THE DANBUHY REPORTER. VOLUME 11. THE REPORTER. PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY PEPPER & SONS, ... ...• PBOPIUKTOBS. » RATES OF SUBSCRIPTIb'W. One Year, payable in advance, - $2O Six Month*; - - ■ - 100 RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square (ten lines or less) 1 time, $1 00 For each additional insertion, - 50 Cofitracts for longer time or more space can b« made In proportion to the above rates. Transient advertisers will he expected to remit according to these rates at the time they lead their favors. Local Notices will be charged 50 per cent, higher than above ra'es. Business Cards will be inserted at Ten Dol laft per annum. SAM'L WHITS, JOHN A. JARBOK, O. E. SCHEMMA s. WHITE k BUSGUMAN, wholesale dealers in HATB, CAPS, fURS, STRAW GOODS AND LADIES' HATS. Ho. 318 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md H. M. LANLELL, with B. P. BATLBY & CO., importers of CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, LAMPS, to. 17 Hanover street, Baltimore.'Md. ~ eTm. WILSON, or N. 0., WITH K. W. POWERS k CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and dealers in Paints, Oils, Dyes, Varnishes, French Window Glaa«, Ac., Ho. 1306 Main St., Richmond, Va. Proprietors Aromatic Peruvian BiUert J[ COM pound Syrup Tolu and Wild Cherry. J. W. RANDOLPH k ENGLISH, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTERERB. 1318 Main r.treet, Richmond. A large Stock qf LA IT HOOKS altoay on nol-Sm hand. a A. L. ELLETT, A. JUDSON WATKINS, OLAY DREWRY, STEPHEN B. HUOHgS A. L. ELLETT k CO., importers and jobbers of DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. No*. 10, 12 and 14 Twelfth street (between Main and Carv) 81-ly RICHMOND, VA. HARTMjf& H HITEHILL, WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS, CLOTHS, CAS SIMERES, ETC. 31 and 323 Baltimore streets," Baltimore, Md. nol-ly O. F. PAY, ALBERT JONES. DAY & JONES, Manufacturers of SADDLERY, HARNESS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, J-c. No. 336 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. »»l-ly W. A. tfUCKJSR, H. C. SMITH 8 B. BPRAOINB. TUCKER, SMITH & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS; SHOES; HATS AND CAPS. 250 Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. •i-ir JNO. W. HOLLAND with T. A. BRYAN k CO., Manufacturers of FRENCH and AMERICAN CANDIES, in every variety, and wholesale dialers in FRUITS, NUTS, CANNED GOODS, CI GARS, #c. 339 and 341 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Orders from Merchants solicited. UsSi O W. THORN, J K. ETCHIBON. C. Ws THORN k CO., wholesale dealers in BATS, CAPS. BTRAW GOODS, AND LADIES' TRIMMED HATS. 1906 Main Street, Riohmond, Va. CHAB. T. BALBLEY, with CHAS. P. STOKES k CO., Manufacturers and wholesale dealers in all kinds of WOODEN, WILLOW AND TINWARE, Richmond, Va Broom, Bucket and Tinware factories, Harvie town, Va. D. H. STEVENSON, MORT. W. ROOERS, L SUNOLUFF BTETENSON, ROGERS k CO., wholesale BOOTS AND SHOES, Sl4 W. Baltimore Streat, (near Howard,) Baltimore, Md. R. B. BEBT,~ WITH . HENRY 80NNEB0RN & CO., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. 90 Hanover Street, (between German and Lombard Streets,) BALTIMORE, MD. B. BONNEBORN, B. SLIMLINE. B. F. KING WITH JOHNSON, SUTTON k CO., DRY GOODS. Not. 326 and 328 Baltimore street; N. E. cor ner Howard, BALTIMORE MD. T. W. JOHNSON, R. M. SUTTON, J. a. R. CRABBE, O.J. JOHNSON. —l-lj. ESTABLISH ID 1825. RED SOLE LEATHER. E. LARRABEE A SONS, Importers and Dealers in 880E FINDINGS AND FRENCH CALF SKINS. Manufacturers of OAK-TANNED HARNESS AND UPPER LKAI HER. No. 20 South Calvert street; Baltimore, Md. I ' Consignments of Rough Leather solicited. ! 47-Om ORACB'S DREADFUL SECRET. Mra. Grace Wilmington pinned a spray of lilies of the valley in her dark braids, and a smile of gratified pride curved her red lips a* she regarded the reflection of her fair self in the handsome pier-glass before whiob she stood. A simple but artistic blending gnftack not and white satin fell about her supple form, the drapery caught up here and there by Icnott* of pink rosebuds and tioy lily of the valley bells, and great ropes of pearls gleamed on her superb neck and perfect arms. . "I hope Arthur will be pleased with my looks to-night," she murmured, and then turned, flushing rosily, seeing Ar thur beside her. "I am always pleased with you, my wife," he said, holding her a little away and gazing at her with a passionate ad miration, before which her large, proud eyes dropped with modest delight. "I almost wish you were not BJ young and beautiful, for I am half jealous, darling, of the adoration with which sooiety re gards you." She drew nearer to him and clasped her.warm, white