—JT M • • ENTKKED AT THE POW OFFICE IS DAN ItUKU, >8 »COND CLASH MATtEU -11-l-il I-Li' ■ htosbst: st*wart, tauorr TnUfiS^AX,^MARCH f Jil, 1880, Maryland stocked her waters with shad six years ago, and the catch at Havre de Grace has inoreascd from 7,000 ia 1873 to 23,000 last year. Don Caineroh may plant and Ro coe Conkling water, but the nominee of the Cincinnati Convention will see lo it thst there is no iocreas«.-~Wssbingtoa Fost Rev. Edward Cowley, who was oon victed of craelty to children in the Shepherd's Fold, New York; has been transferred from the Tombs to Blaok w#U'» lalacd. Resolved, that the fifty oight Penn sylvania delegates to the National Con ventiou shall vote as one man. Resolved, that Don Camerou is that one man.— ».. .. . . i An exchange says of the 160,000 h usee standing withio the bonudaries t I bilsdelphis, twelve out of sixteen sre mortgaged. And that's the case in uiauy Southern cities and towua. The Blade says the straightening and otherwise improving the channel of Jji»«er Creek from Erwin's old mill p:-oe in Burke, to Lenoir, a distance of iMftivo miles, will be oompleted the coming summer. > i 1 A parly of oapitalista are now making airaugeuicnts to start in Oxford at an t .irly day extensive sussalras oil works This oil is very valuable and is largply u>e.l in dying silks, audio the prepara tion of liniments, &o. Mrs. \\. VV. Astor wore diamonds snd (w «rls at a dinner at ths White House Imely which were worth nearly or quite oue million dollars A Washington dis pa'i-h says : ''She was attended by two d eetiyes, dressed as gentlemen." " I. tioa has proved, what Harrisborg indicated, that but tor the machine p »er of the city delegation the Grant movement wuuid have no life whatever li cloarly has ao popular etreogth worth tonsideriiig.—Philadelphia Preu, Rtp. Organ B iys the New York World: "Oce yt-ar from to-day Mr , Democrat no' heretofore put ia aouiioatinn for that high uffiee, will be inauitarated President of the Uoited Statee, having been e eated iu Jl.rvouibor, 1880, by 228 votosto 141, C{ thereabouts. And thereupon nineteen stepped to ttie front, and ssid they would take 6ugar iu their'n. Eff trts that saeui calculated to nccom plish the an: hcing made to V - tore harmony auiont; the Democfate of N-w York.. We do not expect that Tammany snd Tilden can ever be reenn oiled, bat these factions can be brought into harmonious aot inn so tsr that they will give a hearty support to the jandi d.i'o, who doubtless will b • under the in- Hn»noe of neither. If so, , then New Y rk is sife for ue. _ . - i- * . Mr Evsrts has long been made to play second fiddle in the Cabinet to Sec retary Sherman, who. having Presiden ts! aspirations, has beea allowed toebape tin* policy ot tbe weak brother who is ■> minntly President. Jt»st now, hqw-' ever, Mr. Everts u ineljued" to lick Muuinst the prioke, aad on ike question of the enforoemewt of the Monroe doe trli e, he is said to difsr to -widely from ( tli>! P csident that his resignation is ex pected: -9 ' / •' —I ...»■> . ..W I.tiw Statcssille American ; Theengrnefrs .el the Midland Railroad Company sr rjv d io U>i| place l«ft Monday. st i nro oommsoced oporalions. The ai e leoted tut eamp ia two, piles from I 'Wn, on the plantaiiuo, of a CoJ Julian \ Hen gentleman in|loru»s us t^at there is li«ip|g in,;Al«*#n4er county a iuau who is bow oioety six yesrs of age., a-ho never nursed from Ms tetther'si ' l-resst, and baa drMto ItqMt «»er since I ,-jrfce mn HW'iiv Vobhst; iouud hearty, and *o do.a' farlf d-«y's wnrk,b3u i . udi jii-iw • « r *!hw-djod 1 . ■V> u wrto WW. 9t ' """I .ReeyVa"^ (!it-iwba for soot*-month* The (lick-n .uj y i J >\tst says kh«y ~.**«« a 4 atftsted a'.'l lodged in last week, ~ Fy|»i;,f re, ?' 54 ft* black.: A Eiobiquad d« I. .