Reporter and Post. fOR THE PEOPLE StUtrti at t/ir Owi'mt v >. ('■■, Poxt-rJJlc rntt Sramd Clww Matter. TJJOBSnAY, JUI.V 1 l»*. AfM Vi BfU r*tr u fmrwt en fttnnt n.-a, •■■Ma lU h >MM>. roc u J.S MW VokiL. ■ IL. I, i 'IMPHOVE YOUR FARMING. OM habit i w*ieh ate nn: now P'lying «hanld be nbandonel, an i newer and tltllf paying oues adopted The ob ject shtuni be to maKO every acre of Ulable land yield its troasuran w.*h the least possible expense. U'hnu fivo har xels of eora per aero can bo produced, we should not be satisfied with uao bar- Mi. As this is oot a stouk-raising ,it is uaotlless to say there is itMrt eDOOgh ftannre to go ail ovor the 4MMI ground, therefore we must use lomo welltried fertilizer.—or what is wore economickl vuikt il ourselves, —that will increase the product. It is «f no use to continue to farm jHx.r land •hen it ia possible to improve it. The «oat ot fanning poor land is gruuter than (bat attending better land, and the bor more discouraging. Tborc should b« more attention given to vcftable gardening, to the cultivation cf small Jroiu and the raising of poultry. Perk Is the most axpensivu food, besides its tendency to luak? people gioas and vul var. "A great pork eater," says Mr. Cartw, and a man of delicate gensibili 4lea, are opposites A pound of ciiiek «b ean be produced on a farm as cheap ly as a pound of pork, ard the same is tree of muttou—both better than hog flesh. Eat more poultry and mut to. There is too tnnch "hog and and hom iny," too much moat in tbo diet of the Atnner—perk espuoially. More fruit •ad a larger variety of vegtables ought to be used. "As to meat, says Mr Goodman of Lenox, Mass., a two ycai old steer can be raised at no greatci #•! than a hog. Faoklng' rtie beef it M barrel, the farmer will have a botte; quality of beef, at all events, will di versify the food of his family, and if Li Adds the vegtabli.-* whioh ought to b grown in his garden, his family will im prove in health and in morals." Thcri *■ scarcely a farmer'? garden knewu ti -is in Stokes ectinty, in which there \ asparagus, or cauiiSower, or celery, o. -egg-plant. If these vcgtables are luxury, there is no good reason why to farmers of this county should not hav them. Mote attention should bo pai to (besetting out and cars of fruit-tree for domestiv use as well as f«.r drying for market. Nothing yields a n.or bountiful and at the same time uior aervioeabie return, fot so small aD out lay of cost and amount of carc than at orchard, and us llawlhorsu has written in that exquisite and natural ee.-cnp tire way, of whioh ho was a perfec master. "An Oichard has a relation u ■ankind, and readily connects itsel. with matters of the heart. Tho treci poscsses a domestic character, they havt lost the wild nature of thuir forosi kin dred, and have groan humanized by receiving the care of man, as well as by contributing to his wants." Tho pres ent system of atoek ranging will have to givo way before the onward march of soiling and the no-fencing system. The road superintendent with his gang of full hands, must yield to the now roaj aeraper aud smoother. On our ocst bottom land the old com and hay and elover methods uiay yot satisfy tho far mer, but bottom land comprises tho smaller part of the area of this countr*'. and with increase of population an in creased attaution should be giv«-n to the improvement of the uplands and to working thorn to tho best advantage. Farmers should make themselves ac quiinted willt the different species of grasses id cultivation, and select euuh as sre specially adapted to the soil in which they are to bo grown, and sow •eversl kiuds together, manure fre qasn'iy, recced when grasses begin to die oat nnder-drain whon the lsnd is toe Wet