The Reporter. THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1880 LOCAL NSWS. Weather, somewhat cooler. Slight sprinkle of rain on Tuesday. We would be pleased to hear from J. A. M. often. W. V. MoCaoless had the Arabs of this section working road Tuesday It will soon be time to p'snt peas, onions, Irish potatoes, lettuce and oar rots. The Orphan'* Friend , after a short sleep, has again made ita appearance as a candidate for publio favor. The mao who never amelled powder is the fellow who has never beld his nose olose to a woman's oheek. As Danbury has no resident minister mm would suggest tbat the good people 'peund' the Printer We oin stand it. Messrs. White & Helm, of Montgom ery conty, Va , were registered at Tay lor's lsst week. The; were vending patents. Rev. J. B. Bobbitt, agent for Trinity College, has secured pledges for $2,100 of the $7,000 required to pay off tbe debt of that instituion. Thirteen matrimonial bonds have wound the web around 26 souls tbat is to hold them together for lite, during this the first month of leap year. The Freewill B iptists will celebrate in 1880 the Centenary of the existence of tlieir denomination. Their Grst Church was organised at New Durham, N H. The well on publio street has b'-'eo completed. Two oaken buokets' travel up and down its walls dealing out the Sparkling beverage to atl who muy feel inclined to iudu'ge T R Pepper and J. II Taylor left our town on Monday en route for Win eton, whither they go to dispose of Woodruui's Copying Pad Wiuston is death on patents, and our boys Gun scon "close out io that town. DEM WEST'S M-INTHLY MAGAZINE If you waul something thai brings sunshine into every household aod makes all happy, subscribe for Pernor e»ts >1 nth !y Magazine, only $3.00 a year. Addieas W Jeouings Demoresl, New Y >rk. The Register of this county issued 120 marriage license during last yesr. Pretty good for Stokes. What will be the insigiiific mce of these figures when this year's doings are footed up? The timid youth had better take the woodsi if he regards freedom a sacred boon. Mr. James n Tuttle killod pig a few weeks siooe, which weigh d 480 pounds. Mr. Tuttle believes that eating meat is essential to life, and he keeps tbem al ways ripe. lie puts bran into the hog instesd of following the rule of plaoing 'things' in bran to ripen. INFERIOR COURT Btokes Inferior Court opens on Mon day next. There are 91 cases on tbe docket Mr King, the Soliuitor, has been very vigilant, and bss used all the means within his power to bring offend ers to justice. He secured a requisition from Governor Jarvis to Gov. Ilolliday, of Va , for the apprehension of five men who had fled the State. They are now Patrick jail, but Mr. Kiog will have them here for trial next week. Tbe BKerlff left flr Patrick on Tuesday, in order-%> assist tbe wanderers in Boding their wsy baok. To OUR TOWNSMEN.— Iu order to advance the prosperity of our town and increase its interest, we would suggest that a museum, on a ■mall scale, be opened at an early day. A place where we may show, to advan tage, some of oar natural resources Get up a cabinet of minirals, and euri oeities, and to them we might add the weods of our forests, bird*, insects, &o. Who will second our suggestion in this work f We oaa secure a place in whioh to exhibit our iron ore, limestone, fire proof slay, eoal, etc , as also oar oak, hickory, walnut, maple, poplar, pine, ' ashe and burob woods, besides innumer able curiosities. FROM TII« QUAKKR CITY E J Campbell, of Philadelphia, under date of (Jot 4, 1879, certified to the wondbrful efficaoy of Warner's Safe Pills and Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, in re moving a liver disease aocompauied by ebronio cjostipation tod yellow skin; PROM A DISTIRUBISIIKO PHYSICIAN.