IHE REPORTER AND POST. V OLUME ML >! f^.. •. • ' r. 7! V4KTKB, j§m9#Mr~xr~L* r. MT AXBT, ICIIT CO., *. t, jmITJSM ymorbT~ ATTORNEY LAW Ml Airy V. Or ■-•■•* **«■!)» 0«m to tb&Ml teetton n« *7ITMA*TI*DALB, i "~ vjf. /. c. DULAXft co., MTATtOMttr AUD MOOKtXLIIUS WAM KBO trs*. M' a«»— i SP«*> • jynwv.^r rSrE3jy»sSta w '' ml W BALTIMORE, JTP ~~ /.i.'BAMISOJf, ' A.L. KULETAOa., SRT GOODS •» NOTIONS I M. U A 14 Twelfth atrea',? lfcs?V™ i Iv . ft'Csr ißiciua'i 7a B ». KIM, wm JOIWSON, BVTTON # CO., PH Y Q^OgS, » m. mmmm, a. M. rvTroa *. a.m. miwi, 9,4. muNi. ». NT, MB—T NUM. Btr n j AM VMiar>>Mitk a On ■ n immwkis * •till I >ll Bull I* WtK, ABfiMH, BATS AKl> CAJ\ f,-- il-.rtv*. h-.uiamr- . Jf» , . B. A.S M. X. Mr, ' | **' ' wrrm Mf*-ry Sunntborn # Co., mmnmUK CLOTHIERS. e *«*wHi4ew MSmrtMg MP. •. MMNW, ». «U«th(S. ttiBSE WatlgM. OtttraU * Co.. SAmSwAHE. /. uicqitojrD, rj Mi sEr 1 '?- " , tr.W-MtXJM, ttfTffMKCTXI Tj CO., VMM *;cjr*o.vi, » *. AW9TT, OF » « . . Wprimh D**i*e* I* *#ora, IIOM, t»u*u, HO >»!■>! eitMtU* r*tf If ardor*. >M s*ti»- lM,f ' ' ' * ••" » m siT.~ > ■ «M* MhK Idfii »• nil* * w. I-OWBRH 4 CO. mfOtMSAIM DKCHGiSTJ, F»" ,s> " Klmii '•• -MB***, oiu. ?ru, Tiuin*?, Fraaeh u A«tri«u V «mow bUM. FOTTT, *0 IMM? '■? '-'SF' —- P- H. Wta«on.jr. Ara^ggyATLAW ■SBpltfa- .v *"•-*•■ * - ' "* *••'•• .*• ***• & Ko , -J 5 a.-4 li» !>•- «ui I MHwi « « pTF*. i "Mb i*{fcu3L Ik. Kk.aU*. llui.,au»fci. M , pieiUM. KMI l-oArf *HbmTti*.+ . Mlt HII KII fk.-»a#j| *»-'». u . . i ? *»wKTs7^* w iri, eV i».*As3*lCTlC [ %4Ufc—K » Uav. • »» 4. 4 »», • »U 4 ' •..!> J-vW" ■ mi Iwbii fact » «•■ um r. ..».y > •MUi'K IW MP' • ltl» p.ti M ( #««ri«M ami tlx if, ti-«4i i #•• f « •** «A 4 v» . .*» k Jr *jm 4a MMf' Miffa Ml tew iMDaaJtei W. Ml rill ».Xw' I t i|M. ?• MM Mt brtty A«fMM I 9 k hr ] •IN •»—• fact. MMttf «i« t:m* +. *v i fvtfiaataMMMvwr. *mm.* i •4k«N ) K4i • « ' Uw iiniml«i» >-u t * of ■ «. •■ •-•••'•. I l!!L r ! *' a Ik* ft.i •. j «m«1 bgr all p#f»o«t 3 . jygb wtwmii lay tf Uwmi #• *• i T BfmpUtux* nifT^r. Tmmmmm tr»4lbc OP Llrint- In r«. } twianil—Tbr k Ju*« ikuii4 , tilf M MM tb« kr« M h*«khy AruiJt, «;U aV ; J ~ T A* Mjltm, BnUm allMks IHr-mm/Nn. Mft. 11 |I»». DcpfMUwa wf iic It «il|nMrMU«a|)aMui vi**, tom h au to- Wt TMI kiiva M(M har4 «»t #f«Maa.*r fed Kcary j/i«r p.«l« pr toM at »rj ywu »*!' L rciit v .A ttmm m 4 DNton* rau w»u :>« »«*.%« ] i kf ilni|llMpim ih« K«|uU(ur to th« Hoiim t vtomr tto ailment may b*. a thonviflily | m* MVfatln, tntfkMiftUn TW r. n*» y M li;».it,l»»- ■jyMJ M( tokrf«r« *Uh Lu*lnc.» *r j f l» • rtfun.T mr. rr%r.iß. AM toa aA*e pewcf »■•! eflS-.ry .4 t'.lofr> or Qaotoa,>»4ltow aay g/ tkc uijanvu* Jur ui..u A Oa*arnor*it Tn«ifmotiT* Iwatat I jr*r K- gui«u>/ Ka* '*«n in VN m my fca*jf to km« aa« I ta lanaliW u it a MMW aidiuM iw thv m««K .1 », ' • J-fiit !3H>ani,o'i««iiira(AU. ■to. Al«taiMi»r 11. Rtri-hcm, of «»., aava: ICaW damiJ » »r Itnrm r«m th« um U X*C*Uf*, aati wi>k lu giv« m a "Tbm mm\9 TKlit® that BfTrr fkfla la ' I Wave vitad aanv remedies kx l>y»- f 'fa. Li««v Afction 'and Prbll.iy,' hm :m tovatonJ aaytkiac t» U«.fu me M tLr> iimi 1 !■■■■■ Lsrtr Kagalator i.a*. I s«nt Crnn M»«. ■• nta •• C*«npia V>r it. aad «.nJ lunh't .