Reporter and Post, The People's Paper. Altered at the Danhvry, .V. C., Pott-office at Second Class Mailer. 1 1 i - a THUKBDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1883. TO DKLIKU UMXTB. After fc* first day of December we wilt commence cutting off delinquent wAsoribers. It is true that every wan who feels any interest in bis county ahould have patriotism enough to *ake Jiis looal paper, but a subscriber who ■will take a paper year after year and jear after year Without contributing ■one oent towards keeping it np, is of no advantage to the publisher nor to the advertiser ; for if such a man reads bis . advertisement, end sees goods and wares advertised, and can by any means gc t them on a credit he will never pay for them. This ia not intended for the sub scriber who pays occasionally, but there are a few deadheads on our list who have never paid us a dollar since our office, press, books and everything else that belonged to the office were burned is 1876. Those who wish their paper eon tinned will signify it by sending us • little part of their subscription. We will send all suoh a receipt for the amount, and cost of registering the ■oney when sent by mail. Fomyth court eouUaaes yet, and is doing much toward oouiploting the C. F. & X. V. R. R. by furnishing hands to do the work. Up to Monday it had as signed about eight, so we are informed. A nots from State Superintendent Scarborough to thfe eounty Supt of Stokes states that the amount of tho States ap portionaieat to our schools will be about 16 eta to each child. The county fund will afford about SI,OO a bead. Ohio platform: "A tariff for revenue limited to the necessities of tho Govern ment economically administered, and so adjusted in its application as to prevent unequal burdens, to encourage produc tive industries at home, afford a just compensation to labor, but not to create or foster monopolies." That is likely to be a plank in the Presidential plat form next year. There is no right thinking man in the North or South who does not view with gratification the evidence of Southern progress in industrial development and wealth, as well as in mere population. It is simply a part of our marvelous na tional growth. The whole can be no more or no lias than the sum of all the parts. The greater, richer and stronger eaeb State and section of the Union, is the greater, richer and stronger will be the nation itself. I'm business men of Raleigh N. C., held a meeting recently to arrange for the entertainment of some Northern vis itors expaeted soon in our State. It was resolved at this meeting to hold a state Exposition at Raleigh in 1884—in the Fall. A resolution was adopted as fol lows; Resolved. "That we request the people of each and every county of North Ooroliua to join us in aasisting the State Agricultural Society and the Depart ment of Agriculture in making a grand Exposition in the city of Raleigh next Fall, and that a committee of twenty one be appointed to take all the steps neoesearj to seoure a magnificent display of products of the State." That everlasting bone of contention, ithe Internal Revenue office in this dis trict, is likely to cause the Republioans mote trouble. A Greensboro letter to the Raleigh Chronicle says all is not smooth sailing with Dr. W. H. Wheeler, .collector. It is represented that Presi dent Arthur is not so favorably impress with him, that his subordinate officers are dissatisfied because they are paid very irregularly, and that special agents have been looking closely into the con dition of things. The correspondent aays further that Everitfs friends are Rot asleep, but will make an effort to have4fc#Beaate refuse tooonfirm Wheel er's appointment, this winter, and then ofer the name of B. X. Dwire, formerly of Stntesville and later Everitt's chief clerk, % tho MMaasafaa.; We take pleasure in recommending