Ito Reporter. > > AT TH* POST orrics IN DAN. • . AS MCOND CLAM FCATTKK. I'J'MM $ SU&'ii, I'ubi. tnd Prop*. HI HSDAY, JVLY i, 1880. - .X. —! W-U !■ •J> CU* NOMINATIONS For Governor, THOMAS J. JARYIB, Of Pitt. Par Lieutenant Govern nr, JAMKB L, ROBINSON, Of Maoon. For Becrilary of State, WILLIAM L SAUNDKHS, Of Orange. For Treasurer, J. M. WORTH, Of Randolph. For Attorney Gonetal, THOMAS S KUNAN, For A.ditor, W P. ROIiKRIS, Of Gates. For Supt of Public Instruction JOHNC. SCARBOROUGH, Of Johnston. Electors at Large, ;LN J M. LBACH,aud FABIUS H HUSHKK. Danville has a population of 7,536 . iVnoaourg 10,500 Any animal, if allowed tn get poor • r haviug been tat will l»ver fatten ii ugain. F'BTJEHVIS N Y,Jme 21 Jas uike, an K'ie railroad track walker ' y down aud went to sleep with his head .. the track yesterday morning and was Allied by the Atlantiu Express He was lie seeond husband of a woman whom flrst husbann waa killed in the aame dace and tti the tmote u anner. WASHINGTON, June 21 —Reports t. be National Board of Health from Ha vaua, Cuba, are aa follows: For lh«- »>:ea ending on the uighi ot Juue 15ii there were 30 deaths from yellow fevei and 19 from amall ft va Kor ihe week ending June 12, the total deaths from •II causes were 183, of thews, wer- from yellow fevr, 13 wire fiom small pox snd 3 from typhoid fever Under date ol the 20th of June, Mr \ .D ior, the dtsi»noi)islied uti'teofiih>Kist, predicts thai (fits Uat six diys ol June to 30ih) will likely be reinarkshli f'-r intense aud oppressivd heat. with fftqiient and s.-vere stotms of thunder and lightning Tbia heated irrui will probably extend through the Irst halt 01 July There will be some hot weaih er after the 20th Severe fresta in the neighborhood nf the 24tb. 25th and 26th—possibly with flurries of snow in the Oiountaios Sneaking of the \ ir.'inia Midland Ibe Charlotte Ohtrnur says: '!» the aggregate, from this point to V\ inston we expect to be aWe to report this sum mer corporate subscriptions to the >T>oont of Sl2fi,ooo. Besides (his some worth ot work hag already been done, and something very considerable by private contributors is expected to be reaiiied. We think we oan see the way clear to otir full redemption of the prom ise to make a good road-bed from here to Winston. K very thing is wurkiug well, ON J Jor us." fu* HILANKT IN AND PITtSttVANIA R R. —Thß Gazette, of last Week, has the following: 'A number of hands are now engaged in nu'iing down the grades on the rail road b t veen Pittsville and the Junction This end of the road having been built when there was an ex| edition of con tinuing it further than the Pittsville mines, the grades are much heavier than over the rest of the line. This improve ment will be of great advantage fur the t ranaporetion of heavy freights, an en ,ma now not being able tn draw over hn last nine miles the same load it oan over the Franklin and Pittayivania Matt proper. The work is beiug done tsj an evira force nf lection hands under lie ut the railroad, sod not by wOfcirnet " Willi'«i Wheeler kindly inrned the t> ran* of the ioe eresni Ireeser for a fee- i ttvsi nt Phtilipa, Me, for nearly (wo fro***. Thinning it diltn't frcese ss it plghf IN looked in and found the ingre dtuui# were iu the cupboard ! lI.UL TO THE CLIKy. TWO OF THE UEST MEN IN TUK U S The Democrats, like men, assembled in the National Convention anil did thoir work speedily anil in an acceptable manner. Gen Winfh 1! Scott Hanccok, of Pa , was unanimously ohoseu a* a ctudidste for President on the second ballot On the first ballot William 11. tiuglish, of ludiana, was declared to be the unani tnous choice of the Convention for Vioo President. Gen. Haaeook, though a military man, has proved himself to be possess* d ol a profound appreciation of the vital prin ciples of personal libel ty, whioh at tl.