«*» •! •** a aiaAcin*. *#»d wrufct adviM ali wh«. art %im ftariy »to«»ad ta gi«« 4 a rti-i aa u |«a» tho *Uy toaf *a« ka« m > M Mino«afa: : *, Mina. *- W. Maaon aaya i Fraaa actual •«- H**" aT stmao u livar Rtg'*!ai. r ia My pnaiM 1 Kit« W«n aail aai lo UM •4 H"OtU >( u » y«i|iiin aditir. i trit ilh Csniila". WVlrfc aVwin ka> m ilm Wuppi, iju rvd * Tr*d«.Mi>ik I J. 11. Jk l. B* »*u yy aix ptuiccisr v ■ k -'■ JMilito wIM ara raAorerlof vital rttnini, tolarc iu |rrat»Aii urmi lb+*r a, pfeja (M oi Um* m«ri:a ui a ivnie, ot Buatatlar'a ■mb»«* SiUeTS. K>>t only tlora ti impart IMtoH u> tfcw wvak, bui It alao corracta 9m Stfl+r a".li »tau of tha •fmarh, MakatCto kMrli lei at intt-rra)*, ftTfa aaa* t > thcaa who tuff* r Jrcrn Rhtv- MaliCact k'Am y trcubl'-M. unvl cenquert us j tol aa prar* nt j for«r t rifl agre. Foaaaa« by «U1 DrtifrciMti acU D«i*tr« f«B«raily. "lARS- BT -MILLION FM Cboo'i Balsam of Shark's Oil. Vogitirth/ Hntarm the Urnrimj, «mi i* the Only Abtolutt Currfor Dniiiru Knuicit. Thl« Oil is *hs.raotol from peculiar (pe clw of mimM VVliile Sh.i k, "alight in the Y«IIO*(MA. knnwii» CAW HARADOX UON DSI.KTB. Eveiy Ciiinm unlvrnmn knnwi It. Iu virtue* u * r»stor»tlv« if hi-aring wfr* MaeoTttrel by Bml !KUt I'lieU about th« year 1410. It.i i - uro« wen »> n :ro«rr>us and many »o terminyl'i mlhir»lniu>, tliattlio reawty was o.ttoially pn>.'Uim"i ovrr tl • •ntnr Kaplrr. ita um Iwc .me to universal that for ooer 300 n» far r- Wtir among 'he Chin•** ) «»/'/>•■ nt, ebsrsej prepaid, to a ly ad.lre« a' »:«(• [«r b«ul«. Hear What the Deaf Say. H ha% perfarmcii .1 ihiracie in my tu*>. 1 h*r# no unearthly nouaca i.i my beatland hear murb better. 1 have been greatly bemSted. My deafnee* hslpe>! a great deal—think another bottle will cure Die. 1 "lie virtuee are unqeetlonmltle and its cur ative cforoelfr abenlule, >.» the terfter can fertonaU'j ttrtlfy, b.i'h from eurerinict oW aleei ua'iuw. Wit>e at .'ice to II AVMK K x JKKXBT. 7 Her Street, New Vqrk.enrlwini( $1.00; ami \ou will receive bv return a rem edy that will enab'e you to he«r lkc any body »l»e, aud wlux urat've will t e permanent. ¥n «i'l never rejrei lining •V—Edutok AMCKICAK KSVIB'-v. trr I'o axoid hue l:i 'lie Mailt, ploaiM send money bv Hegistere.t letter. Only Imported hv H..YLOCK t.IEN'N'EY, (L«U Uajlock A m., 9NJL MIVTS »'•« AWErtICA 7 oe\ St., Sew York. ..'-I r OEO. S. NISS"N & COL . *A J. B>l V c. . WAGON MANUFACTURERS, Using only the beet of materiaK. we make the heat / rork. end warrant ewy j"b.— We have the old. *t and Indent VVajjon Work*, and it.r Wl7l s have •' th .l rrp'tta'lon oi any nMhe otJt«. Every Wa-on, l»i.i t s nein.i -J. r. J.I..PFN', fr»!#.T. V.0., N. (,'." Wt ill- tor pr;»«- -. itofei •/> U1 wLo ire tuinf our Wejoi* I ' ••-. - *-• - DANBURY. N. C, THURSDAY. MARCH 8 1883. PRO^HBCTUi 1 . or ' TEE DASB-JRY HEWS, i T _ I '■ v ON SATUBDAT THB 17TH or MABCB. ' ' 18x8, we will eomiaeßo*, at D—kery, l i N. C., ike bublioaiioa of a ne weekly paj er, to be called T«B DABBOBT*BW». The Niwt will be a 20-e»laain payer, | aed be seat te tubsuribera at ibe lu4 1 price of $1 per year. .TV y»*er will I fW devoted to litera.'ure, .frioaliure, ' jod«cai;on, poUliee, news, huiuor, wad j 1 tailrellaoeirci ttitUet. Special iltsattea 1 j w;U be £M of labor v« iU bu fared to rnuke it euch * paper as wiilux* 1 :•!) the requirement* lof a fir»i-oUj finally journal. All j laudable tnterpfiaca should j.ave the Sanctiou aud eucouiageaieal tS tue 1 people, ..nd we ceriaiijly Uc»ire tlat (or , I ours ; bui we.du no', claim your patron age 00 this iioore. The must | utaud upon its own merits. ' Thnt ii all ve ctk. The low prteii tf sulxcriplion ; places it w'tUm the reach of all, aud j we trus* wc .shall receive a liberal share ; of the pubjio p.ur. uage. Rcapectfelly, J. W. OU6UIAB, J. v. PBI'f'KR. NtiTK.