mt^ m^BSSBSSS!^fSBSS!L'!S- Reporter and Post. Entrrfd at the T)anhur>i, X. ('■. l'o*t-uffi'' r (ut Second Cku* Ma'ter. DANBCRY, N. C. September 14 1882 "CA Tcmxa a r srttA ir.s." The Republicans in lonie parts of the show how hard pressed they are lor a hobby horse on whieh to ride into office this fall by trying to u»ak* honest people believe that prohibition, an issue long since dead and buried beneath thousands and thousands of Democratic and Republican votes, was a Democrat ic measure because a Democratic legis lature said at its last session (in accord with true Democratic principles) that the people should say for themselves whether they wanted it or not. Let tho fhort-comiug« of tlie legislature have been wliaj they may, no fair-iuitjded man can censure it for submitting thu question as it did. The legislature did not spring it upon the people, but the people by petitions representing 200.000 of the free people of North Carolina forced the legislature as their servants to act on R. A» to individuals all over tho State advocating or opposing it, this was only carrying out true Democratic principles, that every free man should act and vote agreeable to the dictates of bis own eonscien :e. And to charge that this is a Deniocrrtio measure is only trying to shift the responsibility from the true origiualurs of the meas ure , for if we look at those States where prohibition is in force, we find that they arc in every instance Repub lican States. On th,c other hand, if we look at the history of »he t Democratic party we find that it always advocated tho equal rights and privileges of all. What we here say is neither advocating nor con demning a measure now dead, hut only to show how aosurd, in our opiniou, it is to coi)duiun a man because ho took a stand on one side or the ether ; for to argne this question and bring it into the campaign m any way, is in our opinion a superfluous waste of time, knowing as we all we do that it ts a dead issjo a question of the past. What's Leach's part is not known Some say the managers will have him canvass the State, others that thoy will put him against Scales for Congrcsc from this District. Wliyso long decldiuf the question, l'robably they have him as yct like a wild bull in a net fixing t tame him sufficiently not to paw am bellow at the presence of Dockcry. Voi know Leach used to say to Dockery f'My God Oliver! stand up now and b a whit* man." Thqse of our readers who heart General Lcaph in his speeches delivcrci when he was engaged in the canvass o 1880 as a candidate for elector on thi Democratic ticket, will rocollect hot ardently he defeuded the Democrat i. party, and how severely helcriticised th men and the measurs of the Rcpulicai party. Truly some men ean change theii politics with amazing facility, We won der what, (lon. Leach thinks of Cbestci Arthur now' Once he denounced hiir as wanting in honesty, and cited John Jsherinun and R. B liases, as authority ou the, question-" 4 Rut "circumstance! alter eases." Kinston Journal: Wc saw in the regis ter of deeds 1 office at Goldsboro a mort gage registered, in which tha Midland North Carolina Railroad is mortgaged for $10,000,000 to tlifl American Loan and Trust Company of Boston, Mass achusetts. The mortgage that was given by Mr. Best last year on the Midland to the same company for tho same amount has been cancelled. No money could be raised on the former mortgage as the Atlantio and North Carolina Railroad was included. The last mortgage is only on the new exteusion. Ifefery town in North Carolina had pither a Benbow, an Allen, a Blaekwell, a Bonitz, a Tucker, a Fries, a Ilolt, « (ireen, or a Howard, to be looked to a? the representative public spirited man of the place, then would there be «uch a prosperity throughout our borders, as would draw like magnet, capital and im migration. — JVew South. With the experience pf the past to guide us, we may lay it down as a saft proposition that the Democrats will al ways win when a full vote is polled, and that they will always be m danger ol defeat if » small vuto is cast. Our ob jeot then should be to bring out a full vote, and to do this requires work.