THE DANBURY REPORTER VOLUME IV. THE REPORTER. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT DAN BURY, N . C . PEPPER ,(■ SOKS, PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, payable In advance, f 1 50 Six Montha, • - - 100 RATES or ADVBRTIBING. One Square (ten lines or less) 1 time, $1 00 For each additional insertion, - . 50 Contracts for longer time or more apace (Sin be made In proportion to the ahove rates. Transient advertisers will lie expected to remit according to these rates at the time tbey send their favors. Local Notices will be charged 60 per cent, higher th»o abova ra«a. . - ■ - ■*- Business Cards will be Inserted at Ten Dol lars per annum. O F. DAY, ALBERT JONES DAY & JONES, Manufacturers of SADDLERY, HARNESS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, J-c. No. 336 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. nol-ly B. F. KINO,' WITH '• joimsoN, sn io\ k vo„ UKY GOODS. Nos. 21 anu 29 South Sharp Street., BALTIMORE MD. T. W JOHNSON, K. M. SUTTON t. C. R. CRABBE, U J JOHNSON nol-lr H. H. MARTIN DALE. WITH WM. J. C. DULANY & CO. Stationers' and Booksellers' Hare bouse. SCHOOL no OAS A SPECIALTY. Stationery of all kinds. Wrapping Paper, Twines, Bonnet Boards, Paper Blinds. 3:12 W. BALTIMORE ST., BALTIMORE, MD. EMIVRT, m i z & Importers and Wholesale Dealers in OTIONS, HOSIERY; GLOVES; WHITE ANI) "ANCY GOODS No. 5 Hanover street; Baltiuiore, Md. 46-ly J NO. W. HOLLAND, WIIH T. A. Rlt VAN k (0., Mni.facturers o( FRENCH and AMERICAN CANDIES, in every variety, and wholesale deulers in FRUITS, NUTS, CANNED GOODS, CI GARS, J-c. HO and 341 Baltimore Street, Haltimore, Md I IrJtrs from Merchants solicited. A J. BOYII. JAB. W. MKtII. BOYD & RE ID, All ORXEIS-IT-LUV, Weotworth, Rockingham, Co , N.C. WJ ILL I'KAC'ICEIN THKCOUKTSoF TV Stokes Count}, other Slate Courts, and the Court. October 24. 6nj WILLIAM tIKVUIKIi, WIM.IAH R. DKVRIKS. OUKI6TIAN UKlltllM, Ofl., SOLOMON KIMUKI.L WILLIAM DKVKIKS & CO., Importers and Johhera of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods ana Notions, H2 West Baltimore Btreet,(between Howard and Liberty,) BALTI 4IA:E. This paper will he forwarded to any ad dress lor one ) ear on leceiptof 1 Dollar and Filty Cents in advance R. J. ft R. E. BEST. WITH HKNRV 80NNEB0RN & fO., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. 20 Hanover Street, (between German and Lombard Streets,) BALTIMORE, MO. H. BONNEBON, B SLIMLINE 4My J. H. RANDOLPH k ENGLIS I, BOOKSELLERS, .STATIONERS, AND BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURERS. 1318 Mainrtreet, Richmond. A Large Stock of LA W BOOKS alwayt on 001-6 m hand. Ta Inventors and Mechanics. PATENTS and how to obtain them. Pamphlets of 60 pages tree, upon receipt of £tamps for Postage. Address GILMORE, SMITH & Co , Solicitors of Patents, Box 31, Waihingion, D. C U.S. ROBERTSON, WITH Watkins & ottrell, Importers and Jobbers of HARDWARE, OCTLERY, #C., SADDLERY GOODS, BOLTING CLOTH, GUM PACKING AND BELTING, 1307 Main Street. Richmond, Va E. M. WILSON, OF N. 0., WITH R. W. POWERS k CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, sia4 dealer* la PainU, Oils, Djre«, Varnishes, French Window Glaa«, Jtc., Vo. 1306 Main St., Biohmond, Va. Proprietor* Aromatic Peruvian Hitler t f Com pound Syrup Tolu and Wild Cherry. W. A. TCOKBB, a. 0. SMITH 8. B. SPRAOINB. TUCKER, SMITH & CO., Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers ID BOOTS; SHOES; HATS AND CAPS. 250 Baltimore (treet Baltimore, Md. tol-ly. THE RENT WIT IIIW THE CLOUD. In our darkest hour of trouble When the sky !« clouded o'er, And the deepest wares ol anguish • Bent loud upcn the ahore, Oh, what would be our solace When to earth, with (fritf, we're bowed If we could not sop so surely The rent within the cloud ? When our friend we loved so dearly Proves as l»»; as traitors old ; ? When all joy seems but a roo.kery, And that prove* dross wbieb we tho't Before we pause to fret or murmur 1 ' At adverse billows surging loud, ) We should cast our e.