— M'e a*k the earnest and im mediate oh-operation of our friends to j I aid us iu -extending the circulation. ' For a> club 1 of five yearly subscriber* I jwe .will teinl r.ne copy of the j . free. A trial trip of 3 months only 26 cen'e • - A BILL TO SELL THE STATK'B ' STOCK J.S THE CAPK KEAR AND i YADKIN VALLEY HAIL OAD. The. Central of North, Care iina dutnart. i j >tcrias 1 'I hat bis exc«llvDcy the Governor . f North Carolina, tLe treas urer, the aooretury of slate aud the at " lorney aatd mate V, and tkey | " are hereby authi 1 "IW and ''Ji ret led aa comiuis'iotiera for aod in behalf of said state to Mill and assign the stock which the -aid »teie now bolds and owns in tke , Capo Fear and Yadkin Valley Railway ; Company to Robert H . Donaell and I Murchieon Si Co., of the eity of New York , A. \ . Stokes of Kiehmeud, Vir» ! ginia; John D. • illiaius, E.J. Lilly and James A. Grey, John L. Merebead, J.Turuet Morehead, J. F and W. A.' Moore, W. A. l-ew.lv, W. A. Lask, D.! \V. C. Benbow, and Jnliua A. ttray, of' North Carolina, and saeh others as may be associated with them, by tha laid per- KORfj above name'), or lo such of the persons above named an request 1 iDAa-itd triii«f»-i and conveyance to theui, 'ij-ot- the p.iynieiil by said person.- »t the 1 sums bereioafttt set t'urtb, aa a Condi | tion precedent toaaid transfer and con- : I teyauce. 1 Sec 2. Thtt bsforo tbe ttscuiicc ! am) delivery by the governor and bis associates as afcreaaid of tbe j conveyance and 'reliefer of tbe »aid stock tn the said railway company, to the said j ; persons, the sail grantee.) or purchasers ! | of said Mock shall pay to tbe treasurer! ' of laid Ita'o in rash the sum of fifty- : ! five tbnusaud ($ >5,000) dollars as the I ! puri hase ui'-ney for said stoct,and they ' shall also pay ibe said treasurer tie put 1 | value aud tbe accrued interest tbereon, 1 ; for tb? tbirfy tbiusand dollars of the' bonds of eaid cutupuny purcbaied by tbe | state uuder tbe provisions of section V of an acl ratified the 25tb day of February, 1879, entitled "An aot to change the toauie and aulhorite tbe oontalidatiou el tbe Wesletn Railroad Compauj with the Mount Air\ Railroad Couipany, and to complete the laid roed." And upon the ! receipt of tSe seme, tbe eaid treasurer shall transfer atid assign said bond* and ' interest to said grau'eca. | Src. 3. Tbe said grantees shall rep- 1 reseat and voto upon tbe s&id stock in all muetiug* of eaid coaipiny, and an private stockholder*, and aot subjeut lo tbe limitation upon tbe rig jt of the rep roeeatativu of tboatata to voto ia said meetipgs, as provide m aootion H of aa sot ratified the 19tb day of day of Do- Member, 187U, entitled" An aot to restore 'to the Western ivailroad Company it* original chartered privileges, to regulate tbe appointment of stale directors and to define tbe voto of tbo state ia ike general meetings of the stookbolder* of ' said company," that is to say, that ia a l meetings of said stockholders each share of said stock sball b* entitled to i oa* tote. I I to. 4. That iflMiW; alter ike I Wllfc«lt»BO# a** ae« tatH