VOLUME V. TlSfi? IMf'i iik.a w-i 3 ul; as• PUBLISH K.I) WKKKI.Y AT DAnBI3 r? Y, N . c PKl'l'Ell .{• SONS, PUBI.IKIIF.HB AND I'lli J RI t.TARH RATES OF SCttSORft'TION. Oao Tenr, |>B.Y«l|i in advance, fl SCI Six MonUt, - - - I 00 RATES OP AOVRnTI.'ISG. One Square (iw IWp» nr Tipi) 1 time, Jl'o Tor each luMiiUiital liioriioii, - 5i Contract* f«r longer time or more tpace eitr. barnndr in pro|ijtiiOO to I'te above rnl"». Transient advertisers will lip expected to remit aceotding to Lin se rales at tl»c- time th' y tend iktii I'siois. Local NotiiPi »'U kethurfd tSO per cent higher iliko above ro Easiness Curds will be inserted at Teu Pol |*rs per annum. 0 V. DAT, LW£ T JUNEs DAY & JONES, Manufacturers ol SADDLETLY, IIARXESS, COM ARS, TRUNKS, ,sc. ■o. 338 W. Baltimore IHtcl, Unlliniore, Md ■ol-ly B. F. KINO, WITH JOUMSON, SI K'M\ II 4.5., iJIiV GOODS. Ho«. 27 nnd 2'.»:j>.uili burp Street., DM, i'lil JUli ML). J W JOHNSON, IT• M. HUTTHN f B. R CttAUUB, i J JOUNbtiJ* ■•l-lr. H 11. MAIITINPAI.E WITH WM. J. 0. DDI.ANY k CO . Ntfttiiaoi's' a:*J arf- Jl siii'if • BCIIOOI. COOK'S A SPECIALTY Stationer! ol .ill kind* ! I'!'« ll Paper, Twines, Bonnet IS. ■ is, Paper Blunls. •32 W. BALTIMOIC hi'., B M riMOCE, Ml> * ¥.7. A R. 15. Hf>T, WITH HENRY SORIXEB >:I3 & "O., WHOLISALI: CLOTH ERS. AO Hanover Strict, (bclwicn Ce'.man si.d Lombard Siretli,) BALTIiIOUK, Mb. B. BONNEBIIN, f BLIMLINI ♦My 0. WATMSS I I w. ' RO ' ' RON 0. L. COT! I RIX. M A N W ATKINS. WA ifcJSS, L CO., Importer* nr rt JoMirr* o BJSRD WJiUE* 1307 Mom Strcit, 111 I, tuO-'iD, VA. Agents for fairbai.k 'u Siandard >et cs, and Ai-Wvr itca&wd Cloth. Aagasi 2t», 188t>. JNO. w. BOLUHO, wira T. A. GHVAV L ».. Maakfactarcrs ol FRENCH *od AMERICAN CAN 1)1 KS, inpMiv variety, and w belt sale dealers in FRUITS, hUIV, CANNED GOUIiS, CI- G A its, # 'o. 3# and 341 Ua'.linioic Stud, ii«lliiiiorp, S'd *•* Orders from MprclmnU solicited, ti" WILIUM uiiVHiKa, triLMAN ii. imviius • ■■ISTUII UKTOIKS, ol S., JOI.ItMO.V KIMUKi.L. WILLIAM DLVHIIiIi k CO., Importers mid Juhli^iiof Ftreiga a:»d Ibapstic D. j Uuods atsti i oMiiis, 111 West Haiti more Btr-i,(lxtwppn 'loward and Liberty,) II A LTI iOUE. j. w. LnaiKi' , i:F t WITH PEARRB HUOI'IIERS FC CO laaporterii ami JohbciF of Ory Goods. MEN'S WEAR A SI'KCIAI.TV. Hos. 3 anil 4 Hanover Eii ett, AogustS , 'Bc--fim. BALTIMOHIt. BOIIHT W. rOITKHH. KII.KK I). 1.1Vi.1) . It W I'OWKUS & CO.. WHOLES A [,K DHL OVISTS, |)eu|pr> in PAINTS, QIT.H, liVM, VARNISHES, French and Atno -'enn WINDOW GLAttSJ, PUTTiT, &C-, CIGAUS, SMOKING vN. OIIKWISG TUIIACCO A M'a'. l A 1305 Main St., KicLmcud, Vt. August 245 Gm J. W. KANDOM Il i i:\CI.IS •OOKSKI.LKIiS, ."TATIOKERN. AN BLANK-UOOK MANUhAG'I I IIEHH. 1318 Main trppt. Rirliinnnd. A Ltrgc Stoek q/ I A W liOOlii tiluayt on ■o I-Km hand. i. tt A BUI >TT. OV N 0 , villi HI!SCO, EI.:.EU L fRC.IIP, RICHMOND, VA., Wbolemile Dca'era in BOOTS, SHOUS, TRUNKS, &C. Prompt allcnilon p.iid lo orders, aod sutis (aciion fiaiiriuiHcd. Virginia Stale Prison Good* a iptnally March, 6. m. ssrAuTi'si/KU mi. ~ 8. T. IIAVIS —Willi— T.J.IWAG^UOER&CO., Mdniitacturor) mid UcMlrrd in BOOTS, SHOES AND BHOWANB, No. 31 Sharp Snoot, I'ultimore Md. AugoatU, 1879. 6m HOM'iAO AOALStT lilt, HUH. Ii Ip rnsy to plidi* with lln* ripples Ado ii tilt* glu-ttru ol time, To llw w i.li ilie t-oiitei* of I lie river, Like 11»Ij>14' |j some oid I'll., ma ; liiti .ill ! II i. k.