In L liejS tliiillilji: Mm I'liM. VOLUME XII. ■ - ■. Reporter and' Post. CIBLHHIB WISKLY AT DANBURY. N. C. PKI'PBR A SON 3, Pub,. * Pry, ■tkTXH or II IMiKIFrUiI I • '■no Vt>*r. pnutMr In aUtiuicr t|..'4i Km Monlhi. ,16 RvrKa or AuvKKTtftixui On* Square lU\u linos o* Mms) I time. ft 00 Kar )i«t (iti.»n*l luMTtUm, .., Mi Ontr:i*t« f«»r louder tlniwor nwrr spacr can be ni'tdn in proparlbin to lit a ukov4 rat«•*. 1 ran»M*N( a*t\>rtia«Ta will 1*» r*peotr»l t» remit arrorUn* to tloso rtl«s at tk« time thi y sei».l their lnv.tfs. laical will bi» charge.l 89 per cent, higher tl» .»u ab.»\ • r»U'l Bu*lii'«*i Cwdi will be liuiertctl at Ten Dollar* per annum. PROFESSIONAL C.IRHS. , ">."ju:r !>.' i;::i Attorny and Couusllor, MT. AIKY, N. C. Pritctiois In tl>" cmirtd of Surry, !Stoki«, Yadkin ami Alleghany. W. F. CARTER, .-STTQftXKr-,ir-L,n w. MT. AIHV. St'ltßV «'♦>., N. I, lYmtiiv* wherever hUni-vlcw. are *iint*'l j It. L. TTAYMORE, ATTORN EV AT LAW j Mt AO-y. N. C- Special aiumliou U» Ib* col lection ot j eJaiuui. I—lvan 11. M MAHTIND.W.K, WITU If M. J. C. DI'LAXY# CO.,' STATU'A' VMS' AM) HOOKHk'I.Lt:MS j W A It EIIOI'S K book* a tk-iiiotierv »f .nil kind*. Wrapping |M§» a r, • r«»nt». I lon net Ifcurds, I'm per bliu»l>. m*W. BALTIMORE «T.. UALTIMoUK. Jfl» J. 8. UAll 111 SON, WITH A. L. ELLET&CO., DRY OOODS fc NOTIONS 10, IS k 14 Twelfth Stroo', A.L. KLLRTT, \ A..lvt**i»> Wathm, f % WttSSS.'* sßichm'd, Va II F. KING, WITH JOHXSOX, SI'TTOXS CO., I>rtv GK>l)N, Kne. 37 and 30 .South Sharp. Strert, r. w. jnuvw*, R u. arTrow J. U m. tIBABBK, O. J. JOIINhON. f. HAT, ALBERT JUNKS. • 3Qay & J©»ee r ■naimfttcMrei. nl **r>PI.ri»T,MAIINr»*,M»I.I.AII*.TRfXRI« K>. M 4 W. It.Klnn.r. *r*l. B.Uhnorr, AW. W. i.Twtn. H. r.cmllh. U.K. Sprn^gin. Tucker. Smith a Co.. Maoufnrt«rhr%& wholesale Dealer* in KOOVK, .'ttnus, IIATS and r.u-.s. So. Jftn Ualtimorr Mtreet. Baltimore, iM. H. J. it tt. >:. it is r, a ITU Henry Soniieborn Co., WHOLESALE t'LOTWERS. ft A am»vrr imati A Mil . HALTIMOKK 31 P. I. •ONNEBttUy, B. HI.IMLINE, i C. WATKIX*. W. S. RnnKIITHfIV O. 1.. OOTTItII.I.. A. ti. «'.\l Kl VS. Watkins. Cottrell 4 Co., t\n|>ori«m a»l •lunbet* of HAUDWAII K. 1807 Msin Slj-ccl, KirIIU(iSI), IM. Afantii for Fairhank* ftcaka, and Aafcer Brai%>l Bolting « £l*yAra Putiwy, L. U Rluii' H . 11. MILKS, WITH STEPItEXPUTXE I 'f CO., W'kttUmalr «/vol* ra in Boots, Shoes, nnd Trunks, Iti 10 Muo Street, 8r,4. HICIIiIOND, VA. i. K AtmoTr, »r N 0., with WIJMJO, EIXGTT k fiCMP, KICWMUND, VA., WholcMlf U«»I«M ia BOOTS, BUOBB, TEUMKB, AC. Kmiil •ilnittw* pnhi Ui ord«ri, anil mI»- flMtloM finruM. ftf VvyMM Stall Friifm Goodi a ijHfult) March, «. m mm ». Nraa. hmui D. Ttito . K MT. W)\VKIW k CO., WHOLES ALU OR CO GISTS, I>ul«> ia PAIKTS, OIIJI, UYKB, VARNIBHES, IVouch and Amprtoan WIKDOW OLASB PUTTY, fcC CIOAIU, BMtiKINU ANO fllh '.V 1J •TtIHAOC'O A sPKl'tAl/n . ISO 6 Hum at., fiiobmoud, Vu. AanaM 1« 6 in I*. 11. \Viii«(on,jr. ATTORNEY AT LAW WJNHION, N. C. AttM4» lk MWh of Uaridann, Yad kin, Sorry, (Mm, Stok» and Fonytli, and(li« »»; lw« iW V«ival eourM. '■U . ■ 1 ' For l>fapopala, n oaa, M ll«**tl»ch«N Chronic l>lar- U rl«i, JnnmHop. «-:u rnfipniiient of Llfff, 1 low via aoJ »ya« or A IHSfCASKIi V.TVKR. |Ul Lr*»th: I'ain in thr SW#. « the Upi»» in Ml mulcr thr Shwailder.Uadc, ini-tt th. ?i f»r Kl* ; grnend IOM of ttf'jMity. Rcnvnlly oKth*r, ;iUerHA(inu with la:; thr h«ra I i* trmildod vtfth p.iin. h tiufl and hcjvy. Willi c>a»idcrai4«: l*« ««f iiKinury. acc-rnipmu- 1 v th apainf uatlpaofpinethinff v'iic!« ..u«lll ti» bdkwdfaie: a -liflit. dr> o>uft anl (1u Luf Ctc« It «.NWCaii auen.Jaitt, . .l> ti mi*t.«krii for « ontiMMjjtit'i; the |«(tiv>* *«.'Mnpl.ii» of *«.ir : iMN» and dci'Mtty : nerwou*. r..\Py tunicd; f» n cukl ..r UirnSng, •Mnoinirs > putldy wnulkn of ilk skiw rxmik v| irtoaic low .»IKI cfeanoiirtvnt, and, althowgh *ati»iivtl lut txcrcme w *ult) U M.