Manurial Valuo of Leaves. "It wss in oae of the Middle SUtss," ' says a writer in ths New Englsnd Hmw •Mad, "where ti>i stpsritnsnt of mine with leave* im tried and the soil wee e . light sandy luaw. There wee, aot ferti- | lit? enough ia ite natural condition to produce over twelee bushels of shelled corn to the eore. Mating previously applied otntmcreial fertilisers of various names aud brands on the eaaie descrip tion ef laud with a resulting balance ou the debtor side of the ledger, and not being able to obtain stable manure ex oept at an eshnrbiisnt price, I set about the oolleetion of leaves lor tbe cotnpoat ! heap. A neighbor very kindly gave me I permission to rcowve all tbe leaves from bie woodland that I might desire, and ia tbe hollows and among tie tenets 1 found them in large quantities in a freeli aa well as a decayed condition. I col looted 150 one horse loads in the course of tall aud winter. Afterward I could »ot help thinking that my neighbor's wisdom was io interne proportion to bis generosity. The leaves, except enough to furnish beading tor a horse, a cow and a pig, were deposited in a b«sin ahaped barn-yard 'l'ho couteuts of tie stalls were daily added to the pile, and a load of leaves was added from time to time, tbe precaution being taken to keep the mass well moistened By March ray compoat leap had sttsined gigantic dimensions. It was then carefully fork ed over Willi a munure fork and covered with two or tire- inches of earth Pur iug the process of fermentation which j Boon ensued, water was occasionally add ed to check the tendency of exces*iv« beat and hasten the decomposition and oxidation of tie leaves. A uiaikcr Somewhat in ihe shape of a sled with ruunera lour feet spurt was run both ways across the field, and st the inter- ; section of the lilies tos>a of this oonipost, which when opened, was found to be well rotted sod ot a tolerably dark colon was dropped. Now for the result. The corn wss planted tbe Ist ot May. Tbe plant from its first sppesranee wss noted for its dark, rich color, a color that it re tained nearly to-tbe period of maturity. Ths growth was rank, the foliage luxu- j riant. There were about twelve acres in the field. It was cultivated twice snd hoed once. Cars was tsken to keep the ground as level as possible. Tbe product a little ovar twelve hundred bushels of souud and merchantable corn in the ear, j besides some inferior ears which I fed to mj pigs. It must be remembered that all the animal manure in the eoirpost bssp was derived from a horse, a cow and pig Consequently most of the plant food which fed and nourished those 1,200 bushels of ears ot ooru wss furnished by .the decomposed forest leaves. To be sure it required time and labor to collect them, but that is equally 1 true of all sgricultursl operatioas. Now whea I resd anything in diapsrsgement of forest leaves as sn aid to fertility of ths soil I recall the little experimeut ot mine more than twenty years ago aud smile with incredulity And I think I . am justified in doing so by the results of tbst experiment. Since that time I have, aa apportuaity offered, made use of leaves to ealsrge my eompost hesp, | first usiog