srffsPIPBR US'. 1. SMIXHTHXMH WHOILO '!•• 'I • xpn-sa I • lioe to liie cotitrory, oro con.iileivcl is wish lIIK to .-onliutie their sul«erlpiioii*. 1. If stihserieerstti'.er tlie .liseontinuv.H* of tlioir periotlieais, the publisher tony eon- Matte to geuil them until all itri 'ui are paid. 3. If subscribers nerle.-t or refuse to tafte Uieir leriotiieals front tiie olHeo to witieh tin y are dirootetiJ tltev are ri'xj.tTuiibl * ootil they have aottl. .1 their hills aaJ ordered acu: (lis toill-ltu.e I- Jf subscribers move to other plaws, wilt tut iuiorn.iti'! the publisher, and toe papers are sent to the former ailiir. jes, tlio* are held recponsilve. 6. Any i«r»>« hire i •" '"s a newspaper and nukes use ol' it, wl.etlitr lieltasot lered It or nut, Is held in 'tw he a sulsterli^r. 6. It suhsertbers pay m advance, tli -y arv hound to give Motive to tie- pu' i shei at the tud of their\ if they do fat wish to continue taking ll.e, ot'oev.v:. tiie publisher is auttttili/.vll to " i it -tt, "lt d the subscriber v.ill e respo'vooit! n.ntilcx ptatss uotieo teitii psynieut ol ail arrests, is tl to lite publisher. Wo have just fitted up the 11 tiroil TEB AN(t i'us'i' office with new rollers, colored inks, note and letter-heads, Flat cap, aud various other tirstelass printing material, ami are prepared to do your Job wo r k as neatly and cheaply as it can be done in the State. Tako Ayer's Sarsaparilla in the sprint of tho year to puaify tho blood, invigor ate the system, excite the liver to action aud restore the healthy tono and vigor of the whole physical mechanism Dr. V. O. Thompson has tho oldest and largest drug houao in WiustoD, N. 0. Any article in the drug line not found there, will he hard to get. When in Winston he will be glad for you to call, aud sec what ho has got. Merchants of this section will do well to buy Notions and Dry Goods from J. W. Scott A Do., Greensboro, N O. No boxing and drayage charged, and freight to nearest railroad station very little. Small Pox eradicated, Small Pox oured, Small Pox pittings prevented by Darbys llropliylaetic Kluid. ALWAYS REFRESHING—A delicious odor is imparted by Floreston Cologne, which ia always refreshing, no matter how freely used. CHEAPEST FASHION MAGAZINE iu the world, 120 large pages, 4 pages now music, 1000 engravings each issue, 50 eenta per year: single copies lit cents. STRAWUUIUGE & CLOTHIER, Silt .T Mar ket Sta Philadelphia. No fear of small pojt if Cathy's Pro phylactic Fluid is use*il freely. it de stroys the very germs. A Woitit TO MOTHERS—Mother should reuieuiber it is a most important duty at this season to looti alter to health of their families ami clo taao the malaria aud impurities from liteir sys tems, and that nothing will tern in r!n stomach ami liver, rcguiate t - 1' m and purify tho blood so perfectly a.- Parker's Ginger lonio advertised in our eolumns--PorL reo other column. A WOMAN'S EXPERIENCE.