Reporter and Post. Knlcml at the Danbnry „Y. P., Foil-office an Second Ctas* THURSDAY OCTOBER 0, 1884. ff" —— —Haywood county sent a black cnt to the Exposition. =Ex-Gov. Hrogden is runuing for Congress m the Wayne district. =llendricks will speak at Cincinnati on tto 10th and ia Cleveland on tlic 11th. —3 crazy child in Henderson county recently killed and ate a kitten which had been given her to play with. =Au old inhabitant of l)avie county says the South Yadkin is lower than it lias been since it lirst started to run. —That, inveterate old tar, James G. IShtinc, is bearing west southwest, pre sumably to cast au anchor in Salt Hir er. =The election in Ohio coiuesof nest Tuesday. Of course, we expect it to go Kcpubticau, but should it be other wise, Maine would hardly carry a State iu the Union. —Hen. Hragg, who said of Cleveland at the uational Democratic convention, "We love him for the cnewtQS be has made," has been nominated for Congress from the second Wisconsin district. The Independent Republicans of New Jersey, ill the address adopted by their State Committee, declare that the party '-can only gain a renewal of life and health and future usefulness" by tho defeat of ltlaino. —*l udgo Faireloth, ou bis return fiom his canvas* in the west, communi cated to ltov. J. W. Uriwoin, editor of tho People's Journal, at Durham, the important State secret that all hopes of electing York had been abandoned by the party. —Cleveland is an Anglo-Saxon W'.rii meaning cliff-laud or highland. Ilis| sneestors'were evidently chiefs m the limuutaitious parts of England—lords; of the bills or mountains. Next month some of our ladies will send bim a crown of laurels, inscribed : "l'roni the I.and of the Sky to tlic Knight of the Cliff." —Tim name of Patterson litis been a tower of strength to the Republican causo iu Western North Carolina ever since the war. Now ?auiuel b. I'at tcrsou says . U 1 believe that the defeat of Jllainc and York will be not only for the interest of the country, but w'.ll eventuate in good to tho Republican party." See his card iu another col umn. I —A few weeks ago a Hag pole which tho Republicans wcro trying to raise in Salisbury, fell und broko iu three pieces. Tlioy got another one, and in attempt ing to raise it, it also fell and broke to pieces. The Charlotte Observer sajs tho negroes regard these circumstances as omens of evil for their cause mid think tlwy mo judgments sent cn llicui for allowing I'r. York to associate with them. —Dr. York ignoranily ca'ls the Con gressional Record the Congregaliottal Record. In 1875 he talked about the Republican party "doiuouixing" silver, while bis competitors were laughing iu their sleeves, and hu colleagues blush ing at bis ignorance. A correspondent 1 very truly says that a man who, after be- j ing subjected to the attrition of rcGncd.' intellectual members of Congress lor eight months, quotes from the Co/igre gcilioiial. Record would scaicoly graej a chair wbioli has been lionmed in uiod-1 era times by such men as Graham, Reid, Mangum, l'r»gg, Ellis, Vance and Jarvis! =We learn that in the joint discussions! between Reid and Edwards that Reid gives the old renegade Democrat a hot time of it. He brings grave charges against him and he can't deny them.