them for bsdding for my sni u.als, and for that purpose consider them of great value." James Q. Fair is worth 142.000,000 And the whole 142,000,000 of it, my dt-ar boy, ean't make him as happy as ; you sue with the dew of youth iu your hear, when you bold the hand of the girl you love, and walk with her in a path that is only wide enoagh for one, 1 with the rustling branohes whispering ; above your head, so happy you cannot spesk with anything but your eyes. If you envy him, Teletnachns, if you, with ' your brawn hands aad your bright young face, with tbe down-just shading your , lips, with aot a gray hair io your head , or a gnawing eare in your heart, with rbe morning son shining npon yout up turned faoe, with the velvet turf under your feet and the blue heavens above your kflM, with the blood coursing tbrotgh your veins like wine, with fifty or sixty years of life before you, with mirsga after' mirage of bright dreams and beautiful illusions snd pleasant vaaitiei making tbe landaeape beautiful around you, if ;nu envy this man his to ty two millions of dollars, and his i-pcotioUs, aad his gray hair, and hia wiinklee, and his old heart, you area fool, my bo;; and you are seatteriag ashes ea the roses that grow in the morning There is lightness in your step, my son, sad color ia your blood, aad dtaama ia your heart, and all tbe Juve aad beauty and (reshaasa of the •uariae, the $42,000,000 oaonot buy, and don't you forget it You don't want f 42,000JW* Telemaehus; *9 I OO0,0(M are pleat J, that will keep both *,f as. Aad if |oo want a couple of tuUlioaa, why, g» ahead and get it "Boast ilooft man diligent ia bis bustaeser 11 a shall stand before U»ga; He shall not sttad before mesa mea "-Ilatrk rjra. wm CEBiifM FOIt RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Bdtkache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Prep«nui>n on earth equals ST. JACOM OII» M A SHrr, titttifln mhl cheap External Nbiiftly. K trill cnt*iu but the rtunpurativwijr trifling outlay of 50 (rots, *tni every one suffering with i*ln ran bur* chc*i> and {Haiiiva proof of iu claim*. Direction* io Klevcn ljtngu*gv«. BOLD BY AXL DRUGGISTS ADD DEALERS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGEI/ER Sc CO., 11-tltimnrr. *«ft. V. 8. A. WEBSTER'S UNABRIDGED. If you intend aomrtimo to Rot n copy of TVeb ater'H I'iiabri'igetl Dictionary, "DO IT NOW.'' fioo Wpbiter*» I'nabHdeed, pa**- 11G4, giv ing the name of each sail,—knowing the value of DEFINITIONS BY ILLUSTRATIONS. The pictures in Webster under the 19 word*, Beef, Holler, Cuatle, Column, Eve, Horae, Molding**, Phrenology, Ilaveiin, Ship*. (pag?9 IK* and 1219) Steam engine, Tim ber*, define 343 words and teruu* far better than they could ho defined in words. New Edition of WEBSTER, has 118,000 Words, 3000 Engravings, 4600 NEW WORDS and Meanings, Biographical Dictionary of over 9700 Names. Published lor G. * C. MERRIAM, Springfield, Man. BETHEL Classical aad Military Aeadeay A'ear IVarrentom, Fauquier Co , Vm. I Prepare for College, I'nireriity tr Uutineu i Recommended for Location, Health, Mor ality. Scholarship and Discipline. Board, Tuition, and Medical Attendance, (Half Session) $96 00. A