VOLUME XI «»v*infle~R f"'"" " Hf iff f mnd Post. niLMM »nur AT PSPPEEAIoN}, Puts. A' Props IHI M ttTMI IMSO: fm (MB Itaa »r IMI 1 liiua f I on ntwet lillliiJ Iwri-.m &o OnltHk ft IwMr tfca, or awra tan hu •MM i» pitpalllia M tM abavr rain. TrMMlililWlMll will !•» .VIMHHCII In romil UlirtHl M liM r.l«« >1 the tin. IhcT »-iid t | r HiL Lwll «*•• ***** rWmTw^^ Imlm tas*rt*tl At Ten Dollars Att«ra«y and Counsellor, Mt. A IKY N. C. Pr*eMae la lb* eonrta of Sorry, Stokra, TrfWi «■ AUegfcany. W. F. CARTER, 4rt**jtMr-ar*ltx r, »rr. inr, BUKKV CO., K. U liixorTicya v« wanted. ' Jt LHA YMORB, ATTORNEY AT LAW Mr. Airy. N. C. ftpMial iHaaUou fiven to tb« collection of | 97k. MARTINDALK, With t WM. /, a VULA.XY 4- co., 1 MTATIOKKKT ASD HOQEKELLEIIS . WAREHOUSE. Hotlu a Svreialtu. x? HeHeairy ef all kinds. Wrapping paper, : , Ywiaaa, Banna) Boards, Paper lliiaiU. M* #. BALTIMORE ST.. 11ALTIMOKE. JfH ' FT.hakrTsox, » WITH A.L. ELLET&CO., DXT OOODS it NOTIONS 19, IS k 14 Twolflh Stree'., tYJStrS:} ri'SZZI SRichm'd, Va B F. ICINU, WITH SOWXSO.V, SUTTON $■ C 0.,! DRY GOODS, ■a* ln4H *«ntk Ikarp. Html, ft. *, niVMK, R M. BITPON t. a. B. Him, a. I. JOHNSON. f. BAT. ALBtnr JONKS. ! ! B*7 It J aes ■sansfaeturers ot • ASWJUIT .W Aaw WIS. COLL A BK. TR rX R m P*.MS W. a«r*e, Baltimore, Jfd. Wi A- 9%o*m. IK. C. Smith. U.S. Sprnggln.* VtMlnr, Smith *• Co- BtoaMiaaaarhr* A abate.*:. IV.i.r, In my, u««, »4T* c^irft. *»- WMHMrI •tnral. Balllm.r., JAJ. ~im4HT, WITZ $ CO., A wVabsmlc donlar* lit HM«ilfltSIKIY.ai»V K*. WHITE A Nt» nvcv dlopi. fete l>Mnt «ur**, BaMiMors, JW M. y * M. E. BEST, WITO Mtnry Sonnoborn J- Co., WMOLSSALR CLOTHISRX. • Aaaavar »♦•, [>ll»naH»aw * Uail»r,i blai BALTIBUKE AID. BMPinOHI, B BUM LINK. A.VAVUWI, W. a. RORER rsnX • k. O»TTaaU., A.S. WATKIKM. Watkins. Cottrell * Co.. lpp«ruri ami Jobbers uf HARDWARE. *1»07 Mam Streat, MfCBMoMD, VA. I igtll fcf Fairbanks lUa4ul aaalaa. ax! I A* Bru4 Mini Oil Blair W. B. BILKS, m > '"I" MTIPHEXF UTXK Y$ CO., • B"4#«aiW iiateri in JPMi#> Shots, and Trunkt, ■ IJIO flam Street, Ml-Sm. . MICBBOXD, VA. MM- MniM. W* R DKVRIE*. 4n«rr> D*TRIE*. »olo*OX KI**KI., JTJf DEVRIES * CO lifrtw m 4 Jobbert #f MIIIM AND BOMKSTIO DRY •OOD* AND NOTIONS. Ml Wml BalHmorl Sir rot. tl/am 1 ■MI LAarty, BALTIMORE. MMtu md 1844. 8. T. DAVIS WITH V. jr MA®RUDER and CO ■•■■fulUM aixl Uibiaw in 90918, KB*)** AtIV HROCAXK, Jke. V« U Sharp ftraat, BaUimure, iid. I. *F. r*«M of N. 0. «rifc Bayn«, Anderson $ Bard, Wholesale Grocers, V*. J» Wt* Vntt ami 82 S. Howard «4f.TTMonK sro, I % I , On the Roail Agiiin. i | ' u nua » biißincss," m tie ivnia:k rf , l«n hyard is tli«! luinM.irj oi a ai*avily lr»i»- j ; tle«l is heard a« .v over flt - li* 11a ami , th' er*vi lit'ud« «-f llrii fa rvt»r-inn», i..• \. - ' nin« team 1 a;i i Uob) In>* [ j In t»ii»ht and dja.v up wiil. l.nn k «*i I ill trout of I i A Nm'* i Ul stui.U, uw ■ occ*u|tioU by N. *l. Mil I rK vW {O. J We do mr.in buiiiuvi, and % cut vhH*ht ('• 1 J well to listen when \te talk, and t«» r»-a I 1 while we write, if we U» nut >ay ull ue ( will do, we tN'itainly m» :n to to all we say. | «.nd wluie you uiay not thin* .? to \« »i i iu- I terest to hear, we tell yon that v.v \M,| make I> it u> youi iureras', it you lia.e to buy, oi lm\e aaytUiu YOU wi.'ii i» sell. NVe tuvi o(>eued he, e, i.ut to build a trade foi a month or a year, but hope totloa l»u> | ne>.« thai we will le able to po;ut t ,i k to, ; should we live to be ohl men, .*i.l hav»' the satisfaction of kt.OH nj iliaf wlule we h.i*e : j made an lonest living out of it. we m.»y tls» have the pleasure of l«eling tl.it «»•. bave j been of wine. ud\an; i*» otn fellow mei ! atul this seciion of the fetate. In on* i«t: • ' neaa we pio|.o»«* t«- "le! l-.ve" u- veil ; I Uve. lu aCCi li.pl.sli tliii* we me;. .