THE DANBURY REPORTER. VOLUME V. THE REPORTER. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT DAN PEPPER *• SONS, PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, payable in advance, $1 f>o Six Months, - - - 100 RATES OF ADVERTISING. One Square (ten lines or less) 1 time, $1 no For ench additional insertion, - 50 Goatracts for longer time or more space cun be made in proportion to the above rates. Transient advertisers will be expected to remit according to these rates at tbe time they send their favors' Local Notices will be charged ty) percept, higher than above ra'es. Basiness Cards will bo inserted at Ten Dol. lars per annum. 0. F. DAY, ALBERT JONES DAY & JONES, Manufacturers of SADDLERY, HARNESS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, j-c. No, 336 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. nol-ly B. F. KINO, WITH JOIIKSON, Sil l TON &. DRV GOODS. Nos. 21 and 29 South Sharp Street., BALTIMORE MO. T. W JOHNSON, R. M. SUTTON J. R. R. CRABUE, U.J. JOHNSON, nol-ly H. 11. MARTIN DALE. WITH WM. J. 0. DULANY & CO. Mationors' ami Rtttik .pliers' W'are house. SCHOOL HOOKS A SPECIALTY. Stationery of all kinds. Wrapping Paper, ' Twines, Bonnet Bo*rd9, Paper Blinds. 332 W.BALTIMORKST., BALTIMORE, M D B. J. k R. K. BEST. WITH IIKNItY SOWEBORN & 10., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. 20 Hanover Street, (between German and Lombard Streets,) BALTIMORE, MD. H. BONNEBON, H IIMMLINE 47-ly J. R. ABBOTT, OF N C , with WIXGO, EI.LETT & TRUMP, RICHMOND, VA., Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS. tiC. Prompt attention paid to orders, and satis faction gauranleed. Virginia Slate Priton Gooi» a specialty March, 6. in. J. W. RANDOLPH \ EXGLIB I, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AND BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTURERS. 1318 Mainftreet, Richmond. A Large Slock of LA W BOOKS alu-ays on no 1 -6m hand. El.IIII! i. W ITZ k i). t Importers Wholesale Dealers in OTIONS, HOSIERY; GLOVES; WHITE AND "ANCY GOODS No. 5 Hanover street; Baltimore, Md. 46-ly J NO. W. HOLLAND, WITH T. A. BRYAN Si O., Manufacturers ot FRENCH and AMERICAN CANDIKS, iu every variety, anil wholesale dealers in FRUITS, NUTS, CANNED GOODS, CI GARS, .j-c. 39 and 341 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md MtT Orders from Merchants solicited. WILLIAM OKVKIKS, WILLIAM R. lIKVUISf OHaisTiAn UKVUICS, ofs., SOI.OMOK KIMMKLL. WILLIAM DEVRIES & CO., Importers and Jobbers of Foreign aud Domestic Dry Goods ana Itotious, 112 West Baltimore Street,(between Howard and Liberty,) BALTIMORE. This paper will be forwarded to any ad dress lor one year on teceiptol 1 Dollar and Fifty Cents in advance • To Inventors and Mechanics* PATENTS and how to obtain them. Pamphlets of 60 pages free, upon receipt of Btamps for Postage. Address GILMOUE, SMITH & Co , Solicitors of Patents, Box 31, Washington, D. C. Graves' Warehouse, DANVILLE, VA., FOR Til K SALE OF L e «.i* T obnoco W. P, GRAVES, PROPRIETOR. J. D. WILDER, Clerk, v. L. WALKER, Auct'nr. R. A. WALTERS. Floor-Manager. April 17, 1879. ly. J. W. MENJSFEB, WITH PEARRE BROTHERS & CO. Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods. MEN'S WEAR A SPECIALTY, lfos. 2 and 4 Hanover Street, Augusts , 'Bo—6in. BALTIMORE. DANBURY, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1880. IT NEVER rAYS. It never pays to fret mid growl When fortune seems our I'oe ; The heller bred will look ahead And strike I lie braver blow. For luck U work And ihosa who shirk Should not lament their doom, But yield the play And clear the way, That better men hnve room. It never p*ys to wreck the health In drudging after Kiiin, And he is sold who thinks that gold Is cheapest bought with pain. An humble lot, A cosy cot, Have tempted oven kings, For station high, That wealth will buy, Not oH contentment brings. It never pays t ,A blunt refrain Well worthy of a song, For ago and youth must learn the truth That nothing pays that's wrong. The good and pure Alone are sure To bring prolonged success, Wliile what is right In heaven's sight Is always sure to