THE BANBURY REPORTER. VOJLUME VI. TIIE REPORTER. PL'BiIRHED WKEKI.Y AT DAN N . C . PBPPER d- SONS, PUBLISHERS AND PROPRIETORS RATIS Ofr SUBSCRIPTION. Oaa Year, payable in advance, $1 SO Six Months, - • 1 00 RAfKFf OF ADVERTISING. Oae Square {ten lines or less) I tluie, SIOO far each additional insertion, - 50 Coatractsfor longer time or more space can bt made in proportion to tho above rates. Transient advertisers will be expected to j*mit according to these rates at the time they t «nd their favors. Local Notices will be charged 50 per cent, higher than above rales. Business Cards will be inerted at Ten Dol lars per annum. 0 t. DAT, AI.BEKT JON ES DAY & JONES, Manufacturers ol SADDLERY, HARNESS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, j-c. No, 13S W. Baltimore street, Uallimore, Md. ne'-ly B. F. KINO, WITH JOU.VSOX, SUTTON k 0,, DRY GOODS. Nos. 27 and 29 South Miarp Street., BALTIMORE MO. T. W JOHNSON, R. M. SUTTON. t. I. R. CKAUIIC, U. J. JOHNSON aol-l'y • H. U. MARTINDALE, WITH WM. J. C. DULANY k CO , tftationers' and Booksellers' H'are liouse. SCHOOL BOOKS A SPECIALTY. Stationery af all kinds. Wrapping Paper, Twines, Bonnet Boards, Paper Minds. 132 W. BALTIMORKST., BALTIMORB, MD B. J. ft R. K. BEST, WITH KERRY SO.WKli'lltN k O., WHOLFSALK CLOTHIERS. Hanover Street, (between German and Lombard Streets,) BALTIMORE, MO. B. SONNKSON, B. BMMLIKE 47-ly C. W ATKINS. I I W. S. ROBERTSON 0. L. CO I'TRELL. / \ A. S W ATKINS. HAIkINS, COTTRKL k CO., lasporters and Jobbers of HARD W 1307 Main Street, RICHMOND, VA. Agents for Fairbanks'* Standard Scales, nad Anker lirand Bolting Clotb. Aagast 16, 18»o. J NO. W. HOLLAND, WITH T. A. BUYAM k 10., Maakfactarers ol FRENCH aud AMERICAN • CANDIES, in every vatiety, and wholesale dealers ill FRUITS, NUTS, CANNED GOODS, CI GARS, ,jc. *9 and 141 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. ttf Orders from Merchants solicited. WILLIAM UKVKIKB, WILLIAM K. UKVKIKS, SBRISTIAD UKVIUKS, Ol'S., SOLOMON KIMMSLL. WILLIAM DEVRIKS k CO., Importers and Jobbers of Ftreign and Domestic Dry Goods and .Notions, 212 West Baltimore Street,(between Howard and Liberty,) BALTIMORE. J. W. MENEFEE, WIT* PEARRE BROTHERS k CO. Importers and Jobbers of Dry Goods. MEN'S WEAR A SPECIALTY. Woe. 1 And 4 Hanover Street, Augusts , 'So—6m. BALTIMORE. BOBIST W. rowsas. BDUAB D. TAYLO . It W POWERS k CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Dealers in PAINTS, OILS, DYES, VARNISHES, French and Amerioan WINDOW GLAHS, PUTTY, &C , CIGARS, SMOKING AND CHEWING TOBACCO A SPECIALTY. 1305 Main St., Richmond, Va. August 26—6 m ~77W, RANDOLPH k ENGLISH, BOOKSKBLKRS, STATIONERS, AN BLANK-BOOK MANUFAOTERERS. T7lB Mainrtreet, Richmond. A Lar/t Stock o/ LA W BOOKS always on ael-Ca hand. J. R. ABBOTT, Of N C., with WIRGO, ELLETT k CRUMP, RICHMOND, VA., Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, AC. Prampt attention paid to orders, and satis faction gauranteed. pK~ Virginia Slate Priton Goods a tptnalty. March, 6. m. ES T A BUSHED Tim. 8. T. DAVIS —with— T.J.MACRUDER&CO., Manufacturers and Dealers in . BOOTS, SHOI6 AND BROUANB, No. 31 Sharp Street, BaKimore Md. August 141 (79. OBSERVATIONS OF R EV. OA BE TUCKER. You roa.y notch it on de palin's as a mighty resky plan To make jour judgement by de clo'es dat kivers up a man ; For I hardlj ne«da to tell jou how jou often come ereroßß A filty-dolUr fuddle on a twenty dollar hois, An', wukin' in de low-grmin's, you diakirer a« you RO, Dat de fineß' shuck may hide de meanes' nub- Idn in a row I I think a man has got a mighty poor cbance for Heben Dnt holds on to hia piety but one day out ob »eb»n ; Dat talks about de sinner* wid a heap o' sol emn chat An' tiebber drape a nickel in de missionary hat; Dot's foremost in de meetin'-houte for raising all de chimes, Rut lays aside his 'ligion wid bis Sunday pan taloons ! I nebber judge o' people dat I meets along de way By de places wbar dey come Puin an' de hou ses whar dey stay; For de bantam chicken's awful fond o' roost in' pretty high, An 1 de turkey-buzzard sails above de eagle in de sky ; Pe\ ketches little minners in de middle ob de sen, An' you finds de sraallcs' 'potsum up de big gfa' kind o' tree 1 —J M Macon in Scrikner Jor July. A Bid* for