Tlie Beporter. RNTIRRH AT THI POST OFFICE IN DAM BURT, AS SECOND CLAM MATTER. PJSPPgg f SONS, Pub,, ami Prop*. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1880. THK WBBTBRN ROAD. We never were of thoae to charge f aud on any one in oonneotion with the s*ls of the Western Riilroad, bat from the time the sale of the R «il wu first agitated before the public, ap to the very day it was oonfiruied. the REPORTER was never silent, bat at all titnes, oppos ed the sale in the manner, and on the conditions on wbioh it wan sold, pointing t-i the irrepirable injury that would be totalled on our eastern oities, Including Raleigh and Charlotte. At first we were glad to find a number of our ex change* expressing our views, (oalv i Q better language than we ooul'i give them) but from some cause, we never knew whet, these same ft'.ate papers that had agreed with us at the stsrt, sudden ly change front to the rear, md with the same ardor that they had opposed the sale of the road, ■now advocate it After seeing so truoh written on the sub jeet and knowing that some of our best men were giving it their attention, we hoped till we had been mistsken in our tirft, notions, and that in place ot the ro*Q under the new uiaiie|iement, acting as a channel throu«b which our wealth would flow into other States, and build up our sister cities, it might in some de gree benefit st leas' tbe west, and might not detract the produois ot the west from their natural and rightful oenters our own cities in tbe east; but the change of the gauge of this road to suit the Hiohmoud and Danville road, ahowa us too plainly that our faint hopes are blasted and that our worst fears are about to be realtied, and ibatead of the Western Road lusiering sod building up aar own waste places, vampire like it will suck tbe very life blood of the State, and sap the foundation of her fairest eities. CORRESPONDENCE. Beporter's Wsshington Letter. WASHINGTON, D. C .NOT- 24, 1880 One who puts faith in offioial papers, would almost believe, from tbe report ot the Acting Commissioner of lediaa Affairs made, a few days sinoe, that all tbe bad Indiana were dead, and only those who were fitted for teaching in Sunday-schools survived. Yet there eame to tbe War Department, yesterday, a reliable diapaiob detailing murders aud robberies by Indians in tbe North west. Secretary Schurs is filled with a sort ot siokly sentimentality on the subject ot rad men, though now more than suspected of ooolneas toward black ones, sad tbe rosy report of his subordinate was, doubtless, written to suit him. Several shams will go out with this Administra tion, and tbe Interior Department will rejoioe in the loss of more Ulan one oi them. The coming session of Congress is ssked by Seeretsry Ramsey to add five tboussod men to the srmy. I know of no Democists who will vote for the inorease. Kven those Texss Representa tives who, a few years ago. were willing to increase the army to fifty tbou-and have been either converted or left at home The inoreaae will not be granted The Secretary, however, makes one recommendation which will bw generally approved. He asks that prom P' action be taken for the future impiovement of the M ississippi river. This great project is entirely ia keeping with tbe material progress of ths time and with the rapidly changing spirits of oar polities, whioh is begieaing to demend attention to what tbe people need, instead of what a few politicians fanoy they need. A heat ty anion in Congress in favor of a comprehensive plan of improvement for onr great Western rivers would do morv than anything else to break up "Solid" sections of the oonntry. I believe Qsiield thoroughly appreciates this fast, sad wil! oot only urgi the prosecu tion of (bis, but yf other great woiks for the gesetal benefit Dsm. Our friend sod neighbor J T D-*r lington who lately eated the Democrat et this plaee alter S. ruspeosion of * week or more hss moved bis family and newspaper to Leaksville in this county. We regret to loose Mr. Darlington as s Hitmen o! oar thriliy and rapiily grow ing