« foundation of our Deoieoratio iot ti tu ions A brave and well-tried soldier ul the Union. A man of spotless char acter and a life long Dcuiocrut. Gen. Hancock has ever been (rue to tRe Union, as we all are this day. Upon the escutcheon of his Q ielity there is not the shadow of a siugle blot. Ol such a candidate all feel proud Mr. English has uut recently bceu in uffioial life He served iu Congr-s --from liuliuna,, aB 1863 to 13UI Hid record is fair «nd Louest. and liis nomination adds much to the great popular BlrcugiU of the party. We know our men are pure, valiant and strong, but uo realize plainly I lit {jpet that the oouiiug struggle u ill be waged by giants—men skilled and wel: disciplined Hut we are assured thai the great Deinocmtic party of the Uui ted States is to day united, and over\ member will use his eutire strength to forward tha bmuers that have beeu spiead to the brecie, uutil assurauuc if made doubly sure John Kolly says the nomination ol Haneook will unito New York oily. The boyhood hoiuo of Oen. Grant is enthusi aatio over Hanoook's nomination Rati fication meotinga are being hold all over the country. Virginia bus united and will run Haooock out ahead, while North Carolina will plank him down a rouud majority of 40 000. The bow of a party's hope was nevi r brighter than i* the Democrats at this time, under the leadership of such great, wise and good men A Wuko Forest Student Who Cut Hie Way Through. A student mtucd Davis from up in Oherokee eounty graduated this s ssion at Wake Forest. Five years ago he went to that eollege with fire cents iu ponket—all hfs money. They told him h«"d better go back, but he vowed he'd 1 a ay around there and live on the wind , but what he would go through. And j s'iok he did He out wood abo it for I ibe oitisens and finally all the Professor* ! give him the contraot to out op iheii ; winter wood Professor Uoyall was in tli • Chipel one morning and heard a ter nble racket outside, like a cannon touch • d off and it was Davia who had finished ail ut a pile of wood esoept some greal knotty sticks that he split by boring holes and rammine in powder Ho cut six hundred and odd dollars. ut of wood during his term and giadunted only t -euty five dollars in debt for the whole five years He learned to sing and taught singing rehool in t'no country du ing his s;*are Saturdays. That made him some money He graduated with honor, aud the subject of his commence nient ppei oh was •«Ilew to ihe line le* the chips fall where they may " lie has got his axe wilh him and intends to la\ It away in his study, aud label it : "With this I out my way through."' He has already been offered a Pr ifessorsbip in pome eollege. Go it Divis.— Rtult ville Timet Virginia all Cook. The politicsl outlook in Virginia if highly eucouraging. Had Graul beeu n minated, it Would have been olher wi e. Strange to say, there were some dem.ierits who wanted Ursa' ; we can I i account fur it. but it is eveu s>. Not I one, tbil we have heard of, wauls Gar fi Id ! Virginia may be put down for the ! D -mocraiic imminee with almost ccrtaiu- Ily And it is a great consideration to j have our State all right even if we d > j not get the Prrsidenry. But, we believe. |we shall «eat our mau this time. Aa to electing him we have a better chance than when we elected Tilden Danville I « i I'me*. A