Life. [From "The Boy's Own Paper."] Iu the tnoath oi March, in the } ear 18—, when tho snow lay deep upon the giourid, Lawrence Temple, a olerk at a lumber camp oa the head waters of the Ottawa Rivar io Canada, wax dispatched by the "tio~a" lumberman to Ottawa City, a dii'anoc of some two hundred miles, to report to (be agent of the company the quantity of timber that had been got out, aud to bring uack from the bank a sum of money to pay off a number of tb« lutubermei Several of these were about to take up laud in the new townships that had b'-en receutly laid out on tbe upper Ot taw a, and aa Lawieoue bad wun the con fidence of (he onuipany, he was comuiis »i ineJ to tiring back the money for mak ing the payments Owing to a prejudice on the part of tbe men against paper money, he was directed to prooure gold and silver. He was to ride as far as the town >f Pembroke, about half way, and leaving his horse there to rest, was to go to Onawa ia tbe stage. He selected for the journey the best animal in the sta bio—a tall, gaunt, sinewy mare of rather ungainly figure, but with an immense amount of ge in her. He reaohed Otuwa safely aod trans acted his buMstse satisfactorily. Hav ing drawn the money from the bank, Kr.glich sovereigns and Mexican dollars, Lawrence set out on his return journey. At Pcmbioke he mounted again his faithlnl steed, for bit ride over a hand red utiles to the camp The silver be carried iu two leather bags in the holster of the saddle, and tbe gold io a belt around his waist. He also earried tor defenoe one ot tbe ucwiy invented Colt's revolvers The weather was bitterly cold, but the exercise ot riding kept bim quite warm The eutire winter had been one of un precedented severity The snow fell early aod deep, and remained all through the season Deer were exceedingly nu merous, even near the settlements, and at the oarnp furnished no inconsiderable portion of tbe food for the men, varied by an occasional relish of bear's meat. Towards the close of the seoood day he wat approaching tbe end of his jour ney aod indulging in pleasant anticipa tion of the feast of vension he should enjoy, and of bis refreshing slumber on the fragrant pine bought, earned by con tinued exeroise in the open air. Tbe moon was near the full, but partially ob scured by light aod fleeoy clouds. He wst approaobing a slight clearing when be observed two long, little ani malt tpriog out of tbe woods towards bit horse He thought tbey wsre a cou ple of tkoae large shaggy deerhounds wbiob are aometiaiea employed near the lumber camp for hunting oaribou—great powerful animals with immense length of limb and depth of chest—and he looked around for tbe appearance of tbe hunter, who, he thought, oould not be far off He was surprised, however, rot to hear the deep mouthed bay oharaoter istio of thoee hounds, but instead a gut tural snarl, wbioh appeared to affeot the mare io a most unaccountable manner. A shiver seemed to convulse her frame, aod shaking herself together she started off on a long swinging trot, wbioh soon broke into a gallop, that got over the ground amazingly fast. Hut her speed could not outstrip that of tbe creature* wbioh bounded in long Isapa by her si (ft, occasionally springing at her hams, their white teeib-giietemog in the moonlight and snapping, when they oloeed like a steel-trap. When be oaaght the first glimpse ef the fiery flashing ot their eyes there eame the DANBUUY, N. C., THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1881. blood-curdling revelation that these were no hounds, but hungry wolves that bore hiui auoh sin imer company. All the dread hunters' tales of lone trappers lost in tho woods, aud their gnawed bones discovered in the spring beside their •teel trups, 0 tehed through his mind like a thought of horror. His only safety, he know, was in the speed of his mare, and she was baodi caped in this race for life with about five and twenty pounds of silver in each bol eier. Seeing that she was evidently flagging under this tremendous pace, he resolved to abandon the uioney. "Skin for skit., yea all that a man hath will he give for bis lifoso bo dropped both bags oo the road. To bis surprise animals stopped as if they bad been highwaymen, seeking only bis