The Rcoorter and Post r.H'USU VY DKC., 16 ' ITc>x)ics at Home. 4>«-riirri neos In nnt WdmsS l>nnltnr> . Kil l ('Maty tnJUr. Urt. l , l«ll o,v rtitel' .miiv' y(n[ tfKe'u iivto*, An.l, f".tth. hr.ll |>r nt It." At.y u l » crtU-r wliu fails to receive the AND I'oRT eVcry v eik IS fu'i iesU'l to report the failtir. . We WUit tu ic * here 'he fault is. Winter begins 21st. There are two prisoners in j i'rl Day's length t) hours 42 minutes. Special meeting of Commissioners next Monday. Dr. Dewit Pepper killed a hog this week whioh weighed 323 pounds. Mrs. 8. H. Taylor returned feeuie on Tuesday from * »iet to Leaksville. The C. F. A Y. V. Bailioad is now running to l'ond northward froui Greens boro. We are sorry to learn that Mr. S. H Taylor ion of oar townsman Capt 8. B. Taylor ia cjoite sipk at his home iu \y in ston. Ia trsveiiag ovar Stoke* count; we have Men several good Jong atriogi of fence, built in part «r altogether jf| walnut rails. Castor beans at $1.50 per bushel, ten to fifteen busbelt per acre, of wliioh one (nan anil a boy can cultivate forty acres Alight to be » faying crop iu this couu *7 The newly elected county officers bare not yot been in-tailed into office owiag to the Board of Commissioners not having met Uie first Monday of this month. We arc sorry to learn that Mr. Z 8. Alley, late ouo of the Board of couuty Gowmissinners fell on the ice last *o*k •nd broke hit teg: be baa our siooere sympathy. The M oalled Halcyon Days began iaM Tuesday and list fourteen day*. They were seven days before and aa many after the winter solstice jrtich occurs next Tuesday 21st inst. when the weather was c^lui. The wwatber has moderated since last Thursdsy s«d as a result the ;now has nearly disappeared on land exposed to the south. The snow oa northern Isnd, however, has not very appreciably yiol ded to the change in 'he temperature. Miss Jessie Gray, daughter .cl Julius A. Gray, president of theC*p« Fear & Yadkin Valjey Radroad, was married Wdaesday waning December 9tb at Blandwood, the homo of her parents, to Mr. Kdward K. Richardson, of lleids rille. v For eougbs, cutis, Ujjucfiitts, sore «ea* of (be throat, hoarseness, influenzy, Ac, use Dr. flint's coagli syrup. For •ale by all Druggists and country mer chants. Trade supplied by Asbcraft & Owens, Wholesale and Ketail Druggies, Winston, N. C'. The clock in 'be tower of the old Aoart-house at Ocrmantun should bo re paired »ad set running. Wo do «ot know, however, bow many part* of lU works may be wanting. We think it was made at Salem, and that it was con sidered a good time piece. We hear little said about burning off |and far "tobaoco" beds. It seems Utokes farmers are about to make up their minds that they cannot raise to baoco at three dellars pel hundred, buy corn at 75 cents per bushel, and pay for ha«lin| it from thirty to forty miles feonja. Col. Martin Mabe fell from his mule while crossing tbe Dan at Seven laland ford last Monday. Tbe animal came in •Mtaet with some floating ioe ■ which earned to stumble and drift down to the Mto#. The river was rather flush at Km time and had it got htK* been for (fee assistance #f » companion who seised him by tfce COM Mr. Mabe would have had to swim for ike shore. Gathor your holly for Christmas de ooratioa. A large trade i« fonnd in New Yoik and Philadelphia and else where, just before Christmas, for holly which is shipped not ealy from Virgiuia bat even from England. Tbe English apaeies has a larger leaf than that in our ooantry. Holly is alto known under tbe name holm-tree, of whioh there are fewff speojeg baloqging to the genus I be*. The labor required to make $lO worth of tobacco at $3, per hundred will make ton barrels, or fifty bushels of oorn worth 75 oeuts per b#sj)e(. Iho difference in favor of laising corn is Uii»,—if joif wish to sell vo« get $37.50 for your oorn at lh« orib door,while you must haul your tobaeeo 20 or 30 miles through the mud to gat 910.00 for it. Then if yon have ao oorn you must buy it and pay tor