— Aews ami Observer, Walter Mallcy'alatest exploit is the composing and publishing of a waltz "I'nder tho Elma," his portait on tlic title page. TbeTe are some people who wouldn't mind seeing Walter "under the olins," dangling about six feet from the ground. Jay Gould has captured another railroad—the Hannibal & St. Joseph. The roouey kings—the great Barons ol the Kxcheqner—will yet boss this coun try far more than they have boused it. DEMO at AC Ye« RADICALISM. Below we give ton reasons to the vo'- ers of Stokes why they should vote tbi Democratic ticket, aud ten eooJ reason* why they should 110 longer give theii support to the Republicans. We claim for the Democratic party : 1. That it is a white uian's party. 2. By catting dowu expenses, re ducing the uuiubcr of terms of the Leg islature, fixing the pay of members u-t $4 per day and putting taxes at the low est possible figures, it has proved itsoll the pa> ty of retrenchment and reform. U. It is a p*rty firicudly to educa tion. having built school houses where none before existed, re-opened the I ni veraity und arranged for the education of ninety poor boys free, established normal schools all over the the State, and gave the cause of education SIW,- 000 per annum, over and above the tax es levied for the purpose. 4. It is a party pledged to the re peal of tbo revenue law, and demands that the customs, and not the tobacco brandy and whiskey, sup; ort the gov ernment and pay oB the Natioual di-,bt. 5. Italia* repudiated the special taj tax bonds, aud will ever resist to thi utmost any etfort made to tax the peo with this tweuty niillious of dollars from which they never received any ben efit. 6. It believes in Internal improve ments, having built two asylums for thi msaue, one for the doaf and bliud, open ed up our canals in the Last, aud is now constructing the C. F. & ."V • 1*- L which will open up the county of Stokea and develop her bidden mineral wealth, 7. In county officers it has saved thousands of dollars to the tax-payer: by cutting dowu expenses, reducing tin: enormous fees of officers, and maintain ing our poor houses, jails, &c., ou alj economical but amply abundant plan. It found our people after the wai burdened with a debt of $117,000,000 this debt has been compromised, t'airlj and honorably, and reduced more thai two-thirds of its original amount. 0. It believes in giving the negrc his every right, bus it is opposed to ne gro equality, and to our children sitting in school side by side with the child, and our sous and daughters inter marrying with the colored race. 10. Finally it is the party, that bj its houeity, opposition to oppression it I every shape, advocacy of what is righ ; aud for the true interest of the peopli j and the tax-payer, is entitled to thi 1 hearty support of every true man whi loves his State, cure* for his own wclfar aud hopes to see his child run, friends aio neighbors succeed aud prosper. I On the other hand the radical parti I is: 1. The negro party, i. e. a part; which is composed of two-third negroes 1 who now are ihctatin if and saying t : their white friends who shall be tliei ! officers and leaders. 2. It favors the continuation of thi ' revenue law, with all its corruption am trickery, having so declared in theii ' platform and tbeir caucus. | 3. It issued the special tax bent's to construct a railroad that never re 1 ceived a cent of the money, it beinj i spent in bar-rooms, houses of ill-fam and gambling hells, and now, they favoi their payment, and will see them paij provided the people put theiu iu power (which Ihcy will raver do.) 4. It did nothing for the interna improvement of the State, built no asy ■ turns, schools or railroads, but used thi money set aside for this purpose in pay ing the members of the Legislature $" per day for i»00 days, and in keeping Uf a bar-room in the capital for the conven ience and comfort of tbesi members. 