THE DANBURY REPORTER. VOLUME 1. THE REPORTER. PUBJJBMD WIKKLT BY PEPPKR & SONS, PROPRIETORS, SATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, payable in advance, - 93 00 Six Months, - - 1 00 Five Copies one year, - • 860 Tea Copies, to one postofflee, • IS 00 RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Sqn«"e (tea lines or less) 1 time, 91 00 For each additional insertion, - SO .. Contracts for longer time or more space can be made la proportion to the above rates. Transient advertisers will be oxpcctod to remit according to these rates at the time they sead their fevers. Local Xotioes will be charged SO per cent, higher than-above rutes. ■Ml— Cards wifljje Inserted at Ten dol lars per annuti, .^ _ n SAK'L Wirrrs, JOB* A. JARBOR, O. B. SonRLLVAif. WHITE k BPBCHMAIV, wholesale dealers in HATS, CAPS, FURS, BTRAW GOODS AND LADIBS' HATS. No. 318 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. WM: J. O. DCLANY JCO ~~~ Wholesale Stationers and Book sellers. S3S W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. nol H. H. MAKTINDALK, of N. 0. 6m W. W. ELLINGTON, OF N. 0., with TRAITOR k NICHOLAS, JOBBERS or WHITS GOODS: FANCY GOODS; NO TIONS; ETC. ETC. No 9th Governor or 13th street; (E. B. Tay lor's old stand) RICHMOND, VA. Gm H. M. LANIER, with R. P. BULKY k CO., IMPORTERS OF CHINA; GLASS; LAMPS; ETC. ETC.: AND MANUFACTUBER OF STONEWARE. No 20 Hanover street (near Baltimore street,) BALTIMORE, MD. (uovl-ly L.FMNUP* SOXB, IMPORTKUS AND DKAIKRS IR WniTl GOOD 3: NOTIONS; HOSIERY; GLOVES; TRIMMINGS AND SMALL WAKES. 268 W Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. novl-Jy j7E. GILMER, wholesale and retail dealer In I)RV GOODS; NOTION 8; GROCERIES; ETC. MOOTS AND SHOES A SPECIALTY nol-ly Winston, N. C. WILSON, BFINB k GO., WHOLESALE GROCfRS AND COMMIS SION MERCHANTS. SO 8 Howard street, cornet of Lombard; BALTIMORE. We keep constantly on band a large and well assorted stock of Groceries—suitable Tor Southern and Western trade. We solicit con signments of Country Produce—such as Cot ton; Feathers; Ginseng; Beeswax; Wool; Dried Fruit; Furs; Skins, etc. Our facilities lor do ing business are such as to warrant quick sales and prompt returns. AU orders will have our prompt attention. uovl-ly jTw. RANDOLPH & ENGLISH, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND BLANK-BOOK MANt'FAOTERERS. 1318 Main street, Richmond. A Isorft 9totk tf LA W BOOKS aluayi on nol-6m ' hand. THE LIVEM AN, W. L. FLEMING, WHOLESALE CONFECTIONER. 1320 Main street, Richmond, Va. OH hit prieei. nl-Sm A. L. EI.&ETT, A. JUDSON WATKINS, CLAT nkVET, BTXPHIN B. HUdHXS. At L. ELLETT k CO., importers and jobbers of DBY GOODS AND NOTIONS, Not. 10, 12 and 14 Twelfth street (between Main and Oary) al-ljr RICHMOND, VA. ..I HARTMAN & WHITEHILL, WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS, CLOTHS, CAS SIMERES, ETC. 31 and 323 Baltimore streets, Baltimore, Md. nol-ly O. t. DAT. ALB CRT JONES. DAY & JONES, Manulhcturers of BADDLBBY, HARNESS, COLLARS, TRUNKS. ftr. No. 336 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. nol-ly -ipM as w: A. TUOKBB, H. O. BMITn, a. B. BPRAQINB. HIWII SMITH & CO., ManuCactarers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS; SHOES; HATS AND CAPS. 260 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. nol-ly. . iTfi. BEST, ■. _ WITH HENRI SONNEBORN k CO., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. 197 W. Baltimore street, corner of Liberty, BALTIMO&M, MD. O. SONNKBOBN, B. SLIMLINE, nol-flm ssrAßLisasn 1828. BED SOLE LEATHER. B. LARRABEE k SONS, I Importers and Dealers in BHOB FINDIVGB AND FRENCH CALF BKINB. Miftofcctnrtn of OAK-TANNED HARNESS AND UPPER LEATHER. 