Preserving Butter. There are lew butter-maker* who can make an article t at will preserve its pood qualities during h"t wither. An Illinois correspondent of the Country Gentlrmnn in reply Id another corre«- pondeni who a»ks whether and saltpeter added aalc preserves butter any more perfectly tha i when salt. ia u-ci •lone, and, if so, in what proportion tbty should be w irked inin ihe butter. or placed between the layers, says : No most to the pari of the quo-lion There is already sugar sufficient in butter whew made froin na tural butter mak ing cows, which have had good pasture in summer and early cut and well-cured timothy and clover bay, and bright cornstalks, with corn meal and wheat-brat) in winter, with clean, wartu, well ventilated stahlm The milk and, and but>er must be properly cared tor niter the cow has done her part There can be no good result ing from t be u*e of saltpeter in any way ; only an injury, being foreign entirely to anything in the food of the cow It is nitrate of potash—"sweat ot rooks" The idea of buying saltoeter ennutto, or any other preparation to preserve butter or to change its color Iroaj a na tural to an unnatur il shade, must have originated in the minds of tin so who are unskilled in the true principles of making choice butter. Ouo must in all respects have his butter perfect when ready to pack, and salted with oue ounce of Ashtoti or Iliggin's salt to the pound of fresh butter. Select the best, 1 perfectly gl.zed stone crocks. On the bottom place a small quautity of salt. Over the salt place a thin, well-bleached, muslin cloth • hut has been saturated with brine. Upon this cl>*h place the butter; careluliy pressed so us to have DO hollow places Fill within half an inch tif the top. Over the butter place a cloth, tightly fining around the edge ot the butter. On this, when cold, pour a pint or more of as strong brine as can be made by the ll( ~ hot waler ® n d 'li.iij salt Cover with heavy paper or a board. Have ready a common box, large enough to receive the crock, with space on all sides of about two inches. At the bottom put an inch or two of salt. Put the crock in ai d fill all around with salt, enfficieot to cover the crock about two inches. Over all place a board, The bos may be only large enough for one crock, or for a dozen or mere. The object of burying in salt is to keep the butter from all impure atmosphere, sudden changes of the weather, and in an even, cool tem perature. When thus treated, provided the butter is perfect when placed ia the crook, it will remain so for many months, as there isnoihing to disturb it. Butter treated in this way retains all it* original parity, and goes through a natural ripening,increasing that agree able aroma so much desired —a rich, nutty taste. Iron Castings. Cast irnn was oot in commercial use before the year 1701), when Abraham Darby, an intelligent mechanic, who had brought some Dutch wnikmen to estab lisb a brass foundry at Bristol, England, conceived the idea that iron might be a substitute for brass. This his workmen did not succeed in effecting, being prob ably too much prejudiced in favor of the metal with which tbey wore best acquainted. A Welsh shephera-boy named John Thomas, had some little time previous to this, been received by Abraham Darby into his workshop on the recommendation of a distant relative While looking on during the experi ments of the Dutch workmen, he said to Mr. Darby that lie thought he saw where they missed it. He begged to be allowed to