ddrera for Catalogue, Mitj. A. G. SMITH, Supt. Bethel Academy P. 0., Faqiiier Co., Vs. VASSVK COLLEGE, POUG //A" EEPSI'S, N. I*. FOR TUB I.IIIKUA 1, EDUCATION OF Wo man. Examinations kir entrance, Sept. 14th. Catalogues sent on application to W. L. DKA.V, Registrar. July 28-2 m. VENNOH's'PKEDICTIONS! For this Month's Weather, prepared expressly for STODDAST'S KSTISW . Sample copy mailed/or 3c Stamp J M STODIABT, rub, new York, rhila, or chi- 1 cago j HOLMAH'S PADS CURE 0 THE ONLY simply JML TRUE Absorption.! Antidote. Taasa Mux. dolman's Ague, Llrrr and Stomach PAD-Por MU..VIUA. AttlK, I.IVKLL and HL'OiI.U.I THOU- J BL.ES. Prion »S.UO. Holman'a Special Pad—Adap'el to old ebrotile cnaea. Prleo $.1.03. HulntD'a httl. ru Jklt-Kor a ill born eases TIT Enlarged Hpk*N «nJ unyielding l.lver and STOMACH troubk-a. Price SJ.O ). ■lolman'i liifanP* Pad— For altmmiM of InfaniH aud rhlUlr-'n. FRII- 1 SI 50. Holman'a Heaal Pad -F»r Kidney aid Bladder Onnplalnt*. Prloo ?2.00. Hvlmaa'a t'terlua Pad—For TR.iahlM. Prim SS «J. ~ Holman'a (baorptlve Jdedlclnal Body Pla«t«r—Tlie t«at plaaif r isadfi— • parous on raMar baalsL Prlui tie. Holman'a Akmrptlte Idedtrlnal Foot Pla»trr»— Foroumlifoil andalns glah I'lrralatios. Prleeper jmlr fs«. Absorption Salt ~M»dlcntvl Foot Bath»- For Colli t, Obatmctlona and all eaaos wliern a foot la'li Is needed. Per half IK jisckagc. He. Foraala by all drnaKlstM—Or aent I > mall. l»oati>a:l. ou rcc"-li>t of prira. TV A*aN>rptlon SJt la n>t " maltniile and must be sent bjr bsnn-ai at purehaarr'a rxicn«'. Tha »ii c »a of Ilolsnati'a Pada haa In spired l.nliatora who offer PIW I a.mllar IN rosu and ODOR to the TBI B aaylog. "Tliey ara LLM sunn", tc." Ik-warn of A!l Boom Pads, only frtxtan u;> UiscJ Ou tlio rej>u ta!lcn ot tlio aeu u I ne. Haa that each l'ad Iwara tbe arnen PUIVATS SKrixcs STAMP of the liolutua t'ad Company • Itb above Trade-Mnrk. If a Hleled witb chroule ailments sand a con elao deaarlptlon of ayuintout*. wulc.i will r«- aolra prompt and careful attention. R>» HOLAUVM ait*lco la free, full treatlss sautfros on application. Address, _ _ IIO» TfA!* PAD CO., (P. a Box JUIJ) vj W.liiatu Birect, Jew York. txi«t; aeiH tnstau taiH'Oiialv, producing the touai natural i>'i .la orbtwikd.ios S3 or gentleman. CUM t.y all druit_'lnt* and Sp pllad by aii Jialr Ktwn. J. CHITAOORI), S3 Wlltlani strict. Sew Vo rm> Malarial Poition. The principal cause of uearly all sickness »t Ibis time of the year lias ita origin in h disordered hirer, which, If not regulated in tltne, great suffering, wretchedness and death will ensue. A gentleman writing from South America says; "I hare naed tour Simuions Lirer regulator with goal effect, l;oth as « prerention and cure for Malarial Fevers on the Isthmus of Panama." A Purely VEGETABLE Medioine. •T ifftetuul W -rr FOR MA I, A MODS X' i. FKYBRS, B WEL COMPLAINTS I 111 Vl'lTall*»g JAUNIUCK. COLIC JL KI STIiKSSN BS.S, M KNTA L DKPRR- StOlf, SICK HKA PACI. K CONSTIPATION, NAUSEA, MLk>V«i.VE£S j DYBPKPSI A, Ac. If you feel drowsy, debilitated, hare fre quent headache, mouth tustea badly, poor apprtiie, anil tun, ue coated, you at* an flaring irom torpid lirer. or "biliousuena." and noth