and eold, irrigate, if possible, and especially if more lhau ouo crop ia be out in a season, keep stock from •topping the grass close to tho gr mnd, and from treading the fields late tn An imus and winter and di.nt mow too •iosely, especially tiuiotbly, which it e«it below the lower joint, is almost eeruiu to die out This is the experi ence and and advice of Mr. John 8. Gntild, of the State of New York, r.o grufflcs aud their tultivatuo. MR7' GLADSTONE S PROGRESS In cirr last fBTOe t»c referred to the "impending Crisis" In Great Uritain. a The Hem* Hnle Bills. the pnnciqle fctx ttiro of which wi? a separate parliameut fir the Iris'; people, introduced and fur- | tdered by the greatest Parliamentary leader of our age, being defeated by a Majority of twenty on the aeooui read- 1 jug, ilia irtsli '(Uent'cn was bi ought di- ' rectly beforo the people for a settle ment Mr Gladstone's manifesto to his ( constituents was a short and snjcinct , statement of the situation lie uiain tams that tbo is distinctively en * | between Lord llartington and himself —in other words hot v. .-en Coercion and HOUR lluio. A pari of tt o Lon don pre*- el.iiins that bis manifesto i* divrppoiuting wanting in tin happy ring and cogency tha' has characterized his form r or-'', Put Mr. GUdstuno is ev idently niasui of ike situation and la view ni'ho diSicjjltica and oonftiotiiig aleweaH which fj&lflni aaother trained his inoinicato. Mr. Gladdtfne'j j-iurney to ftootlattd, his pooches ea ruute ami his speech in Edinbuigh ara uovj ti»e absorb topics of conversation in EugiautL Ins journey so fir Uu* been u tr.un.j hatit march. It in siuiply a marvel that ho at tha >f nearly bur score is able to entei upon oaiupaign whioh will be the war iue*l and moat hotly contested '.hat tngland lm seen for a long while with bis phytic*! powers cteuiiugly as unimpaired as h'.s uieuul and thai ho U still auie to deal as vigorous blows auu to burl tw to hurt strong darts at the enemy as of eld. Ilia lvliuburg speech made the prof jund cst impression and be was reoeived with the most raptu'oua cuthu»i;:?m. He a •cms '.o have thrown 'i.e Tories lute* panic, and their commcuts on his ad dresses are but feeble earpinps, Mr. Gladtonc is now rapidly clearing the at Ujo.--.hcro of the mistj which ww caused by the porustcnt misrepresentation of hij oppbet-ts, and he is putting the Irisb question in a aot-sholl so th»t each vo ter shall have the simple issue before biic. Of course it is to > etrlv to pre dict what the outcome of the campaign will be. Now seems to lei*, been t!i inoit oppox'.une time f.»r »i. an I Mr. Gladstone realuiny uui* is -triliiy while the iron ia hut Tie ultiii. it' • euceess of the IrUt> "oum U :u>w usear t f ed however. The inane is a live one-! r Tha Euglish people have been hr ugl.t > , kfaoe to face with it un l they must mai ' ' ifo that wi!l novel mov.i Ouirn »t tjiei. j bidding The whole »" Id is lo.ifco,, | wilh the iloopest interest upon thetrug-, ' gle. America with deepest syuijatiij - lor the Irish is seconding in every l 'g - climate way Mr. Gladstone s efforts B No man hitherto has boon been brave e -1 nough to attempt ro much. No man should have so high a nit ad of praiae " as "the Grand Old Man" should the r question now received a tui-i setilc i airnt •—Shelby Era. = THE KIKI MVI T'HMKN e IN CIII AGO * ~~ . i Oh:cu^i ( J uno 2 —Shortly atier tlici lakc Sh lie strikers fcl .ekided no tm '.. - last night by tltrowiiu a bit »; ly j 9 ears aoruMj froui tin ti- *k Inland tr.u k c the inglit express, coneiswtii; «,f ui« . . eoaches and earring tiie I'nited Stw' -• . infti'ran down the wsst biuiid tri.i■ . J bat th-j tra. n ka-Ud i-i: ' back and was switched ou ti. ■a t a-»r. .1 j track at the rate of about otjit.' mii.