The Reporter. THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1880 JfOOAI NEWS. Rain and mud 'till you cun't rest. The last sounding was 52 z 65. Burke Superior Court i* now in ees aion. Two droves of horses in town last week. Who is the Grand Mogul of Stokes ? Don't all Bpeak at once. Hiss Bettie Pitzer is visiting her friend, Miss Phoeba. Trade haa been brisk for the last week, say onr merchants. There ie etill an increasing interest in our Sabbath Sobool. Spotty Taylor haa "attoofc" the horse, at last. Lucky Spot. Jane, a colored woman of our town, is now confined with Pneumonia. We are glad to welcome Miss Kate Grogan among us again. Tbe youths of Danbury are very shy of the "little elephsnts." Mr. Baioe, of the Germantoo School, was in town on Monday. Thos R Pepper has one of tbe finest young nags in this section. Last Saturday cleaned np the deck for "fenoe corner" oaucuses. Sergeant Blair will furnish Low's liniment on short notice. Good enough. "Susan Jane" strikes the Prtsbyte riao Synod a dreadful thump. We with pleasure place the Statesville American on our eiobange list. Mr II M Joyce has a snail boat under full sail on his ice pond lir Jaok Duggins has a promising boy bearing tbe name of Hayes. "I he ends justify the means," as the man snid who was tied to the cow's tail. Sheriff K-tert haa been in a rush all the week distributing tbe registrars' books Jibn Taylor and Prof. Willis, spent Monday collecting fine specimens of chickens. Mr Joseph Covington now brings up our mail-, vice Jack, the giant killer, resigned. Caldwell and Waotaaga counties claiui to tic banner oountiee, as regards morality. Go to the polls aod vote for the man of your choice—theie is certaioly a variety Prof Willis, of New York, is now gathering specimens of iron in onr onunty, fJt the 10th census We mourn the toss of one of our most amiable ladies, with the consolation that our loss is her gain. Frederick lluller, a shoemaker of our town, lias disappeared, leaving a young wife. Let the press pass him around. Odr press has been holding all moulding election tickets. There are four ot five candidates. The people of Stokes would like to know what haa become of the Baker matter. Tell us, somebody. The American Partner, published by fiam'l Sanders. Baltimore, Md, should be in every farmer's house. i* S L' Mrs. W W Moir, and M*. Wf B. Rueker, of Patrick C. H , Va-, are at pasatnt the gnests of Or. MoCanleas. Mr. ) ft Whitten ia very mueb pleased «itU hia new aitoatic* at lha jail. Ha* more room and a good garden. After a suspension of stveral months tbe Mt Airy Vitfrr ia agaia weloomed asang onr exchange*, with Mr P. T. Lehman a* editor. a *I ■ ' Tbe 'Salem Academy,' /or February, ia on our table. We are eootinnally oo onr head about the "eohool girl* gossip para, mid white a*•mew 1* Tba Governor having ordered a spec ial election to bo held ia thi* county to day, the Commimioner* met nt the Court House on Batnrday and appoiated registrars and jndgee of eleotion. Danbury beats any little place for wire working we have svar seen. Some can tell you what you dreamed of the night before, while others can tall you things you never did dream of nor never will. And now, he slags at the midnight hour, * '•I never loved • tree or flower but 'twas the ' first to fade and die." A silly woman in a fine dreaa bear* • vary strong resemblance 10 a fllteen oeot dahlia io a 82 fluwer pot. - Our colored orMore made things lively on lait Friday night over fire and water. The ox, it seems, will drink water, but will never eat fire ! We'll give it up. J 11. Greenwood, of Union Hill, Va., says he desires to vi«t Danbary at some future day for the purpose of "securing the shadow ere the substance fades." Regular debate came off Saturday night, and the Right Worthy Grand Committee de cided that Cortes was not justifiable in taking the Uootecumi Empire. Veil, dat va* all right. The matrimonial fever Is raging and a number of our youths are discussing the pro priety of having their meals served them near Wagner's pond, as there are many bush es there. Capital idea. I. T. Crempler, of Qertnknton, writes us that he intends putting out one hundred thousand tobacco plants on a one-horse farm. He understands raising the weed, as also oth er things in proportion. It is gratifying to learn that Miss E , of Leasburg, is rapidly recovering from an attack of Pneumonia. Leasburg will ooufer a favor upon us by sending in a olub of recruits to the REPORTER LEARNING.