- - f.iud. yet onr tmn hardly summon u;> tonitad tiy It- 4a (aa, d«UiiHl every r. inr y }*« i Cm 1 1Wc utwvr ayaiptout* attrtul I'l* hot r «». » 1 have O4»ori«al wbeH tun f.w >4 llt tu «•» •• -I. yet «Mi" »» lit.**** >«»* *1 • jir t aMUniy Uirait|cd. It ahotild be u««d by all |wrn(in«, old mid young, abraevrr any of tlio ü symptom* spjiviir. rerwotiM Travolinc «»r l.itlng In Vi»- braltliy la»rallll«*M,Tiv uikiu* a (IOM; a-irn ally lo k«i-a the Llvrr ia lu-Aliliy acn>n. will u«oid all Nalarlm lUllotm atlarku, l>ir/iuc»s. N.m sea. Drowsiness, Dcpt«>-.i..n of tfc It wit) invigorate like 4 wf ainc, but la uo ii»- Udiraliug b«t\erugo. If Toil hart) mlt'ii mivllilntr li:tr! ot Of ftft-l lK4«) alier aical> t»r U-se «T nigkl, lake a doac ltd you a ill IK N licuil Tlair and IKtclorw' Hill* will IM* I by alwaye the U«-|pilutiir In ttir IIIIUM*! For, whatever the ailment msy he. a th.»rrviiKlilv | sale purKatlvii, ultrrallv«- .i.d tonic caii J ne\cr b out of place. 'lke i« liunulcaa !and ihiea lust lutcror«* ultli bualiu-sa or |doatMiro. IT IS rrnr.LT nomni.R, And ha* all ike |«w«.r .ind cfli-».cy >.f i .dotnel or (JUIINMC, witliuot any uf tlu itijunou> alter *it«.».t% A f(oerrnor*H Testimony. I Simwi.Mu Uvir R.-gubior hat l«rn in use in my | fan««i\ k>t vunc nine, and lam > uis a ; Valuat/le addiiiou in th« iuc«kal micitce. J ttiLc Miliaria, Ikivernor of Ab lion. AlrtHUilsr 11. Kt«>|>liotia, of (ia.. tay». Have dcriwti some 1h im-Ih lo,in tli.- u»r of j Simmwa> l.uer Kegulutur, and wish tu |;ivr it a further trial. "Thr on IT Thing tluit never falls to RsllrVf." f hav used aianv f» imditt f»«r I >y«- Cpioa, laver Alh-. tion aixl l>rl>ility« |.ut never ive ft-uiwl anything to hcmfit nie t > tli- « strut S'.nitn. nv Heituialor ha» I *ciit l >m Mm iMM*a to ticorgi.i fer it. ual WMIM st nd furtlier lor Mich a madiciii'-. im«l w.iuid advise all a ho .i f Mm* ilarty -fch I to give it u trial as it tcuui. the wiily Cltini; liiat never fails t«> relist« 1' M. JANMRT, Mintie.ip Jis, Minn. l»r. T. W. Mil*oll says i From actual n I perkim' in the *»r of Simmons I Jvcr UcKiilai.jr in my praotkt I have hecn and i*n» satiftlicd to u»« aad prescribe it a» a purgaliw medicine. •ttr T ake ealy the irnuln«*. which alwavs | has on the Wrapper the rati 7. oad Signatarr of J. ||. ZKII.IN CO. t'«>R SAI.F BY AM. DRl*r,rt|STS HOSTETE^ 6|ffeftS What, thr groat roatnratire, llnstettiT'# S.omarh tlittrra, u ill do. must be gallon d from it lias «|om a . It lia» flfrrird rad- j iral currs in ihousauds of e»t"o -» iK d> «pep • Ma, billotia ilUonlt-rs, Intoriuitlint IVvi-r, iii-rroiH uflrctiout, gi-nrral drbiliiy, run | siipaiion, sick lirailarhr, inoiitnl ilmpon i d«tirv, and tin* inTUliur coiindalnt»« and 1 : disaliilllirs (o which Ibe 1.-tide are so I eubject. i'or aule by ull Druggiala anu Dealer* ' | generally. EARS ™ K MILLION Foo Chaos Balsam cf Shark's Oil. I Ptmitirrly It future* lltr ih mini/, unit in tin (July Ain*ntnlf t'urrj'or hitmen. Thia Oil i* ali>.ra*tcil tVoin |x * uliitr K|a»- cies of Mll. ill While caught in I lie | Yellow .se.t, known m I 'AIM HAII VIMIN UO.n- DKLKTII. Kxery I'lliliene Hslieriliaii knows it. It.i virtiiea u of I ' wen* disooxeretl by Hinliiliisl IViesd uiioiit J the year 1410. lr» liirus were no iiiiiiieniiiH ami nu/N.'/ m ** i minuty HiiruciilouH, iliut I lie " ; remedy wat otttrially pi«M I.IIIH» tl over the . entire ICin|>iit*. Iln ip»e iiee.une mi tuiiveisul ! tlut for orei- mi year* no ha* x i oniony Ho- Chinr** fn-tijtle. tSeul, , eliurgea prejuid, lo any .TI SIOO JHM I huult*. Har What th Daf Say. It lias jierformeil a miracle in my cane. 1 IIHVC thi timtartlily iioiHesinmy lieotlttiul I hear tniieli h«Ht*r. : 1 lia\e lufn jfreatly lh»iM*Atri|. My tleafneM hel|iei| a great deal—iliink ' another btdlle Mill cure inc. j "It# v lßL lie# are find it* nir ; a/ire ehnmeier absolutf, h* the leWt/r ctm prnontithj hutit'y, both from t jr/ieri* n * uiul nh*rrration. Write it once to II vymh k a ¥ JKXXKY. 