ing will c>irt f ou so speedily aud permanently us to take SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR It Is given with safety, and the happiest results to Ihe most delicate infant. It takes the plnceof quinine and bitters of every kind. It i« the chmpest, purest and best family me dicine in the world. Buy onlr the tienuine in white Wrapper Willi lad Z. piepared only by J. IJ. Zeiliu A Co. t HOLD BY ALL DKUtiGISTS. SEEDS THAT SURPRISE! THE FARMBBS- "BONANZA." Maxlxe. a new vefetiO'le from 8. A., differing from anvtbllll everrruwn here delicious raw or en ikMl. Seed sect by mail » cts. a paper. Soy* B-nn or Japan. half bean h«lf pes, sunt t>7 «»L m : . latum t>e tilß richest human food known. Fine fooler plant. iilar>. Seed. 15 ctl. a imper Cuban I Queen Watermelon, losi imported, largest variety aver arown In U. 8., «"», luscious, crisp and suxarr : bent lo keep or alilp. » cts. a paiier of jn aeeda.'S paper* for |l. Very icarre Ui-of-Woiwl 11 u«k melon known. 1 to» feet lon* auallty, early an I proltne, 14 eta-a paper. Olmax tomato, rl.-heat fljvoe, early. P™ l '® 0 -""''"Lr""" equaled In avarv eat. la eta a pat»f. White Fun P; tlan l*'orn (from Btie Silet, "lelds Immensely In the South where other corn (Wis. tneqnaled ftir or slock.» CI. a paper. "1 eta a pound. Twnince. one plant ft—l« a cow two days: 10 to 1. r. blah. 15fit. a n*per. (H-» ■, irna ralnalJ" 1 on *. Mln. broad. Kea.lwtil bring rahulii 'e nricM, 15, la. a paper AM Ih- ablWe »»nl for (1.3 of each fori;. Addrcaa C. H.OII.»r«TA««. itlaala. «a- Reference: Hon. W. U Calhoun. Mayor of Atlant*. ELHIRT. WITZ & • »., las porters aid Wholesale Dealers ia 0TI0N8; HOSIiCRYj GLOVES; WHITE AND FANCY GOODS No. I Haaorer (treat; Baltiaiore Md. *4*J V . 0 . WILLIS, with BlfffE, ANDERSON 4 BARI>, WHOLES ALB GROCERS, No 28C West Pratt And 52 South riowa-trStrnets. Pallerton Haunt, BALTIMORE. J. N Andrrstn, Elliot Hard. mrlCnt $72 A WEEK *l2 a da; at borne I eusily made. Costly*«ulfit free Address ! Tana >fc Co., Augusta, Maine. BEATTY'S ORGANS llusetul slops, S sets reeds only so">. Pianos $125 up. > pm- Illus. Catalog Fill. Address BKATTY, Washington, N. J. AGENTS WANTED for the Best and Fastest Selling Pictorial Books and j Bibles Prices reduced 33 par cent. Katioi.a Publishing Co., Atlanta,. Ga. mrlo3m NOW IS YOLR OPPORTUNITY! To Select m COOK or HEATING STCVK from the largest and most varied stock ia this section of tbe State, and at aa LOW PRICES as first elass goods can ha sold. We bare • full stock of ! MANN S and LIPPINCOTT'S AXES, | TRACES, ?! BTEELPLOWS, GLASS, MELTING. SASH, DOORS, TINWARE, IIORSE-SHOES. f I In abort, a fall line of HARDWARE Which we are daily increasing PAINTS, VARNISHES, OILS, Ae ! latelj added to our atoek. BROWN, ROGERS &CO , * declGly . Wiastoo, N. C. Robert O. Galloway, Jr., with STERN & CO., WUOI.BSALB Boots and Shoes, 9 GOVERNOR STREET, stb Door fro* Main, 1 sp7n>« - RICHMOND, V*., "jAJlEs'i WABBiAL/tIM ' —VfITH y €. W. Thorn k Co., r, WUOLCPAL* HA T DBALBKB, Richmond, V«., Saecial atteatioa givao to orders, and antia tactloo guaranteed. June Ufh tMt. (m. f TH E™REATC iSP ■ " POR RHEUMATISM { Aa It U fbr all diaeaeee or tho KIONIVS, ' LIVER