THE DANBURY REPORTER. VOLUME 11. TIIE REPORTER. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY PEPPER & SONS, PROPUIKTORS. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, payable in advance, - $2 0 Six Months, • • 1 00 KATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square (ten lines or less) 1 time, $1 00 For eAch additional insertion, • 50 Contracts Tor longer time or more space can be made in proportion to tbo above rates. Transient advertisers will be expected to remit according to these rates at the time they send their favors. Local Notices will be charged 50 per cent, higher than above rates. Business Cards will be inserted at Ten Dol lars per annum. gL SAM'L WHITS, JOIIM A. JAUBOK, G. E. ScnRi.i.MAN. WHITE it urs;nm, wholesale dealers in HATS, CAPS, KURS, STRAW GOODS AND LADIES' HATS. No. 3)8 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md H. M. LANIER, with B. P. BAYLJ3Y & CO., importers of CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, LAMI'S.&c. 27 Hanover street, Baltimore,"Md. E. M. WILSON, of N. C., WITH R. W. POWERS Si CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers in Paints, Oils, Dyes, Varnishes, French Window Glas«, Ac., No. 1305 Main St., Bichmond, Va. Projiritlors Aromatic Peruvian Bitter* .j- Com pound Syrup Tolu and Wxitl Cherry. "TTW. RANDOLPH Sl ENGLISH, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND BLANK-liOOK M ANUKAUTERERB. 1318 Main ftreet, Richmond. A Large Stock of I,A If HOOKS always on nol-6in hand. A. L. EL,LETT, A. JUDSON WATKINS, CLAY DTTEWRY, STEPHEN N. IIUOIIKS A. L. ELLETT & CO., importers and jobbers of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. Nos. 10, 12 and 14 Twelfth street (between Main and Gary) nl-ly RICHMOND, VA. lllimilN .v WHITEHILL, WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS, CLOTHS,CAS -1 i SIMBItBS, tero. 31 and 32:t Baltimore streets, Baltimore, Md. not-ly O. r. DAY, ALBERT JONES. DAY & JONES, Manufacturers o( SADDLERY, HARNESS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, J-o. No. 330 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. nol-ly W. A. TUCKER, H. C. SMITH s. n. SPRAOINS. TUCKER, SMITH & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS; SHOES; HATS AND CAPS. 250 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. 01-ly. JNO. W. HOLLAND with T. A. BRIAN & CO., Manufacturers of FRENCH and AMERICAN CANDIES, in every variety, anil wholesale dealers in FRUITS, KUTS, CANNED GOODS, CI GARS, Jc. 339 and 341 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Orders from Merchants solicited. C. W. TEFORN, J. E. ETCIIISON. C. W. THORN & CO., wholesale dealers in HATS, CAPS. STRAW GOODS, AND LADIES' TRIMMED HATS. 1306 Main Street, Bichmond, Va. CHAB. T. BALSLEY, with cms. P. STOKES & CO., Manufacturers and wholesale dealers in all kinds of WOODEN, WILLOW AND TINWARE, Richmond, Va Broom, Bucket and Tinware factories, Harvie town, Va. D. H. OX&V'ENSON, MORT. W. ROOERS, L. SLINOLUFF STEVENSON, ROGERS Si CO., wholesale BOOTS AND SHOES, 224 W. Baltimore Street, (near Howard,) Baltimore, Md. R. E. BEST, WITH HENRY SONNEDORN & CO., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. 20 Hanover Street, (between German and Lombard Streets,) BALTIMORE, MD. H. BONNEBORN, B. SLIMLINE. 47-Iy B. F. KING WITH JOHNSON, SUTTON Si 00., DRY GOODS. Nos. 32C and 328 Baltimore street; N. E. cor ner Howard, BALTIMORE MD. T. W. JOHNSON, R. M. SUTTON, J. B R- CBABBE, O. J. JOHNSON, nol-ly. KSTAHLtSHBD 1825. RED SOLE LEATHER. E. LARRABEE & SONS, Importers and Dealers in SHOE FINDINGS AND FRENCH CALF SKINS. Manufacturers of OAK-TANNED HARNESS AND UPPER LEATHER. No. 20 South Cattsrt street; Baltimore, Md. Consignments of Rough Leather solicited. 47-Cnl WAS HK IN KABNKST P "And so yon think this Miss What's ber-naiuc would be just as faat to marry you if you were a poor man, with no expectations whatever, instead of being my nephew and supposed heir 1" There was a hurt, indignant look upon the frank young face that confronted the speaker. "Tbo young lady's name is Ashton, and I never said she was 'fast to marry' me." "I bog your and the young lady's par don. You think that Misa Athlon would be just as willing to marry you if she know you to be a poor man 7" "I do. I would stake my life on the siDoerity and disinterestedness of her lovei" Leaning back in his chair, Mr. Pop pleton, senior, surveyed his nephew with a smile of superior wisdom, whioh had in it something of contemptuous pity. "Ha ! that's what all you young fel lows say when you are in love ; we old fellows don't lose our heads so easily. And it's well for you we don't. Why don't / make a fool of myself about some woman, I'd like to know ?" "I've often wondered, unolc, why you haven't married." "When