The Reporter. ■NTBRED AT THE POST OFFICE IN DAN BURY, A 8 SECOND CLASS MATTEE. PEPPER $ SONS Pubt.end Props. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 10, 1881. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROADS. Since the We** ro Kailro-td hai passed ftvui under the ooulrol of the Stiitfl, it seems lo us that the Legislature should turn its attention to Bouie other line ot road, which should be fostered as a State iustitutioo. While, we are certain that it is Dot good polioy at this time to advocate an extravagant tfipendiiurnol in the oonstruotion of railroads Yet when we consider lhal the-e are BOW in the Slate several hundred ooovicts, which number is more likely to increase than decrease, and when we remember that these poo- Ticts must be led, clothed and guarded, it seems lo us that these bauds may be more profitably employed in building railroads than almost anything else Talcing this view of the subject, would it not befell to make the G. F. & Y V Railroad a part ol the system, and let it take the place of the Western road io the great plan of internal improvements io the State If we look over the map of North Carolina, we fiud that the main stem of this road, ss now projected, running ob liquely across the Slate near ita center, is susceptible of being made, not only a very great convenience to the people along the line io developing the millions of now hidden wealth, but will give us A considerable railroad center at Greens b FJ ; will open up to ib>) people ot the Stata a good porl at Wilmington, and will ba a sourse of never-failiug inoome to tba Slate government. This road, extending as it does from the tide water in the East to the mountains, may streteh out iu arms so as to embrace soma of the richest undeveloped sections in ihe State, especially is this the case west ol Greens boro; with a branch to Madison mmh of the valuable pioduct« of Rockingham coun'y in North Carolina, Patrick and Henry oountics in Virginia, wftifiod an outlet over this road, while a branoh to Danbury will, in our opinion, furpish more valuable freights to the main line than any road of the same length io the State, and the abundance and quality of the iron ore coupled with the magoifieeot water power, and other natural advan tagea of Stokee county, will as eertftinly bring capital and enterprise into this section m i Dittos ot traosportatioo is furnished, io addition to which, • large part of tha products of Patrick and Floyd oouoties in Virginia will find its way over this brsnoh to the besy tuanu faoturing towns in the State, or find ao outlet through our own porta. Then comes the Mt Airy branch, which, after diverging from the main stem a few mi lee to Mt. Airy, may lake a weeternly course, and running nearly paralel to the Stale line, and ihe main stem, into the very north western corner of ihe Stale, will gather in the valuable pro duoia of a vtry large scope of country on both sides of the Virginia line, and poor them into some great n.anufactur ing center io the State, which ruch a railroad must very soon develop, while the main stem, stretching away toward Morganton, with the short branches »hat may be built on eillier side, like ihe mighty river gathering in the beautiful riverlets from the mountains, will pour into our central and easti rn cities one continuous stream of valuable produce troui the W.»l, lo he used by our own cities, or find so ontlel through our own porta to the various parts of tiia world Sueb a road with all its branches, oao in oar opinion be built at a comparatively small outlay of money, und if so manag ed aa to keep it out of politics, will be a source of never failing wealth to the Stata. CORRESPONDENCE. Ma EDITOR: —Thinking y >u lika to see what we are dung, I nuw write a baaty letter giving y>u the outlines ut the priuoipal bills already introduced The ao oalled E'erett road luw been