— Io the oourse of event* we learn Learn what is best for us. Learn what will "pan out" best. Learn where it is kept Learn to go to S. E. ALLEN'S Hardware Store. ABSCONDED Mo >dy Lmkford, the man recently confined in our jail for si I months, has deserted his wife, and, taking his chil dren, left with a Miss Brown, for parts unknown. The Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad will go under the N. C. Rail road, instead of oroseing over it as first surveyed. This is fortunate for both roads. It crosses West Market street on 'a grade just at the foot of College Hill Beacon. President Gray went out yesterday to loeate the first stookade on the Mt. Airy end of the C. F &Y. V. R. R. The tirade is so light the stockade will be placed sis miles from town, instead of 2} as first oontemplated.— Greensboro Beacon SEED CATALOGUE Joseph Harris, of Moreton Farm, Rochester, N Y , sends us his Catalogue of Cboioe, Garden and Flower Seeds for 1880 It is sent free of charge to all spplicaots Drop him • postal oard with your address, snd tell him you saw this notice in the REFpBTER. ABOUT CORN AND WHEAT Coro lines oue-fifih drying and wheal .me-fourieenth. From this the estimate is made, it it more profitable for farmers to sell unsbelled oorn io the fall at 75 cents than at tl a bushel in the follow | ing summer; and (hat wheat at II 25 io Deoember is equal to 91 50 in the suo oeedingJune. Io the case of potatoes —taking those that rot and otherwise lost—together with the shrinkage, there ■ bit little doubt that between Ootober and June the loss to the owner who holds tbeu is not leas tban 18 per oent. • TRUE, 0 KINO."— Ao exehangs well says that a large proportion of the people do nothing to support their local newspapers, and yet reap the benefit every day of the editor's work. A man will say advertiaiag does not par io my business, and jet the fact is that the towo io whioh he does busi- Qesji would bn .unknown, aod he himself «dkM fee aowiard of if it were oot for the newspaper, whioh he says doea him BO good. The looal papfFia of advfta tage ■*» evmj van ta (lis comm natty, and wbjt a man refuses to atbefoha to or adtariiaf is the paper oo the ground that ft "doe* Lira oo good,*"he might }tul aa weM refuse tb pay his taxes for the support of the courts and police foree, on the ground that he never breaks the law and doea not need the officers. TBE 810 BOOH 1 Hiea Paicss 1-I*- In these dags of big Boqms and high there yet remains is the aonntry one merohant who in nearly all eaaea yet stieks to old prioea and whom others for eo doing may teres an "old fogy." Yet he is not by any means ainoe by hie forethought and prompt aotioa to lay in an immense atoak at old pricee and in many instances at leas than east of pruduetion he is enabled to do eo. i We refer to S. E Allen wholesale and retail dealer in Hardware &e., Winston N C, and in Whose behalt we would solicit yoar patronage.' The Montgomery JJesseuyir ■ay that h'ue-bicked money ia dead. Yea, we remember soui thing about the death of blui-'iacks io 63—bat those servants war* not dogs, That Hardware Btore yf Brof n & Vaughn, at Winston, is reoeiving an other ear load ol Stoves, Axes, and all the new goods for the season, aa low as ever. Call and be oonvineed. I From thb Qoakkr Oitt E.J. Campbell, of Philadelphia, nnder date of Oot 4, 1879, certified to the wonderful efficacy of Warner's Safe Pills aod Safe Kidney and Liver Care, in re moving a liver disease accompanied by ohronie oonstipation tnd yellow skin. Winston Market — L3US : Common Dark, , $ 2to 4 " Bright, Ito 9 " Fine, 9 to 14 Liir: Common Dark, $ 4 to 6 '• Bright, 6to 8 Fine Waxy, 8 to 12 WRAPpaas; Common to Good $ 12 to 14 Qood Bright 25 to 30 " Fine 35 to 50 Extra Fine, 50 to T5 All About Ykllow Tobacco.