THE DANBURY REPORTER. VOLUME V. THE REPORTER. . PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT DAN BMU RYj_ N . C PEPPER d SONS, PUBLIBHERB AND PROPRIETORS. RATES OF SOBBCRIPTTON. Ons Year, payable in advance, $1 so Six Months, • . - 100 RATES OF ADVERTISING. Ons Square (ten lines or less) I time, $1 no For each additional insertion, . 50 Contracts for longer :ime or more space can bs made in proportion to the above rates. Transient advertisers will be expected to remit according to these rates at the time they tend their favors. Local Notices will be charged 50 per ceut, higher than above rates. Buiness Cards will be Inserted at Teh Pol. Iln per annum. 0. W. DAT, ALBERT JONES DAY & JONES, Manufacturers of SADDLERY, HARNESS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, £O. Ho. 336 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md. 'nol-ly B. F. KING, WITH JOHNSON, SUTTON & 09., i>RY GOODS. Nos. 31 and 29 South Sharp Street., BALTIMORE MO. T. w JOIINSON, a. M. SUTTON. i. rn. R. CUAUUJt, G J JOUNSO.N, nol-lr H. H. MARTIN DALE. WITH WM. J. C. DULANY & CO . Stationers' anil Booksellers' Ware house. SCHOOL BOOKS .4 SPECIALTY. stationery of ull kinds. Wrapping Paper, Twines, itonuet Hoards, Paper Blinds. 832 W. BALTIMORE ST., BALTIMORE, MD B. J. k R. K. BEST, WITH UORY sowlbou\ & 10., WHOLHSALE CLOTHIERS. 20 Hanover Street, (between German and Lombard Streets,) BALTIMORE, SID. H. 80NNEBON, B. SLIMLINE. 47-ly J. R. ABBOTT. Ot N C , with N WISCO, ELLETT & CRUMP, , RICHMOND, VA., Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, BHOES, TRUNKS, &C. Prompt attention paid to orders, and satis faction gauranteed. Virginia State Prison Ooodi a tpecxalhj March, 6. m. J. W. RANDOLPH k EXGLIS , BOOKSELLERS, (-TATIONRRS. AND BLANK-BOOK MANUKACTEItERB. 1318 Mainrtreet, Richmond. A Large Slock of LA H' BOOKS alicayi en nol-tim hand. J NO. W. HOLLAND, WITH T. A. BRYAH SL CO., Manufacturers ol FRENCH and AMERICAN OANDIKS, in every variety, and wholesale dealers in FRUITS, NUTS, CANNED GOODS, CI GARS, Jo. 39 and 241 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. Orders from Merchants solicited. WILLIAM DEVKIKS, WILLIAM B. DXVaIKK, OBBISTIAn DKVRIBS, Ot'S., SOLOMON KIMMILL. WILLIAM DEVRIES & CO., Importers and Jobbers of Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods and iN otitis, *l3 West Baltimore Street, (between Howard and Liberty,) BALTIXOKE. This paper will be forwarded to any ad dress for one year on recetptol 1 Dollar and Fifty Cents In advance T* Inventors and Mechanics. PATENTS and how to obtain them. Pamphlets of 00 pages free, upon receipt of Stamps for Postage. Address QILMORE, SMITH & Co., Solicitors of Patents, Box 31, Wathinglon, D. 0. Graves' Warehouse. DANVILLE, VA., VOK TBI SALE Of Leaf Tobacco W. P, GRAVEB, PROPRIETOR. J. D. WILDER. Clerk, R. L. WAI.KSR, Auct'ur. I. A. WALTSHS, Floor-Manager. April 17, 1879. , g ' ly. ~j7w7 MEHEFEE, WITH PEARRE BROTHERS 4 CO. . Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods. MEN'S WEAR A SPECIALTY. Ifos. a and 4 Hanover Street, Augusts , 'Bo—fim. BALTIMORE. ELHART, HIIZ &6., Importers and Wholesale Dealers la OTIONS, HOSIERY; GLOVES; WHITE AND *ANOV OOODB No, 5 Hanover street; Baltimore, Md, 46-ly DANIiITHY, N. C„ THURSDAY, lIEOLMBE I TBE WOMAN or siy. BT J w. HATTOM. And 111 laid to the vonum, thy faith JktUh \ tared thee ; go in peace.—Luke tiif., 60. * Pausing without, the womiin'of•ii*-' Ksltsring stood, Anil Raxnl within ; Dreading to cuter, nor iluing to ata/, Speechless aha stands, too tricked to Hut loathing 'lie sin that brought here there— Striving, strii)fglio(f against despair I' 'Twas thus she stood at ttje open door, Craving forgiveness—uothing more. Known to the host—poor womn of tin I What right has she to enter in ? What right has she, ao wicked atid low, To apeak, or listen, or look beatow, In presence of llira, the Lord lJlvine, Who healelh tbe sick, the ball, the blind? But the blight of tin—Such lis hers— Wat beyond the reach ot prayers and tears, v- ■ uU •• ■ ■ ,•' Thua reaeortjd Simon, tbe Pharisee, Vain of hi* wealth and sanctity— Seeming a Hint, though