• |V« them. ' L . , V ,K 'MR U* r '2l S An " w ,o ..rsif w e w> X ftua r ) ten. /.J i 111/ THJS STAXK'S PROTECTION. , Sec 11 Jpuiftlai the event said tuw J Beat and associates, thtir assign* qiisucoeasota, shall fi iil lo carry out laid «*tra«,th* „. etimtv of iltiftiayc* thnfl &ejthat the ■jp-antn'tuade to them under ••id deed of trust tollu 11 herniate ouH and void ; and upon the certificate of the commissioners provided lor in section fourteen of this act that suob failure his been uiade, said Trust Company shall deliver to B«id State or its duly accredited agent, or agents, the atook of and claims against said railroad Oompsnv, together with the paper writiug signed by the commissioner* of said State, and deposited •itb said Trust Company, as well as all other instruments assigned to said Trust Company in trust for said William J. Best and associates— Syndicate Bill in dorsed by Gov. Jarvit and others. Comment: if a private citizen purchase a plantation for $lO,OOO, and make two payments of $2 000 eaob and then fail, what then? What does the law say? Does the original owner of the land re tarn him the (4,000 and take back the laud ? Not a bit of it. He retains the title in the land and pockets the (4 000. In other words, the purchaser loses all he las paid. UII -V. 1J -vJuii —• ' - ' —-n millions be made to a Northern Syndi cate on terms far more favorable than these that the law provides in cases of private sales? Why should a private oitizen, who may sell property, be better proteoted in bis interests and rights than a great Slate soiling out a great railroad line ? We are not lawyers, have oonsulied with none, and only ask the question ? It looks to a plain oummon sense eye that the terms for the sale of a railroad ought to be as stringent as those r equired in the sale of a house or a tract of land. Ought Best and Company, if they fsi' in their contract, to be let off as easily as the above section indicates? We pause for • reply. In seotion 13 wo read that Best and his associates, in oase of a failure on thsir part 'to observe and perform the ooutract made with them" by the State shall nevertheless be allowed a lien upon the road from Salwbuty to Paint Roek to the extent of their "actual and neces sary" outlay "in building, repsiring snd equipping said road," but the amoubt shall aot exceed $860,000. This the State, at we understand it, would become aetually indebted to said Best and bis associates for the sum of 1850,000. There is already a lien of $850,000 ; so here wuuld be an indebtedness of 81,700,- Ano - i>~» —j : their contraof. . This is oslled getting out of debt. This supposes that the $850,000 debt is worth that sum If ootv $550 000, the amount tluh will be $1,400,000. - U a sale is to ha made, let it be genuine-, Ist there he no sfterclsps If we are to have an extra session at a great cost to sell out Let the tale-be complete. We do not wish to hear some time hence that there has been so sale, but an additional debt ha* been created and that too alter the heavy .expense of the extra session. Bui if a sal* is made it on-hi to be no better terms for the Syndicate, as we have said above, than thoee which prevail in pr?ate transactions as between man and man. . ■ The Governor claims that the read from Salisbury to Paiot Hock will be worth fdlly $3 000 000 when completed. Mark that if you please, and now see what sort of a trader he is. He proposes to sell the road for considerably less thin i a aailiiea and a half—(sl 500,000)-J-or about 01,400,000. We say this because it ia evidently estimated in the biH of aate that {860,000 or less will eotnplste •he road. The f860,000 lien upon the mad is valued at £550,000, we believe 8o we find the Goeeraor anxious to sell i property which he says will be worth $8,000,000 when completed, and it Will irequire not more thaa $850,000 to ac oomplisb this, snd for how much ? The lien upon the road-oosts the State $550,- 000 really, as We nnderetand. Eight hundred and fifty thoe*aMi dollars ot less »W oomplete the r*d, equip it, etc. It ' will be Worth (3,000,000 when this is >dMiel> ' lt> teMt be sold, however, for -what appears to be $1,400,000 1 This is >4alled«fot)d sale. « I,9 '"Hid Strr repeats : it Sit not opposed to ' getting rid *br tl>e overgfcowlr and ' frttmjrered elephant; but ii'fsvOTS getting ; ri(? t> f fr mi Tt'bh best possible terms, ahd insists that the sale shall be bona jttie, { cqmplfte, Jiit'il, no afterclapf .Ths j'ttrther insists that the terms,shsll , ftafCftM) interest* shall be.fuVy •I I d i b •'» I «! .Jut t It f. r iV ty l V»t M ° v T w o,o influence--- be rejportttpoq the Syndicate bill, and to make it strong jherever tu.