-s ciivrnge ami p.itieuce Agaiutt ;U HI r IIIIOI'IIP; AIKI v.e nn,pi In.vt- bll on>. lli I nun heaven \\ lieu lottitij' against the ti lo We iimi Anal oil llic river's suiface I Wliik* OUR > -M#l MET IOUC I TLIU fitreain, And »i»:oiiii ol parly ulnrv i.i, i.i.i ii Zit injr siglil may gleam ; We loiti'l til I o.i Ihloie us , 'I In- iti.slniiur torieuU roir, And wl.i.tntf Hie idl.i dreaming, li.i n..:eia will carii us \i But II ff .v - a'l ««itild there were many ! In wupih • 'Mii'nn oi lite 'Hie; m u ijiiHil.ill it. auiyo, in id-i.mi r |' fhiMuglrstrife, Tli ' i_ii i-niu Mid mint Willi labor, Niii:ititf. Mrm p iii the. ride: I'o: I IIIISI is Il,e I »:u'a Ciiptaili, U lieu rowing ilusl llic tide Far i n the hug_\ disiance, Like a uiitl on it dislaul alioie, Tl.ei set- tin- w .Ist' a city, W illi iia 1 aunti floaiiiijj o'er. S*i*:i tliioiijili t. so da. kly 'liny 1.1 in. f mi.-lake t eii « it : fcui Imili ihr.ivs mi la ii i bor, \\ i.Cti uaikiicii* shuts out llieir day. I Ai d 'hall we be one of thai number M tni in.iid no It'll nor p .in 'I fli.il we iiiutnii the los o e.ntiily joys, \\ i en we Ii at' a trjw n In in t Or s'all ni' jilnU- on null llic river, • \\ lib licalti at ilif end ol our II iP, hi eolli In t l l ill I*, w 111 l Ilea veil belore liilU, la row Hie B£iili>»l the ilue? A Woui iu'j Viotim. A DItAMAIIC STIH- Y (ll' DEAL LIFE I A LonJ HI e 'rri i |i'.iiJi iit tolls iliis ilra j 'i.aiii' ftt.ry • I rial lifts • llniiic iniii i iic Cfiilral etiuiinal ruun ■ ( t.>r a few uiinu'i Suid n Iftial Irnml I f u inp «• i»e «. en- p ia-inu I lie loea'ilj | I thin i'kin lie L i.ii Ii llihuiiul, 'V n j:• ii ('.i-tly uin - i-i? \ utt-t 11 lur a stunt I imc while I sprik i,t Mr. I'tilund " ! We weni in Iht hnsine.s Was cvi j .leu' jv. rj dull 'l i e trial tltii-'ig j,m•• as cltm . li d M'lfS.ttiiinul There •'•re coi> *erv (■"* ►iit'C'alnra Tie jil'JjJf was I Lack willl a lu ■ iiUl.i •ir Mr Javier i! « kit.* wan the juil«e I I. e jury W N jj- t hps. Irtjitii |X to commit * lo their VtnJlfl la 'lie ilnek sttmil t (••raiglit, " \u ii feil w i.f th ui li.p nn I tliiily. Hi* 'ta« a lair man iml j a'e IL' lo ktil ai s iitly arnuud tk« "nurt Irr a iron «■ t ni tny friend began | euMti» til Mr. 1' .'a il! lilt) C Uiihel *!in lia.4 Utu'ii t: ■ «tmj the jirnsceu i.tn nyniiiat 'be pri»' iier. '•M \ lurd " ,-u i L iCy a iid the pi is mer, ' I w u:ti like til :':i) a few vtnida" Ii ii it i ifly ill est upplieadnn. ritet- was - i ih i-.j |ic --iliariy iuipres ■ive ii t»• im.e of 'im man's voice—go illicit t-o Ciat tie jury rudJei ly ceased t'lt ii Kiiprusjt'd laikiiiL' and In ketl first a lb" piittMier ai d ibcn al ibejud^e "Y iu Im l an o;i|inriii..ity nf addre-8 iiiL' tlie Court ; the net is II w closed ' s ill! 1 b.' j'idco 'My ! «ne quesiinn, tny lord, only nutl"' said the prisoner li p o'ii ol ui i. i," answered the J "bin if—" ' My lord," huid Mr I' dand, rising in rt.°pnn»a In a gluiice In in Ibe judge, "l have no ol j. cliou tv baltiver." The learned enunsid spnkc as one who, knowing that the piiirnncr could do neither gond nor harm, tlie evidence having all iid) convicted him, did not wsb in apji ir anufiierous. The jury rcsiinit'd ihi ii i»eatß •'V. ur (|i|e« i 'ii," said the judne "It is the piiliceiimn to whom 1 tvis'i tn put a qin's ion," said the prisoner, with a suit nf Kit-uige caluine.