Hall's Hair Ren ewer to oar readers. It re«toresjftyr hair to its youthful color, preventsTfcfdheM, makes the hair soft and glossy, does not stain the skin, and is altogether the best Kribwn remedy for *|l bair and scalp diaeases. NEWS OF THE WEEK CAUSFVLLr CULLKO AND COSDKXSKI) FHOM TIIK KKI'OKTEK AND I'OST 3 KJCCUAXdMH. State News. F. L. Moore, merchant of Winston, has made aa assignment. North Carolina has sixty-four cotton factories, big and little. A woman 93 years of age has been jailed in Charlotte tor stealing a ehiok en. Dr. J. R. Mercer, of Wllsin county, bas lost 132 hogs from cholera in three weeks. It is stated that Mr. J. U. Mills will soon retire from the management of the Oxford Orphan Asylum. "Big Jim Jones," of Goidsbero, the largest man iu the State, died last week. He weighed over 500 pounds. The Enterprue says Mr. Samuel Jar red dug out of his pateh in Newtoo a swoet potato which weighed 14 lbs. and 11 ox. Dr. Howard, the werm medicine »an ) was rot urn-egged while harranguitig a crowd in the streets of Charlotte last Saturday night. Tbo Aurora says Cleavelaad county has fifty paupers in its poor house—more than any other county in the State. They cost, each, S3 per month. Claude Saunders, a young man of promiso, was struck by a bat aud instan tly killed while engaged in a game of base-ball at Hertford week beforo last. The eleventh annual session of the North Carolina State Grange, Patrons of Ilu&banda/. will be held in Weldon, beginning Tuesday, the 4th of Decem ber. A letter from Grantville to the Asbe vilie Citizen states that on Little Ivy, on the 31st of October, one G. F. Moss shot fatally two brothers of the name of Sneith. Moss escaped. A parcel of colored people, say the Wilmington Review, were gathered in a hall at Laarinburg when first the floor and afterwards the walls fell in. There was a wild scene. Eight were injured, two of whom may die. The Asheville Citizen says that last Monday the town of Henderson mile vo ted favorably on a proposition to issue $40,000 iu town bonds, for the purpose of erecting a magnificent hotel with all the modern improvements and comforts, and to construct water-works. Tbo Army and A'ory Register says a United States recruiting station will probably be established at Charlotte. Capt. E. M. Hayes, who commanded the cavalry escort of the President in his trip to Yellowstone Park, will be in charge of the station. His wife is a North Carolinian. The Lenoir Topic says : Mr. Clarence M. Buel, "Old North," late superinten dent Elk Knob Copper Mine Company, now manager l'ortis Gold Mine, Frank lin county, dropped into our office Sat urday. He says that the exposition at Boston has sent the Old North State one century ahead. Five gentlemen from Boston oarne into the State with him and invested 11,000,000. Cenaral New*. There are 30,000 beggars in Chicago. Boston exhibits a cheese weighing two and three quarter tons. Twins wero born last Sunday week in a St. Louis street car. Kansas :s said to be noticeable for having youths as railroad conductors. Senator Coke astonishes Waco, Tex as, by building a $15,000 mansion there. Senator Plumb of Kansas, subscribes regularity for as many as two hundred newspapers. Mr. John Gray Bynom, of Morganton will be a candidate for postmaster of the next House of Representatives. Colored people edit aud control at least twelve periodical publications in the United States. Tobacco is made into snuff by being termented foV six months and then steam ed at 240 degrees F. Chromic acid, according to an En glish physician, is good for warts—or, rather it is bad for the warts. A widow in Vioksburg, Miss., has re ceived $12,500 from the different orders of which her husband was a membor. The New York Herald sustains a loss of nearly SI,OOO a day in profits on ac count of its reduction from 3 to 2 cents. It is given out