5. It is the only party that ever sus pended the sacred right of habeas-corpus. and turned loose upon a down-trodden people a band of cut throats and robbers who arrested our citizens oontrary tt law, pillaged our houses, and burned oi laid wasto our barns and our fields. (i. It never did one thing for eduoa tion, built ne school houses, run nt schools, but stole the children's moqs} and used it for their own private ends. ] 7. Under this party taxes were doub , le what they now are, officers grew ricl | on enormous foes wrung from the people land the wildest extravaganeo in tin ! management of national, State am county officers were the order of tin I day 8. It favors a high system of tariff j thus wringing more niouey out of thi poor farmers, merchants aud laborers 0 North Carolina, to enrich the powcrfu and opulent manufactures and produci of New Fnglaud. 9. To-day it favors every measure (Revenue, high tariff awl payment oj ! special tares) looking to increasing the burdens of the people, and is in favor 0 ! nothing that tends to better or improve ' our condition either financially er per sonally. I 10, Finally, it is a party that ruler ! the State for two short years, and yet ir its tiii|C so piled uponr debt, dertroyed our credit, wasted our resources ant: stole our funds, as to make a record m black, so damning, that 110 one who ha a spark of in his U wont ean i ever liope again to sec this party in pow er. I call therefore upon nil good citizens of the county or State, especially the fair minded Republican* to study these tilings out lor himself, and if what 1 say is found to be true, which verily they arc, I ask him no longer to, he led by these corrupt leaders (fir they i alone are the responsible parties) but to uoiue out for Democracy, thus giving your veto to these corrupt measure* urg. ad aud advocated by the Republicans. Yourt, &e., 3. T. OKI'S. Adapting Conscience to Clr cuui'.liincoN. It was an Ohio man who. when a ter rible storm set in one night, rushed iuto : the house of a neighbor and cried out: | "Jones, this is the ending up ofi earth." "I'm afraid so—l'm afraid so, was tlx reply. "Ami what shall we do?" "Make our peace with heaven." Tho wind blew still stronger, the! house began to shake, and ' man exclaimed— "Jones you lost Ire bushels of wheat last fall V' "Yes." "And you have your suspicions "I have. The uian who took luy, whtat had better own up." "Can you forgive him !" "I eau." "Well"— . Here «he wind suddenly stopped, andj after a look through the window the ■ conscience-stricken mau turn«id and Gu ished— "Well, 1 was going to remark, if 1 meet him I'll advise him to call around. ' Youth's Companion. The MIIKTHIH ol The Pepper Mining Company, at this place, propose collecting specimens ' f every mineral of value to be found in the county, with the name of the owner ot the lard upon which it is found. They will have suitable eases made, and keep the minerals so arranged that spec ulators or lovers of the curious may -cc them at all times, and know where tbey are found. Any and all who feci an in terest. in this subject are requested to to deliver at the store of N. M. Pepper & Co. any mineral that may bo regard ed as valuable, or that may be admired for its beauty. This will be a matter of very great interest to the county, and in sonio cases will no doubt prove of pecuniary advantage to the owners ot the land. Any mineral considered val uable will be sent to tho State Geologist for analysis, without cost to the owner. Edgar T. Page, Esq., Druggist writes us from Chicopce I'alls, that Mr. Albert llucntlier, under Wilds Hotel has used that rcinarkublc remedy, St. Jacobs Oil, for a severe case of rheumatism and ii cured him, as if by magic, lie also us ed it with great suecejs among his hors es, in cases of sprains, sores, etc., and it cures every time. Anybody can advertise aud boost about selling goods cheap, but when it comes to selling good coffee at 10c a pound, calico at 41 ocnts'a yard, a good pair woman's shoes at §I.OO, a ten-quart dish pan for 25c, half-gallon bucket at 10c, thermometer to cure your tobacco by, at lit>c. it looks like N. M. Pepper & Co. mean to do what they say. There is a clock in Nantucket that shows the movements of the titles and planets, one wheel of the clock reqiiiroing 100 years to complete a single revo lution, There has been an average daily ship ment of "0,000 pounds of peaches per day over tho Virginia Midland Railroad, from the South, sinco the commencement of the season.