bless. THE JUDGE'S BURPBIBE. The day was bitterly cold in Virginia City, as winter d tys must generally are in tliat Alpine town, and though the sun was bright, its r.iys were as cheer less and chill alninut as moonbeams. Wild gusts whistled through the streets, breathing icicles and frost in their furi- ! ou* course, and driving every living j thing away to seek shelter from it* bit ' ing, ppne'rating breath. And yet not every one was housed and sheltered frotu the pitiless gale, for he who had work to do or business to tiam-act was suuiuioued by inexorable duty to come forth to his post, or else, when the day of reckoning came, abide by the consequences. Of ihe«e luckliss exceptions, Ahe Denning, the. baker, was one Iu sunshine or sto-m, hai', rain or snow, people must eat ; eat, in fact, all the more voracious'y because it does hail or snow, as if to per petrate an unseasonable j ke upon the baker, who, especially in appetiiiag we it her. mom see to it that his custo mer's larders be properly stored witb the rarest and best productions of his oven Even such cold weather as this did nut deter Mr Dencing from attending to the wants ol his customers with the assiduity and attention characteristic of his class While disappearing into a customer's house with an armful of bread, a girl of some filieeu years of age, emerged from a miner's cabin close by, and, first cast' toe wild and hurried glances around her, rushed to ihe baker's cart, and had just absimeted l herefrom three loaves of biead, and was carrying then, off, when the baker returned and caught her in the aot. Unfortunately, an officer was passing just at (he time, and the laker, oo the spur of the moment, and without giving the case that consideration which heoih. erwise might, gave her io custody oo a charge of theft. The girl, without any attempt at expostulation or explanation, burst into an agony of tears —a sufficient evidence, perhaps, that she was but a luvice, afier all, in the art of stealing. ' Oh !" site exclaimed, "dou't take me in this way. Let me wrap a shawl around my bead, or the people will know me " The officer, consenting, accompanied her into the cabin, while the baker drove away, telling the policeman be would b« in court next day to prefer the charge before the police judge. The officer, on entering, found no one in tho caoin but three children—tbe youngest about three year* old, and the eldest six. The hut waa cold and cheer less ; there waa oo fire. Tbe two elder children, alarmed at the presence of the offioer, exhibited discolored eyes and fuoea, which bore evidence of suffering and recent tears; while little Willie, tbe youngest, was crying and iouppeiseable, moping aimlessly around the cabin, 1 >ok ing into the empty closet, and putting his little hands mechanically into tbe empty dishes on the table ''What made you steal tbe bread, my girl ?" aaked the officer. At mention of the word "bread," little Willie looked tea r fully and piteously in th« man's faee. Tbe girl hugged tbe little fellow fraoti oally io ber arms, covering him with tears sod kisses. "Oh, my poor little brother 1" she cried billetly. "What wili become of you now ? This man is going to take your Lena away with him I" Here the child threw bis arms around her aeck as if to detain ber by force, while the other two children screamed piteously The 1 QL'er suspecting the actual state of affiirs began to investigate "Is there no coal, or nothing at all to eat in tho house ?" said he. 