«• }»uy I |{«H>dH in tl;u b si markets rtont the IH-M hou- SC-S auti t«» w\\ for a profit at tin- >. in* time j MM low as a si mi ar artteie tan le in • j any market ai retail. As previously ai nounet'l, i' n !i l-e if JO sible t- get eveiyth.n., , . . : v | lug tent forwaj »i lai .«• i d • j just ii fatl as tlw got u b . I the depot, and Hill eontl ie to .. . in «• > stock until we have in store eve:;, • 1..u I the denial.vis cf this s '«'tio»i will .i i\ I in keeping, and any a. i !e not n n. j • | iu a penenil store likr OIIIH, will lie ornfured up*■ .i short uoliee. il to be found i.t a iy m.ir- I ket N«rth or South. If the peoph? will hv aside all j r jiulie*', h>ok at it as it really is. fl.ev • .TI : • • . o ira ; son why we r.mnot soil here, hauh'd | with our own teams, in our own ho- »•> ; ! our own labor, ;ia elwwply as t!n-e wl.o ««> I business in railim«l tow us, ant (;t y l»e «M rents, enormous local t.t\. -, a d j.i.h «i«- ► I salaries. All ti«i we ask .§ t; it ««.» ep i as much for goods l.eie as a similar aiin 1 !. eau be at in any inaiket m the btate. i unless it l»e for salt and one or two othei heavy aiticles. I We will do business npo • a st.ietly eash I bass, but will take iu ex tutu.e f*. .»'■>. , • produce « f fverj kind ■ i | asm sKonld we meet with t..«» patro i.t.e we j intend our rflbr* shall merit, and should I ! tin |»enpla appreciate an honest »it on out t | part to build them up while h • advance nut j interests, we li«>|»e to make x MAHKhT FOU TOU U CO ' he-o at their own doors, which w.ll to f '.v.- ' c-sitillable advantage to the eouo'v. N. .M. I'Ki'l Lit* CO. i Danhurr, N. C'., July Srtt. I6m*. | aonniT w. rowkH*. kooai. t» U W I'OWKKS A CO. WHOLES ALE bU l' ?/; s 7\S, Df>tler» « PAINTS. OH S. DVi V "■,!*>(-- ! French and Aaiorlcnn i WINDOW O.LAJ)B, PUTTY, AC CIUAUS, JSM • K INI i AN! ( HkniMJ TUBAffO A .sPKCUI.T\ | 1306 Main St., Hicbaiond, Va. NEWRJH BLOOOi I'Hrstni*' Vunjntir* I'lH* i i ti, • .»• | Htiod, au4 w % iU c«mplt!toly hance th' 1 I" • din i m thrii- vn'tV, An* i»»*r#nn who will taLf 1 pill "»srh utff'.ir from 11.) t". *•• k lnajrfc wtowl t«» s»«un'l NrHtili. if sin hi f l> j:i •M'ntbv dih4l f • *• Kaiavsi. /. S. Jlin> TiffS .1 CO., Jiuslon, JlujM., /ffrtwri'iv I'fi nfinr, AGEirrS WANTED i I im . • ;» J ; tin* aMnvhlne >-vr «iv. r,:* i W; , ot. f pncOmu. * l!; * llrXt ai 1 T'l I* eontpl j SSu.n/.a«-j ll wia b.im kn.l r. t. rjt ui « t' u:i v woriltf •.'•!: ri-' ' ■'•l tor rlrruinrsrwl Unr .U- Twttiul/i\ li 'u{? Ibcliiut Co.. nfj is 1., l; EKHOKS OP TOUTUi—A gantltfinan who suffered for vears from N>r\oua BILIT r, PR KM ATV liK DL't'A K, and all tlit effects of youthful indi-rrction. will for the sake of suffering humanity, send ftv to all who need it, the re ,: .j>e and dire« tiou j for making the simple remedy by which 1♦» wasture.l. Sufferers wishing to rv.titbv' the advertiser's experience can do so I y ad- | dreMine iu perfect rontideiice, JOHN li. O;L KN 42 Ce larSt., N. Y. ' Feb. lo*B3-ly. A »Bttrrly Nr r »' p u» -*«»«• jBFT a# I Kr i».r ' 1 t*f thf sfr»lr i • "|rn«BrLt i t«ra +i RriairMl BuMßiOtlß and In.p->t«;«ey t r naly I Ml . ta ■*- »'• «I>.. >..•« , 1U..8-, TV p, .» .1.1 «» . taMM, v> k •> N« , i nUBMI hi •■.4 itaWMi'i* a f»»'.-.'.a ! T% to a. aW I ikM f|. |>,raii r P».. •Ma >■> a«, «la , pmtßin | MB* * *a »a W a'.aa «• .. a^. • taatrf ra'k'ii u' nnv tBI f*"-"' ' 1-t-> •• riMI'LES.