—Charlotte Observer. Mr. John Miller, of 54 West Fifth street, tells us that he was oured by the use of St. Jacobs Oil of a complicated case of rheumatism of ten years stand ing.—CineimUi Irish Citizen. A fire at Fresno, California, destroyed about fifty buildings, mostly business houses, including five hotels and a bank. Loss estimated at §200,000. Insurance very light. 'Tis hard for a man to say all the world is mistaken but himself. If it bo so, who can help it'—Defoe. There is a fence in the western part ot" this country 200 miles long. What u placo for politicians to roost? Not an aleohlie beverage, but a true and reliable family medicine is llrown i Iron Bitters, J Collectors have issued to theii underlings something after this fashion '*l wish so and so to be electod from your county, lie sure that so and sf aro not sent. I look to you to see thai uiy wishes aru ofl'ooted, and you can cat on me for the means to effect the end? desired." We do not hesitate to sat that this is a desperate game—one whet discovered no true Republican can en dorse : NO IIIEST MAN CAN St IIMII xo. Keogh's piper before the Shite Hi pub I icun Contention. jy-'Men change, principles never.' We bow to the will of the State conven tion.— A", nrh't piper njtrr tin Conven tion. Fifteen |fuii«lr«l MSMCU sew ofUce* The profligate Congress at the late session created fifteen hundred and nin>*- tv new offices, among, which several were revived, liko the Assistant Secre taries ot' War and of the Navy, that had been abolished as superfluous at the close of the rebellion. This enormous increase of patronage was made princi pally to satisfy the constant and press ing demands of politicians. Pretexts of various kinds were manu factured is an excuse for such scandal prodigality. Among others, it was al leged that claims would be rap idly advanced and decided by an addi tioeal force. Twelve hundred and ten clerks were given to the I'eusion llurcau, to the Adjutant-General and to the Surgeon-t 1 eueral for thi- purpose These raw recruits have all to he ed ucated iu the duties to which they are assigned, and instructors have been ap pointed to teach them the rudiments cf official routiue. Many of them as were others in the increase uiadc last for the same pn i' case the teachers were incumbents who wore displaced by ignorant successors thai are not more fit for service to-day than they originally were. i'hese appointments and all others are controlled by politics. Kven iu the scientific divisions where technical knowl edge is essential to successful adminis tration, partisan influence claims recog nition, asserts authority, and in nine cases out of ten prevails over merit, however conspicuous. And now, aft*r creating this army of officeholders, it is found tin] roviMon was made for housing them properly. They actually stand in the way of each other in the different bureaus, and cannot be seated for want of desk roron. In or der to kc-cp up appearances, some o( them are detailed for night service, to take tho places of others who occupy the day. ]sut this is ft mere sham, in vented to cover the jay of clorks who have nothing to do. and who were ap pointed as arewird fur political -.nice alone. Sometimes this sort of patronage is sold by the "influence" which stands behind it. Office brokerage is said to be a regular business at Washington, and the organs contain daily advertise ments offering liberal premiums for situations in the different de partments, the bounty being giaduated by the value of the place. This tarftic could not be carried on, and certainly could not bo prosperous, if there was not c>illusion between tho insiders and the outsiders. The actual and the prospective vacancies, the cau ses for removal, and the opportunities for admission, straight and crooked, arc known better to the appointment clerks than to the Secretaries themselves. This information has a merchantable value, and it is not nnfrei|Uontly sold to brok ers, to applicants, and to others inter ested in getting it quickly. The con dition of a public service subject to th s corrupting contamination must be de plorably bad.