AND lOWILt. It oleaneea the of the acrid poison • that omuaee the dra«dfUl oulTarin* mhlm | f wily the victim# of Rhaumfttiem can raaliat. ( THOUSANDS OF CASES | | of tho wont forms of thft laulMt dlamm f have been quickly relieved, in a ahort ttae ' I PERFECTLY CURED. f haaliad woaJcrful auocaaa, aud an immense > „ sale in every part of the Country. In hun * dreds ofoasea it has ourcd where all else had f fkiled. It is mild, but effloient, I'ERTAIN » ( IN ITH ACTIO.N, but harmlassiu all oases. 1 ir U clraoact, Ktroof Ihcas aa4 tivco Nas \ Llfte to all the imx>orUut organaof the body. . , The natural action of the Kidneya ia reetored. * Tlie Liver la cleansed of all diaeaae, end the \ Bowola move freely and healthfully. In this > way the worst diseases are eradioeted firom * theaystem. f Aa it hss been proved by thousands that 1 is the most effbotual remedy fbr cleansing the > system of all morbid aeerotlons. 11 ahould be ussd in every houeehold as • ( ! „_»«f«uaaßßaita~. . TION.PILiSn and ali FEMALE Dieeaeee. la put up Ip Pry Vegetable Ferao, latin cans, \ one psckace of whlcli makes SqaarU madieine. * , Aiau In LIquIJ form, very o»«e*ntretedfor , * theconvoiiiciK't* of th. !«o who csanot readily pre- . \ pare it. It aeU u-i th 4^iuil fflliuniv tu either/orm. , GET it or Torn irnroom. PRICE, \ * WKI.I.S, ItiriIAHDSON A Ce., Prop's, » i (Will ssnd the dry po^naj^2_^^^f32!!lZZl \ " - . v \u. -t\ \ a ■ Tketpurrstaud Beat Medicine «ver Made. Aeolnibmatlon of Hops* Buchu, Man drakM pa n del ion t witF. all the beatand moatcWuratire properties of all other Bitters, makeoVht'greatest Blood Purifier, Liver ReaulXator.and Life and Health Hestoring AireaS Mo disease possibly lone exist where Hop Sitters are ua\ed,so varied and perfoct are their oporatl'tiisJßßk Th»y giro Bswllwfi tad rigor to tb* tgti tod l&firm. To all whose cause Irrecnlari ui-tnary or who re quiro mi and mild Htiraulant, Sop without Into*- miffter whatellnfrs or symptoms sre what the dlaeaae or aUWneat ia uae Hop Wt tera. Don't wait untH you ■ lclc « you only feel bad or mlaerable.m uae them at once. It may hundreds. SSOO will be paid or»«l»*ftg__ygl_g|t cure or help. Do not suffer totyoor use and ursre them^k 10^ I*® 1 *® HOP ■ Remember, Hop Bitters Is noW* ll '. d . ru *£2 drunken noatrum, but the n ■edicliie ever made; the and HOrt** and no person or should be without them. ■■■■■■■A D. 1.0. Is an absolute and trrestfbie eureß £&iMTO«Siiar>a j PI for Circular. Bap Bitter* Ge., fMM Rochester Jf.T and Toronto, Ont.| SIMP^ON""&""CAULT CINCINNATI, O. I , ,i eru>e BMlk » tea Milt. "r* F,our nZ* a Mill#/ n.-J., k.lld enmpl.ta DAVID LASDHEXH * SOBS, PhllsdelphU, Pa. ELEGANT JEWELRY CHEAP. To Introduce our new styles and Influence tmde we make th« follow ing mioaralleled offers for a short tlino : "The B. rlin Packet contain* a gold plated watch chain, ag-u* ahnwl pin, lady's ele f:atitaet Jewelry. aealK«*n cuff button*, coral neclr* see, set of agate studs, gold plate band rln;, collar button, key Ting, pocket hook, Imitation silk han.ikercblef, pen. pencil, comic envelope* and visiting cards. All these mailed to you for S&c. In stamps; 4 pack ft a for fUAi. JJt»g loi