VOLUME V. THE REPORTER. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT C. PEPPER & SONS, PUBLISHERS AND PROPKIETORB. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Year, payable in advance, $1 50 Six Months, - . - 100 RATES OF ADVERTISING. On* Square (ten lines or less) 1 time, $1 00 For each additional insertion, - Contracts for longer time or more space can be made in proportion to the above rates. Transient advertisers will be expefted to remit according to tbese rates at the time they t «nd their favors. local Notice* will be charged higher than above rates. Business Cards will be inserted at Ten Dol lars per annum. O. F. DAT, ALBERT JONES DAY & JONES, Manufacturers of SADDLERY, HARNESS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, fc. Wo. 336 W. Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md nol-ly B. r. Kisti, with JOHNSON, SUTTON & C 3., DRV GOODS. Nos. 17 and as South Sharp Street., BALTIMORE ill). T. W JOHNSON, R. M. SUTTON. t. I. R. CKAUUIt, 0. J. JOHNSON. nol-IT. 11. H. MARTINDALE, WITH WM. J. 0. DULANY k CO , Stationers' ami Uu»ksellers' Ware house. SCHOOL BOOKS A SPECIALTY. Stationery of all kinds. Wrapping Paper, Twines, Bonnet Hoards, Paper Blinds. »3J W. BALTIMORKST., BALTIMORE, MD R. J. A R. !!. BEST, WITH IIEXitV SONNKBOItN k CO., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. 20 Hanover Street, (between German and Lombard Streets,) BALTIMORE, MD. H. 80KNEBUN, B. SLIMLINE 4Wy C. W ATKINS. \"f W. B. ROBERTSON O. L. COTTRELL. / \ A. S. WATKINS. WAIkIVS, COTTRELL & CO., Importers and Jobbers of HARD WARE, 1307 Main Street, RICHMOND, VA. Agents for Fairbanks'* Standard Scales, and Anker Brand Bolting Cloth. August 26, 1880. JNO. W. HOLLAND, WITH T. A. BRYAN Ji CO., Maokfacturers ot FRENCH and AMERICAN CANDIES, in every variety, ana wholesale dealers in IfRUITS, NUTS, CANNED GOODS, CI GARS, fc. 3*9 and 341 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. MT* Orders from Merchants solicited. WILLI AII DKVHICB, WILLIAM H. UKVHIIS, eiftlSTlAU UKYhIES, ol's., SOLOMON KIMMELL. WILLIAM DEVRtES k CO., Importers and Jobbers of Foreiga and Domestic Dry Goods aud AOtiOUS, >ll West Baltimore Street,(between Howard and Liberty,) BALTIMORE. J. W. MENEFEE, WITH PEARRE BROTHERS k CO. Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods. MliN'S WEAR A SPECIALTY. If OS. 2 and 4 Hanover Street, Angusts , '8o —6m. BALTIMORE. boiirt w. rowans. iuqar d. taylo . R W POWERS k CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Dealers in PAINTS, OILS, DYES, VARNISHES, French and American WINDOW GtliABS, PUTTY, £C., CIGARS, SMuKINU AND CHEWING* TOBACCO A SPECIALTY. 1305 Main St., Bichmond, Va. August 2G—6m J. W. RANDOLPH k ENGLISH, BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AN BLANK-BOOK MANUFACTERERH. 1318 Mainrtreet, Richmond. A Large Stock qf LA W BOOKS always on n#l-6m hand. J. R. ABBOTT. OF N 0., with WIUCO, ELLETT & CRUMP, RICHMOND, VA., Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, TBUNKS, &C. Prompt attention paid to orders, and satis faction gaurauteed. f&- Virginia Stale Prison Ooodi a specially. March, 6. m. ESTABLISHED 1844. 8. T. DAVIS —with— T.J.MACRUDER&CO., Manufacturers and Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES AND BROUANS, No. 31 Sharp Street, Baltimore Md. legost 141 879. MY SWEETHEART. Do you know ray sweetheart, sir? She li:is fled anl gone away I've lost my love; pray tell to me Have you see* her pass to day ? Dewv bluebells are her eyes, Golden corn her waving hair ; Her cheeks are of .the blusli-rosas : Hare you seen this maiden fair ? White lilies are her neck, sir; And her breath the eglantine; Her rosy lips the red carnations, Such is she, this maiden mine. The light wind is her laughter, The murmuring brook her song ; Her tears, so fail of tender pity, In the clouds are borne along. The sunbeams arc her smiles, The lfa.es her iootsleps light j To kiss each coy flower into life Is my true lover's delight. I will tell yo who she is, x And bow all things become her. Ber.d down, that I may whisper, My sweetheart's nime is—"Summer." —LiUell'i Living Age. President Jackson and His Door- Keeper. When Jackson waa President Jimmy O'Neill, the Irish doorkeeper of the White Ilousa, wis a marked character, He had his foibles, which offended the lastidiousneas of the President's nephew and Si)creta r y, Major Donelson, who caused his dismissal on an average of about ofice a week. But on appeal to higher courts the verdict was always reversed by the good nature of the old General. Oaoe, however, Jimmy was guilty of some flagrant offence, and being summoned before the President himself was thus addressed : "Jimmy, I have borne with you for years in spit of all complaints ; but this goes beyond my powers of endurance." "And do you believe the story 7" asked Jimmy "Certainly," answered the General "I have just heard it from two