try ; so ho and Mr. Darby remained alone in the workshop all night, struggling with the refractory metal and imperlect moulds. The hours passed on and daylight appeared, but neither would leave his task, and just as morning dawned tbey succeeded in casting an iroopot complete. The boy entered into an agreement with Abraham Darby to terve him and keep the secret. He was enticed by the offer of double wages to leave his master, but he con tinued faithful, and from 1709 to 1822 the family of Thomas were Confidential and mociivalucd agents to the deseend ants of Abraham Darby- For more than 100 years alter the night in which Thoma* aid his vaster sueiceded in making an iron carting in a mould ol fine sand, contained id Irumes and with airholes the sau.e process was practiced and kept seiret at Colrbtnok Dale, with plugged keyholes and barred doois. Total number ot deaths by lockjaw in Baltimore tansed by toy pistols, is 16. New Yotk bus had G, Roches, ler has bad tone alio, and Washing ton 4. A Cure by Imagination. At a large hotel tho" not uncommon di lemma arose of there being only one room | in the house vacant w hen two visitors re | quired accommodation for the night. Ii was a double -beddtd chamber, or was soon eonvertod into such, arid tho two guests —wlio were both commercial trav ellers — dt > share it One of these gentlemen was a confirmed hypochondriac and greatly alarmed his companion by waking him up in ib.i midde of (he night i gasping lor hrt-aih "Asthma," he pant cd out; "I aiu subject t • these spasmodic attacks Open the wiudow quick!y; giye unt air 1" Turrifi d beyond measure, the other jumped cut of bed. But the room was pitch daik ; he had no matches, and tie had forgotten the position ol the win dow. "For Heaven's sake be quick I" gasped the iuvaiid. ' Give me more air or 1 shall choke !" At length, by dint ol gioping wildly and upsetting hall the lurniture in the apartment, the window was found ; but it was an old-lashioned casement, and no hasp or catch was to be | discovered. "Quick, qmok ; air, air !" implored tho apparently dying man. ''Open it, break it, or J shall bo suffo catcd !" Thus adjured, his friend lost no time, but seizing a hoot, smashed ev ery pane • and the eufl rer immediately experienced great relief 'O i, thank you; a thousand thanks Ilal" ha ex claimed, drawing deep sighs which tes tified to the great comfort he derived ; "1 think in another moment 1 should | have been dead !" And when he had sufficiently recovered and had expressed his heartfelt gratitude, be described the intense distress ol these a'taeks and the length of tuna he bad suffered from them. Alter a while both lei! asleep again, devoutly thank ml for the result It was u warui summer night, and I ey felt no from the broken windovV; but when i.aylight relieved the pitohy darki ess of lbs night tho win dow was I und to be still entire. Had invisible gu.z lets been at woik already, or was ihe episode 11 the past night only a dream ? No; tor ihe floor was still siiewu with the broken glatß Then, as tliey looked round the r -oai iu amaze ment, the solution ol the mystery pre* seined itself in the shape of an aat* quatcd bookcase, whose glass j doors were a shattered wreck. The spas i uiodicallv one was cured from , »?ia> moment So much for imagination. Chamber's Journal. Does Pleasure Fuy P With the above words an English society journal opens an article on the current, habits of good society in search of pleasure It is to soy I that pleasure, if it can be taken only as many fiuhicnable people take it, is not worth the time and money that it costs. No one enjoys ibis world's diver sions so linio as those who pay most for their fun and devote most time to it At lbs thcaler and opera the people who appear most pleased are those who i sit in the cheapest seats and wear the : cheapest suits ar.d wear the poorest : clothes, and elsewhere the rule is the I i siuie.