by the agricultural do partment at Washington that the oorn crop will be fifty millions of bushels short. Despite exaggerated reports to the contrary, the Danville (Va.) Register, after a thorough investigation, places the number of colored persons' killed in the, recent riot there at three, and the Woun ded at six, the latter of whom are either already wel! or are getting well. Mosex, the husband of the fat woman I whe died in Baltimore a few weeks ago, sold her bo ly to Dr. llill, of that city,, last week, for $46, because he was poor , and needed money. At Pittsburg, Pa., Pat O'Brion, the Irish giant, married Annie Durz, the German giantess. Pat i* seven feet ol even inehes high and weighs over 300 founds. Annie is nineteen, is nearly as tall and fully as heavy. Samuel Mackey, of New South Wales' sheared 1,500,00 sheep last year, and this year he expect* to have 2,5011,000. His lands run 700 miles in one direction, and comprise 5,000,000 acres, and have been nearly all reclaimed from the de sert. Alezandei Ross, of Philadelphia, was separated from his wife some months ago. He bas t>oen in low spirits since that time and ho went to her window a night or two ago aud asked for a reconciliation. This she refused, wherupon be shot him self fatally. George Washington, the first Presi dent of tli* United States, never saw a steamboat. John Adams, the second President of the United States, never saw a railroad. Audrcw Jackson, the seventh President, knew nothing about the telegraph. Abraham Linoolu, the sixteenth President, never dreamed of such a thing as the telephone. A Special from Richmond, Mo., re counts an attempted assassination of Charlie Ford, one of Jesse James's slay ers, at bis father'* house, noar that city. The shooting was done by persons con cealed in tall weeds, while Ford was out walking after supper. Seven shots were fired, none of which took effect. Ford returned the fire without effect. The assilants rode away ou horses. Carmel, a small village in New York, has had a shameful tragedy in its coun ty jail. The jailor, last Wednesday week, became intoxicated himself, and gave so much liquor to the eight priso ner* confined in the jail that they be came drunk and noisy, 100. Then the jailor went in and beat one man dread fully on the head and finally shot anoth er one in the left breast. The latter is not expected to recover. Political Points- The Morganton Mountaineer gays Burke is for Bonnett for Governor. The latest Republican ticket is Arthur, and Mahone. The leading Democratic paper in Ohio, ] the Cincinnati Enquirer , is for "theold' ticket," and say 9 it will be nominated, j Out of one hundred and fifty-five members of the Mississippi Legislature only twenty-five answer to the call of Republican or Independent. All the rest aro Democrats. The politicians of Indiana arc bard at work making tickets for 1884. Demo crats are for the old ticket or for Mo Donald and Hewitt; Republicans for Ar thur, Greeham or Sherman. The Boson Herald states that Gov. Butl ir told a member of his council, on the 7th, that ho should again run for the office of Governor next (all. The | compliment of 150,000 votes leads him to think ho will be successful. Returns from all the counties in Vir ginia show that the new Legislature will stand politically as follows : Senate— Democrats, 25; Mahoneites, 12: vacan cies, 3. House—Democrats; 05; Ma honeites, 35. Col. C. W. Moulton, a brother-in-law of Senator John Sherman, says Presi dent Arthur has shocked the people of Ohio beyond measure by his treatment of Garfield's old and tried friends, not one of whom is now in offioe, and that if President Arthur is ro-nominated the Ohio Republicans will not support him. Senator Colquitt, of Georgia, who has just returned from New York, rmy be is satisfied, from bis own observation and from conversation with gentlemen from