7 I>ey Mieei.Ntiu York, encltminc | SI.OO, ami you will receive li\ return a ivin . | edy that will enah'e you to hear like any body «*lse. antl whose curative cflecM will he pennanent. Yon w ill never regret Uoiug •v."— Ei>m»n Aiikrh'ASV I»KVIE\V. QyTo avoid loan in the MaiU, pleaae stMitl money by l« 4 ii«tcretl Jitter. Only Imported by IJAYLOf'K A .IENNEY, (Late Haylmtk «V Co., 801JC AOENTS Foil AMKIiK A. 7 Dey .St., New York. chBJ. iC. MISSEN & CO . SAL EM , N' . C. , WAGON MANUFACTUREKS, r Using only the best .of materials, we make t liejst of work, ami warrant every job,— We lutiw tile Oldcat anil luges' Works ami our Wagon* l ,uXc re|iutation «I any lu the htati*. Every boars the name I'. NIS)BKX« Mttlew I*. 0., N. C." > Write ft»r pi ice*, liefer to all Mr!*) are using Oil/ IV^fUOS. DANBURY, N. C, THI : USI)A ,!UNH I! ]ss:i. I , HY LOYl» | Wlietv j oft W1 ;>k irae's bttti ■ lin b, Xi tlc.iHi theii «i»iuiowa Ucrk im, l ine: liei «.-\er) day, fivui limo To icitilleelitMl tlilil. No un ttsiiti! vu- ImvicVr prnjatfMil Mere whim tt dentiny thus »li>» luscti. W.lli passion. uuiv!e»tllnu'. 1 lier 1 'n«l and I, -:ti. ' s?.i' sniiled. ana. hLisliimf ipt on'.ljr shy, • Vt>\\' il pevel U| »P' }iart. How IO'CJC we lnri ie.l i i cinhr; * * Ikliow not—tlnie niak -a i ; i.l |«ace. f iff to lier liouae ; thu tiny Iml tome; Hour of nuiuinlfil hii. s. lint al.iv! Hi. h«.nor' not rit hiunc? «%S|a*ak !" (!«• her (•.«>, "whal. ? a tin* ?*' "Sorry,, hut I»k» late you've ct me; She's* hki|»i»:'d out with tllO huii-her.i sun." Solitary Couliiiriririit. A of the ft. LOBI>* I ? I.ii». I) iun?w*r dt4*:«il*tis!f- 4 1 '' . . State rciiiloutiary. the systeiu of solitary confinement merit* gome il - yeription. At a point within the prison yartl, at the cxrremity ot one t 1 the •Treat troll lioiix and far rt nmv. tl IVoin the and limit of the vv« il:-.-lu1 a stone btiildiinj, in which are nrraugril in two galleries forty Military cell.*. Kach is about l«»xlti feet in tliuitMi.>iniis and K» foot in the clear. A long horizontal aindow, |»erhaprtC feet in width by eight iuehes in height, loeated near the top of the cell, admits light and air. It i> Mink in the heavy walls, ami rarely do the sun's ra\s penetrate the interior of the tomb like apartment. The floor of the cell is of stone, the ceiling is painted wliitd, the walls are a glaring while. Thotw hits of color iu the cell are the black irons of the inner grating ami the red wooden bucket iu the corner of the cell. That bucket i« the only piece of fur niture. The prisoner to bo punished is led to one of those cells and hand cuffed to tie inner grating, his arms be , ing at tin; natural elevation. A heavy I wooden door shuts oil* a view of the eoiridor. lie is alone amidst a sileuce as profound as the grave, llis own voice, should he raise n iu protest of his fate, is thrown back to him by the cold, walls, and the echo causes him to start lie looks around and nothing moots his eyes but the glistening white walls. At first he does not imtuo this. Kre long his eyes, used to the moving lifo of the workshop, begin to weary of this moiiotoiiotis glistening, blank vicsv The tooling, at first irksome, becomes I painful, lie tries to look at tiie win | dow shove, but it is so arranged that ;he sees nothing but the flood of light. The blue sky he remembers only as a thing of beauty never heeded before. A j glimpse of it now would be a boon ines- I timable. lie tries to shut his eye ,to j relieve them of the glittering, blank iui , press ion, but his disordered nerves cause i strange lights, aud an aiinoyiiig ph uitas- 1 ] magoria of grotesque aud ever changing ! figures to daiioe through his braiu. If , he is of an acute nervous formation, j this soon becomes torture to him, aud I he fear* that he is losing his mind, S'omu jof the most