hauling it home. No BMta ean afford to ssake common tobac «o yiith which to bay meat and bread with and pay his honest debif- Among the topics that will eomo in for a lively share of consideration in this State during the eoniitig J ear, are the working of tho convicts on the pitblio rot.ds, the no fence law, the homestead Inw, and the reduction of tho rate of interest by law. While the farmer outsido the stock law bounds is hard at work these disa greeable winter days, cuttiog, and slash iug tMuoug his best timber, slitting rails buUdteg or repairing fences, his neighbor iuaide the stock law fence it sitting at his log fire, reading tho news, .or chatting with the family, or out clean ing up old fence rows, bruach banks and litiie rich nooks, that will bring him ■returns when harvest time comes. Aud hen h:s fine iiuiber stands unmolested .waiting for the lumber mar. with hard dollars in his pocket to come round, and •hs will be on baud before many years coll round. Few people pay proper attcntionto a cough orcold. They .comfort themselves Wtth the remark, it will pass off in a day or two, when in fact a cold is one of the uKwt insidious and dangerous disease flesh is heir to. A neglected cold will in nine cases ont of ten, I ring on consumption. If upon the 6i »i sympt om of a cold the pationt would use l»r. Flint's congh syrup, they would he re lieved of much after suffering tnd i role ably periuaoaiK uijnry n the -lot) - of •oiuHimptinn, catarrh, or other d tuber ous throat and lung disease. For sale everywhere. Trade supplied by Ash waft 4' Owens, Winston, N. C. • iM iuim Rnrrrta. RICHMOND, VA., Dec. B.—Tho Gov ernor to-day was waited upon by Bev. W. E. Hatcher, paitpr of the Baptist | Cbur;h here, and a well kuown friend of T. J. Cluvcrius The Governor told the proaehcr that be could say to Clu verins that Ire could expect nothing but a respite—for opportunity to prepare for eternity. Later in the evening Mr. Hatcher presented a petition asking for a rcspjte until the 14th of January, and | tbe Governor granted this. Mioiit: VIIII.VU. Stokes is in the rear of her sister: counties in many respects, particularly in the matter of education. Wo regret to acknowledge it as inuch as any one in tbe eouLiy. Our people being an agricultural community can neither build school houses, nor pay for sending their sons and daughters away to nhool, without they arc successful in the occu pation of their life. It should bo our tirst HAD to ace the dcfocts in our crop sysiUM righted. I'armers in other sec tions finding that thoy cannot grow encimou tobacco profitably have to some extent abandoned tobacco raising aud arc turuicg their atteution more to corn, wheat, rye, oats, aid the grasses, each of whiah u as uiuch a money crop in titoken a* tobacco, and pays much better froiu the fact that each finds a ready market at borne, and is grown with much less expense. In other States any ex cess of those products for homo consump tion ia turned into stock which with or without railroads bear transportation to market, Parmors, do you know that other ccctioasof this great country can riiae live pounds of tobacco with the saino labor tequired by you to grow une pound? It ia true tbeii tobacco is oom mou but it competes with our oomuion tobiceo, and can be put down in the M>ue utaikat you seil at, for less than 50 ccnti oa the one hundred pounds more than it costs you to put yours there. Taking thia view of the case it is plain that if you cainot grow fine tobacco you cannot livo by making the weed, and pay your bonest debts. Corn may be grown eliewbere for leas than boro. Cora in tin* West at 25cti per bushel cannot OOUJU into competition with eoro here that cost 50cts per bushel to pro duce owing to cost of shipping. Wheat ii as high in piioe here aa it ia in any of tbe markets, and one aore in clover with just a little corn will prodaoe as aaucii pork aa five acros in common tobacco will buy. Tbeae arc all simple facts that every body knows. It ii