man in Clevejind, the Aurora says, j "has iii-dt- 140 traHons of mol»b*es from i tiie 1)11111' raided on nne aud a hiif acie* lof land." Aii"iher mau there 85 years , old ran boa onrn or nuMnll ill day, "■ - ' ■ •»' Blaine hesitates whe'her to ware Whittakei's blooiij cat kins uuuipaitfn or his owu black eye. The Presidential Campaign for 1884 Already Utguu. WASHINGTON, June 22 Becret S>oie t M, called "The 30U," after the number of vote* that were itoa lily east lor Grant at the Chicago Convention, are to be or ganised all over (he country, with a view ti the nomination of tltu Strong Man in 1884. This movement has already bceu started t Washington, as the great centre of politioal agitation, and it ia intended to take the lsrgoet proportion!) among the disappointed patriots who tailed in their recont experiment to dictate the third-term o-tudiJaie. The defeated Dosses hive not taken noar as muoh stock in Gaifl.-ld's nomina ti >n as he did iu the Credit Mobilier. N either Conk ling, r.or Maine, nor Sher m in, to 'k ps'tt iu the ratißcation meeting at the capital, aud Logan was fished uUt of the crowd, where lie had gone as a spectator to see what aort o'. an affair it w uld lum out to be. lie was received with more app ause than Garfield. The Chi ago ticket has fallen flat everywhere, and for several sufficient rea sons. In the first place, the n>i»siuu ol •ho Republican party IS cndq| anil its lung career liiiS closid No pur y can expect to retain confidence among a j-rog r -s ve peuplo which cininsit. ou the past aloue, and offers a coutiuuatioo oi sectional j-trife as tl o only remaining I capital for a distinctive issue. The ex ! t o.!, corruption, profligacy, rob hery, and txcesses «f the 1! publican ( binco the close ol tho civil wai l°i g ago alienated tho |»nod will of tho oouutry. The great Fraud of 187G, bj which the Presidency was stolen through an organ.a d conspiracy, in which false and lorded Certificates manufautured to jo derby corrupt Returning Hoards and by infamous Governors were the chiel instruments, capped the climax of mis d cds and .lutrsgrs. The nomination of a King candidate fjt President, himself n torioiuly venal and rottun morally, and of a machine politician lor Vice President, publicly brauded by the occupants of the White H u e aud of the Treasury with dismir s il Iroui the Colluclorship, ' iu order that the office uiay bo honestly administered,' is the logcal corollary of the decline and touiing fall of this decayed party Nothing can prevent a crushing defeat in November Dut tho grossest iudiserctioi at Cincinnati. The way is open for a commanding victory, which will swec, away every yestigo ol the Fraud, and bring the CoVurnuinut back to aud decency. Hut it must not be sup posed, because tho Chicago ticket is ub jcctionablc aud does not excite 'he least enthusiasm in any quarter, that therefore it will be allowed to go down without an effort to «Ve the party. Tho contest will be for the pi sscseinn of power and tho control of this great Government with two hundred millinus of annual re oeipts and expenditures; for the cuur mous patronage aud iuflueucu incident thereto ; for the Treasury, and for the h mors and offices. Gaifioldand Arthm are mere figureheads in this mighty struggle which is to decide whether llit Republican organization shall C ntinui t■■> live or shall die. Whatever may bo tho discontent now, caused by defeated ambition and thi overthrow of machine rule, yet as tin campaign progresses the party blood will be warmed up to fever heat, and the old battle will be renewed. The H sues