Heportei- and l»c>Nt. PCBLMIIRI) WEEKLY AT DANBURY, N. C. FKFPEfi A SON - Prop K VIKH OF ni ll* 11l f l I»\t 7uo Year, pnouble in atUniice •1..T0! U\X Months 75 ! RATES* OF On© Square (ton line* or ta«) t time, «1 on | For each attoitioiuil iu*ertiun rsi Contract* !'o» lnngrr time or more *puu » HH be made in propf.vtion to the above rate*. , Transient advertisers will be exiteetetl to remit according to these rata* at the t.me thev Renil their favors. Local Notices will be charged 50 per cent, higher i than nhove rotes. Bnaineiis Cards will be inserted at Ten Dollars | per annum. .. , _ Cheap Pleasures Did you ever study the cheapness of 1 sumo ploasurea ? iiaks some writer. Do j you know how little it tikes to inukc a multitude bajipy ' Sueli trifles as a pen ny, a word or u smile to do the work. There are two or three boys passing' •long—give each of them a chestnut and j see how smiling they look ! they will not be cross for some time. A j>oor widow lives in the neighborhood, who is the ■ mother of half a doseu children. Send ' them a halt-peck of sweet apples, and | they will all be happy. A child has lost bis arrow, the world to hiui, and he mourns sadly ; help him to find it, or make another, and see how qnicklv will the sunshine play over the sober face. I A boy has as much as he can do to pile up a load of wood ; assist him a few mo ments or speak a pleasant word to hiui and he forgets his toil and works away without minding it. Your apprentice lias broken a mug or cut a vest too large, or slight'y injured a piece of work. Suy, "You Scoundrel," and he feels misera ble ; but remark, "I am sorry," and he; V \viil try to do better. You employ a man, pay him cheerfully, and speak a pleasant word to him, and he leaves your house with a conteuted heart, to light up j his own house wiili smiles and gladness. As you pass along the street, you meet | a familiar face ; say, "Good moraing," ' as though you felt happy, and it will j work admirably in the heart of jour neighbor. Pleasure is cheap. Who) will not bestow it liberally > If there! smile sunshine and flowers all about us, j let us graap them with a miser's fist, and j lock them up in our luuirts. No, rather j let us take them and scatter tlieni about in the cot of the widow, auioag the' groups of children in the crowded marts where the men of busiuess congregate j in our families and everywhere Woj can make the wretched happy, the dis- , contented cheerful, the afflicted resigned,! at an exe ediugly cheap rate. Who will' refuse to do it ? A Good Ht'ltflibor. In Germany, during the war, a cap- i tain of cavalry Was ordered out ui>on a I foraging expedition. He put himself at the head of his troops, and marched to the quarter assigned him. It was a sol- : itary valley, in which hardly anything: but woods could be seen. Finding in the midst of it a small to (tape, he ap proached, and, knocking at the door, it was opened by an old and venerable : looking man, with a beard silvered by ! age. "Father," said the officer, "show tue a field where I can set my troops to forage in." The old man complied, and conducting them out of the valley, after a quarter of an hour's march came to a fine field of barley. "Here is what we nro in search of," exclaimed the captain : "father, you ore a true and faithful guide." "Wait yet a few minutes," re plied the old man . "follow me patiently a little farther." The march was ac cordingly resumed, and at the distance of a mile they arrived at another field of barley. The troops immediately alight- j ed, cut down the grain, trussed it, and remounted: "Father, you have given yourself and us unnecessary trouble: the first, field was far better than this." "Very true, sir," replied the good old ;»an, "but it was not mine."