— In a speech scvoral years ogo Mr. Ed • wards declared aguinst negro suffrage and favored colonizing the ncgros. He is the lawyer who smashed tho homo stead and thousands of people sere sold out of house and home, lie was before k Democratic convention two years qgo Booking the nomination for Judgc. In the Legtsla'.uro of 1870 bo contested as a Democrat with Lassiter, Republi can, for tho scat an! got it, and bis cry wit then, "Turn the rascals out." RESULTS OF VEMOCIiA'IIV 11VI.E. Seven years ago, when the Democrats took jon'rol of the State, alie began her march of progress and prosperity ; now, "lie is well advanced on ber way to wealth and powor. Her million and a half of people are law-*biding, thrifty Mid happy; no race conflicts, iv> nuts, no sectional batrcd, 110 jealousies, but ill living together in harmony, helping sachother, esteeming oaeh other, iter people "browing off their lethargy und matching tho spirit of labor and progress tliit has animated tho c directing her l flairs, have gone to work with a new energy and a new hope. Her old in dustries have been improv ed and enlar ged until they yield up tluir treasures as never before. Now industries have boon introduced and established, open ing new aveni;es to wealth and employ ment. Capital and labor go hand in hand, without jealousy. Upon tho doors of l'ifih "snd poor alike is written Activi ty and Progress; Onward, the watch word of all. In material development, the State can point to uiore necomplished than in any like period of her existence. In the education of her people and children, like results have been at tained. tier credit restored, her name loved it home and hoiioud abroad, tier officers, lier Representatives, her J enators, rich ly endowed f>r the parts assigned thcui, norkinj; for her prosperity at j her glory. North Carolina u io-d«y what she never ivas before. One looks back on llie Seven Years, tml stands amazed at what has beeu louc ; forward, and sees the light of a bright future. One inquire* under what political riarty was this great progress made, and the answer comes from a hundred thou sand and more of llie best people of the State, Under the great Democratic party. i>> yor it .t a / sreu a u.t.v you\ COVEUSOIt. In 187 C, ever afterwards while a member of tho Legislature, Dr. York strongly supported the presciu system of county Government. Now however, as every one must who tuini Republi can, he says the Canby system ofCounty Goveniment must be restored, which Uicans to turn the white people of the negro counties over to negro rule, and iu perfect accord with that he declared uot onlj his purpose to support lilaiue and Logan but that the National Re publican platform meets hi.- hearty ap proval, uot excepting eveu the Civil Rights plank in it. lilaiue, Logan mid Civil Rights! \\ hat a load for a man to carry in Noith Cai olina! The man whs favors a return to the Cauby system of County Government ill this Suite, who proposes tu support lilaiue and Logan, and who stands squarely on tho National Republican platform, Civil Rights and all, bus no right to expeot the votes of white men iu North Carolioa. ItEPl'liLl VA A'.S MUST STASD AfitDE. Tho little independent tail is trying to wag the great Republican dog. The dog growls, but it wags all the sauie. Behold the sublime impudence of the litlic faction. W hen the Republican leaders had brought out their machine, and prepared their platform to stand on, Dr. York, late surgeon of the Homo Guard, later Democratic member of tho Legislature, and last, Independent, Democratic, Rcpublioau, Coalition, member of Congress, steps to the front, unhitches the old Republican wbeellior ses, gears up Charlie I'rioe, Pat Winston and others, late of the Democratic party, mounts the platform and says : "Stand asido, gentlemen, Old YorkwilL drive this concern !" When a *.rue blue, Dr . Wheeler, aceidcntly got the nomination for Congress in tho Fifth district, see how soon they set biui aside and brought to the front Col. L. C. Edwards, late aspirant for judicial honors in the Deui ociatio ranks. ——»■■■ mi «I II • Turn the old sow out and the pigs will follow. My—but won't there be a fearful squealing among the Revonuo pigs as they pass out through the cracks next March. The old sow will be dry and the still house slop out of reach.