town, couiuiend hiui to the kind pew and soiwu-sy of the pood people, ot lyeaksvilU and sioiniiy. Il they give him a liberal patronage they will act wisely — Rebhoittc Dollar Congress t»gms us session on the g-h The Political Situation. AM IMnaUTINO talk with senator m. C BOTLKK Senator Butler w«a interviewed at Columbia ou the 11th. We copy a part. He said; The South aaka no 'ooboiliatioo." Her people are out spoiled chiidieu. AH thai tliey ssk ia oo turn on taimese >ud oouimou jusiioe at lh« hand* of the Radicals or anybody else. She is as able to take ore ot berselt as *ay other section of the Union, aud :t this eternal prating about the "Southern poiicy" ot this m»u or that had becu done away with long ago, tbe whole country would have been better off Q*—^ uu du not apprehend, then, that the Radical majority iu Congress will attempt to r toousuuot tbe South ? A.—.Not a bit of it. In tie first place I kut uot ho re i lie Radicals have a Uisjotity iu Congress. 1 think we shall retain ooutroi of the Seoate by R small majority, aud Radical olerka of tbe ]«ower House have set us Bouie vsluable lessons in the preparation u! the lists ot members pieparatory to ea organisation of the House, aud it ia by ou means earuin we shall lose the House. But, suppose they have a majority, what greater reasoo is tiers lor reconstructing the Government of South Carolina than of New York 7 We are eitirer in ihe Uuion, upou the same terms as Now York, or we are not tu it at all If we are, theu any "reconstruction" of South Carolina which Old not apply equally to New York, wou d be revolutionary, aud the money changers of the country are hardiy lor tnal. y —1 mean, is it desirable thai there shouid be a solid South sgaiust a solid North, or vice verss T A.—l do uot think such an attitude desirable or advautageuus to either aeotlou But are you uot uiistakeu iu suob au attitude ? The two parlies st tbe North are very uearly evenly matched in point ot uumbers, and so they are in the South, so there oau be no solidity, while this is the oaa«. Ths white people of the South are solid, beoauae the lladioal majority made tbem so. Tney are eo, not eutirely because they «re Democrats, but iu self-defence, to protect themselves against the negro domination which the Radicals set up over them. That is the only immediate issue in the South, and just so long as there is a mensoe or possibility ot negro governments being restored ia the South, just so long will her white populstion remain solid. And, on the other haod, just as soon as we have guarantees from any authoritative source, Northern Radioal or Northern Demoorat, against a restoration of Carpet bag negro Staie governments, just so soou will (bat solidity 'disaulr*, aud not before Q—Do I understand you to express the opinion that tbe solid South is a good thing for tbe South f A—Well, I say to yon frankly that 1 tniok tvctivua/utH in any form ia had for the whole country, and I have never used an expression or east a vote sinoe I have been in tbe Senate tbat oan be tortured into •eotionalism But a Much greater oalamity may bstall the Sooth than its solidity. lam not so sure but that her solidity will be a great advantage to ker in maay ways. It will not interfere with the discharge of every duty she owes to the Qeoeral Government. It may make her sell reliaut and sell-dependent, two very desirable elements in her future oaresr. It will proteot her agsinst the sudden influx of s very undeeirsble populstion, which, with the negroes, would constitute one of the most dangerous com Kites the world has ever known. It would bring about a torough introspection of herself, and grsdnslly drsw her into ths lins of progress with the rest of the oivilised world. There sre many elements of Southern oiviliiation tbat are better than the Northern, and ought to be preaerved. And thsn, again, there are many of oar habits that might, well be reptaoed by Northern ideas and methods. Besides, tbe solid Bouth keeps the revolutionary Radicals at bay, and thwarts their machinations and plsns to ebsnge the