T*" r - Tk m T^IIL 1 i VIII L?V -iw I r| li , : fe=H B I 1 lIJUJ ti.& J v U> .* L/kJI • ' VOLUME XII! Reporter and Post. PUELIttIED WEEKLY" AT DANBURY. XT. C. * PKPPRtt & SONS, PKAS. S* Prop* it ui;s or Mix!it i:inio\ : Cne Vonr. j>.»« .tMe iti a«h»urr «1 ">• bix Month*, iIt.VTKS OF (>tin S«i»i.uo {ten liiu-t or U'*») I time, * l • '» I'lifiicli Hit'iitioitiil I liner J ion •'«» oitrncU for '.n»ij»«r tlm« »»r ni«»r. fpiu-e ohji I.a f W. i.roi Mt ou toll.c e W' Tram «»,»• r--will ' • r • . t ' -remit ne«-i.r t.»to i. 4 «0".o raliv nl l»«c UJu«i tli > sml llu-ir Isi* «• r . I.«»e »1 N'otiicawill , »ochnrg" I.".yperron;. I.:v.U«?r than ul'ov® i •»». •., KuMDec.) !.ii'il»VillUo ' lc.' it Ten Ij ler annum. j ;:ofkssio.y i/- c.ntns. A. i. BoTD, l!l:! BO YD )• RKJD, Altorno.M —si i-1 "v WiiNTWollTll, N. 0. l'raciic" in the Superior court of Stokes county. loll' Ml 1 J'• (' 1 ■'■■■ Attorney an 1 Oous jllor, SIT. AIRY, N. 0. rraet'tc. R in tin x>uiu of Y.i !kin :uu\ Alt 1 my. Ti F. C.IETER, " .?/ TTd xl.XK\'~'" T- r "It*- MT. AltlY, SM'.SV CO., X. t Pr*cticM win revo; lii«> acttid* ..: /?. L. If. I YMOIIE, ATTORN KY-AT LAW Mr. Airy. N. C. S|. ■ : .il ai«tioji ijt.en to 11: M I claims. 1 Ji F. KINO, WITH jo u. \ \so a ; sr rro. \ * $• co., 1)1{Y GOODS, M, -. *7 and 2i) Soutli Sh i Street, T. W. JCiHVSON, R M.St Ttr %' It. R. ORAIIUr, o. .1. JOIINMiN. AUttui J * raa. ~ & Jc3«cs?, ii, us. i Mun'rs ot ~t •!nu r.lv i»rtl ! ~».»!o, A'u. Smith. lI.S. Sprn^-.'ins ith & Co ilc Pfnlen* In AM) CATS. rmorc. Ml. ti SU) ve This page is mutilated j lir*3o€R -Tl€ PIiITFOIU!. A«J »?toil i* IS'ile! . '.i, Julie -HI.! Is>l. Wo North C.-iMliua "ii tiio career of peace, prosperity atid gooj govcrumont ou I wtiieh flio ontcrcd aftur the inauguration ! of a Duuioorulic Statu adiuiuislraliou anil wliieb lias beep unbroken for so many years since ; upon the just ami impartial enforcement of the laws ; upon the Ltlieioney of our uoiunion eliool sys tem, and tlio greaj progress inado in popular eilueation ; and upon tlio gener al impr i Mieot nrtd entorpriao luauifus te(\ ; i very portion of the state. .inJ uv ..fauin e!i :llcng' a O'jnipuviaon bc tretu iLU. . t«" ' outi .-••.J scandals which attcnd.'d ! iit; utlii-an ti-ctiulttucy in our bor»! r-i; and we j !' d;"j ourselves lo exert in tli> futur •, :u we Ii ivo done in the past, our lu sl elforts to promote the material in terests of all sections of tlio .Stute. Aflirmio;- our adherence lo I)etno cr.it; .' pviuuipUs as her L.il'ore et.uncia ted in ire platforms of tho party, it is fiereby K' >»/:■. That we regard a free and fair c\pit lion of the public will at the ball tb x as the i tily snrc moaM ot ] re rvi: ur freo Anierican iustituti ma, •1 i:it vhecori upt and corrupting use of I Vina! ] atrot:age, in ibtluuneiiig und i ,i;:!g tilcctious is dan/ervuti to the liter I i. ■ c-f the . i: tato and the Union. Re-i.tivi!, That «c are m favor of the appoi ditiona! and imnu'diatu abolition of th wliole internal revenue system, us an intolerable burden, a standing niea: :to the freedom f»! ctions. and a s .re ■ ni' great annoyunci' and corrup tii.ii in I- practical ipt ration, i Resolved, That no governuiont has a right to burden its people with taxes Imond the amount required to pay its Mow mrj ma M and gradually extin i; >.t. Alt that when ever the revenues, however, derived, 1 ■>., u : this amount, tie/ Mioul-1 be rc dneed as to avoid a mrplu- in the 1 tr.MMiry. Wa thereforo urge upon our ! .Seu.n rs and Uepresen'.atives in Cou gre .