arms about bis neck. "That is beoause I am your wife, my Arthur," she whispered. "Society saw nothing admirable in me when I was a saleswoman in your store. I despise its compliments as much as I would scorn its opinious, did I not desire to be hon ored and esteemed for your sake." "Thanks, my dear one You have a wise head and a true heart. lam proud of you; and I would not lose the kisses of these velvety, loveable lips to gain tbe crown of a king." "Flatterer," she observed, stroking with infantile fondness the clustering black locks just fleoked with the first frosts of age. "You will spoil me, Ar thur, with your adulation and indul gence Y r ou are too good to me." "Will you recant that, Grace," he said, smiling, "when I tell you that I am forced to he unkind 'to you ihis evening ? I am very sorry, dear, but if you attend tbe reunion, you will be obliged to go with one of your friends, as I will be detained at home for a business consult ation with Vale Meudon." The sweet, girli-h face clouded in stantly, and her black eyes were full of shadow. "Are you very much disappointed, my love ?" asked her husband. "I can bring you home, you know." "I was not thinking of that, Arthur," she answered; "my thoughts were of Mr. Mendon. I distrust him. I believe he will be tbe instrument of bringing us trouble of some kind yet" "A woman's antipathy and nervous presentiment, dear," he laughed. ' I don't quite understand this antagonism between you two. Graco Wilmington blushed and was silent. There bad bceu a time when this plausible, slow voioed partner of her husband would have willingly lost the favor of heaven to have gained one glance of tender confidence from her haughty, heedless eyes. And Grace knew that from the hour of his repulse, Vale Mendon's secret, relentless hate was warring against her. "Mendon is • peculiar fellow," went on Arthur Wilmington; "he is not very prepossessing to oaa who does not know him thoroughly; but be is invaluable to me. He will be here presently. Good bye, love. Let me know bow you de cide about going out." "I will stay with you, Arthur," she returned. "My good darling," he answered, and left her alone. Grace still stood under the ohandelier, suffused with the moony splendor of tbe gaslight, whon a sound at the low win dow startled her. She turned quickly, with • hushed cry of alarm, to see the shutters slowly opened and the plate-glass door puahed back by a large, shapely hand, upon wbioh glittered a massive ring of oarved gold set with a crescent of opals. She sprang to the door through wbioh her husband went, and then stood still, white and breathless. "Oh, Grace, forgive me," whispered the young and handsome intruder. "I wanted to Bee you so badly, dear. But I learned that you were married—and —and—does your husband know, Graoe ?" "He knows nothing, my poor Tltrry," hor pitying eyes fixed lovingly upon the DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1877. sad features und the tiue, graoetul lortn that oven tbe poor, soiled and tattered raiment oould not disfigure. "You have kept thin, dear ?" She took the cold hand end lightly touched the flashing ring "I would have starved, Grace, rather than have parted with thia precious re minder of those days when I was unac cused of crime, and you my counselor and comforter," he answered, passion ately. "Ob, my darling, if you can advise me now; if you oaa help me ever so little, that I may help myself, I promise never to abuse your trust, nor cause you one hour of anxiety." "You escaped, of course?" she in quired with pale, tremulous lips, lie nodded humbly. "My husband is a very stern man, Harry, in many things," she said ; "I can only help you in one way now.— Arthur's cashier is about to 1 avc him, and I think I could seourc the situation for you. Here is money to make your self presentable. Take it, and come hore to morrow introducing yourself us Harry Levison—son of my lather's dear est friend. I trust to your lovo, Harry, that you will be very disoreet." "You are an angel," cried the young man, holding her tightly to bis bosom, and kissing her again and agaiu. She returned his careasls while her tears fell fast. "My poor Harry ! I will never for sake you—never 1" she murmured; "now go. It might be my ruin if Ar thur should find you here." Little those two imagined that human eyes were upon them. But Vale Men don, coining as he always did. with soundless footsteps through the shadows, saw the meeting aud parting, the plead ing and uaiesses, tho tears and kisses, and with a diabolical and jubilant smile, exulted at his ow.n inferences. His cunning was too methodical in its spirit of revenge to inform Arthur Wil mington hastily of what he had seen. He