Tile as she. Unbi Jden she enters— unseen tbe frown That darkens the tacee of all around ; For her tear-dimmed eyes are fixed on One Whose ainile betokens a pardon won The savor of perfume fills the air, Sweet iuceuv ot unspoken prajer And tears unchecked now full to greet, W itb lout.est kisses, the Savior's feet. Poor, miserable wretch, despised of all I Unsheltered, uupitied in thy fall I Unbidden you come, and spurned of men, To tiud iu Jesus, alone, a friend I Thy faith hath saved thee—go thy way, Blessing tbe .Master, day by day ; Hut loviug not as the Pharisee, Vaio of ins wealth and sanctity. Columbia, Mo. ONLY A FEW WORDS. Mr. Wiukuluiao shut the door with a bang us be left tbe house, and moved dowu the street in tbe diiection of bin office, with a qu'ck, firm Step, sod I tbe air ul a uiau slightly disturbed iu . uitnd. "Things are getting better fast," said he, with a touob of irony in his voice, as be almost flu'ig himself into his leather cushioned chair "it's rather hard wben • man has to pick his words in hia own house us carefully us il he Were picking diamonds, and tread aa softly as though ho were stepping on eggs. I dpn't like it. Mury g.its weaker and more foolish •vary i»v, and puts a breadth of mean ing on uiy words that I never intended thetu to hsve I've not been used to this conning over of sentenoesand pick ing out of all doubtful expressions ere venturing to speak, and I'm 100 old to begin now Mary took me for what I am, and t-he must make tbe moet of ber bargain. I'm past the age for learning new tiicks." With these and many other justifying sentences, did Mr. Winkelman seek to obtain a feeling of self approval. But, fur all t is, he could not shut out tbe image of a tearful faoe, nor get rid of an annoying conviction that he bad acted thoughtlessly, to say the least of it in speaking to his wife ss he had done. But wbat was all tbis trouble about? Clouds were in tbe eky that bent over the home of Mr. Winkelman, and it ia plain that Mr. Winkelman himself bad hia own share ia the work of produoing these olouds. Only a few unguarded words had been spoken. Only wordß ! And was that all f Words are little tbingß, but they sometimes strike hard W* wield tbem ao easily that we are apt to forget their hidden power. Fitly spoken, tbey fall like the sunshine, tbe dew and tht ferti lising 1 sin ) but when unfitly spoken, li>« tbe frost, the hail and the desolating tempest Some speak as tbey feel or think, without calculating the foroe of wbat tbey say; and then aeem very much surprised if any oue is hurt or of> fended. To tbis olasa belonged Mr. Winkelman. His wife was a loving, sincere woman of quick feelings. Words, to ber, were indeed realities. They never fell upon ber ear as idle sounds. How otien was ber poor beart bruised by them ! Oo tbis particular morning, Mrs. Win kelman, whoso health was feeble, found herself in » weak nervous suite. : It was only by an effort that j)he 'could rise above the morbid irritability that afflict ed ber. Earnestly did she strive to re press tbe disturbed beatings of her heart, but she in vain. And it seemed to ber aa it often'suob cases that everything went wrong. Tbe children were fretful, tbe 000k dilatory and oroqa, and Mr. Winkelman impatient, because sundry little matters pertaining to his wardrobe were not just to )>is mind "Eight o'clock,.and no breakfast yet," said Mr. Winkelman, as be drew out I)is watcb, on eompleting hia *owo toilet. Hrs Witikeluiun wis in the actof dress iug the last of five children, all of wham had passed under bor hands Eaeh was oaptious, cross or antuiy, sorely try inc the mother's palienoe Twice had 'she been inlo the kitchen to see how breakfast was progressing, and to enjoin tbe oareful preparation oi B favorite dish with which the had purposed 10 surprise her husband. ''lt will be ready in a few minutes/' said Mrs Winkleman. "The fire hasn't burned treely this morning " "If it isn't one thing, it's another'' growled the husband "I'm getting tir ed of this irregularity. There'd #OOO be no.breakfast io.