10 South OaKort street; Baltimore, Md. Obnslgnmentsof Rongh Leather solicited. nol-m BEAUTIFUL WHIN OLD. Bow to be beautiful when cfld T 1 can tell yon, maiden fair— Not bj lotions, dyes and pigments, Not by washes for your nair. While you're young be pure and gentle, Keep yoor passions well controlled, Walk, nod work, and do your duty— j You'U be handsome when you're old Sijow-white locks are Mr as golden, j Gray as lovely as the brown, And the smile of age more plensant Titan a youthful beauty's frown ; ft 'Tis tlie,Boul that shapes the features, 0 Fires the eye. attunes the voice ; 1 Sweetfixteen ! bj these your maxims, When you're sixty, you'll rqjoioe I a mt [For the Panbnry Reporter.] "C»«t Off." The vessel was, appointed to sail on a certain Satruday early in June. A little after noon, on that distin » guished Saturday, I reached the ship and went on board. All was bustle and confusion. (I have seen that remark bo fore, somewhere.) The pier was . crowded with carriages and men; pas sengers were arriving and hurrying on . board, the vessel's decks were encum bered with trunks atid valises; groups of ] excursionists, arrayed in uuattraclivo - traveling costumes, were mopiDg about in a drizzling rain and looking as droopy and' woe-begono on so many molting chickens. The gallant flag was . up, but it was under the spell, too, and hung limpjand disheartened by the mast. Altogether, it was the bluest, bluest 1 spectacle! It was a pleasure excursion, there was no gainsaying that, because the programme said so—it w&s so nomi nated in the bond—but it surely hadn't the general aspect of' one. Finally, abovo the banging, and rumbling, and I shouting, and hissing of steam, rang the ' order to "cast off," a sudden rush to the gangways, a scampering ashore of visi tors, a revolution of the wheels, and we I were off, the picnio waa began. Two very wild cheers went up from the drip ping crowd on the pier; we answered them gently from the slippery decks; the flag made an effort to wave tnd failed; the "battery of gnns" epqko not, ' the ammunition was out. We steamed to the foot of the harbor and came to anchor. It was still raining, and tot only raining, but ! . storming. Outside, we eould see our selves that there was a tremendous sen ou. Wo must lie still in the calm har bor till the storm should abate. Our passengers hailed from fifteen States, only a few of them had ever been to sea before, manifestcdly it would uot do to pit them against a full-blown tempest until they had got their sea-legs on.— Towards evening the two steam tugs that had aoeompanied us with a rollick ing champagne party of young New Yorkers on board who wished to bid 1 farewell to ono of our number in due and anoient form, departed, and we were alone on tho deep. On deep five fath oms, and anchored fast to tho bottom, and out in the solemn rain at that.— > This waa pleasuring with a veugeanco It was an appropriate relief when the gong sounded for prayer-meeting. The first Saturday night of any other pleas ure excursion might havo been devoted to whist and dancing, but I submit it to ' the unprejudiced mind if it would have been ia good taste for us to engage in ■uoh frivolities, considering what we had gone through and the frame of mind we were in. flTe would have shone at a . wake, but not at anything more festive. However, there Is always a cheering influence about the sea, and in my berth that night, rooked by the measured swell of the waves, and lolled by tho murmur of the distant surf, I soon pnssed tranquilly out of all consciousness of the dreary experiences of the day and dam aging premonitions of tho fature. TRIBULATIONS AMONG TIIB PAssKNasns. By some happy fortune I was not sea siok. That was a thing to be proud of. I had not always escaped before. If there is one thing in tho world that will make a man peculiarly and insufferably self-conceited, it is to l}avo his stomach behave itself, tho first day at sea, when nearly all his oomrades are seasick.— Boon a venerable fossil, shawled to the ohin and bandaged Hke a mummy, ap peared at the door of the after deck house, and tho next lurch of the ship shot him into my arms. I said, "good . morning, sir. It is a fine day." He put his hand on bis stomach and said, "Oh, my!" and then staggered away and foil over the ooop of a skylight. Presently another old gentleman was projeoted from the samo door with great DANBURY, N. C„ THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1876. violence. I said, "Calm yourself, sir ! There is no burry. It is a fine day, sir." I 11 0, also, put bis hand on his stomach and said, "Oh, my!" and reeled away In a little while another veteran was discharged abruptly from the same door, ! clawing the air for a saving support. T said, "Good morning, sir. It is a tint day for pleasuring. You were about to say—" "Ob, my!" I thought so I anticipated him, anyhow. I staid there and was bombarded with old gentlemen j for an hour perhaps; and all I got oat of 1 | them was "Oh, my!" I went awaj I then, in a thoughtful inood. I said,) this is a good ploa««-o cxeilflfcli. 