siuiply to get you to quit acting the fool, and stop making $1 .50 and $3 00 tobacco to pay for your me it, bread and overytbing else you need. Yon say tobacco ia o-ir only only money crop. Has there beeu a lime in five yean that you oouldnit have sold on 24 hours notice, 100 or 1000 boshelsof corn, or that mucfi pork for cash at priesj that would have paid you wash better than tobacco at even five dollars per hundred! The labor r*- qutted to make the 100 pounds of to bacco you told last week for SB.OO would have made SIO.OO worth of corn without the trouble and expense of haul ing it 20 or 30 miles to market. We do not aa? quit growing tobacco, but ay make less of it. and make it better. It coats less to make 1000 pound» o! tobac 00 worth 25oents per pound or $260.00 that it does to giow 2000 pounds worth 3 cents per pound, oi $60.00. It is better for you, DM, tbe warehouse man aud the whole countiy. Wbem we make oar own supplies at hove the ery of bard times will be a thing of the patsed, schools will be built «p, our natural resources developed and Stokes will take her place in tbe frout rank of counties then, and not till tbeu. j We took the oceannn a few weeks j »'0 to protest against churches resor ting to audi questionable .X| jdients as ■ j fairs, eouaerts, lectures, aud tilings still J > worse, including raffling or "chances." | Unfiling a- a menus oi raisiug money fur church purposes cannot bo toleiatcd 'even though the doutriue that "the cod justifies the uituns" bo plead iu its fa- , vor. Quite reecutly the following ap-' pearcd iu llio Oxford Torchligkt • "The ladies of '.he Methodist Church j' will raffle off a beautiful silk crazy quih j Christmas, There are fifty chances at' | a dollar a chance." ! The Wilmington Slur commenting on this remarks : 1 This item is commen ded to those Methodist papers that abuse,J tlit: Slur for puulishing tho ad vertisement of the New Orleans lottery drawing in which so many of the mem bers of the different churches are finan cially interested." The Gtecnsboro Workman takes up the above aud says it has always re gretted that the Star should blurr its advertising columns with tliu.Louisiana (Lottery) iniquity." The charitably disposed Workman, however coudeseendingjy agrees to for give this act of its contemporary, '-if it can inaugurate in the religious papers a war ot extern.iuation on raffles and other questionable expedients for replenishing j the treasury of the Ixird (?) If churches would refuse to accept such uioney the 1 would teach a profitable lesaon and clean their skirts of an amount of very "filthy lucie." The secular f apex, alluded to by the Workman, has published the Louirant Lottery iu the ordinary wuy as ntiy other advertisement,we presume,without endorsing or recount)endirg the scheuic. It is left to the private conscience of its readers whether they invest in the scheme or not. The article on Cluverins which ap peared on this page of our last issue should have been credited to the Wil mington Star. The omission was not discovered till part of the edition had been struck off. Wc credit everything wo sopy excepting the Brief* Adrift which arc made up of floating items which wc cannot trace to their origin. Just bear it in mind that you can save money, tune and annoyance by buying what Hurdwaie, Crockery, and Glass Ware you want of S. K. Aliens, cor. Main and 3rd street, Winston, N. C. Goods a - low as any first class house can sell then. tf. Hello Johu how djd you oure that bad cough you had yuaturduy J I used Dr. Flint's Cough Syrup, it is the best remedy for colds known. It is for sale everywhere ami by Ashcraft At Owens wholesale and re'ail druggists, Winston, NO. The presnnt generation ought to ap preciate those that have thought for them. At Aliens, cor main and 3rd Str., Winston, N C , are many useful, nes essary aud labor saving implements that will pay you to buy. Departure and arrival of trains on Salem branch of the Richmond & Dan ville Railroad. No. 