«ei, if I Were always bchiLd time- iu business matters." Mrs. Winkleman bent lower over the ehiid she was dressing, to conceal the ex pression of her face What a sharp pain throbbed through her temples 1 Mr. Winkleman began to puae the floor im patiently, little imagining that etery jarring footfall was like a blow on the tensitive, aching brain ot bis wife. ' Too bad 1 100 bad !" be bad just ejao ulated when the bell rung. "At last!" he muttered, and strode to ward the breakfact room The ahildren followed in considerable disorder, and Mis. Winkleman, alter hastily arranging her hair, and putting on a morning cap, jointd them at the tuble. It took some ui»uients to restore order a'uoug the lit tle ones The dish that Mrs. Winkleman bad been at conaideiabie rains to provide for Iter husband, was set beside bis plate It was favorite among many, ana bis *ile, looked for a pleased recognition thereof, and a lighting up of his clouded brow Hut he did not eeem to even no After supplying the children. Mr Winklemau helped himself in sil ence. At tha first mouthful he threw down bis knife and folk, and pushed his plate from him "What's tbe matter f" inquired bis wife. "You didn't trust Bridget to cook this, I hope !" was his response. "Wbat Is the matter wiih it 7" Mrs Winkleman's eyes were filling with tears "Oil! it's of uo consequence," answer ed Mr. Winn leman, coldly; "auytbing will do for me." "James!" There was atouchingsad nees blended with a rebuke in her ao acuta; aud, as she- uttered hia name, tears gushed over ber cheeks. Mr. Winklemsn did not like tears. They always annoyed him. At the prea eut lime be was \n no mood to bear with them So, on the impulse of the mo ment, he arose from the table and left the boure Self justification was tried, though not as has been seeu, with complete success Tbe ealuier gtew the mind ot Mr. W ink leiumn, and the dearer bis thoughts, the lees satisfied did be feel with the part be bad taken in tbe mornings drama. By •n inversion of thought not usual amoog sen of bia temperment, he had been pre. ►ented with a vivid realisation ot bia wife's side of the question. The oonee quenoe was, that by dinner time, be felt a good deal ashamed of himself, and grieved for the pain be knew his hasty words had occasioned It was in this better state of mind that Mr. Winkleman returned home Tba bouse soemed still as he entered As he prooeeded up stairs, he heard the children's voio*s pitched to a low key in the nursery. He listened but could unt bear the tones of bis wife. So be pass ed into the front chamber which was darkened. As soon aa he could see olear ly in the feeble light he saw that his wife was lying on Iho bed. (!cr eyes were oloeed, fcnd her tbin face looked so pale aud deathlike, that Mr. Wiokleman felt a cold shudder creep throegh bis heprt. Coming to the bedaidb be leaned over and gaxed down upon her At first he was in doubt whether she really breathed or not; and he felt a heavy ''i ight removed when be a«w that her obept rose and fell in feeble, respiration. "Mary J" he spoke in • low tender voice - Instantly tbe fringed eyelids parted, and Mrs Winkleman gascd up into her bqtband'a faos in partial bewilderment, hi Obeying the moment's impulse, Mr Winklttnsn bent down and left a kiss upon her pale lips. As If moved by an eljotrie thrill, the wife's arms were flung around the husband's neok. "I 181 sorry to find .you so ill," said Mr. a voice of sympathy. 1 What is the sitter ?" "Only a siekjieadaohe," replied Mrs Winkleman. liut I've had a good sleep and feel better 'naw. I didn't know it was so late," tone changing slightly, and a look of hnoero coming into her countenance. "I'm afraid your dinner is not ready ;"and she attempted to rise. Hut her buband gently laid her back with his ham saying: '-Never mind about dinner It will come in good time If yot leel better lie perfectly quiet Hateyou suffered much pain ?'» "Yes." The word did not part her lips sad'y, bu came with a softly wreath Tp*-stiiiU. ready the wan hue of her oheika Wat giving place to a warmer tint, and tlie dull eyes bri): I letting What a healing power was in his tender tones and ooutiderate words 1 And that