* Ail else being equal, tho man who has the most money to spend can secure tho most enj lyment in this world : ! hut one thing that thousands of people seem to forget is that with all things wilh pleasing possibilities a common rule of the table holds good—it is of no use to eat unless you have an >ppe lite The most forlorn diner out in New York is the man who eats several diuners daily, and the most unhappy man at the theater—the man who finds fault with every thing and enjoys nothing —is he who goes to the theater every night. Pleasure is like dessert—very good to lake after something substantial but the most unsatisfactory of ail tbiugs when taken as a steady diet. mm cS I FOB RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains; Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ho Preparation on earth equals ST. JACOBS OIL as a safe, simple and cheap External A trial entails but the comparatively trilling outlay of 56 Cents, and svrr ot in suffering with ptdn can hare cheap and j otmive proof of ita claim*. t Directions In Eleven Language*. SOLD BT ALL DEUG!H3TS AND DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOQELER 3c CO., Brntftmnrc, Mth§ V . 8. A• I Malarial Poison. The principal enuse of nearly nil eiikne»i nt this tunc ot the year Ima its origin in si disordered Liver, which, if not regulated in time, great suffering, wretchednessund denih willcnwe. A gentleman writing from South America says: "I Imve used your .Mm mo lis Liver regulator with good effect, hotli as a prevention and cure for Malaria! Ftrera cn the Isthmus of Panama." •Sfc. A Purely VEUBI A B I. E ffV. Medioine. y y'**&&£•'■' -A" rffectunl Specific FOR MA I. A Hlors 2. FEVERS, H'IWKL iYeP*?-?' i COMPLAINTS y3,a^AsAy3~>? JAUND'VK, COLIC •*> KB -TLESrfN KSS, MKXTAL DEPRESSION, SICK HE A D.\ChK CONSTIPATION, NAUSEA, iiILIUUSNEs>S DYSPEPSIA, 4c. If you feel drowsy, debilitated, faro fre quent headache, mouth tastes badly, poor apiH'iite, nnd tongue coated, you are mtfVrhij; Tom torpid liver, or "biliousness," and noth ing will cure you so speedily and permanently as to take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR It is given with safety, and the happiest results to the most delicate infant. It mkes the place of quinine and bitters ol every kind. It is the cheapest, purest uud best luiiitly me dicine in the world. Buy only the Genuine in white Wrapper with rid Z, prepared only by J. 11. Zcilm & Co. SOLD BV ALL DRCGGISTH. SEEDS THAT SURPRISE! TFIII P/VRMfiSS* "BONANZA." Mix!*.*. n new v«»g©t v»»lo (htia s. a.. fioni !U»v*J»i:rx over »•.i■ »\\ n her**. dHJoiou* raw or CHtktnl. * j*».-»1 sent by m.UI «U. u p»l**r. >oya li—m of Jnpnn. hilt* bulf nwi. m»«I by cfcom- I.Ht* to i>f tli« rirhMt hnutitu food known. Fine fry! i. r plant. ?:!•». Se« «l. l r » rts. a p»p«r. f'jmn Q'.iueu Wnit»rmeltm. Just irn|K>rte:l.mrgi*t varti'ty ewr crown In T t*.. Ilrni, luscious, crisp *nr mnrarv : to o- ship. 25 eta. a paper of «o p:ipors Torfl. Wry scarce. Loy-o' JooA Mu*kmelon. lirg.