fk*Ml» ' so»k4y of Aa a*Mt «#totb (Wolfaa, i a goatpjfr BMtwp *f tW Mkekbclder* of Mil«itoyaAtl«iM, to wbieb ; ■aatof*t»a ia nlaißil this art a* : aa tmmimmt *m M *M|l" of said •eksyaay far Mtiafa* by v«ie of tbo stssk ethos t'*& tho stock kwoiabefura aMM: *H tf the said eoßtpaay ia said ilaft aoeept tbo eaid seseadiaur lo Ma ebaHfr, and tbe said grantee* ar parol.aoot* Aall within j 1 tbe next thirty «*ayj ihervefjor pay over to tbe state treasurer Kr Uny it t the tuortpage bi nd* of the Cape Fear . r.nd \ atikm Valley Railway CVuipany held by tbe state as set ioriL ia secuou of this ac*., tbeu tbe transfer ami oe- ' iigr.ia"nt -I tha state's stock shall at i , onct be ma 'e to the *ald grantees or purchasers, u,a at the next meeting of ! the sti ckuolders of tbe Cape Ke-ir aud ' Yadkin Valley Railway Compauy tbere : sb-.1l be a recrgaiuution oi said compa- ' i riy by the eleolion of twelve d.rectors J tbe said gran.'ets being vntitlrd, is -said ■ rcorgaaitetion, to vote upon tbe said -tuck as private stock, a* bereiubef.ire ' provided aud tbe said dirtcters sball eleot oae of their number president, aud sucb other oScers as tkuy may deem proper and neceseary for the aiaosgement of tbe sffairs of said company. Ssc. 5. That the (aid ceapaty so re organised shall have fall and aa . tbority to make a mortgage upon all of it* property, effect* and franchises of every ' kind whatsoever te *eeure tbe psyiaeat of it* bonds, and to isae bonds in suoh ' sums a* ii way deem proper, bssring | inter.;*! at tbe rale of six per cent, per > ' annum and to run for tbe period of thirty I years from the date thereof, to tbe aineuiM of fifloeu thousand dollars per mile upon ! each mile of said read already construct -1 cd, or which may be hereafter con- ] | strutted, aad of any branch or branches ' of said road, and that said mortgage aud tbe bonds issued t her uuder sball be a first lien, and have priority over ev*ry ; ether claim against the cvwpaay. Tba ! said wbeu doty eaocuted,' shall be registered iu the register'* of fice of*the county of Cumberland, aud registration is laid eoonty shall be deem ed eafioieat registration for all pur pose*, and it (ball Bet be neceuary to rsgistvr tk* same ia aay other eoßßty, any la* to tha eoßtrary aotwitbttand ing. B*o. 6. That of tko Mid mortgage bond* the eaid ceaspaay (ball pay ov r ' to th* treotarer of laid atate the anw of 1 one huudred aad tovta tboaaaad tweaty (cven dollar* aad forty-six coot* ($lO7- 1 U27.4C) leee tea thousand seven baa ' dr.-d aud bt'ty-*. \ou anu Iwrtv-one cents I HII V f>r -uj i ort -i C"u>i4.«, iti i'u.l ,01 | llumuit o. at. .i.dcixedti >e 1 - cum ' to satd -tate for Douvict i.i t iIC. 7. luai uunug ib« cwiiS.rucii- a lof said road tbo *t*te will cui.tinue to furnish to ie:d company ali the conticts i protided for in prior acts ami such other . convicts as may b* appropriated, upon ' tbe same turns anil coodiiiou* a* the coovict* have bereiofore been worked on said road, aod tko treasurer shall rective 1 iu paymeul lor such laker the eaid first i mortgage bonds. I Skc. 8. Tbat tbe act of tha general assembly oi North Carolina, ratified tbe 26th day ct March, lObU, enti led "Au | aot to amend tbe charter of tbe Cape bear and Yadkin Valley Railroad Com pany,''being chapter 18 of tk* act* of the general assembly at iho special ses sion of lHbu, bo aßd tbo saiao w hero by repealed. Stc. t. That laid oonpaoy •hall bav* full power aad aatharity *.o extend tko utaia lia* of it* (aid road to tho city of Wilaiiagtoo aad to tho Virginia line, aad to baild aay Waaohe* to said auua lia* which may ba expedisat, aad to *ak soribe lo tko capital (took of or puroisas* i tbe bouda ot aay couipany or cnmpaiiies building • ruilMud or ruilr iarli coiaiact ing v>ii h said Cup t Fear an i Y Valley Railway Compai.