9. Leaves Salem 630 p. m, Arrives at Greensboro 8.10 a. m. No. 10 Leaves Greensboro 10 a, m. Arrives at Salem 12 a. m. No. 11 Leaves Sulem 7.35 p. in Superior court., 9th dis'.., Spring Term 1887—Judge Boykin. Rockingham January 24, 2 weeks. Forsyth—February 7, 2 weoks ; May 23, 2 weeks. Yadkin—February 21, 2 weeks. Wilkes—March 7, 2 weeks ; May 2, 1 week. Alleghany—March 21, 2 weoks. Davie—April 4, 1 week. Btokoi—April 18, 1 week. Surry—April 25, 1 week. If you wan't to buy a watah, alack, or jewelry or spectacles, or to have re-I paiiing done,go to K. J. Allen's, North side of Court-bouse square, Wins on, N. C. Those among the hundreds of readers of this paper who take ihrir tobaoco to Winston, and who tuve a witch or clock at home wortbleaa aa they are, will do well when they go to Winston to hand them to K. J. AIJou, who will put them in shape at very low prioes. Wo went through Mr. U. Steven's North Carolina Furniture Store, in Wiktton, N. 0., last week, and examin ed his fine stock of furniture. We ound almoet every thing necessary for the bid room and parlor, an well %ii many things for the dining room. We consid er his sofas, parpeta, curtains, chairs, tables, parlor suits, Uxlroom suits, olocke, looking-glasses, spring bedi, tH»t trasses, iu iaot almost every thing the new housekeeper, ot any one wanting to refurnish bis or her bouse, very cheap. We adviw the Urge number of readers of this paper in Stokes, and adjoining oountiea who need any thing in the furn iture line, call and efaqpne the furniture and prices for themselves at the "North Carolina Yurnituro Store'' , *»j it you want • sewing machine don't forget to see the machines and ask prices, Homember you will find the pl»po on Liborty 'treet ju« opposite the farmers Warehouse. While waiting for jour tobaaeo to b« »o)d step in »qd look for yourself. Ffiner* tail to u-itl ui Hie North Carolina .-'ore f»r furniture, en taiiiM, and cirpi'tH parlor a:>d cham ber suitß Chairs, Stairs, cl» cheap, cheap, cheap. H. b*i * * KNS, \Vlll«*iuii, i\. C ' Early in December we will l.ave in ! stock (be largest line- of Holiday food j ever carried by one house of Winston. I Oar nook will nonnml in plush dressing eases, Work boxes, nimisure sets, and jewel cases, shaving cußes, perfumery, cut gla.«, soaps and toilet article* a large nnd well assorted line of Christmas cards; ib fuct everything in tlie way of Holiday gooda. These goods must be sold and you will liave many opportunities to ob tain bargains ut Ashoraft Si. Owens, Druggists, Winston, N. C. t NOTICE, Spcial mt rHntj of Hoard of CoinmiMiunrr* A special meeting of Ihe Board of Commissioners of Stokes county will be held at Danbury, on Monday tli« tiOth day of December, 1886. C. M. LABLKY, Chairman of the Hoard. A meeting of the Board of Kduoation will be beld tbc same day. All persons having business with that Board wil attend promptly. Dec. 11th, 1886. NOTICE. I hereby eaution all persona not to harbor or trust my son Charles 11. France, a colored boy 10 years of ago. wlio left borne l)ec. 13. PKATBOSB FRANCIS. Ilead waters of North I>oul>tc Cite If. If Y.M Wlah a HIHHI Arltrl? OFLT.I'O TOII.K'CO, .isk v oir iKilnr for " KIP." oil! MY BACK Errrj atrala ar cald attaeka tkat rat kaek ■d Htrlr yraatratea lie. BRp'g | Rtreiftheia the ftlaaclea, HtcMdea the Nerrea, ' Barlekei the Bleed, Oltr* New Tlf»r. I bar* known in mj SU jnara' praetioe. I bara found It aa?in all dabiliuiina ailmeata Ibat baar wSwrift ee tha arataca. I7tan fnwJy in n»y own famflf . H KsSTase^ 1 1 ~ MOWS UtUUtICAI. 