r rii© Reporter. ■NTKRBD AT TUB POST OFFICE IN DAN BURY. AS BBCOND CLASS MATTER. PKPPSK $ SOXS , Puhi. ami Propt. THURSDAY, JULY 28. 1881. Davis on Sharman. "His'ery has already dooided that Sherman burned Columbia, S. C., in the mere wantonness of war and to gra tify a brutal spirit of revenge against what tbey called the 'hot hed of scees sioo.' Sherman waged war with more ferocity than aoy soldier sinoo Attila, who roosived front his terrified and hor rified contemporaries the title of 'the aoourge of God,' and'boasted that no Mace oi graso v«. . g .u -raw where once his horse had planted his foot. His cruel treatment of the helpless non com batants of Atlanta is without a parallel for barbarity and unnecessary vindic tiveness in all the annals of war. Shcr- man deserves the glorj—whatever ihnt glory may be worth—of baling revived and given renewed force to that most in famous of uuoient maxims, 'Vie victir' He made 'woe to tho oonquered' a not less popular cry in the nineteenth cen- tury than when first yelled by the bar barians as they pressed with dripping swordß to the sack of anoient Rome. The truth ia, Sherman is a vain man, who has been ruined by success and flattery, and is possessed of a chronic hallucination thai he is a great general. He ia really a man of very mediocre tal ents. either civil or military, and owed his success entirely to superior numbers and the laok of enterprise uu the part of bia Antagonist, who either could or would do nothing but retreat, seeming anxious to be called the Fabius of the civil war Had Stonewall Jackson confronted Sherman in 1864, instead of Joe John ston, a different tale would have been told in my book. That, incomparable body of infantry he lsd, ao rapid of march as to have earned the title of 'foot cavalry,' would soon have brought Sberman'a marches to an inglorious end- His so-called march to the saa, 'so much lauded,' was really the most absurd of military manoeuvres ever undertaken in t alNhe lid* of time. It was right in thrf" teeth of all the* ru'es of war, *nf bnt for the faot that the Confederacy vaa then in its death agonies must have resulted in the irretrievable ruin of Sherman's whole at my. That his band of 'bnmmers,' which was virtually an organised gang of plunderers, was not destroyed or captured was not due to any generalship of Sherman, but the folly of tho hot-beaded Hood, who, instead of falling back before Sherman, went reel ing off into Tennessee like a mad cap on the wildest of wild-goose chases." CROP PROSPECTS IN STOKM. — After talking with the farmers from almost every part of the county, we are led to believe that there cannot under any cir cumstance! be exceeding one-fourth of 1 crop of tobaoco made, with good sea soas from now on. The corn crop will be near an average one. The wheat crop was never better. Rye ia good, but not eo much sown as in former years. Oats almost a failure. Potatoes a failure. Garden vegetables less than a fourth. In most sections the apple crop is abun dant, though the fruit is small .having been ftjured by the dry weather, but a poor erop of peaches, with less than one tenth of a berry erop. Meadows and grass lots will only give one outting, and that not good. The injunction to '"go West" will need to be modified hereafter by tbe caution, "if you don't mind the weath or." A more miscellaneous assortment of bad weather than the present year baa developed io that section it would be hard to conceive of. Last winter then were at least a doien "worst snow storms of the season." Railroads were bloekaded. street-car travel was aoapended, and wide extents of territo ry snow-bound at irregular intervals trom November until March Thea ia tbe spring the rains deaoeoded and tbe floods came. High water marks were submerged, and devastation marked tbe eoorse of piairie brooks And now eomea tbe torrid wave, as fatal as a pes tilence, and productive of even more discomfort and danger than the fearlul ■now storms and bliszards of the polar winter. To add to the peril and des traction water-spouts traverse the land ; tornadoes are uorn of the seething air, and go tearing through the fertile fields and peaceful villages; summer flodds atrive to beat the record of the during froahets ; the lightning plays havoc, sod tbe elements in general seem to be on a greed rampage. The drought in Southwest Virginia it distressing. Pastures are burut up, aad aattla have tobt drive* in many ease* several mile* for -water. Crop prospect* are discouraging. Is it ao, or not ? In the recent Anti-Prohibition oon veniion at