money and not his lilo. He could hear theui snarling over the stout leather bags, but lightened of her load, tbe mare sprang forward in a splendid haod gallon, that oovered tbe ground io gallant style. He was beginning to hope that he had fairly distanced the brutes, when their hurrid yelp and melancholy long drawn howl drew stronger ou the wind and Boon they were again abreast of tbe mare. He now threw down h';a thick leather gauntlets, with the hope of delaying tbeui qut it only caused a detention of a low miiiu'es while they greedily devoured tliem. He wax rapidly oearing the camp, if he could keep them at bay for twenty or thirty minutes more, he would be sale. As a last resort he drew his revolver, scarce hoping in his headlong pace to hit the bounding, leaping objects at bis side Moreover, tbgy bad both hitherto kept on the left side of the rnaro, which lessened hie chances as a marksman The mare, too, who was exceedingly ner v OUH, could never stand fire, end, if he should mies, and in tbe uiovement be dis mounted, be knew that in five minutes tbe maw of ravenous beasts would be in bis grave. One of the brutes now made a spring for the mare's throat, t)ut failing to tcrasp it, fell on the right side of the animal. Gathering himself up, he bounded in front of her, aad made a dasb at the rider, catchiiig and clinging to the mare's right shoulder. Tbe white loam fell from his mouth and flecked bis dark and shaggy breast. Lawrence could feel his hot breath oo bis naked hand The fiendish glare of those eyes lie never io all bis life forgot. It baunted him for years iu midnight slumber, from which he awoke trembling, and bathed io the cold perspiratioi»of terror. Lawrence felt that the oriiioal moment had come. One or the other of them must die. Io five minutes moie he would be sale io camp, or else —and be shud dered. He lifted up bis heart io prayer to God, and then feltstraugely calm and celleoted. Tbe muzzle of bis revolver almost touched tbe brute's nose. He pulled the trigger. A flash, a crash ! tbe greeo eyes biaied with teofold fury, tbe huge form fell heavily to the ground, and in the same moment, the mare reared al most upright, nearly unseating her rider and shaking his pistol from his hand, and then plunging forward, rapidly oov ered the road in her flight. As Lawrence bad ezpeoted, tbe other famishing beast remained to devour its fellow. He galloped into tbe camp, al moat fell from his mare, whioh stood with a look of almost human gladness in har eyes, and staggtrud to tbe rude log shanty, where tbe blazing fire aod song and story beguiled the winter night, scarce able to narrate bis peril aod esoape After light refreshment—lor he had lost all relish for food—he went to bed. to start up often through the night under the glare of those terrible eyea, and to reoew the horror he bad uodargooe. Io the morniog, returniog with a num ber of tbe meo to look for the roooey, he found the feet, tail, muule, aod scalp of the slain wolf in the midst of apatoh of gory snow ; also the skull and part of the larger booaa, bnt gnawed aod apttt io order to get at the marrow. They fouod, alao, some distanoe back, the straps and buokleaof the money bags, aod the ailver coins scattered oo the ground and partially oovered by the •now. SIT DOWN, ROBERT —Elder Traverse, who lately died io Buffalo, waa once the most noted damp meeting leader ia Eaatern New York. Of splendid phya ique, be made ahort work of interrup tera. Ooee a notorious rough, "Obica go Hob," iaterrupted tba ooogregatieo, while aingiog, by erowing. ''Sit down, Robert," aaid Traverse. "Chicago Bob •its down fer oo one," eried tbe bully. "Sit dowo, Robert," onoe more aaid the Elder. Robert'* reply waa a movement to throw off bia coat Ooa uoder tbe ear caaie deftly from the Elder' followed up by another, and another, and another, aod Chicago Bob retired unooosoiout. Next day he appeared among the repent ant ainaere. "Are you ia earneat, Robert T" mildly inquired tbe Elder. "I am." "Really aeeking for faith f" "You bet! If faith help* a man to get in bia work as quiok aa you did yeater day, I'm bouad to have it if I aell my bat." He orowed oo more. There ia a "tied " in the affaira of men that leads oa to baby oarriages. Accidental