- t per our. At Fifty fiist »:ri;;. j.t.nt t.. . > fore the train read._d tiio sw.'o.i a n ..i j' f ran out and turned the switch m ,iic 1 trainn oatne along. The locomotive ' immedia'ely jnmped the track, carrjmg ' I the tender and forwurd track of the ( ' irst aoaol otl with it. Far u minute there was a terrible jarring and kookiag about, and the train cauic to a stand j still. The locomotivo had run over toe , bare ties for nioro than a hundred feet aua Cuallv, pushing two of them ' apart, satk in the mud, The lover was ! * f rovsrsod and efforts made to bask upon the track, but withont success. Tue uiigineor of the express, not would be made upon his train, never- • thcloss went only at half speed, and by ( doing so piotably prevented a msot ' •eriotts wrook and great l.iss ot lile. ' or Ji'vac!s, of iui- ' NOIM. 1 lkoGUiNoxos, 111., luue iiO—— 1 J uiige l">avid Davis died at 6 o'clock ' this inoiuing. Uo sank luto a « •'.ate twelve hours before 'he olid, and | passed painlessly away surrounded by his family During the oarly part of last evening ( he appeared to be failing* and it was i felt ocrtaia that he could not live ' through the night. At 11 o'clock be ' revived souiowbat and was givou milk and st-mulauts. L'NPRBCEDKNTED WHEAT AND J FRITI I' CROPS. I Lynuiibi'ro,June 23.—Answers to j inquiries by the Daily Advance, throughout Sonthwodt Virginia report unprecedented wheat and fruit crops. Harvest has ccmmruccd. STATK NEWS. A new daily pap«r is to bo started at Purham. The county commissioners havo ordered the erection cf a sl*2,OOt) court House at Webster. Mr. Ucorg-o lloukot Burko caught a red-borsc firh thi week weighing twelve pounds. ; [ Canadian frog legs arn worth seventy five cents poi pound iu the Xtw \ork market Pittsboro Beaor t Own# eonnty i" the only county in N A ; tl#* \rohaa that has Kopupliean .?onty womisMoneM. July sth there will be a ition at ltoitn jk : lslauit ot tbe landing of Sir Walter llaleigh's solony South Water St., Wilmington, is to behaved with granite blocks shipped from Philadelphia Farmers are luakiug a desperate light against tha grass tins week. Gen. "Green" saeniJ to have got the best 01 some of them A large quantity of chettic.l were shipped to Northern cities fioui Kerners villo this season. The crop was an unuauhlly l»r« one Madrid, June 22—'The Cortes, by a ui y.'rito vf-.. 1 -' votes, has declared that co govoruuiout uf will ever give autonomy tu Cuba. . Tfct ruo; ia of l'attersan township, Purlum county voted on the piohibition question. It went wot by an overwhel ming majority. 3d >eton Ecqoirei: William 11. Cof field of this county hn the largest wa trrirudoi pitch we tver saw. It contains fifty acres. Those wlo ught to know say that nothing like ~.:iuny good." hr.vj boon solt on credit this year as last. This is a good sign Wis. Tabitha Holton, the only fe jialc lawyer ever liccutcd in this Stata Liu.! at the 14th. Wh-iu:. v-.-'u,; \a new going on. Tii ei>.p in .» •. ion m very good, j Y 1 .., ji.ul u small but a 1 yt»ld ..ill !"• m;»-le | Lmkm: 1 pi IV Masters, one of I'neiiwW Mi't'-Uei. i"H!mU.iiuo®rs, lias a 1 1 iirii p' tid aod 1..« nu'l S-U7 worth of j carp duru g the -■« j | Oxfiud j'.d Jsiiir i to«n-liip, Oran j ,-tllc ootiv.'v' ':J.v-,t.i! i subscription of SI>U,VV :u the Ukf jrd .V _ lirksvillo juilroud. (■oldsiioio r The siate Hoard of lvluta:ii'ii'iiv- s..rii :«s eugiueer, Gen. I.ewis' to :u»iu an accurate survey of the swamp l.iuds in Columbus county owuet! by that I hunt Milt .n A tvi r i c. ') to the ex ios.-ivi" raius u •: • i'.i . .icra havo nut nl hi. ui c.i mi '..e i»i.i ivcr low laud* >\t. ! ;.i t» vuv, »ut a {food [ -nip i.a(. u:.. t: I'l. .