Raleigh, Mr Boyd said, as is reported, that in Stokes count;, there was but one man in favor of prohibition, and that man was the representative. Now I ask is it true that Mr. Qlenn was the only prohibitionist in the count; 1 Of course it is not true, and I feel like resenting it as a slander perpetrated against my native county It hin ef feet saying that Stokes is a remarkably ungodly county, or it is an ignorant, buck-woods section. If Ido not greatly mistake the 4th of August will show that Stokes will give, if not a good ma jority foi prohibition at least a large vote. When tb« people come to look the ques tion tquaro in the face, whieh is grog shop* or no grogshops, a demon chained or a drink demon unchained. A very Inrge per cent it not a majority of the population will be founa on the side of morality, sobriety aud good order A cause which bas to be bolstered up by falsehood is a bad cause. Such is not tbe cause of Prohibition. C M. Pbpp«R. COMPARING our Southern papers with thofe of the populous and wealthy North, the Charlotte Southern Home says : "Our nowspapers compare favorably with those of an; State in tlid Union, with all the liberal support and patron age that the Northern people extend to their local press. Our dailies, the Star and Neir* and Observer, Constitu tion and Newt, (Georgia,)—wo speak of those in our immediate .vicinity—are managed in a style that reflects credit on the masterly hand at the helm that guides with so little aid or earnest co operation of our citizens. We venture to say there is more hard work, menial and physical, on each of our compara tively small papers than the mammoth sheets of the great metropolis Tho reason is obvious. There the papers are recognized as the voioe of the people and the channel through which they obtain all knowledge of the world, and they are lavish iu their support, whioh enables the establishments to employ sufficient force and relieve tb« strain of one man. We know the magnitude of work done and the difficulties overcome, which we trust some day the public will more fully appreciate." The llome is right about this matter Tha South cannot do better work for itself than by sustaining its home papers, which will become more and more worthy of support in proportion as the people tender them strong and able by liberal patronage. Charlotte Democrat: The gardens in the city have been almost completely parched up. Vegetables never were so sca.ee, and, there being no fruit, it is hard on thoie fond of such food. . It is very probable that the Prohibi tionists will bold the "balance of power" in the next Leginlct re. Tnere is no power on earth that will keep the ques tion from entering into all iuture elec tions in this State, and most of those who think alike will vote alike. The question will certainly divide (to some extent) both tbe Republican and Dem ocratic party. A public meeting at Lincoltonon the 29th ult., with rep resentatives from Cleaveland present, adopted a resolution asking the Com missioners of Linooln and Cleaveland counties to order an election on a prop osition to suhsoribe {25,000 each to the Virginia Midland Railroad,so as to se cure an ezteipion of the road through those oounties. Speaking "by the Card." C H. Wood, Esq , of the C. AT. Ry., Port Huron, Mich., favors our eor respondent with the following: After sufferiug for nearly a year with rheuma tism, receiving treatment from must of the best physicians of Michigan and tbo West, I happened to try a bottle of St Jacobs Oil. Upon the first applica tion I used fully half a bottle, and its effcot was almoet instantaneous. I im mediately dropped all other treatment and confined myself to its use alone. After the use of three bottles, instead of being driven te my business, or moviog about on crutches, I walked frum one to three miles daily abont business, and have been free (rom this horrible disease for 3ver a year, not having tbe slightest twinge of it. Ilence. I say that-all me dicioes tnown to me an uselt-ss when compared with the Old German Remedy. Use this statement when and where it suits.— Qaincjf (III.) Daily Tlerald. A FOOL ONC« MOUK. —"'For ten years my wil'o was confined to ber bed with such a complication of ailments Ibat no doctor could tell what was the matter or cure her, and I used up a small fortune in humbug stuff Six months ago I saw • U S. Aug with Hop Bitters on it, and I thought I would be a fool once more. I tried it, bat my folly proved to be wis dom. Two bottles cured her, sbe is now as well aud strong as any man's wife, and it cost me ouly two dollars Suob folly payt."