Senators " "Faith," retorted Jimmy, "if I believed all that twenty Sinntors say about you, it's little I'd think you was fit to bo President." "Pshaw ! Jimmy," con cluded I he General "clear out, and go back to your duty, but be more careful hereafter" Jimmy not only retained his place to the close of Jaokson's Presi dential t;rui, but accompanied him back to the Hermitage, and was with him to the day of his death. The Ministar's Cow. An exchange tells this droll story of a clergyman's experiment and how it ended : Some years ago there lived in Central New York a very worthy and respecta ble divine known as Father Gobs. He had a hired man named Isaac, who always obeyed orders without question Father Goss bought a cow one day which proved ref.ietory when milked, refusing to surrender the lacteal fluid, although Isaac used all (be persuasive arts of which he was mastci. He Gnally reported her delinquencien to his master. "Well, Isaae," said he, "go to the barn and get thjso pieees of djw rope." Isaac obe> ed ; the cow wai driven into the stablo, tied with a piece of the rope, when the Rev. came out, armed with a knife. "Now," he exclaimed to Isaac, "I will get on the cow's back and you tie my feet beneath her, then you go on with your milking, with my weight od her back she must give down her milk. Isaao obeyed. The feet wero tied, the pail get and milking commenced. Hut bossy objeoted, and plunged wild ly about. The stable was low, and the Rev.'s head was fearfully thumped "Oh, Isaao, Isaao !" bawled he, "out the rope." Isaao seized the knife and out—not the rope which tieu tho master's feet, but one that tied the cow. The stable gate was opoo, also the yard gate. Away darted the frantio cow, the terrified man on her back, helplessly roaring : "Stop her, stop her I" While madly careering down the road be met a parishioner, who exoitedly called : "Why, Mr Goes, where are you going 7" "Only God and this cow koow !" groaned he : "I don't" The animal was finally caught and the man released, much frightened but unhurt. The age of gianta has returned. Within six months seven gianta over eight feet in height have appeared in New York city The latest addition was Ileorik Urusted, a Norwegian, who arrived Monday. He it eight feet tall and weight 400 pound*. D ANBURY, N. (J., THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1881. Restoring Fertility With Clover. From Dr Harlan's work on "I'arm ing," ws mako the following ex raot : It is a very oomtnon practise among agricultural writers to advise all persons having lar,*e (arms which arc ic a very poor condition to sell one half or two thirds of their iaud, and apply all (he money they reoeive in manuring and im proving the balance of their property. In some case 9 this may be the most prudent course to follow, but, us a gen eral rule, I am opposed to this advice for two very good reasons : First, you can get but very little per acre for your poor fialds ; and secondly, if you improve your property with judg mer.t, you can enhance its v*lua so rap idly that in seven or eight years it will ba worth double or treble its former val To begin your improvement, take tbe old field about half a utile from the house and which is now covered with thin yel low grass and a mellow soil about one or two inches deep, produced by many years of exposure to the weather It has never been plowed since you knew it. And, I beg you, do not ulow it now at the beginning of your efforts to make it better. Let me show you what a coating of fine mellow earth is worth on the surface. In Egypt the annual overflow of the Nile deposits on the land a thin stratum of very fine soil, which amounts to only four or five inches in a century. This yearly settling, which is only tho twen tieth of an inch in thickness, of almost impalpable dust, keeps the farms forever rich aod productive. The Egyptians do not plow this precious coat under, but bow the Beed on the moist ground as the waters subside, and then, il possible, they drive sheep and hogs or goats over it to press the seed into the soil. We should all learn a useful lesson from their example and experience. We should not plow dowu the only part whicn the air has enriched by mingling and uniting with it for bo ntany years, but early in the spring we should harrow ail many acres of the old field os we can sow with clover seed at one peck to tho acre. After the seed.is sown, we should roll the ground and sow one or two bushels of plaster per aero. The principal roots of all plants must be near the surface, that they may fee' the life giving influence of air and mois ture, or the soil must be loosened by na ture or by tillage, that the atmosphere may penetrate oven to the deepest fihors of vegetation. Hence tho reason that plant food acts so well upoo the surface, aod that all seeds germinate more quickly, more naturally, when covered by only oao or two