THE GREAT. £Bi«§i RHEBMITIffI, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, \ Backache, Soreness of iho 'Chesi Gout, Quinsy, Sorn Thrc.rtt, Swell ings and sp"a ! ns, Uurr.s and Scald:, Snir-til (• adiiy Pains, Tooth Bar and Headccho, Frosin Feet and Ears, and all ether Pains find Aches. VO PR-»par ILI»n «»n U-mih EQUALS ST OI S* .1 /WJt'r *'"•?, xitn/lt- AIM ftifOp IXFIN U'MFTI*. A Iri. ' miniis L»iit the coiupnnith. I IRJULI.FR «»nMay I f .«0 viiia. NML "VH \ «»».•• »\v\- M with ]>.iiu run liaTu th«-*p aiuLjusltife prvtf WI P | elainia. bircclio.lV In HMW L.ANCRMIGREE. SOLD BY ALL DTUIGCISTS AND DEALEI"; IS MEDIOISE. A. YOGEI.ER & CO.. F». IHntn- . If . •«'. 4 jJiri'Lix, ! pftj © tojttc; LIL . A N L» Ifi >' IFESJV ■> *F ER&AK. I :CVUAN BS, J';! C'VML:- * S R; RO^NTTTLT K S^'iT. £ '*&§ ASTHB.S **" (*IL U DISOAAO £ **£*££3 *) " OR UL * TSSQAT, CHE' *Ol IVi ifpi vt%d? H «-TTO.?R •W C* BEEN ONE of the «>• 55I*W F C imporiant we apt, C£ wielded by the Mr V L— leal tacuilr I'V-I'l. ! V/ ° ahovo i)r» IF.R I \J'J southing UAI.'AS. |J IF:! properties sJor 'I • TTJJJJL I■II M , MI J'FJY ; *| O;*RN»}VE *tl R nulan ETFW'RFR'^^LIRW'•':' LU LF #l®3 H|»pc!fr.«r ai.-I toul- J U - ■■«*■ - ! to trtillrl up th" | ictn after the con?U haa beeu relieved. * 6RKBN B. U.U7I, CommlMllonrr c INTERNAL Rl>ven\ie, \\ aahinglon, D. C . Jut. V»TB, say*T V "TOL.U, ROL K and liYE II a agreeable REMEDY IN Pectoral complah.TS and T» classed as a Medicinal preparation under the U ii. Revised Statutes, an. l WHEN SO stamped, ran; be sold by lIItUGUIKTS, GROCERS, aud oiLe'T T'emona, without apeclal TAX,'* or Mceiuo. f*4!!TTNIJ V be !ec«lve«L BY D*RLERS UMU I LUH I *UO try to ]M!M ? IJurk ai;■' Kyo for LAWKKN* ■ A MAUTIN'S TOLL*. ROCK and liYE—which Is the only MKDICATKIJ ar lirle ma lo— the GENUINE has their umuiu or\UIE , Proprietary TTAMP on each botue. T r.p Qnart Sizs BATTLES. Prini SI,OO. XOLC, BUCK Si RYE CO., Frop'rs. CHICAGO, ILL. Bold by DRUCQtSTa and CENERAT DEALERS Everywhere. TLLOS 1.. PO|NDFXT*R, Oll>. K F*OTNL»K V TEK. Of I'itWylvauiA. OL Itunvillc. PUIIT JC Warehouse, FOR THE SALE OF Leaf Tobacco, Danville, VA. John O. Wltehor. % .Tohn A. TTEMDON, Of i'.tiuvlvania, J O; L^ittMvlvania. M. Oaka. W. H. PULLE. Of Heidnvlllo, K. C. / Of Kethel Hill. N. C. C. P. Covlurton, of (.'aowell, N. C.; S. \V. AT Glade Hill, Franklin, Va.; I>AWL ierry, PIU •y I van i;I Va.. Floor Mana^ero. J J. VLILILIOW, WITH 0. F. WEISIGER & CO., •Manufacturer* and Johlwrs of CLOTHING. No. 1215 Main St., Richmond, Va. Sept. &-'SI-tim. If You Want A GOOCFIAXOor ORG AX Write or call on- W. P. Orraaby, Wlnatnn, who ean nttppiy any make or atyln made in the L R nlted Htatea at prices which win defy competition. If you want the BEST SEWING MACHINE eycr aut before the public, call on W. Ormwbv for the 14 LIGHT-HUN NINO DOMESTIC" the Mualc Store, Winaton. Old piano*, organs and machine. l ! exchanged. W. P. OKM3BY. Janies