*es to heaven i And see the rent within the oloud. j For 'tis always there, my readers, , Though a film may it o'er cast ; Yet one transient gleim of sunlight Makes the whole seem bright at last, Showing through the frowning darkness' The silver liuiog of fie cloud j Therefore never pine nor languish, There's a reut within the cloud. Tobacco and Corn. If any of oar readers (fascinated by visions of fortunes quickly made) have deoided to pUnt large tobacco and small ' provision crops, we teg them to recon sider the matter If the calculation has been made, as to bo* luuob corn will be Deeded, and how many acres required to produce it, let the latter be once doubled Hope is so strongly developed in the larmer's mind at this season of the yean ! he is induced to believe that bis land I will yield about trcice as much as in av | erage seasons it actually does. Plant enough land in oorn to make a bountiful supply K-tiuiute at the minimum in stead of the maximum yield per acre; soil, climate, location, eto, necessarily modify the method of cultivating. Stiff clay land and sandy soils cannot be treat d in the same manner—upland and 1 '« grounds each require different man agement, but we may add, in some re specie they all agree, for thorough pre paration, cultivation and manuring im prove them all As a mat'er of pru 'fence also, we suggest that a part of the crop be planted late If the early planted fail, from the unfavorablcness if seasons, (he late may succeed There are said lo be 10,131 newspa pets in America, with a daily circulation of 3 540 156; weekly and semi-weekly, 13 511 424 ; monthly, 3 625 958 The lotal issues fur a year are 1,836,473,592 copies, which would make a pile of newspapers 87 unle6 high Placing th»ui, touching exh other, in a line, ttii-y will retell 1,188.374 miles, being 47 limes around the earth and five times 'he distance from the earth to the moon To print one issue it is estimated that 2 998 776 000 types are used, and to print them for the entire year requires the handling of 2,173,499,849,696,000 types.' Whew ! At Marshall, Texas, on Friday, Wil liam Stedman, a young an ! talented law student, entered a hardwire store and jokingly asked for a suioide pistol Securing the pistol, be weot to bis fath er's office and handed his brother letters addressed to his father and mother He then shot himself through the right temple, dying in twenty minutes. In his letters he states that the cause of the act was his rejection for entrance at West Point two yeara ago. Mr Sted oian's father, we think, emigrated to Texas from Salem. —Hale't Weekly. The annooncement of the resignation of Bismarck is a shock to the Old World, and will be the theme of themes for the great newspapers for weeks to oome In the light of preeent events, it is impossible to tell the significance of the step. There was a publio meeting held in Salisbury on the 3d, for the pnrpose of reviving tbe Salisbury and Wadeeboro Railroad Company Addresses were delivered by John S. Henderson and J. M Qray, Bsqs. Ground was broken last Monday, tbe 12th, at Early Station on the Air Line Railroad, 12 miles west of Greenville S C , for tbe Atlantio and Frenoh Broad Railroad from Belton to Asheville. Some one has estimated that the cot ton crop of the United States for 1880 will approximate 8,000,000 bales, an in crease of 2,000.000 bales over 1879. Tbe Rhode Island Senate has voted by 11 yeaa and 17 oaya not to cwaeur in tbe House resolution extending the right of suffrage to women. The Chinese Government bave deci. ded on establishing a complete system of telegraphing throughout China. DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1880. Committee of the Whole. It is one of the rule* of the national Hou«fi of Representatives thai every bill involving the levy of • tax, or an ex penJi tuy of money, shall be first dis , cussed iti what is called committee of the . whole, As a oofumittee iff the wbote is up at precisely the earns persons i as the Huuae' itself, the reasons (nr this ruhyire not apparent ko'pejjrtns wMfcare unacquainted with parliamentary usages. What is phiefly (rained when the Hoo"« goes into • committee of the whole ia 1 that then the rules of the Howe rtriy ap- J ply in part, and those which lake their ' place are more favorable to free discus i sion and amendment? and to the rapid transaction of business We ran only give one or two illustra tions to ahow this. Wben the [louse is transacting business a member may move the previous question, and