— I will mail (iiveulns recipt . or a simple VKG ETA RLE HALM th a ' will remove 7/!. V, FRECKLES, PIMP LES ami BLOTCH leavingtlie sk.n soft clear and beautiful: also instructions for p o dneing a luxuriant growth of hair on a ball head or smooth face. Addrrss, ircloslng :ie, ttamp, BKX. VANI)ELF A CO. 12 Ba . ! cUySt., N.V. Feb. 16'SS-iy J R ARKOT'I t»r Nt with , MIRfiU, E1.1.E11 A IKfll', KICtIUON VA. IWhsiessle l>e* ers is BOOTS, ftHOEfl, TBUNKB, &(J IPronpi atientioa paid to orders. Him ..i s. taeiloii guaranteed. car* Vtffi*ia Slat* Hood* ,$ *f+/\aht ■ March, 6. in j 'NOTICE. By rirtu* of a ilv.n ~f the «i.| Court of St kis «Hi utT, 1 ills.:! , p, ' I auction at :lio court-house lo i i i nburj on Monday No*. 6th, IN*, a :... ,r lying on iha Little Yailk i. a.!j"ini, land* of U. N. Dalton, i.u.« llnilij »■, . I othara. containing liw .1 , ninrr or li , •nlil os the lnml of iliu I.'. of Marx Half*, ) dflvmscd. 1 rnw one thirU , 1), ii,.; rc ■alad«r on a cn-.i,t i,f si- ccoti:iia. WM H. WVfTS, C'om'r. ( I DANBURY, i\. C, THURSDAY. FEBRUABY 8 1883. ' STRENGTH (p vicor. "■*.!/ pi.iS a b i tiring*::! (a si-Mj i profai ' t'fenflh to rc:-;ioi3 » h. Strcrglii to do a iliy's labor v. .' ■ ok! phjiicil p.: i'l. Ail tiiis roy* cent: wl iit is war:!i !, in l!,o of'.# heard cx;i-cs3; i, "Ch! I wlw I ha.' th: Itrcii-tli!" It' y/JU ire t-s! 1, lia 0 not «nTC]f, or I ftti. •IF Ills v» JIS harrily wjftl I/• In , 1 jti can be ißlii.tJ and rc s ctlUi b'.ath.vlthsndttr>'.'*gth I. t. V. , CiiO'.'S'S .I,o*l 2i • Ttfis. * 'it is a trr.s tonx— t R.Ckiiiße.l serially rocom,T.a r tii , d for s!l waiM g diseases. 5.-r N". K the war 1 w. s in yi '. u .-.I the: Utmuch by r. i ict c 0 .t shell, and have £«,:•('. :-_-tl 1 Miitevc :uce. Aboti - .!.:ii'. y ' i;j!.t Jy« i , whit 1. rpt nic c.l s» c monuis, and the I -.w i. »ctcr* in the til* I » alt! Nt live. !?• t : i uilyfn : ifidige i. .. i lor t-.v« vrau« .1 ."t »-at solitl' , ! : r a !nrj. v t ie v. nsi.r.acl :torclr.i i *c L' ( u,«t r.otinslnucnt. I ti«v, I'iowTi * lioußtutisandTiow a.: i tnlcing tuo t-oules 1 am abi u> get »:p»nd goaroiu.d at«u Liu iU|'idly ii.t; rc\iru;. u. b u.ir.it. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS le a foir.ple'e and sure remedy for Indipcs'.ion, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Weakness and a I diseases requir ing a true, reliable, non-alcoholic tonic. It enriches the blooJ, g:vt!s r'w life to th-j n.usclei anj tsnc to the ntrves, __ | mSI ! | | j fnrali '», ■' i*:t i.i health sn«l rtr* il-»u."..i. i -it, nr fiilli-iin. ll* til im tcr tvii. i-iiyu taut iolii»v*s iii.» n.!!.»e!.- . i , » t . . tht- I. ~iiir. ;. o.- ' r.i'-w.- wit.i Uitf »«• i rai m«1 us by ' a u • ; u aimilur > tul r x»i proa* j fraliaa e. It •->: j - • inv.tfh 1;:f!•». *, U a siice »r.i'it» «• tbat !• tie anun I ii» \ \ t -', • ! /'.»i>il't-i;trd sn4 i tor Mia k; . I I'" mmhl ITiltM , orally. EARS fob ti..: MILLION Fos Chos's Balsam cf Shark's Oil. ' Ponitiri- i H'di r** tr,c ih aving, anil fa the j f "i/j/ a-J/'jiota/e Cure for Known. ' I '1 h.a Oil is ab>,rac!ed from jvculiar spo- ■ | ci' sof small White Shark, eaught in the | low >• a. I.i.'twn as c.\m IIAR.vDon HON- i i>tLtTM. Kverv Chinese fisherman knows' jit. lis\irtue.H as a ie«toratlve of hearing! •.vr»r® tli.N ov.'ie i l-y Hudtiliist Tiiest about ! the yea- i 4..». Its ctifos wen *«o nnmeroua , and Ij'i.nv mj !*r!■))•'■ i)rjlij Hnrafuhn:*, that the | I lemetly was olli ially proclaimed over tlia ! en lie Jlmpire. Its use beenme so universal that for orcr SOOyetirs no IhafneM luut r- | i v/ / (tmovfi 'Ar Chiwse prtplc. Sent,! • barges (repaid, to any address at SIOO per i bottle. Hear What the Deaf Say. I it las peifo'iu-nl a nnracle in my case. 1 ! ive ii" iri.iurtbly noises in my hea« a id ' hear mu«'li IMMter. ! I have bivn greatiV beneilted. My deafn*s. belied a great deal—think another bottle will cure me. ,4 lts virtues arv unjc*fionatile and its mr- I i it'irr c Kay iff i absolute, as I he. wri\rr ceu i / rnonallt i.