kiss—it bad thrilled along every nervo —it had btiea as nectar to the drooping spirit. ' Bu. I feel so mueh bettor, that I will get up," she added, now rising from her pilUw. And Mr*. Winkleman was entire!) free from pain As she stepped upon the carpet, and moved across tbe room, it was with 1 firm trend Every mu«ole was clastio, and the blood leaped along her veins with a new and healthier im pulse- No tiialnf Mr. Winkleman's patience in a late dinner was in store for him. In a few minutes tbe bell summoned the family; and ho took bis place at the table so traaquil in mind that he almost wondered at the change in his feelings Hiw different was the soene from that presented at the morning meal 1 And was there power in a few simple words to effect such a change as this? Yes, iu simple words, with tbe odor of kindness. A few gleams of light shone into the mind of Mr. Winkleman, as he returned musing to the office, and be saw that he was frequently to blame for tbe olouds that so often darkened over tbe sky of home. "Mary is foolish," he said in partial | BelfjUßtificalibn, "to lake my hasty wurd* :so much to heart. I speak often with out meaning half what I say. She ought to know me better. And yet," he added as bia step became slower, for be was thinking more ingenuously than usual, "it may be easier for me to chsose piy wo.ds more cmfully, and to repress the unkindness of tone that givei them a double foroe, than for her to help fecliug pain at their utterance." llight, Mr. Winkleman ! That is the eotnmon sense of the whole matter. It is easier to strike than to help feeling pain under the influence of a blow. Look well to your words, all ye members of a home circle. And especially look well to your words, ye whoae words have the most weight, and fall if dealt in passion, with tbe heaviest "force [Arthur's Magazine. Dependence of Health Upon Circu lation. Pel Feet health depends upon perfect circulation. Every liviug thing that has the latter has the former. Put your hand under your dress upm your body. Now place it upon your arm. If you find the body over ninety degrees sod your arm under sixty degrees, you bute lost the equilibrium. The head has too much blood, producing headache; or the ohest too much, producing cough, rapid breathing, pain in tie side, or pal pitation of the heart; or the stomach too much, producing indigestion Any or all of the-e difficulties are temporarily relieved by immersion of this hands or feet in hot water, and permanently re lieved t.y such dress and exercise of the extremities as will make the derivation permanent. A frisky old widow, by tbe Q»me of Butler, who had been married ssveral times, usually with disastrous results to hei busbaods, having obtained a divorce from her last husband, who was a Republican, immediately married a new husband, who was a rising young man and a Demoorat Thq friends of' the widow congratulated ber upou tbe acquisition of a new huebsnd .The widow blushed violently, and, chewing the seam ot her apron, replied "W hy he is not a new husband at all He it the Batne one I used to have betore the war." It would never do to elect women to all office*. If a female sheriff should visit the residence of a sows man and to explain to his jralous wile tnpt ;he had au attachment l .i him, dure would bs a vacancy of thai office io about two miuuies. " It 2, 1880. Turning the Tables. HOW IZBK|'.«I WUITSUN PUT SOMS CIT* SNOB a TO nLIIaU, When Maine war* « district of Massachusetts, Ezokiel Wirtufin was chosen to represent the distriot in fhe Massachusetts Legislature He was a.i ecceritiio man, and one of the best lawyers of his time- He owned a farm and did much work on his land, and when the time oame for hiui to set out for Boston, his best suit of clothes was a suit of homespun. His wife objected to his going in bis gaib, but be did not care. "I will get a nice suit made as soon as I reach Boston," he said. Reaching his destination, Whitican found rest at Doolutle's City Tavern. Let it be understood that he was u graduate of Harvard, ami at tbis tavern ho was at houie As he eutered the parlor of the bouse, ho