all parts of the country, that the only thing for the Democrats to do is to re - nominate the old ticket of Tilden and Hendiicks. He says the opinion on this j point was almost literally unanimous, 1 and he thinks the late Elections make the nomination of Mr. Tilden an imperative necessity. Col. John A. Martin, Secretary of the national Repnblican committee, has sent ont a eall for a meeting of the committee to be held at the Arlington Hotel, in Washington, December 12 next, at noon for the purpose of deciding upon the date and place for holding the next na tional Republican convention. The com mittee will alao elect a chairman, vice Marshall Jewell, deceased. Ayer's Sarsaparilla thoroughly clean ses the blood, stimulates the vital func tions, and restores the health and strength. No one whose blood is impure can feel well. There is a weary, lrnguid feeling, and often a sense of discourage ment and despondency. Persons having this feeling should take Ayer's Sarsa parilla to purify and vitalise the blood. We are now receiving our fall and winter goods, and will in a short time have tho best asaorttuent to be fouud in the plat-o. And now listen : wo do not inteud to bo undersold by any oue. PeprsK k MARTIN. A WORD MOTHERS. —Mothers should remoitiber it is a most important duty at this season to look after the health of their families aud oleanse the malaria and impurities from their sys tems, and that nothing will tone up the ! stomach and liver, regulate the bowls 1 and purify the blood so perfectly as Parker'a Ginger Tonic advertised in our i coluinns.-i'os/. See other column. A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD 01 TWO UTTERS. FROM THE SON: ** Qentkmen: "My father resides at O lover, Vu Us has been a great sufferer from Scrof ula, and the incloaed letter will tell you what a marvelous effect Ayer's SarsapariUa has had In his oaae. I tWok his blood must hare oontainod the humor for ai least ten years; but It did not vow, except tn the form of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until aboafc flv© years ago. »pot* which ap peared at that time, It gradually spread so as to ©over his entire body. I assure yon lie.was terribly afflicted, and .an object of pity, when he began using your medicine, liow, thcro are few men of his age who enjoy as good health as he has. I could easily name fifty persons who would testify to Ihe facta In his caso. Yours truly, W. M. PHILLIPS.'* FROM THE FATHER: SSiJSJ a duty for me to state to you tho benefit I hare derived from the use of t Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 81 * months ago I was completely covered with si terrible humor snd scrofulous sores. The humor caused an Incessant and intolerable Itching, sod the skin cracked so as to cause the blood to flow in many places whencvor 1 moved. My sufferings were great, and my lifo a burden. 1 commenced the use of the BAR*APARILLA in April last, and have used It regularly sinoe that tlmo. My condition began to improve at onoe. The sores havo all bealod, and I feel perfectly well In every respect—being now able to do a good day's work, although 73 years of age. Many Inquire what has wrought such a cure in my case, and I tell them, as I havo here tried to tell you, AYRR'S SAOSAPARILLA. Glover, Vt., Oct. 21,1832. Yours gratefully, II rx AX PHILLIPS." AYER'S SARSAPARILLA cures Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Eryslp. el**, Kfnina, ltingworui, Blotches* Sores, Bolls, Tumfrs, and Eruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all lmpu* ritles, aids digestion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system. TO PREPARED BT Dr. J. C. Ayr 4 Co., Lowell, Matt. Sola by .11 DraffliU; ,1, tlx bottle, for ,S. . LAND HALE. By virtue of a decree of the Probate court of Stokes county, wo will sell at! 1 public auction on the preiuiaes on a cred it of 0 months, on Saturday tho 22ud day of December, 1883, at 1 o'clock, p. M.,-a certain, tract or parcel of land iu Quaker Gap township, Stoke? county, containing 30 acres more or less, ad joining the lands of George l'earcc, L. Hohunon and others, on the waters of North Double Creek, being tho ltuds of William l'carce, dee d. This the sth day of November, 1883. PRESLY PEARCE, WILLIAM PEARCE, Executors of Wm. l'earcc dee'd. SCHOOL NOTICE. I The County Doar«- of Education will meet in Danbury on Tuesday the 4th day of Decemlier. 