chose to tunnel society through and through with small, sharp insinuations, aod therein lay bis train of incidents and ciroumstances, until the hour was ripe for a grand explosion. He smiled grimly when, in a few days, he saw Harry Levison installed at the cashier's desk. "Levison's antecedents are qnite as much unknown as those of poor Wil mington's fascinating wife. She is an old friend of the gentleman, I hear, and he secured the situation by her influ ence," Mendon observed in seeming con fidence to one of those unoonscious agenis of the subtle plotter—a curious gossip. Very well indeed be knew bow his words would be transposed: "It is a pity that confiding Mr. Wil mington knows nothing of the antece dents of his wife and this handsome young Levison. Her friendship for him must be very sentimental, indeed, when she interests herself to procure him a position. But thi&is a world of sur prises." Again Mr. Mendon smiled, and more grimly than before, when he heard of beautiful Grace Wilmington being es corted to opera and theater, reception and soiree by this fortunate and envied cashier, while inquisitive and oensorious tongues gabbled polite disapproval. "Poor Wilmington is aa trusting H husband as he is a loving one," he ob served, with a sanotimonious sigh. He knew quite well that reputations ean bo slain with a sigh. It was one of these sighs that first roused tbe jealousy of jealousy of Arthur Wilmington's heart. "What do you mean, Vale ?" be de manded, with pallid lips. "Do people dare to comment upon the oonduct of my wife 1 It was my wish that Levison should be her escort when I could not. He is the soul of honor, and one of Mrs Wilmington's oldest friends. What have they dared to say— these idle chat terers ?" Mendon turned his countcnanoe aside as if he would hide some pitying, un controllable emotion. "We must yield sometimes to public opinion," he said, in a low, suave voice. "Would it not be wise to kiudly remon strate with Mrs. Wilmington? If she loves you she will avoid this fellow. I think, dear friend, that it would be kind er to keep her in ignoranoe of the rumor that ahe has received him secretly at night in her loud ir byway of the win dow." Wilmington sprang to his feet, his eyes ablaze, a frown on his brow, and ev ery nerve convulsed. "How dare they say that ?" he cried. "Meudon, if you have lied to me, you will live to repent of it." The traducer arose and confronted the agituted husband in simulated sorrow. "I saw it once myself," he said, with apparent reluctance. "It was the even ing I came here—do you remember ? to consult about the disposal of those stocks. It was the day previous to the one that the fellow came here. Ask her, Ariliur, she will net deny it. I must Ifeave you now, and believe me, with great fears for your happiness." Wilmingtou at once went to his wife. Very kindly he meutioned what ho had beard, and his doubt and i pain grew intense as she shrunk from him guiltily and began to week. "Only assure me, Grace," he pleaded in agony, "that he was not here that night. 1 cannot believe that, while your lips were warm with my kisses, you could be so false and lost as to caress another. Tell me tbe truth, my wife." "I oannot, Arthur," she moaned.— "Sometime I will, but not now." His countenance grew stern and "gloomy. "I will not force your confi | dence, Grace," he said, "but until you are frauk with me, you and I must be strangers under one roof." Graoe's sobs did not move him then, neither the pale patience with which she bore hot fate as the days went on. It came to pass that one mojning Yale Mendon came while Arthur was absent, and Grace was more displeased than puzzled at his offensive and condescend ing politeness. Every glance, tone and word were tacit expressions of commis eration for her whom bis insinuations had made one of the most miseruble and abused of womankind. "But how does Arthur bear with our j misfortune ?" he asked, after a little I time. "I do not understand," responded "Trace. "Indeed ! has he not told you that our store was closed yesterday by creditors? I sympathize deeply with him in his trouble. I being only a nominal part ner, will lose very little." Grace winced at the vindictive tri umph of his .hateful visage. "If you had chosen me instead of Ar thur for a husband, you would not be again poor," tbe malicious look seemed to say. Before she could speak a ser vant entered bearing a scented and fas tidiously enveloped note. She started, glanced at Mendon, and grew white as death. "MR Meudon," she said, sweet and timidly, "will you pardon my absence, and please say to Arthur that an urgent m\tter demands my immediate pres "euce ?" "With pleasure," he replied, bowing low, as