Tl»o Itoporter. PMIBHRU AT THE POHT omCK IN I»AN BURT, A 8 8KCONI) CI.ABH MATTER. « l . ...» —— PKPP KK J- SO AS, Pubt.and Prn/n. TH U BSD AY - NO VKM UK K 25 1880. LET US HK I\Db'.pF.SUKNT. While we are mil nt" those who wnqld encourage sectionalism, «»r 11y to array . the Soqth agaiiat 'he North or ih. I JT>rth against the Snuih, yet. aell pre- ' serration is one of the tt'st laws of na- ' lure, miii we claim ihe tight ol express ing our views as in our own heit ii tercet The Northern people have no h'-tli r j right to dictate (O the 801 th • nmn the fciouth has to dictate to the West, or the \v«ft the M'irth, hilt wliilo each section baa interests and privelages pectllar to it* self it the com try remains in a pros perous condition these rights must be r>speoied, gmetal Uws must govern every section alike, executed by i fficers feeling an interest in the whole Union. The action of the Northern people in (he late eleq|iun prpfrrriu|t a caniiMk|te I with the record of fl«n Gurfield, to a patriot so pure a* W S Htneock (mere , )y froui the fact that they thought that lie would get the 8 iiilbern vole) shows a feeling veiy cloaeiy allied to halted, »>ii ia the hune thai shows conclusively the diiHotion the tide of aeciiuualiaui will flow in the Inure. While the South hai> many true friends nl the North who siand ever ready to * . j lend a helping hmd to advance her in- | lerest in coiniiioii with other sections ol the Union ; she should rely mainly upon , her own resou cea, by building up her ] own waste places, thus adding lu her \ wealth, increasing and educating her > population. The fiist step in this diiec lion should be to cslab :sh s belter sys (9o) of Quipumn schools, ami spend more money in educating the rising genera lion, the tax p iyor van better «ff nit to pay his money in this direction than any . other, froui ihe tact that ii comes indi- , rectly back to hiui, The next should be for our U)oniel men lo invest their sur plll* money in manufacturing (in place of looking it up in their own private •ales or the vaults ot Natloual banks) which the people should lUstain by their > patronage, thereby building up tbe coun- j try by iuoreasiog its wealth, and adding { lo ita population, and ours being.natur- j ally an agricultural country will be bene- J filed by bavipg s iiome market for all : her aurplus pinducts. The South has advantages possessed by no other section of this Union, first in agricultural pro ' duct*. The abundance and Variety r.f her timbers and uiinera's, with witer power second to that of no oounlry on Ihe faoe ot the globe, then she has good porta, navigable watercourses, with pure air and a salubrious climate. Then let us improve our natural ad j vantages; atop buying wih den noluit'gH. paper botiom shoes and such worthless things from the North, and begin to be * independent" 10YS AND TRUST. I love, when day begins to hrt-ak. To feel my God most near j And when my food I now would lake )n re* rence, awe nnd tear. With lhanks returned, I now go forth. To hatile wiih the d«.v ; And took to Him for all mv Mtength, To work, and wait, and piar. I lore a' n ion lo know that I Am in His so?'reign care : And ask the iiub'ancs ol llis eye, To see my way most clear The day wenis on, yet I am Thine, To do Thy will I live, Nay mine be Thine, and Thine bfl mine, To lake, as Thou majst give. 