repealed, the counties of l)'ifaylb Stoke* and Meckleu«urg having Beamed through their representatives, that the) prefer, beiug governed aa ther neighbors is that there being any stioial road legislation for tbur benefit Owing it the fact that iba laws of No'lh Ca.uhiu are now in a very tangled condition si "biuoh ao, that oo lawyer, mueh lua a j1411041 of the peace, can unravel them, a bill baa bean introduced to Bodily the Uwt, ao they will be piaiu, aud easily uudarstood by all. This is looked upo" > by »ll parties as a move iu lbs right direction, and doubtless the kill will pass Unanimously. Our representatives in Congress have beeu meumralised, begging them to J redress some ol our ill tcvenue matters; also, wsiiog ibsui to make ceiuiQ appropriation* in aid t>l our | oouiuon schools. When this last I ■esoluti>o just came up, some of (he ■UHOiiiera wished to dmae Una turn with the University, but Mr Webster, ol Uockinitt ato, your representative and others look such a decided stand it, the commou schools party triumphed There are sevsral bill* looking to the reduutiou ol railroad rates, and tbi appointment ol railroad commissioners, whose amy will be to look alter tbe luiorest ot the people, auii sue that uo uojust discrimination* are made against them lu l(elgli«, io Thia la au important movement, and ka causiug much debate before the oommittee on internal improvements, of which your member ia new chairman—Mi. Vaughu being away. Tbe schools are being looked a.'.er, and w* hope to be able to give ibe people eight months' aotioola during the uext two year*. Railroad billa are numerous, and it lo« scenic the policy ol Noilb Caruilna to graut charters to all ouuipaniea, not asking Slata aid. Mr. Graf has been lu town onoe or twice, looking alter the C'apo Fear aud Yadkiu Valley Hailroad, aud 1 think all i* well witi. our lulls p«i cuter) rise The director* oi tbe ruad, buwever, held a meeting aud agieed lu make tbe road a wide gauge instead of a narrow gauge road. Tbeie are tbousaud* of other bills, lookiug to bstteriug tbe criminal and civil lawi ; also, bill* to elect Magistrates by the people, abolish superior oourta (I would like your views on tins), and establish criminal oourts, prt*ided over by judge*, with an appeal directly to the supreme court. The magistrate* will be appointed on tie 15th ol February ; and these wishing another term, had better send in ibeir petitions, as 1 dou't think your member will appoint any one, unlet* be oouies recommended by petition or otherwise W lib be*t wiibe*, Mr. Editor, and promising to try aud keep you posted from time to time, I am, Yours, truly, "LEAN SHARKS." North Carolina Ores. Gov Jarvis, of Nerth Caroliaa, ssid in his inaugural address last Tuesday ibat tbe furnaces at Pittsburg ass sacb year buudreds of tboussuds ot too* ot iroo ore brought all lbs way Irom Afiica to Bali.more by *ea, and then inland tour hundred aud filly miles by rail, while ia msny counties io North Caroline, not the distanos of tbe length ot tbe Stats away from these furuacest inexhaustible quantities of belter ores ware to be found. When tbe North Carolina Stale geologist made Ibis fact knowu to the Pittsburg Chamber oi Coniiiieroo not long ago, aud showed them specimens of the ores and ibair analyses, ibe l'cnnsylvanians Stood amused at their owu iguo auee H iimivyton Star. Tennessee. Tira LeotfLATUBs SUCCEEDS IN EL; CTINO I'KHEU'tTATKS tsKNATOa. NASHVILLE, January 28 —Thclhirtieth i ballot lor Senator stood—Jaokai n 70, I Maynard 25, Hose 1. As soi uas Mr. Jackson was declared elected, be was lilted out ot his seat aud escorted to the staud, where be said he would do whatever lay iu his power to allay all sectional agitation and bring prosperity lo Ihe country. Lie would not only repteseot (he State, but the Uniud S:atai in the broadest sense of ibe word — By teieijrapk | to the J'uti iot New Orleans craves