can be re iall"(l at rtfm f- to SIMk). The Royal Casket eonialngone niperb aitiothvat ring, elegant coral brouth set In bo*, fkney neck lace, coral so-eve buttons, engraved gold plate bracelets, rose-*carf piri, cold plated lady'aset. gold plate sleeve buttons, bea\ y coJdj>late studa, lovely cameo a-'arf pin.genuine ParisUn dlamend stud, Malteoe cross with P. dUiui .id csnlgr. bedbtlftil let sleeve buttons, plntetl colTkr btittdn, Mated link watch chain, plain gold plate riug, nobby cameo r!ag. Maltese ear-rings wttb P. diamond tattings, genta* Aiil comb, anietbyat set. lady's full plated set with white atone seltinga. jet and cameo scarf pin, eng. Kold plate sleeve buttons. Ths whole of this magnlflceiit collection sent secore by mail for fl. 2 for $1.70. 4 for ti. This lot can be retailed easily at from flft toflO. Address, N. Y. JEWELRY CO., Atlanta. Us. Ths ATI.ANTA Olosi s»ys: " This company h perfectly reliable, and the amouut they give for your money is astounding." I Peter HendersorT^l COM DIN ED CATALQOUF. OF be J laUttl Frtf t> all who | Letter. I ■ Our Bxperlmental Grounds In I ■ which we lent our VrgeUble and I ■ Plower Beed> arc most rompleiet I ■Md our Oreenhourioa for Plants I ■ii®V r,n * 3 arrfl I" glass), art I ■ the largest In America. ■ ■PETER HEItDEItSCK CO. I I New York. A Jk AsmtlVutel IStitaradT m mfl .T Ft-ArroiuTFAMirr rn PCMQinKi? r ° r »«*.»* KK.n, Lfpsa ■ tlsOlwlsO widosa, fatlitra, laatharf or ■ln :;' r £ajs™*"" iN'TteTrt ~,d B.F\T/ ill M fl/WW prpcarrd fur lavvaUsrt. Wldirrs Ei aolg. ftuUicrt psigsi AhlllllAxi nonrHWFH.wi II U 111 •'nrtd In 10 toMdays.T«u year, «>. Is llll¥l * >- h,d ; lOMmrsd. IVrlla mat- VI I U 111 >Dt caw. Dj. Maun Qui mj Mich. I ERLIME MO DEVELOP THE FORS. If shrank wholly or lo part from nature or dla "••"IS* raae and arnd stamp laP. DsL. Co.. Ailaota.iJa. >'e huaaima. Hi«h aai raftrauc*. Cutrcatiundaac* ceaM.QllaL 1 Thos. 1,. Poisdixti*. Oid K. PoisDaxTsa. Of PittsjrlTanla. Of OanTlll^' PDBIJO/ War ehouse t For lbs Sale ol Leaf Tobacco, DANVILLE, VA. John 0. Witcher, "1 Joha A. Ilaradoa, Of Ciliajrlvaoia, i Of PiluylTania U. Oaks, I W. H. Puller, Of Rciilsrille, N C., J Of Bathal Hill, N. 0., Auctioneers Clerks. 0. P. Covington, of Caswell, N. 0. S. W. Brown, of Olada Hill, Franklin, Ya., >uvid Terry, PitlsjrWani* Co., Va. No*. 13. Floor Maaacers. «. A. TUCKEn, H C. SMITH, «. B. BPRAOINB. TIfGKEK, SMI'l II 4 CO., Man u fact urn sand Wholesale Dealers la BOOTS; SHOKB; H AT."* AND CAPS 250 Ballimors street Baltin >ra. Md. No-1 y. t.RhP.MSIiOKO. FEMALE COLLEGE. GHEEN6BORO, N. C. tlic Ms! Seseion ol iliis well known Inati ,'ion will I>-Kin on Wednesday, 24h aukuhi. 'I'IsHMS PKK MtSSMIN tJF 20 WKKKs : .ioard and Tuition in lull Ktijilish course, - t'liar/es l.irextru studies muder|ta. »or particulars up)>l> lor i/'HtnlOKUf to T. M. JUNKS, Pieaideut. Greensboro, June 30, ISMI-liin. THE UNIVKUITY —o» - NORTH CABOLINA. NKXT SESSION WILL HtiGIN ADisU 81' 2 sth, 188», Combines tie ndvant is's oi tlir old Curri culum. with spni'ti uud exiemieil uulruclion aerording to ttii* Univciaitv sysie-u. CoimiTHd a itli n ar si'ln»>l« of I«AW, ol MS,DICiRE,»i'U oi PHAiiHACY. Special lacililien j.iven lor (iractical studies, audi as Analytical and Agi iculturul, Chem istry, JLuuu Surveying, Draw ing. Boon-KC.cpiti(i, iiUsl ucss,, Puou n a pU> tic. Kx pen sib iiultnlii. t ,>0 .ooiurent, 185 lo sj;iO |jrr uttn .in Address, lor tat il, guo .ni'l p-rt culars, KK r I'. i>A ll' K, I L I' ('resident. mil, C., July 28.