—Ex. DICK ENS* CHARACTERS —Charles Dickens, as every one knows, went to i real life for nearly all, if not quite all, his characters. Even the most unlikely of bis creations —Miss Hayisham, in 'Great Kxpcctations'—had a prototype jr. the flesh, who is still aliye, and whose ..urne, though not in that capacity, was brought before the public the oilier day id connection with a squabble which was agitated 'society' in Vontnor. This is a certain Miss Dick, who lives in Mad eira Vale, a tract of land covered wi h gardens and villas, lying between Vont nor and lionechurch. It is many years sioee she was young, and I ken she bad n romance which did not meet with tie approval of her mother The love af fair was broken off, but the young lady j accompanied the act of filial duty by a declaration that she would go u> tied and never get up again, and she kept her word. The years have come ai.d gone, aud the house has never been swept or garnished, the garden is an overgrown tangle, am! the eccentric Indy has spent twenty years between the sheets. Char les Dickens used to stay at Vintner a good deal in those days, and so unique *n episode was not lost upon hiin. Ffteen years before the Revolution the wifo of Washington kept sixteen spinning wheels running, and ssw the fubrics made in her owu bouse under her pitn direction. ! Rheumatism UeuxaVava SpratiiH, l>alu in the Back and Hide. J Tlic"" In nothing mi"* palnnil t>iafi llio-o dlseues; l>ut the uiln can be removed and the dlaou* i-nrtsl by iim or PMSUt DAVIS' PAIN KILLER. W alm lUe TliU remedy I. not a tlMap BVMIIII. or Petroleum product thai mint be kept sway from 11-e erhe.it t> .void lUupr or eiploatou, .nor u it an untried ox perl men (that may do i more harm than ' Ml* Kll.l.Kit has been tn constant n*> for forty yenrn, and the universal tMtlmnnv froin nil IMTU of the world IN. ll' KH KAILS, It not only effects a litriuatietiL cure but It relieve- pain aim si lnitantaneoualy. Itoiiig a purely vegetable remedy. U h wife iii I tLe hand* ol the mi»l Inexperienced. The record of cures by the ««■ of PAW KILLER would till roliom The follow!!!* extract* from letters received show what tlu.se who have tried it think: Ed jar CaUy, O'.vaVmna, Mini)., says: I 0-H. Walworth,Baco,He., writes: Ab.uit a year ftluoe my wifo became subject , I axivrktu-ea In.n>e«linti> r*l t>f from rata In to Ko.tre Butterbur from rlieiuu-Uwii. our „ UMndtb) )ourPii2 uluhl rif-ort wt» to the Paw KILLUK, which speedily E. York sayt'. rvllc.cd her. J IhavfuwedyonrPAi*KlLLEUl *rbcum»ti*n. Char!., PowsU write, from the Bailors' B £ti>n an^s^r2 A, r, \ and TiulentiiMiimef thoitonuKlL Thf doctor* rhfinintixiii mill Utucatw at WMtmlttrtMr Hoaottal *jvc up nij iam> la Mr. Burdltt writes: ckejwir. I ynur PAIN KM L*«. and itimve | ' /V1(7.1.,L-n■ IN,:«■.