-s, us il be had Ii ad a sli with hiiiisclf be'nre j coiieliiding lo address ibe couit Ihe evidence upon which lie was to ho con viiti d was iliat ol the pdi.-t man, ai d the ■•Mitenoc m. lo ho I'euv). as a previ ous oonvieiion li'ad already bt en prmed — a previous conviction for Coining. It was lor the oflsncc of coin ing that he now stood at the bur •'l'olioi uian stand ,Inrwnrd," said 'he judge An i (Beer etej pijd into tbe wit licbs box. "Wbut ia your question ? You may put it tlimiiich inn," said the judge. "I wish in ask him." said the prison er, "upon whose information be arrested ui* " Mr. Poland objected The answer might lead to a revelation of police *e ercis which belonged to Seotlaud Yard and not lo the public. Thure was a brief discussion upon this point, aud the judge overruled the objection 1 May I put the qmsiion in another shape?" aaked the pib ncr. 'lt may DANUUiiY, N. C., THURSDAY, APiliL 7, 1881 uvc time " • I u II," sai I the judge ' Wis it a w iiiiati who jjav* you he I 111 f' r nation upon whcli ,ou arres'.d uie ?" Atsin counsel nbjieted Sintland , Yaid had its own method* ol Ii mini; | down criui'li In, and h iw ibe police ob tain 'ii uruia'ioii ins toihe iiinvciiieiits ol pfrnoti'i like lbs pti- net wu> it t tiee»s. aarily of iniportanc" In the c ur • r the ; ' public, while il win of i»ri at luoiurnt lh*l li e polier should iml In- nal'i d iipoii In expose ll.e delfi tive sifereis of I In* fnreo Tlie |.n-iincr had be.ii laken | wnh sp r u tuont y i.i lii p si n, [ a id ii d been | revioii»!v ponvicttd of ' cninini;, and bad under'jom. sevp'i \eiis i (iei al » TVII II do lor Ihe oflf-iise. It ! asod ' ' !'r■ •in prison, lie l ad if. up buck to his | f rinei ctiniinsl liubil«; it. vi h an old Rf• ly. and so on But nuiiti the judge 1 ru'i-d that In- pliou'i] p. - runt the que li n tn lie put "W rII a « man wli j; vc you i' c inlni malion T'lil pn'ie lirtn I (">tl .Ii d •' \rsivt-r," co uiii ind. i lill j. Le ' I w i.," s i d tno oGi ■. r "l>. )il sue b.:r la coufl a.-'-, dt • | t risi.uer. Tii .15■■ i !o !> • . «b u ia. ue'y 'lp I ll.lt I W I l.an '! 'a-ki d l"i pi >. mi. i, p lintiiig to ii rutber sbowilj-d csw il j • it nrall wi'b bai.dsouie l a'ur." hut a I j cold ill-,! linful • n ol I , -a 'li : s," ri jiin i ihw Hi r '• \ Linl," Bud ibe pill ii er. wit!i a j ! slight lit linn io his vi ne, • ill it woman \ 1• Iliy W 'r !' A bit 22 ol "iirpris'i I II twed the «n n niiccuicni. an.! the woman tum.'d lur j he- 1 awty iVoui t' c duk. "I P'ollid 'ike lit BSV a li w words ii y | lold " C iiillnued ib* pi isober. ••I have no ohj-eli.iii, your lordship," | -aid M I'.'nil '•Toe court »iil hoar ynu," said Mr. j J Jus ice llan kins. ' Th i:.k y ni, my lord," raid the p i* i.tfr, no I ; IMV.'I ,YS !ng any 'vjuoti P. but apcaki'tg in eii ar, firm tmies. "I have ttervid seven years ui u siinilur chargo In ill it now preferred ig .-.iiit me. 