— Mothers and Daughters should tool alarmed when weariness constantly oppresses them "If I am fretful from exhaustion of vital powers and the color is lading troiu my face, Parker's Ginger Tonic, gives .juiek relief. It builds me up aud drives away pain with wonderful certainty."—Folia te lady Tho extraoriiinaiy popularity of Ayer's Cherry Pectoriol is the natural result -A its use by intelligent people for over farty jeats. It has indisputably pr,,ven itself the very best known specific for all eelds coughs, aud pulmonary complain to. To Advertiser The REPORTER ANI> POST offers the fallowing inducements to advertisers who may wish to reach the pcoplo of Middle and Western North Carolina, and other suctions 1. It goes to nearly every State in the Union, circulates to a considerable extcut in Surry, Forsythe and Rocking ham counties, iu this State, as well as the adjoining counties ia Virginia, wliilo it* circulation among tho ItiJXK) of Stokes county's population, is nearly a* great aa that of all other -weeklies •out billed. J. It is. in a prosperous condition aud growing in favor, its circulation 'o day being greater than at any time since the first number was issued more than ten years since, aud has nearly deabled without the last two years. 3. Tho rates offered by the RE PORTER ANP POST to advertisers are as low as are offered by auy paper with a oiroulation as largo as its own IMPROVED AGRICULTURAL IMPLE MENT* AND MACHINERY— In our day of progress and advanced ideas, to suc eaed at all you must keep pace with the times. To do this, advantage must M taken of the latest and most improv ad implements aud machinory, it being folly demonstrated that the farmer doing so, gats far ahead of his neighbor, who fails to keep up with tho times. You should therefore provido yourself with the very best Plows, Mowers, Reapers, Rakos, Grain Drills Harrows, Cane Mills, Threshers Ac Ac Mess Allen A Allen of Winston, N. C. make a spe cialty of improved agricultural imple ments and Machinery, aud are anxious to open oorresponilfiiso with parties con templating the purchase of anything in that Nno and it will pay yon to got their prices before buying eisowboro. Rev, Father Who' ■ EXPERIENCE.. Tin: Ilov.Wild*, waU>ku: v*»» 'ltv mlHv.oiMtry !•» New York, unit brollikr of Ihe btuauiluaat Jo OK*' Wild*, «»f lh« Muprciui Court, writ-* aa tvllmv*: "78 /-'. bith St., tVt w York, ,1 fay K. IVSU. I. (\ A . •:!£ .4 Co., tl.-wtl- n«)ii 1..L1T winter I v. w troubled wlt'i H '»• > c t uuooinloriiliio itching humor M. U■ • »tlly MY liniln, which It«• tl *o Intoloritl'ly it n!glit, u •! l-Hrind .«> inlc'ito Ly, that i eout.l scarcely b r ai any clothing } over ilieni. I w:u also a m-furor ;x [ seveie catarrh and e:it. .iha! r >ug!i. my j ap|»- : *.e Mus i»o.>r, ami my eyati.m a gtHwl • deal run down. ICno*vtng t?w» value of J Aifi'.u'.t >• \UAAVA.U:I.'