form ot this Government from m Constitutional Republio to a eentralissd depotism There is no more doubt tbat sueh a purpose is ountemplated, seriously contemplated, than that we are here I say, theiefore, that the solid South s not au unmixed evil. So long as ws hsve honest State Governments, ws will sdvsnoe snd develop in a marvellous degree, and we will do this without aid from anybody, aud we can stsnd tbe solidity as well or better than the North. If the North wills it, so be it. Q —Will Gsrfield's election keep up this solidity in the two sections ? A —That depends upon Garfield himself Southern representativee, the leaders ot Southsrn opinion, will uo doubt wait and watcb If Garfield is the statesmen tbat bis triends claim him to be, if be has s brrjd gsuged mind, if he is not conir tiled by the revolntionsry element of his parly, if he has libersl snd pusiive oouvietions and lbs courage to »et up to tbem, (you see there are a great uiauy "lis"), he hss it in bis ower to ooii tor a great blessing upon his country. Not only will he be able io dissolve the Solid South, but £be Solid North ss welt One thing be aud hia ad vie rs w li have to understand, that the So.ith \4nnot be bullied "I eaj'ned L A»'7rimt Nrw* mtl (Jotwtef Stick to laud Succeed. P'-rseVeranoe t the uiain thing in life. To hoid OM aud hoid out to the end is tl.t thief latter. If the raoe oon.U te won bt a spurt, thousands Would r ear the bLe ribbon ; but ihey are short-wiuded, 1 id pull up after the first gallop. Tbe; begin with flying, and end in orawlis backward. When it come* to the co *r work, many take to jibiug. If the apples d( not fall at the Brat shake of the tree, ; >ur hasty folks are too lasy to fstch 1 laddtr, nod in too much of a hurry U wait nil the fruit ia ripe enough to fall I itself. The hasty man is aa hot a* fin at the onset, and a* eold a* ice at the ed. He in like the Irishman's aaucep* , which bad many good pointa about it but it bad no but torn. He who can ot bear tbe burden and heat ot the daj ia out worth the aalt, much leas hia potatoes. We ought out to ouflT heart by difficulties ; they are sent on purpose to try the stuff we ate made of, and de pend upon it, they d« us a world of good t here'* a reason why there are bones in our meat aod atoues in our land. A world where everything was easy would be a nursery fur babies, but uot at sll a fit place lot uien. (Very is not *we«t till it haa felt a fruit, and men don't come to their perfection till dissppoint uient has dropped htlt'a hundied weight or two on their toes.-j-iSeJ. ■ —• «$•- The Weather. INTENSE COLI) AT THE NORTH—RIVERS AND CANALS FROZEN —I>KATBB FROM EXPOSURE SO , SO ROUNDOUT, N. Y4 November 23 The Hudson river stand above Coxsackie is completely blooked with ioe, and it i* continually and rapidly fret-sing. The thormometer along the line of the Alston & Delaware Railroad ranges Irom two to four degrees below aero BORDEN TOWN, N J . November S3 The Delaware river is frosen over here from shore to shore. Theie ia more ioe in the river than at any time during the past three years RIADINO, PA , November 23.—The Schuylkill river here ia nearly closed with ioe. and the ioe in tbe canal is three inches thick. At Long Branch, N. J , John Conk, a man of intemperate habits, wag found froseu to death this morning on tbe pisssa of the Seaview Hotel. 'L WINNEI'EQ, MANITOBA, November 23 —The thermometer here mark* 26 degrees below sero. Father Hert wa* frosen to death yesterdsy while out hunt iug nesr Bottleford. DITKOIT. November 23 —The contin ued cold weather ha* finally closed tbe lakes. The suddenuess of the ioe em bargo has caught a large fleet of loaded vessel* throughout the chain o* lakes. There are aeventy four vessels bound from Buffalo to Chicagi frosen np st different points on Lske Erie.