— "Root pig or die." vLt:\ EL.isn mi■: HI UIJKXOT. Tlio Irish World denounced Cleveland as u Huguenot, *ay» bis nommaiion was u slur 11 jion tho rtligion cf tlio Irish lace, and in every conceivable way (rioM in stir up raeo prejudice against our nominee for president. It also makes this singular assertion: 'ln this campaign the Irish are principals in tlio field. James 0. ISlaine is their candidate. They nominated Isiin and they will elect hiin." This accounts fbr tho fact that the entire German eieiuont in this country is disgusted with Maino. The Teutonic man, both high German and Anglo-Saxon v ill he there to see the show when the Iris'i ilect any man t resident of the United States. "Whom tlm god# woulu destroy, the first make mad." Lcuvtng ilie Mnllitg SEit |*. Luaolr Tapir. Jin. KlilTolt : —lt is not my desire to appear in a "card," but as many of your leaders are Republican and my personal friends, it may not be amiss to accede to your request and state briefly my reasons fot not supporting Maine and York. I hold the doctrine that the nominees of a party should be supported only when they arc fit for tho offices lor which they were nominated. In 110 other way can the integrity of our office holders be preserved. Very grave charges are preferred against Mr. iilaiuu ; such also were ■nude against Gen. Garfield, and such may be made against any man. Hut it makes all the difference iu the world wholhcr the charges ire founded in fact, whether false or true. In the ease of Gen. Garfield the charges were slauder otts and malicious. After a careful ex amination of the charges against Mr. Maine, 1 aui convinced that they are, in the main, true. 1 believe that he prostituted bis official position, as Speaker of tliu House, and his political influence for private gain. So believing, I cannot vote fur him, but will support Governor Cleveland, who has proved himself worthy of coufideiico in every portion lie' has filled. 1 am none the less inclined to this course for tho rea son that the New York '•Suit." the malicious slanderer of President Garfield is running Gen. Butler us a side show in the interest of Maine's circus. I will not vote fur Dr. York for Gov ernor. lie is not fit for the high office. Nor can 1 forgH how short a time ago he was, of all abusive and foul-mouthed Demon alio demagogues, the most so. Tho circumstances of his conversion excite ►uspteion that ha would still be -o if his bread were so buttered. 1 dn not believe ho is honest in advocating II of üblicati principles ami, as a self-re specting Republican, 1 will not vote for bin). No one can kuow the gonuiuo pain it gives uie to place myself outside the pale t.f the party organization, whoso candi dates have heretofore been upright and able men, and wLoui 1 have supported with earnestness and zeal. 1 believe that the defeat of Maine and York will bo not only for 'he in terest of the country, but will even tuate in good to the Republican par ly. Respect fully, S L. Pattkbhon. It is generally estimated that between eighty and ninety per cent, of the Ger man voting population of New York city will voto for ( levelind and Hen dricks One of the oldest and staunches!. Re publican papers in Connecticut!, the Litchfield Enquirer , has been overcome by the last batch of Mulligan letters and bolts Maine '1 he every-day caics and duties which men cull diudgery, aro the weights aud counterpoises of the clock of time giving its pendulum a truo vibration and its ban Is a regular motion. No grace is mere necessary to the Christian worker than fidelity; the hum ble grace that inarches on'in sunshine ami storm, when no banners are waving, ami there is no music to cheer the weary foot. A Rostou dispatch intimate* that the Maine managers are about to attempt to offset the