'll lam ag.i.i c nvielcd you will give me ni least one an I twenty years, and I I thai will end in) I le. Be.ore you do 80 ; 1 would like you lo know the whole : truth ol this affair. I married yourig | My wile unexpectedly showed ejirma guit iiiatci Hud very expensive babiis I } was very find of Iter, an ! did ail 1 oild la cm.lent her II nestlj I end | not k""p pice wub lur desires, and we j | took lo coining She was with me iu all i ; in) oprratioii*, uid d in the wmli, as-isted i |in passing llic money When we were, j | taken the evidence was ju«l as string I against lu rat against me. In answer to | (iiiestioos 1 put lo my CoUtiael, I wat | told that if 1 plead d guilty and htid I bad compelled her to .help uie, she Wou'd get iff I did so, and »he was ai quiiied 1 was sentenced to seven yeais' penal s-rvitu In. 'T served my full tiine, and ca i>e back ! 10 Liudnn, deUruiioed to lead an honest life and to re.-t ire my wife lo an hones! homo. li was Haute time before I found I her; but Ii ad obtained work ul ijili a ■ wneK. I had only one wish—in uitke a ' new home lur my wile Eieul'ltlly 1 fund her B'ie was living wiiii annilur ! man. II is II in: is Fo»t. r She lold me j that khc had be u obliged to accept his : Biiltlauce or she would have started. Foster w.is a fellow wok man of mine I was willing In believe all she s.tiii and to j fnrgivo her II was a bitter st'iiggle. i but 1 did it 'COIIIO It >.ue.' 1 sai 110 hor, 'and let. bygones bo bygones.' She J said she tmuld not come i umeduiely 11 would la.to a little time lo break od ; wilfi Filer; hut »ho wnud doit. I | wailed, and eiv ry We»k as I received uty { wages 1 took JCI to lur and gave it her that she might have money without ask lug Fostar fir any At list slit appoint I ed a night when she dec'are 1 she would leave Foaior I was to meet her at tha corner uf lltlhbona place. 1 did so. She aaid Fostar had come out with her aud waa a street or so ull, but that ska would go and tsll hiui now that she had made up her uiiud to leave ki iu 'I love you soil,' she said, 'belter than any other uiau in ibe world, and would never have left you of my own free will ; hold | this until I coma back ; I will only be a few minutes' I waited, aud almost im mediately a policeman came and took me into cusU'Jj. I did uit knot? what the packet e nta mot ; I lu ocd out iu t fi'se »>l*er Rmoup' !" Ha ptiU'ed »ad there was ci nsi lerable Hf naa ■l"fi in c urt, every bod . cuiv-aca;! ■il ilie ii n 1 li dl' the man's f aliment, sa l impressed by its simple but di smal ii i f .rc i •'I learned aft.rwai-d," said li «>. "il.ni | when hlie ie.H inn w,Ui ttmt picket. in mj ■ hand fhe neul up 111 llie !i:sl polirt'lliio ; S"u met I old iiiui where i stood, I). t i , was i returned convict, a cottier ol a ! Oiu •« i,.ey ; t u knew ii. »&•* said, hecaus* I ha.) iried ti» pa** «.i uo "I ii u [Mi p her T.»#uinv story, n-3 1 ■ n«i Vnu C'niid laic h-nrd a fin limp while i It** prisoner wan m .king h's *• : incut Tie e urt listened will r.iiiuv.i |bit af files* interest. \\ lien he hsd fill i»l.i'il, a * >rl «il lialf ciiiili.Hied i-xpres | m,i i nC wonder and indignalion went j I'liiu I, aid ii'' j Ji >' lookod up at ih Fudge iii h bewiidrre.l and p- r./l-J w»y "1" I C' ii an ' said the j id„'». "%;\ lo ' w.'niid'd lb* i tiio'r. ' Did ilii" ah.mil rpruk in y- u, «■ tin" , pri-lllito says t" "V s, my lord." •'A J g »>'« y iiu llit information as def ' i I,.'d r "V. my lot d " "Wi.h ti i pack. l ii.' spurious silver in : hands, a* lie savs?" • I; was. HI) hid." Up II tin) direction ol tlia j idgo tin | p -8 lier was acquitted, and tny fiicii'i j n ur'cd a subscription ('• r him. We .'isve I i'aiMd aLi'Ui seventy p imid.