thus prevent amendments from being offered or voted upon. In the ocmmittee of the whole, amendments may be offered With out limit, and there is only one way of stopping a debate, which we shall pres ently mention. Again, in the House, one-fifth of the members may order the yeas aud nays to be taken, and this often makes progress very slow. In oommittce of the whole the yeas and nays cannot be taken at all Votes Mre taken by rising, or by the members passing between tel'ers When the House votes to go into com mittee—say on any appropriation bill—» the Speaker leaves the chair, and calls to it some member who is addressed as "Mr. Chairman," and who usually acts as Chairman when tbe House is in com mittee of the whole on that bill, until it is disposed of. In committee of the whole, the mem ber who reports the bill from the Com mittee on Appropriations has charge of it, and first makes a speech in explana tion He is followed by oth>T members who discuss tbe moasure generally, and n't in reference to particular items. When this general debate is ended the bill is taken up in detail The Clerk reads it, olause by clause If a member wishes to offer an amendment to any olause he interrupts the rending and pro poses it. Tho usual practice is to allow the mover of each amendment, and those who support or oppose it, go many min utes each, and to limit the time that can be given in ail to one amendment Sometimes a member will move to strike ont the last word >f an amendmeut for the sake of making a few remarks. The reading of the bill, tho moving of amendments and the toting continue until the members are lired, when tbe motion is made that the committee •'ride." When this is carried the "Chair man" leaves the chair, tne Speaker of the House takes it, aud thus the HOUSJ resumes its session. The Chairman then says to tbe House that the oommittee has come to no resolution, and asks leave to ait again. Sometimes, however, it happens that a long time ia wasted in talk, and in re peated amendments to the same clause. At tbe oommittee of tho whole have no { power to atop tbe debate, tbe object ia accomplished in this way : Tbe member who bag charge of the bill first moves that the eommittee rise When this is carried, and the Speaker has taken the ehair aud the Chairman has reported, as ire have stated above, a motion is made that when the committoe resumes its session all debate on the pending olause shall be olosed in one minute or in five minutes. This motion having been adopted, tbe House imme diately goes into oommittee of the whole again. When the consideration of a bill has been Guished the oommittee rises The Chairman then reports the measure and amendments to the House, wbioh at ooee votes on tbe amendments, either separately or as a whole, and then votes on the passage of the hill, In the Senate bills are considered 'as in oommittee of the whole " but without so many formalities. The practice in both branohes is a very useful aod im portant one, and the right of members in oommittee to full discussion o all bills, especially those that iovolvo taxaiirn or the expenditure of money, is one that is aod should be most jealously guarded. A Battle Creek, (Mioh ) man savs he purified his well of water, trhiob waa 1 subject to many worms, bags and other loseets aa to render it almost unfit Cur > drinking, by placing ia.the wall a couple of good sited trout. They have kept perfectly healthy, and have eaten up •very liv# thing in tl • water. It the winter aeaaon cruaibs of brend or oratkera are thrown in. The water it perftotly pure and sweat. The Maasatbusetta House ef Repre. sentatives has rejeoted the woman suf frage resolve, 60 yeas to 138 naya. The Railroad Bill. The following in an abstract "of tlis provisions of the Best bill, an reported by the Joint Select Committee to the General Assembly aud which passed both branches of that body and is now the la* : A commission, consisting of the gov ernor, treasurer aud three other persons, ia empowered to enter iuto a contract with.VV. J. Beit, J N Tappm, W R Grace and J I>. Fish, for the sale at 81. 