-y fiud jt we*k.— Wilmhy. ton Stur. The Railroad Sale, The Greensboro Beacon, In speaking of tbe Beet's proposition : let. Mr. Best offers oo money for tbe State's interests, only bonds upon our own property—wbtoh really makes tba State stand her own scourity. These bonds may or may nqt be jrottb anything 2ud. Mr. Beet asks permission to | mortgage the entire road from Salisbury Asheville, (now 145 milea oomp'eted) a 815,000 per mile—whiob will give him over two milliona of doliara, with which to proeeeute his work. Of thia sum he proposes to pay the State 8550,000 in these new bonds. 3d. There ia only 45 miles of tbe Faint Rook branoh to build, and much of the gradipg and masonry done upon that. If Beet oan build by mortgaging' why oan't the State ? 4th. The State has to furnish 500 banda, board, clot be and guard tbem for three months (until Best oan get his bonds upon the market) —when he will pay the State (soiuo say in bonds—tbe bill tails to say how) —just sbout wbat it coats the State to keep them. What .I*, an ibiu oy row i ia oaau is we get our money baok—if boods— nothing to relieve the dear Deople of tbe i coat of supporting the convicts | sth. It is olaiujed that when those 45 miles are completed the whole road wil' pay a handsome per cent, upoo the money expended. Be this so or not, it oould eertainly be mortgaged for enough to iron it, and relieve the State of this expense. Mr. Dortch believes it oould be soi l for 83,000,000 in oaah. 6th. If the State will oomplete this road and if any of tbe great Ines lo the Paoific ahould come thia way—abe might sell for a sum in cash sufficient to pay tbe entire debt of the State after ita reduction under the new bond ing procese now going on so successfully 7th. If we are too poor to own any works of internal improvement, let all be aold—but Bold to the highest bidder for oaah or outatanding bonds—but never, for new boada to be iaaued upon the credit of the worka proposed to be .put upon the market—whiob ia tho Best proposition, if we understand U. These are a few ot the reaaona we have for oppoeing the aale of thia road- Reporter's Washington Letter. Washington D. C , March 3d 1880. It was a substantial Democratic vie tory in the competent opinion of Speaker Randall, when tbu new House rules were *v J, j bkttos ]a j , TLv a wlvtt, leo r» v»Wt y are fair, and able radicals like Frye of Maine, favor them, with the exception of . the 21st rule, which allows political leg I islatioo oo appropriation bills Tnere ■ was a bard oonteat on this rule, but tbe Dewooraoy triumphed. The River and | Harber matter, it was d -cided f remain with the Commerce Committee,- and sot go to the appropriations Com mittee. Thia indicates a disposition to spend a great deal of money oo rivers and streams, etc., during tbe next year. An attempt Is being made in the Sen ate to ster up a political discussion by getting the question, ia a new | form, before thai oody. The country i has known no other such disgrace in its history as that which attaches to it from tt e Louisiana frauds lo 1876 the subse quent forgeries aid perjuries of ita radt oal voters, and tbe appointments made in JUouiaiana by Messrs. Hayes and Sher man. One would think radioal Senators would be the last to ditturb the situation But this present movement may be made in the interest'of Kellogg, and offset