rebellious spirits have been ; quelled by a brief retirement iu these ' merciless white cells. ! The President has uppoin cd Col. ; Walter Kvans, of Louisville Ky.. Com* : uiissiotier of Internal lit venue. Mr. j Kvaus was the lwopublicaueair.iid.ito for i (iovcrnor of ni» State onie years ago, , | aud was, as a matter of course, ycr) ■ ! handsomely defeated. Since then ho | has been "luciitiouod" i:t connection j with several Federal appointments, but . j he has nut been the recipient of auy fa • . vor of that kind until now. lie is a I I lawyer and was one of the fck ul»o ' who . ; held out for (jrant.— Lai L r. : tillKKNvit.i.K, N. ('., Juno 5, lvs:j. (iiiiltord Soon, who raped Mrs. Kliza . .lom-s iu I euoir county, was caught iu ! i'itt couuty to-day aud sent ft) Kiuston. j 1 'i'eii days since this outrage was com mitted. Soon went to Mis, Jones' j house aud obtained admittance under i I pretence of being her sou. lie repeat ; edly outraged her, and threatened to kill her, but the escaped to a neighbor's . lmusc. Souu has been pursued ever i silica. k i An exchange remarks that by oxereis- I ing common souse people can get through - thcheatci term and remain healthy witii ' out the aid of physicians. It may be ro- II j marked, however, that the exercise of I couituon sense is one of the most uncom | null things iu the world. Every farmer should keep by his j manure pen % few barrels of plaster, ami • i as often as once each week >diouid strew ■ over the eon tents a sprinkling of piaster, aud this shouid continue during the j entire winter iu warm cellars. I K VTII OF litis. 15L KL. Nashville, I May 31.—General (J. I'. Buell of the . United States army, died this afternoon • i near this city, from tliooftVcis of an op . em tion performed on his jaw some thi ee weeks ago, complicated v\i;h L'jurt dis b J ease. •>nauww(waw«tsMstu.u - v •% aiaamnom » a IS 4 llniKs fil.'ind a llatilf The value of a utiie rin in quailing | riot and insurrection j- iliu--trated b** y . .event whiklv otwnrrod between,, Mojt.tu i and jlratli.en I last week, il ftooiimVhut j the hands on ag* ivel tr;>i i :ifrujk f«»r | higher wage- a:»d the i.tiln ad 4|iks j would nut aceeilu to tlio d« ! hands w.'iUted to lie car i« d to t. | free T cKargc. but it wis inought.i• m i 10 let tin in Walk, w !l(il they got tllpe! !or aud tlccitled t-> forcible pos - f 1 sicii of the first train that come and rile or tlio. The first, train fl at i j camo along was a freight with a « ■,- 1 , boose, and in tin? eaboiyjp was the /ir roe ooniet band "ii way ';; t't.neort il.oy had given m lirdali.'aiLj '1 he train was stopped by t!i l strik -t«, j when the c rnot-playor put hi* hern cut c.f the window, and sounded the eava!r\ 1 call of k Moots and Sa Mi' , M and :» woke iij the band boys who wi » a> p ' in the calnuiso, and they rushed out on ' the platform, rubhiat: ti eireye .. to - • ' was up. Tl.e sfritters saw the glitloring tiniforins, ami it at once tie- j ciirred to tlio loader that the govern >r ' hatl orth'rod out the state militia. It ' sccuied to the strik.vs JUS tliough thev i wore a hiimlri tl armctl men, nnd !• •- I tlio t>!mi)ttug viiultl t'oiniiioui e, they Imik to tin* wood*, ain] lot the train tr> aljimt it." liiisiiios.i. On.; bi" strik.-r tliut li:i'l t ; 1 kc 1 a good do::!, when liu tljo |I;I.-S drill). }«iiiitoU :1.,L1:0i, lioliind ti stump :unl t:iintod. Thi* is j tlio liidtt that Monroe hand has . been in, and it in xiid tlinyeovored tlosn- ' .-olvi's with glory'— Sl Pun' Fr.i I'ms. A XKWSTVI.K Jiit'— A now' ; lilVlioat was rirontly tested in t!ic Tliames, off Wosliniinator, llnghmd, :.nd ■ uctod ndniiralilv. in fonstruetiott it i consists of a tiuli or body f.irmed'id' two etttved lubes, meeting at the end sn :t.s ! to t"' fin the bow nnd atom nf the hu.