>il known. :• to 3 fo?t \.nc-fino mialltv, early aifl prolific, 15 cis-a P" ( «r. Ollmax Tomato, richest flavor, cv.rly, pr .iflr, solid—un equaled In every way.lSrtft. a • *por. White Egyp tian Corn 'from an* "ioMs Immensely in the SotUh whew fall*. L'neqnaled for table or Block, *** ct«*. a pap*»r. 75 cts. a pound. Teosinte, onopKiit fi». daacowtwadayii: lt)tol. P. hiKil, fc a pap-:* All th rt above s»*nt ft> r fl, Bof each 'or AudfwwC. R.«l!.aK!tTiKl». Atlnnti,.«a. Reference: Hon. W. L. Calhoun. Mayor of Atlanta. ELIIIRT, WIIZ & 0., Importers and Wholesale Dealers in OTIONS, HOSIERY; GLOVES; WHITK AND fANCY GOODS No. 5 HanOTer street; Baltimoro Md. 641y- KEATTY'S ORGANS 18 useful stops, 5 sets reeds only $65. Pianos $12.1 up. lllus. Catalog Frki. Address BEATTY, Washington, N. J. ________ w j L L with BATItE, ANDERSON k BARf), WHOLESALE GROCERS, No. 286 Wa*t Pratt And 52 Jroutb llowa-d Streets, PaUirton Bnynt, 15 AMI MOKE J. fl. Anderson, Elliot Bard. rarlOmS NOW 13 YOUR OPPORTUNITY! To Seltet a COOK or HEATING STCVE from the largest nnd most varied stock in this section of the State, and at as LOW PRICES as first class goods can be Bold. We have a lull Jtock ol MANN'S and LIITINCOTT'S AXES TRACES, STEEL PLOWS, GLASS, BELTING. SASH, DOORS, TINWARE, HORSESHOES. In short, a foil line of HARDWARE Which we are daily increasing. PAINTS, VARNISHES, OILS, Ac - utely added to our stock. BROWN, ROGERS & CO., declGly Winston, N. C. $72 A WEEK sl2 a day at home easily made. Costly Outfit free. Address Taua A Co..Autiusta, Maine. 11 W. lOWEIiS&CO, Wholesale Druggists So. 1305 Ittaio and 9 and 11 13t!i Sis., j R. W. I'awer*. Edgar D. Taylor. RICHMOND, Va. April 28, 18tfl-6u- JAMES D. CHAMBERLAiN, —with— €. W. Thorn & Co., WHOLESALE HAT DEALERS, Biohmond, Va , Special attention given to order*, and aatia taction guaranteed. June 16th 1831. 6m. AGBNTS W ANTED for the Best and Fastest Selling Pietorial Books and Biblea. Prices reduced 33 per cent. National Publishing Co., Atlanta, lla, ntrloStn ! EHBKI^BBEEEH WONDERFUL HI a r ■ DfeaußO it acts on the MY Kit, lIOWELSp| juid KIDNEYS at the name time. H BeoauHO it cleAnnM the■yatom of thepoiaon- H ou« humors thntdevelop* in Kidney *ad Uri- fil nary Fifioaae::, Uiliouantss, J«undice, Coustl. EJ pation. Tiles, or in Rheumatism, Neuralgia, ■ Norvcvia X>isorders and Female Complaints. IB SEE WHAT PEOPLE fIAT I Eogono R. Stork, of Juncllon City, Kansas, M my, KMm-y-Wort cured him nfter icyiiiar l'hy M aiclau.i had Ih-oii tiylntf for four yvar*. Mr*. John ArtuJl.of Washington, Ohio, Fay* PI herlioy wasu>vt«:uiitt>(llo hf four promiuentu j»hyt»!cmnj» nnd thai he was aftvrwAids cured by H| M. M. B. Qootlwln, an clltor In Chanlon, Ohio Km BAT* he w as not rsneeted to Uvo, being l>ouleJH| beyonti belief, hut Kldia>y \V«»i Icmed him. ■■ Anna T*. Jarrett of B nith Balotn. K. Y., aaycLJ thatfovon yean nulTering from kidney lii' iMohH ami otber roioplkaUon.'* nan cuduti l>y the use ofRV Kidney-Work John B. of Jack»on, Tenn., for yoarafrom Orer nud kidney troutii«9 audHß after tawing "liarrels of other medicines,"|J Kidney-Woi t made him well. Jlleha«l Coto of* Montgomery fJentar, imtffrcd t ight ycttin willi kidney diillt-uKy ami £3 was unablo to %vork. Kidn y Wurt made him BM PERMANENTLY CURES p HKIDNEY diseasfs, _ y LIVER COPJIPLAINTS.B HConstlpation nnd Piles. M VW It la put un in Vegetable Form In M kj tin cans, one pa.*ungo "f nbit-n makt-NsU quarts Eiof invtiiclne. Alh)ln l.lquid Form, very Con* W SflcentrHtcd, for those that cannot leudily pre-Ml , Hir Itact» vrttk equal t.?.cieneu in tifhtr form. |H U GET IT ATTIIE DKI'GCiIST.t. PRICR, SI.OO U m WELLS, UICUAKDSON & Co., I'rop'a, R your duties avoid vyJ . i :i;t w ■k, to rei stlmnlant'*and uao kf t-• •.