D. Chamberlain, WITH C. W. THORN & CO., Wholesale Hat Dealers, RICHMOND, VA. Spneia! rtten glvdn to orders and satisfaction guaranteed. • DIXIE GILMER, of North Carolina, wltb J, P. Yancey &■ Co., (Sncrenon. to Yanccjr, Franklm 4 C 0.,) IMPORTERS of MOTIONS, , So. I JOB Vain Straw, Klchmoml, Va. % |rch T, IR«. roll Analnut n SHnrp K.lso This is furnished by Mr. Win. Will, 1613 Frankfonl Ave., Philadelphia, I'u : Some time since I received a severe inju ry to my back, by falling agaiust the sharp edge of ji marble step, the stone penetrating it at least a halt-inch, and leaving a very painful wound. After suffering for a time, 1 concluded to ap ply ■U. Jacobs Oil, aud am pleased t° say, that the results exceeded my expec tations. It speedily allayed all paiu and swelling 1 and by contsnued use, make a porfrct cure. I really think it the most efficacious liniment I ever used. —[RocA yard I III.) R"%intcr.\ Of all the evils prevalent among young men, we know of none more blighting in its moral effects than to speak lightly | of woman's vritue. Nor is there anything ' in which young men are so thoroughly j mistaken as to the low estimate they form with regard to woman's integrity, not of j their own mothors sisters, but of others who they forget are somebody else's moth ers and sisters. Nature'* Sluice Way. Tho kidneys are nature's sluice-way ! to wash out the debris of our eonstanly J j chang iug bodies. If they do not work i properly the trouble is felt everywhere: ! Then be wise, and as soon as you see | signs of disoreder get a piekago of Kid ney wort and take it faithfully. It will J I clean the sluice-way of sand, gravel or 1 sliiue and purify the whole system. | Dauggists sell it both lirjuid and dry, J j and it is equally efii dent in either from. | —lndependent. WATS OF TUK I'RIMTKII. —Iias the' printer tobacco ' lie has but lie will not tell vou so lie carries it in the leg | of his boot, and when he wants u chew he sneaks down in the back alley where ] I nobody can see him. When he spits to bacco it Bounds like a duck living in the | ■ water. The printer ii, a queer mau. j He is a lickle person. Sometimes lie' has ten thousand ems on the string, but they are silwavs his dupes. If you are a printer do not be a blacksmith or you I i will get fired. A LA PRY'S WISH. —"Oh, how, I do wish my skin was as clear and soft as yours," said a lady to her friend. "Vou can easily make it so," answered the i friend. "How ?" inquired the first la- ' dy. "By using Hop Bitters, that makes ! pure rich blood ami blooming health. It did it for me, as you obsorve. "--Cairo L I let in. A man, witL his teeth knocked out | and his nose spread over his face, was 1 recently seen coming out of a Texas j i newspaper office. When asked what ; I had happened, he replied : "1 went in- j ! to the office to see the man that wrote I |an article that 1 objected to, 11 u war I there." After vainly spending live