might ho quite willing to sec Gurfl- Id beaten badly, and would su'k iu tlieii touts if hy abstention pirsonal resent uicnt was alone to be gratified. The) might be able to say to the men who combined against the Ihiid term : ''We told you so." lsuiy looking beyond the mere present, what would they train in the long run by this Cour-e 'I It the Republican ticket be beaten in Novem ber, the party cannot ho held iu Us present form, and with its cuutend ing factions each seeking rule or ruin The work of disintegration I with the defection ol the Liberals iu 1872. and il has been sijcutl) progressing since thut time H. construction and the infu si iu ol ucw bluod have become indispen sable. Moreover, after 'lie Presidential elec tion, there will tin longer be a soliu Bouth The inde) endeut element there has al ready revolted against the machine, and it is growing in strength dally Qies tious oi material development will dl"idc opinion, acooidiug to local interests, as they do elsewhere The people of the South are tired of politic, and the ynung men grown up since the war want to strike out lor a prosperous luture, freed frjui the despotism •{ aioth eaten tra ditions It will be a brighter dsj fur tin ffnion, aud fUr its grand destiny, when North aad S uth are cutirrly eliminated from' politics Thtn the old class ol dema gogues will pasa silently but ol sight, aud all ancient discord* will die a natu ral death. Tbo Platform. The beroocrats of the United Stales in convention assembled deolaro : First —We pledge ourselves anew to theconstitutioual'doott ines and traditions of the Democratic pa'ty aa illustrated by teaohing aud example of the long liue of Demooratio statesmen and patriots as embodied iu the platform of the last Na tional Convention of the party Seoond—Opposition to ceutralimtion- Uni aud to that daugcruus spirit of ou oroaohmcnt which tends to consolidate the powers of all departments iuto oue, and thus to create, whatever may be the form ol government, a real despotism ; no sumptuary laws, separation of Churoh and State for the good of each ; common Svhiola I'ostrtod and protected. Thiid—Home Rule, Honest Money, consist ing of guld aud silver nnd paper convertible into cuiu on demand ; a strict msintouaucc of the public faith State and National; aud tai iff lor tevenue only. Fouith—Subordination nt the military to the civil power and general aud thorough reform ol civil servi c. Fifth—The right to free ballot is the right preset valive of all i iglite and must aud shall be maintained in every part of the United States a Sixth—The existing cduiiniftration is a representative of eonr-]iiracy only and its eluitu ol right to surround ballot boxes with Hoops and deputy marshals lo in timidate and obstruct elei#urs, ana the unpr ci dented use of the veto to main lain its corrupt and despotic power Insults the people a ;d imperils their institutions Scvc: h The gfi-at fraud o: 157U77, by which, upnn the false oount of the electoral vol's ut two States, thecandid aie dileMcd ai the polls \>a* iltclmed to be Prmideiit, nnd lor the fiisi time in American his'ory the will .-I tie people was set aside i.ndcr the threat o: unitary violence, struck a deadly !►!■ w at our system «f ri pie.'v niaiivo I'l.fc 1)«. uiuciaue par y, to preserve the oouniry roui civil war, subu.itted lor the time in a firm and palriotio f'aitl. that the people would punish this crime in 1880. This precedes and dwarfs every other li in.poses a more sacred duty upon the peop.e of iho Union than ever addressed the coiiseieuoc of a nation oi' fieemen Kightli—We execrate the course ol this Administration in making places ib the civil service a retard for politics! crime, und demaud a rel' by statute which shall make it lorevcr impossible for a defeated candidate to bribe his WB\ to the seat of a usurper by billeting vil" lains upon the people. [l'eis wai read agsiu in response to demands and was received with applau.