— Tel. to MORNING iitar. Tennessee. A FATAL FEAST —WBDDINO QUESTS POI SONED WITH ARSENIC. KNOXVILLE, NOV. 23 —At s recep tion tendered Joel H Ernbrer and wife, 'st the residence ot the bride's tsther, Col. Dnil, near Kingston, Roan county, arsenic waa used by mistake for aoda, aod five persons died from the effeou. About thirty other* sre dangerously 111 LATER —The arasuio wa* intended for oowa, but waa put is the food aoei dei.tall), iustesd of aalt. Tweuty seven of tbe guests wers poisoned. Six are now dead, and three more will probably die. The Next Congress. WASHINGTON, November 11 —Two esndidate* for Speaker are already here snd another ia on the road, although tbe election does not take plaos uutil one yesr banco unless there is a|t suasion in Marih, which is improbable. Kasson and Conger are here. The latter is s candidate lor the Seuais from Miobigsn, au 1 if report* from there are rsliable, he M much more apt to be oboeen Senator than Speaker. In oonversatiou to day, Mr Conger **id tbat he preferred to be eleeted to the Sonata, aud thought the chances ware good that he would be He thought not niuoh busines* would be done during the ooutiug session save the paasage of th* sppropristious. Neither aide ot ths House would be in the mood for business Ho thinks there will slaioat certainly be an extra seesiun aa the fourth 'of March will almost certsiuly find a Isrgs amount of incomplete but necessary business on hand. Reports from Maine iadicste that Mr Frye haa a good chance o! being elected to the Senate, which will diminish the number of candidates for Speaker.— Special to the Baltimore Sun A R 'Oie dispatch says a t*rrifla thun der storip, during wbioh ram i'eit in lor rauia, |>icvailad on the iJ»t Tim aatcra of tl.e Tibt-r r. ached ilir lower atraeta Report! of the storm in othar part# >l Ibf e UUTRJ are »UII»IU^. The Sixes of 1880 Called In. beeretsry Sherman has issued the following circuUr io regard to the |>a)u«eui ol United Stales six per cent, boud*, aot of February 8, 1861, (-'sixes of 18ri0") : Notioe i* hereby given to the holdert. ot United State* ail per oent. bonds, issued under the act of February 8,1861, and oouimonly known aa ili« "sixes of 1880 " that Raid bond*, with the accrued luterest therein, wilt be paid at this department December 31, 1880, aud that the interest on said b»uds will cease on that day. These bonds, whiob art) io deuotuiuatiooe of SI OO'i, with ooupous, and 91,000, *5.000 aod 910 000, registered, bear ilw insoriptiou "Loan jf 1861," but should uot be oonfounded with the bonds known aa "sixes ol 1881," iaauad under the acts of July 17 and August S, 1861, and Maroh 3, 1863. Holder* ot tbese sue* of 1880 are advised that if the booda are received at tbia department with • sufficient time prior to their maturity to admit of tbe ueoeisary examination, payment therefor oau be made more promptly at maturity. The department will receive the bond* at auy time, and hold them for that purpose, ledeeming them io the order ut their receipt. All bond* forwarded for redemption should be addreaaed to the "Saoretary of the Treasury, Loan Division, Washington, D 0," and all registered bouda should be aaaigned to "the Secretary of th* Trausury tor redemption." ■ ■ ~ An Ineligible Legislator. MEMPHIS, TINN., November 8 —Some excitement pervade* political ciroles over the discovery that Hubert McKenna, one of the ten Republican* elected to tl.e Legislature from tuts county, is ineligible, having been oonvicted of incest for marrying hi* wite'a granddaughter. McKenna was pardoned by Gov John C. Brown tour year* ago, bat it i* olaimed that McKenna t-aa naver applied to be reatored to the right* ot eiuienahip, and that he la, therefore, diaabled from holding offioe. It ia stated tbat tbe certificate will be given to W. B Wisistoo, a Democrat, who reoeived the next higheat vote, l'hia obarge may Cxaibiy dotermine the selection of nited States Senator, a* tbe oomplexinn ol tbe Legislature i* vary close. Senator Hampton's Views. ORXCNTILLB, S. C , November 13 Tbe i)ai!u iVeics publishes a letter from Senator Hampton, sayiog : "I think it very important, etpeoially to the South, that the Demoeratio party should retain its organisation. Tbe faot that our friends at tbe North were not able to give us as large a vute a* they hoped . for, ia no