hundred I 1 dollars for other remedies to relieve my ' wife, 1 have no hesitation in declairing ' ' tint St. Jacobs Oil will cure Neuralgia ' • ays M. V 15. Ilergom, Esq., of Pink- ' ham & Hersom, Boston Mass.., an en- 1 ! lliusiastio indorser of its merits )Cham bersburgh, ( Pa ) Herald.] A Frenchman learning English com plained of the irregularity of the verb j "to go," the present tense of which spine wag had written out for him as follows : r "lgo ; thou startest; he de parts ; we lay tracks ; you cut sticks ; they absquatulate or skedaddle." Why .ire lou Billions. Because you have allowed your bsw- I els to become costive, and lived torpid. | Use Kidney-Wort to produce a free state j of the bowels, and it will stimulate the lirer to proper active, cleanse the skin of its yellownoss, cure bilious headache, and newlife in the blood. Drug gists havs it, both dry and liquid— Zion'i Herald. ■ Men make fortunes by attending to their own business, because there are few meu engaged in that line. ANNOTANCK AVOWED—Gray hairs are honorahle but their prematura ap pearance is annoying. Parker's Hair Balsam prevents the annoyance by promptly restoring the youthful color. Did the horseman who "scoured.the plain" use soap 7 LIVING WITRESSIS.—The hundreds of hearty, aud healthy looking men, wo men and children, that have been res cued from beds of pain, sickness and well nigh death by Parker's Ginger To nio »re the best eyidences in the world of its sterling merit and worth. Vou will find such in almost every communi ty- Yes, young man, do not think of mar rying till yon can give your wife every luxury and allow her to out a life of solid leisure. All tho women of history got their names placed where those names are by sitting in cushioned chaira feeling their hands, and talking about the new styles and their old neighbors. llkeiuuctism Ikuto^oXa Sprains, Pnln in the Rack ami Bil»\ There is nnlliir.g more pin ml than these lisesns«: hue the pain can ho removed aivl the ton cured by i» of rKItRY DAVIS" PAIN KM.I.Kit. Tliis tvmedy in not a cheap Benzine or lvtroleum product thct must he kept auay fp m fre or heat to avoid ilanpr of rxploalon, nor is It nil untried experiment that lnnv ilo more nann than tr»*d. I'AIN KIU.GR hiw been in constant use for forty years, and the unireiral tcvllmon* from all parts I tlio world "ts, IT !VKV*.ll PAIL**. It not only eftcetf a peril'anent cure, but it relieves p iin almost instantaneously. Being a purely vegetable remedy it is »nfu in the hand* ot Uib most inexperienced. The record of cure- by the iivu of PAIX KIT.I,KH would fill volumes. The following er.tracts from letters received show what those who havo tried it tliltik: Edjcr Cady, Owntonna, Tflnn., aayn: ) 0- H.Walworth,,Me., v-r'tes: Au»uft a year Kinoa my wifo Iwame subject * •xr*rlr*i«t iionwrtlnto irl cf pain In to seven nufT&rlnar fr >m rr.