00-, UAI.TUIVKE, MB, LAND SALE. Pursuant to authority contained in a mortgage deed executed by Joseph Mofleld and Nancy J. MoHWd and registered in book no. *B, nago WJO, I will sell at public auc tion to (lie highest bidder on tin* premises, on the 24th itay of December 188(1, tin* pro perty in said mortgage deed desc/Pied, lying and lieing in Stokes county and adjoining tlie lands of F. 8. Lynch. T. L. Sarles, Oeorge l'earce and on the waters of North Double Creok and containing 50 acres more or less, Terms of sal-, cash. Time of sale, 12 o'clock. W. T. BOH ANN OX, Adm'rof L. B. BOH AN SON. Glenn, Glenn & Stack, Attorneys. November *2, 1880. Mortgage sale ot" Land- IJ> viitue of a mortgage d«- dduly execu ledto me by (i. M. Joyce ami wife proven and recorded in the KeUsterNolliceof Stoker county (for more certainty see same in b»»k 28 page :MJD) I will sell to tlie highest bidder for cash at the Court JI >use door iu the town of Daubury on Saturday tlw first day of January 188?, tin* tract of land mention ed and described in said deed, lying and l>e ing in the county of Stokes Adjoining (ieorge I'riddy and others ill Snow Creek township containing fifty acres more or less. J. At. WHITE, Mortgagee. Nov. 18th ISBl. SALE OF LAND. By virtue of HI >rlcr of tin Clirk ol' the | bii|ifiiiir C'liirl of Mokes county, an mlnii - i-t. itor of James f nijrlcr. deceased, 1 wi'l s«'ll at public auction at tlx? Court-house door in Danbur), 011 the first Monday lu Dc'-omber 18W "itv liwt of land lying and being in tl»* county of Mokes and Snow ( :eek lowilKhipadjoin'ng tin' landioflliram Smith, Joel l|j«kmii, W. J. Moore.mid oth ers, containing about urn- hundred acres. Tb' iwlova tract of lamb which It to gold for aiacU to |ki\ the debts of tin- late James Fra ; icr, and I* a very desirable place, well ala|>ted to agricultural |MtiyM>w*. Terms, one fourth cash, and lialancc on months time, with good sccuai: y, .Sale at 12 o'clock. A. ii. FHAZIEI), Adm. of.lxvr.n FitAZiKit. Glenn, (liemi A Stack, Attorneys. SUI'KKIOK CCL'KT KOCKIMiHAM CO. A. J. .'■in li ) and win' > 'ITs. I Sale vs. I of C. W.. L. F. I'd Da'lmi j valuable land, jfruiiili aiiiii s. uf Drary I .■-in i li ami oih«' n dt fu. J I)t virtue of an order made. In tliealmve entitled cans' .ii Nov. Term li-Nl bv His Honor J. . Mi'llne Judge PIVMIIIIIU, 'he un ilr:':ulled wili oiler for sale to ths highest lililili'i foi cash at the inur IH>II%K ilonr in Itanbiirv in ilie county i>f S'ok'* mi 'J'ues il.iy in. Bth ilay of Kei>rn«i v' IhM a curtui n | traet of laiul. lying on Dan Uiver, near tlie | lOH'ii "f Danburjr Tq saiil eo.mty n Siiikes, auditing the luioU ufl)r. Metaniens, K. J. M.itiH, Colonel Heck mil otlieis containing ai.f acres iM. re or less Iwiiic all of tlie orig inal traet kn>WH asthu Main' or Eates traet, bought hy Diury Mnith from Win. A. E»- tam exe. jit ll# acres, Hold olfto it. J. Malic. Aboul SO a. rea theieef are bottom land, ami about 184 aenu are well liniliered. 1 > pis strictly eash, and sale made subject to continuation by tlie court. W. N. MEKANE Commissioner of the Court, Nov. 20th 188(1. W. li. .UC\ N. 11. IU II K.N V. V M. HACK GLENN, GLENN & STACK, Attorney s-at-Luw DANBJBY N. C. I'ractlei' In the counties . f Strkes, F.r s\tlh, Surry, Yadkin, Davie, l>aviil*>>n aiul lii.ckiii-li.iiii. Special attenttoii given to all luisiniss intnisteil to them in Suikes. OtHoe, at Taylor House. I 'PeCinaCerdial DYSPEPS'A, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVERS, MALARIA, LI VCR COMPLAINT, 4 KIDNEY TROUBLES, M NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. 1 JT U lovtgorat- |T givea NEW In* and Dc- _J\_ 1 LIFE to the llghtful to take, IfTJ ■ whole SYSTEM end of great value p. > fV ■ by Strengthening aa a Medicine tor the MuacTea.Too weak and Ailing K«|P >| i, K the NERVES, Women and Ch II- *j I and completely DU dren. JB *1 gea ting the food. ■Vollna,' v> no hurtful I IB by lea d i n g Minerals, la com- 1 &■ phyeiciana. tilling poaed of ear-fully |\ fH how to trejt du aelected V Ogata- I VT\ \ 1 taaaa at HOME, bla llrdiclnei, I Pjjl mailed, toeetber combined skill- A VHM with a set of hand fully, making a ~\\ some card* by new Safe and Pleasant \J Heliotype proceaa, Remedy. on receipt of vo c. for by *ll Dr«nl«ta *nl Or*r*r«. Wmn\4 0-* 11 1' i mmr fl 1 .. ■"**?»» umuiAU, i.uiii m*4 ft raa ja* will U MUL, ciiattn nwuut omtr ■* • Vollna Drug and Chemical Comptay, ialhmoum, me, c. a. A. . i NOTICE! Having «li: 1 v i|iialiti**U .