— Prof. Green, a distinguished allopathic physioian, wrote to the Medical Kecord to the effect that after *ll other means had failed, he tent for the Kidney Cure (Safe Kidney and Lifer Core), and to his astonishment oured a serious case of Bright's Disease by administering it, and afterwards found it equally beneficial in other cases. ACCIDENT A young man by the name of Mabe met with a pevere accident in our town on Monday. He was riding a mule with an axe on bis shoulder, the animal beaame frightened and *thre# the lad, the sharp tool striking the mule in the left shoulder making an incision to the bone. The wound was olosed up by some of our eitiseus, whereupon the young man started lor his home leading the suffering beast This way of carry ing axes, scythes, and all manner of sharp edged tools on horseback is not the thing its oraoked up to be Perhaps our people will acknowledge this one d »y- LITERARY ITEMS Readers of standard books will bo pleased to notice the great progress ol "The Literary Revolution'* which is be ing pushed by the AMERICAN BOOK Exchange, New York Among their books just issued, or nearly ready, are u very neat edition of the Koran of Mo hammed, complete, 35 cents ; Macaulay's England in three volumes, $ 1.50; Mil tun's Poetical Works, complete, 50 cents ; in the Acme Library Hiogra/thf/ 12 volumes formerly pubishtd ut $1 25 each, now brought into one votume tor 50 cents; in Alotlcm Llasiici, Vicar ol Wakefield, Uuscelas, Picciola, Paul and Virginia, and Uudine, all in ooe volume, 50 cents ; nicely illustrated green aod ebony bound volumes of Arabian Nights, Robinson Crusoe, Pilgrim's Progress, Karon Munehausen end Uul liver's Travels, each 50 cents, and a book of humor aod wisdom by the author of Sparrowgrass papers; all in good arid some iu large type, Hnd well and handsomely . bound m cloth. De scripiive catalogues.will be sent free on request. That new Hardware Store of Brown & Vaughn, at Winston, is receiving an other ear load o: Stoves, Axes, aod all the new goods for the season, as low as ever. Call and be conviuced. LIBRARY OP UNIVERSAL KNowr.EDOE. Volume IV, of this great work, pub lished by the AEERICAN B OK EX CIIANOE, New York, is ieidy Jmuary 15th, and volume V. will be issued about (en days later. They have been dolayed somewhat by the printing of the large editions of the previous three volumes and the other publications of the house, their facilities for manufac ture having been taxed far beyond their cap.c:ty. Ramoving January Ist to the Tribune Building, and lo the large building No 2G Beckman aod No 18" Spruoe street, where their facilities will enable them to manufacture from 6,00(1 11 8 000 volumes per day, the publishers ixpoct to complce the entire woik with in ihe year a announced The volumes thus far issued being only the reprint ol the last edition of the well knowo Chambers's Encyrlof ae lia, nothing more D d be said of tbem than that they are w.ll priuted aod bound ; their form i» vastly more convenient than the usual nowieldly quarto or octavo, and their price is cheap beyoud all preoedent ii. bu k making, so that to the uninitiated it is a mystery bow so much can be given for a little tooney, but to the prac tical printer and bo k maker, who known how the greatest element in modifying (be cost ot books is the nunber ot buy ers among whom the investment oost is to be distributed, the wonder would be not that tbe books o»n be made for the price, but that the number of buyer should be count-d except by millions Those who take p'easure in the dissemi nation of us ful knowledge and ohoioe literature will be glad to aid with their influence an enterprise so altogether worthy. The publishes will send any quantity of descriptive catalogues, lo those who may apply, for distribution among acquaintances. Tn« Fio BOOM! 111011 PRICKS!!— In these days of big Bioms and high prices it is gratify n; to know there yet remains in tht country one merchant who in nearly all cases yet stieksto old prioes and whom others for so doing may term an ''old fogy." Yet be is not by any means sinee by I ■ forethought and prompt action to lay io an immense stock at old prices aod io many at lees oost of production be isenabltd to d • so. We refer to 8 R Alien wholesale aid retail dealer in Hardware &c , Wiosttn N C-, and in whose behalf we would solicit jQur patronage. WIIISTOM MARKKT.— A LSOS : Common Dark, $ 2 to 4 " Bright, 7to 9 " Fine, 9 to 14 LKAV : Common Dark, $ 3 to B " Bright, 5 to 8 Fine Waxy, 9 to 12 WIAPPTAS; Common to Good $ 12 to 14 Good Bright . 25 to 35 " Fine 28 to 48 BxtraFine, b5 to 65 REMOVED.