■ exert tin:, ehi in favor of j at'.eh legislation as wi'l this cud. ( RtsohvJ, that with re/pect to the ' tarifT ?:e reifTirm the lifo ! >ng and fun damental principles of the [arty n» de clared in the National Democratic plat forms and thai the details of the meth .! l.v which Ihe i-ou liluiional revenue | triff shall be gnultially reaehad, ate sul-j.-i* which th■ party's representa- I nvi. at the federal capital must be trus i ted I" idjust . but in our opinion the I duties on foreign importation* should be i levied for llie proiluoti it of public rev i i ue, and the discriminations iu its i Ijuslment sheti.d t>c sueh us would ; ! ion the highest rates on luxuries ami 'he lowest on the necessaries of life, stribulo us equally as possible the dens of taxation and confer 1 he threat *ood to the greatest number of the fcan people. 'r ', That the course of the lleui ily in furlheranei of t pillar i,..\ rfiieietit public schools ill ■ , and the • -lablishment, of p rum I hoids in the larger •iible centers, is a suiii ec that we favor the cdu- I:.»- S of our pcelplc U' I aiel improve the pre idvantagessu far as it ut burdening thepeo ixation. I lu r-i .. now in ire li .i: '.f dollars in died States wrui j; .• ] , opln by unjust If the lU publicau ill aeeept suo!i !uh revenues of atioual purpu he Congress o!' ' dtth- ij', that -. d by Stat. l ied bv oljee* arras-ing cuu -10 the whito s, alio have i are of nur present or t system of 9 muiittain tlie existing kindly feel t|.is>S t", :!ll_S Vllicll y in nther the ac iy, in Us to force nd we de a hyp • -1 tn tha .he Whitea ir up strife DANBURY, N. 0., TJfUi: SDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1884 Reporter and Poat. Attotti alibi" Drmlmiy v .. f ' us ( ss Mtt'.Ur. THURSDAYSEI :; TEMLiiiB 11, l> !• Tho Democratic Ticket. F«»H rurs'T>F\T : QROVERCLEVELAND, OK Nt:w YORK. POH yCCK-f»UKBII»ENT* THOG. A. HENDRICKS. DC INDIANA. Kr.fiCTOTl AT t.W M 11. KVVCUIV-'. •jotis Nrrrrmi.--'. FOR tiO\ i I' Nor ALTKEI) M. SCAI.W, OF ta iLi'OUl). vnu IJKI-T? N ANT «W'\ I KN«»U CUAULES M. STKADMAN, OF M:\V IIANOV i il. Sl.' K! TAi V OF STATi: WILIiIAM 1.. SAI'NDKUS, Hi- \VA K li. FOII \ I I nKNi:V liI.M.IIAt-: TIIKODOUi: r. DAVIDSON, 01' m'KCOMBE. i on TUK A. si : DONALD W. IJAIN', OF WAKE. Kill: A! HI put: WILLIAM I*. UOISLRT3, or uAt i-.s. rousi r . i*i i;i.ic INSIu; TMJ. S. M. FIMiKH, OF ATAWUA. fOK :i- :! *!'•: CO' UT .TIMII : ALtil ST US S. MEiUIJMON, i»i w\• . FOB .Mil:i . I 'l l ' DISTUICT : JAM ICS W. It KID, (i. KiiCIvINUIIAM. That lllaioe vote in Maiuo will be his ruin in Ohio and Prohibition did it. Mr. Olatne dodged the prohibition issue, but he will scarcely be able to dodge all the an 1 arrows of the press. Among the recent arrivals at Castlo Garden, N. Y., was a (Jem.ail woman j agiid 11*2, wi;,i a lauuly of seventeeu | children. I Gov. Olevclmul it tended the fair at Kiiuiia, X. Y., Monday, and addressed ;an enthusiastio audience of : people. Duller docs not know who the Vice Presidents are running on the tickets j with him, but lie thinks they ate all ! good men. There i» . ill: of another Aivtic expe dition, under the command uf K:i r iin .' Melville, the capital to bo furnished by private parties Dr. Eugene Grissoui has been appoin ted aurgeuu general of the Siaio of Nei ih Ca. uliua, vice Dr. P ii. I lines, resigned. I S.