1 like it. The pas-wngora are not ons, but still they are sociable. T like those old peoplo, but somehow they all seem to | have the "Oh, my" rather bad. I knew ' what was the matter with them; they were seasick, and 1 was glad of it. We all like to see people seasick when wo ! are not ourselves. Playing whist by the I cabia lamps when it is storming outsido, \ j is pleasant; walking the quarter desk in ; the moonlight, is plensint; smoking in J the breezy forotop is pleasant, when one is not afraid to go up there; but these are all feeble and commonplace com pared with the joy of seeing peoplo suffering the miseries of seasickness. A DISASTROUS BANQUET. The Portuguese pennies or rcis (pro nounced rays,) are prodigious. It takes | one thousand to make a dollar, and all financial estimates are mado in rcis.— We did not know this until after we~ had found it out through Blucher. Blucher said be was so happy and BO grateful to be on solid land once more, that he wanted to give a feast—said ho had hoard it was a cheap land, and ho was bound to havo a grand banquet.— lleanvited nine of us and we ate an cx collect dinner at the principal hotel. In tho initial of the jollity produced by good cigar?, good wine and passc-blu an > ccdotes, the landlord presented his bill, i Uluchcr glaocod at it and his eounte-t j nance fell. lie took another look to* ' assure himself that bis senses had not | deoeived him, and then read the items | aloud, in a faltering voice, while the | roses in his cheeks turned to ashes : i "Ten dinners at 600 reis, 6,000 ! Ruin and desolation!" "Twenty-five cigars at 100 reis, 2,500 reis! Oh, my sainted mother!" "Eleven bo'ties of wine at 1,200 rei«, 13,200! Bo with us all! Total, twenty-one thousand seven hun dred rcis! The suffering Moses, there i aiu't money onougb in tho ship to pay j that bill! Go—leave mo to my misery, boys, I am a ruined oommnnity." I I think it was tho blankest looking party ! I ever saw Nobody could say a word It was as if every soul bad been stricken dumb. Wino glasses descended slowly to the tabic, their content** untasted. Cigars dropped unnoticed from nerve less fingers. Each man sought bis neighbor's eye, but found in it no ray of hope, no encouragement. At last the fearful silence was broken. Tbo shadow of a desperate resolve settled upon Blueher's countcnanoe like a cloud, and be rose up and said: "Landlord, this is a low, moan swindle, and I'll never, never stand it. There's a hundred and fifty dollars, sir, and it's all you'll get. I'll swim in blood, before I'll pay a eent more." Oar spirits rose and the land lord's fell, at least we thought so, bo was confused at any rate, notwithstandi ng ho had not understood a word that had been said. 110 glanced from tho little pile of gold pieces to Blucher sov eral times, and then went ont. Ho must have visited an American, for when he returned he brought back his bill translated into a language that a christian could understand. Thus: 10 dinners, 6,000 reis, or $ C.OO 25 oigars, 2,500 reis, or 2.50 11 bottles wine, 13,200 reis, or 13,20 Total, 21,700 rcis, or $21.70 I Happiness reigned onoe moro in Blu -1 cher's dinner p»rty. More refreshments were ordered. EUROPEAN COMFORT. Afterward we walked op and down one of tho most popular streets for sorao time, enjoying other people's comfort and wishing we could export some of it to our restless, driving, vitslity-oonsum ing marts at home. Just in this one natter lies the main eharm of life in Europe—comfort. In America, we hurry, which is well; but when the dfty's work is dose, we go on thinking of looses and gains, we plan for the mnr- ! row, we even carry our business cares to '' i ted with us, and toss and worrv over l j t.hem when wo ought to bo restoring our f rucked bodies and brains with sleep.