-u. The >)'aeo elicited by tl-ro tubes is Idled within by a dirking j»l 11■ I tmd- j way "f the dojuh .I' the hull. Thu wa ter-line is below tho middle or deuk- . liu", so that whichever way tlio boat is t jiut into the water it is always the n ; .h( j way up. The thwarts arc movtiblii in j part-. Tim ue !i is !'• .m. it parliy »!'• wood utld partly of rope netting. The : hod_, ..f the b'iat is ni" '.' i' .or ■f wi ' j or of ste.d plutos, and d.vic'* I no rnt.i eotnpartments by moins of li'dk-liends, , which will s rvo for storing provisions in, but ii cin be co:istrueto lcf e..r!t if desire I. The two .ends ar • alike , and the rudder aud mast can be lilted so , that he can uiovo through tho witter ciilur end first. l!i:tt I>AI lIIITI.U's 111 MIAMI. A traveler fawn wooiau 11U .• a man bv the cdlar, yank liiin up the - ".s into t railrou 1 ear, jam hitit down i r. i a In* st:atli'ar the stove, pile up u v.ii: - and two big brown backets witit loose I I. vers and long hand! • at ids feet, ■ shove a Lidy Into his lap an 1 say: 'Now ■it until L help .Ma.'. on t 1 ear, and don't inova til' le. mo b:t -I; \t hen the wi.mun reached . o do> r t traveler said to her; '•lstii.n many. .■ husbatHl!"' "N-a-w-w!' "!i. smy d i i .li ter's 1.n.-band, end .-he l.a. ot spirit en ough to say lur soul is her lovn," T. true story teaeiies us that s. me tr.ivcl ers haven't enough sense ! . diagu ■ 1 i family party when they s.-j one.—Vuf* liuti.uyv. AN UOLT COLLKOTIOX Ot«H ugly coilectn ns t;.e palm uud.mlitudly I>>- longo hi one lately exhibited ot tin: nortii of London, it was nothing but ?n ar ray of cigar .stumps picked up during the last seven years in the metropolitan thoroughfares The edit--too n eUotiS that ho lies traveled iu that tiitto near, ly 111,'.'00 miles ou foot,a:id lias appro priated not lower thau Ut'!i.o"») oi-enr. ded cigar stumps, averaging in length mt inch and a ball each. Hut utility, not beauty w is his object, aud he valued his . stock at SO,OOO. The cost of building a Itovernor's mansion at lialcigh, it is said, will be SJs,oo*i with $'.1,000 for furniture. Thi" will bo very nice and eoiiil"i'lah!e for I the (lovornor ami his family: but wo • lear these tine prospects for "hijli lite" i will bring mi a crop of gubernatorial aspirants more numerous the grass »to ppers ot tho West. —.V ''> Juvr ' nul. , lieu. Beauregard s:i_vs tliut, according ■ to his observations, the coloicd raoe is i actually on the decline rather thau ou - the increase, lie accounts for their in j crease according to the census of IJSSO ■ ' over thai of 1X /0 to the ."aecuraey . f . the latter. #* *>*;»-■ PII» HIS i MI sswno'i aii I Ciitlluriiia SIURC Di'lvlug. | 'i'i 1! of toe drivers m the down- ! , ward drives i- something wondcrfnl. i T!ie roads are a e. iitinnous KUOCOMIO I ' ; ut the letter S. wiudi'ig iu and out iilout I the heads . f gul-l. -, iu many places die turll being - > slurp rs to let the ; three lr , ni horses fur.ii t!ie tln'i'i' M.h of it They in? alsi r ugh :.n 1 1 uii'ty at tl. : season nl'' yi ar, a:. lat die rapid lii'itioli the roug!,c t s fit : -t It" avoided. The driver, oit 1 ! high seat, with his yix lines aud loug ! I Ship in Ii no!, and t, re foot on tbe brake ' ' ami t! i olii r a i a brace on the footboard I'. . pe.irs to have :. perfect control of . U...V.tu: i • 'it ",s if ii ♦ia :. J l is "I. | lie will tlt row tl. ise horses from ino ! side of the fi'ud to tin; otlti'i' to strad lie ! a l'nt i r avoid a stone as if they were n:ie annu l!. Sowetimes the hub will . scrape the ban!; on toe upper side, aud ! the in \t the wlieels will lo toi j :ho v iy verge on the down side. ! When uppreai a sharp tinut and tine's iii; u!se is tu slow down, crack will i . . i Igo hi* whip and wa doth around u like j a gu-t of wind. The reins seem to be 'nerves orlitir tissues, conveying tin; drivers thoughts, an I their pulses beat ] aud their hearts throb in unison. An accident seldom happens will) those