* a Ii e, eiiLei io or oat of tho atate of North Car- in.*, aad to coaatraoi and operate said cou- Bftnag rood, ProtideJ, thai oao-kalf ot lie ooaviets received by (aid company •halt, from aad after tko lat day of Jane IBM, bo kwpt ceutiauously employed ia (lading Bi.id road, North and West nf Walnut Cove, in tko ooauty. of Stokes, «ntil tbe taidreadugndaJteMt. Airy, Patteraoa and Doobury. Provided fur• tktr, that laid ooavtot* shall not bo em ployed on any road or breach of rood, axoept on the main line of *aid railroad, froia Mt. Airy to the Booth Carolina Uao, 818 Shoe Heel, aad on the PaMer eeß, Daakary aad VroakJiaaville oraaeh- M Pmdtdfurther, tbat if aeid cuapaay 1 ekall violate tbe eoaditioae aud previa- 1 mm of this Molina, a* to tko place of working, or tkc kind of work to be doae by eaid coavicte, Mid ifn-pnry (hall immediately forfeit all right aad 010-iu lo work said euuviete, and they (kail bo iiumeiialely retorned to tbo aatkoritiu of the Paaiteauary. j Sac. ly. Tkat if tko Mid Cape Fear and Yadkin \ alley Railway Coaapany "'ll :LiUfi/ur year* from ibe ratifica \ '.wo o! lUisaci, jv3 .. equ-p a r- ad .. t ..u.t 00&• - ..em j. wti f elf said "ism in., to ia the couny o! Ki.': iolph, or as i.var tbere- j .0 -s loay be practicable, actl oonvenieut, for l iruisbing .larisporcation facili;i*s to toe Deep River factories, io tbat vicinity, ; tbe state tisaeurer is hereby authorixed aud directed to return to aai company j menty-five tl.ousaud dollar* of th* : mortgage bond* eposited with bin un | der sections t> and 7 of this act, aud if the said company will conatruci and 1 equip * branch from some point on laid ' mam line a >r near alnat Cove to ! l'anbury, in tbe county of Stokes within four years fiom the ratification of this act, tbe ata'e treasuter i* hereby euther iied and directed to return to (aid com pany twenty-five thousand dollars of the ■wir gage bonds deposited with him un der sections 6 and 7 of tbia act; and wben (aid company (ball conatruct aad eqaip the main lies from Walnut Core te the Little Yadkiu river, at a point near Dalton, in tbe county ot Stoke*, tbe state treuaurcr ia bereb; aut'ioriied ! and d,reeted to reiurn to said company j all the bond* deli ,me I to biui I'or uoo-1 vie' labor done ocween Viali.ut Cove atin the Litil V a.litin r.-er; ard if the ■ said O'Aipnuv s ail c u.i met and equip j the main Itue fioiu Wainui Cove to Ml. 1 Airy, in tho county of Sorry, within I four year* from th* ra- ification af this act, tbo state treasurer is hereby au thorixed aad directed lo rotura to aaid company twentj tb u*and dollar* of boud*, together .with aacb as aboil bo far 1 convict labor don* between the Little i Yadkiu and Mr. JUfy, depwiuKff with - biiu under Mctioae G aad 7 of thu act. i Aad whra Mid company akall *oßatre*t - aad eqaip (aid railroad tbo diitaoc* of - twenty aiilM from tbe junction, oa tbo > Pattorsoa braaeb, the atate treasurer