— Griffith, Moore & On, of WinMoiit have removed to the Corner,' into the storehouse formerly occupied by Prather & Co. Their numerous trieuda and loruier customers will find theiu on the oortier, in future, where they are dealing oat Dry Goods, Groceries, &a , &o ,as cheap as any house in Winslou t There Sugars and Coffee can't bo beat, for ui ncy. Be certain and see this ge nial, honeat firm when you go down—if you are low down in the pocket-book they are your friends. In Yadkin township, this county, there is a buzzrrd roost propor tions. It is about 10 miles west of Dm bury, in a woodland owned by Win. Johnson These I mil birds commence congregating there early in the evening, and continue coming iu until late in the night Thousands retire to this place of roos'ing. The lesort has been known as far back as the memory of man run neth not to the contrary. Mr D. O. Wiggins, of Bethlehem. Pa., is at present inspecting the iron deposits of this section. He thinks Stokes should have a Railroad in less than two years. When the road is likely to be completed then capital wil| find its way to our section. Let our people be up and doing. DANBURY_ MARKET. CORRECTED WKKKLY BY Pepper Ac fSoitm. Corn, new. 600 per bushel. Hye, 80e per bushel. Wheat, 81 00 a 1 25 per bmlul Butter, 10c a 15c per pound. Es>gs, 10c per d"zen. Wax, 20c per pound. Rags, 1 Jo per pound. Bacon, Ge i 10 c per pound. Beef, 4c a 6c per pound Lard, lOis a 12} c pei pound. Honey—comb, 8c a 12Jc per pound. Honey—strained, SI.OO per gullon. Flour, $3 25 a 4 00 per sack. Tallow, 10c per pound. Flaxseed, 81 00 per bushel. Orchard Grass seed. 82 a 83 per bushel Clove • seed, § 10 per bushel. DRIED FRUIT. Apples— quarters, IJo a 3c per pound Apples—sliced. 2c a 4c per pound. Pe«ches —quarters. 2o a 4o per pound. Peaches—halves, 3o per pound. Peaches—pared. 4o a 10c pe: pound. Berries, 7 cents per pcyod. TOBACCO. Primings, 1 a 2e per pound. Lugs, bright, 4 a Bcper ptuud Leaf, common, 2 a 4c per pound. Leaf, good, 6 « 10c per pound. Wrappers, 8 a 25c per pi nod. Organs, Pianos, General Musical Merchandise, J%I uwie Store, Mftin St., Winston. W. P. Ormsby wishes to call the attention of the people of Forsyth and sur rounding counties to his »tock of superior organs and piano, which he is prepared to soil oo lower terms, for cash or installments, than any dealer in the country As W. P Ormsby is established here, nod intends making e«od every wsT.oty he imes with the insiruiuenH lie sells, all parties will recognise the advantage o dealing with him, in preference to advertising dealers who live in distant paits ol the ooantry. This being a branch establishment of the celebrated house nf Pitson & Co , New York, all orders for music books aud sheet music can be filled, rnu'l free, at pub lisher's prices. Pianos and Organs repaired and tuned and old instrument* taken in exchange. Write for terms and information to the Musio Store, Main Street, Winston, N. G. f, » P BY JURY ! 12 MEDICAL! 5 12 MECH ANICB ! 12 OPERATORS ! iBIIIUSSUKSiiUBSttMHKiISI Will give a verdiot in favor of the Light uunniDg Domestic Sewing Machine, For the following reasons : It is light running and noiseless; It is simple and durable ; it makes the best look stitch and breaks no thread; Ii haf a self setting needle ; ... Ii oarriea more thrtmd in bobbin thin any other machine ; It winds the bobbin without running the machine or throwing the driving band ; It does One and onaree work without changing the tension ; Its woodwork is made on a plan patented by this company, the table lops being made of seven thicknesses of wood, with the grain crossed so as to prevent split ting and warping, while the cover is made of one »imjle piece of walout, bent into shape, which oannot fall in pieces as other oovers do. For prices csll, or write to the "Domesiio," Bianch . ffice in the Mu«ic Store, Main Street. Winston, N 0. opp'«site the Merchant's Hotel, or at the offiie ot this paper. OLD MACHINES TAKES IN EXCHANGE Pause, Fonder and Peruse I! The invention of that Fnperlor and Com pile Sewing Machine (The Family s-twing Machine), marks one ol the most important eras in the history of machinery, and when we consider it# great usefulness and extremely low price ($25), it is very difficult to conceive of any invention for domestic uta of more or ev»n equal Importance to fatniliea. It has grfat capacity for work; heiutiful, smooth, and quiet movement, rapid execution, cer tainty and delightful ease Of operation, that at once commends it above all others. The working parts are all steel, strong and dura ble, and will last a lile time ; the bobbins hold 100 yard 8 of thread ; the stitch is the firmest ol all the stitches made, neat and regu lar, and can be regulated in a moment to sew stitches from a« inch in length on coarse ma terial down to the finest, so infinitesimal as to be hardly discernable with the naked eye, and with a rapidity rendering it impossible to count them as Castas made ; *t lim more at tachments than any other, and it does to per leuiiin all kinds ot heavy, coarse, plain, fine, or fancy needle- vork with ease, and far less labor than required on other machines. It nreds no commendation, the rapid sales, in creasing demand, and voluntary encomiums frum the press, and the thousnnds of families who use them, amply testify to their un doubted worth as a standard and reliable household necessity, extending its popularity each day. Machines smt anywhere to be ex amitied before an.) motley is paid. AOKNIX WANTFD by the Company Ailtlress them lor information. FAMILY' SKWINO MA UI] NBOU , 750 liROADW AY, NKW YUitK N. V. During the yenr 1®7!) ill tc wcr ell by (bo KktUalir ol DooJa ol' tl.ia county, Hcventv-Mtie uiarriigc licens" sixty-five to whiles. and fourteen to col ored.— Lenoir Tuple. j s. HARRISON, WITH A. L. ELLETT & COUP IST. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. A L. Ei.lett, Clay Prkwkry A Judson Watkinb, S B. iiuUIIMS 10, 12 and 14 Twelfth Street, RICHMOND, VA. April 3d. 6m ROBT. D. JONSTON, FABHIONABLE merchant Tailor, WINSTON, N. C. Keeps constant!) on hand a fine line ot Foreign and Domestic Cloths, Cassimeres and Suitings. 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS A CUTTER in New York City, and in this State, enables him to guarantee satisfaction in all good.-* made to order. P*~ BRICKS MODKRATK. Mar. 6. ly. GEO W IIINSHAW. W M HUHBAW. HINSHAW BROTHERS. (SHALLOW FOIID ST, OPPOSITE PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE.) WINSTON. W. 0., Whol sale and Ri-lail Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, General Merchandii Guano, Grans Seeds, Ferti'izers and Country Prot/uce OUR EFFORTS TO BUILD UP A LARGE TRADE HAS BEEN arowned with success, and now, with incased facilities and renewed energy, wt intend to offer our eattomera greater inducements than ever before, and by pursu ing the taine course as heretofore, we hope and expect to aehievo greater results, and to went the same We will continue to bave in stock a full line of Ladies' Dress Goods, OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. f'ottonades, Nails, • Cambrics, Ovens and Lids, Sheetings, Shirts. Jeans. Axes, Calicos, Horse Shoes, Plaids, Collars, Fries' Jeans, Saws, Worsteds, Mule Shoes, Drillings, Ties, t'assiniem, Hammers, Merinos, Burse Shoe Nails, Osaaburges, Suspeuders, Doeskins, Kettles, Cashmeres, Mattocks & Hoes, Flannels, Handkerchiefs, f.orks. Hinges, Screws Pocket Knives, Gl iss Puttv, Bleached Do-n"sties, Bleached "heetinga, Red Ticking. Linseis, Shawls, Felt whirls. Rope, Buckets. Tabs. Keys, Grindstones, Saddles, Ml-nliu Shirts, Merino Drawers, Hosiery, Ulove;, Blankets, Ribooos, Salt, syrup, Leather, T'*. V, Ladies' Ties, Lidies' Collars, Ladies' Ruffs, Perfumery, Soaps, Moat, Lard, Ctffue, Soda, D. uas & Dyestuffs, Patent Medicines, Canned Fiuit« Jollii*. C»ackof4. Candies, II«t-s, Stationery, School Books, Crock, •ry. f-' sh, Paints, Cotton Varns, N itions of every description, White Goods, I'ruiAs and Valises. Flour, Meal, Chop, Corn. Wheat, Rye, Oats, Sole, Harness ind Upp' r L-ather. Counti-rpanrs. Blankets. Oil Cloths, Table Linens, Napkins, IJu.btelluß jg: We are Bde Agents iu Wiusion for the Bale of J. &P. Coats' n oo Cotiou, and will carry, a large Stock and sell at bottom prices to the trade. • Will cootiuui) lo kci-j the Best Assortment of Alpacas iu Town. Vnd uffer inducements in Ladies' dre«s goods We are Sole Agents for the Win ■•.lies i i Ca- im rs, B lots and Shoes, winch are so "e l and favorably known, that it is , oly nect-JSary to state that *e will offer this year a greater variety of both than ever before Ever} pair of Sloes and Bonis fully warranted. 