. !.y obacrvn «•« of | ma\y oth.u caikfl, and fr an iH.r* use f •n f>nin:i years. I begun taking it i *• the ahovc-uiuned r«. My nnpKite im- ' prove*: from the .it"-: «' u . U't r i . *' »:t tltr.o the fevei and itching > ;•» r'.etyel, ail of irr tnt.Oi) ' the ' t>: i > .i*n.ipi»*ar Hi. .Sly catarrh and c.-ugh j wore nido cured by the s.lino e.n,•. »u ' my general health greatly mnr .■ !, til I it td .v "leell ••!. { fori % ii• p«»r eeul strong r. and J attriki to t' • i to tl •» u>» i ! tho SARSAi-.-.HILLA, •• ch | i .>u i . •ii eonfl lei co :• ; tl livst Mood medicine ever d .isctt. I r N it in small d »s.->t tinoo times ada '.r- ' 1 asei, in a'.i, leas than two botttoi. i pluoo • theve fact* at von. *f»r«i , li •• .i.g tVe , publication m g •.! Your# ruopcctlully, 7 P WILI S." The above it st.iuco is but ono of the many constantly coming to our notice, which i : »v TI E perfect a l.iptahihty of AVKU'M SAJMA . PAttiLLA to the cure 'f ail tlisejuics artdi g from impure or Impoverbhcd b*. od, ami a ! woakoned vitality. Ayer's Sarsapari Ha cleanses, oiiriches, and strcngthontthe blood, stimulates thu action of tho stomach awl bowel*, ami thereby enables the system to resist and overoomo tbo attacks of all scrrfu- It'lis lYisensrs, Eruptions of the Skin, Rticu mutism, ('i*\irrh, General nihility, ami all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted blood aud a low state of the system. t'KKl'tUKi> nv Dr. J.C.Ayer ACo., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggiitu: price 91, six bottles for Best Purgative Mcdicino cr.roCoustij»c.ti >n. !mlip»«tion. Hi mUiehe, .u 4 d ail Uihoiis lhcord. rs. Soi l everywhere. Alvvuy.i ndtabb , TO THE ruana- Tkt Code of North Cniolliutt 9Mt* rc .TlimsH all |»«r .nw u: inn we'glils, Hie e*itros. «teeJ \-ltd ami luilaiices in buying or Pint all ndtlers tiHlng weights ami inc i-uros. at lea.* • once iu two vonr.n t-> bring forwuid thfrtrtneaeuros ami sreightH for s iaatmant* I •« . ».i at ni oi*'. o in l>ani»ury I • ad mid ai d exannuo all weights. tnuiMUfi'4 h; J In « icc>' and ;idvi»« all pei to bring thetn in. .md tbns ivc eu*t.— Psi ■ I. li . ' . ompb rith bo tl ove « tor felt fifty doll v. •. i ' -. - i • i • rv.ltbM. N. .\. NAIiTIS. Mamiat I Keeper. Wt T NK &CO , f the Pi • .-irr a »^ Rr . n . tlnuetosrtnet ...... Marks. • . • 'a. .li.d. "r.i..r« . ;r >, cti\ i!ai:«lM k l'Mi'ils i.i i'. fiv. .'ii'ra* ,rn *;». ri. ! i*»t . i : • ;I:MINNA n • 1 in 'b»» .( ..• * .. ' i ■ -• '. IT: k' v» (■ .m !;• •• . r. •' .. v. I . e " I uer* ■- .« " free. . '•?. A XNTIrtC 1 AH I . 00, ■ , fi'OVa s"j v.'. 1 '". IV»I f ' '■ ' ' v.. t ■ y ■ i.f ' *■, ' r «v *ii:»".!«■ r>» , hcTV-irk. Oaic. Lastwr.Li-. '.U Ui.. a. «lv WILLI ON .t Hl'NTLll, w. I u Sickel, Jfellcn S' Co. and ,lol»i-e»s ol NOTIO-YS, II HI TE GOODS HOSIER itjc. No. 2- liavir btroel, j.vo. l- sioKxi,. I L : ALTIM. JKO. K. lIKLLI.N. ( The celebrated l 3*. !Viiswezi made l> l —i W. M. , ;"' 5 - . 