The Heporfer. ENTKKKD AT THE POST OFFICE IN DAN BURY, A 8 SECOND ULASK MATTEK. Lt a -•«——— f PUfiPBB $ soys, Puis, and Propi. THDRSDAY.ftBPTBMBSR 22,1881. Sutae work ban been done on the ford of the rivtr at thin place, fur whioh we muse thank our oouoty commissioners. But we do think it a shame that thou sands of dollar* should be spent in bui'rt iog and keeping up a budge Tow- Fork, a stream that may be crowd auy da; by traveling a few miles out of th way, or if necessary one days journey would otrry the traveling pnblio entirely around the head springs, while Dan rt- Vtr running nearly the whole length ol tbe county, fusing direotly by the COUII ty seat, at times cannot be foried in the oounty for one, two or three days together, no difference what the ueoessity may be, Must be put off with jcntMrely a lUfle work fdowe an ford.- We tie not object to Town Pork having a bridge, bat it seems to as that if the county is so poor that it oaonot bridge both streams, that the river should be bridged, in as much as th* larger part of the taxpayers of tbe oeanty are interest ed in orossing it, a very large part of tbe people being on tb* opposite side from the court house, and should they be atx ious to orose cannot go up or down the river a few mil** and find a ford that th*y can cross at any day, as is the case with the creek. It will take but little wor* money to bridge tbe river than Town Fork, while tbe money spent in trying to better the ford on the river fould pay for hauling rock enough to make a first rate ford across Town Fork. A Winston delegation has gone on to see about the trad* between tbe Virgin ia Midland and the Richmond .fc Dan ville syndicate Th«y claim that the town and eounty subscription wore bat ed on the condition that the Virginia Midland was to be operated as a couupet ing line. "It is aa ill wind that blows," &c. The prospective complications are enconraging to tbe lawyer. Since tbe above the delegation has returned. A representative of the Fat riot met Mr. Buxton at the McAdo* House and learned from him that the conference with the Virginia Midland authoritiea was entirely satisfactory. The work on the road will now be vig orously pushed. No question will be raised as to tbe local subscriptions Th* working foree will ha iuertaseJ y> 1 (tITO ' hands at once, and in a short time the iron horse will go snorting into tbe am broy oity of Walnut Ceve. Mr. Buxton learned in Washington that the new owners of the Virgiuia Midland are much pl*as*d with their new purohaae.— Grtensboro I'at rial. News-Papers. Senator Butler, of South Barolina, has a very correct vitw of the necessity of having a paper. He says: "Journalism has become as mach a separate and distinct profession as med ioine or law or engineering, or agricul ture or mining, and every family should have a newspaper if they expect or care to keep pace with ths current of eaents in this fast-moving ace Books are not always scoesaible, but newspapsrs are, and at a prioe which places them with in tbe reaoh of the poor as well as the rich." Tbe Carolina Central Railroad depot at Charlotte was destroyed by fire on Monday night last, invelviog a looss of some $5,000. The corn orop in Hide county is bet ter by far than it has been in years; that whioh i* said of Hide holds good with all the Northeastern counties; in fact from all the oounties on our sea board the sam* cheering tidings come. Tb* cars on the Psint Rock branch oftb* Wrstern North Carolina road are now running to a point Gve miles below Alexsnder's,and the track is beinj rabid ly laid down the river. Some idea may be gained of the num ber of viaitors in Asheville from the fact that with aixty five horses in the stables of Weddin & Bailey, btsides those in other stables, it is often impossible to g*t a horse or conveyance for love *r money.