-nat >r E Ini inds is u. th pronounced Piuliil iiie'iiist aid i, seems tj h > a specially liri'O "MumniV business in the lilaiuu campaign. Unlike Hlaiuc, iiutl ir is not a bloat ! Ed miuo owner. The only mine lie ' overbad c\j 1 ided at Dutch Gap and eiiiuc near killing somebody. A Niagiia siiowuian pays Cu[ !iiu Webb's widow a week to sit iu a little h iso opposite the whirl; d ra t pids, where her husbaud disappear. .!. The mortality ot the globe, as given by a European journal which has mad. . the computation, is as follows Per i minute, 07 ; per diem, 97,700, and per annum, 3S.(>H9,SfSS; wlieras the birth are 5t1,79*2,000 per annum, UK),'"X>per dieui, and s venty per minute. Allie :; h th ',r 11 r- are «p. iking f ' the Uev'. Di. .1 hn ISrown, who lately ■ die 1 a' yowlmr,; N. V., ns the old-\st frc-eiiiason at the fine of hi- deaih, he . having been admitted to the order in 1817, it - em'i that Captain H num Nye jf Nor Hi llrookfiebl Mas., beeatne a Mason in Ihlti when he was 21. There m some talk of i ■ >. rocoiuni ending a c M.did r tendunt of pnblie inJtrue I: Darker, who is -.»:«! itcn ! un popular iu K ist und Wort! . . ... _ Blaine and J.ugua Uo . n reformers and lion Butler -hi moil- ! opolist relinvo American p tio-> rf nil | suspicion, pretense and dcee; Tin world has become hones; • a step. When Dflii. tlu.it f i , tiaju a! IV«i. C. 'j v >' . • ..£ l' 1 . d \Y..nl, wI;" i nov. -i Vll I, .1: • » Street jail loo.i. The example of Iji .11 displayed !>v | King Humbert of It Vi 'civil com 1 ' ri .hi-1 «. 1 irr •!'• »' ' into the districts cf {• ■: ./ . .li | aiiti ia.- t inf.-c; I v\ .s!i t!i • [ • '. cheering his | op! ;i: ii . . nil •. ' >■ his j ower for ihi ir 1 ss i-_tt ■ 1.11;, - sublime a* modern i»i ry .iif. .I . Tol.teC" 1 MOW or in 1 i ;!i> v.-i'' of 1 .!, ninety -.v -a:.. 1 . i.f Xtn • :i Car- j 0!.:; 1, but it u a at:./ hij.i rhi.; * ui.no iban a 1 0,..! D j;... LI-iiu, l'crs DM, Caswo'l and (.Irwivill 1 counties c. usli .• tin' il • .r of tin to- i bacco belt. This year too crop in each ! one of theseis estimated at 5,( ; , to 5,2)0,000. A bird may ha shot upward to ;' • sky I.) .1 foreign force , but it rise', 111 j •be true icnso of the word, onlv wheu it 1 J I s; , - i's . ivij «: :r« a 1*• h> own living power. .I"'■ a 1;. si. n ■■! by outward ao idcats : !. it be r, j ill ■' fur n• be exert- himself, ccmls by a free olTirt fo all ,i !or r 11 i i.f i'-.lit vti 1 notion. Tie republican eon 'n'b'n for 1 -01 fourth district met in i 1..;, igh last week. j About 20 delegates wcro pre.-ent, mor. than half of them color 1. A rrvenue ! officer named I!et:.- culb. 1 Col. Shall': j of Kaicigb, a liar and a r •m.drol. Tlii was all that eccuml. of : 'if t. It made no li 'ii.iuation. fi (' _r | »1 j nio'ed a district exccutire commit ti. > and left it to tbo commit t to deter mine what was best to uo about the mutter. Too I'ittsboro Horn . of the 4th, say Mr. VUay Miteboll, n olderly man,died in New Hope township lu.-t wool;. Hi wife bad been dead six years, v.-a d: interred to bo buried it It her ln:- band at liell's ehtlri h. The c 1 w:. found to be i.f astoni.«!ii::g »«•, .t, , 1 upon its being opein ii t | •• was found not only undecaycd bntliani as a ! stono—seemingly potriiod. • Tl'- ••im teiiance was natural &nd by • lil friend.