'Tis even time, Ihe l ord be nesr, And guide ine to the night, And may Thy spirit speak moat clear, »o on, joo'r |n l|w right. 1 he day ia gone, and to my bed In faith, I trust to Thesi And when ' sleep, I'b feel no dtead, Of bless'd eternity. ' CORRESPONDENCE* Ci>niTuuti Iciitfd. Weasrs Kd intra It is now vary ap parent to all tlmt «« have ; •>■>« » t foment ruled t>y the the power of money. The wn ied corporations rule our cuuatiy «»»ure |y aa the sun rules by da>, or Ihe moon ] bj aigh". under a" ,:h miettiii«ai.w» t what ia thu duty ~f lk, « ci»s-es pf these Untied Slates ? Oapnai is pay |ng no taxea. ihe bonded d-i to' tie povernuieiit is exempt, and all the larife •urpiratious eoiineo'ed with the itovcm tueoi in any way, pay rn'ihnig towards the support ol tie giivero Meut- In a Word, money paja ootliing, and labor pays all. Uapital in the limit* .f a few runs ihe government, and that untaxed Ist unrepresented |ak >r pays the j thv runs the gnvrrnmcnt. How long will it be before the masses ot the pe> pie will open iheir »yea to such n state ot thing*, and when they do. you wili see the uiouey poser dclbroncd, uiad** subject til the Will of Ilie lion, si people and a return to the good old tunes ol our Fnh.ia Now liow ihe inoiiev wnl lie dethroned, and ui'ide sub jeol to ihe will nt the people, is yel lo be developed. Il the money kings will still claim lo rule Wlihuu* laxatlou, alii) withoui Oeiny willing to be;ir any pari ot ihe buidens ot the g.oveiumeut, thvti, in uqr opinion, the people will rise up in their wight and say to the money kings, "it you will not help us lo biar the bu dens of the government, we will retus llimukh our Uepresemntives. to pay yi.u any more interest on your bonds," and so on. H'ud so-l'oltll to ihe i lid Lahoi is getting weary of her bin den, capital uiuit couie lo i's nKsislapcp, an lucutlte tax must be levied, and a p;i r l ot tbe burdens lilted from labor, ol a refusal to pay interest may cou.e; tiui Lithe Sou'h hold «n lo her St «tes ori?an'x'it iniiN X X. Tbe liute i lection m North ( (t ulmu. j. TIIK KfTUIIXS. Full returns I'r, in eighty four counties, whtull give Vanct |l2tiiH and ."etile 101 4H3, now give Hancock IKt 7.i1l tj.H d> ni *1(1,) 1-|;{. ami J irvis 1I 1 2H!t. and liunt oi |il.")0o8 Toe Bigregu'e Vanctlami Seitle Votes in ll ese counties was 120; ihe aggie.' le Hancock and b'tfii 11 vole Is 9ll'J j the aggregate Jarvia and Hu.xtoii vote Is 21U 277 It wintid seem, itordore. Ilial (lie V' lea polled Is larger than lliat cast in Ifi?!) in theseOoiinlies Hancock received 1 111) uoue Iliio Vance and G>i tit id H lilill unite i ban Sell le J irvis received 1 -fill le.-s than Valine, slid -,;>h less lliau l| >Pcock limion received none than Se'tic. ami 11)5 less I ban liar tie Id V'moe's major ily Iu these c> uulies w*i 1 I .llil), ant >1 IT\ IS S maj ir.iy in these counties Is 0 201. Ii IS probable that I tie lilt of the Stall wnl be live or s * thousand in excess ol the vote of 18(0, and ihe Democratic vole will be very nearly a« great in in ' that year. It> Ihe 4ih, slb #pd 7i'i districts, our vole is larger than it w»s in 1870 I'he liguies show (hat whi'e the Deuiocrals have In Id their own, the licpublicatis have cast about 3 OWI votes more thuii in 