for alilile rain to | cool the air and lay the durt. St I'aul ! bos steam snow sbovol* at work. N*w York is thinkiug ot putting caual boats I instead oi' street cars on Ihe streets. ! Detroit has excellent sleighing. Kay I West bas fl iwsrs blooming along the j roadsides. This is a mammoth coUutry, , ; aud dou't you forget it. » —♦- In this country, inhere free institutions fl uiist- like suiili'iwsrs, fsme is within ' the reach of every one. The ragged urchin who today roams the streets ' playing marbles for kseps, may some day • stand behind a SJ9 csot dismond pin, and datsle the world .with lie greaiussa I ovec a hotel oounlcr. » Tbe While Burley tobacco about i which so much has recently beea writ , len, does not stand high tu the eyss ol good judges Old plauters say Ik is ' worthies* ss brown p.>per or oak leav«s, 1 and fit lor nothing but to, absorb licorius !> and bo o*«d as a cheat. MtituH CkroH- I i*b- Th« biennial report of the board o' director* ot the penitential y contains a grout anal of interesting natter Tbe penitentiary d>es not to be so lfreil a burden as it in usually considered. The total expense of tbe institution fot tbe terui of two yeara eadinp Nofember 1. 188U, amounts to 9290 bSU 20, ape at j »s follows : i At the State prison $160,083 47 On Weeteru North Carotin* road 82,478 9i 'On (Jap# Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad 48 087 Tt> In return tor thia outlay of $290,650 20 the board reports the following : Work, Ao., at Raleigh • 47,625 83 Work on Western North Carolina Kailroad 103.096 00 Gush for convict labor 21,946 56 Work on Yadkin Valley Kailroad 56.438 25 Shoe department 46.320 94 Oxlord Kailroad 9,849 00 Oilit-r work, about 6.000 00 Total $291,328 98 Fioui this statement it would stgm that the Talue of the penitentiary force approtioialea it* cost, and wsre the lab 'r perfoi uied paid for in cash, tbe force would uaru iis expense. It is said that progress on tbe main buildings has been delayed by inadequate appropriations. We are pleased to aota that ths nuwDer of ci-n»iots is gradually but oonstautly ueoisasiug. The eatira number duriag the year 1880 was 841, of wboui 400 were received tnui the counties during tbe year. Forty eight wera discharged, fifteen pardoned, forty one died, and twelve died. Tbe number confined at tba penitentiary is about 300 Tbe •otire number received siuce the opening of the penitentiary in January, 1870, is 3,822. It seams that about tbrae-fonrtbs of thoae in prison cannot read and write, and most ot them are young, comparatively f«w being over thirty years of age. Thia iadioates that the negroes who bave grown up sine* the war, furnish the bulk of our oriminaU, and mark* the difference in moral character between those who were trained in slavery times and those growing up under present influences The favorite term* of sentence seem to have been one, two, three, five and ten years. During tbe last two years four were seutenoed for warder, eighteen for manslaughter, ninety-one for reoeiviug stolen goods, and seven hundred and seventeen for laroeay. In tbe saute time sixty-four only bave been seutencsd to a second imprisonment, four lor a (bird, and on* lor a fourth. At the penitentiary there have been sixty-foar deaths out of 1,304 oases treated in the hospital Tb* surgeon recommends better arrangements inside of tb* stoakad* to secure more healthful results. We believe oar penitentiary is w*ll managed, and that humanity is never forgotten by those who have in oharge lb* administration of its affairs. We think, however, that ample provision should be made for extending the same oar* and wstohfulness over the convicts employed on our publio works. There should be a commissioner of conviets employed to super* isetLeui when wirki g on railrouds, a man of tbe highe>t character, who would sea that the regulations of tb* b >ard ar* fsithfally observed ; or, this duty could be imposed upon thn efficient and excellent president ot the bosrd hiuiself. Let a* be on our guard sgsiust the oecurrsnce of such suockiug evils as have beeu a reproach ' to Georgia sud South Carolina in this matter. Xetti- Obtercer. Fx Presidsut Davis has written a re cent letter in which ks says : "Though , I have been working steadily ot late and s have suit a good deal of«msnuscript to r ihe publishers, lam not yet so nsar the I end a* to be able to soe it."' So the ap r paarauce ot his book wili probably be t dekyed beyoud the time heretofore an ~ ticipsud. We art ( lea eJ to not* the increasing pstrooawu that is being extended to * Unentboro Female College. New ad I duioua are cousuntly arming and tbe ' outlook fort larger attendance is flit l«riu£ Central I'roteetant. ' Vennor's tame is boundiss*. A pri -9 vat* litter to tbe ediWr of the New Yolk , Mai/ from Germany ssys tbat Vennor's ' predictions in regard to Eurnptan weath er to tb* eud of 1880 acr* fulfilled to tbe letter. * m n "Providence helps a man who helps i himself," except when he "heips himsell" * to some one else's property. Then J be has'to depend mainly on hi* lega.— i, MUMletousn Trantcript. President Gray Uss aegotiated his bonds, and w( will aooo bave tbe iron it borse running frojn here to Fayettevillf. t- That will stir us up «ou>e— Grecntboro •t North State. S i —« s, It is said that the »ev*uteen-year lo ss , easts will abound in the westeru portion sol N»rtb Carolina next June. Ho say* , i'rul Ut'ey,ol Wssbi«gwn. PERRY DAWS' Sj VECETABLE fn PAIN KILLER p(§| A PURELY VEQETABLE REMEDY {I? tSig For Internal and External Use, I, , SURE CURE for all the Diseases for which It Is rseommesdsd, and It ALWAYS PERFECTLY SAFE In ths hsndi of svsa ths most Inexperienced persons. C'fiS?f rt 1j s sure and quick remedy for COCOHR, SORB I S THROAT. CIIILLB, and similar trouble*; affords (»*«•* f 1 of DIPHTHERIA, and ta.the be« known remedy for RHEUMATISM and NEURALGIA. h THE OLDEST, BEST, AND MOST WIDELY KNOWN H * j f i FAMILY MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. fS |ta /fw ,ft £IA It hiu been n»ed wtth sack weaderfnl sacresa * "II |[£\ Sr-k,*j wart nf (A. wrld for CRAMPS, CHOLERA, DIARRHtEA, M kS) VWtt DYSENTERY, and all BOWEL COMPLAINTS, tka. u U 11l I® IS HAS STOOD THE TEST OF 40 YEARS' CONSTANT & / §\\l IM USE ,M ALL COUNTRIES AND CLIMATES. T "is RECOMMENDED by Pkyslrteae, Mlmjoaarles, 2c», \ ■#« '( 'J ta'li Mlalatera, Mannaers of Plnntatloaa, Work-Shops, and iS 2? prj M Fnrloiiro, Nurnrs In Hoepltals-to short, by Eyerybedy | * O |H / 'J ererywhere who has ever given It a trial. II M&lil IT IS WITHOUT A RIVAL AS A LINIMENT. S5 .";&)) It nhotlld alwaya bi> used for Pain ID tke Back and Side, -'5 (I st ll ft 3»Sj and bringi and ptrmmknt rtl/ ln aU caws of Brut.™, 2 > \\S /c. Cuio, Spralno. Severe II urn a, Scnlda, etc. I X 5. NO FAMILY CAN SAFELY BE WITHOUT IT. It *UI kg>. M , .—Ot w *irnin!ly rfave many ttinea Its coat to doctora bllla, and Ita r'r,a '-« lt wlUilu U,« Wh of all. It U sold at 8»c. fiOc. and «1.00 fc J}S.> [•, -jfift'l Tr B bot'Jo, and can bo obtolnad from all drugiriMa. • PEHRY D£VBQ & SON, Providence, R. I. Proprietors. g Cures by ABS0RP110?E ( Nature'* «-«y( ('ore a Back Ache ~* || LTJNG DISEAmi.B, 3 \ II *THIiOAT DISEASES, And all diseases of the Kiilners, Blid ler and bKh'-> THING TKOVULHS. Urinttrr tlrgitnshy we-irlng the . ■ , . , i,,.,. „.j li DRIVIS IJJI O the ejstrm curative Inprwrd Kxrtlsior Kidllt) Pad. t penls and healinp niedicin**. It m a Mnrrel of Healing »nd Relief, it DRAWS FROM ti.e diseased parts SlMflK, El 11 BI I', DIRET, the poisons that rajuse death. PAINLKbS, POWERFUL. T. ouaands Te* ify to its Virtues. It CURES where all else tails A Rovel- *"•' 1 . Sfsrsss?'ssss.