4 . ... « '';.r\ S LN ' GEO. E, A* IS SEN & Co., SALENS, N. C. riTi lIK UKAMONS V/K CAN AN IHI MAID; THI 1 .>R H.VH .\ • AUK. v.v A keep . very lnr.v -t. ok of s...- >m! lumber, saw in. ir. . • . i ,>n on. .iuu ml lis, .mil usi'g only (1M 1" si lor w;i ;-ms; tli ..0:1 nt-nic cs|* ri Uly fl.■l v■ he W*si work., in Pennsylvania ; Hie woikmcn lutv !. ul many yrai 1 peri , v ■. it b ii.g a settlei! fart that we nmkr tlx hrst, wo ran make i' rlu\i|» .tlanat , . is- .' ~ utility console rnl Our ailvant.r e , nr.- awing the utunlvos, bu\ lug i.ou, j til. .amis! , Ac., mostly by the car loatl at bottom rash prices. W.t are manufacturers' .igents for tltc best Thimble Skein luailr, being of Ixwt wrought steel, perfectly weldeil, ami cannot break. We make tlic only brake on running tear tluit is worth hauling. Write for prices. Every wagon Ixtariug nttr name is fully warranted. GEO. K. NI&NEN & CO., Manufacturers, SAI.FM, \. (;, PS—We will Vrep a got i Mssorlioi nt of Wagons in Hr waiila ttsc in icar of J. ii. Oilmen, ami lie will attciul to selliug tiirm in our absence. apltPSa ■x*mrssms?KxmaQ^:iatsea 3 s-'osfc c\a>PF;nG « ;5j :•' K, So«-t*-»-'V«it. iJ.Hwi. *ln* Vf{ »'»**,s- •**, / ii !r r« ri »!». 1.-lr- rv;',^Kv.i. 4 «Hvi »» naoOts AST / A rr y C.'fflt'i. ►' «.•.•-*.u.t #.jr P» •*?!/? »*. ■ }r? j f J 's -38 §2 VALUASvL , r-Rf .•:, W:T.« EViIUY CHOP?- EK. Bry/. _ i pill| s3 JlUlil 4^«n »>plS> 1 51 ,-a, V R3 p tl I £fi\t\om£\ I0\& 11 »| » 41 £ sV*i «? —e»-M «kj \^rA\vfjm » &a A3 53 *R 5 v fW;3 35 MFS| s5 ?jaj? sB■ 8 &?, v.' ,Uvu? >xj *T ! su» !i |fl| w A" iia R 9 o .gl - V —J £-*4 .- Q I*nla y%\ A * H} ™ h mi pr .»• * KaSI • : 5 38 g■*t* r C ' ' L c ' u H ? ** 3I • «-'i r ;•. * £*>* £!*3" \>i * •• ?iss I r|» "%?, ' " .„•• «• " §« •• V^C j '* ' f , -CO-CA •■•'3 •••"«' :.«••.! "J9«p 01' ON Smrt f ? K,t J .'j «"«iV3 ■OEDH&rassa^^ f. VVEfH'S FREE! FOR SIX QWO FAIMILIE& \ r -'► l - HIT nunc ."-nrt *>'•> ©mo .mri nrtdrwaof Are of n- in'-'jots oi liSdi t'i AD u poaftl canl un.l c« . ire© for yourself nnd mh u * i»|>ech« »n ropy of THE GREAT SOUTHERN WFEKLY, 1 Its "Atlanta tefltiM" OUR / M tMcu wotm-SIW \ SW« ho of tit© cW PI an tat km liiuksy. TNttt ) "r 1 ! nryri«niaiiniii>i MIISCHOUS jifcotton.i and Health Btrm. v ■ IRT '• ( " I * ^SV HAMILTON'S" ndtuiit MM ' told In the "CILCW dialect. IS'mr ev#.r|«*, fTk»*oA*a r*f IVurW. «, • ■*».«, Z'.*-. w 'o«r*t> «f in,"' I7a« c . A v. ©fid of (nttrvrtlrn and Cntortainoxnl. T v.rJ* • !•#£»'%. The iir*i;liU"4 W>(J fc»4 Weekly. n« f iry uii-uibct 4 the Teoullj. BFR3 A IOSoU COS A SrtClMEtt COPY, rfc£* Add ar* 1;* Cta/ru'tmeit.'* Atlanta* Ota '. . lasouitntw | ■/* i r*»n" *v nx«j«o. !■.•**»• t. Y?r, ui:,s,:iN f a* -1- I* MX.vI I'M -p T .' CT'j »'i'. • ••! i i .v t- '.-at, Nf * J A I !I i . ' I . . -•■!•: IfW ' : .wr tu .-1,1 I tlitl 3 Jji £P Jn Su.lLi in»r fi'.i| lt «!oiii\>l*ii , 'v ■ Pm. X . n, Hilar I ti .-li k. x Wl.l (h«4 In DR. HAHI.tR'S if CM TC'MlCrt aafaan-) •needy cure. Cltoajv clear. healthy t .Miiph xlom FrtMiittiik utti-'upi* at oounltM-r.