- ! /, both from cxpt rin ice anU j | >li*erta Ma. Write at -ceto II AYI.OCW A jf.NNEV, 7 i/ey Street,Netv Vork,enclosing i J ami you will receive by return a icut , edy that will enab'e you to hear like any ; body »hse, and whose curative eflects will lie i permanent. You will never regret doing ! so."—KntTuii AMERICAN uf.VIEW. I C7"To avoid loss in the .Mails, please send : ' monev by Hegisteicd Letter. Only Imported by HAY LOCK A JENNET, (Late Hay lock & Co., 801.K AGt.NTS FOR AMERICA. T Dey St., New Votk. GEO. 13. MISSEN & CO.. j UM. N . C. . WAGON MANUFACTURERS, IL • • mil;, ihe !*• tl l n • ni.il o l.t'.t of wmk. an ! .v. \ ~ii ,-itny j u.— • We lave ij c o!ilasiai|,| Woiks. »Nt o.:r \Va>;ons lim, ti -b it .|,utaii .i t i J any in til. 'ate. Bv , iMnttJ. r Batam r. 0., |(. i j Wrilr for prirrj. lioje; ta M vl.c are min. j t rur I I I oalraiiu! .Measure eu s Tho following in an cxlra't fro.u a! rcoent ltcturc by I'rnf. V A. Vnui.g, | of Princeton Colloflo, N. J.: "1 :lIWHVB feel a litila Miibarraa.'Uient j in bringing such a aubject as iliat 1 am to brinj; beforo you tu night to ibo :it ■ tuition of a |Ojul ir aud eueo, becaua-* ! 1 kn..» dial l isnotaiiauiiifiiigoi i . Aj Tury good tricnd of iuio> , »bo !:as il«- 1 liTcrvd lei-turn u;iin aitrnuoiuiial nib | jceia in cin. of our BM.'k. ori»£ ci n-.-, ! : «roto u UIV • two I_ 'j ■. ■ -I'll 1 I w»? to leo'uie on iLe "1 ran.it of \ *- \ | nun," asking '*Uow cau you iu»k« ti I rig'ut-unglcd triangle >" I i | ti-iuk tbe eubjeet that i am to tirinjf be- | Ure you ia au interesting our. 1 knot? . j of aollntlg iu tbe whole of scieneo | { ib.it uioro thoroughly il lustra les tiie : power and reach of thi- human mind than ! this—the reaching out into infinity, a» , astronomical tciunce has nunc, and ) lueanuiiug tbe diinonaioua and D. MI - s I of the heavenly bodies abut u.i. I j nties the appetite lor knowiug, ana thai i» jufi as much a part of us an the ;>jp. j tito for eating, aud si mora nctta i... i The belter part of u* grows by learning | just as the material part of us does by i taking tood. The eye dues huneer once j ill a while to look up and try to get hol'i i |of ilie methods and principles by mean- j of wht- h astrouonier* and others have I I eoinu to ilie knowledge that they possess i of the worlds about us. "Of course I need not tell any of you I that you live on a little baJl of wat*r ! aud rock, which is not hung in space as ' the geographies tell us—uo mre hung i than the ball which lias been struck by j the bat of a ball player—but rushing j through space with a velocity more than | fifty times as as any ball. The ! ball on which ws live is moving irouud | the Kun, and moving iu (lie same way as | the earth wo tiud eight larger planets, Iloir of which are conspicuous. Now, we have been able to make out pretty certainly the size and dimensions of our own oarib. That is nocso very difficult. We have reached out further, aud now wo are able to tell wah considerable ac | curacy very nearly how far away and j bow large the suu H. We are trying to ' 1 reach out for tile slats. t cannot ■ ' tell exactly how iar tuey may be, i>u *e ..::ow that our nearest neigl.b. rs art it a uki.u tioiuoudousdistrin :t-~tie,. ,'1 I j tL« reach of human conception. The ' j earth is about 5i,0U1) miles in diameter. 1 jlf you could mane a straight railroad I | around the equator it would take jusi j j about twenty-six days to u ska the eir- ! cuU of it at forty miles au hour, without 1 atif change of station?. No practical I means ul conveyance will take you ; aroiiad in less than three months.— J Then the uioon, our next neighbor, ir al>_,ni t.iirty limes as far uwav ss thi* earth's ciainetrr—aiiuti; !!