( rh.iin.HH, I Tue InuiMKllßte r lief 1 have nwln.,l n.J »htl OilI 1 1 S2tk>S. ° f ° UO " W '^m^iS ! S!lr?S , oS^iJ?SSk,tlM ' is the l*»t ntediilne I can Ket All dminjluts keep Pus KILLCT. Its price B »> low ihst it Is within the reach of sll tuni it will sure many time* 111 con! In doctor.' til I Is. XJe., 80o„ and H.oo a bottle PERRY DAVIS A. SON, Proprietors, Providence, R. I. I DECEMBER 31st, 1881. (IKOUUE W. lIIXSHAW. WADE 11. HYNI'XI. Hinshaw i Bynum (SI'CCKSSOHS TO IIIXSIIAW UROTIIKRS,) Wholesale and Retail Merchants Winston, N. Wo the lilx»rf*l |»alronnfo we havi* had for post sovoral yoars and .nss irr our lrienlh .tint customers that in tin* future we will sjmit? no |KiiiiM in tr> iug to merit a | Miueli larger iratle tluiu we haw ever luml. The general policy nj our huxine. jt will not br\ »•hifngvd. Our WHOLESALE STORE Will in the t'wiuiv be luoni eompifte than over, and to Merchants who buy for cash or produce, aud to thoso who ain strictly rclial)le and we willofler induivineutii j ; -qiial. it' not »u|w«rior to thoao ottered l>> any lions'- in We&tern X. it will IK* in the} , nand.s of well (touted, oxporieiui'd and ndiahle .Salemnen. All lh Dt'imrfiatn!* of odr Hrlai! .s,' -.Hlmll be complete and in quantity, quality, va i riety. and prices of t;'»♦». T (h y sh.iH not IH» eipialcd in Winston. All of tlNii* de- \ i uartnHv.its w ill l»* iu charge of first-* S.ilejinieii who know and attend to tbeir business, j We will continue to handle aud sell at factory pikes, J. & l\ Coats' Six Cord Spool Cotton. i.Jas. A. Leaoit \ Co.'a Thouiasville Shoes, ! Winchester Va. tine Shoes for Ladies, i T. M iles & Son's Philadelphia hand-made Shoes fur Men, Ladies and Children. 'F. & 11. Fried* Jcaus, Sheetings aud iiuoch Cotton. Granite* Forest Hill and llandleman Plaids. | We will carry a much larger and '.letter assorted Stock of Clothing tlian we have evei had, and w ill sell at prices that def> eoni|>etitiou. | In the future we will keep a larger line and givater variety of I I SHOES, BOOTS, HATS, f('. At. Bo Ml.t'll BKTTER ASMIUTMKN'I'or Notions, Liidies Dress Goods aud Trimmings. I I . ! J (Ottr present Sfitrk of Shoe* an'l Hoof*, Drfw (food** und trhmiiinif* it thr lan/cft ami \jlw*t m iotrn. We w ill B*'ll the I test Colics, Sugars. Syrups. Teas, I'andies, aimed J • :xhU. Sic. We'll cair> a - Nails, I Axes. I loos, .Mattocks i.id Staple Hardware, aud will r«>iii{»eti' in prices with j tlr U a.liit- Hardware Ston*s iu tin* State. I We will sell the b»t unissseeds we euu get. I To TobiwHo and t o to.i growers we a jam oiler tli • thoroughly tried and justly popular • STAR BUAM> COMPLETE MANURES, | and a>k all farmers to compare their record, hy actualfiehl tt*t* % with the iWonl of any 1 j md all oilier fertilisers s»|tl in the State. l)e.signing iN'rsous last spring circulated nqMnts jto the ellect that the .star llran I M mures ha t be.m a>mite.-ate.l, we then deuoiill-ed the ■ reports ;is Indng untrue, ami their antho s ,is iiuwortliy of eontidence. What has Ikhmi tlie I | result ? Our reports front the farmers throughout the State have been uniformly to the cf • | feet that the • ■" "ij \ i Htar Brand Manures »t«KHI the drought biter last *c.ison and in.idd I irger and tmer ero|is than any otlier feitl -1 I /.er used in eonnectiou orc»»mpetiti«»ii with them. The f-rt I zers we will stdl this ytar A ill lie in sple idid condition tor hau-vlin-, and quality as gi>od or botier than any sold j iicreiofvre. 