reasoo tb*t we should desert them Tbe policy of tbe party will be dictated by future events. I regard the presidential election as aettled. aud 1 should oppose aoy action looking to a eoutest on mere sectional ground* «s revolutionary " Eight yesrs ago tbe Republioana bad eighteen members of the Senate from tbe Southern Statea Twelve of these were carpet-baggers. In the present Sensis there are only two Republican* from the South. One is Bruce, of Mississippi, s eolored oitixen, s native of Virginia; tbe other is William Pitt Kellogg, a Verinonter by birth, who pretend* to belong in Louisiana, but haa never lived in the State except when holding lucrative offioe*. Io tbe next Coogreaa be will be the sole Republican Senator from the South. He got hia seat in the present Senate by tbe Republicans voting solidly for him aod the Democrats voting aoiidly against him ou the last day of the aeseion two year* ago. Nobody believes tbat he is entitled to tbe seat The Raleigh Star makes the aistement that Mr. W. J. Ust no longer ooueeals non ownership, and thai the Ricbmoud anl Danville, i. e., the Pennsylvania Central, now oomes to the front as lord paramount. The Slur, in it* comment, sayn: "Wilmington, Morebend City, an>i, in luot, the whole p-r» of the Btate, in a great measure, east of Greensboro, 1* to be Kacriti'vil st the dictum, of a loruigu col perilluii, aided and «bt>lU.u Ly a few iuierested native capitalists snd politician*. As far aa the promised Ducktown connection is ooonerned, it is lolly to hope for that now The promise was nisde ia bad faith. The result of this direst sale wss planned at its inception " [O ildsboro Messenger. An esteemed correspondent, strobg in the Demoorstic fsith. writes esrnestly to u* iu know "if the failure ti> elect s Democratic President at thi* time will uol have the effect of modifying ths principle* snd thereby diaintergrsiing the Demoeratio party." We answer, oertaiuly nut. We eannot suppose that sny respectable number- of Denocrets now propose to do wbst the Rsdiesls srs extremely an lions should be dooe by the Democracy. If there sre any is our rssk* who sre willing 10 desert their party snd strip off ibsir uniform beesnse s battle has been lost, tbey sre st liberty to do so. snd the sooner thsy do it the better.— Baltimore Gazette. Saye (ba Philadelphia Timet, of lha 1 lib iaataui: Suuator Mahune, of Virginia, waa in Washington yesterday, oouterriag with ei Secretary Gorham and other Republioaai, and tbera it tha moat dreadful anxiety all around to know what ba ia |uiug to do Wa ara all hoping tbat mma time this country will be ao big that oae or two (mall wen won't ba able to bold it up by tbc tail all tha tinia. ITEMS OF INTEREST. An advertisement in u newfpaper read*: "Hernia wanted on boy*'pent* li isn't the boys that want theui, though. Tho oold weather is geuTnl all over the country. Many death* by fret-fin# are reported, und there is uiu' h sufficing The eold in the Northern States has told sensibly on oanal and river navigation, and the Delaware *ud Hudson have already been frosen over. A Danville, V*.. dispatch ssys last" night was the coldest experienced there for year* The thfirnvtneter •' sunrise this morning stood at 17 degrees abo~e sero. The Washington /'os/says: "There will be • Deuiooralio working umjority —•uiall but snflioieot—in tbe United Btste« Senate titer the 4t'u of Maroh next." Witbiu the past twenty u.onths 400 deaths have occurred irouj diphtheria u-»r Deeeret, Outario, Canada. '1 be disease recommenced its ravages Iwj weeks ago in that district. It atttoks young and old folks alike. It is not generally known that if a ono-d liar greenback is neatly out in two, each of the halve* is good lor fifty omils at tho Fedoral treasury The Mine prner** can he osrrled on till the luii ia divided lulu tombs. without inur ing the aliquot value of iu part*. For a damp cloeet or cupboard, which il liable to oause mildew, place in it a saucer full ol qnekliuie, and it will not only absorb al uppirnnt d*Uipn°as but aweeteo and diaiiilfct the place llenew