-. f..r liiui, and | It ' t ctn see liiui get over Ins troubles i 11 is btury !ia» becu vei ti .J m tvi-ry lie ; tail Such wis the story narrated to mo by | j a friend yesterday in response to a casus. ; ■ remaik of mine that, a yrcat deal of in j j eurieut his'ory of London i- j | never repotted in tln; London pipers. ( j Tlie st ry is quite true ; the case I ruied ■ pari of i'.hi business ol the lest sitting ' ol lilt; criminal courl ; and the vt ttiu ol i l l irinv i, .t wisely but oo well bv» tl».s j '.vickibeem iv',rndu' , i'd letpactable 1 a:ul pei uj illtfut emp l i) liieut Baby is Dead. ' Ilihy is dead !" Tlirco little wordi piiSM'd ainog I ne line ; copied sonicwlieie : and soon Hit at'ier all was quel an a; [i 1 leaued my baud upon uy lioa l ami tell into a deep reverie ol ai I iliat those w rds uiean. Sou.e'.vhtre —a dainty form, B'ill am) oo'd, uneia.sped my mother's arm o to ni({hl. Ej en toai y :■»» •id iy >vcie I right ; ami tilue ab fckieg of Juao diunp d to ! nijjiii beoeaih white lids that uo foiee ' ! eaii ev»r r..iso aaatu Two soli hands, whose rose leaf Sii jer ; were wont to wander lovingly ari'iiod j uioltier's iierk and luce, l uiseiy liuldiri): ] *'bite buds, qj.etly Iglded in Ciofiou | lest. S .fi lipf yesterday rippline w : tli laughter, sweet a* woodland brook (ails, j»_\ a-> irill ol lorcjl biids ; to-night uo | responsive lo kiss or call of love. A silent bouie—the palter of hi by j feet forever hushed—* orudle bed un pna*ed Lillle shoes half woi n dniaty | tiarinents —shoulder knots ol blue to I 1 uiaich ih »e ejea ol yesieiday folded ■ wiili aching heart away A tiny ui.oi.id. snow covered in tonic ' I quiet grave jard A mother's gropinp touch, in uneasy ! | slumber, for the lair head that slial | : ..ever ngaiu rest upon her bosom T-l ! lo v i b Ibe hitler (ear, as broken ! dreams awake to aid reality. The hope I ill I uiure years wrecked like lair ships] I that suddenly go down in si):lu ol lami | The watching ol other babits, di«,(i led, lauuhiuu -irong, and this one gone! I'Ue present auouy ol griul, the luture euifliness of heart, all ho'd .n ibotc j ihiee liule wurda, "lfiby It D.ad !" Indeed, II la well I hat we ean cop) j and soon lorget the words so heighten with «oe to those who recece aud send ■ hem And yet it cannot hnrm us now and iheu to give a lender thought, to ibose ! ! whom our careless pen stroke is tirepar I ing such a weight of grief—Kukumo \ Tribune. W« publish the following rule for calculating interest, as of convenience to business uisn : Multiply any given number of dollars by tb > number of days of interest required, separate the right hand figure aud divide by six. The result is the true iotcrest for such a number of days ai sis per cent. Tl.is rule is simple and so true, according to ! all business usages, that evsery banker, merchant and clerk should post it by for reference sud uso There being no such i thiug as a frac'.iou in it, there is scarcely any liability to error or mistake. Poi.r kitu'b WiVt u. Tlie trouble i untie of nor w.'Ujen are wihl'ijr I. • hreoiyo poor u.en's wives prolesssi y, even ilmi; >h they iiidv be So la n ality. i i;o I'lil w(io ■: ;ii •i- - up hi iiI.UIIU a Vc r I !on ud i.i ii ; llle S| • in lit »> coni! i■> e i. i '.i'diiis*-llollsi , ; It "Ni *hu h see wil; *.j i.' j oo a eei i :u I i'Ui Hp dnmesiieii) H'.'l hi lie i spe isive j p ;« .s The eiiii'ii'u v. I ieh 11 ,n .n ' .ii ii e ilaienot'.h u'jl t nl, unpivi i-d I n I aij i -sii n whether ihe y j wile 'un maki heri-eif a dress, or p 'p re lu-isfcil a wil'.l J tun Ul«n! of victuals. , £>•' o in-ir-ie-i I .r freed oil, to have a gomi ; tin (i, t j spe'id :i. ,;icy winch the nciiher , car«l*, | kunivs niiii liui ei'iis iih vol (i ni k' , s e'iii,liis|nh!e, if im i ' !i., t. i,.0 lor lift ! ; i.Usbfci d I'l lllis I s;.'ct we eoiisijei I te !5 I»I»• 11-ill io> ..II . Ili'i ei 'c a ! Vint* e o»er he Aonri- u !•' om i «I. . n . to ll;e low. ■ I ell eh snl ».■ it iy i;i I!, u • in. : ..u U hl'« ll *'-i* ii ii in k;> to u .toil •Sil ,i i •» .v. s. ma I. u : I ..in s »ii r-i- «• in . . the depatt. enl* «i lluli ii. u.-e'io 'I ai.ti I -nt that t-v, i_, i ••. g irk e'.an, ai.ri j I I'm I'ou.l is e!lI. 1. !>■ i; si n'v , i : , (he ! j inner- (i ~[• in-li tis leae'i then ! d ■'i-;!.'. r» in d i ihc mh.k 1..r tluii etve- . j Stii',,o'l' suffil! z-111 i lit liioliilj ji, I I'.e J:.".l))4 I I 11. I' V i I'll- \ 1,1 I 01. | iris mil ho svjii i-.:;ii lo le.ii ii ilr.t thii ! r.t'icess !j 'i e !"■'« ij i-ntly «i!i-r 1 I • S'l'V, 11 .i Ul l»W I, J U.I en ; u o 3ioii,s i»unpr;e I Urii I her ui:.kiig bai.i.B prani j by » gtt s', the r.-y I |»dy •ro'e nut iho me-pe, \r.th the ivnds i liliivi:i.Kj. Ti y u dis.ro lo iia'.j ao •i pi loo' Uil pi"ity e ii'lii il ul a ays in aI. c i ivi'-ii un ii. pel eruat ' Ti.a Moiy h.i., | a p en', un i i'.e joi it la ifai miu eari | i,««i-i an w how to do a g hcl i ; i i.g I well O e ol Ino great hiudiu.ioes * I ; 'he !*i»e h isis ayuj v.lio'i siiyiely if j cnns'rii'-M d. 'i tiiea that equality is . | the i i u.isr hir iirighi i I ail Amcriea is 1 lscrrone us \\ f-cr- ever\ p rioii tl.iuks I lot or she P m good r,s tlie ues , there is j ; a.way ith > opp. sue prool of inc iinpoten j icy A i ers-iit :s at ith- r Liiici Bor .'.urse | j than another except in the d. grc.i ol } { w.ith wbieli is li.ir.'s:!y eoughl to be i untitled li'.t ihe dit j usitionii of y uug i wnuiuii ul ilia present day. the saiue may be saiii luiseiy of men, ill iugn j pel haps uot to l»e s»Uie extent), is in | ] thi .k they are us good a« any one else, | wilh iut UiO lr u .to to he so. | L'ttiui i'os -fA e- Ii ; ..Tiara .uany j ol ino evi.a frmn whieh society sutlers | KinyftvH J'reennn An Aut lo Xicg ht id Oihcial Ad- ' Vli ijs.l.g. The bill was passed liy ih'e 'an legislature in r- n 1 lo i.ili'in advertiMi.g, and we publish it ! r ih bsu lit o( iJie s ioiitf'.ot the d Ujreut j eom li , nil iii.so uf ihe nesspnpei profession : Thr !r i ril Atteml'tf of Worth Carolina j do enact: S..CTioN I.—Tl".at : otio-s of evo") sale I real >SI..IC, :.i-de l.y cid- 10l .ny J ! e a t, or "i"' uu-isi e\e uin n » .ad be pnbi.ain d ouco a v.ei.li I r lour weeks ! lutini dlaleiy preceding rich sue in a ; r.uwspip r a»y ilteru be) pubiishoi! ! Hi lli« tji.tiliy w herein sut-lt saie is to be I mad..- : I'li.vitleil, £ aai ihe cst ol'sueh pubhcati 'U slia !, iii any case, exce. I j t'-rco. d ears. (.• 1,., taxed as other coats ' u su> h pi e. e ! t.,; „r at leu. Hrc 2. —T.iftt 'l.