it , hcr*by oßtbortMd aad direoted to retara - to laid coiapoay th* koad* delivered to bim for convict labor doae ia the COB > itruction of tbat tweaty aula* uader e*c r lions 6 sad 7of tbi* act, aad whea Mid f company shall construct and equip eaid •oad to a point ten milot wast of th* . Wilkes county line, tbe Mid treseurer . is (Uihoriied aud instructed to retara 1 to said company twenty-five thoaeoad - d .liars ot tbe mortgage bonds depoeited | ..nil Ii 1 is. uuder sections 6 aud 7 ef thi( t ..ad ;-posited with bim fori I ICI « I* DOTE TI K I lIMIOO* 1 of th- Hoove nt:i.eC vti. :j uiira and j >! tbe p'-iui nauici in H ilke« eottaty . aod 1 1 if tbe said company rhall coanruct and r | equip s,.id road to Patterson, tn tbe 1 I county of ' atdwell, nithiu five years • from the ratification of thi* act, theatho i | (late treasurer ii hereby authorixed and s. directed to return to Mid company the t i remainder of the bonda delivsre.i to him I for convict labor under seetioß( 6 and 7 I !of this act ; and should (vid company 3 fail ta construct and equip said roads, , 1 and (oction* of roads, within he times I j fnd iu the maimer herein spscilieii, tba . bouda remaining iu the bands ot Mid 1 * treasurer shall remain tho absolute pi op . erty of the stato. f See. 11. Tbat all laws aad olaases of laws io confliat with this act be aod I tbe MUM are heroby repealed. I Sic. 12. That thia act ahall be ia j force from and after ratification. What la Cuao 1 ' Priu er—A place to hold type. ' Express AgTßt—Two dozen of beer. L **er—Kv. -y suit that 1 have. 1 . it jat .eut of mice. 1 j-. »e:-«. r.v. ry sinner I see. m. ..... a , in— T ic relation of nouns .>ierci. ii. rhe place to sLow Librarian—Some abslves for books. ' ; Architect—The face of a boas*. ' Undertaker— Tbe place for year oorpse. * ' And a hard ease i* tbe man who take* f a paper five or six year* end then order* ** it diMootißßed without payiag for it. ' Tbi* •xh*u«t* our ksowltdg* on eaaa ology, or tk* *oi*ooa ef oa***. I,' Within tbe pa*t eighteen msath* , ' forty-three imperialist newspapers have t j givei. up *ke gbi tt m France. •Ftaf' Dr. Spnag, after forty year* efiW iervati*n, **id tkat b* a 1 ekeptie ta dio ia paaeo, Ml a kal»r»*» 1 to di« ia daipair. It i* tk* failk af tko BBBBM fata Ft that reaau ia [l peaee sadyoy. tmi aaUliaf tt ika 1 other tbat eoveca it wtlk certainly that IUB ki«B eritk darkan* aad di*Msy. Tha MM it Mat ttriWag. Tk* maa tkat keeatod that hr Would destroy tk* k»- fore ki* deatk, triad oat ia hi* hat a*W laoau, "lam ahaadamily o*4 awl man . 1 sball ga ta kaU Tha Mm wke *l*acly faateaat I of Cbrisriaaity la j rlaimed, "1 kava foogkt tk* gasd fight: I ' I Hav« finished usy CO arcs; 1 kaveßept the faiib , heaeefortk there ia laid «p for me a crown of rigbl*ooMsv*e, wkiek the Lord, ibe rigbtaoae Judge, abail give me at that day," On* of the a osl prefaced ard Will iant philosopkieel writers of bis age, wbo scoffed at tbe Cbtiatiao'e fa lure, ia kia dy ing hour cried out, "O the iuMffera ble paias of hell aud damoatiea !" Tko greatest of tbe world's aatarabatf, wbo everywhere *aw ia ibe prodattion* of na ture tbe baadiwork of tke Chriatiao'* God, at bu *iit from tbi* to a aublimar (tage, crowned all bis beautiful writiagc with tbe immortal passage, "Mow grand tboae ray a ! they teeuisd ta beckoa eartk (o heaven." Tbe king wke, ia kia katrtd ef the simple faith cf Jeeus aad holy practice* of Hi* folio were, gave the order for tke Biaaeacre of tke UufßCßOte, died, tkriok ing, "Hlood ! blood ! What (hall I da! ! 