-tin is put in j 'it. gii u:.'i i y J •).-. i-> ; | Mii "i r «. Un ,iars i.go, iii li-hi-i tfiuc • f '•imttf ircaanrer. '.. 111, ti'lili 'i it II : J .lility >'»uU got ' ;i.!. f ..'h tjji ! that ui lit- iu-H.t n-' of 1 ri-.r, -.ti: 11 • i;i:>iir«nM:rr last week ' :iu thi tj- rt i it..i i;»Mt I. | t 1.-1 daj uii -, b--tTT.;en dark •iil ii' • -.!!•• ■■ ->' tkr-.s i rironors icTfu.Mii u: i'.n-liiii. e- uii'y jail mnde then fn - 'pu i,t sawing out an iron bar, squeezing through tho aperture so made iu the window and climbing down an improvised ladder of blankots tied together Monroe EHcjuirer-Exprtss: Tho crop reports are discouraging—to siiy tho least of it The continued rain fall has rendered it impossible to work them out and in uiany places the grass has Httcially overrun tliern. Soui* farmers have had to repltnt tbeir bottom lands 1 two and three times Whore corn is jotting a start it is overrun with the ohiueh-bug. New Ilern Journal Mr Jsmes Maf.uoki eame in yjitorday morning to correct us in our item wliieh appeared ia our article on the oyster industry. I!c says to estimates the total annual possibilities of oyster culture in Ncw itver and tho adjacent sounds at 3,000,- 000 tuabdi instead of 5,000,000 as w« 0 hud it. Thr-iO" thousand acres that can be cultivated under tho Krench iutensivc system he says is ce rtuinly capable of producing 2'500,000 bu>hc!s annually. This isiu New river. Wilmington Star: Asbevilie is to bo felioitated. The Senate passed a bill appropriating $30,0110 tor tho construc tion of a public building. Hy the way, what has become of the long-talked of 1 and long-delayed pubtio bntldiug for Wilmington l ltaleigh has probably 10,000 inhabitants. It got a $300,000 or 400,000 builhing ten years ago when | a village of some 6,000. Wilmington has 20 000 inhabitants, is «ho chief commereial entrepot in a state of i mhubitauts. and is without i 1 a public buiidiug for postotfiee and | Federal Court. It ought to have one worth at least a half million to be ap proximately even with ltaleigh Slisll- Wiliu ugtoo have the building' I GREAT BARGAINS IN > ■■ t ! SHOES & HATS OFFERED At shoe .% ;ia; house Oh The Gold Hoot, WINSTON N. C. aT WUOLEbAI-K AM) RETAIL FOII Tilt: >K\T SIXTY DAYS To make 'loni for tnoiuauds of dollars wort!, now being made and to arrive between now arid August fust A full lino of k>w and medium price shoes and hat:: iu -t-ick for families and merchants TO THE FARMERS we offer special inducements 111 tho way of honest shoes and hats at less limn auction house priced. TO MERCHANTS We give Huston prices loss freight. We wan i)oar trad:. OUR MOTTO:— Tin: BEST GOODS VOJITIIIS LEA ft' BO.NKV. D. E. SMOAK. IP YOU WANT TO FILL TOUR SAME BAG, AND MAKE BIG SCORES, USE BIEM'GTON IIFLESTAND SHOT GUNS. All tho Latest l nprovement«. FOR DESCRIPTIVE CIRCULARS, ADDRESS Lamberson, Furman&Co., COLE AGENTS FOR E.REMINGTON&SOPIS' Armi o«d Ammiin, 281 & 283 Broadway, NEW YORK. WflUt OFFTCB, . O H. LAMRETR6OM & CO., 73 State film-:, LL ARMORY, - - - I LION, N. Y. BEIEOTON SHOVELS, BCGOPO* SPADES. OJUE a THI UV l«>KI. IT UHUO WMI9KI. U»MI» I*l Ot»S 90SOS *K UW«Vt IUKIU. On* Place of Bolld Steel. NO HOtlS 0« Rivns TO WEAKEN THC BLAOt SCMO FOR CIRCULARS. REMISSION AGBICDLTURAL CO.. ILTON. N. Y. ■tew Yurk Olw, 118 I kumhrra HtmC UT !!Alt:» WOOD. HAU L p. QOODWIN. lIEXRY liICNnKHSON. Hit II'x? w. BAlxm. WOOD. BACON & CO. JiDtmrttim ami Jobbers of DRY noons, NOTIONS, WHITE OOODS, ETC. Nnn. 3BP-411 MllkCt St., I'HILALKLPHIA, PA. YiitiSfWd - ' MACH,M " 1 ri J\M ANPMI4UVY. Ktmji!«»«t, n»«»t l>tir>.Mo. F.foimrnic*! niwl r^rf^rt — Br* in. rlPivm it r*a«tr for o »*rWot THRESHING ENGINES and HORSE Power*. N»« AH.! Htmntlnr* law plem«ntM generally. Sent! for !!u*ti hUn! rat •wgue. A. B. FARQi;n*R. rmn«) IvAma AKrlriiltaral Work., _ TORK. rn ruio SHAWL GIVEN AWAY I tlwwlm(fi Hi»ow>h«3s ' V ?, c i'li** 4 "* 1 *• •• ! .. ■hi Burt,in.