recent damaging disclosur es of Fisher and Mulligan by starting another scandal about Gov. Clevland They expect to make another appeal to the moral and religious press. A Magnetic Dog, being observed to flee wildly down a Villago Street, with an assortment of Tinware tied to his Tail and pursued by an Avalanche of Brickbats, was asked by a pitying ca nine Acquaintance what he was doing. "Doing I" yelped tho Dog, as ho boun ded airily over an obstructing Cart, "why, I'm conducting an Aggressive Campaign !" MORAL. The Moral of. this Fable i 1 as Maim as tho Nose on his Face. A War Incident. StahMvltk' •Men showed in tlio war, whether of ficers or privates, of pretty much what [y'.uff they were uiaile. 1). T. I'ritclmrd, i Ksq., of Alexander county, told us a . few days ago, that he recollects very well, 011 the march from l'otersbnrg to | Dcllfield, in December, ISO I, when th" ' mud was very deep and the men made i their way through it with greatdiffleulty, : that Gen. Alfred M. Scales got oft liis horse and put on it two sick and worn out men of his command. He walked ten miles through the uiud himself, at the sido of his horse, and about 11 o'clock in the d.iv, having tramped with i his men from early in the inoruing, he j helped the two men down, after they had | mine than onee offered to surrender the horse to him, ami re-mounted himself, i Mr. Pritchard belonged to (i en. Scales' ; brigade. The incident impressed hiin very much and he has narrated it ol'len mnoe. Wo take t ! ic following from the Stntesvillo Lnnitn irk : The water in the public w. II in the centre of east Broad street hnvQig heeouic so bail that it couhl not be used, Mr. J. A. Page wont into it. las* Monday, to clean it out, and among other things which he sent tip was the body of a baby. It was evidently of premature birth. Tho iden tity of the guilty woman has not yet been established. The color of the child c»ul 1 not, of courso, be detenuiu. Ed, nor could it be told how long the sickening object had been in the well. The discovery caused good deal of a buz/, around town, and no well water Iru tasted entirely tight since. A I' I.Sst The following has boon published us a partial list of the article! of impeach ment against the Republican party : Tho Credit Mobilicr swindle. The Uosa Slnphetd ring frauds. Tho «ufe burglary iniquity. The whiskey fraudj. The Freed man's bank swindle. The Rclknap iuipeachiucut. The naval frauds. The Sanborn frauds. The Indian bureau frauds. The Pension bureau frauds. The liluck Friday rascality. . The theft of the presidency in 70. The ludiiiu bribery in 1880. The lSlatue speakership jobbery. The ntarroute frauds, j '1 he list includes only the counts rc lactiug to officials fraud and public scan : dal. (IfIUH rrom Jim 111 iln i'tt idler, lu lialier. | '-I note what you i bont tho iui ' por.ance of my kev[ m; all ju vt here." '•.No olio will ever knou from me that 1 d sptiscd nf a single dollar ir. .Maine."' , "If you knew the agonies 1 have suffered in this matter during the past six months ycu would pity me. 1 am sure, and make great cth>rts-to relieve inc. Pray let Uic Lnmv what lam to expect. | '•Von can do luc a great favor. * * 1 want you to send IUC a letter, j such as tho inclosed draft. * * It will 1 be a favor I shall never forget. * * Re gard this letter as strictly confidential. l>o not show it to anyone. The draft is in the hands of my clerk, win is as trustworthy as any man can be. * * Iturn this letter." I'ulblc vpenking. JA.ueh \V. It biii, Democratic candi date for Congiesi, and I'ol 1,. G. Kl>- WAitns, Republican and Liberal Can didate for Congress, will address the people of the stll Congressional District in joint discussion at the following times aud places, to-wit: | Oxford Granville