'No com, no bread, nothing to eat," replied the girl, wringing her hands; "and poor Willie and the rest of us have had nothing to eat since yesterday morn iug" Here tlie officer went away, saying that be would be back again in a short tirno. "It the man gone for bread 7" asked the oldest of the ohildren. "Hush, Mollie, dear !" sai,d Lena. ' I don't know what he is (;one for. He's not a bad man, anyhow, fur he hasn't ar rested me, us I thought he would." Io a very few minutes the 1 fficer re turned, with bread and groceries, not forgetting some caaes and condiments fur the smallest children ; while another man at his heels carried a big sack of coai on bis back. At sight of ihe bread (he children screamed with delight, and while Lena cut up large slices of bread, and helped the children aud herself, the two mon set to work and made a large fire in the stove, the glow of which soon diffused waimth and comfort through the cabin. Then they cooked the meat, and made tea, and spread a steaming meal nn the (able for the four orphans, while they carved and attended to their WUOIB till ihey were fully rutisfied. Happy, happy childhood, whose pre rogatives are innocence, mirth and joy ! The children, after their dinner, didn't luok like the game children kt all. Their faces wero bright and joyous, happy and handsome ; and in a few minutes they were playing and laughing and romping, as happy as if they had never felt the patios of hunger. "Aud now," *aid the officer, delighted at seeing the children so happy, "sit down, Lena, and answer me a few ques tions Have you uo father or mother V' "We have no mother." was Lena's re ply. "She died about a year ago, and father went away to Eureka, to work, about eight months ago, aod we hain't seen him ever since." "What is your father's name?" "Dawson—Jim Dawson." "And he has stnt you no money— nothing ?" "Nothing. Never heard of him since bo went away: Bit when he was going be h It us a bag of flour, and lots of gro ceries and- things—as much as would Isst us for six months ; and he'd b; suro and be back bef'ure tie provisions were all out." "And you got no letter from him at all?" ' Not one," replied Lens, witb a deep sigh Poor Dawson had written to his ohil dren, however, but, postsl oouimunica lion being at that time very irregular and uooertain io the Silver State, tbe childrsn did not receive his letters. "Well, I must go now," said the offi oer, after a pause, "bat I will rail fur you 10-morrow, and you'll have to sccoui. pany me to the police office, for I must do uiy duty, you know Good bye." And Lena Dawson was left alune with her little brothers and sisters. She felt ssd and lonesome after the departure of her kind benefactor, but the buoyancy of childhood soon gained the ascendency, and before bed-time the orphans were as happy a* any group of little children in Virginia City. Meantime the report about the steal ing of the bread and tbe destitute condi tion of the children got abroad. Jim Dawson, a miner , himsel', was well known and popular among the miners, aod the case cieatid such sympathy, aod elioitel so many reminiscences and com mentaries that qaite a crowd waa at tracted next day to tbe police court. Judge Moses presided. The judge bore the oame of beiog so upright aod booest, kind aod benevolent, and if fault be had at all, it was thought 'to be s some what una loipromising rigor in the dis charge of bis official duties. It was bard to say how tbe case would go The baker swors to the stealiug of th« bread, snd identified the defendant as the thief fhe. offioei- testified to the famishing apnduiou in which he found tbo ohildren, but s.tid not a syllable about what he had djuc to reliev; theui Poor Leoa stood trembling before the judge. Thereupon a miner rustled through the crowd and stood before the bench, eyeing the judge with a depre cating look. '-I declare tc the Aluiigh- sa 'd he, "I never knowod the state of Jitn Dawson's children, aud i( I did—" he dropped a twenty into Lena's trembling baud, "You jest knowed as much about it as other folks," exclaimed another miner ' I el itedly, walking up and putting another twenty into tho girl's hand with an iudignant air that Quug back any latent suspioioti that he knew anything of the children's distress any inure than any body Hero Ling Alec, a miner—so called on account of his height and six;—slid timidly and bashfully up to Lena's side. "Leeny," said in a bull-whisper, '"hold yer piuafore," and he slipped two twenties into her apron, and then sld back behind tbe crowd into a corner, and, holding his hat to his face, glanced timidly around, to see that lie wus completely out of sight. Thero came Wabbliog Joe, who was far more