1 j Our terms on Fertilizer' will not lx* changed, we w ill sell for cash and on time. When | . we s»ll ou time the buyer must make the debt secure and lav it pioiniitlv :is we exited to | ;*olhvt every dollar. W- prop *s,• to m ik' n ijood « i v »rv word we nay iu our a lvertisenvMt and ask every one to j | *olllo and examine our stock iid prhvs. Our eiistoineni who eome on bo -ses aul iu wa- ; or otlier conve aies w ill Hud us upus.se I ac-'imiiKMlatious lor man and beast free . jof cost at I'A k"> WAICKIU i SK. Very llespeetfully, Hinshaw «S' Bynum. W NO. 3 VICTOR. SIMPLICITY SIMPLIFIED! ■BK Improvements September, 1878. I Notwithstanding the VICTOR has lonfj been tlio mgft&fflW Jftn {■ peer of anv Sewing Machine in the market—a (set ' ■BriS NHkl supported by a host of volunteer witnesses- we now w 0 utidontly claim for it greater simplicity, • woodcr- B ■ llElllWTl*' ii fnl redaction of friction, and a rare ■ 'combination of dMinble qualities. Its Hliuttle is a biiautiful specimen of mechan ism, and takes rank with the highest /-' achierements of inTentive genius. Aots. J f ■■ K —We do not lease or consign Machines, therefore, have no enes to patch np WUnt and re-varnish for oar customers. We Sell Hew Machines Eletj Tine. Send for 111untrated Circular and prioes. Liberal terms to the trade. Don't buy nntil you bavo seen the Most Elegant, Simple and Easy Running Machine in the Market.—The Ever Reliable VICTOR. VSCTOR SEWINC MACHINE COMPANY, "Wwmtux OFFICE, 835 State St., Cinc-Aoo, lu*. JItIDDItJ&TOWS 9 CO.VJV. BorTHKRX Omci, 8 North Oborles 8t. f BALTTMOHF, Mi». j J| j_. EMERSON, TALCOTT tL CO. j ■ | REPORTER AND POST, DAN BURY, N. C., JANUARY 11 1882 Fell *Euln*l a Sharp Edge. This is furnuhed by Mr. IYIII. Will, 1613 Prankford Av«., Philadelphia, I'a . Sonic lime since I received a severe inju ry to my back, by falling against the sharp edge of a marble step, the Mono penetrating it it Iwaat a half-inch, and leaving a very painful wound. After buttering for a time, 1 concluded to ap ply Jacobs Oil, and am pleased to say, that the results exceeded uiy expec | tations. It speedily allayed all paiu and swelling and by contsuucd use, make a | perfrct cure. I really think it the most efficacious liniment I ever used. —| Rork ford (III.) Register.] ' j Tho General Conference of the Mcth- J odigt Episcopal churcu, meets in Nash" ' ville iu May next. It will be one of the most important sessions of this body that has heeu convened tl>r years. It is prob able that at least four new bishops will be elected. There arc now but three ! effective bishops in the college, McTyeiro ' Keeuer and Kavanaugh. It is evident that Bishop Wightmau will not be long :ou earth. Bishop Pierce is now but the ! wreck of his former self, and the senior ( Bishop, Paiue is retired under the weight of vcuerable yeara.^ Nature'* Blnlce Way. The kidneys are nature's sluioe-way to wash out the debris of our constanly changing bodies. If they do not work properly the trouble is felt everywhere. Tlieu be wise, aud as soon as you see signs of disoredcr get a package of Kid ney wort and take it faithfully. It will clean the sluice-way of sand, gravel or ; sliiue and purify the whole system. Dauggists sell it both liquid am! dry, aud it is equally efficient iu either from. —ldependenut. Boys Wanted.—Men are wanted. So they arc. Itut boys are wanted— honest, manly, noble boys. Some one has declared, and truly, that these boys should possess ten points, which are thus igiven: 1, Honest. 'l. Intelligent. 3. | Active. 