-{J,(. vO u.iles. I —l'liat is not so very tuconci i able. j | Then, when we come to the sen, we find j j it* distance is about four hundred tiuies las great as that of the moon—about: 'J0.000,000 of miles. | "Those figures mean nothing until you tase an illustration. Take a tail- i i road from the earth to tho sun with a ' train rutiuing forty miles au hour with- | : out stops, aud it would take about 12(55 years and a little over to ma.o tne jour- j ney. So that, if the firs' settlers of I this country, at the time tbey Mutletl | from their mother country, hud started j from the sun by this railroad they woulc be just reaching this couniry new. liut I very few of them could have afforded it, ! lor even at a cent a mile tbe fare would j \ have been $950,100. You fee ? There 1 are very few people even in New York, i that coeld ufli rd to go to the sun at that cheap rale of fare. Hut when we come | to consider the nearest star, whose dis tance is two huudred thousand times as I | great, wc can do nothiug with it, even in our imagination, if we should count 1 tbe money that it would take for a rail- j ; road journey to it, even at the rate of a I eent a mile, it would come to two hun ■ dred thousand millions of dollars—a , j hundred times the amount of the nation- I lal debt of tbe United States. I do not ' suppose tbera is money enough in the 1 world to pay the fare of one person. Tbe credit of this illustislion, however, is due to au English gentleman." The assertion is going the rounds of the press that, sceording to a dispatch | from Raleigh, Senator David 1 'avis an I . Miss 11. A. llurr are to be married ut the lajy's residence, ucar Fayetteville, immediately sfior the adjournment ef Ooegr ss. The fodtacal sign for tbe opening of wii.ter is ft goat. Ti.o goat is a bard j (titter, aud bard butter is si,nest always 3 t gi that 'h* *e»'.fc«r is evil Sko t Dure to do It. The other day a man and woman came j to a sudd n halt o Grand Kiver street, j and lbs Wonia'i dropped i. basket slit was ; carrying aud called out ; "I aih I wiii ! I'll notftve | | another day!" I ouMl leave u e. will y tu ? ' he cu'.te | ly askd. ' *' Yes, I will!" j ••When?" N w—rig:.t off— this minute !'• ' j *• You 1: ;• i awajr i "Ves, sff : ' i% l wouldn't ir'l wera you." "Hut 1 will, atul I defy you to prevent j uiu I hive suffered ai your hands a ! long as I eau put n?> with it"* u oh, I shan t try to .-top vou,*' he i quietly lepliod. "I'll .simply report to I I the police that my wife has disappeared mysteriously. '1 hey will want yrur j desci j i 1 n and'l i i. giv it, V u ! j wear So. 7 shoes you hare au extra j .'•rge mouth; you walk \in your j .slites i you hose turns up at the end j 'uir ii! cc or fa 1 : r» fr c ,/» u i j (la- t'esci*. .. ta.-i..on, t -s re» a j the squint ; vowe partakes of " 'Wretch : you wouldn't dare do that!' i s.ie screamad. 1 "1 certainly will, and the description j will go iuto all the papers.' I They glared at each other for a uiin | ute like cats. Then be walked ou. She looked up | and down the street, gritted her teeth ! together, and then picked up her basket and followed on after, lie had what i tbey call the deadwoodon her. Internal improvements : One of the j Schauuiburg girls, Rebecca, recently went to York on a visit, and while I ; absent she became acquainted with and | married, without iicr father's knowledge j or consent, a miserable looking, iuipe j cunious little man aanied Max Sonnen scheiti. When the happy conple arrived home and Mote Schiuituburg saw his 1 son-in-law bo raved and went nn like a ! pirale, but be Ind to accept the situa t ou. He, however, never lostnoorpor uni'V of telling Rebecca what a miner* j able lookiyg euss ber husband was. j "tadder, replied Rebecca, laving her and 011 her bosom, "Max va>h not j.eauiilnl .'tt'sijp, but de ho vast i ; M.00.t handsome," meaning that Max i | !in! a kind heart. "Rebecca, yon say ; that Max v ish liandsotne inside !" asked Wo»e. "Yes, ladder." "Den, why! . don t you turn him inside out ! lie : vould look so much pvlter."