-j Ninth—The resolution of Samuel J Tildeu not again to be » candidate foi the exalted place to which he was elected by a uoijority of his, ami from which ho was exeliuti d by the leaders of tie Republican party, is re cciv. d by the Deniooiats ul the Unite,l S ales with sensibility, and they ileelari tl air oxiih-lonoc in his wisdom, palilulism and integrity, unshaken hy the assaults of a coDtinun enemy ; aud they aasuri him that he is followed into ihti retire tuent In has chosen for himself by tin sympathy and respeot ol his fellow eiti lens, who regard him as one who, bv ele vai the standards ol public morality si d sdoroiug and purifying the jn»bli.- -ervice, uicrits the lasting gratitude ol his oouutry and his party Teuth—Free ships and a living chance or American commerce on sea and on and No discriuitnat'ou iu favor o' fiansporiatiou hues, corporations or mon •.polies Ktevruth—Amendment of the Hnrliu uauie treaty more fihiiii-se iuiuiigrs Hon except for travel and i-dm a ion and fu.eig! eomuictec, uml therein catelully guarded. Twelfth—fiiblie mnnry and public eretlit for public purposes solely, and public Jand for actual se teis Thirteenth—The K)cuun rati:! party is ihe filend of labor and the laboring man and ph dues itself to protect him alike against Cormoitifct* and communists. Fourteenth—We congratulate ih« "ouutry u|sill the hohisiy and thrift of the fVmoefnin CJongress, which has re duced the |itihiie expendrurc lorty mil lions a year; upon the Continuation ol nrospority at home, und the national honor abroad ; and above all, ttpon the promise of such a ehanue in the utlinin i truiion of the government as shall en sure us a genuine snd lusting reform in every d. pnrtment of the public service THE REYNOLDS CABB— The celehra led t'H»e ol the Common wealth vs the Reynolds boys, was disposed ol this court !• has bci non docket 3 years Our readers are aware that this is tho case whieh Judge Rives took into the Federal court, ami that the State of Vir ginia carried it to ihe Supreme court of the Hulled Slates, aud that that court re uiandud it hack iO the Stato court llurWell Reynolds was tried firßt. He was defended by Judge Lybrook aud T. Hamlin, Who did all in their power fo save his neck The commonwealth Was represented hy M,fs>rs. John Staple* and J I) Blackw 11, both of whom made speeches of great ability The jurj, which the way, had 4 colored meu on it, brought in a vordiot tor 5 years in the penitentiary. Judge Gteeu, in passing the sentence upon tho prisoner, said the jury had dealt leniently with him, and that, if »hey bad brought iu a verdict for mur der in the firai degree, he woujd not have set it aai-le The J udgu'e remarks ou iho occasion were udiuinhle. The prisoner, we uodeisiand, aa it was natur al he should be, was highly gratified 1 with the result of the trial. tu the ense of Lee Reynolds, a nolle fHnirrjui was sulci u'i.