county, Monday, ' Sept,, :10th. '! Oak Hill, Granville count), Tuesday, ' | Sept., 30th. Mt. Tiriah, Pelson county, Wcdues 1 j day, Oct. Ist, * Jlick Long's Store, Person county, , Thursday, Oct, JJud, Vanceyvillc, Caswell couuty, Friday, 1 j 3rd. I llightowcrs, Caswell couuty, Satur f day Oct, 4th. ' ! Lcuox Castle, Kochingliam county. ■ Monday, Oct, (itli. j New iicthell,, Rockingham couutv ' Tuesday, Oct, 7th. Walnut Cove, Stones county, Wcd ? ncsday, Oct, Bth. Fraucisco Stokes county, Thursday, 1 Oct, 9th. ! Jit. Airy,Surry county, Friday Oct, j ilO th, , Pobson, Surry county, Saturday, Oct si 11th. I' Greensboro, Guilford county, Tues . day, Oc'., 28tb. McLean's Guilfotd ooonty Wednes - day Oct, 29th. Kerncrsville, Forsyth county, Thurs e day, Oct, 30th. \\ iuston, Forsyth county Friday, Oct 31st, A« the evenings are short speaking will commence promptly at noon. si'fisc ttinr. ivo^*' It is your duty to aid your county paper. Wo propose publishing « pood , campaign paper. mid solicit troni our friend* and from tbe Dciuooratio party i in Stokes and adjoining countii't u li ; bernl support. Make up clubs u>r us. | Our dub rates f»r tlic campaign—run i iiiujr until r.cccinbor Ist, ure as follows: i "i copies, $ 2.00 iU copies, 3.75 •JO copies, 7.00 j 50 copies, 15.00 ; 100 copies, 28.00 | Now go to work, nnd aid an enterprise j devoted to your best interest*. l'itOrt'MTlnN TO TtACIIEIi.S.— Dull bury ofTAs one of the best openings fo * school uf any place iti t!io Suite, fur t!io following reasons : It is one of the healthiest places in tlio State (without good health it is impossible to improve the time Hhile at scoool); board is cheap : the morals » t the place nre us good as other villages, and there being no other school in this part of the county, it would be well patronized. We would prefer aiding a lady and g. ntleman who wish to wake teaching their business, and would like to build a pcrmanont school ; but if none ate disjowod to un dertake this, we will pay a lady teacher a reasonable salary to take charge of a village school at this place. Address N". .M. IVpper, Daubnry, .N. C. Joint Canvass of.>th roogreu loual Dtat. R. 15. GLENN Democratic candi date for Elector, nnd A. 11 Joyce, Esq., Itepablican candidate for Elector, will address the people of the Oth Congress ional District, in joint discussion, at the following times and places, to-wit: Stol.e*count} Monday, St j i ."i l-» stone\ .lie, KocKitttfli.'im" TueMlny, .. Ml •• l.c.ikuvUlc, • W. in. Ml . JUli, •• Uuttin, •• Tii it:.winy, 'Mil 44 Viintrvvillt 1 , Cnxivcll o>m Frliluy, '.Mil •• Milton'. "to. S. i •iitV • '.Till (*uiitiiiiKlißin*M st4»ro. '«• s.m t •«.. M.uulhv,'•-J •• «»:ik llill. «.rmi\ lit* i «>.. luc . «. ,•• a ih •• oxittrtl, •• !>.. \Vc»limv~«lji> (hi., is«. •• Alto.i>rlllt*, l't r • »ii Thtir*l.iy •• 2n«t. •• Ko\)»r.', •• I'rUlrv. •• ard •• I i t- tit. Oirvvell Co., niil.iv ••4»!i. '* St: ii;. 111 *» i I'M, till It or J !'• M»?iil:\ •• till «;.. « i -U>rw. •' Wellf .Jav, • SI'.I •• Hiaii I'oitt. •• T.iumUi •• n.-ii •• 1 • -. 11l i i'.. Sutmdiiv • lltli •' W iin;i»n. •' l'o Mi.i.ilny, •• i: ill. •• Hc'luoiiit, •• Tiii xi i • '• iv>!,v •• llf'a 44 ?•• in «'ilea 4 v; toko* V."*, Wi'ilw -i iv •• : ,;h '• 111«**«I. •• i li:iJ - • " !• i Mm Sr i t 0., • t !;»} •• 17th, •• *i*. A - rv, SjttlU »l .iy, •• 1-i'i. Ihitimiit 11 MonUny. '•• SOili, l>anl»ur\. sioKc* t'o.. Monday, ••27th •• All are invited. Speaking commences at 1 p. in. The Danbury Cornet Band Offer their services for the Campaign, Picnics, ifcts. We have firstclass instru ments and are prepared to furnish the of muhio. Terms moderate. Ad dress, J. W. DUUUINS, Sec. Danbury, N. 0. K\t»outit)ii Salo. ]»y virtue of a.i K\tvution in tnv hands ;n favor of liiv National St:iuk t 1' Win *m gainst Jacob Fult'i i. i ill sell tor cash I i tin* Court House door in Dai.' i » i i Mouthy di > ».f October ! » tli«* | reversionary interest in in one hundred ami | t'?rtv tine ■ a *res *»|* l.vvl uhi.'b was laid o!V jio.J -o'.! i ul'on . a 111>11•' : li'iis itj. i:i . Wvat: li. V.t / \\\ U. i.'e ! nut «:!