—/>jra.» ! | A WAU* FROMTHKURAVB :—Vicks- j ; bur;, Jan. -9.—Karly this morning h I • I iiiolailic ocfliti was fount floating in the river at Delia point, opposite this city. ! ; 1 1 contained il.e body of a young lad\ 1 i liandsouicly drcsred in « while rep s,l ! | 'lress with a ri.h lace collar around her ! ; ll «ck. Ihe dress and ccii... - were as ' ! " bite ua3 perfect us when first btiriod. ' It a faeo was much discolored. The i i eollin was ef eld tty le, in uso souie ' ! twenty years ago, heavily enameled iu ! white. It is thought the body must l have been buriod fully fifteen or twenly ' years ago, ar.d to have fallen into the river at 1 . ike Providence or near Uood . r,cii s landing w .ere cenittiries a: ctv lit g into the liver. The body after be- j J ir.g viewed by a titiniher of peisyns was i i buried ut Delta Point, A tii>.. J Tflfe i Tho richest treasure a man ever gels jin this world is a good wife. The poor : est investment he ever inakos is a pojr j wife, no matter how much monev she ! lias. Marriage is a transaction which ; should be removed as far as possible 1 from the moneved value of either partv. | j Tbe happiest homes every where liavo j been bought and paid fot by the mutual , j earnings after marriage. Notln ig is ' I truer than that the good wife iu tbe home | is as surely a money-earner as the bus- j i | Band who toils with hand or brain. The ' j j best motto of every young man or wo- ', J man is, "Marry for love and work for ! i riches." It may be an old fogy idea, ! i but millions of homes will bear testinio- ' uy to its truthfulness.—A'r. "My mother's awful fickle," said lit- ' tie Kdith to Mrs. Smith, who was mak- 1 ing a call. "\\ hen she saw you coiniug : tip the atie.t she said, There,a that hor- I rid Mis. Smith; 1 hope sh-s isn't coming j here,' and in a minute she told you she ' was real glad to ace you." j i Custer county, Montana, is the lar- I' geut county in tho United States. Its area ia 30,000apnare wiles. It is larger lhau the States of \ crraout, Neiv H.mp- > , shire, Massachusetts, I>slewirc ar.d • Rhoar Islsnd all eoiui'itied. •' Tlie t olili'st lotiu ou (tie utobe. I .Tnknt-h (or Yakootsk, chief town of j the providence of that name in eastern I Siberi , is on tl.o left back of the Lena | river, 02 degrees, 1 minute, noith ; loii- I jfitude 149 degrees, east : and distance { from Jt. Petersburg 50If) mile?. The g *otind romain* frozen to the depth of ti W)U fee», except in midioimiuer, when it thaws three at the surface. I'ur ; tug tuii days in August, the termoncter I marks 85 degrees, nut froui November '.o it ranges from 42 to OS de j green bciow sera, and the liver ss solid ' i e for nine months out of 'lie twelvr. j The entire iudustry of the [lace —j«rji i j lAtion about f'," ' 1 —is coin . i-jed in ! candle w«rks and yet it »« tlie prir.eij io ! market of eastern Siberia for traffic with the hunting tribes of Jiuriat*. The »nr j u:. :, h ivlsg latere hc;.dx f hordes a i«i | cuttle, bring to market butt-, whi rh h I •♦•nt on bor««eba a t.» the {• I«»: ..'ut ' ioe Dnriats also nu4. ..die, b iup: *i:- 1 | titiciof skinsof sables, fo.ve -, martens. ! litres, souirrels aud thr :.i. .uu uiauy i -C. A strong a gment ;.gii:ist the u«o of tobacco is found in the :,ict that l'r:nee ('baric*, of Prussia, who died the other day in his BJlrd year, had smoked from