--. Aceordi:: ;to a wrr.r-r 1 . I.e ( . | natti Ki .juir -r a c.!l t for 1.1. . | baa 1.0 'i establifl..-.'. 11 I. Ir. a half (lov. 11 evbl iti. nisi I.d :. !ur ' lof the very adva ed -eb who . . attempting to teach tbo monkoys to talk, .ir at 10.i.-t to express thoir wants. The method is by letter bb.olts, and wb u the pupil pieks out tb ■ eorreet letter 1 and forms a word he is given a prlie in the shape of something g ■ 1 to oat. j Thus tin re is uontimml iueontivo to | learn. A St. Paul, disi aich of the sth, says I iha' it has just become known than nn ' effoit was rnado it the Grand Opera j house We.ir.es lay night to a.isa.-s;nat.: ' Sitting Hull aj he wit leaving the tliea ' tie, wlulo still ill tie) foyer.' Oncoftno j unknown snil .'only drew a | istrl and wiihout warning aimed at the. fcieat eliict, but hi- ci;. j anion knonked tb.> weapon down n afore it could t:o ilis charged H"tb men follow I iho Indians ' „ut but no fur;!. l l at wpt on tlieir live ! was made. Sitting Dull is now con stantlv gnavded ven in Ihr hotel a 1 guard being pi 1 ed a; his deor What do d;recti wit'u regard to i'i i..wi:!i reca. tl to diet ought nevoi to bj j-ivou unit >h tbo Uereditary or ae ipii.v.l boilily telideneioi of the advised i:i.!ividu:il arr' Un mi. The rule of life evi 11 in tin' aut"..:.' ! months, for a man , ii.i :tod '.villi oostiv itss Cau never b; : 'lie siuno iif, tint for a man with a ten dency in iho 01 ]l ito direction. Hume ! may abstain almost entirely fro a fruit ! and reiai i goi th .Ith, but tbere are 1 I i:-.i y with »!i. n • i.npliaiica to the or ! I.er, "abstain lroui fra.t," .'.'ould be tie ! ir of ti.-.'ir d. ,:!i warrm:. The oian •,.,'ilivv by a ) et »f i:Jd rulcii | 1..' 1 . iary fo.'._..ulat. . for lum by other.': ! tarians . kto pr vo that i: is not right | for man to eat it; who abaad.-i.s fruit j :.nd v vctab! . thr. U'.'b i ir'of durrhoea; | wlm i'. . him If tu a luoitotoienis and ' end unvarying dietary, or who takes his ! food by \vi i;iit, U * t..,l fir his j. ins, | ami will - n j- ■; 1, .1 . v .rd in si - I :iesii tin the oi r band, it is im; ..«>> couiuii.. I ii, • r b :ca •• : Il -y perceive tliatc . .it oit «it!) uoiiy. 'iho ii..01 w* ) 1.. v '■ i• - 11 1 c day, . hearty 11 -hi :i! craft uiuli r i. . '.; V. d ions, \>ii., if m i I. ai: , , n.ha bly li id Li.l. . If:. 1 ' •to :ii, :st IU : .I ito pr tly %v. II si.. ■ :;el . f ! taken iuis.. , v.let: > umn . ;ej fol lows a sedentary calling luust, even ii in d !. .1. ' . •in.,!.) 1 .1, 0! hiuiself. A«!vtee Jo o!:l ."' i). . Ibtn't -it your elve- up ■ in del' 01 ' 111 pri. ite. I' n't tliink be • ::i': you: ~; men ar ' yotin tliey are fools They probal f. , are, but yo:i w■ ve yo;r.ig cnoa yi usiself 1* n'i tcke the front soats at hallo I shows. Your bald heads reflect tin ' Ught unpleasantly. 1> n't .»'iy vulgar thinge We fore ladiw and e-:. us.' y. .. lees on the • >»ind ' that you are el 1 enough U their filth . rs. I'eii'i ." r !!•■>: • must 1 >1 c. ' il . ii o ■: it . .1 .• Ill: : lild it from Oth .' r ■ ! '•Don't sour tbo world on you by 1 r >urinj,' your. . !v. - :i the world j P .n't fool with temptation. I loot bat 1 0 v. ise. It-n't try to U;::t.e.-e. The c l . ' ii .'ls an the h -i fools. I>. n't let your li ve if the. worli tnakf you forget tli i a man never gets ti" |ild to die. 1> ni't try to I - a boy. j Your gran.!