1 am hd for*v*r !" The past week was. on tbe wbol*. oa* 1 of noteworthy progreM in the li-giala- I • .ion of CengresD, the stimulus nndeubl- ! j fldly being tbe approaobof tba end cf tbe \ session Tbe Senate discussed and ' passed BO fewer ibaa four of th* regwlar | appropriation bills - tbe Army, the Na vy, tbe Fortificatiaß, aad tk* Legidrtiv* Ksecalive, aad Judictal. Tk* Ueaae debated aad paeaed tk* Saadry Civil kali. Ameadmamta la akaadaaaa war* mad* ky th* B*am* ta tha FEW HTM* bill* whuh it paaaßd; tdß, i%m*it aa reasse to «wppuM that tke oltmote m actmaat of eilker of tkem has bee* pat ia jeopardy, *iß*o ceafsreace coasmittoM caa M*ily arrange all eaietiag Jiff*i«Bcee af opiaiea. Tba reatiae pabiic kn*in*M i* BCW farthor advaa*ad tkaa HMd ponibl* a week ago. Tk* eemsag w**k however, ia th* aa* ia wkiek |IM jab bers will b* alert ta *adaav*r to foree attentiea to their eekemee, at tbe ea peaM of legitimate aad aeaamary legie latioa.—Sun. "It may be k**e to yea put yaa havaiavited Ma to *milo," *ald Mr •'Bob" Bard*tt«, th* hamorw* to a | "Pitlsbarg Poat" reporter th* other day, "that 1 have become a total ak ' *taiccr. I r*dac*d th* Butler to figwree, and foaad out that to eaeh maa i* tiiot od oo* barrel ef «Ai*k*y, aad ky dee* caleu lat iaa I diaaovered that I had draak a barrel aad a half; ia ether word* I bad draak my ewa aad half ef ea*ther maa'* barrel. I am to* heaett to rob an v body, eepeeially af the wbiekey aa get aowadoy*, aad th*r*for* have qui! drialuag whiakay eatirely." Aa arrieg baabaad, who kad exhaaet ed ell explaaation* for late hoar*, aad bad no apology ready, recently *lipp*d iuto tk* keasc aboa*. 1 o'clock, very softly, denuded hiauelf geatly aad ba gaa roekiag tha cradle by th* hedeide, u if h* had b*ca awakepsd *at *f a coaad alccp by infaalil* eric*: U* had rocked 1 away for five minate* wkea Mary Jaaa, I wke kad aiUatly observed the wkol* mcßewver, aaid : "Coma to kad, y*B 1 foal, Ike baby »ia't tbere." t I A Califorara maa, nmiag hoas* in the Bight receaUy, (tambUd ever Mm*- tiag ferry ia th* ball. With rare pres et** of miad be did aot gte* the ihfh, 1 bat crept aroand the *aiia>l whfoh' he ' judged to be a bear, gat ku (kotgan aad fired both btrreU into. tbfl(e*tt,t., Tba| aaoke hie wife and gave her theh>*ter ics, and w hen he gut a light and took aceount of reaufte, he found be bad (hot hi* bearskin coat all to ton Pott. A tramp ifciid to drink a* meek K | qaer a* aaybody in aa Kvoas villa (lad.) t bar-room weald pay for, and prated it I by Mtptyißg a fall tsmbter. ,4le the* 1 Mid ha weald dnnk twelva gltwn | of beer aa feat aa tha; eaald he drewe, ! tad Moeaeded ia that aadartakiag. k 1' few BHante* afterward, ia aaatbar Mlaoa 1 ha dnnk two brimmtag tambl«r* ef tibia j ky.. Tha* be died. IHXB9 Httoraaaoaa ihMf • mu mi ka rnmm i fe 4m(, to mw Att *• wrk wwe* fcr Bjiaf ta-ge»- Uw afcaod; fer Jmm^i W*«Ot|kl «MMN|WM a. WitaO . ar * ||.4jLl a n mmm ■P|"lw»» '"lf Wf WV iMM win""- A w«w tomwttHliin wfcfa • • Ml, I iHUr.MMM WM *»>■>, Mi t» play W Wilt #4 the Ml «M( *a fHMt f m» >■■■. - toai*-b««ahtiig •agniA. ' ▲ MM udw Qau «M Uoat M «Mr > mbM( tnia m It . P«MHkM| I* l(M» Iv OMnUh, bj m MiwMitf a ttoiag