by nfe* falsehoods and inventions, the force of tbe Committee rep rt in tbe Sbaffurd Kellogg case The House Ways and Means Commit tee yesterday deeid-'d. substantially, lo let the tariff alone during this sesaion. Either a Committee of Congress or a Commission of private citigens, will doubtless be authorised to investigate matters connected with the subject, with authority to report in one year. General Fi's John Fori era ease will oeoupy the week in tbe Senate. It was called up by Senator Randolph of New Jersey on Monday, and Senator Logan spoke on legal points in the case yester day and, l auppose, will to day and to morrow It takes a man a great deal longer to tell something he don't know than it di>es to tell ten times as much about asubjeot be ia familiar with. Logan nay speak en legal points for thirty days for all i know. Dm. —,—. It ia-teid that ft will cost 8850,000 to oompJeU the Western Road to Paint Rook It pow owes 88$0.000, but whso completed U will b* forth 83,000,000. Six. per sent on this amount is 8180,000 This is not an extravagant estimate for iu net earning So, in ten years, tlie road will payoff the whole of Its debt and the road will fceloog te the State, t for the-money saved between tbe actual and estimated cost (819,000 per mile for 45 miles, 8 of whleb are graded.) and the amount saved by work fog convicts will oover the interest Newborn ffut Shtll : There Is con siderable building going' on in Newborn Di'itf. One gentleman counted ten bouses itt'ooutke of erection yesterday. Four o«r toads of spokes for wagons •ere shipped last week to 8t Petersburg, Russia Kufus Mmmv, of Stokea county, and his faally, eight ia Dumber, left Wednesday, for Missouri, to batter their condition. Mr. Maasey baa beea a prominent and well to do tiliM in North Carolina, and, it i« hard to see him go away and take bis large family witb him Thirty other eubstantial people want from Davidson oounty, Thursday, to tbe Southwest.— Greensboro North State. The great fear with some of the politi oians ot the State seems to be that if the Western rosd is not given away (they call it selling) that it will not be finished. We don't see why that is, there are but two political parties in tha State, both alike interested in its completion both pledged to 6nish it. Yesterday a few of the boys on Hills boro street msde a kite eight feet high and five wide, and sent it up in the camp ground in re%r of Msj. Tucker's. It was perhaps the largest kite ever made here and attracted much attention, both by its great siie and good qualities as a sailer —Jiuleiyh Observer. Some of the State papers, Republican and Demooratio, are jubilant over the tWaalii it nil) ivi|»MvVat tell llkjo at $775 00 per diem, and 85637 75 mile age, or 813,387 75 altogether for the Legislature to give away the Western road. If the Western road is completed by the State it will he done by the people'a money, so this Legislature ahould ad journ aa soon aa organised, and give the people a ohanoe to say whether it shall be given away or not. Salem Press : The new woolen fac tory of T B Lash, of Bethania, ia at work and will be in full renting order ere long. The burnt buildings in Winston are being rapidly rebuilt, and will be nearly if not quite similar to the old fronts. Tarboro Southerner: Nothing pre venting, a big oook fight will take place at Rrcky Monnt on the 9ih, lOihaid 11th of March, between Nasb and Edge combe, The winuing side will pooket 8500. Twenty one cooks on each side A bill amending the law in regard t carrying concealed weapons ia belnythc Legislature It provides instead of the "habitual carrying of concealed weapona," they shall not be carried at all — Mont yomery Messenger. Pause, Ponder and Peruse 11 The invention of that Superior and Com plete Sewing Machine (The Family tewing Machine), marks one ol the most important .pras in the history of mafij»ip*»*r, and when we consider its great usefulness