I was at your age I was poor, and had something else to think of; and now that I am old, I've got more sense, I hope. There's Peter Comstock, whose head is as gray as mine, he's married a girl young enough to be his daughter, and a pretty life she leads him. When Josiah Poppleton makes suoh a fool of himself, you may shave his head, clasp a straight jacket on him, and put bim into a lunatic hospital." Tho young man suiiled, and then be came grave. ''You object to Miss Ashton because she is poor and a dressmaker ?" "Nothing of the sort, Fred. I object to her because she is mercenary." "You have no right to say that, un cle, when .you have never eve>» seen ' '"I couldn't bo surer of it if I had known her all my life," said the old geotleman, stoutly. "All suoh people are. You don't believe it, of course; but let her thiok you a poor man, or let a rich one make her an offer, and you would soon see." Here Mr. Poppleton, senior, glanced at his watoh. "You'll have to be lively, young man, if you want to catch the next train. — You will find the bills for oollection on my desk We'll talk this matter over when you get back." Mr Poppleton watted until he heard the whistle of the train that took his nephew out of town, and then putting on his hat and buttoning up his coat with a resolute air, went out. He walked very swiftly, passing through several streets and around vari ous oorners, until he came to the house he was in search of—a modest, unpre tending story-and a-half affair, on the faded green door of whioh were these words: "Miss ASUTON — DRESSMAKER." Mr Poppleton regarded it with a look of strong disapproval, and then settling his hat upon his head with a still more resolute air, marched up the steps and rang the bell. After waiting some little time the door opened, revealing to hii bewildered gaze the loveliest oreature he had ever beheld, whose rosy lips and violet eyes smiled out upjn bim, as though he was an old and long expeoted friend. He stared at her a moment, and then said : "I am Josiah Poppleton, and I wish to soe Miss Ashton." "That is my name, sir; won't you walk in 7" And the rosy lips dimpled into a still brighter smile. Mr. Poppleton found himself in one of the ooiiest, oheeriest little sitting rooms in tbe world The first thing hi* eyes fell upon was his own photograph, cabinet size, in a little rustio frame on the mantel. He romembered giving it to his nephew. And he remembered, too, with considerable satiafaotion that it was a remarkably fine likeness. "The little baggage knew me," he thought, as. be took a seat; "and that was what made her smile so." He felt his courage ooaiog from (he ends of bis fingers. Somehow, it didn't seem auch an easy thing M ho had fan cied it would be to carry out the pro gramme be had laid down for himself, and he began to wish he was most any- DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1877. where else. But here fcs waa, and he must e° through with it. "Miss Ashton—ahem 1 I suppose you know that I am Frederio Poppleton's uncle, and so can guess why I am now her*?" ltoso glanced up shyly at the speaker from beneath the long, brown lashes. "I suppose it is because ha asked you ' to oome." "Nothing of the kind. He didn't know a word about it." "Oh I" Mr. Poppleton felt that he was get ting on very well; and as he considered 7 highly important that he should get OK, 'I he summoned all his resolution and 00m- „ menced again : "No, ma'am, I oame entirely on my own responsibility. I consider it a mat ter of duty to let you know that I strong ly disapprove of your engagement. And furthermore, it is my invinoible deter mination, if he persists in running coun ter to my wishes, to have nothing more to do with him I" This was, evidently, something that Rose did not expect to hear; the dimp* ling smiles left her month, and her vio let eyes opened widely. Looking res olutely away, Mr. Poppleton continued : "If you think my nephew has prop erty in his own right, you were never more mistaken. He is entirely depend ent on me; and if he commits the folly he contemplates, I won't give him a penny—not a penny !" Here Mr. Poppleton turned his eyes upon the faoe opposite bim, as if to see what effeot his words were prodaoing. All its bloom and brightness had van ished, hut be went pitilessly on : "Of course, you can marry him "if, you choose; this is a free oountry, and people can make themselves as miserahjfc* as they like, I suppose. Only, I feel it my duty to warn you what the inevitable consequences will be. Fred oan hardly take eare of himself. You'll have a large family—poor people always do bane Urge familifs —and the venulf' wilt poverty, misery, and no end of troubK This was not a very enoouraging prospect to look forward to, and Hose did not look