—H. W., Detroit, Mioh.— Fret Prett. Hon. M. B. Manley died ia Newbern on Svtuvday the Bth-inst. lie WM 80 years old. His death waa very sodden. GENERAL NEWS. The Directors of tho Wilmington k Weldon Railroad havo deolaired a di viden of 3 per coot Thus far the number of immigrants who have arrived at the port of New York this month is 1,940. R. Y. Kirkman, of Yadkin county, had a mule to die of hydrophobia a few days ago.— Greensboro Battle Ground. Sixteen deaths from yellow fever at Havana for the week ending July 16; several cases are reported at Carden as. John Veal, of Fayette county, Ky.. raised fifteen hundred bushels of wheat on fifty acres. Raleigh Visitor: New Hanover paid more income tax for the year 1880 than any other county in the State. Asheboro Courier: A severe storm struck towe last Friday and did oousid arable damage to trees, fences, &o. A she bo ro has never felt a more severe wind* The man who makes the greatest effort to convince you that he is telling the solemn truth, is the very maa who is lying the hardest. Large quantities of peaches ire new being shipped to Northern markets from stations on the R. & G. li. R , and a great many from Henderson, lays the Review. The Virginian says that it was the opinion of those wht> heard the trial of Sidney Mabc. oonvioted of rapt at the last term of Carroll court, that banging would have been too good for h in Two establishments—one for the manufacture of cigars and another for the manufactures of shoes are soon to be added to the enterprises of Greens loro F'rotistant. Our western friends bavo tkeir OWQ way of relatinc » street fight. We read iu Pierre (D T .) Journal: ''Win. Smith is under treatment for au artificial hair lip, which he secured in a "difference of opiniou' on the aveuue the other uight." There was much excitement hers yes terday as soan as the n?ws was received of the dangerous condition of President Garfield. There were crowds around the bulletin ooards— Raleijh Ntm- Observer. A SIMILAR SHOT. — Mr. David A. Walker, a gallant Confederate soldier of this town, was shot in the side pretty muih like the President. The ball is still in him, tbedoetors know not where, and he suffers much at lime*. He is hook keeper for Liudsey, Harris & Co Reithvil/e Timet. A. oj whp is travel ing is Caldwell, Wataug* an4*Ashc, reports that thera is an unusually large amount of tourist* in the mnonttitis The boarding houses at lilowiog Koek are filled to overflowieg, and the pro prietors are compelled to refuse lodgers every day. One has rejected 500 appli cants this season.— Statemille Land mark. Prssidont Garfield bad a chill jfs tarday morning, fallowed by levt r, which in the opioioo of L>r. Bliai were caused by 'he toimation of a pus cavity in bia wound ; later in the day a free discharge from the wound relieved the patient and there waa a subsidence of the disquiet ing symptoms ; the consulting surgeons do not regard bis situation as grave, and axprtaa renewed confidence. The followiug notice has been sent oat from the office of the Weatere North Carolina Railroad, at Salisbury: 'On and after Monday, 1 Sth inat., the p«s songer trains ou this road will run through to Frenth Broad deport, «. e, Alexander'*, 10J mi cs west of Ashe ville." North Carolina crops are Tory good. Corn is looking finely. Cotton will do well it the weather is seasonable until the middle of Augaat. The fruit crop is nearly a total failure—some anples and uomparatively few peaohes. The season has been also a bad one for gar dens, but in some parts of the State vegetables are abundant and of excellent quality. Oen. J. C. Penibertoii, who waa in command of the Confederate army at Vioksburg wlion Grant captured theeity, died last Wednesday near Philadelphia He waa a fennsylvaniao by birth, edupated at Wast Point, and whan the civil war began reaigned his position in the U S. army to go into the aorvioe of the Confederacy. TheJapaneao have discovered that a tew seconds previous to an earth quake the magnet temporarily lose* its power. They place a cup ol bell metal under a suspended horsuhoo magnet which baa a weight attached to its ar mature. Oo the magnet becoming par alyzed the weight drops upoo the cup and givgs the alarm, and out rush the famsly to the open air for safety. Concord 6'un : Tbr number of deaths in this oouniy is distressing. A good deal of sicknes pievails. Obolsr iofao turn ia earryink off the children, while the old people ere dying from vnrions caujca —The Germans who were released from quaradtioe camp a week or two ago, have settled dowo to work and are proving themselves useful oiti ■ene. The men are breaking atone to macadamise Deport street and the wom en do waahing. They understand how to work and do it well. The new brick church bnildiog for the colored people, adjoining the seminary on Deport etreet,'!