1870. These deductions are drawn from the fUurfa we have Qther returns may change then i somewhat, but we do not thins In an> | great extent According to tigure reeeived by us, Jarvnt's majority is 0 331, with Watauga and ()ire still to hear from It will probably be 0 500. JtaUii/h A'w. 14 There iiitint be a cause for all of this, whether real or imaginary, and »hat this cause is it bejouies us to carefull) and cautiously ask Is il the Solid North rs. the Solid South ? Is ii the prepondcrame of our votes in the National (Jongre-s ? If nol, what then oan it be ? We are forced to think tha' the fact of our being solid is the cause, and although we are solid only lor good government, yet this is a pretext fur our adversaries to d nlare us pi blic nutliwa, and to denounce us as lehabililated rebels. It is an unl>rtuii*le s'ate ol affairs, and o'jr common c miitry cannot prosper and giuw well as long as there js st y such teeling existing Therefore in this datk hour of our political history let us lake oourage, and while bearing with manly dignity our reverses, lei us. when Ihe suioke ol battle is blown sway, question paiiiolically and wisely upon point and see what is he*t to lie done, — Krrih'iic (SouUi Carolina) Gazelle. Thanksgiving. Thursday Nov. 25'h has been ap pointed by I'residenl liayes as Thanks giving D«y N.I better plan for exhibiting nnr gra titu'le to the Htver of all good tor Ihe mercies and blessings of the past'yesr could be inaugurated than that ot lak ing up a collection lor the Oxford Orphan A"y!uw wherever religious ser vices are held on Thanksgiving l>y. Wheie g-rvicesaie not held on thai day let it tie taken up on iheSibbalh ue ru ing following Thanksgiving Hay and let tne Sabbath schools all lender the same instil ill ion a thanksgiving offering on tt b first Sabha h in December We hope the suggestion will he oarried out by ihe elergy and Sabbath school » iperintendciiis as cheerfully as the re ligious and secular preas will extend the , notice of the suggestion which thry have been requisted to do Phkrkkvii Tills —The Greensboro J'atriul says that a sure cure (or wlumping cough is one tablespnotifill nt clean, pure lar, one pint of new in Ik ; stir well ; let it aland two hours; I hen pour off the miU ; let the child drink it every hour. It will effect a cure in Ihrce da^s BLOW Storm. Wll, iNo TON November 15. After almost a u niinuous rain for twenty four hours, a snow storm set in about 7:30 o'clock this morning and still continues A heavy snow storui ia reported at Fayettevilie and Goldaboro. Men are like piqa On® with a little Iliad may he J'isl as sharp as ope with a iit£ ncati. ITEMS OF INTERPBT, K "isns ha- j tst ileetdod by a ui ijority of ill UIMI v.iir.- to pruli.itii ihe »ale ol nit lA. o«t liijuor- within her holders . * l-horeutsir. 'is nl Naei iiMieino e oiiity, Cat , eotitattir. 