as if she considered it as such. She made no reply, however, and Mr. Poppleton oontinued : 'On the other hand, if you will act as sensibly and discreetly in the matter, as I think you will on reflection, yon will never be sorry for it You may oount on my protection and friendship— the friendship and proteetioa of Joeiah Poppleton I" Rose now spoke. '"I love Frederio —" "Don't answer me now," interrupted Mr. Poppleton, rising, and turning to the door; "take time to thiok the mat ter over. I'll be here to-morrow at the same hour to get your deoiiion. Only remember, if you really do love my nephew, that you will not take a oourse that will ruin bis prospects for life." "No wonder tbe young raaeal is be witohed," thought the old gentleman, as ho took his way homeward, "she is, cer tainly, the most bewitching oreature I ever saw I" Mr. Poppleton expected his nephew bark on tbe following day, and was, therefore, all tbe more anxioos that the matter should be satisfactorily Promptly at the hour he bad named 0 Hose he was on hand to receive her L oision. "Mr. Poppleton, I cannot feel would be right for ae to break my en gagement with your nephew; if he chooses to gi"e me up that is another thing. The thought of making trouble between you two gives me more pain than I can tell you. What possible ob jection can you have to me ?" Here poor ROM burst into tears. "No objeotion to you, whatever, my dear," said Mr. Poppleton, taking one of the soft, white hands in both of his. "Oo the contrary, I think you the most oharuiing creature I ever saw 1" "Why, then, are you so unwilling that I should marry your nsphew ?" "Because I want to marry you my self!" Hose started to her feet. "Are you in earnest, sir T" "I never was more so ia my life. I love you to distraotion, and shall con sider myself the happiest of Men if you will beoome Mrs. Josiah Poppleton." Roso turned her flashing eyes upon tbe speaker with a look that be never forgot. "If you were not Frederic s uncle, I should express in very plain terms my opinion of you. As it is, I have only to say that there is the door, and to ask you to go." Mr. Poppleton did not wait for a sec ond invitation. On reaohing th« corner be looked back, just in time to catch a glimpse of his nephew going in. Feel ing very much like one who had been raised to a great height and set down very suddenly, Mr Poppleton went home Ooing up stairs to his own room, h$ marched to the mirror, f Tosiah Toppleton," he said, shaking \ nß Jt at the reflection there, "you are •id, a dolt, an idiot, a donkey ! You are a soounndrel of the darittf (and if you were sopiebody she I'd punch your head for you !" Having thus relieved his feelings he sat down. Half an hour later he beard his nephew's well known step on the walk. Hushing to the head of the stairs he bawled out: "John, say I'm sick, that I'm out, that I can't see anybody !" But he was too late; Fred was in the hall and half way up the stairs. * ' Ah, uncle!" cried the young mtm, with a merry laugh, "that was .a : ningly contrived plot of yours ; the best joke I've heard yet! The cream of it is that Hose thought you were in earn est. You acted your part so naturally that it was some time before I could make her understand that you were only testing her love fir me. But she sees it all now. You found Rose as true ;:s stc4ych, unole ? and will make us both happyj>y giving your oonsent to our marriage?" Mr.'.Poppleton not only gave this, but present llose, on her wedding day, completely furnished. , fie seamed a little shy of her at first, soon wore away, or rather de veloped into tho paternal affection grow ing out of this mutual relation, and the winning and tovable qualities of his *iephewV l '*ire. V..n I This littlje episode in his life had the good effect of making him more dis trustful of himself, more tolerant of the follies and weaknesses of others. And sometimes, as Hose looked back upon it, this question arose in her mind, which she never even suggested to her hus band : "Was he in earnest?" What to Teach the Children. Teach them that a true lady may be fobnd in calico quite as frequently as in velvet. Teaoh them that a eommon school education, with common sense, is better than a college eduoation without it. Teach them that one good honest trade, well mastered, is worth a dozen beggarly "professions." Teach them that "honesty is the best poliey"—that it is better to be poor than to be rich on tho profits of riokedness. Teaoh them to respect their elders and themselves. Teaoh them that, as they expect to be men some day, they cannot too soon learn to proteot tbe weak and helpless. Teaoh them that to wear patched olothes is no disgraoe, but to wear a "black eye" is. V Teach the boys that by indulging tbeir depraved appetites in the worst Vforjns of dissipation, they are not fittiog lujtnsclves to beoome -the husbands of rpure girls. £»ch them that they esn only be | happy now and hereafter by loving and ; serving the Lord Jesus Christ. Elegant Christiana. A foreign paper tells us that when Oliver Cromwell visited York Minister, he saw in one of the apartments statues of the twelve apoßtles in silver. "Who are those fellows theie T" he asked, as be approached them. On being in formed, he replied: "Take tbem down, and let tbem go about doing good."