«••• - k'.ov.n ..9 l: . • h «• ul.ertf mM j ' W • ni'n'i live ,* \\ W iinp'ovc I •• i!!i *!!i i • !ious ', Istl'l'im ;*. >.tl •a. IJ nVlo-'k M* This tlio u'Oth tlav of B«'j»t4'iiil)cr ItSi. 15. 1. DALT"N. her ill'. notice! I will .«ell for rasli at tin* Court Men • •loorinthe Town of I)anl>ury on the Ist Monday in Nov. 1884 (1,15)0ne hun«lfbl& lifteen aen's of lan 1 as the I amis of \V. 11. l-'oy adjoining the ianiis of Mat Martin W. S. and othe"9 kntiwn as the Dan iviu land, levid on t;i satisfy th« i saiti W. li. Foy, statu ami County taxes and n»st for the ! >ears i-Sl'. WC& t:-S2. Also at ll»o same time anil plaee, 1 will >ell t»r e.isii 7 s , S -venty a: if> of land his'-he lands of t «»fer, in Qu.iker | (iap Township adjoining the lands of/. T. Smith W. 11. Watts and to lilsMatean I county taxes (or the years !SS>, l«st>i «Sc ISH2 and i»n ls£4 W. A. K.sles E>-ft>heriU'. Fay Yo TaxcN for IftH 1. j i will ni rt et the tax-payers of Stokes coun ' ty at the tollowing times ami place* for the i purjMMHj of receiving their taxes for ISS4, 110 wit: J Uerinanton, Monday, Sf |»t. 22, (SSI. , Wntt'N Stoio, Tiumli»'; . •• 2.1. •* I*:illtm. Wfilno-Mluy, ** 24, •• It. VeniiMoV Store, Thmj-lu). •* •• I Pruneinc>. Kriduy. " 2»», " j I.HUMitivillrt, haluiiliiy " 27, » ! Smuly lli«l|;i», Motitlay. «• *• j Proimivtlle, Ttt«- Iji'v, «• 30, •• ' t urtiT's Storo, V\ Ott. I, " i Wulnut t'ovv, Tloirxtuy, •• *i, •« I Wilmin'tt Store, Frl«l»>. ' 44 a, 44 Dunbury, SaturUity, 44 4, ** Poll tax, $2.00 ; property tax, 413 cents on every slK). I bO|ie the|>e«i|ile will mint m«* promptly. This (Mh dav .Sejßeinlter, lh'^-1. KCFI'S I. I>ALTO.S>Mte,iU. k2-Tho candidates for the (.ieneral As seinoly and county offi es will ahirers the jH»ople at the above times and places. LAND SALE. 1 will sell at public auction, on Tuesday Sept. ;inth. 1884. my valuable tract of land at Ayernvlllf. N. C., cutitaiiiing 2JJO acres, .Kliotning the limls of 1 Martin ami I others. Said lantis an; well wot-red and adapted to tl>e growth of fine tobacco, grain and all grasses, with six totuteco barns and several teneumnt limivcs, a splendi I tVanie.l dwelling framed ston'-housf, • new,ami all itee wsii v oiit-buildihi?. 'l'ornis one-half cash and balance ill 12 months. Sde will *fllffT place on premises at 12 o'clock M. For > |Kirticular«i cal! on or address H.T. MARTIN, • Aycrsville, Stokes Co., N. C. LAN 13 SAIjE. 1 By virtue of h decrte >f Hi.- Superior iiiurtnf Riiikes ewunlv, niailnat term . IS>B4, in the ease of ilary E. Mndi against .luliii .Jovee, I will wll for easli ai thiMxmrt iKXise In Danhury. 011 Momlay tlie J7ili . day of t. ctober, 1K84." at U o'. lmk M., it beititf Kali ton:] of Haiti Kuperior eo.irt, a wrtain tract ' t fjant'l of land containing . HK» a.'re* more or ii-M. aitjoininx tlm lands of ltlerson l.awson, Mows l.twaon and other*, in l'eters Crwk township, ami ( tlier known as ilir lutids contracted tor t.y saiil John Joyce with James Samls. 'i he tald lunils are mmd for train, Mia -' O. j A rare chance for a good bargain. Tins the 5 Mh U.iy of S)ptemher. IM4. WAI/I'KU W. KING, Com. IJantmry Maricet- Apples. «on, per bushel 000 dried,.. .per lb. Ilafl Bcrrlct *» acl 1 Cherries, 15a 10 Butter, 12 In 16 Ku'u* 10 reaches, quarters :Ja4 #i lee.!, "a I : ovniwrated 12a ii* Ra-on 1 1 -I II Beeswax, 211 ( -'oll'ee, efmuuon t> fair,. 