400,000 The purchasers are to deposit $500,000 in United States four per cent bonds in the Raleigh national bunk as collateral, and to execute and deliver their i>ond for (1 400 tHM) payable nrre j day alter date, with 7 per ceut iutert«t : from date The pwrohaeers are to pay the mortgage of $850,000 and all otlier valid liens oo such terms as may be | agreed upon with the bondholders, and when they pay uii tin mortgage and ! the bouds secured thereby to as to re lieve the State to the amount of the mortgage boods so paid off by them The purobaaers are bound to build said road from its present teruiiuus to Paint Hock and to Duektown, completing it to Paint Rook by July 1, 1881, and to j Duektown by January 1, 1885 And tbu parties of the second part shall st once put and keep in good repair sod operate the road Irom Salisbury to Ashe ville until the whole road is completed When the road is thus completed the act i» to operate as a statutory convey anoe of the road and rolling stock to the i urc'uasers It there is no failure to pay interest on the bond of 51 100, 000, then the State is not In enforce its collection until January 1, 1885. but if a failure occurs, the State will proceed to ooliect the bond at once and iuiuie diately resume possession of the prop, erty and proceed to build the road at the expense of the purchasers The $500,000 to be deposited by iha pur ! chasers shall not only be collateral seeu rity, but for any damages that the Stale may sustain by any breach of contract The State is to furnish 6ve hundred convicts as labours, at $125 each per year, to be psid in fjuurtcrly installments, the State to feed cloche and guard them The purchasers are authorized to form a company to carry on the work or to raise money, but the state is to hsve no connection with it or Nubility therefor. If the road ehould revert to the Stale it shall be tree Irom any of tho encum brances placed jpon it by the purchas era or tbc comf.any formed if the commissioner should not be able to make suoh owtraet with W J. Best and his associates, they are authorized to con tract on the same terms with other par ties who, in their judgement, will per form the contract. The State legisla ture retains the puwar to pass acts regulating the passenger and freight rates oo the r ad. The act takes effect immediately. LEGAL WIT —ln Lynchburg, Va., a distinguished member of the har, ap pealing to the oourt for the discharge of bis elient, wound up with the statement that, if the court sent him on further trial, a stain would be left on his char acter which could not be washed off by all tbe waters of the blue ocean and all tbc soap which could bo manufactured from tbe ''ponderous carcass of the Commonwealth's Attorney." To this the ponderous attorney replied that, while be "deemed it foreign to the cass at the bar, be desired to adviGe tbu oourt, if they thought it advisablo to boil his body into snap, they should look to the opposite counsel for the eon oentrated lye out of whioh to make it." '•I tell yon what I'd like to see," said a well kaown young aristocrat at the Palaoe Hotel yesterday ; "I'd like to see Grant in for life, Senators chosen for life, and sons of both Presidents and Senators to sucoeed. We needn't oall it a kingdom, but then we'd have a ohance to get a few of our best families recognized in Europe." The young man's father i( worth a round million The young man meant what he said Son Francitco Bulletin. Renewed interest has been created in ootton factories in Somh Carolina The people of Cheater have organized a com pany Rock Hill has already raised forty thousand dollar* for a similsi en terprise, and now Charleston ia agitating a steam factory -in that oity The stock of tba principal companies ia Souib Car olina is away above par, and good divi dends are assured. ATLANTIC AND N. C. RAILROAD.