and eitreinelf low price (S2S), it is very diflH'tilt to conceive of any invention for domestic use of more or even equal importance to families. It has great capacity for work; beautitui, smooth, and quiet movement, rapid execution, cer tainty and delightful ease of operation, that at once commends it abovt all others. The working parts are all steel, strong and dura ble, and will last a lilt time ; the bobbin* hold 100 yards of thread ; the stitch is the firmest of all the stitches made, neat and regu lar, and can be regulated in a moment to sew stitches from an inch in length on coarse ma terial dowo to the finest, so infinitesimal as to be hardly discernable with the naked eye, and with a rapidity rendering it impossible to connt them as fast as made: it lias more at tachments than any other, and it does to per fection all kinds of heavy, coarse, plain, fine, or fancy needle- >ork with ease, aud far labor than required od other machines. Ii needs no commendation, the rapid sales, in creasing demand, and voluntary eneomlums from the press, and the thousands of families who ÜBS them, amply testify to their un doubted worth as a standard and reliable household necessity, extending its popularity each day. Machines sent anywhere to be ex amined before auy money is'paid. AGENTS WANTFD by the Company. Address them tor information. FAMILY SKWING MA CUINBCO., 755 UROADW A Y, NSW YORK. N. Y. Mr. Paul Coble, near Tabernacle eboroh, who baa BO long been regarded aa very ill, ia BOW, aa we gladly learn, i pronoonoed to be aiueh better.— Venn a? Protestant Remember Vaughn k CrutchNeld. t! > I, , ~ i•. ,j J Norwood Block, WINSTON, N. C, „ Are selling their wU selected stock of fall and Winter Goods at bottom prices. Their stock consists of a ftT! line of General Merchandise. Give Ibeas a call and examine their stock before purchasiryj elsewhere. They are determined not to be nndersdld Alee they retnra thanks tor the liberal patronage tbey have received and hope by low prices, lair ahd honest dealing t6 merit tbe same ia-ttoJMute . j, | , Wm. B. Vaughn and L. A. Vaughn, of Stokes county, are e6'nnfaet*9 with this'Hrtu as aalaswes and take this opportunity to in form their numerous friends and the public generally that tbey wftl make H to their h»- laraat to trade with them. Oo aad sea them. i f «' I H » ■ ■ -i * i 1 ■ ■■ -if » i, " ■ J. U> KICHOLSOh, WITH J. P.YANCEY * CO., (Successors to Ytnoef, franklin * Ce.j- "■ |.MPOKTBft« OP NOTIONS, I : itil Ili tlhlMllMl'l Hlett No. MV 9 Main Street, Bkhmoiyl, Va, March 3T, ''ii ROBT. D. JONSTON, FASHIONABLE Merchant Tailor, WINSTON, N. C. Keeps constADtl) on hand a fine Una of Foreign Mid Domeatic Cloths, Caaaiuieres and Suiting*. 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS A CUTTER in New York City, and in this Rtate, enables him to guarantee satisfaction in all good* made to order. RBICBS MODBRATB. Mar. 6. Iy. Graves' Warehouse, DANVILLE, VA., lOK TtiC BALI OV Lje a f* T obncco W P, GRAVES, Proi'rirtor j. d. wilder, Clerk, r. t. walkkk, Auct'nr a. A. waltrhs. Floor-Manager. April 17, 1819. »y. COPY OF ADVERTISE ENTS, Big Pay. We want a limited number of active. ener getic canvassers to engage in a pleasant and profitable business. GooJ men will find this a rare chance TO MAKE MOASr. Butli will please answer this advertisement by letter, cuclosiiig stamp tor reply, stating wbat business tbey have been engaged in. None but those who mean business need ap ply. Address, FINfcXY, HARYEY & CO , Atlanta, Ga. M ILSON, BI'KNS It GO., WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMIS SION MERCHANTS. 3o S Howard street, coruer of Lombard; BALTIMORE. We keep constantly on hand a large and well assorted stock of Groceries—suitable for Southern and Wntern tr«de. We solicit con i signments of Country Produce—such as Cot ton; Feathers; Oinseng; Beeswax; Wool; Dried Fruit; Furs; Skins, etc. Our facilities lor do ing business are such as to warrant quick sales I and prompt returns. All orders will hare our prompt attention. 