-u luar only a«i«i to In© popularity of the orlirtnat. Do p«rtuauul-|jet tbc OkiciKAL AND Ba-T. HAHTER S OMLY AMT'CONSTSPAT'CN i 3b i kj i i g\. Put m tit WiH-j# LIVER PS US*si.v£fiz&* Ttjrm*.v*vw+*' iict r.OWfL* Cnhl'.rAUo. Pk-tnMh.lFF.iui' M- • eof tho I.IVBI or rrtac'.l ltvcrttoll- wrln.wl.'l Sn I • p-iumrw t CVJHI. !>> 'he - i -,.f «> i il« N" u -.1f.-l:.i- eUo'ild « t..v-n "It''. 1» • . ttt t • Stomnrb anl vo- . is'.i.s. . . A ' i V. 1 11.Lis •K-uj !• t •!« i.; t ■.•- ■••o Of postal. rour AddMiratoTb' * Ifwtci I' : . .•: •> "i n - 1 \| ts'.Y »,. u . : .1 lu" . 2 . 33 r. u C/. -1 . g« O »;t S CO »•« . at .-'• -Ji 0 S-3 3 t "3 ct %" 2 0 s - 8 2 J C D TZ ■' * ~ rZ. X & ,o*4 .•* i !>• A3 JO § r 3 o' / - .C v H9 O -S S 2 0 ? c, -O rt •■* K r , j « - 1 e, ' \ - i* «-» - CO «\ AGENTS (\ •vs?.B?t'?K;nc Safijtv L^nia *>. . MM*Vi ' - :«U» '•» 1 ;in.r I •ff l.'t A " t!.-«'liar# ! t uiJSHER d 7 ACICMv Cir.kir Mti.O (IKO. W. IUNSHAtV. WADE U. nVNUM SttMtWG OF fftsx nnmm a BYitu®, Wholesale nnd itetail Dealers In —General Merchandise,— Star Brand Fertilizers, Seeds and Country | Produce, —WINSTON, N. \V HOLES ALE DEI'A ItT.M EN T. _ GENERAL STOCK. Thl. ,«t«Tour *lll be rej'U .ontcd on tho r.«.l b, one of ...Iwiuon-M.:. J. C. Uih>o- MAN. The Most Complete Retail Stock in this part of the State. « ■ Everjlhiiiii tico.ltsl cm be fonrnl ,t Uie rliil '. *" ,rt " r ITlce ll . UTOCerieS . , Ve alwntt nave Hie Imt out e»« be b*.l «l lo«nt m»rke. pricM. lrnlf barrel., barr.L, ami kIU. Herring. In Oman. I.EATIIEK, SALT, OILS, W...T0 AN»«n «" JOK « T »' Drugs - ul,,,lo:kor " ,cludln « tho m " r * l'° l " ,lar r »l«" , :a»"clne.. —HARDWARE— Nail, ITorse and Mule Shoos, Horse Shoe Nails, Axes, Shovels, Spadsa. 4 Prong Porks, Grass Scythes, Scythes and Cradles, Treoo and Log Chains, Mattocks, Uocs, Saws, Butts, Hinges, Screws, Locks, Files, Spoons, Eto., Pockot nnd Table Cutlery, Thermometers, and a full line of Staple Goods at prices as low as the lowost Stoves and llollow Ware. Wnh;tve «>ll wvoral oar* •♦KxccHior" C.mIC Suiven, mannf:u'turr.l by Isaac A. Sli»dd«ip 4 of Bult'in -rr. S.> Mr », wo h;iv.'U ©an|, cx. t y Stov.- liA» glvuu iH iirct ntlWacUou. ir Den't but a Stovo until vou «xitmln« «iir:t. \V» :.!•» kwji R full line of ha'nl*»mc Hollow Ware ,iOveu*,., Kctt|i'«, loin,!.v. Tin Wu« or every ilfticnpti) IU I'runlis, Valises, Mandiutl Books, Ulnnk Honks, Paper, Pens, Ink, Clocks, Looking (jlasscs, Ltc. FOR MEN AND ROYS: Cloths, Doeskins, Cassiuieres, Jeans, Cottonadcs, Lmneu Drills, Shirting Coat, Pants and Ve.-t Trimmings , the celebrated Globe Shirts and Collars ; Tics ; Big Stock of Men s Rcady-Made Clothing Merino and i'.autt L'T.dcrwsar ; llatn of every dMcrlptlou to fit. at prkc* ranging uoia ten renU to Uvo dollar*. We Make Boots and Shoes n Specialty ! Coarxo .Shos'n, Coornc llo»t-.. liny iitatc Hoc.:* and Hhw i of all grade*— Rvcry j air warranted. T. Mill*' Sosui Philadelphia Hand-Miule Mho**--none tidier. Thi*e fihois are bnaght iu liuge |uautities ivnd will be wild at aortof price*. —Ladies, Misses and Childen's Roods, — 5tJ~ LADY CLERKS TO WAIT ON THE LADIES _£.