— They were taken down and melted and pot into his treasury. There are many who, like these silver apostles, are too stiff for service in much that tho Lord's work requires. Some are too nice, some too formal, some disinclined. They stand or ait stiff and stately in their dignity, and sinners may go unsaved and believ ers anoomforted, unhelped. for all tbe effort they will make to lift a hand to serve them. They need melting down, and to be sont about doing good. Statu ary Christians, however burnished and elegant they may be, are of little real service in the kingdom of Jesus. A Drunken Farm Often and often, while parsing through : the country, have we passed farms whose history we cotild read at a glance. Tho i door-yard fonce had disappeared—burnt j up in the shiftlcssness born of drink ; I the house was unpainted and battered • • broken panes of glass, with rags or old | hats; the chimneys stood in a tottering | attitude; the door swung in a creaking condition on one hinge ; the steps were unsteady, like their owner ; everything waa dilapidated, decayed, and oheerless A single look showed that its owner traded too much at one shop— shop. The spirit of thrift had been •killed by the spirit of tho still. Fresh i paint, repairs, improvements, good sheer, beauty, gone for the farmer's throat Outside matters were the same; the barn-yards were wretched stys, the doors were off, the roofs were leaky, the gates down, the carts orazy, the tools broken, the fodder scarce, and the stock poor and wretched. Neglect, cruelty, wasteful ness-—all had come from drink. The and tuuibled stone walls, the ru|u* fences, the weed-giown fields, ' tfdnparse and half-headed crops, the orchards, all said to the passer-by, did it." Brink had given the pl&ste'r of a mortgage instead of a coat tag of fertilizer; sloth instead of labor, uothrift in the place of care, and de moralization in lieu of system. The farm was drink.blighted, and advertised its condition as plainly as its uwuer did when he oame home from towu. One of the most impressive lectures, for young farmers especially,-is a good look at a drunken farm. "Sometimes." It is a happy word, a pleasing thought, a sweet, swoet song, like the musio of birds among the branches, or tbe hum of bees among the blossoms. Every one has a possession in tho fu ture, whioh he calls "Sometimes." The man of toil, amid the wear and tear of 'life, looks forwdrd to the day of'rest.— The student at his weary task, longs for that far off El Dorado, where brightens up before him the hope of coming years; and the whisperings of ambition call him to tread the paths of glory and re nown. The maiden all listless and lan guid, dreams of happiness complete, and the beauteous landscape in tbe distant "Sometime," with its trees and flowers, rill and founts, and summer skies encir oled by the rainbow of hope—all flit through her enraptuied vision. But the aged pilgrim feels that his possession lies not in this vale of tears. Tbe pious and the good cast their longing eye to that distant shore. When tbe hills and the valleys of time arc passed, the faith ful shall reach that home appointed of God, where the voice of sorrow is never heard, where shadows or olouds never fall, but sunshine clothes the scene with everlasting day. Domestic Habits of Anoestors Erasmus, who visited England in the early part of the sixteenth century,gives a curious description of an English in terior of the better olass. The furni ture was rough ; the wails unplastered, but sometimes wainsootted or hung with tapestry; and the floors covered with rushes, whioh were not changed for months. Tho dogs and eats had free aocess to the eating-rooms, and fragments of meat and bones were thrown to them, which they devoured among the rushes, leaving what they could not eat to rot there, with the draining of beer vessels and all manner of unmentionable abom. inations. There was nothing like re finement or elegaooe in the luxury of the higher ranks ; the indulgences which their wealth permitted consisted in rom;h and wasteful profusion. Salt beef and strong ale constituted the principal part of Queen Elisabeth's breakfast, and sim ilar refreshments were served to her in bed for supper. At a series of enter