— JVew \ork Sun. The Stale of South Carolina lias just as much right to re-enslave the blacks, or import slaves from the costs of Africa, as she has to disfranchise the negroes within her borders, or in any manner abridge th/ir right to vote. H'mhinglon Rrpublisan. Editor Gor liam appears to be down with a seven attack of devotion to the Constitution. We use tho word "appears " simply because it is all in tho seeming, lie cares nothing for the Constitution. lie never cared atij thing for it. His party leaders have denounced it in the past as "a league with hell and a covenant with death," and the history of his party during and since tho war is principally made up ofattacks upon the social fabric of the Southern States' and denials of thi'ir political rights, in utter defiance of that instrument. The rnly friends that the Constitution ever had arc the PClL ocrats. A gentleman from the southern part of the count)' handed us a piece of paper on which the following was written : "Four hundred majority against ltadi cals and Liberals for Davidson." He remarked that Healing Springs would comaup with a larger Democratic vote than ever before. The people in that sec tion without regard to .party arc itching to get a chance at Leach. They will give him the last lift that will lay him on tho political shelf for a'l time to come.— Lexington Dispatch. Roidsville Times: Prayers for the nowspaper press of the country were of fered at several religions meetings in New York city recently. Why did't tlioy pray for delinquent subscribers ? Those are the fellows that should bo es pecially remembered as they certainly are by the publishers. Hut, perhaps, they are considered past praying for. The fruit fair at Greensboro and the wheat fair at Winston sapgests to the JStw South the idea of holding a tobacco fair at Durham. We hope to see the suggestion taken; but why can't we have a fair nearer home? Wlrut say our \\ in stpn friends ? To t»lver!l-u'r « The REPORTER AXII I'OST tin following inducements to advertiser who may wish lo reixeli t!io people o Middle ami Westoni North Carolina and oilier section.': 1. It is the only paper published " Stokes county, the population of wbicl is about 16,000. 'J. It goes to nearly every State it the Union, circulate* to a considcrablt extent in Surry, l'oisytlie ami Rocking ham couutt»s, in this Slate, as well as the adjoining counties in \ irginta, whih ils circulation among tlio 10,1100 c! Stokes county's population, is nearly a; {xren as that of all other weeklies com bine d. It is in a prosperous comlitior and growing in f .vor, it» circulation to* day being greater than -t any time smei the first number was i.-ued more thai ten vcars since, and has nearly double* within the lust two years. 4. The rates offered by the REPORT- Kit AM» I'OST to advertisers areas low ai are offered by any paper with a circula tion as large as its own. An Extraordinary Oiror- There are a number of persons out o employment iu every county.—yet en ergetic men willing to work d" not neei to In-. Those willing to work can inuk from slt'o to $-">00 a month clear, work ing for us in a pleasant and pmuianen business. The amount our agentsmii varies,—sonn. making as high as s.ioo month, while others as low as SIOO, al depending on the energy of the agent We have an article of great merit. li should be sold to every Ilousc-ewnci and p.;ys over 100 per cent profit l-'.ach sale is from $:! .">0 to SIO.OO, t hie agent in l'cnnyslvniiia sold -J- it two days, and cleared sti|.oo. Al agent in New \ ork made £!.>.Oo it one day. Any man with em rgv cnougl jo work a full day, and will d > this dur ing the year can make $2,000 s year. We ouly want one man m eael county, and to him will give the exclu sive sale as long as he continue* to woi l faithfully for us. There is no competi tion, and uotliing like our invention made I'arties having from S2OO to 81.000 t> invest, can obtain a General Agency for ten counties >r a state. Any on can make an investment of from $-•"> t sl,ooo without the last risk of loss, it our Circulars will show that those in vesting s2"> can after a IJ' l days tria return the goods unsold to us and gci th.