eighteen to twenty-four Havana* daily for the past sixty years. - La/1 inort Grant Th r' urn ('he "Laurie Todd ' of the li'nrary papers off. rty years :>go) drank three quarts of strong coßee a day two oi' which rere taken without or milk, smoked incessantly and chewed niihaut limit. He lived to his Mith year, and when killed was hearty and hale. He the use of tobacco when a boy. We krow of unotber in | stance as remarkable— that of a worthy old man in Halifax, who began chewing tobacco at 11, and when we knew him at tit he was mill at it and able to walk on a warm summer day four miles to church. Still we do nut advise any one to use Ihe wueiHn any way. That many constitutions are injured by tbe u«e ol toba-jco is very certain. Home Sluttiiiifuta ! Superintendent Mills of the Oxford Orphan Asylum is a man who has had, j ! necessarily, a varied experience souie I |of which seems to have been in e innec- J j tion with efforts to procure additional ! teacher* for tho Orphans. Hear him : i "An old man in Sampsons said 'l'vegot two gals. One is got religion and the | other aint. And the one whar aint got j no religion is better'n the cne whar if.' | An old man in Wayne says 'lt seeina I j like our children must grow np in ig» j i norance, because the Rests are s» bad j about marrying up teacher,. Kverv j tlino we get a goad school ra. tod, one of the Rest boys comes aljtig aud mar- > 1 ties tbe teachar.' ; I ihougiit this complaint was a gaod •joke till tbreo widowers took teachers from tne Orphan Asylum, and I found it difficult to Li! tiie.rplaces preisptly." ' l'rotcatact. tdianrril lldecatien. Old man.—-"John, bring in a s-uttle of ooal and stir up the lir. , i; ::.u". cuU here." 1 rung man fresh from college.— ' | "Why, father, it ougbU t to be vcrv ! | cold this time of the year. To be sure [ fie earth i.« con si leraWly lin Ita ti.e of. e. . ie, . the obi ij . Jot the solar heat rays is somewhat great er, but ns the earth is near her peiihel iou, wc are much nearer the suu now than in summer." 0. M. "Ahem' I didn't know that, as I never hail the advantage of an ad- ! vanccd education. Well, then close j the drafts to the stove and lower one of the windows."—Toledo S.iturasv Amer ican. A young politician explained the tat-! tered conditiou of bis trousers to his father by stating that he was sitting un der au apple tree enjoying himself wheu the farmer's dog came along and con tested his seat. An old bachelor says : "It is all non sense to pretend that l»vo is blind. 1 never kucw a man iu love that did not ! a»c ten times as much iu his sweetheart; as I could." The turtle is so slow that he must take his bouse with him when he goes out for a walk. Otherwise he might not be able to reach houic l»y bedtime. i Luck is iho result of good judgement. One need not expeot to find the four leaved elovcr when there is suow on the gronnJ. NO. :*> A victim ot CirciiuiNtKittlul S:i Irirntc. V«rty oiid years ago a poor (ierman came to New lurk und took lodgiugs, where lie »m allowed locook in the same room with tiic family. The hiifliand ' and write lived in a perpetual IJUUI rel* One day tha OeruiMl outuo into the kitchen with a clasp km to and a pan «f potatoes and he bi xan to pare tUetu for nis dinner. The quarrelsome couple *pr« in a more yiuKtit altereaiiou than i usual, but he .-at with his back towards •',.0 :i. and, btHiip ignorant of thoir )»ie- I gunge, t' It no danger of bv'ing involved in thier dispute. Hut tho wuuiau witlt .1 s:l "Jii and unexpected movemuai, stste . i tli kaifo (ruin his L.Jhl and plnvg !it in her fcuibaud's heart. Sim S;:d sufii ii r.t presence of wind 10 Vns'i :• iln. tri land scroaui at irder. The po'.r in the meanwhile teeing t'.'