— | BROWS WAREHOUSE. - Old. Tried and Tsae.— For fourteen years the leading house, -ad with tourt-'on years experience in handling and selling tobacco, We Offer You in Addition the best accommodations, best lighted salesroom, good handling for your to baoco, best auctiouocr, the best ventila ted and of course the coolest house in hot tveather to be found in Winston. With n Ijai'ifc House, buiit for a large trade wo have many advantages and rocinembcr we always (luaraiiteo highest market prices; Whether first or last saio drive fnr Brown's. Yours truly BROWN K CARTER. A level floor affords ample room for wagans aod ean accommodate all IN THE HOUSE. • Do You Want Furniture I EVERYBODY DOES. 1 ben when you go to Winston, don't fail to examine the immense stook of House Furnishing Goods that ] Cicero Ti§e has ou hand. He at all times keeps iu stock the largest assortment of HEDSTKADS, BABY CARRIAGES, Sideboards, Cribs, Wardrobes, Lounges, l'ar lor and Chamber Suita. Also a fine ot of Crockery, Glassware, Chromo Oil Painting*. Deo msted Tea Sets, from $4.00 up to |I2JO ( Dinner Sets from 918 to SBS. Carpets, Oil Cloths and Mattings A SPECIALTY, HIS PRICES DEFY COMPETITION j Dw't take any holy's word for it, bat j go and so* fer yourself, priee his goods, and yon will be eoavineed. DONT» HliY YOUR TOM BSTONKS UNTIL k'OU SliK I. W. DURHAM, I Winston, N* O [E/~Dchigns mailed free. TO MINERAL MEN. I>«> You Wnn> l M I II A J, S • - OR WBiUilSt' rjlf ao you will iln well to correspond with dm | Pep|»cr Mining Co*- DAN BURY N.C. Minora of COAI.mMI IKON,al*«» minr? ol ami UraJers in CI T MICA, VLKXIHLF SANDSTONE, and mineral sppmne>m. THOMPSON'S COMPOUND! tin? stmt. A MILD TONIC ! AXP APPETIZEII. 1 A cure for Dyspepsia, ai.d Constipation. II I.romot.the secretions o» the Liver and find gives u gentle | 'one to I lie Organs. iteiiuve* Nue»iek I 1 roatratinn following Protracted Servvmts, 1 n:til enfeebled condition of th.j general *vs teni. • , UA.Wr AO UtlEtl fcy Dr. V. 0, THOMPSON, DRUGGIST, Winistoxi, 3i. C. l'artioc having CUT MICA' for wlc will find it to their interest to c'"Tonpoud with A. O. 30I100NMAKER, 15$ William St , New York. SON, I ,OR F.jjasm, PRICE LIST ON JOB PIUITTIITG JUM WILLIAMSOI Booksellers AN ST RAM POWE When jro'i want PIHSf-CLASS them. Special discount to Teaohers ! poaitory for SCHOOL BOOKS adopts * can furnish yon withtny bookpubl^M. * J . ! FARMERS, ATTENTION J When you wart any Clothing, Hoot* anil shoca, IfuU hiic.r iti fact anything naft until you go to Winston, and »iiN on tl»c ordinal '•Cheap John," | i t « kf ■}■ .• ami fur less moite) eair! • t b -.\! ;ojt. A large lot ol Ov« lm! Kt'iniidiiU lor i'unt.s, just • ivnived ilin-ii iVmh Lu tory, selling at half the usual i>t ico at C heap John's, Fanner#' Headquarters, Next Door "l'ost Olficc, n LYSTOA) X. c. N. AMBL3R ULA/.UBKOOK, M. MILLHISER & CO.. WIIOLMAI.K DHY GOODS AND NOTIONS, IJOO MAIN CTItEET, Sept 8-»l-tira llichnionil, V*. The Latest and Best. THE NKW REMINGTON ! Sewing Machine If- my. HI ST VAClimc for the family Run* e.isy. Pellet in loimlrmtion.— VcauUftil in :ip|M':u':tute. ila ail improve tnenta nmi auai l.mcnts, ant is * atranted foi tiv.. year*. Address HEMIKGTONJR. M. AGENCY. Southern Department 2S.'J Broadway New York. PEPPER K SONS Agent* PANBURY N. C. W.rZrfßff CATALOGUE OF -3r SCHOOL BOOKS N & CORRIE, Sttttioner»,. *' '* • i ' Sl>— ' * *? ' r " - '--I . * IE PRINTERS JOB PRINTING send your ariet* to Merchant* on School liookf. De - d hj Statt Board of edaoatioa. Tfcoy

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