1883, te appoint School Com mittees for tho several district* for t*o ! years. It is very important thai the citizens of each district should U* represented on the occasion in order and suitable men may be selected for this important trust. If the present Committees do not suit, send up your petitiois and hau* others ap pointed. Kememberthe day. lly order of the Beard, this sth Nov. 188S J. i H. MITCHELL, Hec'ty li'd Education. TO THE PUBLlG i'lie firms of N. 31. Pepper & Co. anil Tepper, Neal & Co., having Wen this day dissolved by mutual ronsent, all debts now due by the said lirnis will be paid bv N. M. Pepper, and all thos, indebted to either of the said firms will payments to tile said N. M. Pepper, who ii duly authorized to col lect and recsipt for the same. N. M. PEPPEIt, J. ti. NEAL. J. W. PEPPER, Danbury, N. C., Oi-t. 22, ISSi. The firms of X. it. Pepper & Co. and Pep per, Xeml A Co. lvaviug been dissolved by mutual consent, I mill continue business at old stand under the firm name of Pep per k .Sons, wliera I hope to meet the friends of the old firms and in a short tiuie will ex hibit for their Inspection tlte best assorted stock of goods ever offered in this market, which all who know me, know tliat 1 will sell at bottom prleos. My motto iu the fu ture, as It has ever been, will be quick sales and short profit*; and not to be undersold by any one who will give 1« ounces fora pound and one hundred cents for dollar. N. M. PEPPEB. | A WOMAN'S KXI-W-IKNCE.— Mothc" I and Daughter* should feel alarmed who j weariness constantly oppresses them' "If I am fretful from exhaustion of vital powers und the color is fading from my face, Parker's Ginger Ti.nio, gives quick relief. It builds mo up and drives away pain with wonderful certainty."—Huffa lo lady iDanbury Market- I COBRKCTKD WKKKI.Y BY IHCPPHIt &CO. i Apples, croon, per bushel 0.00 nrled, per lb. ftati I Merries back 7 Cherries, ISal'l Butter, Egg* 10 Peachee, iiuartcrs, Ga4 ' sliced, sttl2 evaporated 12a 15 Bacon, 12*a14 Lard,. 14 I lees wax, Coffee, common to fair, Salt) good to prime, 10al-i choice, |«J Sugar extra C, 11 stondard A, 12 granulated 12 Cotton checks 10 Calico l£as A A hireling. ..•«»• * Da 10 BleccMiu, s*l2} CottOliadcs, • l-UL'.j Jeans, Ky., liuJO llffgßS Thongh shaksn In ererr Joint and flber with fever and ague, nr bilious remittent. thu system may yet bo frrrd from Iho lnnlig nant virus with llosirtter's Stomach Hit- I tern. Protect the ivatrin against it with this beneficent anti-s|ia*modic, which ia futhermorc a supreme remedy for liver complaint, eonfttipatmn, dyspepsia, debilt ity, * rheumatism, kidney troubles jtud other ailments. Jfor sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. "20 DOLLARS lyK- BT.ißn » r I Tho FAVORITE SINGER STYLE SEWING MACHINE Made in a PERFECT Manner of the best materials and warranted to do tho whole range of FAMILY SEWING as well as the machines sold by canvassers for $lO and upwards. STRONG, HANDSOME. LIGHT RUNNING, * DURABLE. A fair trial granted before paymen' is re quired. Write for Illustrated t 'atalogue and Testimonials. Co-operative Sewing Machine Cc., PHILADELPHIA, PA. NOTICE. 1 will sell at the Court House door in th«' town of Danbury on tin* first Monday in December, ISSSI, for cash, three town lots in the town of (sermanton on the west side of main street, levied on as the lots of >. 