drivers, for extreme caution, coupled ' with absolute coutrol of their team uid ' vehicle and perfect knowledge of stage motion, governs all Ids nets. They are | compelled to make rapid prt gress dowu , hill to ctiui .eusale for the slower ino tiou up ; aud they have learned by ex- t j perieiiec all its safeguards and practice , : them. Due driver will ui iko this drive ' , iif seventy-live miles into the iiiountaius ; I nit: day, ami, back again the next, every day of his life, until he knows every turn ' and rut aud stone t.s strong as tlio lash ! of his whip. l'litin the snow and mud of the I pper I Sierras to thu flowers of tho font-hills j i and the rip :,ing grain t t l!ie valley be- : low is only a daylight drive, aud wc ft* jtiitu uga:n iii the pre- nee of early sttui ! uicr.— Mi!uii Ua Scnttutf. Vt'iiiitir I'm* Jura. -W (*'il. a', wilii ■ > ':t m.j! *IS rirA. ! s'.towers. j Wet weatlu r in Manitolit eoun ties. 'i-7-S. Wnriu and dry weather. In dic itious t f 'innroi !iing r iins. 11. Sultry and showery, r.aill.s eo»l --: in neiug to be more general j 10. toed, heavy rain, falls, with h it, eonl li ghts. : 11. Car l change add showery. Cool to co d nights. IJ. Cool aud showery. | 1 :i-1 I. Fir to lion. . ami generally • I w-a i her. 10. 1.1 -cttled and sul ry weather with ft'; .jti 'iit tliut: r st-irms, IU. Kvcnings cooler, iiail nnd wind storms. 17. Generally fair with occasional '.Fovorablo weather generally* I I'J. lloavy rain with winds amiptMai , Ide frosts. ■o.l'roiwbiii'y >if datu ijo lo oroj s by Irosti* in Ca.i.tli. 21. I'nf.ivori !e weather, t'e.-l rain-, v. int'.s and frit : . 22. A n neral r tlap&e very i.!:• i v I *Jd. Weather u*oro lavorablo and set tleil. ] JJ. Warmer, lili .sho.very, Itersi ' in uir. - J"i- - J7. \V'triii to sultry with strong ■ winds. j "J*. Hot weather eor.tinucs with >o | vera thunder. ! \\ ind and h tiii-stornis. Heavy ! tains in sections. I JIO I'nsettled murky weather. '! TttK llmitr Ktsti tv I'ttinr..—A ' I young man •'that works for his board," 1 no matter what honest work lie does, has no reason for shame. A young man whocnas the bread tit idleness, no matter how much he lias, m disgraced. All ! men, starting in life, ought to aim first I of all, to lilid a place wlieio they can i earn their bread aud butler with a hoe, | axe, spade, wheel-barrow, curry comb, , | blacking brush —no matter how. litdo- I pendente first. Tho Incad-aitd-buUer 11piesii 'ii 'tiled, 1 the young man per ! form bis duty so taitbfully as lo attract j uttentiou, nnd let him ceiistantly keep j his eye open for a ciiauce_lo do belter, r About half toe poor, proud young moil, s ! and two-thirds nf the poor discouraged i : young men, are alwav out .it work. . j 'J'ho young inuii who pockets his pride I ' and keeps a slid Upper lij , need not f «tarvi',iuid In stands :t oiiance to bcaoinc II it'll, ti he onie.i 'o. -rji $ l lincllNt C.:umli« l .11 I A man who«e charaoter for eourage is established can never sutler bv rafus -1 ing to eonlirui to the filly "code of holi er," and his challenger will gain nntli ii■:; but the reputation of a t|uarrelsonie siinpleton. The t t ntcmiinl of the capture of Stony I*t in t reealied an anecdote of one of the ) storming party, Col Scott, afterward it -vert or of Kentucky, lie tvas u I rave j ' in ui, and had tin reputation iu bis adopt- ' i d State as a skillful Indian fighter. While liu was ' iovcrnor, some fellow sent him a challenge, on Hccouut of au offense which bo imagined Scott had com •niiied rs~:iiiis * JiL-',lhe eballeng.;r'«• liou or. The ol I soldier did not uotiee it. Tim man who had given public notice ot his intention to "cull out" the Govern or was much annoyed at his silent cou tcinpt. Alter waiting several days lie sought the (iovcrnor for an explanation, and iln: following dialogue lock place. "(iovcrnor Sci tt, you received a chal lenge from mo "Your