\t!tmni> at or ontlw I .Mt. ofMary A. Dul t.i .1 V. IJ |N'!S«iir« iiuMilet) to Hitial EMa rqg Oil to ui.ike iMviuiMil t«» mi- u i ,»'u« }| '••wmum liavp -liifus iiu.iiiffi i'.| j ,v are I,«• i«l»v n«» I'd to prt*f«"i. twin *u:> ffowM. r«»: o . or I'** . *ln ; i-|. ir,.v i-l Urii ii.' •>"*" or 11 » I6.»I- \iii! IM' Mi i tur'uf I jl l'liU I t'll da) il". ihNt. Kiirnv, J. M. UNVIU.K. Admin- t »*«»t Look for it and don't stop till you find it, The Big lied Hand. It points you to the place where you can buy moregouas fur one dollar tban you want to carry All kinds of CiniSTMAS GOODS . are now being daily received. A full line of NEW SUITS just received fur men boys and children. The largest stock of OVERCOATS in town. Souie as low as $2.50 cacb. HUOTS, SHOES and IIATS FOR A MERE SONIC EVERVTiII.NO MARKED DOWN FOR X.MAB. A FULL LINK OK ALL WOOL REMNANTS suitable for mens suits, just received., to ■ bo sold at half tic usual pnae. Don't forget tbe 810 litil) HAND. Find it botore you buy. It is nest door to tbe Post office The original Cheap John Winston, N. C- I W. T. CARTER & CO , Winston, N. C. Are Offering Extra Bargains for 30 Days TO REDUCE THEIR LARGE STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHAN* DISE, PREPARATORY TO TAKING INVENTORY. WE CARRT A GENERAL LINE OF Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Hats, and Trunks, And a Full Line of Heavy Goods. Give us MI oarly call and Mire money " W. T. CARTER k 00.* NOTICE. H 'xlu-lm u llua 'ay ip;»»|iit« # l Vlroii.- , H'ulor «||hi i Ihe «-«tate «?l iH'tij.iiu.u Naivn •liMfas d, I lioreby give no loe to all fKTs»Ti* { having c) iini9 Huaiiiht aaid ;tl«- to | reamt ; tliein within twelve month* from this date tir this notice will lie pleaded in bar of their i i vM-ovcry. JOSEPH H. SMITH, AdininiMl rotor. WINTER MILLINERY! ! HATS AND BONNETS. Trimmed and Untrlmmedj in all the Latest Styles, t NOVELTIES IN GARNITUBE, FANCY FEATIIEUS,BE.\DS .\NI) TIPS. To which weekly additions will be umde tbiou"l> eatirc seasoc. ALSO X(*ll»n*.t's>iiry Uostls and Toy* Christmas Goods & Syaciaity, i -atl aiitk see for vmus'-IM'S. Vi-*l door StMitltofi onti ll Hotel, Winston. N. C. lVlr« N S I mviH- Urs Stanton & lt^rri;t, W instao. N, CI 6N—» lllllinary end Faiacr Good, a I. At) IKS Tlt 1 M Ml'.!" BAT*,- r.ACfS t.M JiltolDKK.'i!*,' vrfff. Maio Stroet nearly oppt*irte the Centra Hotel. B5 TON" WABOtf SCALES, Ira !*▼»•. ***> ■*•*»«». Tw ——» Orfr— J 1 Vmm l PEPPER, Winston, IT. C." I GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Are now receiving and placing; in position the most desirable and varied stock of Fall and Winter goods ewr offered by any one house in that market. Thanking their N many frieiidsuiid cimoiihts for the liberal patronage given them in i he past, we assure gg 2 all in need thai -"s i* 1 lie place Jo get the most goods for the least monoy. t© 8 HEADQUARTER? 4 S. E. ALLEN, Corner 3ra aud Main Street?# WilMtoa* IN. (?/ ! '• • ; HARDWARE, CROCK.ERf. AfRfCUL' TORAL IMPLEMENTS Glaesware' Lamps, —roa | U. O Ac.r ./car lc">a^in s-t a>r.K AG EST FOR Cbatupioa Mowers, Reapers and Bin dent, Farmer's Favorite Grain Drill, V a nacr Qirl Cook Stove, .■ongtnan and Mat tine* strictly pure pre pared Paints, Cing's Great Western Powder Compa ny's Puwdeif Hercules PoWdei or Dynamite, Lead er Cora S better*, Victor Cane Mills, Cardwe)l a Tbrcsbers and Hors* Powers, Farmer Friend Plows, Ao STOCK Consist* ■'!" a full .inl complete line of all S»KIS usual!) kept in IT first-class Hardware and Crocker Store, lion, Nails, Hone and .Mule slues, Steek 1, Glass l'ulnts, Putty, Olla, Vurnislirs fcc. Can inp'ami makers tools aud material, liiiiltlers tools, material and bard, ware, locks, liinges, butts, screws, sash doors, blinds, Ac. Pistols, guns, Ammunition, Ash liooks, mis. &c, Fanni-iv, blacksmith aud ss«- ehunics tools. CROCKERY, China, Dinner unit Te» Seta, Poraltiiv While Umnite, Irwi Stone china, c. c. Ware| alu»_ w»rrj uunpa, wlck«, auru-v