tainments given in York by the nobility 16G0, where eaob exhausted his invon tion to outdo the others, it was u u ivor sally admitted that Lord Goring won the palm for the magnificenoe of his faney. The description of this supper will give us a good idea of what was then thought magnificent; it oonsisted of four huge, orawny pigs, piping hot, bitted and harnessed, with ropes of sau sages, to a huge padding in a bag, which served for a chariot. Personal blemish-—'Too much rhcck. NUMBIJH . -j . -gi - The Follies of Great M Tycho Brahe, the astronomer, changed color, and his legs shook under him, on meeting with a haro or fox. Dr. John son would never cuter a room with his left foot foremost; if by mistake it did get in first, he would step back and place his right (out foremost. Julius Ctesar was :>luiost convulsed by the sound of thunder, and always wauted to get in a cellar, or under ground, to escape the dreadful noise. To Queen Elizabeth the simple word "death" was full of horrors. Even Talleyrand trembled and changed color on hearing the word pronounced. Marshal Saxe, who Diet aod overthrew opposing armies, fled and screamed in terror at the sight of a cat. Peter tho Great cou'j* never bo persuaded to cross a high bridge; and though he tried to master the terror, he failed to do so.— Whenever he set foot oo one he would shriek out iu distress and agony. Byron would never help any one to salt at tho table, nor would he be helped himself. If any of the artiole happened to be spilled on the table, he would jump up and leave his meal unfinished Tho story of the great Frenchman, Male branchc, is well known and is well au thenticated. lie fancied he carried an enormous leg of mutton at the tip of his nose. No one oould convince him to the contrary. One jiay a gentleman visiting him adopted this plan to cure him of his folly : he approached him as with the intention of embracing him, when he suddenly exclaimed, "Ila ! your leg of mutton has struck me in the face 1" at which Malebranche expressed regret. The friend went on : "May I not re move the encumbrance with a razor ?" "Ah, my friend! my friend ! I owe you I more than life. Yes, yes; by all means . cut it off!" In a twinkling the friend : lightly cut the tip of the philosopher's | nose, and, adroitly taking from under his cloak & superb leg of mutton, raised it ,iu triumph. "Ah !" cried Malebrancbo, |"I live ! I breathe 1 I am saved ! My : nose is>frce; my head is free ; but—bus ! —it was raw, and that is cooked!"— i "Truly; but then you have been seated near the fire; that must be the reason." Malebranche was satisfied, and from that time forward he made no more com plaints about any mutton-leg, or any other monstrous protuberance on his nose. An Indian Tradition. Among the Seminole Indians there ia u singular tradition regarding the whito man's origin and superiority. Thoy say that when the Great Spirit made tho earth, he also made three men, all of whom were of fair complexion • »ud that, after making them, he led them to tho margin of a small lake, and bade them leap therein. One immediately obeyed, and came out of the water purer than before he bathed ; the seoond did not leap until the water became slightly muddy, and when be bathed, he camo up copper colored. The third did not leap in until the water became black with mud, and came out with its own color. Then the Great Spirit laid before them three packages of bark, and bado them choose, and out of pity for his mis fort uoe of color, he gave the blaok man his first choice He took hold of each of the packages, _L. felt them, chose the heaviest; the oopper colored" one then chose the second heaviest, leav ing the white man the lightest. When the packages were opened, the first was found to oontain spades, hoes, and all tho implements of labor; the second en wrapped hunting, fishing and warlike apparatus; the third gave the white man pens, ink and paper —the engines of the mind—the mutual, mental im provement—the social link of humanity the foundation of the white man's supe riority. A LADY had two children—both .girls. The elder was a fair obild : the younger a beauty, and the mother's pet. lie; whole lovo oentered in it. Tho eldor . was neglcoted, while "Sweet" (the pet name of the younger) received every Httention that affeotiou oould bestow.— One day, after a severe illness, the moth er was sitting in the parlor, when sho heard a childish step upon the fail's, and her thoughts were instantly with the favorite. "Is that you, Sweet 1" sho inquired. "No, mamma," WHS the sad, touching reply, "it isn't Sweet, it's only me." The mother's heart smote her; and, from tbat hour, "Only me" was re-torcd tn an equal place in her affco lions.

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