« nntii' s required bj section-lj, oh.ii lor-Ij d'B i!tie slt visal, I shall be published mice a wi-ik lor loui weeks HI a naWSpupsl (if aiit there) puhlirbfld in ll o i oiiii y : I' oidel. i 1 hat tie cisls (Let col siiii 11 iiul, in any ! Oa-e, I XO. cd IWo d liars. S. 0 la —That liiti annual staiement ol ; j eoui ty comm's ion-- s.rcqa.red ivse.itou 11] • f eh.ipter 27. ii-Ulea llevi:. il, s'lali | i.e pubinhed a a i.cwspaper (il any there ! j be) pubiHlied in ibe is tUnly : i 'rtnidttl. j l'hat ibe eooia ol ibe anno shall nu l . | exeeed a hall ceut a sioid t!kO 4 —l'ltal ibe at.nuil rep it nf ihe | I cnutiiy liuauco cottißUKee shau lie pub iinliO'l iii a nevitpjj. t (il t..y i eie tie) ' pubiisli«d lii the c. u ii iy : 1 rocidid. That t e el ol Ihe ia.'iiu shall iijl a eta i a halt c ui a word Sac s—l'liai all laws aud clause* ul lawa iu coi.fiiei wuli this act be, aud ihe I , eatuti are hereby repealed. Skc (>.—That this aet shall bo in 1 ires I'roji an J after ibu liist day ul j . Maieli, 1881 Un ii.eii this the llih day ol March A D lbol A Large Oidor of SUvor. A Philadelphia biuktin last Thursdny, ! S10(>.000 ol aiiver, which was shipped iu sixty weighing llli) pounds each Three in s ui silver d.d are is inor • than the aui mat coined at all ibe mints ol the I United States iu one 'lay. There is a tireai deal ol speculation among treasury eflioials regarding the purposes to which tks Fiiiladelphia bank intends to apply its «apply of silver. Tieasuver Ollfiilan j was nf ihe opinion thai it was Hi meat a payment upon sunn a cicut easo, which in i:s terms stipulated silver as the e> in | to be paid. JS UlUisiiaii 42. Mr. Best /ii-poaiß 10 tl;e courts. Yislir-ta) 's Greensboro curi latns ine lullo»lii£ iiilcnhi lug iiiki.'iiiii liin : * V» u uii limit aml i!'OI Mr. \V J Bent ilHt Ijllt :l I lldl If Ul J l lgl> I'JurC « tempo*- >try I'fs'r.lining older, ret ii: liable bcluru .Jilge S'jtii'tir at WiUe.'jirn on the 7hd ■} ill April, to ri jin o#hih I f iiitnd. (!iyde iind lj Linii ir-• u rniuivitig • •Mil as I*ll-eldl 111 - I I ill: W fttclll N'jrlil (.'ur liti.i lluti ad 1' .' iliiO'.Mniit ii,oct al Salisbury tu dv.; hi nce thin movement on the pin i I .Mr 11 • t We out nee no good - by Aii Bi.il sh'iiil'l nut bo rcmuvi-d. it I .Id mvii >. in a iimj riiy »i" ilni tin (iliuiil.i k.t determine. H'lieti Mr 11.M i" Id i.in In Mi sers. 1>... si. il.ydo . ii.j h vim. ii I*ti« up,m lan ixpn-s i'.nil mi iliai hi s:iull d hiltO Ci list.i aiinniil ,il -tniK, I ,-wii : 7 500 ' 3 Pi:*, HI. 101 l III* t .fv- II bj|. t I'li l > #>iui, and by it lii'ilm a-n I'll.nit if was u .doi.-t ! itiui lie wit inn 'vxpoettd or i iif liu.d 11 do n i > a> pi esident," except. >ii. .i ii> a-i legally uwiwarj |-ir liiih i.i :1 • Aiitiu-..'n 11 in.- lii! ruivi'.'i ij Si 11 I i.a Li: is|i ii* -X ■ (.'"I Andre*-», tl « vice piift lu.'ii ii.nl _• ii■ r.il ftUpuriiiivDil cm, ii ■> •'cti t ii* ii • •»u111j» oonirol fur i .n • luuniiiii ,\li i;...i lias rectivod a • tiny ul flic Ii iinlii ll diiilaift ii moutlf a* [•U'MiW'iil, lift w IttSti it 111 his "(jOiid ivr ■, &J Ino jiii'-.iii -tic) liilii.j bam d up ;i Ills "cuij11; i*; J i:u d will, ' ijCO , It is liir lo iienuiiu l liii vi lie ii iliai "good IV Ii ' Ci'.'ixti lll.il i lj :l :l I lllli) exact j IStICO w.iuld p tj'lue tini i ll nominal j i t -idciioy nllllUl'i Ilk fifl U' r IHt!. rt'e MlMiOt it in up II itiis hyp Cn-.ftiii Hint .Mr Beat sppicliund d I. !, vui At any rate, li:.irestraining urdtr r ill poMp ne mutters i, I. »■ i . ul ApMi, A In-ii J iuO Qi yuinut I will take a !i,i ui, i !io ie-peotiv« i rictus and c ii-vanci s ul bull panics; and lu (lii- ui can i iuil 1 t.io directors' ii. cling lu day ixm tu- adj uirueit nvrr (•> a da) im '.