* rapidly being finiehed. It will be quite atylisb and attractive. How to ware for Young Fish. I am frequently naked the question by my correspondents who spply for fish, "If it wauld not do better to build a tank or pnnd and keep the young fry in them until they get larger before depositing them in the waters to be stock ed ?" For the benefit if those Interested, I will say that when the young fish is first hitched it has a yoke sac attached to it which, in trout at.d salmon families, lasts about forty days before it is absorb ed. At the Now York State hatchery wo care for the young fry until the sac it absorbed, and then they are ready to he deposited, and the sooner the better. Wl,iln the Rao is on them they do n> t r quire feeding, hut alter this i» gore thev need something to sustain them right away. They can take care of themselves much better than any one can take care of them, and especially an inexperienced hand. 1 have known of many iustances where parties have tried to keep them, and when they came to (listribu e them the number was found its have dwindled down very small, and they ate very li .Bio to leae tlieoi all [Scth Green in Syracuse Courier.] The Ru'eigh New*-Observer sajs: The condition of the Piesident does net appear to be so hopeful for a speedy te corery as \ few days back. While until Saturday thera was A general improve ment, yet withnu' doubt he ia very weak, independent of the fever which has set io with renewed vigor The prepar ation!. that wrre being nude to give hiui a short trip on board the Vandali* will dp'bably he discontinued for the present, anJ rc fear that ha will be in great danger lor some tiuie to come. A DEATH DEALING TOY —A singu lur and unexplained epidemic of look jaw hag followed Fourth ol July wounds from toy pistols in Balitmorc, Md A number of boy* have died of this com plaint, and four or five others have been attached hy it, of whoo at least two cannot recover The docters nre puziled to account i'or this result from alight wounds, »nd will make a oareful analysis of the piwder used in the cartridges, thinking that it may possibly contain ooisorious ingredients. The deaths al ready uember not lees than seventeen In Rochester, N. Y , six boys died frotu similar wounds. Greensboro Patriot: After the pacien ger train from Richmond hid psfscd Roidsville list Monday morning, some persone who were concealed in the bush es fired it the train, one bullet going through the window of the baggage car and passing near the head of the bag (Oge-master. Mr. Willie Sites, of this county, sowed four bu-he!s of Kivett last fall, froifi whioh ho has just threshed cighiyseven hu.ihols of nice, clean wheat, being twenty one and three quarter hu«hels to one sown. Why will people go "West," when they can riiie such good paying crops in the Old North State ? Dr. Payne in his lecture upon th>' Foe and Grace saye that dyspopsia is a great Foe to Grace It darkens the iky md breaks the hope* of many Chri.timv They think the trouble ii io their hearts, when it is is their stomachs. Thus the Stomach influences the feelings to • Qch a d'-gree that it should be more Carefully lookei a r iir ar.il wi h the never failing Simmon*' I, ver ! Regulator, the constant use of which will so improve the frclinvg »s to make the heart h:ippy and the. spirits light Piedmont Springs—Stokes Co.,N. C. I will rent the Cabins this season for 82 50 per week, as they ate. I will also I take some boarders in my house at Dan- I burv for the hot season. Rates reason able, lor further information, Address, 8. B. TAYI.OU, June 16'2in Lanbury N. C. NOTICE. By virtue of a decree of the Probate Court, I wtll offer fiir Sale on Tuesday the 2nd day of August at the Court House door in Danbury, eighty two acres of land, lying near the waters of Flat Shoal Creek, and adjoining the lands of Jauies Rierson Sr., Lifayette Smith, the poor house tract and others. Said land is conveniently situated, well timbered and produces fine crops of tobacco, corn &c. Purchasers wishing lo buy land, will do wall to attend the sale. Terms i CASH. Saleut !2o'oloek, M. This the I sth day of July 1881. G, F. WARREN adm's of JOHN WARRUN, dee'd GREBNSBORO * FEMALE COLLEGE. GREENSBORO, K. O. The Mat Session of this well known Insti tution will begin on Wednesday, 24th August. TERMS PER SESSION OF 20 WEEKS : • Board and Tuition in full English course, $75 00- Charges forextra studies moderate. For particulari apply tor Catalogue to T. k. JONES, President. Greeniboro, Jane 30, 1881-6ni. BEATTV'B ORGANS It utefal itopsTs sets reedi onljr $65. PUNOS SI2B up. p*- lllui. Catalog F«a«» Address BEATTV, Washington, ti. J. V . 