43-ly. SM O KP l J BLACK WELL'S |1 J N DURHAM mm TOBACCO Organs, Pianos, General Musical HXuaiQ Store, Main St., Winston. W. P. Orainby wishes to call tbe attj ition of the people ol Forijth tod sur rounding counties to his stuck ol superior organs aod pmuu, which he is prepared «o sell on lower tcruis, for cash or installments, than any dealer in the country. As W P. Orwsby is established bore, and intends making good every warranty he givrs with the instruments he sells, all parties will recognise the advantage of dealing with him, in preference to advertising dealers who live in dt&taut parts of the country. iS.'l to U»f> !• |#j I • n >1 Thi* being a branoh establishment of the celebrated house of Ditson !k Co , New York, all order* fof amnio book* and sheet music oau be filled, mail Jree, at, pub lisher's prices. Piano* and Organ* repaired and tuned and old instruments taken in exchange. Writ* for and information to the Musio Store, Main Street, Winston, N, C. Will give a verdiot in favor of tbe Light kniMing Itemcstic Sewing Machine, .1 11 »»d W - f 'FT '^ l '* " . ii:i. I , A t ~n ;... t-i i ,[> li Jot tk* following reasons: tf fa fight running and noi»ele«; j r . " It is kimpla and durabi* ; II sake* tbe best lock stitoh and breaks no thread j • - ~01 I ,11 H [t ha* a *elf#*tting **fdle ' 71 1| carrie* mora thread in bobbin than My other machine ; It wind* the bobbin without running the «f I bracing the drirmg bapd j It dos* (In* and ooars* Work without changing the tension ; 1,. .. I , ■, 1 -j..i : . il'l 4 It* woodwork i* wad* on a plan patented by this company, the table topi being nude of laves tbiokne*Ma©f wood, with tbe grain crowed (to as to prevent split ting *nd warping, whil* the #wnr j*.**ad« or one tingle piece of walnut, bent iuto shape, whwb cannot fail in pieoe* *» ttfher covers do For price* c»Jj(, or write to the "Doniestio," Branch office in the Music Store, Slain Street, Wfnston, N C , opppeite the Merchant's Hotel, or at the ofioe of » ( hi* pWpw. ' OLD MACHINES TAKEA IN EXCHANGE. MATU SPEriPlf MCMTING. TRAD! MARK Great En- T, *°« ■«» J. gllßh Bene | Mling c"re for Aiff Seminal Weak- Vt A* • new. Superma torrbra, k tency, and' all •EFBM T*IIHB, diM, » C 8 1 h B 'AFTER TAKIN. follow, as ft sequrnce of fe'elf-Abute ; as Losa of Memory, Udive'sal Lnssitude, Palo in the Back, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Aga and many other diseases that lead to Insanity or Consumption and Premature Grave. full particular* in oar pamphlet which we deaire to send trtt by mail to erery one. £>tf~ The Specific Medicine is sold bjr all druggist* at $1 par package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent free by mail on receipt of the money by addressing, , The Gray Medicine Co., Mechanics' Block, Keuroil, Mich. Sold in Danbury and everywhere by all Druggists. A vegetable preparation and the Mir tan rfmfdy In the world for Bright'a rfllan DlakrM. «n ikUU KMMr, Unr aa Vrloarjr Plaaaaea. ■nrTeettmonlalnof thehlgbeai order In proof of these statement*}. arrnr tftn cwro or DtiiMn, can fbr War ■rr'i hrnfm DtakttM Car*. mrroi Uio cure of HriihL'B and the other diseases, call for Waraart talk KMur ■art liter Car*. BlS'Warner'i Nafe Rene* dlen are sold by DrunMs and Deal lent In Medicine everywhere. H.E WASHES & CO., Proprietors. •f Sond for Pamphlet aud TvUmoniaUa J S. HAUIUSON, tTTTII A. L. ELLETT k CMIPAKY. DRY G AND NOTIONS. A L. KI.LKTT, CLAY PnitwkKy, A JIJbSO.N \V ATKINS, S li. IiIUILKS. 10, 12 mi 114 Tueinh Bft, tt, RICHMOND, VA. April 3d. 6m. PRESCRIPTION FREE f For iiu- wwwnrCort orseiiiiiiiu Wmk 11—. I^il MHIIIMXN] and ail ditu>rltiH hroiCkl UNLIT loOiit rretion or PXCWW. Any Drinruixt I»HN th#» inicn'- (lieuU. AdtlnHu, I>r. \\ . j MJ» »> a €*».. 1M H mC NUlh tot rv*l. tlarUiiiutl, «.

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