11. Nicholson to satisfy his Uailrnad tax for the year 1880, and hi* State and County taxes for the. years 1880, ISBI and 1882, and eost Also at the same time and place 1 w ill sell two hundred and thirty aeres of land on the waters of Town Fork, known as the Petar Tuttle tract of land, levied on as the lands of Peter Tuttle to satisfy his Hailroad tax tor the year 1880, and coat. Also at the same time and place I will sell three hundred and twenty lite acres of Mrs. Charity Shackelford's land on the waters of Ncatman creek, adjoining the lands of Win. Kiser and others, to satisfy her Hailroad tax for the year 1880, and State and County tax for the year 1881, and cost. W. A. ESTEB, Ex-Sheriff Xyv. 2, 188-3. and Tax-Collector, University of North Carolina. "VT EXT SESSION BEGINS AUGUST J.l 30th, ISK». ltegular Courses of Study lead to A. 11., I'll. 11.. and 11. S. Special Courses arc open to Students. Acliouis of Law, Medictne and Pharmacy attached, A Teaetier's ( 'ours*? of two years has been es tablished. For yarticular*, address KKMP P. UATTI.K, LL, D., Pres., Cliopel Hill, N. C. liltt'l'oVii SCHOOL BOOKS OK W illiamson & Ccirric, BOOKSELLERS AND STEAM POW ER PRINTERS, WINSTON, N. C. Liberal discounts to merchants and touchers. J 4 " 4a*BHr*lyM«c U p*«ittv«lf ' H'Wlj tnr lh» «p»»Jr | utc of Bomuul BmtMiona anil 'mpotener bj ih« only •»». «*.. »wm w r*"A ti» I*—Ml. Tte MM 4 l lt f»w4; M »>th H> mf nj «M M •S?." MM '«• part mi MWfcn.* "it'll tW Imiy S *+■ 1 ."• »I ■■ « SsisnlisiS2'svs3 * nr I Mood, Ffwr and ' P \«ne, Malaria, anl all I)l»ea»M rangrturnt of Liver, Iktweli and Kldueyi, SYMPTOMS OF A PISKABFT) f.IVKR. Had Urcath; Psia In the Side, sometime* the pain in fell under the Shi-uldcr-blade, misiakrn for Rheumatism; general los of appetite; Bewels grucrjlly cotlivv. metises alternating wilh Ux ; the head is troubled with pain, i» dull and heavy, with considerable loss of memory, accompanied with a painful sensation of leaving undone something which aught to have been done; a slight, dry cough and flushed face is sometime* an attendant, often mistaken for ron«umntiolt: the patient complains of weariness and dehuity; nervoas, easily startled; ftel cold or burn ng, sometimes a prickly seasatioo of the sk.u e*i*»s. thrill are low and despondent, and, ultfu ugUsau.-iWd thai exercise wouldV* bs*e fi> ial, yet one can hardly uinmon up fortitude to try in fact, distraMt every remedy. Several of the abevc sympto4fe attend the di«eaae, hut cases have » « urred when lut few of them existed, yet j exsmin .ti >n after death has shown the Liver to have Lcou extensively deranged. II should bo use*d by all prrsom. old and youuK, whenever any of tho above symptoms appear. Person* Traveling or Living In Fn ! ln-altliy l.ocalitlen, by inking a dose occasion* ally to keep the I iver in heaWhy action, will avoid all Malaria, IIIIIOUM attack*, IMrtinesa, Nau sea, Drowsiness, Depression of SpiriH, etc. It j will invigorate like a glass uf wine, but is no In { toxU-atlng beverage. If You have eaten anything hard ot , llg*»ttioii, or fed heavy aft or fneals, or wleep | lea* at night, take a dose and you will be relieved. jVlnio and Doctor®' mil* will be saved 'T hjr llivaj-s keeping thn Regulator in the limine t For, whatever the ailiueut may be, a thoroughly sate purgative, alterative and tonic can I neverbe out of place. The remedy in harmless and dori not Interfere With business or | plcuaure. IT IS FFUFLY YFOFTAIITW. And lias all the power and efffosey of Calomel or (Quinine, without any of the injurious after ctfevis. A fiovernor'* Testimony, Simmons Liver Regulator has been In use in my farnslv for vmc time, and 1 am satisfied it is a valuable addition to the medical science. J f JILL S HURTS-K. Governor of Ala. lion. Alexander 11. Kto|ili«ns, of Ca., says; Have dcrixed s« me benefit from the use of Simmons Liver Regulator, aud wish to give it a further trial. ••The only Thing that never falla to Relieve."