4. Induatrious. 5. Obsdlent. •0. Steady. 7. Obliging. 8. Polite. D. j Neat. 10. Truthful. Olio thousand ! first rate places arc open for one thou ■ sand boys who cotne up to this stand ard. ■ The short cotton crop, occasioned by the drought of last season, has taught . the farmers a ccvero lesson, and one that j will, iu :i!l probability, be of great ser -1 vice to them in the future. It is that j too much fertilizer will not pay, and ■ that fertilizing with cnnipom is proving more effective a* well as much cheaper. ' Let the farmers hegiu now to make up | their compost heaps for next years' I | crops, that they may he thoroughly do ! composed before the time arrives for de positing it in the j^\>und.— Stulesville Lanumirk. A Lahey'r \Vikii.--"OIi, how, I do wish my skill was as clear and soft as ! yours," said a lady to her friend. "You can easily make it so," answered tlio friend. "How!" inquired the first la dy. "By using Hop Hitters, that makes pure rich blood and blooming health. ' 11 did it for me, as you observe."— Cairo , Bulletin. After vainly spending five hundred dollars for other remedies to relieve my wife, I have no hesitation in declairing , that St. Jacobs ODwill cure Neuralgia ; savs M. V 15. Ilorsoui, Ksq., of l'ink- i j ham it Ilcrsciii, lioston Mass.., an en i Ihusiastic indorscr of its merits )Chnm ' bersburgh # ( Pa ) Herald .J Wh) Are You Million* Because you have allowed your bow • els to become costive, and lived torpid. ' I'se Kidney-Wort to produce a free state of the bowels, and it will stimulate the 1 liver to proper active, cleanse the skin ;of its yellowness,cure bilious headache, and cause newlife in the blood. Prug | gists have it, both dry aud liquid— /.ion's Herald. 1 Living M'itnksrks.— I The hundreds of hearty, and heullhy looking incn, wo men and that have been res cued from beds of pain, sickness and well nigh death wy Paj-kcr's (Singer To nio are the hot avirieiicfg in the world ; of it* sterling merit and worth. Von will find such iu almost every communi- , M- Coffee drinkers should read the adver- 1 tisemeut in another column headed Goo>l Coffee. Annoyavtk Avoided—(iray hairs are honorable but their premature ap neutanee is annoying. Parker's Hair ' Hilsun prevent* the annoyance by!' promptly rest, ling tho youthful color. | ■ SKN l> AT ONCK.—The Monticello ' T rim, a Democratic newspaper, will , uuiuuielioti oil Outobcr Ist to publish a full and complete history of the (Jcner ; als of the Northern Army, and show tbciu up in their true character to the I satisfaction of all: "How Grant was i ; carried on the Battlefield Prunk," to- ' get her with a history of his "Executive iTyranny "How Hayes was Counted ( In;" "How Garfield was Elected;" "Why Doisey was not seut to the Pen- • itentiary," and other articles. Send . your names early in order to get every number. The greatest history publish ed in the shape of a newspaper. Terms on trial, #1.21 • per year. • CLEVELAND J. HEYNOLPS, Editor-in-Chief. Monticello, lud. i §M|| Mlik ron RHEUMATISM, Heuratgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache. Soreness of tho Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Earn, and all other Pains and Aches. No Pr*narwtk>n on w*rtli equnl* J»T. J trow On. a* a .w»/V, nitfiftlc mi| rhntp Kxt- riml lt'Un.ly. A trial entails l*»t the r.»ni|*imtively twdux outlay ."»0 (rut V mil cvrry ono Mirterinn with (Nun ou: LNTU clioap ami |*«itiYs pro«>f of It 4 daiDu. I'lrectiviui in Eleven language*. SOLD BT ALL DRtJOOIBTS AND DEALERS IN KEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO., Iliillmnrr, Mil.. V. S A. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. ROBERT D. GILMER, Attorney aud Counsellor, MT. AIUY, N. o. Practices iu the courts of Surry, Stok*«. Yadkin ami Alleghany. Jr. F. C.I It TEH, jiFro3#Mr-str~£ut ir MT. AIUY, M.-KKY CO., N. C I*ractict?s wlwrevft. liisaervirvs arc wanted. L. I 1.1 YMOIIE, ATTORNEY AT LAW Ml. Airy. N. C iittc.it ion given to the collection ol claims. I —lafui II M. MARTINDALE, WITH ir:i/. j. a J)Clixy $ co., ST A r toy Kits- A SI) IIOOKSKLI.Kits' )\ AH KHOCSK. VJ Hook'* a S/fccittltii. _/~J\ Stationary *»f .ill kinds. Wrapping pap«r, | Twine's, Hound Hourtlft, ra|n»r ItlnuU. KV> W. BALTIMORE ST.. BALTIMORE. Ml). J. S. HARRISON, WITH A. L. ELLET&CO., DRY GOODS & NOTIONS 10, 12 & 14 Twelfth Strce'., A. L. KM.KTT, ) A. .ICIMcm WATKIMM, r sßichm'd, 7a B. P. KINO, WITH JOH.YSOX, SUTTON $ CO., I>KY GOODS, Son. 27 an«l CO South Slmr|i, Strcft, T. W. JOHFHON, R M. PI Tl ON. J. 11. R. ORARIIK, O. J. JOHNSON. O. F. DAY, ALBERT JONKF. & Joa©s r manufacturers of SADDLKRY, A ARNKSS, COLLARS.TItfNKS No. ;UU. W. Bultiini»r« titrert, I.altiiiiuic, Mtl. W. A. Tucker, 11. C. Smith, S. B. Spragglnn Tticker. Smith * Co- Mitmifacturtira & wholemik l>ealor» in HOOTS, SHOES, HATS ASH CAPS. No. 'M'iD Baltimore Street, Bait inure. M«l- ELHART, II ITZ $ CO., Importer* Jk wbole»»lo Uealem in NOTICSS, HOSIERY, t^LOVKS, WHITE AS!) FANCY GOODS. No. i Hanover ntrivt, Bultiinore, Mtl. li. J. & tl. F. HKsTj WITH Ilennj Sonneborn Co., WHOLESALE CLOTHIERS. 2« Auno\cr St., (!» iweMKierman lxinitiarii Sta) l> ALU Ml) 11E, Ml). 11. SONNEBORN, B. BLUIIINE. C. WATKINS. W S. ROBERTSON. O. L (-OTIRI.LL. A. S. WAT KINS. Watkins Cottrell & Co.! lni|M>ii'rii iiml .i.tiioeraof HAItDWARE. 18U7 Main Street, liicjiuoxn, va. Apeuta for F»lrb:tnliP StaiMiutd Scule*, and Anker Bruiat Bwlting *loth. St'-yhrn L. 11 Blnir ll'. 11. MILES, W ITII STEPHE. Y PUTNEY# CO., Wholesale ilrulrr* in Boots, Shoes, and Trunks, 1II11) Mum Strout, »epl. S-814im. ItICIIMOXI). VA. W »t HKVBIRK. WM. H. lirrHIRS. CHKIST'N IJKVUIF.S, KOI.OMUX KIMMKL, II M. DEVRIES 4 CO.* Importers and Jobbiri- of FOREICN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. 312 WnC HalHmorr S*r**f. behteem llonmrd and Übrrty, BALTIMORE. Eslabliscttl 184-1. 8. T. DAVIS WITH T. J MAGRUDER and CO, ! ManuratMLrvm and Deafer* In HOOTS. SHOES AX I) HKOGAXS. Ac. ' No. 31 Sharp Street, Baltimore, Md. I Tie BEST WW MBI •• Eirtk fiROFT'S V IMPROVED IRON M WEND mm ENCINE Simple, Strong, and Durable. Will not Shrink, Swell, Warp, or Rattle In the Wind. MANUFAOTUBBO BT E. C. LEFFEL & CO. a ai *°' ICROFT'B ! Iron Wind Engl a. I ffi H Mtl-Frtezing 4 m m FORCE roups. DEJLLXRS IN WINDMILLJMACHINERY 1 B.ftir. Purchuts* »"T olk*r WlnteUl, am 4 for Pries U»L Adrtrvss, E.C.LEFFEL&CO., Springfield, Ohio. 1 «ute where joa «aw this advertisement UTH^ONLYIMEDICINEU I IS IITIIKU M»l ID Oli Dill »'oß* I C TEE LIVES, TEE BOWELS, J I LSD TEE KID SETS. I ft WHY ARE WE SICK? J y lltfuun ire a,'lmp this* great organs to a U c'v/t/tfi or tor/nil, ami po*tO*9m | Wl .'inwort are tinman forced into the Hood k !that shoxi-tb* erpe'! .' naturally. ™ ansas3ffi22i33a WILL SURELY CURE 9 KIDTJ'Y 013EAGES, \ LIVER COMPLAINTS, PILE*. CMITIt'VTION, I UISAKY IUHE VHF*. FKJI \I.B j&fl A.