bashful than even Long Aleu, but put on a bold face, and laughed and talked loud to make believe that be was not ba&hful at ail. ''Jedge," said Wabbling Joe, laughing and nodding familiarly at the court to disarm that functionary of possible rigor in the trial of the case iu hand—"jedge, let the girl slide. Sheain'tdone nothing but what you or I would do if we was hungry!" Aud poor was once more tbe recipient of another present. The oourt held down his head, and smiled gravely at Wabbling Joe's delense of the accused ; but immediately recovering his gravity, said : ''Gentlemen. I appreciate your liberality aud generous sympathy for the youug oflunder, and I am particularly impressed witb tbo iugenious defense made by my friend, Wabbling Joe—" here a good-natured laugh escaped ihe wbultf crowd, as if to put the judge iu good humor—"but," continued hia honor, "whatever might be the sympathy of the oourt for the said condition of the accused, there is a public duty to be performed, and the cate must therefore proceed." ''What is your name, my girl 7" askod tbe court. ''They call me Lena Dawson, sir," was the reply. ''Call you Lena Dawson! Aud I suppose Lena Dawsoo is your uatue, is it notobserved the judge. ■'No, sir, it aiu't," returned the girl. "My lather died when L was only three years old, and my mother got married to Mr. Dawson some time aitorward. My proper name is Madeline VV iuttrs, but they call me Lena, for short." '•Madeline Winters! Where were you born ?" askud the judge "Iu Kansas City, sir," was the reply "In Kansas City !" eohoed the court, io a voice of still deeper gravity than before "Aud what was your mother's maiden name, do you know V "Madeline Moses, sir," responded Lena. ''Madeline Mosj. ! My God!—uiy God ! She was my sieicr I'' And Judge Moses, overcome with emotioo, bowed hm head ou the desk, while JI torrent of tears flowed down his face. Just as the crowd, in obedience to the dictates of delicacy, were emerging from the polioe court, 10 let uncle and niece inuulga tbe sacred joy of mutual recognition, Jim Dawson appeared at the door, having just returned from his prospecting tour in Eur.-ka, aud, witb an innate sense of propriety that did honor to hia acquaintances, who were all rejoiced to see him, was quietly permitted to join hie relatives inside.— "Suit Francisco Ari/onaut." For a Sprain. The white of an egg, into which a piece of alum about the t-iz.i of a walnut has been stewed until it forms a jeliy, is a fine remedy lor spraina It should bo laid over the sprain on a piece of lint aud changed as often as it becomes dry "Somebody's coming when the dew drops fall," she was softly humming, when the old uiau remarked, "An' you bet your boots, >iaria, that he'll think a thunder storm had biokt louse wneu ho gets here." | What a Woman of Will Did. ' In Ulster county, New York, there in a woman of real grit who inherited fouitc.'o years ago a large estate, ctn ; j sistiug pr'ocipally of !,inning property, heavily encau. l, ercd with debt. It was the old houiiisteaJ. mid she could not , bear the idea ol seeiug it pass iuto the 1 hands of strsngers, and VM.* determined j that it should not. Although then on ; ly twenty four year* old, and wifh nn 1 more practical knowledgo of lite than j I an ordinary country lass, she aisuoied ' sole charge of the estate, detei mined to 1 clear it of debt. Having an old mother sixty two years of age, a half sister, also helpless irooi old age, the two or phan children "of a* tie ceased* brotJflVTt and a brother in the last stages of con : suuiption to provide for, this made tier j task doubly hard A little experience | taught her that it was iuirossible to sup i port her large family and keep up the | inter si aiisiug from the heavy lndebt 1 I edness of the entitle froui the resources , of the farm. She upon scboi l ! teaching Shu wus engaged to teach in j hir own neighborhood ul 8-JO per month, ! and her salary in ashoil time was raised to 840 per uio'ii h She ha* continued school teaching I ever since, directing tbo work of her farui, and during the summer vacations going