— s ! We burn up our energies with theso ex , citements, and either die early or drop i~ into a lean and mean old age at a time B 1 of life which they call a man's prime in > "Europe. When an aero of ground has I produced long and well, wo let it lie 3 | fallow for a season; we take no man ' clear across tho continent in the same PI co|gh he started in—the coach is stabled r ' &mowhere on the plains and its heated ,i Tiachinery allowed t# cool for a few > When a razor has seen long'ser •>*•! refuses kJ.-huld &u the ! barber lays it away for a few weeks, and ) , the edgo comes back of its own accord. r j Wo bestow thoughtful care upon inan r i mato objects, but nono on ourselves. s ; What a robust people, what a nation ol ! thinkers we might be, if wo would only i lay ourselves on the shelf occasionally , and renew our edge. " Innocents I abroad." * Grant's New War Secretary. ! | The Fat Contributor has this to say of Gen. Grant's new Sccrotary of War: 1 Although one of the best lawyers in the country, Judge Taft dou't know anything about war. He never fired off a two-horse lumber wagon. But he is i determined to learn. Tho other day Grant dropped in at tho War Offico, and found bis new Secretary deep among official documents. Posting yourself up, AlphonBO? said the President, with an encouraging smile. Yes, said the Judge eagerly, I want to know everything pcrtaiuiug to the bureau business. I have been running over the disbursements of the department for tho lact year, to soe what was ex pended for catapults. For cata— what? said the President, pausing as be was about to strike a | on his ]ooot to light a frysh cigar. Catapults. You have them in the j army, haven't you? said the Judge in' ' rather an uncertain tone of voioo. The President smiled a little, and j said they did have a few left over from ! the war, but be bclioved they hud nil i been used up. Then tho Secretary said ho shenld oertainly order some more made, for he considered the catapult one i of the most effeetive weapons in modern warfare. They did great execution at the siege of Jerusalem, as I remember j reading, mused tbo Secretary, and it is ; doubtful whother Tiberius would have ; been able to havo reduoed the city with- | | out them. Gra>.t looked at his new Secretary ! : through the cigar smoke a few moments, ; and theu told him if ho ordered any catapults he had better havethein rifled, with an adjustable, muzzle-loading bay- | onet, and the Secretary made a memo- i randum to that effect. I seo that considerable money has been spent in experimenting with torpe does, continued the Secretary, looking j over the disbursements. That seems to { be a waste of money, and it encourages a bad habit among ohildren. Serious ; acoidents havo frequently resulted from ! little boys throwing torpedoos under horses' feet on tho Fourth of July, and it ought to be stopped. .The President allowed tho torpedo wasn't a thing to fool with, and the Secre tary road on. Suddenly he jumped to his feet, while the hot, indignant blood flashed to his very temple, as ho ex claimed: No wonder the country is im poverished, and the taxpayer groaning beneath his burdens. Here, while trade languishes and tbo wheels of industry are clogged all over the land, my pre decessor has been shipping luxurious delicacies to the garrisons of onr forts, thinly coneealed under the term "shell." What does shell mean? Shell oysters, I of course! That's what it means But they don't get any shell while I um Secretary. I'll settle that. That's right, said the President. If tbey get any oysters make them "shell out" for them themselves; and then he added, aside to himself, they would have to if they bought them of one of 80l knap's post traders. Yes, continued the Secretary, look at the quantity of grapes on hand, classed among the Munitions of War. What does grape mean, and what is it for? It is to wasb down tho shell oystars with, I suppose, said Grant with a merry twinkle in his eye, which the Judge didn't see. That's it exactly, cried the Judge.