— Asheville News. BEAUTIFIERS. —Ladi*s, yoa oannot make fair skia, roey cheeks and spark ling eyss with all tbe eosmetios of France or beantifiers of the world, while in poor health, and nothiag will give you saeh good health, strength, buoyant apirita and beauty aa Hop Bitters. A trial is oertain proof.— Ttfegraph. "I'M ALL PLATED OOT," —is a com mon complaint. If yoa feel so, get a package of Kidney Wort and take it and yoa will at onee feel its tonic power. It renews tbe healthy action of tbe kid neys, bowels and liver, and that restores tbe natural life and strength to the wea ry body. It can now be bad in either dry or liquid from, and in either way is always prompt and efficient in action JVtw litdforu Standard. An KxhibitofGlaimH audi ted Hjfainsit tlie County ol* STOKES from Sep't Ist 1880 to Sep't let 1881. JVo Name of Claimant Nature ff Claim Amcmat 1 W HI. F. Campbell, Work on road $ 24.00 2 S C Rieraon, Delivering road orders &c, TSO 3 PD. Watkins, Court offioer, 200 4 W H Bagley, s'preme o'rt, cost state vs A u Kiag, 850 5 J6 H. Mitchell, R. D , Official servioea, 307 42 G J A Leak, Assessor, 24 00 7 J. C Newsom, " 22 00 8 W. (isnn, " 24 00 "9 M T Mitchell, " 20 00 10 W. B Vaughn, " 20 00 11 W. F Campbell, " 20.00 12 M. T. Mitobeli, Registrar, 300 13 F J. Baker, Court offioer, 4.00 14 W. H. Watte, «• " 400 15 Gid'George, " " 400 16 J F Ilili, Inf*rior oourt, 800 17 J. L Smith, - " 800 18 C. M, " " 600 19 F- Pringle, Commissioner, 52 40 20 B Bailey, " 55 20 21 W. A Kites, Jail fees, 197 25 22 W. A Estea, Official, »5:70 23 W A. Kstes, " 36 51 24 J H C(»»iagton, Keeping poor, > 28107 >. 26 fQid> Qeorgt, * Cowrt Officer, } 200 26 Dr. L H Hill sup't health, (services to poor) 15 00 27 Joel F Hill, printing and other road aerviee, 400 28 Pepper & Sous, publishing school exhibit, 7.00 29 Dr W W McCaulsss, medical servioe paupers and prisoners, - • • 27 50 30 P J Leak, v s Insolvent casw, Aug 'BO -3ft 31 James Rierson, jr C 8 0, " " 44 " 48.37 32 H L Reddick, DB. " " " " 206 33 J R Blackwsll, cs't " " " " 60 34 J P Dalton, JP, " " " " -40 35 W S V*ughn c'st, " " " " -60 36 W B Vaughn, JP, " " 44 " -55 37 J L Smith, J P, " 100 38 J H liowe, o*st, 44 44 44 " 147 9 WW King, sol, * * 400 40 W H Watts, DS, " " " " 2.10 41 W A Kttes, Sh'ff, " " " " 13 20 42 M T Simmons, c'st, " MUM 147 43 PHMabe. JP, " " 44 " 130 44 P D Watkins, court offioer, 400 45 Joseph H Covington, 2 coffius lor psupers, 400 46 A J Brown, registrar, 12 46 47 P H Mabe, " 212 48 J A Leak, " 240 49 T H Bain, . " 114 I 50 S Adauis, " 387 51 L W Anderson, commissioner, 53 00 52 Dr JII Ellington, post mortem examination, 10 00 53 W L Ssunders, special coroner inqueri, 10.00 54 James Rierson, Jr, cac, in'vent cases, TT, 'BO, 49 40 55 J L Smith JP, 4 * 55 56 Jos Dobs on Sol 4 4 • 4 600 57 McD Bo>d DB, ' * 160 58 W A Estes Sh'ff, 4 « * 420 59 W H Watts, DS, • ' * 150 60 P D Watkins DS, 4 4 4 30 61 F J Baker DB, 4 4 4 140 62 J T Martin c'st, 4 4 4 50 63 J M Fulton JP. 4 4 4 20 04 M T Mitchell, JP, 4 4 4 -15 05 J P Adkius DS, 4 4 -87 $ WW&tf.V •» ? - -fit' 68 PII Mab* JP, 4 4 4 60 69 James Youog c'*t, 4 * 4 .80 70 M D Turpin o'st, 4 4 4 1.25 71 Wm Newsom JP, ' • 4 * .65 72 J P Covington conveying 2 psupsrs to PH, 375 73 SB Taylor, Cor, inquest on Nash Carter, 10 00 74 E W Blair, desk for Register, 20 00 75 James Young road supervisor, 12.00 76 J M Hardy 4 4 600 77 D F Hogan » 4 13.00 78 G M Joyue 44 100 79 R B Hart 4 4 650 80 G R Fry 44 500 81 W A Smith 4 . 