inches of soil. But these great truths must not be misun dcrstood. Though the Boil must be loose, the finer the seed the greater the neces sity when planting or Bowing of pressing the hand or foot or roller the earth into close contact with the grain. I remember a little incident which will illustrate this subject and fix it in the mind. An old sea captain who lived in our neighborhood tried every year to raise for himself a little tobacco. He prepared a little patch of ground with the greatest care. The space was as fine and rich and mellow as he could mako it. Then he sowed the seed and raked it over once more very gently. Yet, uiuoh to his surprise and vexa tion, only a few stalks grew each year But one spring, after the little bed had been sown with all tbe usual care, some fellow, to worry the old captain, went secretly on it and tramped and tramped, and danoed and tramped it till it wasi to all appearance, as hard and solid as the most frequented public road. The poor old man gave him a seaman's bless ing, whosoever he might be, and left it to its fate But his next visit to it he was astonished to see the tthole bed cov ered with vigorous plants of tobacoo- It seemed that every seed had grown He had a grand crop. Atur that he could always raise tobacco He tramped the ground himself after tbe seed was sow*. Well, to return to our old field If the cloyer should grow five or six inches high by the middle of August, give it a half or a whole bushel more of plaster per aero. The seoond year you mutt treat it in the same way, and if the clover ia thin on the gruund, aow more seed, and again roll it well. Do all this the third and fourth year if necessary. After this it will re soed itself, provided you continue the plaster each year. Here is a practical illustration of this plant which I know to be the laot, A person bought a very poor farm near the southern boundary of Pennsyl vania, and tried to raise grain upbn it in the usual way. But no kind grew large or strong enough to produce seed Fortunately, ho did not sacrifice the pro perty by gelling it at a very low figure, as many would havo done. Ho sowed every acre of it with clover seod and plastered it every year. For a living he f.fifowed the profession of an auctioneer. About seven or eight or more years the clover grew upon Ira farm, undis turbed by plow or hoof of any kind- Then he couoludcd to try his hand again at farming. Many of his neighbors gathered to sec the first plowing after so long a rest from tillage. Au old farmer who was present assur ed uie that the soil turned over eight or nine inches deep as black as your hst and as mellow as an ash heap. More than fifty years now passed since the occurrence, aud the farm has the reputatiou of being rich ai.d prcduo live to the present day. Cost of Fences. An agricultural writer says : ''Tbe fences of tbe United States have cost more than the bouses in town aud coun try, tuoro than tire ships and boats of every sort, more than the manufactures and their machinery, uiore than any other class of property except, perhaps, real estate and railroads." Thissaems extravagant at firsttbougbt, but it is not. Solon Robinson says the first cost of the fences of New York was $144,000,000. Estimating the first cost of the fences of other States on this basis, and tho whole amounts to 81,290,- 000,000. Tho (cooes require to be re newed onco in ten years, at an annual cost ol S!&0,000,000. Nicholas Biddle estimated the cost of keeping up the fences of Pennsylvania at 810,000,000 a year. This was forty years ago. It probably costs twice that now. General VVorlhington, of Ohio, when president of the State Board of Agriculturo of that State 6ome twenty years ago, said there woro in that State 18,000,000 acres of laud, inclosed by 45,000 miles offence at an original cost of $115,000,000 and a yearly expense for repairs of about $8,000,000. Iloraco Greeley says : "We impoverish ourselves to build fences which poison the land by funishiug shel ter for weeds. Why should we not dis penso with them 7" Tnere is another cost of the fence not yet named A zig zag ot; worm fence occupies five acres of land for every hundred inclosed, which is a live per cent, tax on tbe lands of the whole country There are few fences iu Europe. Illinois has more than all Ger many. There every man is required to fence his stock in , hence nobody is ob liged to fence other people's stock out. America should adopt tbe same sensible plan. It would lessen our expenses im mensely and add greatly to tbe beauty and picturesque appearance of the coun ty- The Kind of a Follow He Was. A very high-toned looking young man in exquisite moustache, loud plaid olothes, red neoktie, low orowned hat, straw col ored kids, and knitting needle cane, walked into a tobacco shop on Third street to-day, aod throwing down a halt dollar on the counter said : ''Well, this is the