clialliingo was delivered,! sir." "lint I have received neither an ac knowledgement uor an acceptance of ' it." "1 presume not, sir as I have sent j neither." "IJut of fours you intend to accept ?" i» course 1 do not." "What I Sot accept my challenge '? Is it possible that you, Governor Seolt, ! brought up in the army, decline a coni ; bat !" '•1 do with you." "Then I have uo means of satisfao tii n left but to post you up a coward." j "l'ost me a coward I" exclaimed the Governor with a hearty laugh, "l'ost away, and you'll only post yourself a liar and everybody will say so." And that was the cud of it. Wdlcrn \orUi tiurolliia. The lumber trade in ail of our wes i torn counties is rapidly increasing, t l'arties are buying large iptaiitities of poplar antl otlu r timbers in Graham and Swain counties, and floating it dowu the '|V- *icssee river to Cha'tauoog i. Thev are'flaying *ri :Aid J" eerits b iftir Itrs iu the woods. All of our western counties abound iu the lincst timbers • now on the continent, and in five years the trade will he immense. l'igeoit llivir is rapidly growing in , importance, aud has assumed all the ; characteristics of an energetic trade een . tie. Iu tho heart of the most fcrtilo val ley of the west, inhabited by intelligent, tnriviiig people, it bids far to become not { only a beautiful, but a prosperous coui : muiiity. There are good (new) church es, a new seminary in eourse of erection, "ix gontl stores. Splendid water power t?i>::ld be obtained here, and, in time will bo utilir d. Mr. I.nek keeps a good hotel, where boarders can tind a ni"st comfortable suinuicr home.—Ashe ' ville Citizen. The returns from the local elections ' throughout \it nil, ou the 21th, iudi ito that there has been a change in po litical feeling, and the grip of Mahoue has been broken. It is all the more itislac'ory to the 1 leniocratß when it is known that they were in no wis -1 gener al'' or; ini.. d, and that tliellcpublieans, ' tinder the special and persistent efforts i I Mnhcne, were or. niz' d iuimctliately s after the election last fall and continu ously canvassed until tlio close of the ' polls on 'J litir.-.lay, They have innn :i"etl to gain in two or t!iree places, to " lad I their O'vn in riatiy, but have lost, and lost heavily, iu a large majority of f the i otiuiics thus far heard from. A busint > man who is able and will not leud a helping hand in public enter prfses which aro calculated lo build up and enrich himself ami the community in which he is growing and prospering, 1 is nothing but a parasite, feeding and ' fattening ou his more generous and pub ' lie-spirited neighbors who are willing to 1! shoulder the burdens necessary to secure 1 such public institutions.— Winston ' I.niiter, The New t Means Times-Dcmorral says r that lust year over 300 houses costing ■ i ji'-ijCOOjOtK), were built in that city and l that this activity has not stopped for in i' iiuiueruhle houses aud as a general thing • nouses of a superior class to those forni i erly erected there, are now going tip in ' various portions of the city. ! llotanlsts re| oil tlif discovery, atiiomj the ' 1 flo::i . I' the lar West, uf a plai.l wliicli riv t semttle I'IC luimaii leg. It it !• seniltles tlw* ic ( ; i 1 tiie yitutig man wlm wears pants. u j it t'.tli t" nothing I't' 'ttie s:alk 11 1 tli • tnllowa' ui lit. - ..rtH'iitt»e dot's thai. I NO I A KalV Oaiuc. The Arltansaw Judge, as a supporter of the laws, knows nothing but tlu' dis charge of Lis July, lie U never influ enced, unless tlio pressure lie great. Tlie other day a negro charged with misdemeanor was taken before a rural judge, who, lifter hearing the testimony, I said : "I shall hate to fiuo him to the I full extent of toy financial jurisdiction. . 