£i,"-Relieved and Cured un«n!iif*iiotor)" inlrriiftl Send for oar trtMtise on Kiln**? troubles, sent fr«e. Don't despair until jou luith iricd this >en* - Soid druggis's, or seul hy uiail, ou receipt h| ei K«fiu Applied and RADICALLY ofpiio- 82. EFFECTUAL Kemed.v. Adtlresi ,~ola by l»ru(i(fitts or sent by mail on re 'i'b* "Ouly" l.unr Pad Co., csipt oi Price, *2 00, by Williams' Block, 1 tie 'Miuly" I «n)r Pad fo.. Dh.rlioir, Mich. Williamß Block, . kTRIUT, llich. This Is the Original and fend for Testimonals and G,""i„eKid„e, Pad Ask ™ Oct J8 18«o for it and.iak* uo otutr. icar % bmu\ irrr. At WtiOLKSALE IN GHAHLESION, 8. C, DOWIE & MOI3E, Wholesale n-og|f : sta. THK-ONI.V U.SO TAD CO, | PIEDMONT I Warehouss T WINSTON, TS'. 0., For the Sale of TBISACCO ! Stands in the Front Hunk with the Leading Warehouses in JYarth Carolina. BALE 3 PAST YEAR MORE THAN MOOO PAlt 'ELS. Increase in trade in past four rears more than fn ir fold WsTa"e add.d each jeur a.aDV new Ct'BTOMKKS. and still there is ro.m for mora y, e sre U.atkiul to ou. niauy liiends lor their liberal patronage, aad ask a coatinuanca '° named gentlemen are still with me, aad a ill ba pleased to «e their friends at PIRLiMONT. W A 8 PIEROK, B'»ok Keeper. JAMES S SOAIiBH, Floor Manager. J Q A. BARHAM, Auetiooaer. U ec y 80 If. W. KO«FLi:ET, Pr«Kl«w- « TOTKnsK^rfirr.oywundOlTbFl Young luti Old (! A NEW 15- / VKSXIQR j;*at potr.utsd tor theu\, (or Homo u!*© ! MjSaiJa Fret an*l Scroll Rawing, Turning, BSfeygg, W Boring, FoUsbiug, MM Screw Cutting. Price fo to |SO. BBOWV, Leweil, MM*. IN ITS 17TH VOLUME. THE BALE lis H NEWS, l*. M. HALS, Editor. L L POL£, Corresponding Editor Enwaana Baocoiiro* * Co., Business Managers. A Ho. 1. DEMOCRATIC JOURNAL ' DAILY AND WEEKLY. T K R MS : Daily, 1 year, |T oo | Weekly, 1 year, sl.oo " S months, 3 fto " 6mos., 1-pO » a ••| Address, THE RALEIGH NEWS, Raleigh, N. O. $72 A WEEK. 112 a day at home > easily aade. Costly Outfit free. Address lava Jk Oo.,Au«nsta, Plains. WILSON, BURNS k CO., WHOLESALE QROOKRS AND OOMMIS 810N MERCHANTS. So S Howard street, corner of Lombard; BALTIMORE. We keep constantly oo band a Urge and well assorted stock of Groceries—snit..ble for Boutbern mod Western tnde. We tolicit con signments of Country Produce —aucb us Cot- I ton; Feather*; Ginseng; Beeswui; Wool; Dried Fruit; urs; Skins, etc. Uur facilities tor do ing businessare such ai to warrant quick sales and prompt returns. All orders will ha»e prompt attention. 43-lr. "If you want a GOOD PIANO OR ORGAN writ* or oallon W. P. ORMSBY, Winston, wbo can su[ ply any make or style made io tbe (Jotted dimes at prices wbioh will defy oompetition. If you want the • BST SBWINQ MACHINE ever put before tbe pubiio, csli oo W. P. OaMHBV tor the *V lgllMtllßliag DoHttlic ' >0 the Music Store, W tuetoo. Old pianos, organ*, and tunc times ex changed." W. P. ORMBBT. ITH "o V^MEPICINt^ IN KITHKB LIQUID OB BUY FOUH R Tint Acts »t the Suae TUae on The Bowels, and the KJdnevs. These srreat organs are the natural clennwrr of the wyftU'in. if they work well, health wliil . perfect. If they become cloffgud dieadful di» eases are sure to follow with B TERRIBLE SUFFERING. HUio'isnsM. Ikwiache, Dyspepsia, Jan utile*. Constitution. PiUi, Kidney Comprint* Gravel. Diabetes, Rheumatic l*ain*or Ache* are developed because t*o blood 1* poisoned with the humor.-t that should be expeltad nuturally. u KIPHEY-WOBTWIU.REBTOBE ' the healthy action and all theae destroying evil* wttl be banished: neglect them and I will live but to bUilVr. 1 Thousands liaro bom cured. Try H and yon will add uno more to ti--number. Tako it aud b calth will onco more gladdeu yuor heart. Why •affw lo*ir\ r Iron the lorMkl ofaa aritu« fcsrk 1 Why hrur kurb di.trrw fr»a» luaatlpntl«ia aitU Pllwl Knworr WORT willcureyou. Try tat on re and betiatidUed. Yourciiucgkthaalt. Price i^l.OC. * vr It 1H put up In Jlry TrßCtabl* Fer«,Jn u9 art In cans one pAckago of which makes jU J I jyquanta of medicine. ;TAl«o hi Liquid Form, *ery Coneeafrated the convent nre of thoso who cannot 'i W >*r«Ml"liy""prepare it. It acta teith equal i fJE tyefTciirxcy in rithrr fitt-m. " WKLI.V,"KICHVKDSOX A CO., Prop's, J S Winsend thedry port-paid.) BimUNHTOfI, vr. 8100 PREBCNTI • Tor I Kirhlne thftt will &»■«* aH Fast and Emgf JeST" \ ad this ana. Th! At. tha Klnjr of BJ.W Machlnoo. 