Discoveries. Valuable dieooveries have been made and valuable- inventions suggested by the veriest accidents. An alchemist, while seeking to discover a uiixture ot aarihs that would make the most durable cru cibles, one dfcy found that he had made porcelain. The power ef leases, as ap. plied to the telescope, was discovered by a watchmaker's apprentice. While holding spectacle glasses between his thumb and finger, he was startled at the suddenly enlarged appearance ef a neigh boring church spire. Tho art of etch ing upon gjass was discovered by a Nu remberg glass cutler, By accident a few drops of aqua fortis fell upon bis speotacles. He noticed that the glass oorroded and softened where the acid had touched it. That was hint enough. He drew Ggures upon glass with varnish, applied the corroding fluid, then cat away the glass around tho drawing When the varnish was removed the fig ures appeared raised upon a dark ground. Mezxotinto owed its invention to the simple accident of the gun barrel oi a sentry becoming rusted with dew. The swaying to and fro of a chandelier iu a cathedral suggested to Galileo the appli cation of the pendalum. Tbe art of lithographing was perfected through sue gestions made by aocident. A poor mu sician was curious to kuow whether mu sic could not be etched upon stons as well as upon oopper. After he bad pre pared his slab bis mother asked him to make a memorandum of suoh cloths as she proposed to be sent uway to be wash ed. Not having pen, ink and paper con venient, he wrote the list on the stone with tbe etching preparation, intending te make a copy of it at leisure. A few days later, when about to clean the stone, be wondered what effect aqua fortis would have upon it. He applied the acid and in a few minutes saw tho writing stand" ing out in relief. The next step was simply to ink the stone and take off an impression. The composition of which prioting rollers are made was discovered by a Salopian printer.— The Aye of Steel. We Lore Our Country. "1 feel," said the fat passenger, as the train crossed the Ohio line, "that I am in the land of statesmen. There is (he smell of a postoffice in the air, and the low sweet sound of a consulate is heard in the dewy distanoe. 1 see the shady forms of Marshals yet to be, and out of the dreamy gates of Impossible I see the sad procession of Never to be Su preme Judges It is a dear and favored iaad, this grand old step-mother of Pre sidents." ' We all love our country," said the sad paseeuger, "and we fight, and swear, and work, and lie. sweat and shout for tbe privilege of administering her finan ces. Oh, America, America, what would a country be without offices ?" "It would ba like a oat without a voice," the man on the wood-box eaid "Or a cigar without a match," the croee passenger said. "Or a room without a bed," said Endy mion, the sleepy passenger. "Or a bar without whisky," said the tall, thin passenger, whereupon several voicee immediately asked what that was "After all," the jetter said, "politi oiana are no woise than they used to be, but there are more of them ; and therein is all evil. Grasshoppers are no more voracious in one seaton than another, but, in the year when they multiply cpneus by countless millions, they are able to do infinitely more misohief than when there are barely enough of them to furnish fish-bait tor the indus trious citiiens of the republic. And all tbe misohief in the country isn't done by the politicians. Tbero are lawyers who would honor the bar by being kick ed out of it There are editors who dis grace journalism. There are ministers who profana their pulpit*. There are several people ouuide of polities who need a little killing There is J* And, seeing that his audienoe had gone to sleep, the jester prepared to fol low their example.