.c Wounded 1. a'. 1 , ree 1 . *p a I'jr.faid to '1• ■ r ■ oatoli htui 111 hi* arm*, tha kti.fo in hii hand aud Hood upon hit ctallie.-'. The woman swure in tlifl aiost positive tern • that bad b>#p figbtiog with her ..-c . sblicil frnit with a Lin's :i0 niways Parried. The tllifurlunaln German knew too little English to under, stand he; - aeon nation or to tell hi* una story. HD wan dragged t'fl to prison aud the true state of the case was made known through an interpreter, but it was not beli Ted« and the real criminal swire Biihrsitatingly that she raw him coiriult the murder. He was executes', r.jtwiihstading the most persevering rf. f>r of his lawyer, John Aiithon whose ('0 ni.lions of the man's iuuocpuoe were so painfully Strang that frou tha! day ho refused to have any connection with . a capital ease. 80ms years after tho woman died aud on her death bed cear fiissul her a get icy iu t'*e diabolicel truiic action. ISneicty accordi»» to Mr*. I tw* Maiia Child", who tells the .story., was intensely agitated bv the dWcov*-y ( but the j ower to atone fur the wro: «r. Mud. bcoa thrown a winy, and the poor v!i ijiu did uol preSt by this tardy repert»'ic«i. Tlie. r.usns of a ltatttr*«iikc. A physician who raptured uattl - j snake pr«yteJed to dissect the-hind for i his Riuu.sctncnt and information,. Taki'.i; I one sidn of its head, ho extracted, the • fang when, lying close by 1 hi-:he found aactber luug a liltla thorl.r than !l'i firs I, rrsdy f» tike i»* pla.* wheu the Ion? esie should be Irukenaflar fallout. Next to (be second latig was a third, and «ve*t to this a fourth, wid after tho fourth a tUh,each, as it wan found, prov iog just a little shorter end a little smaller than tho ours found just betWo it so that tho serpent was endowed with five fangs ou one side o; *,t* month, each to come iu to use in ; regular sucucssii 0. Tbe physician dis sected only orie part of th« main's bead but this prored to his satisfaction that the current belief that a.rattlesnake has only ens ou e:;cli side of the head 1 a very crronci us In 1 a r » plied to ait ' .?r.»kes oi this speeies. A f.nuier should buy aothirig hv em produce. 11l so doing he violates a ear d:i :.I bui inc.* P in :i;de. Of the farmers ! 13 !>caufort cou.'ity Jh; who tiurtf rs. Ed entirely upon oottmi and hr.u«lit ! tliicr supplies and fertilizer*, how many have made lil'inev 1 These ideis vpers ,«ti!';-. sted by the remark of otic of o*r J- . • --'ve i inner,"'. He said 'hat "our n.rii.ods inns', be revolution!*®*!." This same gentlom in intends to devote next *?.i*on a portion of lii.s time to trucking. It is to be hoped tli.il he will sueueed. Keep the hall moving.— Ifas'iinrfon 1 A reporter's revenge: 'lf I w«rs as fat as you,' said a western I reporter to a local politic in. who turbed the sraies at 350 pou'H s ami who had brusquely declined to . e interview#.!. If I were as fat as you I'd do) tul give my heirs a ehaiioe to start a soap factory. So your daughter has u a tied & ru-li husband'" "Well," slowly ropli d the father. "I beliove she had married a rie'o inau bat I understand ho is a Very poor husbaud." A farm iletu remarks that in 6y-tiuie ; cows should be kept iu stalls. Thjj is l«r the cotiveuioLce of the ill, increasing | Ins oppoitumiy of oiioeutrariun, an 1 1 uin.,h valuabla ti_ie that would be otherwise consumed in chasing j a frisky bnifcr through a teuacre lot. I I'ae n-e'.o' j repartee. Uncle t>i> k I (an artist) —'.'Well, JVIIIKIV, *nd wkit me you going to be ? ' jobunj— "I slia'.l be a judge, liku pap.i." I'ni bj | Dick—'-A'..! but you bareu't brsju* etumsh. my hov." J -li'inT— "Oh. tb»fc I'll he af »rti*t. I I'- y.m '

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