-i.'ij null iu the dcieriiiin-ition of the ijiKStiou t>y J udiiu Be> uiuur. A Lesson cf Ti nst. O 10 tiiiu' a buy wa- diseovi red in tha j streets, evide .ily br >;lh and intelligent, | hut is on. A uri i «Ii i lia lib- lie ing I al kindiii-ft «' I*. n_'l) develuped, wont lo liiin. iiliuok hiui b) i in: -ti.iuidtr, and sh:;.-i1 bin whai lie was d in,: ilitre. '• vVii'.iiiig tin U'id mi iluuii! tor ine," ' ho "Wii ii 'lu you tm-aii ?" iiaid the gco lleinan, tiiuchcii by the pait elie lons of the answer ad tie n inliti n of i lie l; y. ;u vvlnf" e>e and llnslnd I'aco he ! aw >he ev deuces ul fever. "Ii d sent lur lather a i'i mother and littl bi'uiber," caiil lie, "ami limit theui i awaj lu 1 i i.i Ii ii e op in the bky, and | mot Hir lul l me wln-n fthe waf » ek that | (Jnd vV'iuid lukit care uf um. I have il > hom t, mib-ifly in give mo anytliiii|», tnd I 1 cane mil here and iiawe been loiikinx ■in lung U,j in 111e -ky lor t«ud lu >aka ! :ne «-, in iilirr Mild lie wuuld He will ■ !iu). wuu'l il '! M t.nr never told * i lie " "Y'S. my lad," said the man, ovcr piiliewilh eiii .tion "He lia» sent cue to like one ul yuu." j Vm siiuuld have »-*en his eyes fl.i.sh ; ami the Mtniln nt triumph break uvur bis nice, a 8 be i-ai-J : "M ither never told :i lie, nir ; but you h i\'i* been no long ml I lie wiy '' —Lift | ami Liijht Capt. Do Radio, of the Uui'od Stales I my. nan 81111 1* i uu a boriii.-i s iirnt ar Uud MR ars by ee r-11Hint he was (lie iiigluai Siiiu'ti.p re it .din, who nan | engaiied wnli t'.-li* Or-ini lu ISSS lu the allempl In a-.MS>tua. e IjOUH N ipuieon with a Initiib iln tiecla en thai lie Was «ctuiled by pure patri iti-m and a desire ilo aid Ills null e country, Italy But • '.lie genuine Kudn. whim apprehended iuiuicdi.itely alter tin- i.fl'nr, made a , o"iiliiß.«iou lo Heeure bit life Ha cliileifted ili it lie li t i hi en hired tor it >u ii njnil in one liiiudiiid dull-irn to lielp kill !lie empurnr, .-ni l lie lurned simea evldeiice ami lielrye l lies unmade* 10 ftive Itiri tuiiieiable aiiiii. It u iieuuiidrci liko lliin is rra y woaruig the uniform ul ail ih ' r tu i tie Uniied Slates aruiy, tho^ toinicr he \t e impelled lo u fi it the bciier lur the liouur of the republic. Bui it 13 not belivvud In at he is the aaiiiQ pomnii lie liny wauls ti make u little i noise in ibe world, Knd in trying ou au animal s tkin II has lumud out lo bo an aba a and n..t a lion'a. SB,OCO Mora for tho Daa. Our indefitigahle representative in c ugieas, Cnl Gourde C. C'abell, has g iitun eight ihi>ußtiid dollars iu addition : to the ten thousand already binned far the improvement of the Dan We do nut do-pair ol seeing little >lcauit-rs going up and down i.ur river j but il u steaun r never should be used, it win bo a great thing for tha e.invienee of the puoplo, to have the w ty opened tor baieaux (Jul. Cabell git» buck a mte ol the money whioii >ur p t pie pay in tales j that's tho kind ol representative we like. ; —Dinvi/te. i'ltftcj. ■ y*

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