\l> WEUVOI* BUMMtIIEHR, j jG niNrtNf .r'm uition of thset &rgu*9 an:l E uttering their jtotrer to throw off«hunts. I L If hf Hirer J'illoa* pala* arkeal \ p Uhf ItirmtilMl with Pllr., Com!iintlo«l K Why fri||lil(>ii4 surdUnriltrrd K Mnejral * X Why endure nervous or kirk besdarhest || rVMII>NET-\VORT'iH«/»*V>i,Yi . health [ li is put uj» In Dry Vrftinble F«ra. in tin !fl whh .1 iu*kc» ».x • uarts «.! Jft medkine. Also In l iquid Ferns. *ery « ua«ea- ' ' L imtiil, for *!»•»•«.• •'nuiiui rva.ii y| t> ~.«rv il. \ ™ | **ll ju'tt alth equal ri'lfiwj In tll'ar fi*m r Ci:i' ir or *m:u mu OC:ST. ir.irs. #i.«G * WKI.Lt, KiriUMbO* A To.. Prop'*, h' I 4 If 111 aend t ).t Irr !*•«•» pekL) BVr.U\OTO\, TT. f f KSZOESSCJCSSi , HOP BITTERS^ (A iledWlat, 801 ft Drink,) CONTAINS HOPS, nrrnr, .mandrake, I DANDIII.IO.N. AxiimPram ant* r.rsTm*I»IC*IQi'ALIH TIBS or ALL OT II m li ITT sua. TIIEY Ct'llK All ntapa-eaof fhrPtomnch, Dowels. Pluod,! Liver. kltlut-)».axil I i u.ary orirana. Ncr- H xuusueaa. Mt'crk-aancssniid eapctlally I Female Coinplaiuta. « SI GOO IN COLD. ^| Will In- paid for a eaae ther will na*. cure orH N Lilp, or tmt anything Impure or lujurtuua ■ found la thi m. ■ A»k rour drop* tat for Hop Hitter* and try! ' ■tinin before you sletp. Takr n« Oikrr.l UD.I C lawn absoluteand Irrealetthleemm fori J Uiunkoucxa, u«. ft opium, loimceo and S If narcotics, i*flHH Rurr> ron Cianrui. ■Hen| B All »V>|» M-M k drvgvnu. ■ liuf UMm M'«. Cw, ltoch. IT, M. T., * Tomla, ■ PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. TSt iv«t, Clcanaal and matt Kooomiul Mair youthful coUr to fray 50c *nd $t micsst A M 4 •sr^^S^fra. 1 IU » 4 la»uaf VMtmmi. I rira IS aa4 Ik. PARKER'S GINGERTONIC A Nn Family McAcUu that Never lataxlcttn. If you are a mechanic or former, worn oat with overwork, or t% mother fun down kv f.unily of house hold dotic* try PAKKEm's Oimckk ToMIC. If you roe a hwyer. raimater or busiaeaa mm a*- by meutai atrain or snaioua cares do not take intoxicating ounulanu, kut nae PAEKEE'S GIKOEE TONIC. If you hare Dyspepsia. Rheumatiam, Kidney or Urinary CompLinta, or if you are troubled with any disorder of the lungs, stomach bowels, blood or nerves yeu can 'je curedT y PAKKSE's GINCIE TUNIC. If von are wasting away from age, dissipation or any dueaae or wenknsm and require a stimulant take GtNCra TONIC at ooce; it will invigorata and kuiUl rou upfront the first dnac but will never intoxicate, t has i.ivcd kundrW» of lives it may save yours. * IIISCOX A CO., ISt wnitaw ai . N— Tark. M*. aa4 1 aoa Mlar ilaas, ai ail Uealar* la Me«Ur|a«s. GREAT SAVING Ct'TTKU DOLLAR RISK. , pffACfICfACTffE s ltra«l fr«>n tLe Hi »l'r«.A|>inai» lit r tip u> m«tbhtjr.ia ra« fM «• Idusjatlon, Homo, Society, ktlquetto, famiiyt; wzn£?& Mw&fa, it Th« v»latno ah* nnili in »trik>ia thu«rht«,rare Isronnsttoa sr. I snunae c »«m«.-.-aaa»r. 1- u:l-p*ft oelervd pls>ss sssi rnnxiigana i iinsHiiiwM iiaiiri 1 Garmoro's Artificial tar Drums. As IsTMkd «nd wars by klm |Krf»*tly rrst-nar rtia h'armi luhih V y «l .1 lor t.t r»,» ». a. • liw li» »r» a ul« ilu ai I «*ao ar!ii.|>-r«.d ■nu.sdr- "Are Nat »itble. »n« r« s'»«j {a p> »i —sa wiih-.HI aid iKanlpOvu ( livsUr ka« VI'TIWNi i.ut lio il roivaJl/. I «u • aar •.rum*, kliua | i«tke uniy «iic-*t-f.i| \r i««i«i «ar l>ra»i» ia.iauft. rart4. I J«b« Aanpaft r.IV * r.itbAgM ftaslimaii. t. j MASON In tha WORLD I AKJ n vlnnrrao'h Imsl i!l«iincilon at every j I RliU (iit il W»rld sV' •" l«»r fwu. Iren year#. ( I _ » c t f-"»e la . »v aitilrrr*. anaaumlnn flßnilSy V 'uroartNT wn.orMr.Ntii, and M.