-- ■ ■ .11 attend to tl..it j ... tll :i. 1 • blh .■ j 1 \ n't f ( tu eveuin 1 li.e he 1 s |j ..st 111 tin- morning. The fresh j lie.-:- of I I :; 1 ; ,i\ V ;.i,r t . work tin. o it - . .uid 'ho quiet o ( (!.. evfiiing - • • '•" you 1 " : U .. .. j -. tlj. C 1... J. I'olgi r was a nn aiel in l.i -. . . ■i. veal . \ ~. ..11 t- ai "s •' il. Ik to f I i. I,■• 1 I'm. . da'. 11 he 4th ii , t lie died of 1 ;hi kill I art. Tl .' ii.-patch HI) - •lie m.. ,1 j i.ll . i j.-. .t ).i : '» 1.1 :.'.n ■ liiii n o-ti i 11 i the liovPiuol I ship of New Yi rk as a st-| | mg st .as ti j the I'ieddei .y. '•* hll I • t • • •. 1 th. nominal >u In- j' ;■ knew n« i jumis j The State bs 1 bci u giving » Republioin j isaiority a.id ha . thought surely that bt jhe w 'ltd be eUet. .i. lie ue'.er gut notion . ui t ei.s Lit a., eiibci und\v..sus I ionisl. .1 when tir.st his own town am ! then '-tale gave hit overwhelming 1 111 a| .: - .gainst him. II- -lin 1-1 well msaru at tbo time. Hit friends be ri -ay t1... , li!> II i'i' tireley, he dice ■if a il ■ ded iniiiil anil ti. it hi - death i 'little short of a pulitieal tragedy. As i j Juiigo Folger w-i a sound, •.■uiisisten | man el integrity." ! Ii i,t Mou lay the public - hools ■ ;>. « V eity l.|.ciii"l wiili ::00, l! t' , 4nee la-1 ;.-ar. The wopening wit ' ncfs, .t in (bat city the oblitcraii n ■■ , tie last ii i' of tiie color lino In edu cation. By set .f Legislature, in i«- the c* 1 red eliools, us ,-'ieh I'-tieetivoly j were abolish jJ, ar-t the pupils, Use) |and v.wer all mergi I together Tb Wt« #•./. t« take ■ tf«ot in Sep'ein I be r, t'.i; I!" ■ .11: J Vvei.il. j I'r.mg fruit* a j lei itue instead of I ■lrmlgerv. No tr luble to dry fruit with . my I'nte.it, Solar, i'luit and Vegetable l>ryer. It drie..- rapidly, on both sides alike, urn! all over at the same time. It bus tin equal for drying bright fruit, I as tiieru is in, scorching or smoking the : fruit, no sticking, no expense for wood | or water, no waste, as i*. dries all the j 11O0S and sugary matter in the truit. It 1 11 not only the be.t drier for drying ! peaches nil I appl ', but also for a'll tbo ' ■ tnall f uits, swt p. tat* ei,sn(t{)beans, I ■r : - Mg that yuii v. : blo dry tjnic.c I :: a., | lu.illg leuv.. r. of t 1 lee. as ay intelligent j :.-.-»ri will know , :r. caCe >,ti.: -c.> i;. It is mailc of tlmi ! ' Ire. .:!! ' I'' ■ | in:t p':.nt I is, .- '."eteli 1 over a light I ' frume made 1 f laths, with a tin reflector j ! arranged as to throw the cays of the | sun over the clutli. The material for iin!:.:i_ Jryer :Ji! in.:!: - \vl "is ami 111 11 :.1- tb 1 1 one dollar and 1 v.. : ?ii about '2 lbs. Anyl> ly that I i.. :i •, or w -h my | riiited in-! tr 1 til x to make, use Ac., can make il i.l fen boars. Three dryers I i- at is it. >.ny is an ordinary family ! C i iiiima 'iho combine-! hcut of ' -'..1 I'. it 111" ' -'MI. . • A C. illtiil— \ 1. • I*l ii 't '■ t tt of air to draw up • •l:r a::'' • eluth wh ; !. rau- s the fruit '.> 'lly mi eily. Set tlio drier in the! .. pi .ite fruit on the el. •!i and ; then set it iut in the sun, sqtUlfO with j be ■}', :• . 111 a!."tit two hour- lift ■1 : I around .a* t'.i bri' gi" njti ire • he sttn til you hate to until I ii ;i : ry. It viill dry sliced 'ruit j .• 1.