«iuiiftti«u. Our „ the Miebj the usee f yuiur PAIN KiLuea. ww to tIM I'AIH KILLER, whlohfcpsediiy E. York aayi ' relieved lier. 1 Unvuuk«*l *«»ur PATH KlT.lfh f*tr rheumatism, *»*«* Pojffl writes from the g a »or 3 ' Hojne, London. N«vr» ur VAIN KH.I.FR for thirty TERR*, Inu.t rhiwj-eaMv.'ifbri#np: lifla a«d have fa Hid It n netrr./ailing remedy aun wowntroawwef thvnt'MiiArh. The doctor* rVmnntimii oiul lumeness. * \\t- mnin t r II OH pi till N»ve up m> in Mr. Lurditt writes: KSSKin?" 1 "" ,,ow •*> •" r • n °* »>• ,uu,u .wß?a£ffis?VtWftiSFKH w«. w "l"®"" 11 ' I is tlie best mertlrtn, I era *&. All drngjrl."ts keep PAIN KtLtFii. It-- price is so low that It Is within the reach of all, and it will nave many tines It- ' -t in d.v-toK hill.-. 'Mr., r»oc., atul 91.00 a bottle PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors, Providence, R.I. 1 A PERFECT srazmTtfzrrp.A TURF: P:W^B. J IRON ETTTXCBS ere MAk re,■ommend; •! f>r all di-c-e, r e- j 1 1 qtriritift a cer*.tin »u.i eiffek'nt *cf- i. H v furit?'«f.• J'-*?., b' r- I | I )•. iUt.d Fcttn, Wart of . ippctik. I*>* •/*S *n *&!>', La 'h of J\iu .etc. I'm ri.-iu s | ? | the l»Soocl. r-fivn t :;il»C!is» the Jav»Rcl , : t an«l givi ■ :ne*r lie to tl:c iw ves. lh®y.".ct I ( S i\- i (■!• *: mi •» |J»o organs, r: r vi*u» a'l lvp]>i ptic uyiupvoins nucli I k £ . 7 r " >% 11> I !*»• ' iXsmich* JJ -irH •:/*«, w-. 1 :io iiuiy I i }: i j Piv;*!* 1 hat viil ;;o' bi ch- u tho tooth ov i;1vo f ! . *V: 'O. :li'' r l tlnif Wriu for tiic Ai> C Look, 22 |p. ot* ' I r«oc ful uti I a mus: n* nal i . i : —*•.. frc *. r 'JO I", N Cli L CO., JUltin»orc, Mtl. ifi|| f 4 p-i pai i& : %.%^x 1 i feifa i%# GECKOE \V. niNSIIAW. W. M. HINSII.WV. « SPHLYG AND SI". If. M EI! OF ISSI. HINSHAW BROS., Win§oi] 9 N. C., F«>?!r ycfir.« 150, w> ilay wo npfn" T our f-rst stuck nf (lOOOS ill one >f tho we flow fKvii|»y Not siitiMtioil ;.■> poninlfi wboro wn wo liavo time tn thiie jto our and st«»> k >«► tiuit we eau Mstl«*iy say tliur \\« now havo tho most complete ! S{or* l»K.iius iu li»e St:»to. Wo havo in n>o two of JlA'i KS' li«-st KLKVATOkS l > the ! moans « f w'hieh w. h tvo e:t*v t«> all jurts of (lit; toil Uooms tn our !P»»*k *ll ol' I whioh are ti'.h-I with Merchant of every UeseripMoii whieli we Iniy at |ow«\sf priei'o, i uiostlv tVi-in manuta ai\'l whieli w«* c » l at n . }»ri« • IN Ol I» W MOl.K.s VLi;! >1!I* Ai I MKNTS, Wlliril Aii 1" I HI'I.AKOKST IN TOWN ! we will iliiplh'ah* in prie* s any bill ot" an or«linary amount hotiijlit in any marko; T freight J taken into e«»nsiiloratioii. ! Ul U Iti;TAIL DKI'AUTMKNTS \HE TIIK MOST COMPLETE IN WINSTON, i We eall especial attention to our lino v it' DRESS GOODS, Rimmings, Lawns, Pet/nete, Suiting*, Notions, Parasols, Cuttonades, Cassimeves, Boots and Shoes. ; WINCHESTER VIRGINIA* MILES' PHILADELPHIA SHOES A SPECIALTY. CfR STOCK CONSISTS IN PART OP •100 Suits Men'*and Boy's Olotliini*. I 40 Cases Hats. K5 C nse.s ami Bales ot l>ry Goo>u. 1 50 Cases No!ions. 100 Biigs l oflWe. " j 50 Barrels Nutar. 