— Burdette on hit Traveli. It ia oot the fashion for ladies to kise eaoh nth«r byway of friondly salutation now. They only touch each other's fin ger tips, faintly muruier "So glad to see you" aod pasa oa. There is no longer say danger of their oomplexioo being kissed off in spots. A witness on the stand in an illegal liquor aale oase. The oouaeel was try ing to find out in what kind of a glass •he liquor was banded to the witness, and at last exolaimsd : "What kind of a looking glass was it ?" "Begora, sor, it was not a looking-glass at all, it was a tumbler." What tbe Bashful Clork Wanted. [From the Detroit Free Press.] Old Pinehem sat in bis private office the other day figuring up his pnfits for May, when his head clerk, looking as pale as a sheep and as red as a cow by turns, entered and began: „Mr. Pinehem, I—1—" Have you got those goods off for Kalamazoo ?" interupted the old man. "Yes sir, ihey »re off. Mr. Pinehem I have long—" " And about that order for starch?" " That haß been attended to sir. M r Pinohem, I have long wanted to spesk to you." "Ah ! speak tome. Why I thought you rpoke to me fifty times a day." "Yes, sir, I know, but this is a private matter " "Private? Oh !Ah ! Wait till I see bow much ws made on that last 10,000 pounds of soap Six times four are tweniy-four; five times two are teo, and iwo to carry are twelve; three times seven are twenty-one and one—ah, well, go ahead; I'll finish this afterward." "Mr - Pinehem, I have bueu with you ten long ears." "Ten, eh ! Long years, eh ? Any lin ger thaa any other years ? Go ahead." "And have tried to do my duty " "Hare, oh? Goon." "And I now mnke bolJ—" "Hold ou! What is teere bold about il ? But never mind—l'll hear you out." "Mr. Pinehem, I want to ask—ask— I want to ask—" "Well, why don't you ask then? I don't act why yon don't ask, if you want to " "Mr- Pinehem, I waat to ask you for —for—for—" "You want to ask for the hand of my daughter. Ah! Why didn't you speak right out? She's yours, my boy ! Take her and be happy. You might have bad her two years ago if you had mentioned it. Go ' bng now—l'm busy." "Mr. Pinehem " "What,you here yet ? Well, what is it ?" " I wanted to ask you for, for— "Didn't I give bertoyou, yon rascal!" + „Yes, but what>l wanned to ?sk yon was, Dot tbe hand cf your daughter, but for a raise of salary." "Oh, tbat wa*> it, eb ? Weil, sir that is tn entirely different matter, and it re qudres time for serious though and earn est consultation. Return to your work, and-aome time next rail I'[l see about giving you a rise of a dollar a week. Six times four are twenty- four aud two to carry; aud three times—" • Power of Wind. In a paper before the American So oiety of Civil Engineers, Mr. C. Shaler Smith gives the result* of many years' observations of wind pressure aud its ef fects. He has personally visited the tracks of destructive storms ae soon as possible after their oocnrrence, for the purpose of dstcmining the maximum force and tbe width of the path of the storm in every instanoe. The most vio lent storm in bis records was at East St. Louie, in iB7l, when the wiad overturn ed a locomotive, tho maximum force de yeloped in *o doing being estimated at no less than 03 lb* per square foot. At St. Charlei, in 1877, a jail was destroy, ed, the wind force required being 84.3 lbs. per square foot. At Marsbfield (Mo ) io 1880, a brick mansion was le veled, tbe force required being 58 lbs. per square foot. Below these extraordi nary pressure* there were sundry case* of train* blown off rail*, and bridge*, etc., blown down by galea of wind of from 24 lb*, to 31 lb*, per square foot. Mr. Smith observes that io all hia ex amples h* ha* taken the minimum force required to do the obaerved damage, aod has considered this a* tho maximum foroe of the wind, although, of oourse, it may have been maob higher. Some of the harrionne* were very destructive, the one at Marshfield having out down everything along a path 46 milee long and 1,800 feet wide, killing 250 people. "Doctor," aaid one of our beet yonng m*n ia aooiety—"doctor' there i* some thing the matter with my brain ; I know there ie. What thall Ido abont it?" And the dootor oalaly bat firmly aaid ke guessed it needed a little exeroiso aa rnuoh aa anything else. And now the yonng man goes around aayieg tbe doo tor is a fool. Genevieve Ward i* shocked beyond all expreesion because men and woman are oninpelled to ileep in tbe *ame sleeping-ear. It i* dreadful. We have often worried over the same thing, and been afraid to go to sleep, lest aome woman should chloroform a* and kite us in our dreams. No man is safe in a mixed sleepieg oar— Hnrtington Hawk eyt. NUMBER 2, The