iuto tho harvest field with the larm hands to pitch on hay, rake, bind. ; itc. She has earned from teaching school over 83 500, paid of}' the old homestead, and greatly improved tie property. She hus been au exteusive j 1 stock raiser. Her wheat crop averaged | ; this year forty two bushels to the acre, the largest yield in the couuty A short time ago she learned that a brother in \ law living in Pennsylvania was in de» ; titule circumsUuees. She weut to hi.ll aDd found him helpless from »n iueu ' rable disease, with a family depending upon him. "Ben," she said, "what can I do for you ?" "Nothing, Libbie/ I was tbe reply '"You have yur haud» 1 full already. Wc will have to go tu the ! couuty house, I suppose " "Never, Hen, i jas long as 1 live. Come and coj >y the j | comforts of the old homestead with me I will keep you and your family as long as you live." She says she has enough ! to d 1 now without having to support a 1 husband too, which she might have to j 1 do if she were to uiarry. A Pretty Story. Iu Naples the papers tell a very pretiy | stoiy of the Q leen of Italy 1 appears j 1 t'aat as she was driving to the royal wood of Lincalo the COHCIIUMU mistook j the road, aod one ol the gentlemen asked | a countryuiau the way The uia>i, sci ini> the fine carriage und horses, aud the servants' livery, and all the gay cimptny I thought he was being fouled. As it you did nut know," he sjid, wi.h his big ' grin. Tho Q leen laughed and assured him that .hey were lost. J'lieii ouly did the countryman condescend to point out the way, alter which he walked off, as if j fearing to be laughed at aguiu. "Give him twenty Iraucs fir his , trouble," said tin Q ieun to one of her escort, who, going nlicr the countryman, said (o him : 'li re, my man, is a little pteseut froui the Queen ul Italy, who ,| thanks you." "The Qieen !" cried the countryman, ; returniug to tli« ciruage. "Forgive me that 1 did know thee; but 1 hud never seen thee before Thou art as beautiful as a May rose God bless ; thee" And the carnage drove off. Now the couu'.ryuian, who had once seen the (jiieen, wanted to see her pretty * face again, aud the following day bo presented hiuuseil at tho palace | "I know ber, you know," he added | mysteriously. "I spoke 10 her yesterday and 1 want to apeak to her agiin." Think iu r he had to do with a cusdmm, the porter was about to hare the pour fellow airesie I, when tho very gentleman who hid given him the twenty tranes appealed, aud, recognizing ihu man, told him to wuit. He informed the Queen of his presence "liiing In in ! here, by all moans," was her untwer Wlieu the uiau was, for the lecond ; time, before the Qieen, I e saiJ : "Yes, > ! 'tis thou I thought I had seen a fairy. , Tluu art just uu angel 1 did uot tell thee yesterday that I have twu little outs without a mother. Wilt thou be their mother ?" "That I will, ' said the Qiecn " "Then there's the twenty francs thou ; gavest uie yesterday. I thank tbee but I want no money" And he weut away, 1 • crying and sunling like a child. i Tm* (jo.-eit had adopted the two little ones. they are iu au institution, under her special patronage. What is the smallest room io the world ? The uiuihtuoui. NUMBER 25 Sidney Lanier, in Si'rtbittr for October, argues strougly in lavor OL ILI.o BQIB I farming sy«ieuj in the cotton Stales, which the results ol the lute war forced upoji ilmt stcfion of our country, us against t!i« large farms ol the North-west. Ho concludes It IB interesting article witli the following beaulllul tubute to hid Ueolgla : It is impossible to end without adverting to a New Souih which exists ID a lar utnre literal sense than that of euiall tanning. How uiuuh of this gracious luuti is yet new to all real cultivation, how much of ii lies groaning '•it the muscle ol' man, and l.ow doubly uioL'tilttl is this newness, in view ol to l«ir hold peri'itual session, and press perpetual invitation upon all men to couje and have plenty I Surely, along k that Joiple* slrrteh generous **•"" where the Appalachian ruggeefneea calui* themselves into pleasant lulls before dyiug quite