— Keeping the soldiers on wine and oys ters, while thousands of people are wan dering around in a hi pcless s'-arch for a free lunch. I tell you, Lyssiß, this is schandalouy! The President, as ho arose to go, said he was glad ho had a Secretary of War, at length, who was determined to look into things and reform abuses, and cau tioning hiui not to forget to have those catapults rifled, he returned to the White House with a broader grin on his face thau anybody had ever seeu then beforo. > More of the Ideal. "The immortality of the age" is the Jcremnid all aro chanting—the wail that goes up from press and pulpit, and with truth, for it is plain to the shal lowest observer that cynical licentious ness and brazen dishonesty have in creased amazingly in the last decade, until society has become an Augean Btable which will take a greater llerculcs than Moody & Co. to olean. The chief cause of this I bclievo to be the want of imagination—the little eulture that is given to this one mental attribute that lifts us above bestial grossnera. Immo rality has increased in the same ratio as deoay of reverence for poetry and con tempt for the ideal. Sinco the war, we of tho South have taken it as our saving creed that being now poor, wo must become thoroughly praotioal. We must throw aside all aesthetic or sentimental hindrances, and bcoome a sharp, push ing, money-getting people. To this end we must pull up from our path every soft, impracticable flower of feeling or I fancy. Wo must sneer at poetry, neg leot the little graces and refinements of life, shut our eyes to tho glories of nature; make our homes places to sleep, to eat, to carry out oconomioal plans and cogitate scheme for earning money; wo I must not take time to mako friends with ! our children, to enter into their natures i and draw out all that is lovely and en- I dcaring in thoir characters, but seeking i to make them sharp on the main-chance, we must put a curb-rein on their fanoies and shut out tho world of generous, | loving impulse and poctio aspiration by dapping to their eyes a magnifying tube whose only object in range is the potent dollar. Work is noble and necessary; bread must bo earned, but we cannot live, in the fullest sense of lifo, by bread alone; we crave the wine of feeling and fancy. 1 If you pull up the flowers that sweet j en life's lurrow, be sure that weeds will | take their place, for tho soil of the heart : is fertile, and will produce evil if thu j germ of .good is tramplod out. Sneer down poetry, pure, poetio romance, with i its lofty ideal* and its grand, ohivalrous codes; measuro cverthing by narrow, | "practicar' gauges; frowu down all gen- : erous impulses and day-dream aspira- j tions, and though yeu may sit in your pew every Sunday, and may insist at the rod's point on your children's reciting oatecbistn with the glibness of a parrot, jou will yet be a demoralizer. For the exuberance of human nature will have an outlet somewhere. If you olip its wings so that it cancot soar, it will bur row. If you shut up your poets, you will turn to the police gazettes. If you discount the romances and oall their lofty codes of honor Quixotio, and their elevated sentiment sickly moonshine, we shall be suro to hear of you defaulting in oflioc, or swindling in business, or guilty of somo low, eensual act—from all of which the cultivation of tho ideal might have saved you.— Sunny South. Things are pretty well balanced in this world so far as taking comfort goes, and I begin to believe that, high or low, all have their tribulations. Fishes are hooked, warms are trodden on, birds are fired at. Worry is everywhere. Poor ( men's wives worry booause tho bread won't rise, or the stove won't draw, or the clothes line breaks, or the milk burns, or the pane of glass is mended with putty, or can't afford to hire help, llich men's wives worry bcoause the pre serve dish is not of the latest pattern, or becauso somo grandee's wife overlooks them, or because their help sauces them, breaks up tea sets, spoils dinners, gets drunk, and outs up sheets into under clothes. Causes vary, but worry aver ages about tb« same. The scale of milw ia different on different maps, but slaces5 laces remain just so far apart, and so o humanity and content.