•)• .mervoand Hop Ditters. n Hop B. If you aro ycune from any In- j dlscn tion or d ipaPHti:m :if y-m are mar ried or ainglo. old •■rMvounv, r.'.i M-ing from poorheulthoi huvuUh(£>i:;u on a bed of sick- ; ness, rely on Ho pjgCitters. Whoever yon are. Thousands die an- I whonover yon fet t |jf ' n*-.»l /from some I that your ayatcm 2 f -in f Kidney needs eleaiudns*, ton- n- e t!>: t nJgm ing or vi «-«l I without intoxlcatinu, It. Rbya finely useof tako Hop / \ HopUlttors Bitters. A \ k-Isjem naToyrnrfy,.// " V\ I sL"«e£tff'" au Btwotuta : ISMdiillQPi v-ro'Vc*; /liyp or 11 rrrrs Jl'« kL\J A . . CRkonom, You v.-11 lbe |® 5 ' ; Ol iural I is nlTTrnif ' '■aeon, or Mop Bittoraj j'i IfTtmareßlm-| Jb j gi Hnjtihydrnpr i NEVER • If ita f | H n 2Lf r ™ ttfo. ft tin? \ I A!Ls K,ruco snvod hun- ; f s. T. d red a. Vy j —*j * om. _ . fWibltf'ieff 1044. SlEviPSOri & QAULT • CINCINNATI, O. ■ M/:- \ R «—■ ■■ - - V | I flp ' Th. ''O.iccti r.f ft, e n *i(:, » Cnra Mtlt. i Makero of th» Latest uiiio of Flour Mill I e*trj ilti,ix -. .-l;lfrr i -'li. Itatlil OTaplat, ) tll«, »n,t r-modi-toM r, , „>• - ■ i .i. - rrite for Cata* -*ua au.i tru-os «urchaaiuc> ORBE* J, R ° M U DAVIS LASCXLETH Sc SOUS, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 ELEGANT JEV/LOJY CHCAP. To Introduce r> r i- -.yies and InUtii-iiee fade we make lo« :•>: -i • . ■ nop i'i'lt*li*d oilert for a I •hurt : " lit* Uiin ia?kPl couiain* a told I j piaied watch ch.»--i.rgiie *)i>»Hl pin, lady's I ianta«ij»«wei:y. r> b ••• i -i'lona.coral nrck- fujfa» «.Mda ? ••latf hnndrlnrr. cellar ! button, yrv riu.: j • i!ai!tnlton >llSc i handaer p« . j-r. , i-otn- • *r\t' t ;>o*. Nad I vlaltl lit. i !w . o-t I'ir Viv. in ; stamp*; 4 pwik mfi . : uj. 'ii.e lot can be ro | tail >1 a fr«i .f > j The Royal l' u*k h oor.' .. aof r>M»pcrb ainethyit rlnc, * • tl i • ■ .vi in j«ox. fancy n;vk j lace, c >r• i« rv ~■. .i, .-•»!.: «M-d »-o!d plat© i bracele s. r-M k -.Mil ;# A lady's set. fold ! plate »i*"'vp ' ••*. l :■ .' • ■ «l p'ate atudn, lovely cameos aif \ «:ti- • diamond atod. i Malieae 4 : ;• : a.ud hjnotlfnl Ihi «lei'v mil ■ • 4 , ' : collar button, plated Unit wap'h • n..i i ti«. :i plat*, r.iu*. nob'.y j cameo ring. :c i % ~-r ./* v- "h 1* diamond settings, ire!i:i* t i i..r,.:.ethyat set. ludyl full platnl «ei v. it It v. !•{•.«• v?,,.... nettings Jet and I camio s nrf pin. • .»•;. -..01 d p'nto k .-eve buttona. Th a wboh of i ■ • ;.i, lent i secure hv mall for I, .» ft.- 4 forf. Th's lot I can be re I • :: v f;om |f» lofW. Address, • N. Y. JfCVVb'MO rn, AtlatifA. •-., 1 TH* A ri.A NTA «; l'ipk ar,ys • • This company Is t perfectly r 1U!»1 •. n I tiie ..mount they give for : your moQcy la astounding." I 1 i : f- | . | H Our UvpoTlsuc tr.2 Cronntli In I nuhlrh ire «vat our Vri.i tablc* and W H Flower JSerdanrc T'lctet !■ Band our OfMnhou?.; s tor A'lantiiH ■(covorlnjr ft nxran s:i arc M ■ Clio ' iPETER HEfffdiGa s GO. I 3 * r\ ,z \ Ajcnl. Tl .rl sS>Dit mj« jik H a«iiUji»» 1 t'AiuLr B'titt %M »'» .* O. T »mi t •■irprine Agents* Vo., GlUCLUnatieOe > ! ' h aum AND DEVELOP THE FOR*. If ■hnjnk wholly cr in |,nrt from nature or dt«- JSp* n . i n , ;. ,Ke atump eat rerwrence. Correepondenco coniidontlal. A n 113 B iinbit HIB ■Bcoivd In SO yearse-- 1 8 11 iwatal-iislird; 10 1 *) cured. H*f|Uist#t* VB I w Zslmgca .