11 42ti u ut.n. ut v .ler-. ui wlmtii mil) 64- »>-ie b in In tne S.aie ot Calituruin. r« j ieinif in ft recent public sp eeli IIVI r the eK.Uti"*i i>t (i.ntii-ld. w-s .i seel e Hi beo,.li). I' I" Hid and blltier> kissing eaolt oil er II i/iuiiit/l"" •«T.) from a b> ated campaign wi'li a re pi*' at t i| aa jiimil as lie Mal'lid Willi la ifiealer k'oi> tbaii eould oatr* been gained t»y an eleull»»ii A> lite I i»sl d D - y " In ihe ne*i I'rtjidenlinl elecioii. tin l»i-s the nuiiibet ol' uieii.buis ol t,'oii|tr. •>- men he I tie S on Ii is ill e*si 141 election I votes, and hey wtti besoi.d 1.0 i lie li.tin'ieiailu nouiinee l'he epi* inly prevails In a ureal ex lent in ilns seell-'ii. A teaspoon lul ol uroillid tiiUsliird U|i*ed with tlie Horses ieed, i n e uuuieudid NX e lniVu tiled It willi sueotss J'irs* Sei.alor ll"»i say» in America tlie Ci|ilallst is I lie sueeeaal ul laborer, l|e thinks that I I lie wants to iiiuke anything I ir the .\mcrteaii tanner lie over i liet l^. I tenors I ilaneoek bus a unj rit y ot o»er 100 IMIII on tne popular Vole, show my thu'. lin^ ever itie Siaii a ma) Vole as Stales, t r lary r portion •' our country* men are Democrats tialtiininr 1 he seal of II m tie.!, l! (Nibell, rep i escnlat IVe eleel Ir* Hi i b I'liih Mima) ill tnct ot Virginia, wtli be c n leal* d ti\ .! T Bi«>ail. his opponent, ■vim laa be* n taking lor that purpose. The detii"cr*ls of New York are un eartliinif eleiitlon Irauiis I' is elaimeo ihai 20 OHO illegal v*i ex in that State alone were cast I• *r t/.ifield litli 11 HI cook has enproseit lijs lippoattiou 10 any contest The season is oouiinir when a tmiti must not uilv KU ird carelully hislib-ny ■Hid every other rttchi vouchsafe d Inn. by the Const tl ul lull, but lie must kft-p one ey» oil his woodpile and hell-roust [ M idilletow n Transcript, The cptistis bureau bulletin for New Jersey shows 'lie population ot lliai Si'ite I" be 4>ll 833 (IHH 7MI males and 2t (',67- lemales) ol wbiuli StSl.Vl are ton lull born anil !) 141.' I'olnred. Inelu ded in the oul'ired ate |37 Chinese and 11 Indians. A leadin|? merchant of Warrenioti. V.i, last Friday otdereil thirty bolts ol ■■ ttonades troin (JolutiioilS. (ra 11* "is hereliitore p'irchssed tins line ol Nortli,' but has lioliid that he can tu tielivr 'r m Soul h ern fscturiei. Our |lepre«ent»ii»e, A., M[ Scales, has been quite sick within the last ten days, and wis oou6ned to the bouse lor inucli ol the time, hut is now unproved and able to attend to business lie suns to be in bis plure at iln) National Cap tol on lie Ii st Monday in December Cfiilrul l'iotmhiiil. It is believed h) Republicans al Wash inuton th *t I'nsidem eleet U .itield wil ■all the ll'iu>e to eitra session on the sth of .March next.lor reoriisnigiiion, an 1 call the Senate, as is slways the custoui. to eoiitirui his oatnuet sod tin iiouiliialious l.e uiay have to make. Boy| in Ilrfiihl: We are blessed in the Uot'eil Slates with 10!l3H7tlU hortes, 1713 100 untie-*; 33 234 sul cat Me; 3M 12'',800 sheep, sod 34 7titi,loo swine, mid In sof Bfses. We sre not Hitorurd by thu Department ot Aicricu lure at Wasliiutfton whetbei this I supply of atiluial( in due to the Ri publican paity or not. The c*n|i|S bureau has issued a hu I. tin eooa itiir the tesultsof Ihe lirat count ol i lie p .putslt* n *>f Stale ol South Carolina aeeonlltiif to the sehedule returoed by tha enumerator The t is) populait it of the State ■ 995,3(16, of ai I h 4HO 327 "re . ales and SIM 111 .i leunles ; SIB 7 liti4 are native and 7 tit'i foreign b-iti. The whiles nnuiier 3D I 071, and H94 233 are e*il* r d We must not *linw ourselves t become a pi ex |o dei» .;id noy, but keep r lore* a Inlset f*r the 11 impaiito I 18.54 We eanuot b*-lle*jiL T ! h.a» delta' will si* S)S he *lon s Fisud aid enrrupti i|i canin t tmerer rule ibis free and liberty Invinu people Corruption ui ly prevail in liitfh plain s lor a while. ■ut eveuiq illy, like a t thintis evil, will otiuig to |gTI- I.