—JV". Y. Obxrrie.r. NUMBER J. "Politics in the South " Under this caption a correspondent of the New York "Herald" write* a letter. His conclusions, are measurably correct except, so far as relates t*' North Caro lina, which may be safely counted for tha party. The writer S.IJB. "I have made a careful and complete rcoonnowsance of the political outlook in the South in regard to Hit Presiden tial contest. The Democvtic.or, as they oall themselves in the South, the Con servative members from the lute Con ! federate States, comprise anion;? them many fuien of parts w\ pxpe. ießeo-iu affairs, though all of tiiein, except La-* mar, of Mississippi; Began, of Texas; Ben. Mill, of Georgia, and perhaps a lew other*, lack ante-bellum political experi ence. They, however, have had the training in the command of men that , fits them, more than others, to lead and , to - follow, to command and to obey.— They know each other, having generally served together in the southern army and Legislatures, and they are cool, discroet, self-controlled, and rapidly lull ing into the lino and habits of party discipline and parliamentary taotics | You have observed that notwithstanding the efforts that have boen made to entrap them into indiscreet discussion few have been suoecssfal, save the outbreaks of Ben. Ilill and Bandolph Tucker, which were at onoe suppressed, and which will never be repeated. They arc resolved to show by word and deed that they in tend to maintain the Union, the Consti tution and the laws, and the administra tion of the Government honestly and fairly to all seotions and all citizens.— It is this determination and spirit that is now controlling them in reference to the presidential elcotion. Correctly stated, tbey advocate no candidate and they objeot to none. This judioious and wise temper and this perfect control of themselves may be observed all over 1 the South. They are in dead earnest, 1 | and mean, if is possible, to aid the 1 I northern Democracy to get possession of the Government in March next. Their power is pretty well organized and com pacted for that purpose. No Radical party of capability or force exists in many of the Southern States. With a Democratic candidate of fair rocord, a good Union man, bat one who has never been extreme in his opinions against tho Sooth, all the Southern States ran and will be earried exoept North and South | Carolina. In Virginia, Qeorgia, Ten i nessce, Kentucky, Alabama and Texas there is really no Bcpublican party ' worthy of tho name of a party. It is j routed and disorganized, and cannot be : brought into a canvass. In Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida there is a rem nant resting on tne old carpct-bag basis of public plunder, but that will bo per manently scattered in November. South Carolina is hopelessly controlled by tho thieves and plunderers who have ruled : her so long. North Carolina, however, is essentially doubtful. Both parties claim her. but neither can ibretell what ber vote will be." Glass Hats. It is annonnced that the beautiful glass hats for female wear produoed in Bohemia, and which have attracted so much attention in Vienna, are to bu manufactured on an extensivo scale in this couutry, arrangements to this effect having already been uiado. An ex change says these hats arc of the must artistic and beautiful design, aud though the substance ia presumably fragile, it i» declared to be stronger and more durable than the delicate materials commonly in uso for the same purpose. Tho body ol the hat is made of loose pienes of fine glass fastened together by a gulta peroha band, whioh allows it to conform to the head. Inside there is a lining of silk, which is the only pieco of frahric used ! in tho manufacture. Tho trimmiugs on the outside are after tho prevailing mode, oonsisting of wreaths, flowers, feathers and ribbons, all made of deli cately spun glasa of wonderful beauty. All the trimmings bare their natural col ors, and by a peculiar process, the glossy appcarane of the glasa is so well sub dued, that the material is not suspected. Only a very small amount of glass into the eoaatrnetion of one of tkeso hats, for the threads ia ao fiuo that a great space ia covered without any per i ceptibla increase in the weight. They 1 weigh but a few ounces.

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