7fi Barrels b> rtips. | 100 Kegs of Nulls an I Korso Shoes. SH.ENDID STOCK OF # STAPLE HARDWARE, DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES TIN WARE, HOLLOW WAKE AND Q.V EEXS Jl A HE, IX LAUGE QUANTI TIES A \U OH EA T VARIETY. •2.000 DoT.ons Coats' Spool Cotton at New Yotk Trices. '.',000 pounds Sole Leather. 20,000 potmda Meat and Lard. Wiiitw Lead, Oils, Varulsltes, &c\ We intend to make it to t.lie interest of every one to come t»nd «*? us, and we invite you to do sn. 7,.VK) Riiijk qfthr Celebrated "STAR 11 RAX It" Tobacco Miinure for Sale this Spring• Buy your .'OCHIS of its and sell your To'weo a t our New Warehouse. ( PACE'S) when ixnnpleU'd and you will come as near getting tho worth of your money In .Merehantlise, and the worth of yout - Tobacco iu money as vou can get in tics wide world. COME ONE' COME ALL- Respectfully, May 14th, 1881. HINSHAW BROTKER3- i h NO. 3 VICTOR. fIHHBKgp SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFIED! .■yW Improvements September, 1878. ■ Notwithstanding tl-e VICTOK W Irmg boon Ibo m&MPff tW VnR H peer of any Sewing Machine in tho market- a fact supported by a hoot of volunteer witnsnses—we now g M Sdently claim for it greater simplicity, a wooder -11 shnttlo is a beantiful specimen of mechan ip?*. is™' aud takes rank with the bighext achirrements inventive genius. i —We do not lease or consign Ifachisea, therefore, no oues to pateh up '' We Sell New Machines Every Time, Rend for Illnstrated Circular anil prioe#. liberal terms to the trade. Don't bay until you have sees the Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the Market.—The Ever Reliable VICTOR. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE COMPANY, Wtsrraw Orrrc*, 235 State St., CHICAOO, Ili» MIWLRTO WN, C9N7f. SOCTHEBN Omri, 8 North Cbarlw St, B*ITII*OS*, MO. PFOffL $• STOCKTON'S TObaceo Warehouse. . «- . WINSTON, N. C. TVTE OFFKR TO TIIE PLANTERS OK 1 V North C.irolitia a;:d Virginia every advantage for the Handle and Sale of theu* ora HOUSE RETS East and West, giving from SUNRISE to SUNDOWN the OMST L of any HOUSE IN NORTH CAROLINA- We will give you evrry Accommodation ( Unsurpassed) to itiako it to your interest to sell with us. Your t'rientls, truly, f'FOlfl. vS- STOCk'TOJV. I JOHN sitrprAHi>, AiictloiKor and Oenoral Manafer. ' N. i. STOCKTON, lluok Keover. T. A. WIMCS. Floor Maimp»-r. ! !■: r .t'inAun/ N '! Mlrttl "« ! JOM'.PH H. STOC'KTON, SapeTAisur. 1 Wlnntou, N. 0., An|pM«t 19,1880.—1y. I ! lID AVin.'. ANDRE?H&SOMS • PHILA- The BEST Wind Mill on Earth. ' jJROFT'S I v IMPROVED IRON m, WEND pa ENCINE Simple, Strong, and Durable. Will not Shrink, Swell, Warp, or Rattlo in the Wind. MANUTAOTCRED BY E. C. LEFFEL & CO. WX ECROFT'S > Ss ' ron nc ' Q^^Uhforcepumps /mil toti-Frwztag I FORCE PUMPS. DEALERS IN WINDMILL MACHINERY Bslbr. FurchMlnv ..J eth.r vrio4mill, aaill ftor Price Ll.t. Addr«.