%>* | UflUnlla n..w Mrruca; uv.f IHOIN all. I'rii e, f ii, 9». Ml. SM. »>4 mgW and ni>; rlto frt IMyaieafa II KU.X A il vX liN ' U.. I-4 • runout*., |« Beat lllb Si., bib W k'UUK , in Vfabasli AVE.. rHIT**-€». ■ SAW MIOXO ■ EQCALTOTHEBUT B Send for Circular. HviNTON A ZSCHECH,! IMUIANArOMSI, IXD. B,||>« *,«!• Wtaud tor *AW ur GABFIELD ! i It ront alns the full history • uls noble and eventful Hf» j ! r r.d.Uit inUy a >K«s«hiaM. n. Sitrg . j ut-atun-nt.d'*:! fkin»ralobar«|uira,etc. The bralchanor of y >ur lib-In a j p.akr ni>oey. "catchpenny" Imitations. IliU • « k> I'm "bly nntbt-TitUarid falty lifoef our r sr« a I tvrinl fWsteol purUaUa. lUtra karai* .a r 5 AwJ\ c-» > aiiMai"* i .'auaibi; Co., Philadelphia Pa * PFOHL # STOCKTOJY'S TObacco Warehouse. WINSTON, X. C. WK OKKEIt TO TIIK n.AXTKRSOF Nurtli C»mliim mul Virjtinl* every ailvaiiUgv for tli« Handle and Sale uf their TOBAtCO, oun HOT'SE SKTB East ami West, # giving from SUNRISE to , SUNDOWN tha BEST LIGHT uf any HOUSE IN NORTH CAROLINA- We will give jou evrry Accommodateon (L'nrurputsed) to mako it to your intercut to mII with us. Your friends, truly, PtOltL t> STOCKTOJi. JOHN SIIKPPAKD, Aurtuiueer ami (lenerftl Mann . N. l. STOCKTON, lluok KM|iffr. T. A. WILKS, Kkiwr Miiiiager. F. M. lioll AMNON. I Ailleltlnir Patron v.. V. CUNAKD, } " • .lOHKPH 11. STOCK rON, Wmatuu. N. C., Auguat Itf, IBM).--ly. If You Want A GOOCRIAXOOR ORGA.Y Write or call on W. P. OiLiaby. WiMaton, wb'> can Kupply any nwtke or style made in the tfnitoti Stat fa at pricea wliicb will defy tvmpctUUw. I >uu want the BKST SKWINU AIAC HINK r. unt beioie the public, cnll on \V Oi niahy for i' • ••IJGHT-KI'NMNU IMiMK-STIC" the Mu Swire, Wiu-tun. Old piatitw,oiKtinaard inncli':•+* escliatiged. W. P. OKMhIiY. James D. Chamberlain j WITH C. W. THORN & CO., Wholesale Hat Dealers, RICHMOND, Va. ftpecial rttan glvdu to orders and satiafar guaranteed. DIXIE GILMER, of North Carolina, with J. P. Yancey A Co., (Suci-eaaont to Yanrej, Franklrn 4b C 0.,) IMPORTERS of XOTIOXS, No. law Main Street. Klchnieud, Va. March 2T, IHTV. Tllt»a. 1,. POIX DEXTER, (ill*. K. Po| NDKXTEI', Of PttlayhEiila. Of Danville. puhi.ic Warehouse, FOR THE SALE OP Leaf Tobacco, Danville, Vs. John O. Wltrher, J John A. Herndon, Of Plttaylvaula, Of PlttaylvßniE. M. Oaks. i W. N. Pullo, Of Reldaville, N. C. J Of Bethel Hill. H. C. C. P. Covlnirton. of Cnawell, If. C.; S. W. I.rowu, of ilade Hill, Franklin, Va.; David Tarry, Pit', aylvanln Va.. Floor Managers. J. J. BILLOW, WITH 0. F. WEISIGER & CO , Mauufaeturera and Jobbers of CLOTHING. No. l'Jt. r > Main St., Richmond, Va. Sept. 8-'Bl-«m. ; —ri olsoifei cog bI J s- e w► M *yu s"e = ?.|tr!a)3 SP P-A W Q A. R g- fs Firfl ? s t 4 r 4 o| | PTMCIftMC mumkm, />. rLlfylUnO tilwts, fathers, sejtkem ee I children*' Thoamaii yetest dsd. PeaaWnertvea for li»as f flns*r.toe.-ya or rapw*--.Tarieoae»«- n» m PATKNT* praet»e»4 for 111* eaters, fklalars W 7[\ had varranU prvrwrrd. baqfrhtsadsaM. Ifnlrif Ti fjfXk and k-. iri apply f»r ynur rlshts as oaee. Ba»4 S I f iAf • tamps fer TKe C.t^an-goiaier,"and Knabm L/H and li- .tntjr lavs Maaksaad iaaw«etinHj. We 7%f rat refer ia thnneaa4s«f r»a»*«r»ier« ist rtleate. K.tfil