— T-iili'iro SuHlUrmfr The pilneiples of the 0 ne'er .lie party sre en ex latent with 1 he e.t*hfiahiiienl «tl the poveriiuieiil naelt They are the very pint of the e ttaiiiu'ioii and will yet triumph stuin, Fur years morn ot abuse ol power may bo sitfii-ieut to arouse Ihe people t" a change of publie ssrvsnts, liut le- it u.ur- or less !»••• chsnue will uome. We have not despaired ol the republic l.ib.'t'y will noverdie auiotig Americans, //em/ersu" ftevieu}. At the eleetion on the 2nd instant there vere tw. candid ties f*r the lejiislaiure in Person o* uiity : H dleoisn, Democrat, iitid Winstead. KepnHlu-an They received 1 .013 votes esoh. uiakiug it a tie ; but the It *aid of County 'omtnissi'*tiers who were denmorats. lecidi d that. WltiS'ead was elected The D .uioerstie -ote-s of persnn will ''erlsiuty ask that H ar*l *il f!*'iutuisaioiiers o "rift*.- and expisio ." D I hey do imt, hey onent t i tjo fcy r>'ft-*li'>ru Patriot, " But we are not alarmed or discouraged Dor have we any tears about the gcntfift' prosperity of lite country and ihe we Ure uf the elans lit' liuHlnffH tiieti who have always ruled ■he u.unity—-ml I ijtettco. industry and entnKy It* c ritl d lier*-liilore. and will jm.tiitilC to ril'e ui' mailer wlto IS elected Pilsllleilt, ■ r It • 4 'the ignorant |iortt>tt »t the |ii*|ii« In'iiil votes in lite Southern und N itli rn Male*. JJn matter low iltoli"iis re-u t, tl.o ene*getic tiusjfitiM mi |t «»• 'lit' •• unity w>li ciitiirul a t N »ml I lie indoVi t and ii r III'-* will lie ignored and •m-tini a nan'- ol ihe t t|lint! clnes id XIII.I til l any lor H llian « Ito dona ii t »i'ik Hi d niaii'iui* uetl. hltd ueithel ran lie do n.uen Isrill In lln>u » hit are „I,| H i,i "«cid I lie r own rw" lit tins »0 lu —• ( /"" '>'#• PtM' li'Ji SNUW —0 ALVEBTON. NoV li .ls rep'.il 11c*a v > anew in sev urnl p in's in Texas. At Xainti nine iiielu s fell. S'f Loyis. N iveuibe- (i—A snow stm in liaa been prevailing since lust night, but the auow (iteMans lust us it hln The New York Ihrahl says of our candidale. Gin Hancock : It ia certain thai ihe Democrats will bold llie Senate al'ior Mai eh 4, 1380, an they dji now That will prevent the Stalwart* troui working mischief noai'Sl tlie S u'h The Republican ntaj irily in the House is n H yet deltt mined. LI I TI.E HOCK, NOT. 17. A heavy snow storm eotiinterced here at 8 /clock this morning and baa continued without intermission since, and tit still laHioir at sp. Rt. This is sutiething wi.houl precedent in this liHt'ide. Sine the opi o'i pot tno colored in ••ne asylum in North Carolina then. Ml tutiou lifts los' one patient by de* '. It rrnyi uu. ddart olcultumt liuot Forming far r;cfit New, Accurate, flair.. i when • !