«, E.C. LEFFEL & CO., Springfield, Ohio. State wliere yeu saw this aU»ertis«ment. !j|?H » ■ rr^l > p d yv 1 a o 0 £ w / hia?Z- Z «!"■« /iw £ !»a p.? hj Q /O. r g- ft ?l ? isfi - £3 ®• P " S — f-s "it y Drucmyc PO*'soLmsße, a, rCnQiUIIVMIm. fiilitn.iuihm « JJI •blHr-o. lh»nMod«T,t.»Ug«l. P«,lo»nirt»«. ti.r lim-f,.,. or ropnir«.Tarlc« ». in) ft |AA hP I'ATGKTS pn-vnt'4 t-r ißventor*. liICMI ■ ■ Is-nd warrants T»rve*rMLN"»rhtard ield. fteUlar* W A aud hciraai»vlr frr a Bj //WX $ '.star* for TW CiWMu-Suldlsr.v and ii H ltd fi ne'./ la»i aad latltvcUoai. W« nfo* ' inrtftrlA thoaaasdaor r«»ifneri trd ( Hfnls. I j fXI Kit r«»a M.WV.Flt|Ur«ildACo.Pßs»iny/; 111* MinAftcs.l). CJ BHWMIiSWBH MtH^ONL^WEDICINEP II IS KITIiKII LIQUID Olt OUT FORM H ■ Tlinl Acf.nt Ike unit lime on M y rat utu, ms bowslsA 51 Al'D TBS SIDNEYS. W |WHY ARE WE SICK?H • 1 lUtnuu tit a'loir thru ffrtat ert/ciHt to H jjWoowi c'.ojfjtd or (orfHit, and foiwuwll W hvmtortari therefore forcttl into th 4 ÜbCrl kl (hat thouUOn trntUr'l nnturutt). \ WILL SURELY CURE 11 \ KIDNEY DISEASES, VI ft LIVER COMPLAINTS, W aPILKI, CONSTIPATION*, CRIXAKIfj DISEA'KS.I EU.VM: UKAK.MESSU, RJ AND N'EItYOI S lIIMOIIItEItfi, U j| cmirtng frH aetipn then ore ant and U tutoring thilr poicer to ihtvio off" cUnas*. BJ n Why suffer HIIImr yilm and aches! M jS \Yhj tormented with Piles, Constipation! U fe Wlijr frightened orrr dhnnlrred Ki*ln«ji! P *2 WhpNtUrißmoii oriick hfadarheif B I Vk KIDNEY-WORTand r&U* in health. T Ib It ii ptt'l'.'in I>rt Vegetable Form, in tin ft CIIIH OHO |«ftekiH:o of whh-U HMkca mx i(Uarte oi K f 1 medicine. Also In Llqald Ferm, rcry Ccaeea- fl Lj trated, for tho •*? that eiumot r«*adiiy pivpnjre it. ' LJlt arts «rlth equal rfneieney in either form. S Y GET IT or YOUR DRJPOOIST. rrncs, #i.oo n I] WELLS, UICMAKDSON A Co., Prop**, I J iWUi vend the dry poO-pald.) BrnLKGTOX, TT. * NEW RICH BLOOD! Parson* 9 Puruatlrr rill* make New Rich Hlnori, mul will completely change th© blocd In theciitirMrrttom in three norths. Anvperson who will tnko 1 i»UI ouch night from Ito 15 week* mnt >»e restored health, if such a thing he jK»tible. Sent by mull for 8 letter sta»~»«. /. S. JOUKNOX «* CO., Boston, Juaoo., formerly llan it or. Mo* AGENTS WANTED tlttfc Machine ever invent*-1. Will kmtapairof •tocUM-n, With HEIiL* and TOK complete, in SO riiQut*s. u will also knit a treat variety of fancy work for which there la alwavs a ready market. Send for circular and terms t»» the Twaiabl y 14 nltt iuf Machine Co.. 409 Washington St.. Mav SHOP BITTERS^ (A Jledid«e, pot a Drink,) I HOPS, ntTCHTT, .ILINDRAKE, I DANDELION. I\Xl> TIIK Pr**,T ASH PrfcT MmiCALQr ALI-S TIKI or ALL OTMLH lIItTXRS. I THEY CURE I ■ All r>l*e*»esof thcßtomnch. Bowels, ftlood.B ■ Llrrr, AlpnrvK,and I : rtiiuryOrgans, Ncr- R I \ouanea*. SleenU-j «.no>sand especially ■ remain Complaint*. I SIOOO IN COLD, B will be paid for a case they will not core orH H luij', or tor anything iirpuro