the lime oiicv a loi might or aa olteo as il becomes a.akid Toe niiiubi»r of Indians in th' 1 United States, exulußue oi Alatka. if 255,938, sll ot whom, except about IS.UUI', are more or leas under the direction and con trol of government 'amenta T' e civil ised Indian* now in the Indian Territory number CO,SCO and the uncivilised 17,750. Twenty-three oonviot* were sent up to tbe Western North Carolina Railroad last week. In s lew days aouui one buudred more will be seut to tbat road frotn the Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad. It ia desired to bring up the number of conviota ol the western road to five hundred, a* required, as soon as possible. Tho offioisl returns as counted by the Stats Board ot Canvarsrrsshow that Mi Fab. H. Busbee, Hanoock i lector, got 124,204 votes and Mr W S O B. Rob iuaon, Garfield elector, got 115 878 The total vote ia 240,082. In 1876 tbe total vote was 233 844. Hanoock lalle be hind Tilden 1.223, wbile Umfirld |>olls 7,461 more Vote* than llayes did. A gentleman From Florida was in Dan ville tbis week getting up hands to sort on a railroad, during the winter H- suoceeded in senuitng 150, who have left already and more may soon fellow We dou't wonder tbat ibey are taken witb tbe idea; twenty dollurs a month and no snows, no ioe is better than th' prospect in Dauville tor tbe oolored peo ple — Da*iille Timet. Tarboro Southerner: A man in an Edgeeombe township was tne happy pos aessor of ah irredeemably culpable, mangy cur. This he was urged in vain to destroy, ss it was strougly suspected of having a muttoo tooih Hydn-pho bia seised the cur, the eur bit other dogs aud all indiscriminately bit every living animal with which tliey oame in oontact Keauil —twenty-seven sheep, three eattle, two mules, s horse and eighteen bogs destroyed and a son ot th* owner, it is feared, will die from the bite Tbe aim of th* average legialator these daya ve ms to be to make a little cheap reputation in which he can sail back into position again, aud it is as difficult to get him to touch s question on which his constitutents uiay have a difference of opiuion as it is to get tbe burnt monkey to gambol with hot ohestuuts They sre pretty much alike everywhere What the country really needs i* bold, intelli gent rep eseutativea who have sense enough to see the good end nerve enough to do it — Gi et tidtui u I'atnot. Now, that the politic*! questions of the day have received a quietus, we hope to hear of • eolid effort to better our financial ouuditiuo A few yeara' raat from oolitical luruioil ougbt surely to bring as renewed end permanent prosperity. The «'>urae of Oeu. Hubert Toouibe, of Georgia, who baa recently invested 1200.000 in a ootton laotory, will doiibtleae spur up come of the tardy eapitaliala of North Caroline to similar exertion*. It eueh a oourte ie followed, we heva much to eipeot for North Carolina in tha east daoada — Raleigh Evening Visitor. •* It ie eatimated that tba government now owna two tbooaaad tooe of *iiver, or mora than four and a ball millione ol pound* And will it be oredited that our oorthern friends, who a few yeara baok were making euoh a furore against "rag mouay" and aalling lor no ''honest dollar," are not yet content ? We would like to aee tbe government with its vault* overflowing with tbe rreoioue metal, for there e*n be no luceeeetul run on the Treasury while it eao pay out ailver in eaiiafactien of greenbacks. Theretuoo etiaation of ailver waa tbe uioat impor tant uirasure adopted by the government in the matter of raeuuiptioo. Without it we would never have reapuied specie payment, and were the ailver legielation repealed we eould not maintain our cur renej on it* preaent « und basis. AI.IIANY. November 22.