-2 W. Abbeville female Collage, Atikyiui, N., is one of the b(M ir.i' srliouls in tha South. Favora bly totaled with extensive gro'indi walk-, and cou,modious buildings. It has au ex|>c rienced Faculty. Full course, and k"'S ihorou|(h instruction. Music i sperialU '■ood Piitno'o and a magnilKent Pipe Organ Uelcre.iccs: Bishop Weiglitm in, S. 0 ; Dr. it. It. Knsteiling, Beiineltjville S. C ; Hon. It. II Vance, N. 0.; Or W. (J. K. Cuuniug ham, Nashville, Tenn. ; Prof It. W. Jones, Uxlord, Miss Sand lor Catalogue Address ihe President. Rav. Jaxaa ATKIN*, Ja., or J. A H»ANNKe, Husini'ss Mup't. July 28th 188!- Im. J. U. NICHOLSON, WITH J. P. YANCEY & CO., (Successors to Yancey, Franklin k Co., I >t P RTEftS OF XOTIOX9, No. 1208 Main Street, Richmond, Ya March JT, UTS. 11. UNPARALLELED OFFER! FIRST CLASS Sewing Machines tl ilb full line of AiUebmnflts to tfa all of Hork, GIVEN AWAY, Prea of Charge. Having made arrangements with a ■veil known company fir a large uamber of their Machioea, wa otter AS A FUK MIUM to eee-j purohaeer ol TWKN- I V-FIVE COLLARS' WORTH OF BOOKS, to be selected trow our cata logue, cuosistiop of HANDSOMKLY HOUND and KLROANTisY ILLU STRATED BOOKS, by STANDAItD AUTHORS, A First Class Family Bewlag Machine, on RICHLY ORNAMKNTKD IRO> STAND, wilt SOLID WALNUT TOF AND DRAWER, carefully pasked sad delivered to any Depot ia this city, FREE OF CHARGE This is a bona fide offer, made for tha purpose of introducing our pablieatioaa throughout the United States. Send for a Catalogue and Descriptive Circular, to Fiiilauklfuia Pwbusiiliio Co , 725 Sanson Street, Philadelphia, Fa. Liberal Teraa offered to Ageata dec23ai6 ~R * 3 1# i M i %. i>e*£ M I \ v h»'&i fyfc m lf 15-|sl 5 -|s \[ 2 fjgi r S WB ARE NOW RECEIVINP Winter Goods Htv« aaw la «Uak Th« k«it I*l »f READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS ul CAPS, BOOTB tad SHOES, SHIRTS >• UNDERWEARS, GROCERIES, sua AR, COKKtE, CHEESE, RICE, GINGER, PEPI'ER, SPICE, A*.. Au.. A«., A*. DRY -GOODS, MEN'S WEAR, CASIIMKRES, PKLMNES, i LI'ACAS, I'KINTS, WMITE WOODS, in great rtritlj BACON tad LARD, alwa;a *■ kaad- In LEATIIEk W» km akA) tkoftaad piceta, ooautiiag af HKVan.t MO*£-TANXMV 30LM, HAM MM S3 m J UrrtM LMATUMR, Kll', HORSE. HOG mnd GpA r 311X3, with a good aaaariaMal af HARDWARE, QUKKNSWARE, * WOODENWARE, WILLOWWARB, DOMESTIC GOODS, DRUGS, MEDICINES. ••4 CASTINGS. n* | 11 , f » ' WE WANT Uaa ikoaMwd k*thal» CORN,. ■t »' t'.j JU ni : : . >■ . • . , Fita baodftd kathtlt, etak, PEAS ill BEANS, ... ! ' S ' ' " iiSt ■».'?,rt"*! «| . - j f .. Ooa ikaaaaad bath alt, WHEAT, RYB ul OAT 8; ">»>« :> !,! u-' JjU- i-nrw mil , Alao, 10,000 I*. QMMMN aad DM I HIDES, sad * k* 1h Ji J. « ftftNlf 100,000 \U.\LEA r IOMA cc 0 .(.'t' ' -IJ !;i* I • I .JJ. ,t,t i-i__ j, 1 *Ji us9 .•> PEPPER * SONS. till f ispFT uaa *. v.. .■• H jj, , H Daakary, th**nb*t A, MP*. S • i