— The meeting of the stockholders of this road oalled for the 2ttib inst., to consid er t he proposition of William J. Best, for its lease, hat been indefinit ly post poned at the request of Mr. Best. The meeting will take place tome time in May. University Normal School. To the teacher* of t e Slate and those desiring to teach : The fourth session of the University Normal School will begin on the 2-lth of June snd eltjse on the 29ih of" July, 1880 No efforts have been spared to enlarge the uselulness of the school, and to oiake it possible for the humblest leuchtr in the State to attend tin exer cises The Superintendent and ihe Pro feasors, as heretofore, will be men of special training and experience in their respective departments, as wel' as ex pers in N >ruial methods " The scheme »f instruction will in r'ude, besides the eouinioo school branotipo. instruction in Natural Phil osophy, Oenmetery. Algebra, Higher Kngltah," Litt'n, Penmanship, Book kipping. Plyaiulogy, Kindergarten and Vocal Music Ttie Kindergarten Department will be u ananfttl by H feocher of national lame and vast experience in Kindergarten work This interesting and profitable feature (I.eciures) il'theschool will be continued Lecture* uiay be expected on topic* ol ill interest to teachers Irom distin gui-I.ed educators of public men. Gmd table board may be had in Chapel Hill at. SIM per uiontb, $12.f0 tor buaid and furnished room Gentli men ran obtain rooms in the University building fre» of cost, exrept a small sum for the use nl the furniture By forming elubs board may be reduced to S(i or $7 per nmnth Facilities will be piovided , students whereby they may cook their ! own food 1b this way the cost of living was reduced *o 81 per week by students at ihe last Normal School. Arrangements will bo made whereby students may t:avel to and from the School on the several railroads fur one , lure. Heturn tickets should always be bought before taking the train. Through the kindness of the Rev I Or Sears, Agent ol the Peabody Fund. | a MIUI has been given to assist in paying the expenses of teachers wh se own menus wiil not en ble th. mto attend the > school. This fund will be applied tothe patment of travelling expenses, so that all students may reach the school on an equa'ity. All persons desiring aid will apply to President Battle at Chapel Hill, by mail before May 20ih, so that each one may iearti in advance what amount he will receive. Text booka will he loaned free of oharge to all persons attending the echool Thus it will be seen that for five or six dolla:s any teacher in our State may ; attend the exercises ol the Normal School, and secura tor himself and his pupils its incalculable blessmga Those wishing, before leaving home, | to make arrangements for board will i please wiite to Mr. A. Mtckle, Agent of j the School, Chapel Hill, N 0 MR KEITOU :—The undersign* d, a committee appointed for the purpose by I the Medical Society of N C., respeot- ! fully ask you to publish the following notice, for the information of your tub- . scribers : "The Hoard of Medical Examiners ! of the State ol North Carolina" will i meet in the city of Wilmington on ; Monday, M .y 10th, 1880, lor the exam ination of appltoanta for license Without a license from 'his board ' no person shall practice meduine or sur- ]' gery ol any branches thereol, or in any j esse prescribe for the cure of disease, for fr.c or reward." Furthermore, he "shall not be entitled to sue or recover, belore any magistrate or court in this State, any medical bill lor services reydeied in the practice of medicine or s*irg»ry, or any of the hrnnchei thereol." (Liws of N C, 185 - '69.) PETER E. Hines, M D ") W. T ENNKTT. M D V Com II T BAHNBON. M D J Timid, shrinking girls are seldom met with now. In the present day girls are not maidcni so much as bachelors! and the one aex has pretty much the same amount ot liberty a* tbe other Twenty years ago it was thougut hazard out and almost indelicate for an uo married girl to waoder about the atreeta alone; jiow it is tbe rule ; and our prct ty young baohelora in petticoat* and Iritiy beads would scout the idea of a proteotor a* ia any way necessary to their aalvation A MAO SCHEME.