□ Wo rniry s l.rge line of Jitaplo ana v 1)r... lloml. and Trimming., ronsUUng imrlly of SILKS, CASHMERES, ALPACAS, FANCY DItESS GOODS, Worsteds, Dress, Flannels, Sack Flannel; white, red, gray, plaid, Canton and Cotton Flannels, Lindseys, Ginglums, Linen Suitings, liquets, White Muslius, Victoria Lawns, Hamburg Edgings, Jacoucls, Merino and Ganxo Underwear, Skirts, Proof Skirts, Handkerchiefs, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Hoods, Shawls and Cloaks, .ml hun.lMd.of other article.. Including Parimol., Fan. and fmhrellae. All Grades of Shoos, Cloth Gaiters. Oxford Tics and Slippers «j* «> r .ii .t*cMl *tt«ntk»n to our ltn* of IMy Stat© and T. Mllea' SoM' »*ihoc«, handaomo my atyle*. good quality and low pric«». BlFachcdZand Brown Domestic a Specialty ! 't neaf doheve >■ can afford to glva »uie Iml uremciit. In thl. de|«rtmnnt. ami aek all to rome and riamln. our prlcaa cloMly, and Tf no fall lo make It to your liitoie.t tu trade mlh u., It will b. our AT FACTOUY~PIUCES I Fries' Jeans, Drill, Arista Sheeting Cottonadcs, Cedar Falls Sheeting, Belle mont Plaids, Forest Hill Plaids and Towels , J. &P. Coats' Thread ; Gail & Ax's and Ralph's Snuff, and many other articles. Red Clover, Sappling Clover, Timothy, ORCHARD GRASS, KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS and HERDS GRASS SEEDS of tho boat tualltlsa at bottom |,rlce.. 125,000 Yards Tobacco Plant Bed Muslin, tor coYeri Plant B©d»—tuade to oar own order at Fall lUyor, Mas*. 1 mIT fir TU r II w»r**i»/il, liiniltil. inn t'lii tar • nilllaii, four bun IKI I K {1 H LL " " ' 1 11 * I '' t !»»♦%*l iiiiult .MirjiUiidi*o, on WHICH w© paid UK»ro than ©cvon tbouaand dollari frotght.) Wo buy tho bulk of c»ur gtuxl* of tir»t; hand*. In origiual package*, at Jauwoal Ca*li ; : Prices, and aro tau* cnablod t« oiler iu-; • du«ioni©ut* that nicrelianu who havoto buy: :of jobbing hoiwc© cannot possibly offer. ; Thanking Urn publio for our ooutinuod increase of patronage, and promising to try to merit a still greater Increase in tho future, We remain l'our Friends truly, HINSHAW Si BYNUM. WINSTON, N. 0., February '25, 1885. ■r r. nr.owK W.;B. cartkr BR&\ViV& WAREHOUSE, Winston, N. C. Tbo Farmers* Headquarters. FOB fill JOBJMSGO To Ouil I'l IKNI)# ANN THE IVr.LK' OeXRRAI.LT J It is I nrdly i vvvsary to tall y nil attention to litis old ami well-known bouse in# ea ng otic lit Hub i »ai !•.«•! 1»»; inoiv than ull ycai>, both in quantity of tolmeco sold and n ghcat prices--v. tas emit ytai uius some new idea of adding to your comfort and cot emeuce, would call your attention to our XTOIiISU UOOJfS, one in the li Mini out tot ty i bacoo, t' e otlu :tl •• •di.»r .I a large factory c>n netted by platform forto ba )in go. (I •! sop, cr«|. \\. Miy your U»ba.