worst town I ever saw; a gentle man can't get anything in it satisfactory, aud I atu unable to see how a person ot fastidious taite can live here I sty, Mr Shopkeeper, can you sell a fellow a de cent cigar ?" "Yes, sir," said the cigar man meek ly- "Well, then, fly around lively and do it. Don't you see that half dollar 7" "Ye*, sir. What kind ef a cigar do you wish sir. "What kind 7" "Yes, sir " "Why, look at mo, sir, at me, sir, a moment, and see for yourself what kind of a cigar would suit me," aud he drew hituseif up grandly aod gazed down on the shop keeper. The shop-keeper looked and then took in'the half dollar, got out a cigar, hand ed it to tbe man with forty.nine cents ohange, and said : "I owe you half a sent, sir, but 1 can't make ehange unless you take another cigar." The nice young nan looked at the shop keeper and then at the cigar, aod then at lumstlf, and without a single word walked out of the shop. I Tbo "Year Witliout a Summor." Wo continue to receive occasional in quit ies concerning the "year in which there was no summer." Some persons appear to have a wiong idea os to the time It waa tho year 1810 It has | been called the "year without a sum mer for there was sharp frost in every month. There are old farmers Btill liv- I ing iu Connecticut who remember it well. It was known as the "year with out a summer" The farmers used to refer to ii as "eighteen hundred and starvi to death." January was mild, as was also February, with tho exception of a few days. The greater part of March j was cold and boißteroos. April opened j warm, but grew colder as it advanced ending with SHOW and ico, and winter ! cold. Iu May icc formed half an inch | thick, buds and flowers were frozen aud corn killed. Frost, icc and snow were common in Juno. Almost every green \ thing was killed, aod the fruit was oear ' ly all destroyed. Snow fell to the depth of three inches in New York and Massa chusetts and ten inehes in Maine. July wis accompanied with frost and ice. On the sth ice was firmed of tbe thickness ; of window glass in New York, New Eng. land and Pennsylvania, and corn was | nearly ail destroyed in certain sections, j In August ice formed half an inch thick. J A cold northwest wind prevailed nearly | all summer. Corn was so frozen that a great deal ' was cut uown and dried for fodder. | Very little ripened in New England, even here in Connecticut, und scarce'y any oven in the Middle States. Farmers were obliged to pay $4 or $5 per bushel j for corn of 1815 for seed for the next I spring's planting. The first two weeks | of September wero mild, the rest of the month was cold, with frost, and ice I formed a quarter of an inch thick. Oc | tober was more than usually cold, with frost aud iec. November was cold and blustering, with snow cuougb for good j sleighing. December quito mild aud comfortable. — Ilar!fonl Times. Bears Helping Each Other. A gentleman was onco making inqui i ries, in Russia, about tho method of catching bears in that country. He was told that, to entrap them, a pit was dug j several feet deep, and after covering it i over with turf, leaves, eto , some food wai placed on the top The bear, if tempted I by the bait, easily fell into the snare. "But," he added, "if four or five hap pen to get in together, they all manage to get out again." "How is that 7" asked tbe gentleman. ' They form a sort of ladder by step ping on each other's shoulders, and thus make their escape." "But how does the bottom ono get out 7" "Ah ! these bears, though not possess ing a mind and soul such as God has j given us, yet cm feel gratitude; aud j they won't forget the ono who has heeo j the chief means of proouring their lib erty, Scamperiug off, they tetch tho ! branch of a tree, whioh they let down j to their poor brother, euabling him : speedily to join them in the freedom in i which they rejoice." j Sensible bears, we should say, and a ! great deal better thai some people that ' we hear about, who never help anybody j but themselves— The Carrier Dove. Cured Her at Last. An old man up in Connecticut had a | poor cracky bit of a wife, who regularly | once a week got up in the night and in vited the family to see her die. She gavo away ber things, spoke her last words, and made her peace with llaaven, and then about 8 o'clock she got up in hor usual way and disappointed every body by going at her household duties as if nothing bad happened. The old uian got sick of it finally, and weut and bought a coffin, a real >ice cashmero shroud, a wreath ot immor telles, with "Farewell, Mary Ann," worked in, aud a handful of silver-plated screws. Laying the screw driver beside the collection, he luvitcd ber to holler "die" onoo more. "Do if," said he, "and in you go, and this larewcll business is over." Mary Aon is at this moment oooking i buckwheat cakes for a large and admir ing family while they dry apples in the coffin up iu the garret.