «- «-f< bar or to taka la at tba day af« Tha rid aaw, "Tbara ia aothtag rr andap the an,” oaaoot ha add to apply to wUttaary. lor than ia alwaya MaaBhr aaw, ittbir fa oaubtaattom or fa nodia of adjtaahaaoi. Ooaika Bartaao waa am eftka SSS?fiJKS.i&Sr‘S2 prauaaa of a woman at o poUUari gatharlag ia a sorrily la Qanaaay. Bilhaaraorasprattlar tbaa orar, if that la paa4dbta Vfawarad dUatoM oa Ufht groasda ara popadarTnd 2Srcrfcji2.\3sis? Muy of tba faaaala atadn'a at tU UsirataUyof Mi*y* nattoww btooeura aad Ihtr ara gofag to wfa o igbt for tha pmllaga. Boauaf tba prad—ara* wtraaanbaakiagthaaa ap Lord Will ton Baraafbrd will ra* atira #80,0001» yaar aa tba DaAau of Sfarlboroarh'a hsabaad. TbaDaabaaa waa formarly Ms. Haaiatalay, of Haw lock City, tha widow of o ndllionatre la Iaoados satire gown an Vain mUt of nlnt, bat n yak Iky ban act raaabad Iw Tack. Taint, how acac, ta aaat here pataal; aaa trim aataf oa tmlig Croaks aad itreet gown allka. Mka Oartrada Aiaaa. of Norik Da kota, koaa of tka taikat mu la tba world Mka Aiaaa k ala fast aaa task Ugh, bat k so gtaoafal aad well farmed that tba height k mot aactka larly aetlaaabla. A taaotfal Viaaact worm by Kaa Oaorga Ooald k of rtilmaatnaaa aad eotaamg la a kaa poUara. Part 1k aoaattaa of WHO kaa are poked soar amah aac, aad bansbaa ad facpab aaa aata glaa tba toaob of aolac oaad Mrs. Blabaci Wakaa ODdar, tba wifa of tba ad Hot of tba Oaatacy. atodiad to ba as artist a kaa tba was a »kL Ska aayaaha bapaa aoaa of bat ikaoa daogirtora wilt ocac ban aay •paeial talaat foe aaytkfatf bat bkag traly gaod woau. Tba aaw straw, hata aoaaa la aaaay waaglaabto Hot. There tea dark gratae ahadiag ad ta tba pal sat taat raby gad to latat shall plak|daap parpla fa lightest mean. Tba straws a P. MOOSE, Attoney aai flnuaahr at Imm, O^fi JC» WID*mmMm laildw mill of At Mate.

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