—The Statu c.inv.s*ers have declared the following results of the late election in this State : Qaifi Id electors 555 514, Hancock electors 531\511 J Wf"»»er electors ?2,- 373; D w •luotors 1,517 The returns nt ilie vote for the j'ldioiary tickets bo injr incomplete, the board have made no declaration of it. liiokory I'ren; The authorities of tlie Western North Csrolina Railroad ara now ohanging the gauge of tho road to conform to that of the Riohtnond and Danville Railroad. W>rk began Tuesday morning, and is progressing rapidly Something over two hundred hands are employed The first wide engine will perhaps reach here this evening— the woik will then be about half completed. Died, at the Western Hotel, in Hickory, on the moroing of the 10th instant, of consumption, Miss Leila 0, daughter of James B and Mary A Beard. HOI.IDAY GIFTS Before bu\injt n Christmas or New Vear'a Present write to the Meriden purchasing Co., Mertd'ii. t'onn., lor their Catalogae of a thousand useful and ornamental articles for ever; day uie, suitable tor eurh prevents, it coals you nothing aud will save yon money every year »s ibey sell only Standard go,ids, aud by selling direct at manufacturers prices, are enabled to offer great bargains. Dec. 2-'Bo-lmj lii in ide Irotn a utii, .e litip'CHi i til of Hare Value. and isn PO -vl PIVE Remedy t'nmlilhe discuses tint causes |inu> in lite lower part of the lnwiv—thrTo' iii i Liver—. iiiadael'es— Jaunii'»— 11-tr wn Or.nel, Mil iaria, and all difficulties of the Kidneys. Li ver. and Urinary Organs. or Ft mala Pt-en-fS, Mon'iilv Me*i>Ciialioi a nd dur ing i're|i nancy, li bav no equal It nsiores tlie organs that mair I lie blood, utid lience is the heft Blocd Fm Jir It tf tbe only known reinid\ that euies Br'gTil'e Pis ease. For I ialieies ua' Warner's St-fe EmLetcb Cuie For .Nile by iiru/gists and Dealertrat $1 25 per bottle,'est bottle in ilie m-.rkct. fry it. iJ H. WAIt NK R k CO., Nov 18-'PO. Kochesier, N. Y. H r«y. A,e»u tohil |M SOMM Astjralimt BmH Farming for Profit 4 00 ?l nk H* C°mi>reh**idTe. A Comr.lsU Far* lAgwr f» lt«elf A ear# gral«fe to auoccssful fArming;. TELLS HOW TFL MAKE MONEY I U —»»7 U«M*iltt ml nm Hmim* Ml run. I* 3 .. Send for Circular* und trrmt to J. C. McOUBPY * CO.. Philadelphia. Pa. Merchant, Manufaetnrers, Nurserymen, Florists, y&f Stationers and Business People errrvwi.cre are iklighted with, aod Make and Save Money K. W&BfrW if by uaing the world renownc J Model PRESS It i> large enough to do all the print in# required, strong, rapid* «ASY TO WOMK, al*av* rel»al -Ic, ami any buy can manage it, an Jdo hundred* of dollars ui .h of »»o»!i every year. We mak* twelve «ty I as, both hand and ranging in price from f 1.00 upwards. Send 3-centatAmp for circular*. Over 7,000 ia use. (L/* " The MoUKL i *K Has maJe me over V*>.ao last month and goud pruapecta ai.cad."—B. RlkS. Houston, Tea. My Modkl Prfss h.t« ov~r pa'd fur Jtaelf already In c*r»t C lining alone."—\V. F. Fairieid, Ilia. "Tha ODRL dues all ami even more than you claim (or It.*'—J. H. Shydrr, Newton, N.J. Flm Prizes at Paria, *76. and Sydney, N.S. W.. Ad« Ire .all order* or Inquiries to manufacturerar J. W. Daughaday £ Co. 7UI Cr.mthut St. Phtiadelfhla. Auud avut, i. a. basutt. Jufnor. n, h I ddvtrtistT* Ut* of " lIOMS Ann KAIIM." "SOUTHamJ WEST," Pdblishxd at 118 Pimb Stkekt, St., Louis. BY ALFRED AVERY & CO. Bend for simple copies of " SOUTH u WEST," which is a flrst-class agricultural and family paper, published semi-monthly at the low prloe of to Cents a Year. Politics ara \ entirely Ignored. General new. valuable infor mation, and interesting reading matter are fur nished. The best of correspondents contribute from all sections of tbeoountrr. Useful premiums and liberal commissions will be given to club raiser*. BAKPLIB F&u. *"reM, "SOUTH L WEST," iis Him a tract, st. Louis, Mo. Not. 25th-'Bo-lm, TRY THI NEW YORK OBSERVER THIS YEAR. The Largest and i*est Family Paper ia (lie Woihl. SKND FOR SAMi'LE COPY— FREE NEW YORK OBSERVER, 37 Park Row, New Yoik. JAMES D. CHAMBERLAIN, —WITH C. W. THORN & CO., WHOLUALB AND RETAIL DIALKRS, Richmond. Vs., Special attention given lo otiUrs, and Mti»- fsrlion gn>iranteel. Jaat lUth, Uin. (a BLII\Ki, IVIIZ A rw, t in>|)orlers and U'bulewie Dealers in OTIUNS, HOSIERY; ULOVEB; WHITB AND IfANCY GOODS No. 5 Hanover street: Baltimore, Md, 48-tjf

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