a# fimii »ub criaool; **Bir», giao aa broad! Wa •h kawgrv." Almlt was iftj .ak-wrtofiMl rf IW aariaaaref Kwrf tto paaaaati.i uj when Mn ia *otoal sood of M. Tfco uiiitltr replied tiut it m .Ward a», bat tbo lafMHl towna wto aorl; amptj that aa rrlirf aoaid to aflbrdad. At thia tki Cur toasts* t»rj t*|rj, became tk« stale of tfiiri M hittwte bora kmealed fraa hia, a*6 eipraeeed kit determiasiiea t* tske ap hie raov desea st Bt. PtlmVwj, that to aight tof eloM persoasl orersigkt apoa tto adaiaiatratioa. Tto Ckiietiaa in this world is s straw gar sad s piigria. Tbara it aa ree tiag place, so asfo skada, aa refuge, aa •tr»Dg bakitatiea, a» dvelliag plsca, aa koae far kirn sera. Bat to is not kaai !c»». Halisi s asfe refage—"God a I inj rafu gn." He his s Vroog tohito* 1 lias—"Ba tbou n>j »'rv»g habitation. n ) >in baa a dwelling pktca poacsiisg a!l I tto eicaaalt of » traa, ba)py homo— "Lord, then tost beam o»r dwelliag plaeo la si! generations." Hera ka dwells ia aafatj. Jts assay as» aaefeat km. Ha"Ailas aadar tto iM»* of tto Alaijkt;." Wkst s Maiartitg ttoagkt'-JlMtofet Jtecerrf,r. -r -w Ttoaowto Maly ia iadSeaaMMte cnucira apoa tto wweHtoer eUseaa, « i if tto; eiltor toard ttoir mamty t* ' lirad ia imariaaa iadaiginat, Mtk kaan tto groat aaoaat ajiMk they caa etaatJy derot* to aDotrtawm aklfaj sad works a I kmrnltm. X*. fe at I Draaai, of Philadelphia, a|» died last vaak, regwtarty pail tto iavt of aore tksa tSO ftariltos sad daattikatod aaeag tto poor orer $300,000 a year. Ska oapleyod >Via to laatitota iw fwf iato tto aaetite of »eeh upptioast, sad oaaa ovary voaS diapeaaod gro aatiaa, alatkiag,sadaaaajf laipiir, who gsttorad eoary To today st sa ap pelated ptaea to raaatTa tor gifts. Wkaa we etaad apoa tto kigk aena tsia lot aa pray. Hold aa ap laavl k3 sad atoa wo pat aa tto iao gsnwiata. lat aa sak far tto aaaotmtag. ltts In aaa wkaia fat) of joy sad lihgfct wta ia asflad apoe to to oatokfal. Wkaa all iaaalm wttk aa wa aar aapaat a kar rtcaaa. It is tto worat doril, wtoa wo asa aot aoo say dafil, fee tkaa partopa tto raooal kas got iatido af aa aad road j to giro aa a daadly (tab. —Sfnrgttn Tto Itslisba toro a prayar wkiek rasda: "I pray tkat I aay asvar to aal> riad. Bati( I marry, 1 prsy that I aay aot to daqaiaad. Bat if laa daooivod, I pray tkat 1 way sot know of it. > if I know it, t pray tkat I aay 'to skla ' to laagk at tka wkola afair." Tkia ia ' aoat axaallrnt pbiloaopky —far Italy. A littla girl waa wslkiag aa tto atraH ! tto atkar day, wkaa aba aaw a taty V>"r laggad maa wttk a abort aaat aa. "Ok, • ■a!" aka a riad, "ttoro'a aow 1 ntaaal aadar bia." Tour yaaag ladtao kaardiad ia loi iagtoa, Kj, frooa ton pudarni by | ororaaartioar at tto rollar (fcstiag riak in i that city, llow aooioty woald to«a towt ,ad if tod Uoa aada ta Llm ttow aaUaa ovar lb. fsaily waabfak. [ BAton Cm-b'W,*ttor aab who kUM 1 Wilton flpotk, it li*lng ia Kaaasa, Kfc ' kt tka aattlo krffcaia. Hk to* VVVOSt • MnjlOlf - fllDnMl M IS % roooat IMtaf ta a fritad ia Oaadaa to ' saya tkat to baa tooa dirratad by Sod ' to ialiat daily paaiatoaoat apoa klaaotf | for toviag ukm batusa lifr. " '' ' 1 Faod ia oaly eoaraa wtoa cttmlf • aonkad, aatba ptaiaoat aatariala aba* i ; taia aatrioioaa aad daiaty aUaaata. • - ' Spaak wall of year fricada -i/ yfto | «MI«M aar niJbiag. , ~ t*

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