away into the sea board levels, a man can find such temperance of heaven and earth—cuough of struggle with nature to draw out manhood, with enough ol bounty to sanction the struggle —that a more e'qmsite co-adaptation of all blessed circuuistances for man's lilo netd not bo sought. It is with a part ui that region mat this writer is most lamiliar, and one cannot but remember that, us one srau is at a certain spot there I and looks . if op and across the Uoui ulgee river, too whole prospect seems distiuciiy lo yearn lor men. Ivery where the huge and gentle slopes kneel and pny for vineyards, lor cotn-lit*lds, lor cottages, lor spires lo rise up troui beyond the oak groves It is a land where there is never a day of summer uor ol winter when a man cannot do a lull day's wtik in the open field ; all the products meet there, as at nature's 0 u agricultural lair; rice grows alongside ol wheat, corn alongside of tug.r cane ; cotton alongside of clover, tuples alongside of peaches, so that a small fai ui urny often miniature the whole United Stales in growth; the little valleys very where run with living waters, nsli g urates and cattle and yiiei grist mil s; all nimiuer ol timbers lor economic usis, and trees lor finer aits, cover ttie earth; in short, here is such a neighborly congregation of climates, soils, mineials and vegetables, that within the compass of many a hundred acre lnui a man may find *l.-n witliai Ui build I. it. ho ol «tooe, of brii k. ol m.k, or of pine, lo furnish it in woods that would delight the most curi>un eye, and t » gut p'y his family with all the necensaiies, most of the comforts, and many of tl.e luxuries, of the wbole worid. It is tiie country of homes. A d, as said, it is because these blisslul ranges ate still clamorous for hurna., friendship; it is because many of theui are actually virgin to plow, pillar, ax or mill-wheel, while others have known only the insulting aud mean cultivation of the earlier immigrants, who scratched the surface for cotton a year or two, then eaieles ly abandoned ad lo sedge and sassafras, aud sauntered on toward Texas; it is thus that these lands are, with sadder significance than that of small lar.uiug, also a New South. Burling'on Hawkeye to a Young Mau. Rtftnrtnher, son, that the world is ; older than y. u are by several years ; that for thousands of yeais it has oeeu so lull ol smarter and better young men thuu yourself that their feet struck out 01 the doruior windows; thai when they died tl.e old globe «eut whirling on, and uot OLe man in ten millions went to the luneral Don't be too sorry for i your father because lie knows so much j less than you do lteuiember the reply | of Dr Way land to the student ol Brown University, who said it was an easy enough thing to make proverbs such as Soloinou wrote. "Make a few," tersely replied the old mau The world has great need of young men, but no greater need than the young men have of it. i Your clothes fit you better than your I lather's fit hiui ; they cost more money, and they are more stylish ; your mus taclio is neater, the cut of your hair is better. Hut, young man, the old gentle man gets the biggest salary, aud bis homely, scrambling signature oo the busi ness end ol a check will drain uioro money out of the bank in five minutes than you could get out witli a ream of paper a copper plate signature in six months. An exchange prints the following ] 1 Blby L illaby," as sung by a father, while Jinmun is visiting the neighbors : Uoik-a by upon the tree top When the wind blows—confound it do stop. When the wit.d lilows the trade will rock, Jtmsxleiu ciiekets «hu * teiu|>er votive got. When I lie bough breaks the cradle will fall, ' t»y thunder juu young 'uu do ootliiuif but Squall. I ! Now baby go bv, go hush-i-tr—hush ; Moo-shoo, .booby, shooy. buih, hush-i-tr hush; Go to sleep, my biliy, my sweet little pet; Uo to si■ ep, don't jou hear me, I'll spank >Oll, I'll. If you ain't sleep this minit, now, now roek-a-by, Well, ban* sueli a young one that does noth ing but cry.

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