Dead Letter Office. A visit to tbe dead Utter division of the post office at Washington ii exceed ' ingly interesting to strangors. Mere all Icters aud packages that the department had failed to deliver, either for the reas on that the; were unclaimed, unbaila ble, misdirected, or upon which the postage is not paid, are returned "dead." Mail matter ot thiß class originating in foreign countries included in the pos tal union is returned to the country of i origin unopened. The remainder is ' opened and delivered io all cases where any elew to the identity of the writer can bo discoverd. Of tbe letters of this kind opened during the last fiscal year 23,400 were found to contain money to the amount of 842,336.13, of which j 19.305, containing 837,279.81, were aftewafd delivered ; 21,311 coLtained drufts, cheekes, bills of exchange, cto , of ! the value of $1,454,210.65, of which 20,121, containing $1,451,587.44 were delivered; 34,771. containing receipts, paid notes and canceled obligation of all sorts; 30,957 containing photographs; 67,849 containing postage, tbe most of winch were deliverd. Of the numbetot letters passing through tbe mails it ap pears thai the department fails to deliver but one in every 289; the success of our servioe io this respeot is vory gratifying From official statements it appers that Qreat Britain fails to deliver one io 126, and Germany one in every 456; this last is, however, scarcely a fail com parison, as a very much larger propor ' tion of registered matter passes through the German mails, the delivery of which is almos inevitable. Before the depart ment building became so orowded a room was set apart as a musement where straa. 1 gers were shown a variety of unclaimed artickle* from bottled tarantulas Blaok •tone's Commentaries. Now theaitiolea ; are stowed away and every year or two J disposed of. I Love lighteos labor, as tbe man said when he saw his wife doing bis work for ! him An old bachelor suggests that births 1 be published under the head of 'new | musio. B.)bbs thinks that instead of giving | oredit where credit is due, the eash had I better be paid. The water power of Niagara Falls ii calculated to be equal to four and a half j millions of horse-power. The New York Mail says the only remedy for a lady of abort stature is to get eplioed as soon as possible. "Will the coming man fly 7" lie ■ probably will when the coming woman gets after him. Good morning, Smith; you look sleepy. Yes, replied Smith, 1 was up all night. Up where? Up stairs in bed. A Canada man sued a country editor I for libel and got twenty-five cents dam- I ages and then the editor went off and | mads an assignment. A lazy fellow once declared in a pub lic oompany, that he oould not find bread for his family. "Nor I," replied an industrious man; "I'm obliged to work for it" At a conoert rsosntly, at the conclu sion ot the song, "There's a good time coming, a farmer got up and exolaimed : "Mister, you oouldu't fix the date, oould you A fall of one inoh in ten miles in a river will praduoea current. The slope of the rivers flowing into the Mississippi from the east is about three inches per mile; from lbs west six inches por mile. Potatoes, or any other root orops, may be grown ia a young orohard. It would not do any injury to grow corn, but grain crops should not be attempted. They take from tbe soil tbe very ele ments which the trees require. By immersion the stems of which roses ia red and green ink they may be oolored green, pink and flesh oolor. They will look as if nature had done the work, and it only takes ten minutes to obange the oolor. A western editor appeala to hit delin quent subscribers by saying: "This week we have taken in potatoes and pickles on subscription. Now, if jou will bring in some vinegar for the piok les and some woou to roast the potatoes, we oan live till artichokes get big enough to dig." What greater thing is there for two hum an souls than to feel that they are joined far life —to strengthen each other io all labor, to rest on eaoh other ia all sorrow, to minister to each other in all pain, to be one with eaoh other ia sil ent, unspeakable memorise at the mo ment of the last paiting.

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