or injurious ■ found In them. ■ Askrrmr druggist for Hop Hitters and tryH Htin in IN)fore yon sleep. Take uo Other.l 9 Bd.l C Is an absolnteand fori Q Uruakonose, use of toiwcco and I gOM9 Srmy TOM Cl HCTTLAE. HMBfl ■ All«s>,• tbM by drvntrto. ■ llep IJIIWM >1 ff. Co.,lu>*k«il«r. If. Y., k Toroeto, Obt.H PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. most Fxonormcal Hair . )^ rUr '' pu | ] p hr youthful to grey ha ' r - .s°° a °d $x sizes at PARKER'S GINGERTONIC A Part FMII, Mtdldne that Never Intoxicattt. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn mit with ovenvork. or a mother run down kv family or heuse hold dunes try PARKBU's GINGER TOWKT. If ymt are a lawveT. minister or busaiiM man ex hauftted by mental atn>in *-r nnxiotn do not take intoxicating stimulauts, but use Pasksk'S Gi:.caa TOMIC. If yon hare DyspepMi. Rlietunatism, Kidney or Urinary Complaint*, or if you are troubled with any doorderef the lanes, stomach bowels, blood or nerves you can be cured ry PABKER'S GINGER I ONIC. If you are w*»ting away from are, di«upation or any diseasebr weakness and ropiire a stimulant take y Ginger TONIC at once; it will invigorate and build I vou up from the first d-.*e but will never intoxicate. B it has saved hundreds of lives it may save yonrs. 0 HI.*COX k CO., |M York. Me. sad 3 ••• Mhv ilm*, M all U*Jm iu invdlt'lßn. CHEAT SAVING Bt'YINU DOLLAR M7.Z. p^cyicA^T^E imfßltr Coll. ,fl«rwifrua tt, .k. ofr..i[>ona;btttCv tiy U* nm »BM to Education, Homo, 60olr t., Etiquette, Tin nA«aSVIMM'I. 1. itrlkln. tt.wihu rw«i.f.rautli>a K*y»KM?WwiteJ °Evjr}w'herel van Garmore's Artificial Ear Drums. A« Inveeird and worn kjr him perfectly returns tlis h.nriii* Kutirvif U«af fvrtiitrty yrar».Ua bears wilt tl.. m, •v«e whis|Mr«.distiautly. Are ant ot*»rr» atilr, nu«l ru in nip inpxiiiwn without aid. i'«*i ri|>tive Circular ii«. fVl'tHlX l I>* aot ho d-c«ived hr In.pra* cSr urussa. Mias it the only «neret«ful ar.ifli ta! ear I)runi luautifseUiroi. J-»hw Oanafcre, Sth A RweSU . Clneiaaaii. O. MASON EEST in the WORLD r AKin winners ©'hi .best dUtinctloQ Rt every World's Kair for foui teen year*. fTHIfmilV *to. Is ready this month, and wiii Lu a A m se .t free to snv aidresa« arnonncinß fHH: ANV iMNnrraitT lufSovracßTa, and Mi»v UflUnlsvNKV| BTVI.ES; uv.r I>olm all. m»e, ttt, $30,04, •Ofl.ftM to 1900 and ttr; *ho fof rasppirmemts. MASON A IIAMI4N OUGAN *JK. IU SBaa-.'gßiii-w"' *■■"" """■ ; ISA^Jiiistl KQtJAT. TO THE KCBT Bcni for ClrruHr. I VI NT OJ4 ft ZSCHECH.B INDIANAPOLIS, IND. n.uvw 4«mH WnM fr »■'" »' GAEFEEILD It contains the fall liMory of his noble aod erentf til Iff-* anddaM >rdiy fimeralotMß«qntea,©(«. The ta-rt Hianee of your life to make money. b»*wsreof "eitrhponny " iiuitittiont. TI.U iMhenHly authenticated felly moMratedllfeofotir a ar« tvred I'retident. Flneateel portrait*. E&tra leru.a . > Affi -»t*. Circufsrs free, Addre?s SATl©»ai. PVBIJWINO Co., ndlvlelphla Pa-