-ir money Lack, if they do not clctn at least SIOOO. They show that a Gen al Agent who will 'ako ten counties ami invest SIOOO can after a trial of 00 dayi n-tmn-ull unsold to %nt|C4iaTi money returned to them if they tail t clear at least 5750.00 in that time. Wi are not paying salaries, but want met willing tu work and obtain as their pay the profits of their energy. Men not willing to work on our terms will noi work oil any. Those meaning busiiwsi will receive our large descriptive circu lar, and extraordinary offer by enclosing a three cent stamp, with their address flic first to comply with our terms wil: secure the county or couuties they may wish to work. Address, RENNER MASfKACTintsa Co.. 118 Sniithtield Sliect, I'ittsburg, l'a. s*2oo-00 Reward! Will he paid for the detection uti 1 con viction of any person selling or dealing in any bogus, counterfeit or imitation Hop BITTERS, especially Hitters ot preparations with the word lloi'or 1 1c.t• - n their name or connected therewith, that is intended to mislead and cheat the public, or for any preparation put in any form, pretending to be the same as lint 1 BITTERS. The genuine have a cluster of GREEN HOPS (notice this) printed on the white lable, and are the purest and best medicine on earth, especially foi Kidney, Liver and Nervous Diseases. Beware of all others, and of allpretended formulas or recipes of Hot' BLTTERC published in papers or for sale, as they are frauds and swindles. Whoever deals in any but the genuine will be prosecut ed. Hot- HITTERS MEG CO., Rochester N. V. Nklnny Mesa. "Wells' Health Ken ewer" restores health and vigor,cures l>y«pep*i», Im potence, Sexual Debility. sl. Julian S. Carr has been elected pres ident of the Greensboro Female Collego association. Republican party left that organisa tion long ago.—.W aeon Telegraph, Dem. Knrich and revitalise the blood by using lirowu'a Iron ISittors. on Clears out rats, mice, roaches, flics ants, bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers, llie. Druggists. Piedmont Springs. Parties desiring to rout Cabins at l'leil iit*>iit .Springs w ill pl'-w uotliv mo before coming. -V few bnanlers will lie taken at my bouse for the warm season, ltates rea -oiiablc. Mv stables w ill lie run by Mr. I). 11. Jl\- i-r. of I,ciiksville. X. in cniv-.-tion w ill, my house as a t'-fl ami liven stable. Hate, reasonable. t-'nr further particulars apply tom ' a t Hanburv by letter. Jul) I**-'. M. I!. TAVI.OI;. SEEK health ant! avoid sickness. Instead of feeling tired and worn out, instead of aches and pains, wouldn't you rather feel fresh and strong ? You can continue feeling miserable and good for no thing, and no one but your self can find fault, but if you arc tired of that kind of life, you can change it if you choose. How? By getting one bottle of BROWN' IRON BIT TERS,and taking it regularly according to directions. Mansfield, Oluo, Nor. «6, *BSr. Gentlemenl have suffered with pain in my aide and back, and prcat torenets on my breast, with shoot ing pains all through my body, at tended with great weakness, depres sion of spirits, and loss of »ppe tite. I have taken several different fnedicines, and waa treated by prom inent physicians for my liver, kid neys , and spleen, but I got HO relief. I thoußht I wou' - try Brown's Iron Jiilters ; I have now takeoene bottle find a half and am about well—pain in side and back all gone—soreness * nil out of my lxcast, and I have a good appetite, and am gaining in itrcngth and iesh. It can justly be Called the iiHgcf mtduintt. JOHM K. ALUMDBR. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is composed of Iron insoluble form; Cinchona the great tonic, together with other standard remedies, making a remarkable non-alcoholic tonic, which will cure Dys pepsia, Indigestion, Malaria, Weakness, and relieve all Lung and Kidaey diseases. fiSJSIFiSi mwtm. -ferffEßS - That terrible prnnrgp f. vrr nnd agnr, at* lta convener, billions reiuittant, besides at feet lon A of the atoinnch, liver aud bowels r reduced by miasmatic nlr and water, ar Oth « radicated und prevented by the use c Hoetetter's Stomach Bitters, n purely vege table elixir, indorsed by physicians, an more extensively used as n reraetlv for th above clans of disorders, ns