-.U .Marsu Qiaiies Mich. lor rot.titr.Ttß, I ixj HMI. I.i..,r,.KMiUK or rtWwu li-MMi ;.t rnitlt.... Per ii. ns riT-n ■r Tl' ' .'klj ;;l%r.»iit'i;.«t to IMllt A'.t ~r !;ot rv. PATENT4 proaurod r r Jnvtnturi. H'/.dirra land warrants ;»re/-ar«f. i engktwad Suld. r« f,.r » Hahisstenee. R-n.i » 4tanp« for 1 ihe C.uwß-.HoJdier." sad Feusloa fcnd H- niity lcirp t..aok« an,| u.#tmciicu». M« eastref«riu th>a«undc >f P. n-i.Ken B i-«t rlleNU A-iiir«»s N. w. fltiKeralci ACp.rl4JiliV/S I itlst Ait ji, uaibiiijivu U. C. Tttoa. L. PomnitxTEß. Gid K. PoiNDixna. Of Pittgjilrania. Of Danville. P ÜBLIC Warehouse! For tlie Ssla of Leaf Tobaceo, e DANVILLE, VA. John O. Witcher, ") John A. Herndon, Of Pittsylvania, i Of Pittsyltania M. Ouki, I W. H. Pulley, 01 Reulsville, N C ,J Of Bathel lliil, N. 0., Auctioneers Clerks. i C. P. Coriogtoo. of Caswell, N. C.. •S. \V. llrowru, of Olail* Hill, Prauklin, Va., DutU Terry, Pittsylvania Co., V*. Nov. 13. Floor MAaauera. rtnOL STOCKTONS I Tobacco Warehouse, WINSTON, N. C. WE OI'TKR TO THE PLANTERS OF North Carolina and Virginia every advantage for the HANDLE and SALE of their • • TOBACCO. Ol'R IJOUSB SETS SAST »■ d WEST, giving from SUNRISE to SUNDOWN the BliiST LIGHT cf aaj HOUSE IN NOIITII CAROLINA. We will give you every ACCOMMODATION ( Unsurpaitnl) to muke it to your interest t* t,U itli us Vour friende, truly, I*FOUL A STOCKTON, ! JOIIN SIIKPPAKD, Aurtionevr and Oeneral Manager. • T. A. WILES, Floor Manager. I N. O.STOCKTON, Book Kreper. F. M. BOHANNON, la „ ... D , K. 0. CL'NAKD, / So tc.ling Pat.ons. JOSEPH H. STOCKTON,Superviaor. Win,ton, N.C., Auirmt 19, 18»».—ly J. M. NICHOLSON, WIJII J. P. YANCEY & CO., (Sucres&ora to Yancey, Franklin k Co., IMPORTERS OF SOTIOi* 8, No. 1209 Main Street, Richmond, Va. March J7, 1879. If. UNPARALLELED OFFER! FIRST CLASS Sewing Machines With full line of Attachments to do all kinds of IVork, GIVKN AWAY, Free of Charge. Having made arrangements with • j well known company for a laro number I of their Machines, we offer AS A PRE MIUM to eve-jr purohaser of TWEN TY-FIVE DOLLARS' WORTH OK ROOKS, to be salected from our cata !o)tue, consisting of HANDSOMELY ROUND and ELEGANTLY ILLU STRATED ROOKS, by STANDARD i AUTHORS, A First Class Family Mewing Machine, on RICHLY ORNAMENTED 1R0.» STAND, with SOLID WALNUT TOP AND DRAWER, oarefulljr pauked and delivered to any Depot in this city, FREE OF CHARGE. Thia ia a bona fide offer, made far the purpooe of introducing our publieatious throughout the Uotted States. Send for a Catalogue and Desori ptive Ciroular, to I'IIIi.AUKLPBIA FsBUSDIitO Co., 725 Saosom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Liberal Term# offered to Agents deo23m6 JT' WE ARK NOW RBOIUVINQ Winter Goods; Har« new in deck The belt lot af READY-MADR CLOTHING, HATS and CAPS, BOOTB and SHOES, SHIRTS and UNDRRWEARS, GROCERIES, SUGAR, COFFEE, CHEESE, RICE, GINGER, PEPPER, SPICE, fce., Ac., ko., ke. DRY -GOODS, MEN'S WEAR, CASIIMERE3, PEL A IN ES, ALPACAS, Pill NTS, WHITE WOODS, in grot rariely. HA CON niiii LARD, alwaj* biii IN LKATIIEK We have about one thoaeaad piecet^ ooaiitting of 12 AT ami NOHE-TA XXMD SOLE, HAR.XESS an4 Ul't'Kß LEATHER, Kir, HORSE, HOG ,nd GOAT SZJNS, with a good aasortneal of HARDWARE, QUE ENS WARE, WOODENWAUK, WILLO W WARE, DOMESTIC GOODS, DRUGS, MEDICINES, and CASTINGS. WE WANT Ou* tkomand busheli CORN, '» Fire hundred baehelf, each, PEAS aai, BEANS, On* thousand buehela, «a»h, WHEAT, RYE aod OATS; Alao, 10,000 lb*. GREEN aad DKI lIIDES, avl 100,000 IkaJ LEAF TOBACCO. PEPPER & SONB. Dubtif, Nevaaabar.4, MBO.