he opened the door for her to pass out. As she vanished, he saw lying on the threshold the slip of paper she had so hurriedly taken from the envelope and so agitatedly perused. "Grace," he read, "eome at once Ev erything is ready. Happiness and inde pendence are ours. Oh, my darling, I am wild with joy." The missive bore the signature of "Harry," in tbe bold and handsome chirography that he well Jyiew. Again that grim, vengeful smile flitted over Vale Menton's thin, hard lips. "Perhaps we can spoil gallant Harry's flirtation; and perhaps—stranger things have happened—one of these days I may conquer her stubborn heart." While he sat there vaguely scheming, Arthur Wilmington entered. "Well, Arthur, what news ?" inquired Mendon. . Wilmington shook his head despond ently. "I may save something,' be an swered, despairingly. "Poor Grace." "She should love you tbe more for your misfortunes," was tbe bland observ ation. "She will, Vile," said Arthur; "lam sure of it; she is young, thoughtless as the young ever are, but as spotlessly pure as an angel I have been too harsh with her, but I mean to atone by renewed kindness. Gilson was not at home ; if you will see him and return here after, we may plan something ad vantageous." Mention withdrew, and as he did so, placed the note he held in Arthur's hand. "Read," he said. One glunce, and the unhappy man comprehended the import of the fatal missive. Then he paced the floor and wrung his bands as u woman might have done in the insnnity of some maddening grief. "Lost! lost!" he cried; "my riches have gone; my friends will follow ; my wife has deserted me ! There is noth ing more of life than a cheerless strug gle for bread, moistened by the tears of anguish and the sweat of poverty. Oh, Grace—my wife! my wile!" For a moment he paused. The old tenderness and the old yearning surged through his soul. He cast down the fateful note and set his heel upou it. "Mine was the fault," he ericd. "I had no right to bind her fresh young life to mine. I will give her her free dom by my death. And thep, Harry Levison, if you wrong her by word or deed, if you cause her one sigh or one tear, may I rise out of my grave to hurl you into yours." He slowly drew his pistol; he placed the oold muzzle against his hot fjrt head, his finger was on the trigger, when a shriek startled him from his fell pur pose. "Arthur, my husband ! what would you do?" He glanced back, laying down the weapon, and saw Harry Levison stand ing with a shocked face by the open door. He turned away again, all the pain and jealousy of his soul glooming in his wild eyes, when Grace put her pleading hands tenderly on his arm. "Oh, Arthur, if you persist in being miserable, you will break my heart," said loving Grace. He gazed into her earnest eyes for one instant, and then folded an arm about her. "Do yon love me so much, my wife 7" "Love you, Arthur ? So well that if you had accomplished your rash act, I should have shared your gravo. It was because I feared that I would lose your love that I have kept a heavy se cret for so long. Harry, my brother, please tell Arthur what it is." The youn» man came hesitatingly for ward, and his cheeks grew hot and red, as he began his story. Five years before he had been con victed and sentenced to a long imprison ment for a crime he never committed, although few believed him to be inno ceut. He escaped from the prison, and penniless, friendless, footsore and hun gry, he came to his sister for help During all his vicissitudes he had kept the opal ring that was an heirloom. It had been the means of proving his identity as the heir of a considerable fortune shared by Grace, whose presence that day had been required that she might annex her signature to oertain important papers. And better than wealth were the ti dings that had that day come, of Har ry's freedom from the thraldom of sus picion; for the real criminal had been found and had confessed his felony. "And now, my dear frieod and broth er," said Hairy, "I shall insist that you accept from me the loan of sufficient lucre to satisfy your clamoring creditors, and begin business again. Inthemeau time, if you will submit your books to a keen and careful accountant, you will learn that Yale Meudon is a swindler " "I believe it," cried Arthur, remem bering bis cruel insinuations against the sweet creature nestled so contentedly in her husband's protecting arms. "Gracy, my pet, what do you think f" "That I am bappy because you and my brother are," she answered simply ; "and because I have no dreadful secret." "And you were afraid I would send Harry back to prison, and be ashamed of you on his acoouut'( Was that it, my wife T" "Forgive me, Arthur," "And forgive me, for my doubts and harshness." It was a blissful reconciliation, never more to be marred by the wiles of mod ern lagos. Vale Mendon's peculations were un earthed, and after refunding to Mr.' Wilmington a portion of his Bpoils, he left the place for unknown pastures of plunder. And the gossips commenting upen tbe affair decarrd that there would have been no scandal only for GRACE'B DREADFUL SECRET L>ve, the toothuclie and tight boots are thing* wlnnti cauiut betept secret. NUMBER 7 Above the Surface, The world makes a great mistake when it judges of any person, or claM lof persons, by the outside. Man looks on the exterior; God looks at the heart. 