— Duiuide Timet King's Mountain—Laying the Cor ner Stono of tho Monument. A\ioui five'thounaiid persons assembled od (hb battle-field of King's Mountain, Weducaihy, to witocbs tho laying of the ooruer stone. The tuoouuieut i» to be ereotcd en tLt highest poiut of the bat tlefield, and when completed oan be seen froui King's Mountain und other point* ou tho Atlantic uud Ohuilotto Air Line The coruer-Btoue in of grauito, three feet square and one foot thick. It laces the uortheusl and is inscribed ou oue face, "A. T. Grand Muster A. T. Suiytlie, of the Musnoio Grund Lodge of South Curoliua, whs present aud I'. T ( olch, Grand Master of Virginta, and J. M Mobley, Gran J Muster of Geor gia, were present and assisting. The sntoi dinalc lodges froiu Hlacks.Gnffneys, Spartanbuig, Yorkville hid Gr eoville were piesot t also The H.ick Hill Cor net llat.d, Cupt Ireiiet; Jons, furbished the inn-tic. A box containing a list of the • xocn tive officers of the United Stales and of Virginia. North Carolinu, South liua and Tmimssce, pani|ihlet proceed the ►omi e liteniilnl of 1855 and or trie nroeeviHng* i>T tlie King's Moun tain centennial of 1880, a record of Masonic offiueis ul the lading of the corner stono, was lowered in tho van't aud the stone placed in position with the usual iu:p'«iti|> ceremonies The census rt turns ate coming in, and the hopeful inhabitants ..f a übiiious cities am mfForinir the disappointment that alwa\s all "tuts thnSo who expect too much The figures ate not oxai-r, In vre present an ap;rx : iiiat(> tab'o of the population «.f »• me of the 1.-nting tdae. s New Voik by rights inciti-les nut onK Brooklyn but a'so Jt soy Oiiy. ne.H thi u ioor low 1.9 on its outskirts !l Gieee be oonsidend as on.' great city we have an gate> in out American metropoi hoi over 2,.*iOC WOO. making it next to Ij itidoo am »«c tb- citica ..f tin word: New York. 1.4X0 (lllfl; I'hila dolpliia. 812 OtH) 5 I trunk yu, 551 (iIKS ; Oftieago, 170 (1(10 ; St L'.uis, .TfofMNI ; Cincinnati. 21ti 1*5.1: Cleveland. 157 !)lf. ; Milwaukee, UK) 0!)0 ; Detroit 11 TOO ; Louisville, 11-000 Washington city has a populatio f It.t> lull) —Judge iiynutu declines u oe a euuuidaie fin Governor on the Itao "•al lioliet C (!. It wen, Sheriff of Cb.i le-toti oiunty S U , died oo the 24 ■ t June.— 27 t utius were before the Cincinnati Convention lor i'lestdcnt November will luJl who is to tule this country Hancock and Jirvis clubs are being formed in the State Mitch ell county has a man ti feet, !>/ inches high. Tho new lioicl at Xoreheed cit \ has been completed »i,l Zcb has uone aud "done likewise." Gu ! lord ('..urt 11. ii .. celebration Isih o'* ll XI March Kiog s Mountain Cele brat ions opens .>n the fth of October, and will couiii.ue four days. Ihe I'.Jit ir oi the Lti-rfi/er bns to bold oi* '•prn.-iC INPTON Maiikht— ll'U*: I oioiiioti t'ork, $ 3 to 5 " »rlut«l, 5 to t> " foe, la lo | 8 I.kak: Common Park, j: * in p. "rtjiht, »; to t Kiue Waxy, IS to 13 wtiXrvKiis: t'oinmon In (iond jt |J to IS Uoo I ttriclit -25 lo 30 . " Pine $5 to s:i Fxt-a Finn, 60 to 15 GUEENSKOUO FEMALE COLLECS. OUKKSNBIIftO, N O The 4SU' Sc.-sion will begin on 25 L August. 1880 Thi« well known Institution hu p. r 'r facilities f-r it-ental and moral culture, o.'inbir.ed with the comforts of a pleasant. Well oi doted homo. Charges per session of 6 months : Hoard (••xe!u-i*c • f washing and lights) and Tuition in fall English Bourse, $75. K*tn studies uioder to Fir purlieu lars apply to T M JOSEB, July 1 —2ut. I'resident. A WWWtil* pt»mltoa n «« mmlr Mre In the world for DrMhl'n Dlwwr. AU KiUtk mmi Vrtnsrjr W»mn, ByTMllmonlati of tb* highest oM«r lo pnot of til SMi auitcmmtv WTtwiWf W-Mm, e*U foeWw. bar's Safe Dblwm Cure. j «*-Fo» the «n* of Brlghea and ths olher rtlswes. Mllfcf Hsmw'i IMb Htduvy Ud Llier Cue. Sd sold »n^| DANBURY HOTEL • To Health and Pleasure seekers :—I would say to Miosm who wish ta breathe the