—'f have used manv remedies for Dys pepsia, I.iver Affection ami Debility, but never nave found anything to benefit me to the extent Simmons lavcr Regulator has. I sent from Min nesota to (icorgia f«»r it, and would send further tor such a medic ine, and would advise all who arc sim* ilarly affected to give It a trial as it seems rhc only thing that never fails to relieve. I*. M. JANNKY, Minneapolis, Mina. Dr. T. W. Mason eayai From actual ex perience in the use of Simmons Liver Regulator in my practice I have been and am satisfied to usa and prescribe it as a purgative medicine. Mm)' Take only the Oennlnr, which always has on the Wrapper the red Z Trade-Mark and Signature of J. 11. ZRII.IX Si CO. FOR SAI F. BY ALL PRUOOIBTB Wo arc oo tho market for Leaf Tobacco. We want and WILL PAY CASH FOR 100,000 lbs. all grades. When you come to town, britg us a sample : or if you will put your tobac co on your wagon and briug it In, if wc can not pay tlie price you want for it, we will S'-nd it to the warehouse at Winston for you and only chargo THIRTY-FIVE CENTS per hundred for hauling. PFPPEU I SONS. Oak Ridge Institute AND llusiness College. A first class Literary and Commercial school tor trainini; young men antl young ladiesfor the actual dutifMof life. Prepares for Collide, Teaching, Business. Is thor oughly progressive and Practical. Is strict ly firstclnss in all of its tlepartmenU with out being too expensive. Aims to be Good Enough for Jln\,l>ody and Cheap Enough Jor kvtrybdy. Is patronized by tlie liest business men in tin? State. The onjjf LITERAKK School in the Suite which lias a complete distinct BUSINESS DEPJIRTMBfTf. Mas been patronized during last year by all j«arts tif North Carolina with a large atten dance from Virginia, South Carolina, Ala- Uun; and Texas. 175 students in attend ar*« Full corps of experienced teachers. Kvt« in to the htiMiiesjtJ nien of Winston aioi Salem. For Catalogues aiul Specimens of lYuuianship, address .L A. * M. 11. HOLT, Principals, —tf. , OAK KIIKIK, N. C. A O R*CNI'AITICLU,4 ■ ■■■ ■■■■BuuriruL FIWUI GMROMO CARM. ■ *II ■■ ■■ MM ft I•, mm* aa ■i K ■ ■ ItiMik, t« ail who mb 4 twe , lliii ■ MVMHif.|.IIB(eiT4CO..NK«VOI«. MMpplfH la tAie BEST. No preparation. IL/'l4Cll LLi L>*ed with any r/tfaa pea tar mark. UaUlliiy inc any fabric, popular for deo»ra- B hmvb work on linen. R#c*lT#d Osn- IPS mmj fm ".ial niJUL A IHpllia, MlTFlra K t.hllahiKiaOjraMV.SoU by all ■HiMMM i n k News Art's. M THE BUT It CMKAPMT." SITJRESHERSKt (Rolterf to all ria«« IU«. i>uophi«t and Prt—teThaaamaan a Taylor Co.. Ms—Mil it. Ohio. JaasßEoaaadb H SUBIS WNtit »u use Mils. S3 ml, GIVEN AWAYr Zimmerman Fruit Dryar Hew as 4 fcr Tcnsa 2I»»ER»»N f«l*» OIIP CO.. Ctocia**l.Q TIIK WEKKLT COURIER-JOURNAL AN ORCS-AN OF Live Issues, Living Ideas And Moral Forces. DEMOCRATIC AND FOK A TAB -IPF FOK REVENUE ONLY. AN ENEMY OF Monopolies, Oligarchism, AND Tllfc SPIRIT C)F SUBSIDY, AS KM 110 HI Ed IN That ThivingTariff. THE WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL " TIIE ItBPKESENTATIVE NEWS PAPER OP THE SOUTH llan uoniperlor us a grvixl family kai p«U»- cal pa|n i r In Ihu ucwitjtiipci' wuriU. lu olr culwiim is MANY TIMES LARGER llian any |K.litica! n*rfi|a|wr In ih« South, and is excelled l>y but lew iu the United States. It iimuins • ocli week the most co«- plctte 2 miliary oftlie news of the worW, nml its editnr.nletilumiu!