4 500 82 Pepper & Sons, goods for barial of paapera, 463 83 M T Mitchell registrar, 250 84 J F Hill, presiding Feb'y oourt 'Bl, 10 00 85 C M Lasley, 4 ... 10.00 86 J L Smith, • « 4 « 800 87 P H Martin court officer 500 88 W H Watte 4 4 &c, 8.00 89 F J Baker 4 4 4.00 90 W H Watts DB, insolvent oases, Feb. 'Bl, 150 91 Geo Smith DS, 4 ... .30 92 W J Lackey DB, 4 ... 100 93 W V Sbelton JP, 4 4 4 4 -60 94 J P Reid J I', 4 160 95 J R James DB, ' ... 156 96 WS Vaughn DS, « 4 4 4 1-30 97 W A Lash J P, ... .45 98 Rob't Martin (of pies, ce't, 4 4 4 .50 99 1' H Msbe JP, insolvent ... .35 100 W B Vaughn JP, 4 4 4 4 -32 101 W A Estes sh'ff, » ... 4.30 102 W Newsom J P, ... .50 103 F J Baker D 8, • ... 1 CO 104 P1) Watkins DB, 4 4X4 ' -60 105 O H Simmona DS, 4 ... JJO 106 G R Fry DB. • 4 4 4 60 107 H A Lewis 1) S, 4 ... .50 108 James'ttieraou Jr, cse, * 4 * #6 82 109 J G H Mitchell R D, official servioea, 84.35 110 W R Bennett, road supsryisor, 8.00 111 J A Leak oonyeying 2 paupers to PH, 400 112 Jas Rierson Jr, clerk, insolvent cases, 240 113 W W King, Sol, 4 ' » 4.00 114 Jos Dubsou Sol, 4 4 2 00 115 W A Estes sh'ff, 4 4 65 116 Dr J L Peatroaa, surgical operation ate. on pauper 27 50 117 8 C Rierwa oonveying prisoners to jail, 4 90 118 S B Taylor coroner, iuqueat on A Dillon, 10 00 119 F Isom road supervisor, 2 00 120 Wm Campbell ballot boxes, -90 121 P H Martin court officer, 600 122 W II Watts 4 4 5.00 123 8 B Taylor boarding bang jury, 7.20 124 W 8 Simmons o'et, insolvent* BT, *Bl, -97 125 M T Smith J P, 4 4 -60 126 H L Riddick o'st, 4 4 -30 127 R I Dalton D 8, 4 4 175 128 Wm Newsom J P, 4 4 -90 121? James Rierson cfk, 4 * 88.02 130 W H Watts D 8, 4 4 3 W 131 P J Leak D 8, 4 1 46 132 Had Reid D S, 4 4 -16 133 W A Estes sh'ff, 4 4 13.95 134 Joe Dobson sol, 4 4 6.00 135 8 H Tsylor sh ff « • .32 136 M T Mitchell JP, • « 150 137 U P Reid o'et « • 4.12 138 8 Venabl* D 8. 4 4 , .30 139 Geo Pearee J P, « 4 2.00 140 W H Slawter o'et, 4 4 2»l® 141 J F Hill J P 4 » « M 142 W V Sbslton J P. ™ 143 R W Shelton DS, ' « 144 WW Kin C sol, « ' 10 -°0 145 W F Campbell JP. 4 1 146 P D Welkins V> S, ' ' 147 8 C Riereoo cs», 1 ? 148 Ann Smith m dwif« t.. p.up.r. i 149 S BTaylor oor, iuqucm K lIiHSU.n and E L' 0 46 150 W V MeCaulcas j»">r do 1-00 151 LF Smith ' 4 152 ML Huioherson ' ' f 163 8 M Risrson * 1 154 N S Burton 4 * 155 Peter Smith ' ' » 156 Wffl Neal burisl Ed LinJsay i W 157 A J Brewn J P, insolrsut ease W 158 Jos H«n goods for po«r J> Ai 159 W N Hlsckburii Assta-or 1881 00 160 M T Mitohell ' «00 161 Jss A Leak ' 4 162 Walker Gaun 103 J F Hill 4 4 2b 00 164 J C Newdom ' 4 20 00 165 W F Csmpbell ' 4 . 20 0 166 Willis James carrying pauper to Patrick \a. 600 167 Peyton Hairston ootit'sinn coroner 100 168 J F Hill August court 1881, 6-00 169 C M Latley • ' ' 6.00 170 J L Smith 4 ' ' * 171 P H Martin court officer Aug. ISBI, 172 W H ' ' ' ' ' IT3 C P ' «■ ' i 4 v * 6W Amount County Claim', 2274.33 Witness Claims court, 1880 74 5 Keb'y ' 1881 32 09 i « Fall 'erm, 1880 70 22 • « Bliiing term, 1881 135.95 « « Promiscuous 46 -0 Amount witness claims, 359 21 Amount jury claims, 700 00 N*MB. OUTSIDK PAUPSR ALI^WANCSS. Wm Glidewell Outside Psuper 36 00 PauliDa Llullcii ' • 48 00 Betsy Ball sod daughter, ' ' 48 00 James Duggius ' ' 42 50 Arrena Tuly 4 ' 24.00 FBohanon ' 4 2 4 George H«y col ' ' U0 Jsoob Hawkiss col ' Theopbelus Kiser ' * 24 00 John Samuel 41 B*^ Polly Browu ' ' 1800 George Shelton ' 4 30 00 John Sisemore ' 1 )l ' Liiiis Reid (of Tom) ' ' 12 00 Nelly Hutching 4 8 00 John Ellis and wife ' 4 1«»« Pen Sisk for son ' 4 12 Moses Shuff for son ' ' 5 00 Susan Mabe ' ' .3 00 C W Tilly for foundling infant ' ' 25U Shelton Ashby Lunatic Psuper 34 50 Minerva Robttfaon 4 ' 30 00 Pink Blsckburn 14 30 00 Ssrah A Mounts 4 4 48 50 J J Priddy for Liwie Reid 4 4 49 00 Sarah Francis 4 4 49 00 Amount Paid lo outside Paupers 703 00 „ , p. V ; T^4Aaw«t COUNTY RLVENUK raosi VAEIOUS, 1830 Ts* on propetly lisud • • $4012 36 • « ' unlisted • 62 6o t tax on polls (for pooi) • • 963 Ol) J • • 4 unlisted • 44 00 Countj Ta* under Schedule B & C 145 02 $5226 98 CREDITS By Stationary 2 years psid at Raleigh 80 9J $5146 05 By Commissioners on $5116 05i . 