pure inouiitaiD air of Stokes, hast the beuctit of bor MINERAL WATERS, anl enjoy the Sue mountain scenery of thia section, and at the same time lire us cheaply as lliey can at home, that tnr ImM Is now open and Hacks ready lor tliclr accommoda tion. ou the following liberal term* ; Hoard per month, including two trip) daily (Sundays excepted) lu tlw celebrated Pied mont Springs, sls. Board pe.' month to guests furnishing their owu conveyance Is Springs, $U 50. KhII room and music Tor the amusement of gnrats, Iree. Harks will lie fnt uMn-l on lib. eral terms lo |«iruee wishing to visit the mountains. Those who have epeni the hot weather in T anbury need no lancy sketches to eonriuce them that litis is a plcasadt plaev to speud the sunnuw. Water from Nptmps flirnlshed at ilia IJoU-l W, W. JIeOANUiSS, Proprietor. Da ihtirv, N. C , June !2th —lm. Mort gaffo Snlo ! By rirtne of a Pee.l of Mortgage exeeutmi by Tilgasper Tucker, aud his wi e Harriett, lo Joseph Francis, and tegistered in Mook 24, pages 2U5-B-7, In Stokes county, I will sell at public auction, for cash, at the Court House door in Danbory, on Monday, the 'id day of Annus', lt*Bo, « certain tri|e>uCaixty acres j of land in Utokrg couutv, On the waters of Mountain branch, adjoining the lauds Uii hard Forrest und others, it beiug the place when o i said Tucker now lives. This the 7th day of June, JBBO. CJ. M. FRANCIS, Administrator of Joseph Francis. June 10. tivr. Cray's sPEiirir fltturrita. trade MARK'Oreat En- *** ok kiawk BLFORf Titma^disoU-s th a 'AIIU TAIINI. ! lollow, »s a mutunet of felt-Abuse ; as l,oss of Memory, lfu:ve-ml bassttiuki, I'iim in the llavk, Llimuess ot Vision, Pretaature Old Ago und many other diswi-et that lead lo Insanity or t'onjiiniplioii and Prenmt'rre tirave Ful) pariiculars in our painphlet which w® desire to seil trie b\ m.iil lo ee>r em*. .£&' I be Specific Mwia-iwe is sold by itlk»t*»t -S. per package, or six wuekatrea for SY or will be sent free by mail on fecei|H of the money bv atf.fressbtn, TLo Gray Medfcine Co., Itechanies' Block, Ret roil, Mhb. Sold iu fsaabury utul vvciy wbecr by | all itiug^isis. Patronize Home Industry. W. P. LAX»KET«, COACH, IU!lt«Y ANIV WAGON' MAKEU and KEFAIKKIC, VANUt N C. All work warranted lobe t>» iir»»-»-Kss nta terial .Sattstm rftm Ite.miriug * I|asnal Iv, aud done oo slaar r> ail';# tlkl tS«ri'mges. >UmuiiM. nnd all kiads oT provisions taken in t*& Ibuig* las wuvk. iuue 11 —ty. JAS. 1». CHAMHKKL-\IN, Villi C. W. Tlioni & t'®., VIIOLMtLI A Ifli RET At t. DKAl.tltH, Kicbraond, Va. Spevial attention in l»onWvs, aaitsalift fiictnm g aarwnret d. June IMI, lSi». CAItR Bit OS. A CO.. Wlmje*il» Dtirl.rtm DlltrtJS, CtIKMIUAIA PAINTS, OILS I'KMFO.VKKY * K.VSUY UitltLiS, 10 Uenmiu street, (near f'alroltMk HotH p ) iiAL TtMOitJS. Febrtmry 13. '• 4iu. ATTKNTION t S. D. FRANKLIN & CO., Wept Rile Conrt Howe Pqnare. WINSTON, N 0., | Have just received out of tlienotft attractive stocks of BSADY MADK CLOTHING ever offered In ihig market; to whi(6 thay will add, as the season advances, all desirable styles aud grades. They also keep a well se lected lock of STARLKS F.\ycrDßY GOODS, AND NOTIONS! GENTS' EUHNISMiNG Staple Croarkt, Ctvcitry, sc. The prujjt of Sloler*. nuif ihrrnuml {mj rtitisliu, tfrc CW«/»'t//y iucilrttlu call UHU ran mine thene t/oot/t They irill be tohl ul tuck juice* us cuMaoi fail lo jUruu. Ma 15. 3«. £SrAULIS/lbl> IBU. B. T. UAVIS —with— T.J.MACRUDERAOO., Manufacturers ami Dealers in BIIOTS, BKOBB AND BRCO* Vg' Ko 31 tWlarp Strett, Md. Angust 14, ItiTU,

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