000 person judges of you by the clotbea you wear. If you are genteelly dressed, no matter whether the tailor and seam stress are paid or not, you are considered respectable, and your smile) and society are courted.. Another will judge of you according to your bank book. If a man or family hag abundance of money, all blemishes of intellect or character sink out of sight at once in the estimation of ; these superficial judges. Others look to official positions and titles, as if these alone made the man or woman. The curse of the world is in this outside : glitter and show which attract the eye, I just as if diamonds, and laces, and fine carriages made or oould make the man. Prodigality, licentiousness, intemper -1 anoe, in a word, vioe in all its forms, ; goe-i robed in costliest fabrios, often rolls in splendid earriages with liveried driv ers not unfrequently, while virtue is poor and obscure and despised. But in God's eye the scene is obanged. He looks at the inside, not at the outside ; at the heart and soul, not at the gar ments. Many a poor, lowly saint is "Little and unknown, Loved and prized of God alone." They shall shine in the kingdom as stars of the first magnitude forever and ever, while the others shall rot in obscurity and siuk into darkness eternally. In this we do not wish to be misun derstood as uttering one word against decency and propriety in dress, and in all that makes up life; nor do we say aught against riches properly acquired, only that these are not the proper stand ards of manhood and womanhood, liook not at the outer appearance, but at the man. Don't Worry about Yourself. To retain or recover health, persons should be relieved from anxiety concern ing disease. The mind has power over the body—for a person to thiuk he has a disease will often produce that disease. This we see effected when the mind is intensely concentrated upon the disease of another. We have seen a person seasick, in anticipation of a voyage, be fore reaching the vessel. We have known people to die of cancer in the stomaob, when they had no canocr in the stomaoh or any other mortal disease. A blindfolded man, slightly pierced in the arm, has fainted and died from be lieving he was bleeding to death. There fore persons should have their minds di verted as much as possible from them selves. It is by their faith that men are saved, and it is by their faith that they die. As a man thinketb, so is he. If he wills not to die, he can often live in spite of disease; and, if be has little or no attachment to life,-he will slip away ah easily as a child will fall asleep. Men live by their minds as well as by their bodies. Their bodies have no life of themselves ; they are only receptaoles of life—tenements for their minds, and the will has much to do in continuing the physical oocupaocy or giving it up. Political Quackery. Professional politicians—men who live by office and are incapable of living out of office—have had and have in their keeping the political destinies of the Stater One has only to look over the lists of executive oommittees and nominating conventions to reach this conclusion. Men who never fired a shot in the service of their oountry, or sec tion ; men who never originated a broad and practicable scheme of public policy; men who have never reaobed distinction in any branch of business, or in any recognized profession; men who under stand nothing but wire-working and log rolling, have had the State in charge.— We have by the force of circumstances, rather than by our own exertions, aohieved a great victory ; but if we hive only exchanged one set of despots and incompetents for another, our victory will prove a barren one. In times gone by the South was famous for the states manship of its leaders; if it is to re oover its lost infiueooe, and to maintain its ancient prestige in the counsels of the nation, it must summon its wisest and worthiest to the front. We have plenty of good material; the trouble is that we do not ooncern ourselves suffi. ciently in the uistter of selection.—JV. O Pirayvne.