1 snail make; uu example of him aud j send him to jail." ] "Jedgr, 1 uster worh at yor lionso, i didn't 1!" j "l'es, but you needn't attempt any ' sympathy on mo." "1 lin't a gwine ter a* for no Bympa , ' thy as yer ealLs it, and you needn't skecr [ yercelf. Verse If is a big man in de church an' is hit' up as do znuplu ob a good husband, but 1 uster work at yer • ; house, an' ef yer plasters oue ob dem . lines ou inc I'll proclumate some mighty j disagreeable news in dis neighborhood. ■les go ahead, salt, uu' send uic ter jail, I but on de road dar, ef 1 doau 'mulgate « , ! some 'lei Ugetico " b■>nt yorsc'f, sub— j sutliin what 1 diskivcrcd while 1 was I workiu'ftt yer house—dat'U make do folks stau' aioun' au' ax for mo'." "(jet out of this court-room," Ueuiand ed the judge, "and if 1 catch you hero again, it won't be good for you. Mr. oltioer, let the senuudrcl proceed." "lias he paid his fine, your Honor V "1 'aid nothing lie was never kuowu , to pay anything." "What was du faeks dat yer had on de jedge !" a?ked an acquaintance when the "prisoner'' left the room. "Nothin'. Doan know a tiling agin ' de man, but lciuttiG tell yer, you can try dat game on any ob 'em wid sue t oess."' Wreck of llu- r. ult Train. That fast ear that went skinning by here at the rate of -IS mile* .an hour, last | Thursday morning, bound from Uharles " | ton to New York, has not yet arrived at • I its dcsliliuatiou. '1 hilt isn't the worst— fi us not going to. So much of tlio train ' as i, I'-tL uu wheels may get there, but '' the greater part ut it mil never delight .* i the £ >«e ut the New \ lucih wiio ale eagerly i s 'Jr'n.- fast train cauio to grief. Forty uules " Hauville two of the cars Hew ott" s a tiv-tle and wore torn all to pieces, j .String baa-, early potatoes, radishes, II tomatoes, corn, and every other variety e of vegetables which the Charleston mar " ket iillord-f, were scattered all over the " | country, same as if they had been shot > j out of a gun. When the south bound ' passenger train, which arrived here yes " , tcrday at 2:10 o'clock, pa?»ed the scene " ! of the calamity, the two ears were lying i ! some distance from the track bottom up, r aud the whole land was strewn with the 1 delicacies that were intended for the 1 palates of the fastidious (iothamices. 1 Kxaetly what caused the wrei'k is not • known, but it has long been the opinion i of observers that trestles are not (undo I for Hying trains, aud they say the fruit ; train greased its wing good before leav ' ; ing Hauville, and, having a clear track " | ahead, went forward like the traditional 3 j streak of lightning. When the oars ' j struck the trestle thov bouuded off liko | a Hash, aud were dashed to the ground ' i below. The euginc and caboose passed ' ; over safely auu three other cars kept tho ' ; track. " i A knight of industry calls 'ipoti a bo -0 ; ucvoleut capitalist and tells him a la - ! melt table tale of tho burning of his Q house, with ail its contents, and not the > centime of insurance, and liupJure* ' . his charity. j 'i. s a very bad cass,' says the rich i man, "but haven't you any papers ta ' \ couurui yuur story, for you are au utter stranger to mo— any eej-tifieate !' ' 'I had one, sir,' replies his visitor, ■ with a deep sigh, ''but it was burned up ' in too lire with all the rest of my earthly possessions !' u Art dealer takes a picture which ho o lias just purchased to a painter whom he j dishonors with his acquaintance. "How do you hko it, eh ?" ho asks. I "I paid 200 francs for it." • j "Two hundred francs, eh?" Well, " ' you've paid just about what it's l ' | worth." "j "I've paid just what it was worth'" ' ! echoes the dealer, tearing his hair. " "Then I've been swindled—-robbed." Uon. IVin. D.Kelly,of Pennsylvania, ! has a cancerous affection of tho face ' ! similar to that of tho lato Senator Hill. 1 He has undergoue an operation and is "■ | said to be improving, but this is serious ! iy doubted. I

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