(HKNKY WATTKR WIH, Eilitoi-ln-iilef)'nrc always able, xtrong and bright. Amjuig the KSI'KCIAL I'KATt'KIiS are bpuuiaW from nil the hading points in the United Suites anil Europe, Serial anil Short Stories, 'l aiiiiiiui'M Sermon tin* d.y nfW .wliv.rv iu Ilrooklyn 'latH'iuui-le, Market Kaslilon Letters, Turf and Keporu, Answers to Correspondents' UepaiHw.ui. I'iK'try and Departineat for ChiMriu. N• Home in the Country should lie without it. SL'IISCHHTION TEHIi'S. Daily, sl2 a year; Sumlay. $2 a year; Weekly, .Single Copy, one year, *l.i>o; FIVK CoPtt.s, one year, After a club of live liis l»-en sent us the elub falser can, tiirougliout t lie year, add single subseriptious as received at our lowest elub rate—sl.ltl for yearly subscriptions. Yearly subscrip tions oul> can bt) received at this rale. Our terms for less than a year am $1 for eight months; "icents for six months; iO cents for three months. A SAMII.K COPV of Weekly Cor MI K it- Joi'r.KAl. is sent IK-e of cliarge for examina tion on application. Liberal cash couiMiis sion allowed canvaiw.-s, aud outtit sent tlieiu free of cliarge. Adiirc.vs W. N. HALDE.VAN, Pivsiilsnt Courier Journal Co., Louisville, Ky. STREET & SMITH'S NEW YORK WEEKLY FORIBB3- FREE TO ALIj- SE.ND YOUR ADDRESS AT ONCE, AND GET SPECIMEN COPIES OF TIIE IUHII Story aud Nkt»frla Paper Iu tho World* _ THE NEW YORK WEEKLY it uuUoubUitJly THE BEST LITKUAHY PAPER PUBLISHED. it is universally appreciated, us iis iui uioose circulation iUlorUa iiicouti'Mablc proof. The New York Weekly is in every souse an dntiTtuimng KAMII T I'Al'Kii, anU iu each IIOIIM IIOIU where A COPY is tukeu every member of the family n inU it } aiui the contents are tiiscu.vM-«i uiul criticixcd while tho reaili'in arc sf.ittcred aioiuut tho chijerl'ul liresiile. The great success ami unexampled pros perity of Tho New Yovlc Weeklj' is due to tlie excellenct' uf its stories, its nu merous entertain!uing features, aud ita fresh aud varied attractions; but not tho least anions its rccouum'udati*ns id the tact that unusual care is exercised in revising the contents, that all objectionable words and phrases may U- avoidee. Heads oi families are aware that we nover permit in our column.* any word or expres sion likely to ortend even the most fastidious guardian of )outh. Tim Vw York WrvUly rontaie* the HKST STuHIK.s, thr tiu«**t |M)«ni», tlio iiwmi unluruni inn Hkt'tchen. ai» well u chulco variety ut «x --tremely intercotiii); matter, and Is therclure ularly cunceduil t»» l«o thu BEST STORY and SKETCH PAPER. The SEW York Wochly rojjularly presentH, 111 the "LAIHKM WoUK-llox," I-iain AMI M UMI.IO ■ugg®»tioiut r«|{ariliug the uiakniK ol garments and the t of iiiHteriiib. This le|»nrlment is liivaluuble to every frugal housewlle. The NKW YORK WKSKLT aliw MKHIIC ltueiPkM, tewti'tl aud »p|»ro*e*l by «x|>ert« The NKW YORK WKKKLY, each week, pre»«nt» a nunitier uf fre»h ami s|mpkUiig huiaoruus ituee deteN, In the culumn uf "I'LICAMANT PARA OUAI'IIK." The NKW YORK WKKKLT h> eonntanMy |.rw»«U- Ing the works of nrw contributors. MOW IS THE TIME TO SI'BSCRinK FOR The New York Weekly The NKW YORK WKKKLY will be sent to itnv mbiro- In tho United States (postage tYee) h iiioiilhn for 73 reula; 4 mouth* HI, f ■iiouttaa. ; 1 year, »3. Tlioce M'mltng H2U lor a Club of Right, all sent at one tliue, will be entitled n> a ninth Copy riIKK. (letters up of elubs cau atlerwaril add single copies st fli OU each. All letters should be addressed to FRASCIS P. PTKKKT. > MTRKCT 4t SMITH Kit AMIS H. SMITH. Pr«|»rlelor«. P.O. lio\27»S. i3U7itAll RamMJ Y. THE J. P. NISSEN WAGON, GEO. E. NISSEN s* Co., ManTs, FACTORY AT WAUGIITOWW. SALIM r. 0., N. C. I( vou want the best and a warranted Wagon see that it bear* the al*>ve address. We are constantly improving and claim t'.ie best Wagon made in tbfe country, and think tin deiianil for tbem— onr sales duing the post six months liaririg been more than double any prerious year— shows their popularity. Having reduced our prices low as a good Wilton can be mad. we solicit your orders, believing we can please you. All inquiries promptly answered. Send for circulars and see what those who have used them hare totay. GEO. E. NISSEN & Co. WANTEP"SSSf