♦*, >•'te Fnrt Whr.tiy in it cif A i-reiri 'n to f.irni.nx. TELLS HOW Tn Make Money I U SiKH*' Novea many tlm«-« It* coat every NttMMjtu fo'i pngce. JJlos ratinnf 8«.h4 to - £ir €"•*»»» «■•*! terms t> J. C. McCUK|>\ « CO,, i'tUUdolphia. Pa. Merchants, Mannfaftnrcn, Nurserymen, Florists, 'AVV 3taCloners and Business People evervw.etQ are delighted villi, and JC '■§ by nsmtf t,tc world-renowned M del PRINTiNG PHESS It is lanje enough to do all the required, strong, npd. KASY TO WORK, alwav\ rellal«. ituJmiy U»v can in tnai'c it. and do hundred- of dtlUrs worth of wt» k every Wc ...ake twelve ktylci. both hand and fc-4pu» er, rnni;ingin pricefron' fl-oo ui»*.v «*U. Send 3-tent st .nip t*-r circular*. Over 7,000 ir use. &j~ " The MoDkL l*Kfc *nha» made nie over tfr-oo last m>nth and good |irt.\j*ts ahead."—U. Rtrs. Hn«»« T *n. Tc*. "My MODIL J'KUSS hat oxer paid f, r iuclf a..« . -rd nriniiut; alone."—W. F. Wo)LAKl>, Fairfield, 111%. "The MOt>HL d»es all and even more than youclatui for It.**— I. H. SNYDER,, N.J. Flrat Fri*«N«t I'ar's,'. atul Sydney, N.S. W.. *7O. Atldrci all orders or inquiries to manuf.\cturcrsi J. W. Daughadau & Co. 721 Ch: :trMt St. Philac\l% AUTUftl> AVKMY. J. S. I.ASSKTT. l.a i or. iirtt'l Aavtrtittr. Late of •• HOME AKD KAKM." "SOUTHand WEST," ruBLISKEO AT 216 rtNB STBEIT, ST., Lot ta. By ALFRED AVERY & CO. Renil for eamplo cop can( "SOI'TH antl WEST," whl Ii Is a Srst-class a;(.icnUtiial and family Jiain -■ vMlilinl .-eiul innntlily at the low prtco of 601 'KNTS A YKAB, JNiiitles are entirely lunorwl. General now«, valuable iqfor matlon, and Interestiiiir readioir matter are fur nistusl. The bent oi eorri'six.nrteiiis r> tribute from all «eetton" r f thitrnnnfr. 1 M'fiil pnmlnms .ml liticml eimmlsions will >xi given toolub raisers. Samtlks i'Hr.t. Address, 11 SOUTH & WEST," SIS Pino 6tra«i, St. Louis, Mo. TRY THK New York Observer THIS YEAH. Tlte I arm! and I'rst Family I'aprr in I e World. 9KND FOR SAM ILK COPY— FKKB XE II 7 )RK 01! SERVER, I Pu k HOW, N.w \ otk $72 V v\ KKK $- .* day ui be iv trrtde f\.-l r re€.\ e€. Adiii*. J hlk Co. n Maine. ' y* i' :>Hv i.r^l m I ! j "■'.On k i IJ jw !■" ,l!S J rv; s 6 2 » H 'iiissdi c. 3i? 3 i | 0 a 0 Jtlisifjil! s|-IBs! mmn Hp Sfg ~T BuiiKi, miz'& 0., Importer* and \Vhole«nle Oeulera in OTIONS, HtiHIKHYj GLOVRS; WIIIT|J AND "ANOV UOOUB No. 5 llmiurer atreet; i|liiiiii|e, Vd. 4«l/ Piggy DAVIS' VEGETABLE 1 PAINKILLER RASJJ A PURELY VEGETABLE REMEDY h Co I For Internal and External Use, £j t t gjjoE CURE for all the Diseases for which It Is recommended, and Is ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE in the hands of /. \\ even the most Inexperienced persens, £ i^!"— > it a mi re end q*lek remedy for COCCUS, MORE K J '-if ,/l] THHOATt i MILI.S, and tdmllar troubles; affords instant relief L A * MM in fA t moat malignant form* of DIPIITIIEKI A« and In llio bent Wtf Ll k iowii remedy for IUIKUJIATIfOI and NEUUAI^IA. 1 C 3 THE CLDEST, BEST, AND MOST WIDELY* KNOWN EI | RA FAMILY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. L ! IV , Arm It linn boon imrd with miqli wonderful snrecm. in all Rl If CA HRfl par; ~f th, «»rW for CRAMPS, CHOLERA, DIAKItIMKA, PW »33 \\3,\ iUH DYSENTERY, auct all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, rio U U F I coniidered an unfailing curt for theft din-attt. LJ ii 'S3® EiS HAS STOOD THE TEST OF 40 YEA3S'CONSTANT FFI 11 1 SI mi USE 19 ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. [\| C tj,. I M//.JHW'* It I" RECOMMENDED liy I'livnlclnn*, Mluioniule*, LI J L-~j \ ; J ira ) Minlntrra, Miinn«r»n of riniitnllonm Work-shop*, an.l ten Sri Vl L|*P? i «/;, Fneturiee, Nnreen lu HorpUuln-ln abort, by Evcrjbody PS Jy /S> i' flr'J everywhere who ha» ever iriveo It »trial L TI-'L # IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. 