1% KVB off a 3 foot lo® In 9 mlnatM. S O,OOO in nso. Vha cheapest machine made, and fully waxrontod. CLrcnlor free. Culled Slates Blamtfa&turlpq Co.. ChleaflQ, lU. Twill iiiati II copy pM ee B of my Nt'w Kook, LIILL f "MEDICAL COMMO* SENSE." if girr ■ FREE. to snv person whi •end his name and post-oilice address, aud six cents In stamps to pay ... pnv.rMPTtnw To any one suffering; CONSIJI»IKXIO£[» ASTHMA. CATARRH. (OKI IMBOAT, or IIRONCHITIS. th" Information In th » Book l» of irrrM vnluo: awl It nimy In tb« provMencsof Ooa. um jnfiny u.crnl Mvr.. Aftlr*.«, JIILA.IL WOLTU.I4«BmIt» hi.,ll.hMHfc Julib-liu . Apk the recovered dysyri'lic, biliou* VVi sufferer*. victims of o*'ever nnd ague, the mercurial diseased U patient, how recov- cheerful yfjlyspirits tnd cood «p --g«j ji .y; the v W1 " , ' 11 you hy tiikinn SI M muNs'S llvtut REGULATOR. The Cheapest, Purest, and Best JT'umily Mtdiciut in the World I For Uial'Ul'SlA. OON&TIPATION, Jaundice, Uilioud allat-ks, SICK UKAD— A CMC, Colic, Impression ot Mpnils, SOUR .*IUMACII, Henri Hum, c , 4c This unrivalled Southern Remedy is warrant ed not to cout- in a single particle of M.HCtr kv, or any injurious mineral tuMauce, but i. Purely Veff^lakle, containing thuse southern Roots and Herbs, which an all-wise PioTioence has plaued in co'nlries where l,i»t-r l)iseaf«s most prerail. It will cuie all Diseases caused by |D l augement of the Liver and Bowels. 1 'I hh syIirTOJIS of I.i*er Complaints ar« a bitter oi*bud taste in the uioutb ; Peiu in the Hack bide* or Joints, ohen mistaken for Kheumatum; Hour btomuch; Loss of Appetite; Bowels alternately corlive aui lai;; lotto/ JUtmory, with a painful sensation ol having failed to do Something which ouyht 10 have been done; Debility. Low Spirits," thick yellow appearauce of ihe Bkiu ami Jiyii, a dry Cough often mi»- lakeu tor Consumption Sometimes many of the tymiilumt attend th* disease, at otlieis very few ; but th-' Livia, the largest organ in the butty is generally Ihe seat ol the dibeage, and il not Herniated in tiuie, great .uttering, wretchedness and DJsiATH will ensue. CAUTION. As there are a number ol imitations offered to Ihe public, we would caution the commun ity to buy no Powders or Prepared S/Jf— i MUtfS' LIVER ht'tJULATOR unl«sa in wbile wrappers, and bus the red letter Z and Morttr in the front, aud is made by J. H. ZEll. IN 4* CO. '•Wi bare tested its virtues, pertonally, and know that lor Vytpeptia, biliousness aud Throbbing Headache, it is th. best medicine the world" ever saw. We ha*e tried forty other remedies before Simmons' Liver Regula tor, but none of them give us more llyiu tem porary lelief ; but the Regulator not only re lieved but cured us."— Ed. Telegraph and lleuenyer, Hacvn, Ga. I MANUFACTURED OHLT By J. H ZEILIN & CO., 1 Philadelphia, P». SOLD BY ALL DECGGIBTS. Graves' Warehouse, DANVILLE, VA., rOR TUB BALB or J Leaf Tobacco W. F, GRAVES, PBOPRIBTOB. 5 JNO. A. HERND JN, Clerk. ' STKPHEN > ICAL, Jk , » . .. .p. * K. T. UGLBNN, f *ttituinn,uriu. j OKO. S COLEMAN Auctioneer. 1 JOS. U. BLACK WELL, Floor Manager. " A. N. CKOWUER, Auulanl floor ilancyrr. ' April IT, 1879. lj. J, M. NICHOLSON, WITS J. P. YANCEY & CO., (Baccessors to Yancey, Franklin k Co., 1.11 PukTEKS OF NOTION t, 'l # ° No. 1209 Main Street, Richaond, Ta. March 17, 1979. If. T* ißTestors and Mecliauics. M —— , PATSNTB and how to obtain tb.m. • Pamphlets ol 60 pagw 'ree, upon receiptor § Stamp* for Postage. Address >• Gil MORE, SMITH A Co., '* Solicitors ot Patent*, Box 31, Yfatkinftvn, D. 0.

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