founJ several ladies and gentleuieu assembled, and he heard the following remark from oue of them. "Ah I here ootnes a oountryaiau of the 1 real homespun genius Here's fun." Wht; IIIMV tiitreJ at tbe company, aud then sal dowa. '•S.iy, my friend, are you from the oouuliy t" remarked one of the geutieuieo "Y» as," answered Ezekiel, with a ludicrous twist ot the tuce. ''And what do you think ot our city V asked one ot the ladies. "It's a pooty thickly settled place, anyhow It's gut a sweepin' sight of house'n it." "And a good many people too." "Ya as, 1 should guess so." "Many people where you coma from ?" "Wall, aooie." "Plenty of ladies, I suppose ?" "Ya as, a lair sprinkling " "Aud 1 don't doubt you are quite a beau among them " "Yes, beau 'em home, tew uieetin r and singing skewl." "Perhaps the gentlemen from the oountry will take a glass ot wine f" "Thank'ea Don't keer if Ido " The wtue was brought. ''You must drink a toast " "01, git eout! I eat toast ; never heard of sioh a tbi ig as drinkiu' it. But 1 can give you a sentiment " The ladies olapped their hands ; but what was their surprise when the stranger, rising, spoke calmly aud clearly fWU«M*S » "Ladies and gentlemen, psrmit me to wish you health and happiness, with every blessing earth can afford, and may you grow belter and wiser in advancing years, beariog ever in mind ibat outward appearances are deceitlul You mistook me from my dresi as a eotntry booby, while I front the same superficial cause thought you were ladies aud gentlemen. Tho mistake has been mutual." He had just finished, when Caleb Strong, Governor of the Slate, eulered and inquired tor Whitman. "Ab, hero I aui, Governor G'ad to see you " Then, turning to the dumbfounded company, be said : "I wish yon a very good evening " One day a bear walked out of the woods and, all uninvited, entered the bumble home where ibe uiau and his wile Betsey wore silting At sight of bis bruiuship the lord of orration arose from his chair with a wild yell of terror aud, without thought of bis wife, hastened to climb a place of refuge on top of an old Dutch clock that stood in one oorner of lite room. The more valiant Betsey stood her ground, and seizing a long poker fiercely attacked tbe bear, and did uot desi.»t, in spile ot tbe game defence which he made, until site had stretched him dead at her feet. Her lord and master from his safe perch watched the oouihat between her and the bear with evident interest, aud ever and anon kept shoutings "Give it to him, Betsey," "Hit him another wine across the hend," "Smash his infernal skull'," eto. As soon aa he became satisfied that the brute was dead, and tbere was no dacger of his "uoutiug to," he hastened to descend from the clock and summon the neighbors tor miles around, saying to all those whom he m t, "I want you to come to our bouse and see the bear tuat Me *jud Buitey have just killed " "Well, hsve any religion (p- day J"' asked a Christian friend of a Vermont shoemaker, somewhat noted (or the joyous and simple earnest uess of ),is religion "Just enough to wake good shoe*, ylory to Go it! said ho in reply,- as with au extra pull be drew his thread firmly to its plsoo. T/mt'i the kind of religion we want. A religion that uiakes each oie faithful to his woi'k ; that rules behind the aouoter as well as in the ohufch ; that guides the cobbler as he patohes the old shoes of bis poor customer, as truly as the visitor of the "sick and in prison and that never pute the big potatoes on the top. Traits of oharaoter which you seek to yon bad better seek to NTAIBEK r Pulp Barrels. '" -BO 87/ Hirrels niadc from piilji arc the latest and as described by ihn Detrtrit Tribune , thry are "likely tu become an important artiWte in commerce The advantages claimed are iightness, durability and cheapness The body of the barrel i» all made iu one Jiieee, from coarse wood pulp The pressure f" which it is subjected is 400 tons. The head* are tnade in one piece iu the aauie way, and whea put. together the barrels are exceedingly light, strong and satisfactory in every way There are two kinds, one for fruit, fl >ur and