-If a day. Fruit dii..d on « •i. ..love dryer fur uiakiug pios i'U", ' ! it ■l. ■ cooking ■ir stewing, timj ly ■ver tin: fruit yc.i w'b toil" with .' water, jus; 1 n.'iigh tu cover It,! .■ ■1 I■ * 1.1 :; • 1 -hi iniiuil , then ' | nt the wat r with the fruit into your j l' -ei) -iii.l .. ttii 'aste and bilked | . ■ ■ it will litnl it equal to green frttit 1 ; . in H.1V..1- an I color, and I think It.-, tl 11 when the fruit Is put uh iu cans 'I'I above dryer and part I i therof is fully covered hy Letters Patent . i'.iter with or without the reflector, and eny infringements upon the same w ill be pail- ecuted to the full extent ol the law Any one sending uie ail order wit two 111 il irs and 1- cents I will send him by registered letter a farm right to make ae many dryers as lie wants to use ut his 1 laee of residence only, with piiuted instructions how to make, use, &e., or j live farm 1 glits for ten dollars. Write I name, I'■ -t Ooonfy and State! plain. Ml ciders promptly filled. Ad- 1 In ■ Kilcy F. l'etrco Gcrmanton,' Stokes co, N. t'. PBEMIVNI. The tieiiera! Committee on tbo coun -1 .liibit odor the following premiums ( r the fullowitig artielcs of form pro-j ilu- if Stwk. 1 ei.uuty, to be delivered : t the committee at Uaubury on or ' b( fi : .■ the 10th dsy of September next. I Sump!' t to. o may he delivered op | to t!i • I.lth ■ f September. The Com- 1 ni.ttce t i award tie pietiiums will he 1 apjiof'ted In tl ■ n.-r 1 l omniittee. t All p: mil 11 lits will be pat 1 in In liey. . 'fie ■f 1 • die". ■ 11 t g tti: ; 11 pl'i 11)111111 wi.t bt 1 : 10. lie 1 unty i-iid will be' ' : .... . let -ii : I. ill" wl. ,11, *2.0(1' .'Jrd. T tilt el I 'St 1 bushel white v/heat, 1 00 j 111 . li. t , bushel red wheat, .'J.OO th. • 'olid be-t t bushel red wheat, 2.00 ■ Oth. Third best t bushel red Wle.lt, 1.00 TiHU . ". 1 Ist l."sl «|iif;!; 1 v lif fine yellow 1 la| p. rs, '_ lbs . SIO.OO •Ju l h - i| 1.1 ity of uinl.ngaiiy wrappers, lbs. ti.t'O iird la st omility of smokers, - 4 00 CORN'. Ist best I Imshel white bread corn ».0U 2nd best bitshi'l euro, l.Ot l l!, 'i 1 bushel of winter ont«, 1.50 lie-; \ bushel spring oals, 1 50 POTATOES. Host bitsbt l lvtrly Lose potatoes 2.1)0 ~ !!■ st 1 bushel I Verb -» polati - 2."0 lit si I bushel i f any other kind of lri-it I'Otntocs, 1 .fit* Best 1 bushel sweet potatoes, 2.00 f N ». PBPPS*, Chairman. S, I'. Tavi.i it, Seeretary. Kt.Ki: VNi'F. AM) l'Ußll V —l.adice who apt-rwi 10. el "iti'-e and purity are . us -.g Parker's llhir Balsam.' Tt is the I article 'old fr i. -toring gray Itnir t.> Its orieii.al eolor, beautv and lustre I in NO. 14 i Ami t •> *T* in* '..ittii lo tioit Advertising Huikn. —— I '. aWI HSOt* CVlonel Pierce, of the Chicago .alt gave, in the course of a recent address .k'lirs to (lie editors of Indiana, some thoughts willi reference to ndvortisiug that- are!' .i»|> well worth reiuemberiug. After J»?e» ,„;j« ! mining that a mail never realizes the lull benefits of advertising until he ha* | [ laced the waiter before the people fifty, .i j -1 or a hundred times, the Colonel presents : this valuable tahle,\vhicli, however, is simply an ol ihuratiou of tho*. ow'g^B»l- #, ' 1 rally orated, to Stephen i»• iii.si time a man sees an adver- The njeond ti:lii! rfW''wMHV 1 " > *™T .Inbmsaw I The third time hois thinly "consciou* fr ~t, M ;w»r.fr mui The fourth time lie faintly Wiutlnbeill' •' T*^ •• in -thing of the kind before.,)? Y> The fifth time ne reads it. j»„t 'flie sixth time he turns hU none up j nt it. tl izsu'm The otolith tiuje ho throwf hi*. « , down impatiently. , , ,• 'V i i»v io the. eighth time he ejaculates . " !'li 're's the confounded thing agafti "" " ,s ' Tli" ninth tiuio he wonders if tkwA'l r , anything in it. Th tenth tituo he thinks It might 4 iii lily uit somebody else's casfc. 