— Oxford Torch j light. Dissolve a bushel of salt in a barrel of water, and with the salt water slack a barrel of lime, which should be wet enough to form a kind of paste For a disiufectant this home mads chloride of limo is nearly as good as thai purchased at the drug stores Use it freely about sinks, cellars, gutters and otherwise, and in this way prevent sickness and obviate great expeus#^ NUMBER 50. Self Conceit. It. does not argue well for our nobility i of character when we sneer at others. When we over value ourselves, wc un ; dervalus our neighoors Self-conceit is : therefore, the source of that pharisaicol ; weakness called contempt The man who prides himself ou bis descent, sneers ! at the man who relies upon himself and cares ret who was his greatgrandfather. The self-sufficient purist says to the 1 soapeerace, ' Go to, wretch, I am holier than thou!" fVnd the millionaire, who regards money not as a means, but as an end, looks with scorn upon the plodder who is conient with a mod#rate coupe j tence. Thure are few things in this world so utterly contemptible as con ; tempt. It is the vice ol vanity, and is a | sensation unknown to true greatness. A TIME HONORED REMEDY. —"UnoIe Pomp," sai l Col M to a former slave, '•I hear that sonio of you darkies dowa on the lower place are afflicted with the itch." "Bein' as it's you, boss," replied old Pompey, hesitatingly, "I*nus' confess dat de J/iwd has seed fit to afflieK us dat j way, for a fac." "Ah ! Doing anything for it?" "Yes, ; oh, yes, sali!'' "What ?" "Why, we—er —we am scratchin' fer | il -" " Mr. Jelferson Davis will be seventy three years of age on the 3d of Juno nest An Irish lover remarks, "It's a vory I great pleasure to be alone, especially when yer sweetheart is wid ye!" "Look athar," he reinivked to the waiter, ' your euffoe is 0 IC., your hash ; if. about correct, but atu't your eggs a | little too ripe " Young Swell: "I should like to have my mustache dyed." Polite bar ber : "Certaiuly ; did you briug it with you ?" Au Alexandria. Va., dispatch says ; that the Democratic ticket is elected by a larger majority than expected—rang ing lrom 400 to GOO. THERE is not the slightest evidence , to show that any person was ever injured by eulflteg haiu* tpork m a silted stale 'or i'resh pork when well oooked. yll 1 danger arising from trichina) is in eating 1 pork in a raw slate. I ''When I was a young man," says the I philosopher Blilings, "1 was always io a hurry to hold tTia big end of tb* log and do all the lifting, now I am older, i seizid hold of the small end and do all the giuutin It is euough to bring tear* to the eye of a potato to see a Burlington maa on "lodge night," braoe himself up against the office door and try to open a postal card to see what is in it and who it's from.— llaickcye. "Oh, dear!'' exclaimed Edith to her doll, "I do wish you would sit still. I never saw snch an uneasy thing in all my life Why deu't you act like grown folks and be still and stupid lor awhile f" Whatever your sex or position, Ufa is a battle in which you are to show your pluck, arid woe be to the eoward. Despair and postponement are cowardice and defeat. Men were boru to succeed and not fail, A little boy entered a fi-*h market the other day, and seeing for the firs', time a pile of lobsters laying on the counter, looked intently at them for some time, when he exclaimed : "Tuem's the big gest grasshoppers I've ever seen." Che-Mali, the famous Chinese dwarf, has rucent y arrived iu New York lie is 44 years old and exactly two feet high—just six leet shorter than his countryman, ih« giant Chang. He wears a moustache nod is a iittle bald on the top of his head. Mao doubles all the evils of his fata by meditating opou theiu. A soratoh becomes a wound, a slight becomes an injure, a jist au insult, a small peril a great danger ; and a slight sickness often ends iu death by broodisg apprehen sions. A ccrtrio euro for a felon is to wißd it clotU loosely about the 6ng»r, leaving ilia end Iree. Pour in couiuion gun powder till the alHcte.l part is entirely covered. Keep tho whole wet with strong spirits of camphor. "Hi! where did you get ihum trou sers f" asked an Irishman of a mat who happened to be passing with a remark able short pair of trousert. "I got them where they grew," was the indig nam reply "Then, by my conscience," said Pat, "you've pulled them a year too B'jon I" A cruel patient : A young mas who lives in Austin, und whose moustache is like faith, "tho evidence of things l oped for, the substance of thing* nqt yet seen/' called on his prospective father-in law and give notice that ho intended marry ing the old gentleman's daughter, at an early date "It had belter take plaoe on some Saturday, so that it will not in terfere with jour suhool hours," sarcast ically remarked the old uiau.

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