8a 10 good to prime 10a12£ choice, 10 St nr \tra c 11 st>>!i(lard A 12 granulat-d 12 Cott.m checks 10 Calico ! • ;S A A sliee. miu 5»al0 ;;f B# • 'h,k j GTOriACM I,:' , t'&f'"l p- ■■ i fj'Vj : g* fg |j Hy \ an tr.vlfrornnt, rt-r*s stomach 'Bitters lina iitvivwl the in>>M lositivt- ui dor-uj-em from cirincui pliysicmiu. ui: 1 h.u lon* a *4r-most rank urnn-j stan. lam prop. *m-dif*. lis prop c.tics as „noi Uisordi-rt d conui ! Mot.-* »»! »a« 'ivor i.i! • 1». mid • a |>rcvtnt|vo f»i ratiarial rtlHcaiw* are ID 1"-- i -'v • i. :tj I havo lin 'i accord: I ' h»'k le-tHc-ilrn.,* • .'commendation. Jror Ki:U« by L'.Mitf/••(.4 »i.«• Di-ait-r-. t«» v.'»■ »r*i I Houly for AlinjiiuA For i-.-;. r.vMta' S«s"> t'yivi f. n'ii!i Wash ' AW D DE.'tTIFRICS. ! Kgragggi 1 ' * t 1 '','•! v rl* *1 '>«. I ■ 'r"Vr /j-;;; • ,;/7r«. £ZL n -*i rv. ~ c , 1 ir s£fc',?>. r : £3■ rufr."; JLJ-f. "" «"» - ■ »-5 1 ki„ ? f .1. ii: -.isKasetS z 1 B' 'i .ic'Jun-'V |'" ITn.i^ii > K ' I i'jr irtAny I' ■ «! • : -I • I . -u t.» l»f« J. I' V\ .K. iii'Ut kS Vi r IU(«. Itmlal I»«*- w/.i%IA«.f{AMK|W A LAMAR, • .1 ... .i-. y !A. .•.. lit* ! FOR TH^^ACK-WOODSME 1 " 0 Ti- • • ■ -i i- . w* . i.ijiivc ..lean- U«il«r lilawet vrit ten A an/n l»r Oi.l m ■ ; Murl p I f Heipnue A k - .m ncit iw-ili'i,; iutaisl>voki |iailt). U> » .'».*«» iwn, u>r ic»rus jik| circulars (rre .ho vV. . CIBBLC w-J CO., C>nolnnatl.O» A"»CS»TQ Ml-'Jrr v»», • |kj tml. nd :»•! 1 O f«t i.-t. Itt.rmytlnl 1 r^nltW. ■ fiPliiwr »oM. > «•■!»: I>.\ r i-'fl,. 1 -! I COLLEOB, NEVVATIK, TICW i M * r t;rn4unMNi Inil «»Ui • S- Imh.U I . ••!. R-.ui' -'I nalpon'i-'*. lift .scb>»l»r --!»U.» B "i*>» Wiiic for * I • 1 1 \ 1 .«« 11. ( OLi n V -i A I University ofNortliOaroiiin. niiu: NK.VI Si >SION ISKtiINMJ.N I 11 \ I L INT iV I\* Al'tiSr • i wnieli. and «»:» tJ»«' two siHN't'etlinj days, j "\am;'iatloits t'.r aim;silo:) will be |ia). I'/..* id-trneti«»ji em>>r.i • '# not onlv tiio **•!«! e. i: i Imt a'M> l>raael!es i>( espeelal | value (t> lo.iclie:*®, f .rm-'i-s, meivlmiits ami i»t!n*r business men. A Law and Aledieal S -'i h.I attaelifil. I For ( alaloun 'an I for Die r«'jM>rt of tin* j vtsititiijf 'MiiundOv of »e\'eti Trusiee* on the i instruetiun, discipline, morale, &e., iipply (o t»in:snn;x i' r:.% rri.i:, or to W. I. i'Al'l K!.S(N,.s«. v. . .Inly 21, i iS '((!'of J '(tTuuble Lands ! Ity virtue«»f »nnt '«rof Ihc Cni:rt M st..l r» riiridy. I will >r*i i'.»r •»»•!» a Pn^iiiiiville •in SniiinlNV ii»p '/lih ilny «>| . v epti iiilmt, 1.-M. ii;r tw>- ••ribwl tract* of In lid to tii« flituto of (lanc W i're-mu. (Icr'd, U»*i* it: Kirwt T"MCi. Iioa«-iet whirli lie ii l erltrd from 1 !d> father, «t*t the n.e.ew liuaver fnlaml t.'ipck iiu'cdiiie tin- old homr-to'id, witlj uo'hl out- Uulhlinss, a orchard, wnd a u«>id mill K r tc. I AiM> lit • I Preli Olivine, »Im» ;;i» I iirio Ward irut uvm>. another W.otl tract i adj'itiiMi|(,)n which i.' a dweihnji and two >torciio iN('H and uiiimni and other tniproVoinouU' j in pvc«t>iiv ilV*. I AlfO one-lot in knowti ti* thi % .lack ' fair (dacs. containing a line rta : denco, T«»|»aceo ! Ksn-t'Ts andtHher Imi.dltijfH. Sale will comoience I' at 11 r'clock a- to. Tills istli August. |a>4. J. ti. 11. M 11 1111.!.. Adio r., .1. \\. Prc.Nton, dee'd. j I will i«oll at tho t'mc a*i«l plico mentioned ! al«ov«- :i tract pi* land knnwn the Wi.rd place, on wihcli dweiUiig. 'J'einn* uiai'aknown on day uf sale. P. 11. Ttc&MfcLL . NOTICE; I fly vlilne of the jxiwer eouf?rol by a de cree made by ihc clerk ftlie JSupcrlor rourt Jof siokes county on the fith dny f August j In the ease i f Hudson Williams Atliu « f James W. Shelton thnil against Malessa ' Sheltou r.tid others I a ill as said Adminis 'ratorsoll at public auction oil the premise?, i on llie oth dftv of JS»*ntem!a»r at 1 o'clock 11.I 1 . N, the following to wit. A tract ol laud lavitii; In Stokes county on the waters ! of lVu?rs Creek adjoining lands of Frank Hall. John Cn*asy, and others eonudiiin}; •ilxty-five aetea more or less. Terms of sole (>tte half cash halanee in twelve months bond i with (j pre-»s«'d s«;eiirity n*pilr"t|. Aug Stli l«H. t lit i>Hoar Wii.i.iams Ad'm of Jauies W» Sbclton decM lUAND I'Oll SAI.K. Having l»eeii iipjMdnted commissioner in tin'ease »f Willinui Joyce and others against Klij.