'f " iii. eleventh time he thinks |» , will ask hi? niighbor if he hastricdit ior knows irivihlng &Kiut it. ' ' ' ,i '" 'J'iio twelfth tune he wonders if the" 1 j advertiser can make it pay. r t s-'iiuulfc The tbirtet.uth time ho rather thutks^,,,. i i: must be a g' od thiug. Tl fiiurteetith time he happens to •'•J I.; !; it i - just whtt tie nat«d. .• ■ . :e in 1 lii'ieenlh time he for • liuio -J, tf*. .evolves to try it as soon as ho can af- J i ir* lord it, l The six'ten th time ho examines tfi'e , ai'drcf-s i: irefully, and makes a memo randum of it. T1..) sov- nli nth lime lie if antalized i t'.i '. I. i hardly nble to afford it: "'' i ' ' Tho eighteenth time he sjes pninfutfy how much he in iu uccd of that partiou- ! Ur thin,.'. Tho nineteenth time he counts his " money to see how niuoh he woald have ' left if he bought it. . , ■„ i | The twentieth time he ruahes franti* ! caHy forth and buys it. Hotly And Brain > - .» j Motion is tho exercise of tho bodyv. if) Thought is tho cscrciso ol the brum., Motion at lengh exhausts the body.. j, | Thought at length exhausts the brain, j cessation of motion allows the body to 1 be iuvigorated (Josfation i f thougtfi * ' reinvigorates the brain. The body . ' ! must laavo rest. Tho brain must have sleep. When tho body cannot rest, as iiu convulsive disease, it dies. Wfien " i Lite brain cannot rest, when a mint 1 ciuinot sleep, every lioui is a step netreH t U t to the mad-house. Home lueu woik ' w n i j themselves to death. Some tueq j themselves to death. Too littjii_.x«st for the body, too UlUe sleep for thu 7 j brain, are fal.-e eeonmies tiuio, anu , multitudes, unwittingly, briug on wast- nig and fatal diseases by practic ing these economies. Omnipotence ' ' ••rest d,"and oomtunnded mntf'to do tin -aiuo. Sleep a plenty, rest » plontyr ,/. ; i llie.se are tho foundations of all ... ■() ;'r. at. sate, offloictrt actives of body or 1 brain. - 1 *• n'vmuD'n lilglilD The right to do pretty umeli as tbey please. -n» an tmh mmm' 1 The right to make a fuss when a fellow | stays out lute. The right to blame everything on their husband's money-losing or money uiukin" propensities just »s it hap pens. The right to turn a house topsyturvy three weeks.every six mouths, and call it house cleaning. Tl.a right to mako tho old iu>n vote any way they want hint to. Thciignt to a heme, ii hutiband . ftud u bah; . A bachelor's view; "Mens lights- "and this is as mucli aS • M i they deserve. I'nk. away from f>r. Yirkhls conrsc , ne" and vulgarity, troio fat Wuwt'iA bis braba and ins |*'ofanity, aud trou. ~i. . . 1 Mr. Trull his grimace shines, and there might be 1 ( aa|u iiiendaii' ■ amount of y, i'ijjK ** inal 4i pi eof dullness! Deeoniy would siriji theiu of nil their weaponi,uir fbeir * tongue - would be paralyzed ifcoudoinn cd to the ohsei vinoo of propriefv. '' . -t«T .•>* There has heeil a frost iir CoutieotieiM 1 eveiy it>onth tMs jor,f. * * | ... 0«4 " '**> l **

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