1 is a eoni'eded fact that wecatry a largei and better assorted stock and sell more Shies and Boots than any house in ibis county. Our *ho'e*alesule department will be uiore complete this year than ever before and we are fully prepared to no et all c •Oipeii ion both here and elsewhere, and ask ur country merchants to make a note of ibis • 20 000 Bags Pr sale ou liberal terms, this Spring of ALLISON & ADDISON'S COMPLETE MANURE FOR TOBACCO It is the chi p-st Fertiliier, according to grade, on the m irkot, and has given uni versal satisfaction. Standard guaranteed We refer t>- 2 000 farmers, in this anrt adj'iiri ig Counties, who have been aud are USIIII/ it We also keep fresh gn ut: Planter and N». 1 Peruvi >n Gutnn Flour of Bne uud Lime All our Seeds are First Class and now is tr.e time to sow We offer now 100 bushels of clover seed, 500 buiuels Orchard Griss Seed, and 100 bbls Eirly Rise Seed P' tatoes, Dried Fruits and Country Produce Tak >n in Exchange for Merohandlso- We,invite all to come and examine our stock and prices belore purchasing. N H. ME DEAR IS. of F,.r-y-h THUS. II PEGRAM.Jr.oI Wiuaim. | Are with us as Salesmen, anh J W. MARTIN, of Divie, invite their friends and RJ- W. H BYNUM, of Stokrs, | quaintances to call end sec E F WALL, of Surry. J them. R*spcctfu!ly, Jan. 22nd, 1880 IIINSUA W BROTHERS STILL A i n 10 k >s > KU KINO. ,JOli'» I 1" Tf. I i-'B yN !*• ■ HA AC H NELSON, i 1> i t'l >' \.-'(.u;ity Or' Stokes County. A BIG SHOW COMING ! A 1 'hou.'h we t *ive heeu dnvou ««ui "t tl»«- J y »er btnok tire, we beg to lei the public know that our busmen* it* on hh ii nothing bad happened We are now located oo the Ojiburu Conor w »ere we have on view a Large, New nod U ell Se'ected STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Groceries, Notions. II a's, Boot* and Shoes. Tinware, Qneensware, Willow.Ware, Sole Leatl cr,, Salt, &0., &o. In lac everything kept in a Firat Claas Btore. Wo ate now open aud earnestly solicit our many friends and former ooatoners to BE SUBE and not buy goods before giving us a look in, as we are satisfied we are fully pre pared to gjve entire satisfaction. All Goods Guaranteed as Re presented. Wc are } ist starting and intend to build op an honest trade by fair dealing. Griffith, Hoorc & Co. Winston. January, Bth tf" WINSTON MALE ACADkNY, Clatiical, Mathematical, Scientific and Com mercial. WINSTON, N. C. The FAIT Session begins August 4th. Tu ition per Session of twenty weeks : Primary, * #7,60 'o $lO Kngluh, - - - v sl2 60. Classics, .... sl7 60- Hoard |>er month, - $8 00 to $lO. The Principal of thi§ Academ, made teaching hit business and study for more than ;2 je.ire, leaving nothing undone within hit power to keep abreast with the latest Improve ments in bia profession ; bus recommendations from many of the leading educators and prom inent men of the State including his College Faculty; and what is of real value, leslmoni als from tin Irutteet and patrvni of every lift i tution in which he has taught. Many of the students tnught bv him have graduated with honors in various Colleges in this and other State*. For full particulars address, J. A. MO.NKOE, A M Jul 31 t». Principal. Uighett Ntdal at Vienna and PkUadtlpkia. E & H T ANTHONY k CO., 691 Broadway, New York. Manufacturers, Importers & Dealers to Velvet Frames, Albums, Graphoscopes, Btereo>copes and Views, Kdi»iHviiiuit, Chioaine, I'botograplis, Aud KiudteJ Good*—Celebrities, Aot rcascs, eto. PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. We are Headquarters for everything : B the way of Berei>ptioona and Magiu l> interna, Kieh style being the beet of its olaim in the market. Heautiiul Photngraphie* Transparen ce* uf Siaiu»rj and Kngravings for the window. Convex Glass Manufacturer! of Vel vet Frames fur Miniatures and Convex Glass Pictures. Catalogues of Lanterns and Slides with directions for using, sent on receipt of ten cents. Jan. B—6iu.

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