—W. A. Davis, Editor of the Oxford, (N. C-,) Torchlight, has just published a hand some little book oontainfng the tsperi ence of fifty of tbe most successful yel low tobscoo farmers in Grsnville county, N C. If you wsnt to learn All About tobaooo from the plant bed to the sales room floor, you should eoeloae 25 oents in postsge stamps to W A Davis, Pub lisher, Oxford, N C , aod reoeive his book, post-paid The tobaooo grown io his oounty (Granville) has a greater rep utation than that of any other oounty io the United States. From a Distinobisukd Physician. — Prof. Green, a distinguished allopathic physioian, wrote to tbe Medioal Record to the effeot that after all other means had failed he sent for the Kidney Cure (Safe Kidney and Liver Care), and to his sstonisbment cured a serious caae of Bright's Disease by administering it, and afterwards found it equally benefioial io other cases. Died, io Wilkesboro, on the 22d ulti mo, Mrs. Nancy A. Welborn, widow of the late Mootgomery Welborn. We bad a short call from Dr. Dioks, oo Saturday. Tbe Dr was in fine spir its. Every fsshionable young lady is called the proprie*x>r of a she bang It costs more to keep a woman thsn three dogs aod a shot-gun. Everything ia susoeptibla of ohange bat an editor's pocket. Winston, March 8 The weather for the last two days has been quite rainy and unpleasant, putting quietus to tbe gardening business wbioh, owing to the warm spring like weather, had become the order of the day. Tbe bustle and stir on our streets du ring the past week, indicated s fine run of business, both in tbe warehouses aod io the stores. Quite a number of ohanges hsve taken plsce among our eitixeos. Mr. 8. H Smith has moved into his new, ooxy aod handsome residence on Shallow Ford street. This building ia quite a stylish arohitectnral design and finish, and is oertsinly a great .improvement to that portion of town where the beauty of the adjacent dwelling waa so nueh mar rid by tbat unsightly corner, asde so firwaotoi suitable building, now so well supplied by this new residence. Mr. A. F. Benton oocupies the dwell iog on Cherry street, recently vaoated by Mr Smith. Mr. R Cottin has rented the property oo Cherry street, formerly owned by Mr. Simms, The Court House Square is reoeiving a thorough ploughing preparatory to a general 'do up." It ia, indeed, time that tbia butt of so maoy bard jokes bhould receive some attention, being in the oeater ot the business part of the town. The stores iojured by tbe fire are not ready to be occupied yet, aod may not be tor weeks. Mr. R. J. Reynolds has purchased the floe pair of fast tvottain of Mr. H. 8 Foy. They are too fioe to be used in Iha Ivary to be 4nvf» by reokless persons. Our esteemed friend, Mr. Btephen Neai, ia now with Mr. Raeker in the new store in the Brown bnildiog. T. L Vaugho & Co., have juet com pleted their factory, whioh is now one among the best ia town. The general prosperity of our town is onward and npwsrd. In our last your type made as send 25 instead of 5 oon vieta to tbe penitentiary. Dalton McCanless — Ou Tuesday eveuing, the Shh imt, Mr. Rufus Dalton, of Daiton, N was united io the holy bonds ot wedlock to the amiable aod aocouiplishi d Miss C. A MtCsnless, dsughtT of Dr. W. W. McCsnless, of this plsee, Ite*. T H Pegrarn officiating. ATTENDANTS: Mr. W. V. McCanless and Mins Maggie Dalton, H. M. Joyce and Misa L K Kales. S. A. Moir and Miss 8 E Pilzer. Dr. Joseph Hill aud Miss Etta Jotce. Tbe marriage ceremonies were per formed in the sitting-room of tbe hotel which was crowded to its utaiuat oapaci ty with invited guests. The room bad been tastily festooned and decorated with rich evergreens, while above the ojautel was to be seen standing out in bold relief a beautiful circle of spruce pine, io the center of whiob waa two united hands, signifying the union of hearts, while on either side were ever green letters, 'D M ' this dis play of ferns stood two large vases ol flowers, as exqtiiiite as those we read of having been io tbe vale of Cashmere Space will not permit us to describe tbe aoleina briltiuucy of tbe occasion, as the glistening lights shown over fair women and brave men. It seemed to rival in gorgeous splendor and chivalry the gathering at Belgium's oapitol The bride's dress consisted of a hand some costume, trimmed very elaborately with shearing of white satin, lace, and while flowers, with her urange wreath, beautiful veil, ki£ slippers and o t r gloves, made her one of tbe most charm ing of brides. Miss Dalton, first brides-maid, was dressed in white alpaca, with triuuiiug* of white silk. Miss Joyce, white bant ing trimmod with satin. Miss Kates and Mias Fitter, white, with trimmiugs of lace and pink flowers. The