0 . WILLIS - ; with BAYHE, AHDERSOH * BARI), WHOLESALE GROCERS, No 286 West Pratt And 52 South Howard Streets, PaUerton Baynt, BALTIMORE.* J. N Andtr—n, » Elliot Bard. HrlOa* $72 A WEEK. (12 • day at home easily made. Costly out6t free. AIM rase Taui * Go., Augusta, Maine. iROII | PpLSSTc A PERFECT STRENGTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IRON BITTERS arc highly recommended for all diseneee re quiring a certain and efficient tonic; specially Jndipestwn, Jhjtpepna, Inter mittent Fevers, Want of Appetite. Lots of Strength, Lade of Energy, Me. Lnrieliea the blood, strengthens tho muscle*, and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the dipe3tive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such AS Tatting the Food, Belching, Had in the SUrrmxh, Heartburn, tie. TUe only Iron Preparation tliat will not blacken the teeth or Rive licaduclic. Sold by all druggists. Writo for the A 11C Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading— tc:it free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS GEORGE W. HINSHAW. w - M - HINSHAW. SPRING AND BUMMER OF 1881. HINSHAW BROTHERS, WINSTON, IV. €•, v Four years Dgo to du)' wo opened our fiist stuck ol GOODb iu one of ih# build* ings we now occupy. Not siiiioiicd lo leuiam wtiere wo ataried wo have trom time to time added to our building and Mock SJ thai wo ca.i safely say that we now have the most complete Stoic R».ws in the State. We have in uso two of BATES' best ELEVATORS by tho aietiuof wluoii *o hive easy acoesit to all parts ot ibe ten Rooms iu our Block all ol which are tilled with Merchandise of ev.ry descrip tion which we buy at lowest prices, mostly Iroui manufacturers and whlob we sell at reaiouable prices . . ... . IN OUR \\ HOLBBALE DEPARTMENTS, WHICH ARE l'lIK LARGEST IN TOWN, wo will duplicate iu prieei any bill of uu orlmary amount bought in any maiket, freight taken iuto consideration ... OUll RETAIL DEPARTMENTS ARE TIIL MOST LOMI LUTE IN WIN gTON. We call especial atloullou to our hue ot OItESS GOODS, ItlM MINGS, LAWNS, I'EQUETS, SUITINGS, NOTIONS, I'ARASOLS COTTONADES, CASSLMERBS, BOOTS AND SHOES. NIXGUKSIER VIRGLMA AXD MILES' PIIILADELI'UIA SHOES A SPECIALTY. OUR STUCK COiNhlsrs IN PART OV 400 Suits MOD'S and Boy'a Clothing. 40 Cases Hats. 85 Canon and Bales of Cry Gocda. 60 " NotIOLS. 100 Bags Coffoe. 60 Barrels bugar. • 75 " fayrups. 160 Kegs of Mails and Horso Shoes. SPLENDID STOCK OF STAPLE HARDWARE, DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES. TIN WARE, HOLLOW WARE AND QUEKNSWAKE IN I.AItOK QUANTITIES A Nil OKEAT VARIETY. 2,000 Dozens Coats' Spool Cotton at Now York Prices. 2,0U0 pounds Sole Leather. 20,000 pounds Meat and Lard. White Lead, Oils, Varnishes, &o. We intend to make it lo the interest of every one to oome and see us, and weii vite you to do so. 7,500 Bags of the Celebrated Slur Brant Tobacco Minurt for Sale I hit Spring. Buy your goods of us and sell your Tobacco at our New \V arehouse, (PAL/E S) when completed and you will couie an near geitiug Hie worth ot your moosy in Merchandise, aud the worth of y >ur Tobacco iu uiouey as you oau get ia this wide world. • COME ONE, COMB ALL, Respectfully, May 14tb, 1881. lIINSIIA IK BR 0 TUERS. STILL ALIVE AM) KICKING. JOHN F. GRIFFITH, FRANK L. MOORE, ISAAC II NEhBON, Ot Davie County. Of Stokes Couuty. Of Stokes Conetj. A BIG SHOW COMING I Although we have been driven out of the Joyner block by fire, we beg to lei tk* public know that our business is going on as if nothing had happened. We ere now located on the Ogburn Corner, where we have on view a Large, New Md Well Selected STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Groceries, Notijns, Hats, Boots and Shoes, Tinware, Queenswaro, Willow-War# Sole Leather, Bacoc, Salt, ko., ko. In fact everything kept in a First Class Store. We ere now open and earnestly solicit our rnauy Irieuds and loruier oustomeret# BE SURE and not buy goods before giving us a look in, as we are satisfied we are fully pre pared to give entire satisfaction. • • • All Goods Guaranteed as Represented. We are just starting and intend to bnild up an bonest trade by fair dealing. Griffith, Moore k Co. Winston, January, Bth. -