other dry substances, the other for oil, lard and liquids.or all kind* A flour barrel uiade iu tliia way and filled can be dropped from a wagon to the pavement without injury. Fruit packed in these receptacles keeps longer than when pu« tip in the usual way, being drier and excluded Irom the air. The barrels for liquid substances are made by subjecting the Grot iorui to • single process, and oil tan be kepi io theuj without leakage ' The saving in co-t is about fifty per coot. Steps are being taken for the foriu.itiou of a company to manufacture barrel*, tuba, etc., by this new process. Work First, Then Play. A uiae who is very rich now was very poor when he was a boy. When asked how he got his riches, he replied : "My fulber taught tue never to play till my work was finished, and oever to apend money till 1 had earned it If I had but half an-hour's work to do in a day, I must do that the first thing", and in half an hour. After tbis was done I was al lowed to play. I early fom.ed the habit of doing everything ia its tiuie, and it soon became perfectly easy to do ao. It ia to this habit that I now owe my pros perity." Take a map of the United States and trace trout Central Fuunsylvaqia down through the Virginias, Tennessee and North Carolina, to Alabama and Georgia the range* of tie uot»i..s ii'Cg "car the Atlantic Ocean Yon will have covered a section of our country,destined to beoome its grandest centre of financial and agricultural power. ■" Here lie mexbauetible beds of iron . and coal, together with all other needed iu our industries. Here the v.tnter, the ofolrtrfOilfr 1 , »W stock grower, 'and the general farmer will fiud the perfectioa of climate, and soil, and market, and thia. the Piedmoiit region, w|ll bo our counterpart of sunny Italy or France, as well as our commercial strength. Prof Swift, astronomer of the Warner Ot>ser«atory, at Kochester, N.ow York, dtsoovcrei another large co%et ou the evening of October 10: h. The new celestial visitor is in the oot)*t?llathn of Pegasus Its rate of is quite ■low, being in a northwesterly direction, so that it, is approaching the sun. It has a starlike nucleus, which indicate* that it is throwing off an extended tail. From the fact of it* cttraDfdfoary size, we are warranted ; io presuming that it will be very brilliant, and tlip additional fact that it is coming aluioyt directly toward the earth gives good .promise that, it will be one ot the most remarkable oomets of the present een'tify. 1 The story of the discovery of the properties of chloroform is 'tbis : A Scotch chemist and bookseller at Linlithgow, had oi;e day setae ot tba liquid in a. saucer when a gentleman eutered the shop with a little 4og The chloroform was placed on the floor to be out of the way, and presently tbe dog was discovered Jying by the side ot tbe aauoer, unoooscioos, and apparently dead. After a tiaie, however, while the Btranger was mourning the loss ol his pet, the dog moved his liinbt, and gradually regained consciousness Tbis started experiments, which resulted in 1847 in tbe perfection of the discovery. Don't charge your failures to "bad luck." my boy. I'll tell you what your trouble is: you are (axy. Learn Mr. Cobdeu's provsibs about "Luck and Labor"Luck is waitiug for [ something to turn up ; labor, with keen eyes and strong will, will turn up something Luck lie* id bed, and | wishos the postmaster wout|>bring him > news of a legacy ; labor turns out at six o'clock, and with busy pen, or ringing b*uoier, lays tbe foundation ot a oompetenoe. Luck whines ; labor on character Lu k slips ' down to indigence ; labor strides upward toward independence—[S S McsWtoger. ■ i ■ ; ■ u - A Kentucky fanner, who raises iniuieuM) quantities of Irish potatoes, says in the /'arm and .Home that it come* of rioh, light awl,.iooniaining plenty ot vegetable matter, deep plowing early in the spring, platting fifteen inohea apart, covering tour inches deep or more, keeping down the weeds, and not workiug tbe ground after the potatoes begin to bloom. Tba main aeqrut, ho taya, is in selecting tbe seea. Oue eye will yield more potatoes than two. ,