1 , i w)J s '.'l It should always bo need for Piiln In the Rack nnd Kldt>, rjl' s(fe (liS)/. K an«l ftrfnyt and pnn»**iit rt'i'J" In all cases of Rrnlitert, *l. n'M ' ' i- • * Cms, Sprains, Sevmre Horns, Sealde, eta - * NO CAN SAFELY RE WITHOUT IT. It vll —j—/ annually have many timea ita co»t In doctnra' bifla, and ita |»rtco ■ j In-in .i it within tbo r. orb of &1L It ia sola at SJdc. jOc. oi.u 81.0(1 « —iq i 1 a IH.IUU, and cpn bo obtained from all drugtffetft. PL:::r.r DA733 & CON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. g ' 5 5 TJ J| g ? sks2£ L Jsi>^ „ r Cures by lo\ l o\ ( Xnluret i my) lure c back A{ f *ic aVi v.'dxvTq d.^ka^s,' * .... :\li THUOVP OISEASKS, Anil hlullsenses ol 'he |viunt*« s lihidder upd (iitfC 1 I ///X(f 'I KOUiil. t*. Improved lxjM»r Kitliiry rail. I'DBivts ' titni healing Hi. ii tt . II is .1 Marvel of Healing «'nl Reii f, |, DR 4Ws PR -, M , e 8e(1 tg SIMPLE, SENSIBLE, DIRE T, il ih ii i*n i-« •! •i h PAiNL- SS, PO WERFUL. Thousands T.etify to its Virtues. It CURiiS y> nil -if» i.u'a A Revel- 1 ill' X\ ltl> a':*n I Htvolufio i in Medicine A>• r* , • ■ ■ . oui(.in n«r dnert »|.pMcni>n, as o|>i.imei) to li} Pll (° Y£*f IS] "lO 1 Ill' Pit i.ns ! i**l .'-lory internal nit-tlit-ines .*M-rnl lur * ■ ■Vis* Tt II fdiill * Ifll *'!■ utir i.-e on Kid net irui.l.lw, sent life. p. pM ri.M.air nnlil ..hi |,a\> >i ied lliia fVn-l .-ioid nj- .Irngjjisie, ifwui ii.t nt.iil, un rec.i|>( i,„. i, j ,~i jj \DI' ALLY ul>liO',«2. I.PFEC TU/.I »'"-d . £.L ..n IM • n .» *. .>• n ll VII) lit mui on ip* Ihe "Only" I iiiijr Paft (>,, ol p r ic«, *2 00, i>v WuLsins' Bo k. *4..c ' .;t .> '* r..d Co., Pivii L'li, v.ivli ..linnis B'.-ck, ' i Tilt i IT, ». ifh. Tlii* is t>n.| fi i d r nr Tpiiinoni'.* nnd l'« U eKldne. I'A.l. Ask on IH ok '' J'i irt M mi.3 tt iur it ntiu uu ollur. )'i«r, ' tent Int. l-ci 8 tbNo HOLIAH'S PA D S CURE Q THE OfO simply TR,JE by /Ty |JMAL&ni."I Absorption] J Anifcto. Trade LIABJC. Holman'i Acrtiet Liver and Ctoir«' , i Pad --For M \L.\KI \ LIVER and H TOMACJ TItOJ BLES. Trico f2.1i0. Klolniun*fi Spr lal Fad-A'lftn'o 1 to oil ckrotiit* Price $.1.00. Holmau's Splorii Bell-For cul born cast's of Bnlarged un I unyielding Liver nn4 t>lo;ua. li trouble. Pric«- S3.(K). Holniflll 9 M liHniit"* iPad-Por aKwT.i of lnfi\ntn and clilktrun. Trico SI.D). Bladder CotttplAlti'a. Price 9-.03. Klolraan'ft ITferliie Pa»l—?or F»ni la | Price $.j.00. AbworptSve Urdlctni] Rodj Pla«le»*—The plaster lqiulo— l»orou8 on rublter basin. Price 25a. llolraan> AbmirpUve 71cdirinal Poof Plantrrw— ßirisli circulation. Price |»er mlr 25c. Absorption B*:t—Modlt-atr* 1 Foot Datha— For (olds. Obstruction* an 1 all rases \vb n r» a foot ln'h Is needed. Per hnlf lb. pacKnge, Csc. For wale by all druggist*—o.* sent l y in U. postnani. on receipt or pra e. T*ie A'»s>rpiion BUt Is not 44 innilnhle " mi l Kxpres* at purchaser's expena**. The sn *c«*ss of Pahas In spired l.nlta:ors wljo otfer P.%di a.mliar l:i FORM and ODOI: the Titus XIo- m\n*S, saying, "They are the nine, /;«.