257 30 S4BBB 75 By Vouchers Exsmined snd approved SSOIO 01. Amount Overpaid sl2l 26. STAT* o» NORTH CAROLINA, ) Stokes County. } Office Board of Commiseiansrs, Sep't Ist 1881. I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true financial EXHIBIT, setting forth the claims anditted from September Ist 1880 to September Ist 1881. Also the County Revenue from sll sources for said year. In witness whereof I hereunto set ay hand and teal at office in Dsnbnry, this Bth day ol September 1881. J G H MITCURLL, C. B C- C Senator Vanes raplies to Col, Andrew* and calls bim another. Clyde, Logan asd Buford answer Gov. Jar vis in a Istter whiob must have been polished off with flaxseed. It is sleek, asd calculated to slid* down the throat of any body. Vance's stats of mind and Dr. Worth's early Quaker training will bs proof against the insinuating aweetnrss ol Bnford's pleasant missive. Our opinion is tbat tho Rioh mosd Si Danville pitcher wenr to the spring one time too asny. The people will weloome the blunt, brave advooate of tbeir rights in tbo person of Senator Vanoe. Ws differ widely with him in politics, and always havs; bat ws must acknowledge our unbounded admiration of his honest and 9»nly attuned injskmg a public stand with tha people against the enoroaobmeets ot ao unscrupulous, tyrannical and selfish railroad corporation. In these daya when most man ask office tor the purpose of ssrving ths sssmiss ot people, and at this time wb»n railroad companies in this ow% many judge* and othor public men, it is pleasant snd gratifying lo find one* man occupying a high place who has not only the courage but the disposi tion to advooate the rights of oor people against tbs claim* sf Buford A Co —Tbs Senator say*, among other thing*, in his Istter is Col. Andrews : 4, R*luctaot a* I was to see this road fall into the hands of a eorporatioa that had alrsady d ins *o much lo reduce North Csrolins to Estate of commercial vassalage to ao adjoining State, by diverting its trade fron oor own town* aod cities, yet so great was ay anxiety to see this work eompletsd tbat I detsraiaed lo aid a* much a* 1 could the assignee* to prosecute it with all poesibls diligence and en ergy, depending for tbs protection of our people BSOB ths provision in lbs set of sals, which forbids discriaibstion* against North Carolina towns nnd oities on ths part of th* assigneea. I soon found, however, at least I came to be« lisve, that they did not inland to build lbs Ducktown braoch. In otbsr wsrds that they did not intend lo pay ths prine for wtiieh tha road was sold to thsa. I cams to believe also tbat in defiance ol the law thay were detsrainad ao to di»- eriaiaato again* tha interest of oar own people aa to rnin many nnd greatly injure all. They have now no got the commerce ef North Carolina in tbeir grasp tbat th*y can ernsh to defcth all of it, txcapi that portion whiab they footer for the benefit of Riebaend- In,the first plana the fact was staled in my bearing at a con f* ran en In September laet, between Meters. Beet, Clyde, Logan aad ethers, in tha eity of New York, nnd wsanol denied by any one prenent." Grce*A>9ra AV rli Strife 1 1 1 . "P' G " pom ■ TRUE TONIC A PERFECT «TRENOTHENER.A SURE REVIVER. IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for aU diseases re quiring a certain and efficient tOIUO; especially IndUjtMion, Pytpcpna, Inter hiiticni Feveri. IFfflU of JkvpeUle, Lots of Strength, I sick of etc.. r.unchfi the blood, strengthen* the muscies, and gives new life to the nerves. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as TaUng the Food, Belching. Ileal in Ike Stomach, Heartburn, He. The Only Iron Preparation that will not blacken tho teoth or fire headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading—*o«4 free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. BITTERS W. HUtSHAW. * V?. M &INAaW. ' BPBING AND BUMMER OF 1881. HINSHAW BROTHERS, WINSTON, IV. C., Four years ago to day we opened our first st.,ck of GOODS in one of ths build- H.LS we now occupy. Not saustied to remain where we started we have trom tian o time added to our building and stock so that we c».» solely say tbat we now bav the most complete Sto.e Rooms in the Stale. We have in uso two ot BATES best ELEVATORS by the mem* ol which we have easy access to alt parts ol Ma ten Rooms in our Block *ll ol which are tilled with of «v. ry descrip tion which we buy ai lowest prices, mostly trorn uiauulacturers aud which we sell ' IN OUR WHOLESALE DEPARTMKN ["S, WHICH ARE THE LARGEST IN TOWN, we will duplicate ui prices an) bill ot au ordiuury amouui bought in any msrkst, freight tsken into consider*!ion OUR RETAIL DEPARTMENTS ARE THE MOST I,o*ll LKTE IN WIN. T ON. We Bull especial atleutiou to our lino ot DRESS GOODS, BIMMIKOS, LAWNS, PEqUKtS, SUITINGS, NOTIONS. FAKASOLS COTTONADES, LOOTS AND stIOES. WLN'fcllES'lEß VIRGIMA UI) HI. Ea' PUILADELPM.I SHOES A SPECIAL!I. OUK BTOCK CONSIbI'S IN I'ART Ol' 400 Suits Men's and Boy's Clothing." 40 Cases Hats. 85 Caaea and Bales of Dry Goods. • ( . , oo """ ' HottoLß. 4 " " 4 100 Bags Cofloo. 60 Barrels bugar. 75 " Syrups. 160 Kegs of Noils and Morse Shoes. SPLENDID STUCK OF STAPLE HARDWARE, DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES. TIN WARS, HOLLOW WARS AND QUKEN3WARB . IN LARQK QUANTITIES AND ORE AT VARIETY. 2,000 Dosens Coats' Spool Cotton at New York Prices. 2,(100 pound* Sole Leather. 20.000 pounds Meat and L-trd Whits Lead, Oils, Varnishes, &o. We intend to make ii to the interest of every one to come sod see us, snd ws in vile you to do so. 7,500 Bagt of the Celebrated Star Brand Tobacco Manure for Sale Hit Spring. Buy your goods of us and sell your Tobaceo at our New Warehouse, (PAuE 8) when completed and you will come as oear geiting the worth ot your money in Merchandise, and the worth or y »ur Tobaooo m money as you oao get in tbts wide world. COME ONE, COME ALL, May 14th, 1881., ' Re 'P efllfull *' UJ.WSUAW BROTHERS •*' # f , ,i-•* kit? t '' " • STILL ALIVE KICKING* JOHN F. GRIFFITH, FRANK L MOORE, ISAAC H NELSON, Ot Davie County. Of Stokes County. Of A RIG SHOW COMING ! Although we have been driven out of the Joyner block by fire, we beg to let the public know tbat our business is going on as if notliiog had happened Ws ars now located on the Corucr, where we have on view a Large, New and Well Seleoted STOCK OF DRY GOODS, Groceries, Notion., Hats, Boots and Shoes, Tinware, Queeu.ware, Wiilow.Wam Sole Leather, Baoor,, Salt, Ac., &c lo fast everything kept in a First Class btors Ws ars now ope* and earnestly solicit our rnsny irieuds and lorrner eustoaeraw RE SURE And oot btij good® bifori gifiog w * took io, MWI mtiified *• IN p * pivid to give M(ififtlitftMioiif > •_ ill Good, OiarMtMd as Repmealed. Wi MI joit tUrtiog u4 intend io baild AP to lioneti* trade by fair detliag. Griffith, Moore k Co. Winston, January, Bth

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