-cu ill this way locked un so it own not bo nn !t« I,' "'1 J " ' •" i ! ,Sl "* U ' ! lavc lm "'' » '"*• xliillion to ou STALL MMM. 3ud bar- i.U.lai; c dry lo! .omoiient. Our l'.t l»now wellpared witt. roi'k. Civ. ..ur |.08.,r-ii atviil'on t.. tl„- uul.u.llng of nil tobacou, and every uarrel litis.v durli it mI. by Knows »lm is a, ku. »1.-dmsl to be a flue eiblbk tor of tobacco, and the hardest worker on srtlo to be found. * n , H A, I'/V i,A ! tM VM - we uliil you tlic best auctioneer on this or any market Don t fail to try him with your fine lea£ and you will enjoy it as well as be pleased will* price .. Our sales to date much larger titan ever before, and more than oue-tliird of all the t. ha eo s.dd on this market. Possessing the confidence of all the buyen, always liar# a tu.l attend.,nce. \ oiirtolacco will all bo together in one row, and when last lot issold your check wui 1M- ready. We cannot visit you in person, but must remain at our iwst e t'l : i v" C|XMI lnay I;(,L * u,Vl 1,1 °' ir a^°llce * We guarantee good handling and high- V> itli the tax redm-d to P centi we look for an improvement in pricva and better dc. inand. Write oi any information desired. Vour friends BitovvN & Carter. 07"When von start for our liouso don't In- Mopped fly the cry, "you cunt set In the. ore overrun,' etc. We can always take care of jou. * ~ ! - 'I i Mi U. W. NOKFLEET, j. s . SCALES PIEDMONT WAREHOUSE. WINSTON, I\. C. For the SALE OF LEAF TOBACCO The Bett Lighted'. Salesroom in Town. Tlie only Ilouv built on the plan of SKY LIGHTS ami SIDE LIGHTS. It conuim. more o.UOU pauis of ylnaa, making uniform all over tba door. PERSONAL ATTENTION given to the aale of EACII PARCEL. Highest Market Prices Guaranteed! Come to Piedmont. M. W. NORFLEET& CO. C i.'. J., A. ct on •. r, \» »i' • ' you out-ith ligttrc# for your Tobace».^/n - - • ! I .. SMITH & BROWN'S-' DRII® STORE. WINSTON, N. C. Is headquarters for everything 111 the drug and medicine line We keep the largest and best selected stock in the town, and defy competition. Give us a call and save money. GRAVES'S WAREHOUSE, DANVILLE, VIRGINIA. FOR THE BALK OF LEAF TOBACCO. Floor Manager —lt. M. Hubbard, of Pittsylvania Co., Va. Welffhnuuter —Jos. A. Benton, of linckinuham Co., N. C. Auctioneer —Jits. It. lticliarda it, of Mecklenburg Co., Va. Clerk —Max Horn, of Mallfkx C!o., Va. Amiotnnt Clerk »—Wnt. B. (tncrraut, of Pittsylvania Co , Va.; E. XT. Smith, of Danville Thanktnl for the liberal patronage given s.t f~,r man; yean, I aball eadcavo merit it in the future. WILLIAM P. GRAVES. November, 3, 1881-yl Prepnetor. GItAY&MARTIN THIRD BTREBT, WINSTON, N. C. DRUGS, MEDIC Perfumes, Tobaccos, Cigars Soaps, Paints and Oils. LAMPS AM) LAMP GOODS. w t+ul ky am Ur Htutii a iu»pi, B«»1 for piwpbUt. I. B.

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