•* Jirware if a.l Boiuii Pat. i, 0:7 go..en up to #u.l on the repu tation of the genuine. Bee that each Pad bears the gref»n PRIVATS FEVSITUB STAMP ( f tlio lioluian Pad Company witty above Tradc-Marli. If aaß|t-(o«l with ehronla ailments send a con cise description of syniptoins, wnlcii will re ceive prompt and csrefu! aitention. Dr HOLMAN'S a vice is free. Full troatise sent free oa appllratlon. Address, Ho*.HAN PAD CY>., (F. O. Box 2,112) trj W.Jliai.i Street, New fork. ©ITAIIt DYElit'ae safest and be t; acts in tan taneously, producing tl|e m»ist natural ! of black or brow: r.d as | not slum th« skin;eaau : ly applied. A standard prepanitlon ; favorite 1 Upon every well ap pointed toilet for lady or gentleman. Sold by | all drugcrists and ap- \ plied by ail uair dressers. J. CIIiMTADOIIO, w f WJ William street, New Vork, _ : vl Patroniae He mo Industry. W. P LANBfIETII, I 1 COACH, BUCCY AN D WAGON MAKKH »«"! lIKr.MUKR, ! IJANBVHY, N C. . I All work n itrrntilrd In l»e of firjt-rlnss ran- Irriil Halt*'eel inn pusranU'4 «1. liupaiiiu/ a •pciirt'lv. Mini d«»ne i»n .iho.t uollce. Obi (Sini. jje««. Hnjfgief, nnd all ot |»n>Yi*ioiif uken in exchange lt>i wrW. Jupc If —ly. 11:f Prl f ! 1• y II! Uh.AL HFUt.: r ll.i. I'a 7HA TED i!Giii v(c ut. TII3 SC'Il NT.FI "J Alt El XC/N. Tu*i C AMritiCAS ISM «% k > iv ilir 111 >i 1 i*iiii lui >i 1 jra/'u4tly *//#/#'/ i/» d wi h # hmhd tiyrttiny ~t rvii.i i'»H ihe im>e i I v -lit; i»? •11 I 1 ie mcsl ri- I vii 1 Ad* I'iiii'S ill the .Ar'sniui >i*it*nrps: in-* I ell. 11l y New « lit Fi » ii, . |- ii 111 e, tii>iiit*n 11 n 1 . tie «».i.v lit:ilth. Men Progues, • *»IIHI burmt ( Nsfursl liis* uu*, I i'oit>>.'3, A>i • i*'i'. . •• •. t?tv 1! 1 !»• prselienl p»i|*er> I" - rn •ne»-i v titers in «l| lcj#..i iineiils i»i triemv, a 1.1 in- luuuti mme St ifiiiiHe Aineiicau. Ten > $3 J•, 1' f»ir I? 100 haT a ear, al'ieh leebid* 9 po?iave. I'iseouiit loAjjen's, »• eo|i;vS. ten, 1 .» s i »\e •:»- tit ill* is. §*f tft »o .11* •» dr. (ti AiUNN ft M« . | 1.Inh«*i Ill Pai.4 Hll.l, New Yui'k PATEN is. i fcCit!L»litiC /ill! lICMI, -US rs vl I NN to i(> me JSoliviloia o; .MII IUMII und Pnleniß. have hud \ esrb' cxpei ieuwe, so 4 now have the world Paltnfs sreablsined on ibe liesi ternm A spirial notice is imide in ihe bcioxitiflo AmeriCHn of till Inviutions psimted tins Ajietjcy, with tlu* r.auic and res ide nve ot ilie Patentee Hv the iiiiinruse cirn ciilatiou thus »iive«», public ..tuntion is di iected to the merit* ol the new patent, and ssits or lut'odLClioii often e tsin elfvletl AIM pel son who has made a new nseovery or luventioti, can asci-rtsin, frit of charge, whelher a patent can by writing to my.sN aCu Ae atso »eu| ftt€ our Hand-Hook about the Patent l.HWS, Patents, 1 averts, Trade-Alai ks, then-costs, and how piocuit j with hiuts fur providing advances on inventions Addiets lor the Pat per, or voncerntug Patrn«s. MUWN & CO., 37 I'u.k i»ot«, Ativ Vork Branch Office, coiuer F and iIU sireeu, \\ ashing ion, U 0 KOCKIKSIIAM AIADCMf» I AN KNGLIdII AND CbASMCAI* BCiIOoL. Students PreparedJor College or the Practical qf J.i/e. SPRING SESSION OPENS January ad, tsßi, TERMS .—Moderate. For|>*rtMlitis, to H. li. BWADFIKI.D, Principult 4»iljr IBBo.— Qm Madisan, N. 0. J. 11 MOIIOU-.ON, WITH J. P. YANCEY & CO., (fiicrersnn lo V.intvy, Kiatikli n A Co., |.. I» It IKIt S 0F N 0 TlO Hf, Ko 121'9 Main Street, Bit liitipiitl, Vu. M.ireli '27, IbTO, ,

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