-ih Joyce and otlierf, all heiis-at-luw of W. ('. Jovee, to sell the lands, of said W. i (!. Joyce fur partilion, I wiil sell on a cred -1 it f six nionths, on the premises on Satnr ! day the 41b day of October, 18M, at 12 o'clock, M., the latuls of said \W 0. Joyce, consisting of about B'VO acres, atfjolnlng the ; landa of I)r. W. S. W. 11. Watts, tlic ; Hutlin lands ami others, to bo sold in three or four different tracts to suit purchasers, J and for the U-nefit of the !w*irs. TK« fciid ! lands lay well, me heavily timbered, and ! ate Hue for tlie growth of tobiieco, all kinds of araimi and grasses. This 25th Ani;. I£fc4. K. I. DALTON, ('OBI. «AIiK! By virtue of an execution in my hands ■ issuing from the Btt|x-rior Court of Stokes i county on a judgment and a arrant of at tachment in favor of A. (J. Myers against i Joseph 11. Bitting, I will sell for caah, to ; satisfy said judgment, at the cotirthous" ' ilcK»r in Danbury, on Monday the 21 Mi day I -of October, 18M, the undivided Interest of the said Joseph 11. Bitting In two lots in tho town of jUermnuton, on Main stteet, ' being tlie'lots owned and ctccupied 1 y Mrs. Laura K. Myers and assigned to her for ' ik»wtr rt the widow of Lewis Bittingd c'd. This 27th Aiunist, lt^'4. 11. 1. PALTON, Sheriff, fe|U • ARISE ,- •v$ to say . /«. ! -'y IF YOU WANT ! ! F" 1, . 4 rv JOB PRINTING 61 i >V. V-' I _ Of HIT k'lwl, from the I A Mn:il)e*tlnbel to it mailt moth nhow |">».te-r yua (;.• : r.o - xhoulil loiive your "or lcr» »t the office of tli Kepnrf or and r«« Order* by Mail I'roiuptly Attended to WI.KC..U. 11 LANKS A Srt'.CIALTV J. J. IMLLOir, WITH 0. F. WEISIGER & CO., Manufacturers ami Jobbers ot CLOTHING. No. 11? 1 •"> Ma*~i St., Iticliiuond, Va. Sept . 8-*Bl-om. iM. A UNI. SU tiuAZKIIKOOk, M. MII.LHIBEU & CO., WIIOt.MAI.It DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, 1300 MAIN STREET. Sept 8-HI-Uin Hicbniond, V*. fJames JX Chamberlain, WITH C. W. TIIORN & CO Wholesale Hat Dealers, ItICfUIOND, VA. ! rtfen glvtln to orders ami unttafacta A. OHPPENHI3IER, SIAMKUTIIIKIt OK . \fcnr> aml You ths' Clothing. 1315 Main Street, RICHMOND, VA. Represented in North Carolina by Jui). \V. Slorritt, Jr. Tue Latsst and Bast: TIIE NEW REMINGTON Sewing Machine I'STIIE IU.ST MAC lIINK for tlie family. Ktifm easy. IVrflfect in const nut lon. I!« ittt iln lin apj vara net*. Ho* all improve* jnr-ii.H ami attachments, aril U u arrniitctl fur I:\O\IMIS. _ MAIiRIOTT & BAKSTOW, Southern Agents, \*o. 7 South Charles Mreet, Italthnorc, M*l. 11 W I'OWKKSiU'O, wi lolosalo J ) rii2fy:i>4t« \ . 1305 Mala and y a:td 11 131b Sis It. VV. IVwers. Kd|i*r l>. Tailor. RICHMOND, Va. Apiil 2«, issl-finr FShmls" ; ; •SEWING MACHINE CO fIMaMBS CHICAGO. ILL.- „ ORANGE. MASS. a WEIR'S READIKG FREE! Ron six GOOD FAMILIES. I Cer-1 «■#»«»r name «mJ tbe» an* and aridrNaof five rf jui» n. or fliriM* on a |**ta uuU f MX.J um ln« f. i vJbMll racb ; 11 tilt ID h »!*«cibl«b O'PJ of TIIE GREAT SOUTHERN WEEKLY, \ ila "Attala Ccisiimti." on / "UNCLE REMUS'B" world-fa^of 1 ulu-khss »r the clii Plantation DarVay. TlißtE ] "SILL ARP'S'' Humcrwil.ltcnfor UUMCROUS j Heme and Heatth Stow*. WRITERS ( " BITBY »dvsats«f y told la tho "Ciacksr" dialect tJ'fr Strostho§ mf Tr» »#f, JlVaro 1 A-otm; #*•, "Th* *m lA Ilv*»th*>i4 t Iwi i A World of Instrvctlo* and fjitertalaiiient. T». If rs»f n. Th» ard C«ai n« «mat,vu7 Uioniter of lk« t-auiilf. SEND A rOSTAI fOH A SPECIMEN COPY, FRC& /dl voa "luc CoaiTiTuTiaa." Q* 4