—An expedition hia be. n put on foot at Philadelphia for the purpose of invading the Island of Cuba Several atmtlar attempts have been made and have met with disaster. We trust the Government of the United Statea will use its best effortß to check any vio lation of our neutrality lawa. We are at peaoe with S(ain, and it ia the doty of the Government to uiaintaia its treaty regulations Bad habits should be out loose. NUMBER 46 Csesar m an Instrument. "Froutie, the historian, in bia life of | Ca;sar, which is modestly sailed • "fr»g. teils us that tbe great Koman I *«' to the vocation of arms "by , accident ." Mr. Froude iioes Dot beiieve ; in the ways of Provideaoe. To the hooeai Modem of tbe laet chya of the Republio, Caßtar nut appear, not aa an accident but as an instrument ohoaeu j tor a purpose. "Christianity was bom at the same time with the emoire. The Kepublio had conquered the world. The Csesars Cn-ed the eleaieots. The Romaaa were I (he 'robbers of t'ie globe'— but their prjwefs and turo«d to tbe puipoae of ,|s3B of nation*., Peace reigoed thrcu«hout tbe vast empire j From the gohien mile-stone, set up by Augustus in the Forum, paved roads ; stretched to Spaio. France, the J anube, aud to the cataracts of the Nile Com merce whitened the sea witb its aails. i The Roman magistrate was omnipresent, j with the Roman soldier behind him. The Universal Empire made ready for the Universal Religion The abundant means of muiuiuaicshon, the saino laws, the protection to citiien*. the familiarity with Op ek and Latin, all gave impulse to the missionaries of a new creed The converted sailor became a pioneer j preacher Tbe trader carried the gos- I pel with his w;ires to new m»rts " Tall Sailing. —A daring advemurer ! named Kucbell has invented a flying machine witb which he proposes to i make ihe trip to the North Pole, and | therefore, to tret ahead of James Gordon Bem.eit. We are not sulfiaieDtly well versed i r, pu h matters as to venture too j much on the discussion of air navigation, i hut it has occurred to us that Ritchell should make some provision for a return ' i rip, as lie might not be able to give tba i remit of hie discoveries to tba nntaide I worid. Perhaps a good supply of wood and coal miL'ht aid bini. Such artielea ire presumed to be scarce in the section he proposes to visit. We wish the mao nucces*, boi are much afraid he will b« t another martyr— Ex, Mr Best also wants tbe N. C. Road, which will gi«e him a continuous line from Paint Rock to Fort Macon and the Atlantio. If not a humbug thia iicoteiuan means business on a very large scale, for be evidently contem plates a line of steamers in connection i with his roads.— Salitbury Examiner. (jive Best timt to fully develop and you will repent the day he set bia foot on our aoil. 'Humbug ?' you'll see. Fob Govkhnur.— The following gen- I tleuieu have their aduiirara for tba ex al ed position ot Governor. Wado not notice a single one aspiring to the aecond place : T J. Jarvis, D. G. Fowle, T. M. Holt, W. 8. Battle, J. H Wilson, J. W. Cunningham, George Davis, A. M. Scales, J M. Worth— nine, all mms think ot Jusi now, and all gaoi Darno oraU. Where it Came From— A lawyer in V trgiuia, not remarkable for bia clean iiucss ol person, appeared at a party a while ago with a rose in his button-bole. *' W here do you su pose it came from J" said be to a brother lawyer who waa ad miring it. The latter looked op aud dowu the entire length of the queation er, and with great deliberation respond ed, "Why, i suppose it grew there 1" The Ashevnle Journal understands from Mr. Best that he intends to havu . he cars running dowu to the Swannanoa bridge to fifty days, where Mr. Joseph Reed ia now erecting a handsome depot lUO teet by 30 leet wide. The building ii to be oi buck, and will be known aa the "Abbeville Junction Depot." It ia rumored, the Raleigh Newt says, that Col. R R Bridgets, President of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad, will put in a bid at the approaching stockhuidtr's meeting of tbe Atlantic & Carolina Railroad It is said that Mr Bridgers' offer will be more liberal aud acceptable than that ot Best's. The President ia reported to have sud that be baa no intention of recalling Colonel Moaby irom bia official position in Cbiua, though he thinka Moaby baa written "moat too many letters." An eiohange saya that there are three men to one woman in Ariaona, wbieb leads ua to think that it would be desira ble to send a oouple more womeo to that Territory. It ia rumored that Lord Dufferfw will emar the new British eabinet aa CnWowl Secretary and the Blue Noses ar* almost. tickled to death at the prospect. It iaaaid that when General Bh*raotn goea to a ball he kisses all i ha miaaea and never misses a kiss. Or wor4a to that effect. ( > A correspondent wants to know bow long b«es live. Very moeh aa abort bees d", wo suppose.