well us for man, others, than any medicine of the ape. For sale by all Drttjnrists and Dealer* * geuerally. CDsfllkil I'OH RHEBMITISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings und Sprains, Burns and Scalds, Ganeral Bodily Pains, Tooth, Far and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Wo rVparntion on mrth equals St. J.m.aa On. K a BHtr, Murr, *hupir and rheitp t\ frrnal K«-m« dy. A trial entails but the coiiip**»-ly trilling outlay 50 (Vat*, und »tiff»rtit|? with |nin can Uhv« cheap and positive proof of iw clainw Direst**** in Kleven banana*™. SOLD ill ALL DKOGOIBTB AHD DEALEE3 IH MEDIOIHE. A. VOGELER & CO., lUiltimorr, Mil.* "• 9. A, Bobert a. Galloway, Jr., with STERN & CO., WUOLKBALB Boots and Shoes So. !) GOVERNOR STREET, sth Door from Main, M , RICHMOND, V* GEO. E. NISSEN & CO., SA lj EM, X . c., WAGON MANUFACTURERS, lVint; only tin' l»>st of material*, wo mws tlw I M'st of work, anil warrant otery JM».- We have tin' oltloftt ami Ingest Wugoii Works anil our W.mons ltttt A tl.e liest repfitation > any in th.- Mill''. I vcrj Wiigim l«'«r> tl« 11.1 nit* "J. I', NISSKN. Salem I'. 0.. N. ' * Writ" l.trji'liv-. Htf i to all wl»> iiiviwliij 111 W.t'^'l'lK. ♦ . - . z- i -i. ■ tm EARS'»«MILLION Poo Ohio's Balsam of Shark's Oil. ]{r*t»r*H tin- llrarimj, ami t //*« On/f/ Alwtlutr (.'arcfor liea/nvm Known. This Oil UuUn.ihi-Uml fix Hit jiectiliai *l*»- « ii*> »l' filial I White Shark, caught in IIM Yellow Sea, kuowiiiiH I'aimr AKADO.n Ko.N ni i rrn. JJvery Chinese tisltermau kno»« It. Us virtues as a restorative of hearing wore tlUeoveretl hy ltiihlhi*t Priest ahoui tln* y«*ur 1410. Its euro* were «u numerous ami many wo nfnufnytft mirarntnua, that tha II'IIMMIV was utlU-iully proclaimed over the t entire Ktupire. lis use Ucame ?*n universal 11 hut tor ort r JitMl Jffttr* #»» iMa/tptm MUM ixtei! amony thr i'hinrae p*¥f4r eluirges pn-paiil. t«» any address at $ IUO per tattle. Hear What the Deaf Say. LI lias performed a miracle In WY raw. I lutve no niH'urtlil> noise* lN NT> headaiul hear much Ifttw. 1 liuve LIII'H greatl}' IS'll'litci), My deafness L« l|nil U great ileal — think another Uittlw A 111 rurv me. '•IT* virtue* AN 1 uH^rxliimable anil IU cur d/ire rhui-th it-r nlmnlutr, aj tht writer can [>rr*ultalltl I ratify, bolk from eip rifnrr anrf uhnrmttim. Write AT oiw to ILATFI.oi U * •IKNNKV. 1 DRY Strvul. Xe» York, ,nrlo,lng SI.TTO, ami >Oll will iwrltt by returu a rem. .•ily tlmt will enable you to hear Ilk* any. IKHIV else. ami nbnw curative eftect, will b« pcniiaiteut. You » ill never regret dolnj SO."—KIIITOU AMI'-HIIA* HEYIKW. a .—RO avoid lon* In TIN- Malls, pleas* "LTD money by lle.;l*tered L.etter. Oiiiv Imiiortcd bv IIAYI.OCK AJKNXEY, (I .ale llavlork A (•»., sol.l AUKNT* roll A MI:HM A. 7 Dry St., New York. •20 DOLLARS |t WII.I. nrr THK Favorite* Singer SKWINU MACHINE. h«|uttl to auy forty-Hfii (s4*») Dollar machine sold JhiuiUontf tn Apjttarvncr. • t'aultl*** in Lif vtion! \\ v make it a* easy anil a* safe for you to buy of* us, as ft' any merchant in your town. No money aske.l until tin? Machine haa been tost CI I. Address, (O-ofltKA 11\ K H«tWlftO M*( HIN* Co., Philadelphia. I'B. NOTICE. ii\ virtue ol' a ilniw o(* tlie I'loltul* rout t ofstoki* ( oiluly, I will sell at public aur tlnli for ilisli lit tin* rnlilriHV uf tilt lale N. K. Namilrl all tlit' rral ROTATE lirloHglny U> I ilit' aniil SaiuiK'l. Tl.« tra.l miitinura IIK» ' ar!F» moil" or 11-H.H, i» in a goml ami lralrali|a I uriuliUirluMHl, ami I* aril limhrrril ami nati'ii'd. All l»r>oii» wisliinc to lrti> a ' tils' rI.L-.fc lirin won 111 «lo ai'll to atlrml ll» j s.ilf. liiriv aiv I;IKNI IIIIIUIIIIK" on tlfi I lami ami it i in r*rry rrsix-i-t a ilrairalila farm. Sale w ill take |»l««v at lloVU»*k oil ! Momlny tlir 4ili ilay of S«'|*«nilifr ltWi. I i liU .'>lh ila\ of AIIJ;. ISsa. W. x. M.ACKIIRNV. Ailni'r X. K. Sainurl U«'D. 11l CONSfMITIVEfcU— TH» aWrrtl«»r i iliv. iLv . (.'uiiaiiniiillon, l.y a «iui|>lr n mrilv, ' atixioUM to liiuKP known to lii» tV'llow-suf ! fiici.i tin-mraiiaof run 1 . To all whoilrslr* j l*i* will villi a i*o|»y of tlir |irv^'ri|alon J IIMMI, (fr rliitrp'.) with tlw ilirr«lion» ' LUI |IN iiiriligaml ualn^tlii' aiar, wlilrlitliey I will tin.l A fcurr i'l'HK lor T O(V.'