table (at which we did ourselves justice) groaned under all the deleeaeies of tbe day, consisting of ices, jellies, floating island, Blance Mange custard, handsome oakee, fruits, baskets filled with confectioneries of sll kinds. It, was, upon the whole, one of the most festive occasions ever witnessed iu Danbury, and all present will ever de light to re-weld tbe associations of that evening io the forge of memory. May this the spring time of their married life be prolific of pleasure and happiness, their summer warm io af feotiou and devotion to each other, their autumn rioh with the fruits of industry and prosperity, and their winter made pleasant by the reoolleotion of a life Weil spent. Pass Him Round. — We add our testimony to other jour nsls that have been swindled by (I. T Helmbold. that he is a fraud and a rascsl, and is deserving a berth in a penitentiary. He is the"Buchu" man, and hasswindled many joarnals in this State, and not ooe has been succea.-ful in collioting a bill- Hij "Buehu" doubtless is as woithless as himself — Statcsville American The candidates for tbe Leuislature are Dr. M. K Banner, M I Stewart, J W. Preston, J D Fly at and JsawH W Davis. Politics are discarded, and free fight the motto. And, tbe sehool girls of the Salem Female Academy have ''pneumonia in the jaws !" We have a young man af flioted with Typhoid of the heart. "DANBURY MARKET. Corn, new, 600 per bushel. Rye, 800 per bushel. Wheat, $l.OO a 1 25 per bushel. Buiter, 100 a 150 per pound. Eggs, 10c per dozen. Wax, 200 per pound. Rags, ljc per pound. Bacon, 6o a 10 c per pound. Beef, 4c 960 per ponod. f Lard, 100 a 12Jc pet pound. Honey—couib, 8c a 12Jc per poaod. Honey-—strained, 81.00 per'gallon. Flour, $3 26 a 4 00 per sank. Tallow, 100 per pound. Flaxseed, $1 00 per bushel. Orchard Grass seed, $2 a $3 per bushel. | Clover seed, $lO per bushel. DBIEP FRUIT. Apples— quarters, l}e a 3o per pound. Apples—sliced, 2o a 4o per pound. Peaches—quarters, 2o a 4c per pound. Poaches—halves, 3c per pound. Peaohee—pared, 4e a 100 per pound. I Berries, 7 oents per poaod. TOBACCO. Primings, 1 a to pet ptand. Lugs, bright, 4 a So per pound. ' Leaf, ooinmon, 2 a 4c per pound. Lea/, good, 6 a 10*' per poaod. " Wrappers, 8 a 25c per pound. ESTABLISH/ID 1844. S. T. DAVIB ■■O i —with'— i \t T.J.MACRUDEFT&CO., Manufacturers and Dealers in , , BOUTS, SHOES AND BROUANS, No. 31 Sharp Street, Baltimore Md. i August 14, 1879. 6m, GEO W HIN3HAW. W M HINBH AV HINSHAW BROTHERS. (SHALLOW FORD ST, OPPOSITE PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE WINSTON. IV. 0., Wholesale anil Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, General Merchavdt. " Guano, Grans Seeds, Fertilizers and Country Produce ♦ una 4 b • 'i .. OUR EFFORTS TO BUILD UP A LARGE TRADE HAS BEE" crowned with success, and now, with increased facilities and renewed energy, a iutend to offer our customers greater inducements than ever before, and by purs' ing the tauie course as heretofore, we hope aod expect to aohieve greater results, and to merit the same. We will continue to havo in stock a full line of Ladies' Dress Goods, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Cottonades, Nails, Cambrics, Ovens and Lids, Sheetings, Rliirta. Jeans. Axes, Calicos, Horse Shoes, Plaids, Collars, Fries' Jeans, Saws, Worsteds, Mule Shoes, Drillings, Ties, ('iissioieres, Hammers, Merinos, Horse Shoe Nails, Osnaburges. Suspenders, Doeskin?, Kettles, Cashmeres, Mattoeks & Hoes, Flannels, Hand kerchiefs. Locks. Ilinpes St rews. Pocket Knives Glass. Putty, I!leached Domestics, Bleached Mieetinpf Bed Ticking. Lingers, Shawls, Felt Shirts, Rope, Buckets, Tabs. Kevs, Grindstones, Paddles llerinj Shins, Meiiuo Drawers, Hosiery, Gldves, Blankets, Ribbons, Salt, syrup, Leather, Oi's, Varnished. Ladies' Ties, Ladies' Collars, Ladies' Ruffs, Perfumery, Soaps Meat, Lard, (.Joff e, Sui:gr Soda. Diugtt & Djesiuffs, Patent Medicines, Canne Fruits Jellies Oysters, Crackers, Candies. Hats, Stationery, School Books, Croc' ery. F sh. I'mnts, Cotton Yarns, Notions of every description, While Gooo Trunks and ValtseH, Ffoar, Mral, (Jtmp, t'urn, VVhc.i, ftje, ftrir, Hnrttoc and Upper Leather, Counterpanes, Blankets, Oil Cloths, Table Linens, Napkinr Uuihielias, itc A large assortment of all colors and numbers of J. & P. Coat Six Cord Spool C .Hon, always on hand, a' sumc prices and on same terms that >' is sold by the largest jobbing houses iu America. You will save freight by buji froui us. Will continue to keep tbe Best Assortment of Alpacas in Town. And offer inducements in Ladies' drcs goods We are Sole Agents for the Win Chester Cassimers, Biota and Shoes, winch jre so well and favorably known, that i. is only necessary to state that we will offer this year it greater variety of both thi: 1 ever before Every pair of Shoes ana 80-'ts fully warranted. _ It is a conceded fact that we carry a larger pud better assorted stock fin:' t-e more Shies and Boots than any in ibis county. Our wholesulesale department will be more complete this year than ever 'jefoi and we are fully prepared to ut-er all C'Ui petit ion b.-t-i. here and elsewhere, tod am our cuuutry merchants to make a note of ibis 20,000 Bags for sale on liberal terms, this Bpriug of ALLISON & ADDISON'S "STAR BR >XIN COMPLETE MANURE FOR TOBACCO [t is the chep st Fertiliser, according to grade, on the market, and has given uni versal satisfaction. Standard guaranteed We refer to 2 000 faruieis, in this aud adjoining counties who have been and ate using it We alsu keep fresh gruint: I'laeter and No. 1 Peruvian G iano Floor of Bone aod Lime All our Seeds are First Class and now is the time to sow We offer new 100 bushels of clover seed, 500 bus tels Orchard Grass Seed, and 100 bbls Early Rote Seed Putatoes, - . * Dried Fruits and Country Produce Taken in Exchange far Merchandise. We invite all to come and exauiioe our stock and prices before purohasing. N. H. MEDEARIS. of For-yth THOS. H PEGRAM, Jr ,of Winston, | Arq with us as Ssfesmen, sob J W. MARTIN, of D.ivte, J- invite their friends and ao W. H. BYNU.VI, of Stokes, | qnaintanoes to eall ead sen E F. WALL, of Surry. j them. Respectfully, Jan 22nd, 1880 BINSHA W BROTHERS STILL ALIVE .V>T> KICKING. JOHN F. GRIFFITH. FRANK L MOORE, ISAAC H. NELBON, Of Davie County. Ot Stokes County. Of Stbkes County. A BIG SHOW COMING ! Although we have been driven ont of tbe Joyner blook by (ire, w.e beg to let the publio know that our business ia going on as it nothing had happened. We arn now located oo the Ogburo Cor er wuere we have ou view a Large, New and Well Selected STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Groceries, Notions, Hs's, Boots aud Shoes, Tinware, Queensware, Willow.Ware, Sole Leather. Bacoc, Salt, fec.. &o. Io fact, everything kept in a First Clbbs Store. We ate now open aod earnestly solicit our many friends aod former customers to BE SURE and not buy goods before giving us a look in, as we are satisfied we are fully pre. 4)»red to give entire satisfaction. All Goods Guaranteed as Represented. We are just starting and intend to build up ao honest trade by fair dealing. Griffith, Moore & Co. Winston, January, Bth. tf. JAS. D. CHAMBERLAIN, . . \ —-Wl IH » C.W. Thorn k Co, WHOLESALE AND RKTAIL DIAI.ERB, Richmond, Va. Special attention ' ren to orders, and satis. faction guaranteed. June 19th, 1819. 6m, JEWELRY BTORE, WINSTON, N. C., REMOVED to GRAY'S NEW BUILDING, opposite Merchants' Hotel, where you will tied a large assortment of Cloeks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver-Plated Ware, Walking Canes, etr. , etc. Repairing of ever? description in nij iine done promptly, and warranted I have been in the JEWRI.KI business in Salem, N. C., for the last thirteen years, and urn well known ia this and tbe ad}t>lniag counties. WM.T. VOtiliKß. Feb. 13, 1879— 1y. Highest Medal at Vittma and r&ilsdtlpl. ia . ■ ■ A ' E & H. T. ANTHONV * CO., 581 Brofcdway, New York. Manufacturers, Dealers if. Velvet Frames, Albums, Stereoscopes and Views, '» Engravings, Cbtomot, Photographs, Aod Kindred Goods—Celebrities, Act resses, eto. .j, i PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIIU. We are Headquarters for in tbe way ot fcfcereitpticons and. Magiu Laoterns. Eaoli style being thk best of its class iu tbe market. Beautiful Photographic IVanspanta cies of Sfatdary and Kngravtogtt'for the wiudow. ,i io. ; . Couve* Glass Maaufaotnrar# of Vel vet Frames for Miniatnrea sod 1 Goo vex Glass Pietnree. . I. i -w t I ■ * • .-ijj Bsi'-iiiis Cstalognes of Laoterto* »tfd Slidfea with directions for of tea cents. Jan. B.—6*.

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