//>, j(a I. lis. (l.\slill'Tloy. ASTHMA. \inm\i «INUNS «TM ' i*i nitloii. WIN fili'lTA* ailriro'U., A. I WILSON, ISM I "run .St., \Yilliaiiifcl>urgh, ' N Y. Krb. IS'M-IT. i I'IMI'I.KS.—I will mail (Krrr)tlir WLPO lor a .[tuple l' h.U KTA It I. y. IIALSi tliat »111 N'LUIAU VVI.V, illk hIR/.vr l.Ksami IH.IITI tlE#, K'avini;TLW >kln »«ft, I li'aranil LU-autifiil; IIMI umlrmiloiiii for pr*- ■liirliiK a luxuriant urowtli of hair on a balil III'.MI or Hiuootli tail-. Aitilri-A., inrkminc HR. I ttuiup. IIKN. VANDELK * FO„ lit Har ! I lay St., N. Y. F>U 10 W-ly. State ofXorth Carolina, STOKES corsrr. L'etitiou to Sell Laud for Partition. Win. A. HUnitor ami Kn«irr Mhaflbr. .lohn IITIL• NFIM.U NII«I ,S*lU* llLt« tivrann. H. W. H. V#r miulivlili.i V rriHOi. MULTE VERANA tn4 llaa i\ \ rriuui, (Win. \ rrnwn. J«»«A Vataoa, RATA Vornuii. liiM hiiiiun Vernon. I'4»r sella aad NUK.IOMO, Murrclta AUnv anU L»a\lU A\\ry. Kul i Vol nun, helr»-at-law uf Hl«kar4 Verm>n v ttcvM.) T». Mur> (iatcwwxl. #!rrrjr (iatweed, ftallta Ana LIIIIVAIMIL Ull*l I'uily TUTFWTNNJ, LIMN » tea of Man liuli'wvMMl. EUTAWEIH ah«JT«i an* Uoe.' blmrtrr. Kutli Martla a art Halter Mania, Ce.lia Aleuiu ami ilulia Ale«»m aad M»til4a TOR- It from iffldarHi AND otfter aaltafae lorv etHlmiro. that Marv Uaiesiw«4. «lvrrv 4taie« Knllv Ann liaUwond. poll? ilaUaroad. helra-at-lawol Matvilaiewood, 4ec*4. KUaaWeitk .shatter UML lC..rge MltaAer. FTTFTK Martla aa4 II it tier Martin. Cellla ILOA and J«lia ALROM IIIDI Matilda Vernon are non-reatdewta «F tkle Slate, it la nr.lere.l IIT tlir T!oert that thia adver litat be MA.le lit tlir I»anWarr Haeoataa on I*«»«T for »IN auree*alve weeka. NOTIFY in* tie M»UL delendaiila that * |M titk»n haa Wea hy the alnivc |.luintirt lor a aaleuf rertaia real-vat ale (L\ IIIJ( IN the countv OT atidiea and faltv d»«rrlbr*t 111 the I rtitlon) fur partitl«»ai beta rral ha Inw of .lohn Vernon, dee'd, aad tha aatd drfead iititk are eoinmaiMled to u'ipear at tha oilrr of tha eiei k of the Sunerior court «H" *t«»kraat haahnrv, X. f. on or before the 4th day «»f t*tober IM3 to iii»S'r or ilemur to the |»rlltH»n *»f tbr p'alaUff, lor tiuleaa tliev doMiu|>pcarand anewaror 4e»er, Ihe relief a lueh the auld olaintita a»k will h* L'riiiited. i!l\en umler wv narnl, fhla ord Aug., IIW.'. .1 AMKS Itir.KHoN, Jr., T'lerk Mu|>ertor T'«»art. IS'otice I Notice ! 1 Ily virtue of a lerr»r of the Sll|iertor eourt of Stoke* county, I will *tl at |Mil>lie Ulll'tion at tin 1 iiMirt-liouM door In Danbury !011 tile ILL day of Ortober, IS#*, all tlir raal I ESTATE brloiiKlUK to Joint Auioa, dre'd. Said I lami rontalna lt*T aero*, lunro or bna, lira J IIN Crt Hiked I'twk, and U well ada|itcd to tlto nrowtli uf com, w lieat and tolnrru. IT* the land are good buildings ami a flue or chard, and all |K'r»on» wishing a good home will do aril to at tend aaid aaiti and buy. — Tei in* made known OU day OT lale. Tltia 21at day of Atigurt, LHHI. 1». 1). WATKINS, C'MnmiaiuiMr. NOTICE. Ily virtue or an axecutlnn in my Itand., LUUED from the Superior Court of Mokra County, SITING term ISN!, in favor of liay wood Yenuble anil against liro. IValve, I will sell for caali at the tOU IT-house door lu the town of Danbury. ou Holiday the 'ID day of Octolier, :W2, 50 acre* of land roorr or LEW, aiUoinlng the lauds of J. 11. Mitchell and other* J alio the J. mile Moore trait of uliout I:;T> acres, mljoining tlir land, of W. J. Wilson ami other*, levleil on as ihe lami* of TIE! said tieo. L'eans', to satisfy rxecutlon In favor of llavwooil Venable. Also at the same time and place, I will SI ll N TLIE for cash a tract of "21 acre, mors or less, known as the Ilurrvll darker tract , ami one other trail of 4l aeitn. mor»' or less, conveyed to \V. 11. (.entry by H. I). Hay, making U" acres more or le*», on tb» water* of LVIM'S Creek ami waters of Suow Creek, and now ocrup'ed by Calvin Manuel, ailjuining tlie lambi of W. W. MlT'aidesa. TLII) heirs of W. 11. Kly lit and others, lev ied on as the properly of W. 11, (ieiury to satisfy an execution in my hands In FKVUROF W. W. King. At oflkv in Daitbiirv. August HU, IMIX. W. A. KTSTES. Sheriff stulrt CO,